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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1897)
tta Sioux County Journal. (ESTABLISHED 13?. SubscriptUm Price, 12.00 OFFICIAL PkVtn OF 6IOUX COUNTY. Xj. J. Simmons llriitor.l Kntored at the Harrison office 4cjud cIum matter. Tmtbsdav, Eeruaky 25. 1S87 FAREWELL. A deal has been made w hereby The 5SlOCX COO'TT JOCBXAL will change Hwadtaa March 1, 1S97, at which time Use sww proprietor, Mr. Geo. D. Canon, aawwtpaper man of experience, will sxn--lasae control, and in the next isue of Xie pr he will outline the future (policy thereof. For nearly eight years the undersigned has been editor of The JoibsaL and in time lie has pasted through all the riowritudes incident to the business in a new; unproven country. In that time many controversies have taken place and while the policy of The Jotrn.vl has not always met the approval of all, its honesty of purpose has won and held ifor it the respect and confidence of the fair-minded people, and the paper has .never yet turned its buck to a friend or ;an enemy. To those who have been his -..true friends the writer extends thanks; rto those who have been open, honest .enemies be entertains the highest re expect; for those hypocrites wlio have -attempted by smirks und smiles to get a .better opportunity to injure him he has line most supreme contempt; for tliose .whom he has befriended and assisted ;and who have shown themselves so lack iinif in the attributes of manhood and , honor that they have been so ungrate ful as seek to injure him he has the pa tience to wait to see them reap the re--ward merited by such a course. The conditions now existing in Sioux .countv at this time are vastly differ ent ,from those of eight years : ago, and the change in the ownership of THi J(UB"aL connot but assist ia mak dk some difference. . Mr. Canon comes ihere a stranger to all past controversies, ; and with no occasion to take them up :and the retiring editor commends him to it lie people of Sioux county and trusts - that under his control The Journal will .continue to stand up for justices and j right in the future as it has in the past. Thanking the people for patronage in ithe past years the writer as editer of '.THE JoUKSAL bids them farewell. .Respectfully, L. J. Simmons. ;Now is the time to subscribe. Greece is hot, therefore it is m j proper condition to baste Turkey. the The opening up and the developing of itb Wyoming oil fields is another re- source upon which the west may count :for industrial recuperation. The oil de , posits of this region will, without (doubt, furnish the larger part of the world's supply before many years. The tiuan who overlooks this important fac--tor io the advancement of the great west ,iuakes a mistake which will weaken all i his conclusions. Omaha Bee. A law restricting immigration ia very , likely to be passed by congress. The i bill which has been agreed upon provides that foreiffMrs who can neither read or -write shall be returned to the port whence .they sailed at the expense of the trans - I port company which brought the illiter ate person to our shores. Exceptions :are made in cases where the illiterate person is the wife or daughter of a man who can pass the test examination. The object is to stop the ignorant and crim inal classes from flocking to tbe United .-States. The report of the inter-state commerce ,rom mission for tbe year ending June 80, 18M, shows that more than one hundred ;aad seveety thousand mile of railroad war operated and that the gross re .eeiptt war $l,12S,4,6tt. The aver ;age dividends paid to stockholders was a Irttie lees than five per cent for tbe year. One hundred and twenty-eight of the .ine headred and forty-four road west M the lUMtaifpi river paid no dividend .tall daria the yetr precedios; the .date of UterefMl. Yet there are peo jOe irho deaksre that tbe railroads can .ba (Mr .rates freaUy reduced and ,aUi yield large praflu oo the oapiul in- la ih whole United Slates are huadred aod ei(bty-four taaada reportad aad oaiy oaw buadred 4m iktrtv-flv at UkMs faid dlrideoU. i &iom.i3mm it looto m if rail i 'Ml tw H proflUMe U toufam driof tbe The powerj am chagrined Uxrause lit tUt Groece dar- to adrnioiater to Turkey j ttie casUutiou w hk'h die so richly de- I serves, and the biir ones threaten to de- ter Greete. Tliey are acting tlie dog in tlte manner. Tlwy will neither make 1 the Turk behave himself nor let any cue I else do so. I - - - - - - ! Tlte legislature is still grinding away '!and accomph-thing but vtrv little. It would be poid plan if sonie mean i I .a .lt-.i io itiaLi. t b i solons realize that a treat deal more J I (Kd would accrue to the state if the i memlrs would bpeud l's tiuie j layu.ji j i to the Krand-sbind. i ! Tf we are not nnslLeii a verv lanre ma- ijutiij w iw " l"'1' ; i honest, direct and honorable metnod in I politics. Tltey do not want t- be deceiv-j ed and humbugged- Wlien they fl-id out j Q,iest,n Bureau (which answers que tbatallthe pretentions of the popuhst j tlonf for uJstTiber). the news or the party are mere frauds, that its reforms j wfcrk , co,,,,,!,. form. and other special are mere trash an.l tlwt it is sin'-ere in ftmvs, Swiiiuan -..pies gladly sent nothing, they will certainly show tiieir i on tH,f,lra,uuUt u,l ,r Vou w ell send us a disapproval by tiieir votes. They maKe a! h,t ol nddres-s, we will mail a copy to great hue and cry about railroad piisnes but are the most inveterate pass bears in the world. Tiiey hold up the railroad companies at every turn, not only fur themselves, but for every friend, in so much that the po-iilist who does not ride on a pass now justly feels that he has been slighted hv his party leaders. They exclamed loudly egainst repuldi lican fcxtravag:tnie in having nr m iny ofiicers and employes, hut when thev gt into jiower, instend of reducing the num lier tfiPV in Tease it. All their p-rfortu-ances of the same kind and w hen tlf peo ple Und it out they will fire the cute to teri of manipulators over the transom. York Thtim. After all the contented person is near est to happiness. It. is fortunate tlmt this is not denied the poor nor those w ho labor with their hands. The great mis take of nearly all civilized people is the! apparent idea that the pursuit of wealth is the object of living and to attain it I the onlv aim of life. The rich are j no. happier th:in the poor, not a happy Usually. Of course people who are hun gry and cold are not very happy, but the work of any mau's hands will kee; those dismal specters far away from a family, and with food, fuel and clothing there is no good reason why one shoulJ noteujoy himself just as well as the man w ho has millions and wants mil lions more. If we would study and con trive more for contentment and happiness in our present state and less for money there would be less strife and conten tion. Most of this is the result of envy, and we do not know the tfrief and wor ry of those we envy. The man who sUips bis honest toil to look at his wealthy neighbor as he rides by is very opt to commisserate his ow n hard Jot. As though a team and carriage, a fine house and good clothes were an indica tion of good health, a good digestion, domestic felicity and all the things men must have if they would lie happy? If you have good health the rich invalid envies you and you would not exchange places with him for any amount of mon ey, if you nave a pleasant auu agreea ble family in a cottage many men who live in the finest houses would lie much more happy were they in your place. In fact riches can do so little toward mak ing people happy and do so much to make trouble, care and misery lliat the wisest men among the ancients even took pains to remain poor. York Tinv. The legislative committee appointed to investigate the records of the out going state officials reported on some of them. The report shows ex-Treasurer Hartley to be short over half a million dollars, ex-Auditor Moore over twenty seven thousand and ex-Land Commis sioner Russell to be guilty of crooked work. The ex-officials claim that they can clear the matter up all right, al though another report says that Eugene Moore admits that he is short and that the money was invested in mining out in Colorado. It is hoped that the matter will be sifted to the very bottom and if any of those who are charged with crooked work are guilty let them be made to suffer for it. There is no occa sion for the display of any partisan , wnoni on eil,er BKle The report lias gone out to the world that those men are guilty and it rests with those who liave made the charges to prove them and on those against whom tbe charges are made falls the task of proving them selves innocent or suffer the penalty. As the ex-oitivials on whom tlie cloud rests are all republicans tlie members of the party should see that the investiga tion is full and fair, and if the charges are not sustained the fullest satisfaction should he demanded from those making the charges. If, when all of the facts are known, it is found that the charges made are true the republican party owe it to itself to see that those who betrayed the confidence reposed iu them are made to pay tbe penalty. In no other way can the parly hope to prove to tlie people that it does not knowingly uphold any man or act which is out honest or honorable. It is hoped that tbe men will be able to set themselves rigtjt io tbe matter, but if not they forfeit all right to the respec t of all bonest men, rtgardless of party, ami the foot that Eugene Moore has posed a the goodey good one of the republican Ouiaia oiakes Ins position even worae i than that of the other, and iidI'.-im lis i hows up a clean record tlie contempt uf j all will follow bia tbrvugfc life, let all I Mlt9laew. 1 1 hi' Toledo WeeUr Blade. Every intelligent family need io addi tion to Uwir )r, a good national weekly. Tb irreaU-t and most widely known pe-neral family newspaper ' the Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty year it has l-en a regular victor in every part of the Uniou, anJ is well known at almost every one of the 70.000 post-oL'u-es in the country. It i edited with reference to a national circulation. Jt is a repu U u-au pa er, but men ol all politic t-e it because of its honesty and fairness in tlie discussion of all pub- he questions. It is the favorite family l!1 - . wl!l' fcoinetlimg for every mem- j with i her of the household. Serial stories. .. .. .....i i ti u.iuh.ii,l department tvl in tin woriu;. ioun Polk. Sunday School Lessens, Tal- J tin J la Sermons, tlw farmstead, each. Only ft a year. If you wish to raise a club, write lor terms. Address 1 UK HLADE. ToUsio, Ohio. Look at This List of western cities: t 'hicago St. Joseph Omaha Lincoln Kt. Louis Denver Kansas City Leadwod It does'nt mat ter which you mtend visiting. The Burlington Eoute is the best line to all as it is to any one of them. Advertising matter and full informa tion about trains and rates on applica tion. J. Fba.vcis, G. I'. & T. A. Omaha, Neb. Something for Nothing. In addition to civing two p!rs each week the Semi-Weekly State Journal! ! nr.uf triwt ti f;ii'h t-ron sendim; 1.00 a i ,. , i 1 r e3 jiieuiiuiu. ti ..... n.. ...m. . ... , tii.i. x..... V- choice ol me ioieuo ijijuic, ur ocw ium Tribune. Or you can have any two of these paper free: Poultry News, Swine Breeder, Farm News and Woineiiktnd. Hundreds of other free premiums, such as a splendid Atlas, State Journal Alma nac, United States History, etc. Send postal card request for premium list. You should read the Journal during the legislature, no matter what other papers you read at other times. You must send your money direct to the State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, to get any of these free premiums. Just From the Press. A very attractive publication has just been issued by the passenger department of the Burlington Route. It bears the title "Tlte Newer North-west and de scribes in a most interesting and read able fashion those portions of northern Wvomiiiir and the black Hills of South UukoU which ate reached by this com uanv's lines. The scenery, towns, mines, people anu industries of these two remarkable sec tions of country are treated of with ab solute lideletv. 200 pages with illustra tions, sent on receipt of 10 cents it stamps. J.Fkanvih. G.P.& T. A. Omaha. Nebraska 114 fore SSubscriblng for a UaguzlnB See the Best Demorest's AN UNPARALLEIJ OFFER. Demorest's Cut Paper I'alteros urr tbe nioat practical on tlie market. They are of any Ue a member of the houaetiold could re quire. In each copy of the Mupuzlne Is printed ft eoujion entitling the subscriber, or purchaser, to a pattern (worth and reiru lariy sold for SUr.) or any numberof patterns for four cents each to cover package and postaKe. When the value of tbe patterns la couiiidered the mibscriber actually fret LEMORESTS MAGAZINE FREE And what a tmigiucine It Ul Kor Isy? It will be more brilliant than ever before. New manaifMincnt, new methods, new Ideas. Kach copy contains an exijulslte reproduc tion In colors of some celebrated picture by faainoua artist, worthy to adorn the walls of the inot reilued home. It U affirmed that DRMOKK.ST'H in the. only complete Family Magazine combining all af the most excel lent point of It contemporaries, bnlde havtnK inimitable feature of iUown. DfcM OKOTsU actually a DOZES MAGAZINES In one. H Is a Dllfest of Current Events and Idea for the bony man or woman, a Review and ft Ktorebou of lute rent for all. Wives, woU eia, slater and daaKhtem ran find exactly what they need to Mnia and instruct them, li Uo practical helps In every department ot domestic and social life, Including th farn lhltuf and oruameutlna; of th home. Din broidery, brlc a brar, artistic and fancy work uf all kinds, etc., etc., and airgi!tloiu and advice regarding the well-being and dress ing of their own persons. The scope of the article for lv0 and l will cover the whole country and iu varied IntereaU. and the article will be irifuely Itinerated with thn finest engravings, and, ; in addition, It will publish the beat and pur, eat Action. It treat at length Outof Door SpOTUI, IOIII luoiiiiiii.i mi, w..i n wt- j inenU; H gives a great deal Of attention to j the Childran' Department, nud "Our birla," and bass Monthly by t eli br..Ud People, In which are discussed Important ,,i., f in. knur of Interest In th oilier reader. I Let u have your mbicrlplloa n once. ,' Tou get more vaiua for your monaj thn It is possible to aeriirr iu any othsr in-ig liae. ITie Magazine, one y ir. r f or i Oj. Or U month lor - l.'. ' (Over i'fl dlfferi'.-.t (?riMO.U .r .In . each year, pattw. usot io! of wnieb ire i.te tulnable by ubt ibxr i t -s ; , copy (wiili i u r , Ir.iiOiinT I t;:,(.ii-i'i..o c ., 110 Fifth A ve.itic, Vol k. A l.ll.r.A.LOfHtll. o!I.Tti; ' THE blOVX COUKTY JOURNAL aad rjssvnawra familt iiiK. Bsay) Tew i$tTiptiM4immm , OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. state orricEEi: film A. HoWmib Governor K. K. Moore Lieutenant bovimx J. A. llper ..Secretary of Slilf Eugene. Moore i.. Auditor JoM-pb S. Hartley Treaxurer A. S. tlinrehiil Attorney oeneral II. I". ltu'll. ... Land I'ouimisiiooet II. It Corbett huin. mbllc lutruction (KiN(iP.K-IOSAL IiELfGATIOS: John M. Thur-ton .('. & Senator. Omaha Wni. V. Alleu.. s. M-nlir, M ulixm J. li. lnMje, l4iigreiru&u ltt litt.t Lincoln i. II. Mercer. M - Ouiaha G. I. Melklejuhn " St FaiSerUiu K. J. lialiier, 4th " Aurora K. AlldreWa, " Mil lll-j HlMlJ O. M. heui, 6tu " Brokeu Ilow Jt UK IAHT: I A. M. I'lwt I tillf Juhllm. filuinm. i. L-. Hiu-riwm .A'ti Juli$e, I. rami Nliuid T. I- Norval AKlute Juile, Seward H. A. (UiiiipbeU..(.Ierk mid KejnirUir, Lincoln HKTKKNT1I JUDICIAL DISTRICT: M. ! Klnkaid Jii.ltfi., )lll W. H. We-.toer " Hu.hvtile M.J. Uitwiil Clerk, liarrUuu COt'XTY OKKK'EKS: Koliert W'llwm County Judpe M. J. T.leaett Clerk has. Iiieiiie ...Tressiiivi Vt'. H. Davis Mipt. 1'ubllc Instruction I. Ciiliett .Sheriff J. K. I'liiuiu-y ..Coroner 11. y 7'homa ... surveyor M.J. illewett Clerk of District Court l.mnt l.uthrle County Attorney IIOAI'.D or CO.MMKSioM.ns: Irank Tlnkliam it huinuaii) 1st Disirii-t M. J. Wi-ber M It. y Jo'inifon 3tt I.KiilSI.ATIVK: If. li. Stewart.. senator, DUt No. U, Crawford W . Dc m p )-.. lh -p., IMst. So. a, HmiluBford VlI.l.A'iK OKK1CKRS: L. Kuliwer uhuiriiian) Tru-tee J. W. ,sstt D. II. I.riswud . W . 11. Martelier .V. D. lltimUti I.. J. siiiiinoiiN ChTk Ia'U leriach ...Treaurer MWWL OKHCKHS: J. vv. Scott Director li. I., snniek Misleruior I-win U-rlurh Trvimurer TKRMs OK IDI'KT: Distrirt Court, At ilurrisoii, March ISH and NovetnlsT Hb. tXiunty Com t, At Harrison, tlml Moiulav of each uioiilli. roni metiers coiuineueet CIICRCIIKS AMI SK 'I F.T1 Ks. MetliudUt Sunday .sehuol meets every .Hun day nioraiiiK at J. t. Jl ABirKI.Lta. w. H. 1TM, SuiXfrintendent. ."n-creuiry JKI'.HY Ri sk I'O-T, Hu.Ziud- A. R. Meets second Monday hi eaeh month In the court bourn; at Harrison. K. K. Livcruiore, Com. WOODMKS OK TIIK WOIU.D. , Hnrriism Camp, No. AA, unction each nl ternate WenHV.Iny evening. VV. 11. Davis, W. I.. Hott, Clerk. Ion. Coin. MilDKliV WiHJDMKN OK AMKItK.'A. Meets each alternate Saturday evening i J. W. smith, Clerk. :it R fiV'liwL' A Ir lii u. o i. I.I'WOUTIl i.EAlifK. Hi-euinr biuitmm meeting flrst Taestlay eveniiift in each luonth. C. L. MABSTCLtrB, V.H. Davi, President, t-eeretary. Devotional uieetliijf every Sunday eveniuu at :. D. J. rum, Leader. JfNIOIl I.KAt.t E. Mecta each Sunday uf teruoon at 2 -10. MK8. D. II. iiKIKWOLII, Supt. OO TO THE NEW Meat Market FOR Fresh and Salt Meats, Oysters, Fish, Game, Lard, and Poultry. HIGHEST -pioe pah OR POULTRY, HIDES, lr LOVv7 AND EVEnTHING i NY LINE. AND "SEE ft! E SMITH pftsar HJjlJt E. I f . ! "ppo"!' HIE JOURNAL oil- Hbmw, N e;i GASOLINE n V.etr . ,1 l'jiriin vl ,v fit 1i T-iwer.. TmUa. t'rlr. Uir. O'Hfla, Ho.. H'-H ... H'liKlnr. f.krllrra.WOMl , ln-l fvlnu, Plti. Klloni'. Kra roo , rnlrban'o. HlandwrS Utmln, , low. On tdr I ' POMPS o au mutt. iWn jL. , , w. iwa Fernam 8t fmaha, New, ii i .isi i Intfrekts Too. Offer of cheap reading matter you cant afford to miss. During the great campaign people want newapapers and want thm w hile they are fresh and newsy. Tlie Semi Weekly State Journal, Um-oln. Neb., supplies tlie demand, as it will he mailed twice a week from now until January 1. 1V7, for 25 cents, or from now until January 1, 19S, for one dollar. The twenty-flve-oent prosition takes you all through the campaign, gives you the election returns, and through tlte U-il- once or this year. A dollar for th ; great twice-a-week per from now un-! til January 1, Hiw, is tlie biggest offer; ever made to readers. Ail through the; campaign, all through the Nebraska leg- j islature, tlie congresses and the inaugii- I nition of a new president. Never since ) the war has So many incidents of vital interest to the masses' been crowded into j sixteen months, as'tbvre will 1 during; (hi period. The Semi-Weekly Journal is almost as good rs a daily. Sendyour j order direct or give it tVyour pay master. At a Hundred Junction Points in Nebraska, connections are made with Burlington Route, trains for ''hicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha, Lincoln, Denver, Cheyenne and beyond. Our maps and time-tables showing where, when and how our trains run and wherein they excel the train of other lines in many ' important ress; t, are sent on request free. Always glad to quote rates and give information. J. Fbancis, O. P. &. T. A. Omaha. Nebrasl.a. Don't forget that Tint Jocrsai. ha-- a large cluhbing list ami when selecting reading matter for the coming yeur call and give us your order. We can save vou money. Good rigs furnished on short notice. Reliable drivers nod quiet saddle horses njwnyx on litiml. , Good accoiuniiKlatioiis for traiiw;ieut customers. Horses Uiarded. p ' ' TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL N. O. HAMLIN, I'liOVKiFTiiR -THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1C00.) Harrison, E., President. D. n. ORI.TWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $0000. ; transacts a General Banking Business. CO R K F.SP0 X I ) K N" T3: AxEr.iCAM ExfiiAVOB NAnosAr. "am(. New York, Omaha National Dank. Onmlm, Fiusrr Natiosai. Bask, Ch.ulron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. rw-Tvp ft pOTJ OV AT T, P ?TI op FT ""VR, V 01.00 tHe Weekly Iiter Ocean. I The Qrctest Republican Paper of the Weat 5 aaeasNsNsse'essatyp f TT u,b? m tUlwmr " uatwervlag Republic n Witkly pen X lnhed todsy snd can always be relied upon for (sir and honest re-i Z rrts of all political affair. Z fpH Tb Wkly lirUr Ocean Supplies All of the New grZ J and tbe Best of Current Literature. It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper ii Without a Peer. i Literary Columnt are equal ; to mote or tae beat If Youth'a Department It the fjncit of Ha kind. : se fsatllr the of JV..i bu,M l'"ios e C1.00 rm ftng.t?9Jet - ft Mini 8aaUr Edi U K Tkt lattT tau vt Prlrt of n.llr by mtll rir of lunda by mall. Oslly aeaday by mall.,. iMoeeMeMMweweoeeaet ? GRANT OUTHP.IE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and Lintr t ;('x.urts. anJ before the United States I-inJ OfTW. Fire Insurance written iu rdikbla i ;omjnies. i f;r"I-g.l er curefully drawn. I Hakrison. - NKlilUsKA. B. L. SMUCK. fashionable Barber li. Hair Dresser. . OPEN SUNDAY FROM 0 TO 12. RAZOR AND SCISSORS ITT IN mit. Illve I me t a Call. Hipaot Tabules. Klpans Tabulea cure naui-ea. I.lpjns Tabulei: at druKg'Bts. H'pans Tabuli R cure dizziness. Ilipaaa Tabulps affitt dlgertioa. Hipans Tabulesctire bad hreatlt. Hlpans Tubules cure biliousticrs. Hipans Tabulcs: one gives r lu f. Hlpans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Hlpans Tabules cure constipation. Hipans Tabulcs: pleasant laxative. Hipans Tabulcs cure liver troubles. North-Western LINE F., F X M. V. II R. is the to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. LIVERY, Feed and Sale Stable. Nebraska. C F. r'OrrTtt, Vice-President. oi.oq: magatlneu the ttaurw World and aifea 1 all qutlons ef the ser! "a. j ff rrjixtM 01.00 ga aw, rar m tr rear j an year! illmanciltm aci. ... . at r h item