The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 25, 1897, Image 5

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J. Simmons, Editor und Prop,
r. 1 1 K. V U. B. Tim table.
Going WnI. Gulnit K.imt.
Ho. , miiwl, 1 :09 I 'i. , miicd 7:30
Pnysit-iaa and Surreoa.
Alt calja given prompt attention.
OIBc In Drug More.
line nturr trees of. best vahiktiks at
iiai:I) TIMES rkK'ES. Small fruits in
large supply. Millions of Strawberry
.ants, very thrifty ami well rooted.
(rt the HIST near home and save freight
or express. Send for price list to Noiffll
f Send Nvkkekies, North Hend, I Judge
County, Neb. 11
Having told all of my interest in Tins
Ki'MX Cot xtt Jot RSAL it is important
that settlement lie made by all w ho
have not done so. All subscription ac
counU up to January 1, 197, are due
and payable to the undersigned and all
other accounts up to March 1, are
payable t) bim.
All subscription accounts accruing
from January 1, 1S97, are pn-able to
Geo. I). Canon at the rate of fl.00 a
year, and all suliscriptions paid in ad
vance will be filled out bv him. NOW
L. J. Simmons.
The rules of the local land olllce have
recently lieen amended no that settlers
to make final proof shall settle with the
publisher before mending in their applica
tion. All parties desiring to make (Inal
proof can have their papers niale out at
The Jot'HNAt, ofllce, free of charge, and
promptly transmitted to the land office
ao that no time will lie lot.
For information read THE JotttNAL.
Men's suits and overcoats at cost at
Ask Ricksteio why Smuck's face is
not good.
Old papers, five cents per dozen a
TllK JorRNAt, olllce.
Call nt The Joi rsal oflice and have
vour final proof iiaiiers made out. It
will tost you nothing.
A car-load of Hon Ton flour, chop
feed and corn, just received at the
Ranch Supply House.
According to some people TliE
J'XHNAl, Ims lieen edited by a pop gun.
In future it will be edited by a Canon.
Frank Nutfo has bought the Conk
plstce in Sowbelly canon. It is a well
watpred tract und can be made valuable.
The deal lietween John II, Bar'.ell
find (ieo. H. Turner was consumated
ami Mr. Uartell i now wiling goods to
tlte iatrous of the store.
Ilev. Fatlier Munich held Catholic
iwrvices at the residence of County
Clerk Ulewett yesterday. Quite a mini
Iter were in attendance.
The entertainment on Monday even
ing at Andrews' ball in honor of (ieorge
Washington was well attended and
thosfl participating acquitted themselves
with credit.
Indications are that a bounty on
wolf scalps in this county would lie a
good thing. H. H. Husmdl informed us
yesterday that lie bad four calves killed
by wolves on last Sunday.
A case of rustling is reported from
the east part of the county and it seems
to be a pretty clear cse and it may he
that the Sioux county colony nt the
jienitentiary will be increased after the
next term of court.
Oo Inst Sat unlay Mrs. Ernest
Bunge died of consumption at the fami
ly residence near Hodnrc. The lady hud
lieen ailing for some time but it was
nit thought that the end was so near un
til a few week before lier death. She
left a husband and a four-months-old
babe to mourn her loss. The surviving
relatives have the sympathy of all.
County Attorney Guthrie went to
Omaha the llrst of the week to take up
the tax matter with the legal department
of the F. E. & M. V. railroad. It is like
ly that the case will be arranged so that
much expense will be saved to both the
oounty and the company and the decis
ion in the case of the B. V M. company
determine that of the Elkhorn.
County Clerk Blewett received no
tice a few days ago to send ballots and ab
stract of the votes of Sioux county to
Lincoln that a recount of the vote on
the proposed amendment to the consti
tution relating to the Increase of the
number of judge of thl supreme court
might be made. It is a peculiar way of
getting at it, but when an officer has a
law to comply with it is well for him to
go according thereto.
P. N. Kirkpatrick got a letter a few
day ago from E. E. Oarton who is at
Ragged Top, which does not tend to
heighten the fovur of those who contem
plate going there. It states there ae
many men there who cannot find work ,
and the prospects are that lit t la work is 1
to be had until spring open. Those w ho
an fortwMte aaough to gal u job get
good waf, m that If any go iind are .
tlxed to tny until they an .get work
Umj will oome out all rlajhiv Bailed !
hay awlta for IM.00 a lmgftw is about
the cam phot a it U heray " ttwy men
come and go and a great rush to the.
Black llilU i expected in the spring. .1 '
I reported that rich find are being made
in dinVaot part of the Hill so that a'
man going thera doe not have to make
HwlTof bis okjactiva point.
All accounts due to me have leen
placed in the hands of Attorney Grant
Guthrie and instructions given him to
collect tliem, and those kuowing them
selves in arrears can save expense bv
paying the same at once, itio ac
counts include arrearages on books of
other Jiapers that were formerly pub
lished in Harrison.
If there is a person in Sioux county to
whom the undersigned owes a dollar all
that is necessary is to present a bill on
or liefore March 1, 1897, and 't will le
paid. Heexects to move away in a
short time and wants to square up every
debt he owes.
L. J. Simmons.
Est raj.
I have at my ranch on Running Water
the following described estrays: 1 black
steer, coming two years old, with small
stub herns and with overbit out of the
end of right ear; I red lieifer, with while
face, cooiing two, with horns, no
Wands visable.
Ii. F. Moore.
Marslaud, Neb.
The Nebraska Legislature.
It is a recognized fact among Ncbras
kans that no matter what other daily
paper they read at other times, during
the legislative sessions they must get
tlie Lincoln State Journal if they want
all the news. The Journal is right, on
the ground, can get the latest doings of
the lawmakers and frequently gives the
news one day earlier than the Omaha
papers. The Journal's Washington cor
respondent, Mr. Annin, keep Journal
readers thorough) y posted on matters of
interest to Nebrnskans that are happen
ing at the national capital. The Jour
nal is mailed at 50 cents er month with
out Sunday or !.") cents jer month with
Sunday. It is a great paper.
Final Proof Notices.
All persons having linnl proof notices In
this pH-r will receive n miirkeil copy of the
jht iiii'l ttre rej nested to examine their
notice iiml it ii n y . rrois exist report the
nuuic to this olni.-e ut once.
C. A. Tuddy was up from Glen on
Mrs. Sarah Davis returned on Monday
from her visit at Crawford.
Rev. I). J. Clark make a trip to Chad-
ron the first of the week.
H. H. Russell and S. S. Berkley were
up from White river yesterday.
A brother of Ernest Bung arrived
yesterday from the eastern part of the
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright and
duUKhter, Miss Effle, spent Sunday at
W. B. Marsteller went to Chadron last
Tiinb.T Culture l'roil.-'itiri fur I'nUlli atlun.
Land Ortlee nt Alliance, Neb., j
January 111, ls!7. I
Notice Is hereby srlven tint M.ithlss
Hti-pnen, of itilc lirlt. Sell., tins tll"l notiee
of tiiteiitluli to mike lliiul proof liefore M. J.
Illewott, clerk ilistrietrinirl, at tils ofllce in
llrrtou, Net' . on the 2Uli Uy of t-'ehruiry,
lnv7,on t linker culture nppln-utlon No. ITS,
lor the s. nw. H 4 n. 'i . of section No.
1, In tnwimhlp No. M n., range No. H w.
lie mimes it h v, ttuesses:
1'ntil serres,
.lO'M'ph UiMM,
John K. Meyer,
t rank I. Meyer, all of Gilchrist, Nh.
J. W. VVEtiS. ,IH.
I Will Keifister.
ShiTitl'n Sale.
Notice In hereby Klven that. ly virtue of
tin order ol mile to me directed Issued by
tliu clerk ol tlm t'istrlct t ourt of stoux
( otlntv. Nehlilsku. Ill Bll BCtloll tielldillK ill
said nun, wherein ADuiv t.. iioiihou m
philntill mid fount It. Hadsworth,
i.ei tie M. sdsworth, lnisie I'. Wml
worth, Joseph (. Morris, Charles
J. 1. ruble ii ii. 1 Aiiltiimii. Miller A Co., tire
dcfembiuis, I will on the l.'ilh d ly of Mureh,
Is'.i7. nt one o'clock. I'. M., nt the en-t door
of the (ourt House, in Hurl ison, Nehniskii,
offer for sain Ml iublie. vi'inlue the follow
liiK dewrllo-d real extnte, to wit: The West
Half (w)of the southeast quarter (si )
and K.isl Half (e ) of the southwest
quarter fsw ,) of section Nine Id) In
Township Thirty one Ml) N., In Han() Hfly
six (.v; W. of tli'n sixth (Hi I'. M.. in Mont
coiliilv, Nebr.lskil, to MitUfv il dncrne of
Sioux County,
Free Homes .for More'
Than 5,000 Men.
Isidor Richstein,
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars,
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Pabst's Celebrated
Contains over forty-five miles of
rail oad and has no county
u.. i. ...... I o. ui.t.i i u l,v mir
evening to meet Mrs. Marsteller on her j ,, ( ourt at the regular November, is'.ui,
tcriliot :ii I oill t, lo w It: on inn 1st uny
I November, Is'd, wherein our sunt ourt
return from an
extended visit iu the
. 'otlce of rnhlle sale.
In the matter of the estate of Charles
J. Puddy, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of an order of Roliert Wilson,
judge of the county court of Sioux
county, Nebraska, made on the 221, day
of February, 1107, for the sale of the
iersonal estate of Charles J. Puddy, de
ceased, there will lie sold at the residence
of the undersigned in .White River Pre
cinct, Sioux county, Nebraska, on Satur
day, March, 13, 1K7, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
at public vendue to the highest bidder
for cash, the following personal projier
ty, to wit;
1 cow.
1 horse.
1 mare.
1 colt.
8 promissory notas amounting in all to
the sum of $'i0
C. Al'dt STINK PrtiPY,
Administrator of the estate of
Charles J. Puddy, deceased.
I have now my copyright certificate.
All rights reserved.
B. V. Thomas.
The latest in regard to Cuba is that war ships
be sent to Imck up his efforts to protect
citizens of the United States from the
outrages of the Sjninish military author
ities and that unless the request is
granted he is ready to resign and come
home. Il is thought that ft crisis in the
situation in Cuba is nt band and it looks
as if It would lie necessary for this gov
ernment to take a position which cannot
lie question-id. The Cubans have Iieen
gaining victories and YVeyier has len
making loud calls for more troops and if
the demand is not quickly responded to
Culm may soon be free. It is only two
weeks until Mi Kinley will assume the
reins of the government and many look
forward to decisive action on the part of
the United Slates and it is hoped that it
will result in the indeiendcnc3 of
Cuba as a reward for the gallant fight
found due to the delenilHiit Aillluian, Mil
ler Co , on the cinise of netlou set out in
Its ctoss petition the "lllll of 7(1.40 with ten
jier ennt Interest thereon I rom srild rlute
und eou, and nd judged M.ime to lie a first
lien on said preiiilww. Tim slid :oiirt nlso
found due to the )hiliHitf on the einisn of
action net out in Ids petition the sum of
.(U."J drawing ten lr cent Interest from
suid date, which was ilecinren aim uiijiiuk""
by the court to lie a second lien on said
p emlHcs with costs slid HccrnluK costs.
Snld premises will lie sold tor thu pur
pose ol sntl 'lying snid sums In tlm order
ubove niiined. luviu HaRTI.ltt,
12327) HheritTof hloiix County, Neb.
Mieriir Sale.
Notice Is hereby ulven tlntt by Virtue of
111! ( ll der of folic to me directed, issued by
the ( lerk of th! Uls'rlct Court or the Couu
tv of sloiix itnd state ol Nebraska, upon n
deenw rendered bv Sild (Ourt In favor ol
K. A. Sfuibourn and luriinst lienjainln II.
smith, K, A. scars and Hint I i Hears, his wile,
I will on the nth diiv of March, A. I). Is'.i7,
f o'clock, I'. M , lit the Knst Kront d"r
of the (ourt lloiiic In Iliirrlson, In said
( oiint v, otter for sale at public vnnduo the
following denerlbed real estate, to wit:
The .soutliwcHl yusrtcr of section thirty'
thrne ill), Toivnslilp thirty-three (M),
KanKn fltiv four (M), in Sioux County, Ne
braska, to s.illsf v suld Order of Mule in the
sum of $,il.K, with Interest thereon nt tmi
percent per Hiiiium Irom Hie ffltli day of
Nuvi'inlHir, IS'.iT., und tuxes now due and
unpaid, mid costs and ticcrulnif costs.
ji47J llAVIll llAHTI.KTT,
.slierltf of suld County.
Sokntlflo Amerteaa
Agfltwy tot
ii -m .
TRAM (!,
yir Infnnnstlne mm! Km HuMlbonk wrilo to
MtJNN CO.. Ml BmniDWtT, N(w Vi..
Oldett Imrrsn for Mssirlnf patrati In Anwrln,
E,ry iu-iil Ukra oul bjr ua la brought bofura
! bj a nolle 1t tiM ofofctrf la IM
iJncotific mtlm
liipml ill i 'i'ii if irr viMMino paeef m tna
I will put you is a machine which will
elevate from 300 gallons to 22,000 gal
lons per minute with the least possible
power. It can be operated by windmill,
steam, water or horse power.
It has been tried and its merits are
It Is just the thing to use in streams
where a Kirtioo of the water can lie
used to elevate the other portion.
They are cheap. They are durable.
They are simple. They are up-to-date.
Prices on larger machines or on iron
work alone, furnished on application.
Writo fgr further information to,
T, POOLE, Agent,
MarMaMl, Neb.
Sioux county is the northwest county
of Nebraska. It is about thirty miles
east and west by nliout seventy miles
north and south and contains
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
of land. There are more bright, spark
ling, small streams iu the county than
can lie found in the same area elsewhere
in the state. It has more pine timber in
it than all the rest of the state combined
It grasses are the richest and most nu
tritious known so that for stock-growing
it is unexcelled.
The soil varies from a heavy clay to a
light sandy loam and is capable of pro
ducing excellent crops.
The principal crops are small grain
and vegetables, although good corn is
grown in the valleys. The wheat, oats
rye and barley are all of unusually fine
quality and command the highest mar
ket prices.
The water is pure and refreshing and
is found iu abundance in all parts of the
The county is practically out of debt
and has over forty-five miles of railroad
within its borders, has a good brick court
house and the necessary fixtures for run
ning the county and thero has never
been one dollar of county bonds issused
and hence taxes will lie low.
The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley railroad crosses Sioux county
from east to west and the B. & M. has
about fifteen miles of its line in the
northeast part of the county.
The climate is more pleasant than that
of the eastern portion of Nebraska.
There is still
OVER 800,000 ACRES
of land in Sioux county yet open to
homestead entry. It is better land and
more desirably located than that for
which such rushes are madeon the open
ing of a reservation. There is no rail
road land in the county and for that
reason its settlement has been slow for
no special effort to get settlers was
made, as was done in the early days of
the settlement of the eastern part of the
Good deeded land can be purchased at
reasonable rates with government land
adjoining so that n person wlinwmiK
more than ti' Mil in- r s 1 mn i .hi il, l i
lt if tie. has a little means. 1
There are alsiut 1,500 people in l! e
county and Ihere is room for thousands
Ilarrboii is t he county Heat find is sit
uated on the F. E. & M. V. railroad, and
is as good a town as the thinly settled
count rv demands.
School houses and ."hurdles are pro
vided in almost every set t lenient mul ;n
kept up with the times.
All who desire to get a hoincsti -mi
buy land cheap are invited to come nun
see the country for themselves and jndc.e
of its merits. Homesteads will noi ls
obtainable much longer and if you wniil
to use your right and get 160 acres ol
land from Uncle Sam free it is time xou
were alsiut it.
1, 1891,
1J1011 i iifi i r niTrnPAT niun
mil have in i turn mnu
0 VIARf '
AnvmM acnitlnc akatrh and deacrlptlnti ma;
quicklf aiMwrljiln, frou, wlmtliur an liiTentinii la
protnttily (inlaiittthli,, Commiitilmtloiia atiictlr
conn1ntlal. UMmL straiiry fornet:unnc iwifiuij
la America. Wa hnre a WwhitiKtmi onto.
Palnta token tbruuiih Muuo A Co. reoalTt
paotal notloa In lb
bMOtlfullr llliiatnil, Ismnt elrenlstlnn of
nr '1 entitle lniirnal. wenklr, trniafl,im 7hW
I. XI aiz montha. Ssolinf n onptra and UsikO
uoa on iWTKHTs Mta mm. Aduaa
' only one magazine can he taken, vte would surest tht
REVIEW OF REVIEW!;, as covering more ground than
any other magazine." Board of Library Commissioner
of New Hampshire, 1896.
'HIS magazine Is, In Its contributed and departmental
features, what Its readers, who Include the most noted
names of the English-speaking world, are pleased to call
"absolutely up to date," "thoroughly abreast of the times,"
"Invaluable," and "Indispensable." It Is profusely Illustrated
with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original articles
are of immediate Interest, by the best authorities on their respect
ive subjects. The Editor's " Progress of tho World " gives a
clear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human
race durir.g the current month. The " Leading Articles of the
Month " present t' e important parls of the best magazine articles
that have been wrUtcn In ev; :y part of the world. The newest
and most Import?, t toj' 1 ore carefully reviewed. Indexes,
chronological riiiJs, ahJ o;!icr departments complete th
certainty that t'..e rci',r cf tl.e
or Rsv;rs;,-3 will r. . 1 " cf g-eat
significance t' at Ir i, -s .iter, or done
throughout t!.s wo. 1 ;.
Sand CtnU
In ataapa tor
SpeclakM Copy
Ml Iraaalwar, Mtjw
... J3 Artor Plirt, Nrw Yorfu t
SmtUCtw,25c.t TruU (fivt month), $t Mi Yur,$jJ0m