The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 11, 1897, Image 7

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    C Mai.
Bmi of th (tirl who isn't alratd
iaa. A buibvul'i authority coo Id
Mm scare bar.
j Ctaua BprtckaJt' daughter, who re
ently married againat hii wiaher,
4 dtj back to bim (3.000,000 o( pro
perty in order to wia ti man of her
i Reeeral young women in Cliiearo are
Mid to have ierfected an organization
for tha porpoae ol tulttilutiDK ' a five
Mr tnarriaje contract lor the present
Baatrimonial reg me.
Telephone Hiiel nea t n 'rna ai n a;.
' The vogue of the bicycle may In
marvHlous, tiut to us It seem that
(be popular uae of the telephone W
mamntbing even more ronMtrkuMe. Tin
ratio of rla to u!wi.-rilTn average
not leaes than six par day on the :hci
aide of tli water, while the averar
here may be safely ptrt, for more pkieea
at twelve per day peT solwrribi-r, There
is, rt appears a!no from went uratls
tkaa, a rapid Increase in this country in
the number of emlxserilien). Seveu yea-
ago tJie raitlo of telephone to popuhi
Jlon in cltlea numbering from 40,0xi
to 100,000 was about ouh to every 200.
Now it to wild to reartt from I to 5";
aod 1 to 100, aremiflng 1 to "S. Mor.!
over, thta Increase le likely to be more
than maintained Tiie receirt competl
tlon In many places Las greatly eth'i.
ulsvted tbe uae of the telephone, aud fl
factor for development In place like
New York, where ub coming tJon ex
sets, la the nx-aaured symeui, which en
ables everybody who really licvlH nu
exchange aystetu to get It cheap
ly. In tula connection, while
peaking of telephone growth and
proaperlty, it I worthy to note
that the Sunset Telephone Com
pany la teaching 1U operators the ert
of telegraphy. Tliht may or may not
bare some relation to the expira
tion of tbe American Hell-Western
Union contran next November. Mean
time, tbe We-'Ttern Union Company, aw
ing to tbe ttteady redwtion of Ids Id
rame, e understood to be reducing Its
force of operator In the larger eW,
In swine cnem to as large an extent ft
60 per cent. Thla diminution of lu
roBievMty elm explain the uonUua.uce
If the company's na.temeiit of test otllce
receipts. One Item of Income, however,
bug-hit to be much Larger, and ehmt fa the
one rwpreaenfllng the revenues ou tha
vutnunrlrw M8, due to war war-
ami craze. We begin to stsspect the
cattle people and the ammunition ven
ter of working up a bow call to a nun
whenever the old one peter out.
Electrical Knglneer.
Of Interrat to 8unrl Humanltj
. Weil-Knnwn Prop In Tentifjr to tbe
Merita of a Popular Heaif-dr.
Aom 1A Tribunf, SHiuitapK. Mum.
Dr. Williirua' Pink VilU for l'ule IW
ile have brought Joy Into tbe borne of i.
K. Beosel, of 3i.'5 llu-mepin avenue, the
well known Mionp,Hi deeorabir and
painter. Vtr over tan yenra Mr. Itcoae)
wax afflicted wttb acrvltila iu Hit k-tgru-Tated
form, uhhiiik rmininx wiren to con
tinually form on tile tivk of the neck and
extend up intu the hair, ami to-day he ,
cured and nappy-twice happy, we m;j.'lit
aay. fur hi daiik'liter, who is mm 1 1 jenra
of aie, hud the terrible iier.urt atttiettoO
known si St. Vitim' dnm-e. Mini bMii ulto
been greatly improveil by the line t l'ink
Iu rebitinx hi eprieiice to a Tribune
reporter, he Maid:
"I Imve had the annoyance nearly
twelve yearn, combined with not a little
aunVriiie frum acrof ulmia tumor on the
back of my bead mid neck. I tried many
reniedien without reivivinir 'he relief de
aired. A friend Induced me to ue l'ink
1'illa for I'ale f'eople. 1 know tuune
female, and all forum of weakntaa. Tbey
pilla are a r.xhI thlun for acrofiila ; you
can ! for yourself by the dry marks and
red HHI left on my uock, where furmnr
Jy were eruptions that emitted matter
and the vileat humors of th blood, Now
they don't v.-n itch, mid 1 bellev that 1
am practically cured.
"I want to tell yon alKiut tin- great ben
efit my dauifbter, who la now 14 yenm
old, !) received from tbe ue of Dr.
AVilliama' l'ink I'ilW. For two year alie
had St, Vitua' and we did every
thing we could bear, of to rallrve her, bm
liaro never found' anytbing that equals
l'ink 1'illa. .She haa ned four boxea and
Is nearly cured. We bare great faitb in
theiii and will continue their use wben
aver afflicted.
(Si)tiie.j "OKO. N. HHN'WHL."
nworn and aubai.ribed to before me thia
Ttb day of September. 1WX.
T. K. ANDRE3WS, Notary Public.
Thia i to certify that I have had a very
favorable experience with Pink Fllla for
I'aia People. Have aufferrd more or lean
for aeveo yeara with laflammatory rheu
matjam and nenraizla paina, aometlmea
unable to walk fur taree weeka at a time,
and in one Inataoce bad auch inteuae pala
in the atomarh and around the heart that
1 tbongbt each hour for three daya that it
would be my laat. Having aeen articled
in tbe papers about your Pink Pilla, 1
concluded to Kve them a iriul, and have
used ten boxes with marveluua reaulla.
Have felt better the pa at month and more
free from pain than for many yeara. I
ball continue their use.
Signed) "STL A PIPKIt"
il I'enn avenue, Minneapolis, Minu.
Hubacrlbed and aworn to before me this
7lb day 6f September. m. u
T. H. AjfRHEWH, Notary Public,
Dr. WiliMma' Pink Pills itaia, la a
ronaeaaad forau, all tbe elements necea
aaJT to give new life aud richness to the
Mood aod restore shattered nerves. Tbey
are also a apeciflc for troubles peculiar to
females, and all forms of weakness. They
bn!ld the blood, aud reatore tbe glow
of health to pale and sallow obeeka. In
men tbey effect a radical cure iu all case
arising from mental worry, overwork or
excesses of whatever nature. Pink
fills are sold in holes (never ia loose
bulk) at 50 ceute a hoi or ail boxes for
I'J.AO, and may be bad of all druggists, or
direct by maJi from Dr. Williams' Medi
cine Company, Hchetitctady, N, V,
GlaM bricks will bt uaod in tba con
struction of a Newport, R. I., but Id in.
Mlea Ulliao McAllirtar baa dacitiad
n InviUtion t bcoogtf MiaiUat In
tlie obtarirfttorjr of Ooluaibiao . univar
mty. Mum McAlliator gradoalswi ia
Jhm fro Vaaaar, anJ la now taacbJng
eTraeiofa aad matbeaaatina ia the Nil to
Vndowed Hlgb aabooi la Miltoa, N. H.
N.Ue foe Fifty Caaia.
Jr!C aJS iTal L-r'
ler sb4 laalaetrr. J
luiuienae qaantttiee of cotton are bee
ng aUi prd froiu San Fraodreo to China
sud Japan, where it will be made into
loth by the native workmen.
Ken, ale d. k laborera are refularly
employed at a London abart Tbej
k 6 hours and lrar men's buidens
Kmp oyee of shipbuilding concerne in
many parts of the globe are profitian
'roiii the epideaiic of war ship construe
lion that has (truck balf a dozen coun
tie siiuiiltaiieotaly. I
MnTvn.t,rcokBu.k.(.lv.B wr J
Ti ere is one large house iu tbia coon-
y that lias taken busineea on ita turn
ud means to ride in on the rising tide,
tlive to tbe signs of bet'er timea and to
the best Interests of tbe people, tbey
ire now circulating among familie a
va'uable publication known as The
.'hauls A V(heli:r Coxusr'a Conx
ksv Book and Book or Comport and
Hkai.tii, bn:b contains very choice in
ormation on the subject of cookinjf. !
Itece pta for the preparation of good,
substantial and dainty dishea, prepared
f peeially for it by a leading authority,
will bs found In its paee. Much care
has been taken in its preparation and
distribution, with the hoi that it will
be jiit the thing needed for houae
keejicre, and just tbe thing needed alst
for tbe cam of the health and house
iioid. As a Cojkery Book it will be in.
valuable to keep on band for reference.
It also contains full information in
regard to the great remedies of this'e, which provide against bodily
ailments, especially the Master Cure j
lor fains ami Acliee, bt. Jacobs Oil
To ive eome idea of the labor and (
expense of tbia output, more than 200
tons of paper have been usd in ita pub
lication, and at the rate of 100,000 a
day, it has taken several months for tho
The hook can he had of druegiata
everywhere, or by enclosing a 2c stamp
to The Chat lea A. Vogelur Company,
Baltimore, Md.
HrUnaa Vjuern Owna 00 floaeee
and Mnnx Acrce of Land,
The announcement that Queen Vic
toria Ut to leave, by will, l)lxrne house
to one la iik brier. Jie leuxe of Abergeldle
houae tn anlber, aud Balmoral, tbo J
royal residence iu the Highlands, to the
Duke of Oonnau-gln, recalls tbe fact '
that the man who would devour this j
pawinilar widow' hmwtw Huuwt mak.i J
an uncotiiinouly full meal, say thu
Nw York Kuu. it was dVscovere.l a
fw yearns since that, the Queen owned
iJOO houeeH In various purt of Kuglf ml,
not only royal nwlileiM-e, but reut
yaoklliag proiienty, and that about tJ.IMa'j
bounea tiad bten 'built by crown ieaaeeea
on building leaseholds held by the
quweu. She then tod also reiita from
uatrkHJ and UiUn from ferriea, bealdea
the procewls of mines and other works
upon her properly or the crown pnaji-
She had targe estate in ,Yorkh're, I
Oxfordshire, and Berks, valuable land t
In the late of Man and in Alderny,
Heulland, Ire.le.nd and Wales. Of the
New Korean there are 2,000 acres of ab
solute aud sixty-Three acres of contin
gent crown property. Her Majewty en
Joy Iik'ouib from the foroat of Drain,
fmu several other forens, and from
rtch proiwrtdeji In and about Ijondon.
Onborno, on the Isle of Wight, and
Balmoral, In the lHghlauils, are th.i
prlvflite property sf bhe Queen, and are
malDtaiued out of ber own Income. But
she titts 'the lane of a few royal passed
besthle, and those are maintained by tho
nation an an annual expenditure revnglnt
frotu $2,500 to $30,000. Tbe Queen is
In tbe oca-utwiK-jr of 'Buckingham pa!
ace, Wlnaksor (kuirle, tlie White ksljo a.:
RkArmond Park, and part of St. JamiW
paUavce. The rwnaiDder of the l.
uatned pulaca Is occupied by other mem
bens exf the royal fauisly.
Otbnr royal palaces uutiuialned as
sue. athoM;h nu In tbe wcupsuicy of
tbe Qurnn, are Kensington palace,
Havuqiton court, which, aotwrdtng o a
rertt eattiinaite baaed on tbe atsiatattica
of fight or ten years, onute tbe nation
oa the irersgs over $70,000 a yex; Kbt
palace, Penrbroke hslgo, tbe Tbasjibel
hM ml AhwAii ootfjtirp HlohaiMmd
Park, bimby house In Bniahy Psrk, aad
Holynwd paiare. The Queen, when
be rkeras the continent, has J area
bouse or ejiotber, wHh whatever re-
pair and refurnishlnirs are nc-raewy.
to at H for tetuporsry royas w.tu
caat .H).,... for ail this abe tnv out
, , . , .
of her own (ocome. Kagnbot Iioism-.
Irloocswter bouee, and Ckarence huusa
are pahntlal dwvlSings occiaptwd by va
riolas unMinbens of the royal family.
Th Queen baa four ratiher old rasa
loned yaa-htai ou which she ufakew bet
toiiruer. aKbongli the oklewt of
theau vrohetoly ia 'sexi seldom or never.
Tbe fuajr cusst orlgimtHy alsntt $-1 ..'t7t.
OW). The iiwwext le of 1,HU0 tone dls
placciuHKt, and cwt a rih over
OX). It cowls anniiully a burnt $05,0A).
A narrow U-n lit strictly passe. Th
ce uure should n a broad girdle ot
i vet or satin,
HTaTf or Ohio, i'itv r I m..,l
l,tiL'aat:oi ntv.
r"stAK J. (;n.M;T mitkea oiilh thai lie
the senior partner ol the linu oi l-' I
Cutrv Co.. doing ItuaiiieK in tin. i t w
ot Toledo, (Join IV mill Slate aion-aa'd , aid
that raid firm will pai iU. -iimi ol ONK
HtJNDKElJ UOI.I.A Its torea' b and i-wnr
case ol l atarrli that iisnnot bn cured h
the oae ol Hai.i i'makkh (Jurs.
Hworn to belorn me and -abn-ribcd In
any preaence, Ihislith dsv of leretnber. A
l. IHSfl.
W. til.EAXO.V.
,Vajry N.W.V.
lirVafMJr WW VtWU aaaiu asHH VU
of the svstem. Mend for tastt. .
fT J.CUKNKY A 00., Toledo, 0.
UfTHold by Dragfists, TSe.
ailrror on tbe palm of a glove la
tit. tdfjt ,.l-..1 t f Wtrh tfn aa-
XMtMni.0 u. ,,,-nrr la enabled to
be sure that ber botiiiet to ou straight,
and alxo that be curbs are In perfect
order. She can likewise ascertain If
ber bow ia at the most becoming angle
at the proper ;time. All these thing aDd
hundred other. Important from tbe
feminine point of view, she can find out
on the atreet without attracting the at
tention of passers-by, with the aid of
this simple contrivance. The Inventor
of tbls i"yU'e Uat 80 an-8"-1 ,lie lu,k'
looking-glass In tbe palm of the glove
I as not to Interfere with tbe shutting of
the uauir He has likewise taken the
precaution of putting it lu the left-hand
glove, mo that when ita owner shnkea
hand with a friend it will uot be ot
aerved. It Is uot the fair sex alone
that will llud thla Ingenious contrlvuuce
uaeful. Men are quite aa vain as wom
en, an the latter claim, and will he aeuu
by any observer to look at tucumdve
In every mirror tbey pass on the streets.
A lloy'a Kaaar on Girl.
"tllrla Is a ijiteer kind of varmint.
Girls ia the only thing that bus their
owu way every time. Uiibi la of several
thousand kindx, and sometimes one girl
cau he like several thousands other
girls, if she wat you to do anything.
Hrls is all alike one way; they are ail
Me 'at. If you rub 'em the right way
of the hair they'll purr aud look sweet
at you, hut If you rub 'em the wrong
way they'll claw you. S'loug ns you let
a girl have her own way she's nice aud
sweet, but Just cross ber aud she'll spit
at you worse nor a cat. Oii'la Is also
like mules; they're headstrong. If a
girl don't want to believe anything you
can't make ber. If she knows It's so
ahe won't say so. Clrls Is little women
If they're good, and If they alu't good
then, nor when they get big, they're
she-devils. That's what father said
mamma was once, when she tlxed a hot
flat-Iron In the chair so he'd set down
on It. 'cause she was mad ut him.
Brother Joe says he dou't like big girls,
hut he docs like little ones, aud when I
saw him kissing Jenny Jones last Hun
day and told him what he'd said be said
he wag biting her, 'cause he didn't like
her. I think he hurt her, for she holler
ed and run. and there was a big red
Sot over both of her cheeks. This is
all I know about girls, and rather says
the less I know about 'em the belter off
I am."
"alro for the Crtatilrilou.
Both as a healing lotion aud as a cos
metic, milk juice of the lettuce has Ions
been highly esteemed by French wom
en. Lettuce cream of absolutely whole
some eharaeter may be made as fol
lows: Pour a Quart of boiling water
over half a peck of the full-grown out
side green leaves of several beuds of
lettuce. After the lettuce has stood a
moment, draiu off the water autl chop
the lettuce Hue. Put It in a clean towel
aud wrlug out all the Juice that -can be
extracted -only the dry pulp will be
left In the towel. Put this juice lu a
small saucepan of bright tin aod bo LI it
down for two or three minutes. There
should be about three tablespoon fuls of
tbe greeu liquor. Set this aside. Pro
cure balf an ounce each of white wax
a.nd of spermaceti and four ounces of
r "mmls from a thoroughly iruat-
"ttrtlj' druggist. Put the saateriule In
u,r'! ud , UP lu P" t
boiling water. Tbe water should reach
' tl" me depth as the materials in
tn ' aud spermaceti
l"wly m.dt Into tbe oil. $Ur it occa-
alomilly. Wheu the mixture ta perfect
ly suioolh and uo lumps reuiaiu. add
the lettuce Juice and stir the mixture
thoroughly. I .ut the ere am cool lu tbe
pan that you lutend to keep It lu. Net
this Jar lu cold water while It !s cooling,
If the cream ta uot a delicate given
wheu hard, mult It aud add a few drops
( French vegetable grem. These col
ors cost about 'St cents a bottle, and
i!l kccji a long lime If they are corked
.vul'cfully, No balm In more healing to
a complexion that bus suffered rough
asnge from the wluds of mldwluter.
Mo Longer ".Sot at Horn-. "
l'erlui)S it 1st merely a fashionable
whim, isThap It is a wave of sincerity
aud common sense which dictates that
the vem-rulile polite fiction "uot at
home" Is out of date. The woman of so
ciety now sends word by her servaut
that she is "much engaged," thus pro
tecting her owu conscience and that
of her maid. The well-bred visitor will
accept, this graciously, knowing from
experience how lniHswlble It often
, proves under existing circumstances to
! serf aside pressing duties for the chance
; caller. Formal visiting is now limited lo
' afternoon hours as leas liable to conflict of dally
a. ,.. . . . . , ....
f h lan hstrlng of hoapllallty atlll
remain out ror cloaw friends, who drop
In at all tlmea according to InpulM and
. I A flue line of oouruevy asada tbe via
Ihor Beet to tffar tor omH te the aarraevt,
but to Inquire If Mrs. Ulauk is recelv
log. If answered In tbe affirmative,
asks if she will see Mrs. S . If lu
the negative, then the card Is left as
evidence of the call. Cards are In a
measure falling Into disuse, the English
method of announcing guests being
very generally accepted In the best cir
cles of society, a pasteboard only being
left when tbe lady Is out or not receiving.
Una. tol l Worte.
I'nder this heading the New York
Sun offers the following:
I.cmme be.
I that collar button!
Iid anybody see my hat?
Now I uiy me down to sleep.
No. you can't have any more cake.
Oh. mamma, Willie's pinching me.
Kay. John, alu't you lioys up yet?
Who tbe deuce carried off that paper?
Where's that half dollar I gave you
last week'
Yes, dear, 10 will do, but $15 would
be better.
Oh, papa, make Dick quit calling me
Come on to your dinner before every
thing gets cold.
Come, now, it's time for you young
ones to be In bed.
Ion't forget to order a load of coal
sent up right away.
Cood gracious, how much money do
you want, anyhow?
No, I shan't have any young man
coming to see you until you are out of
school. So there.
But, my (lenrsh, you sh' know I had
encashment ut th' office till sbo late I
cou'n't pinihibly come.
I'hys'cil Trainlna,
Au authority on physical training for
women gives the following directions
for securing the best results, which
naturally must be modified by Individ
ual characteristics and circumstances:
"Sleep nine hours out of the twenty
four, bathe In cold water, cxercLae five
minutes dully, drink a cup of hot liquid
before breakfast, spend half an hour
every day In outdoor exercise, make
tbe best of bad bargains, and always
keep your temper." Womankind.
1'ecnratlon for Dinner Table.
Skirts and Sleeves.
Tbi' latest cut lu skins bus compara
tively no flare around the bottom; yet
Is fairly wide and fits very closely
around the hips, with all the fullness at
the buck.
Paneled skirts are seeu ou some of
the newest evening gowns, and these
serve as a foundation for elaborate em
broidery lu Jeweled designs, or for the
fashionable braidlugs In Hussiau style.
Brussels net or tbe wide open, course
Hussiau Hsu net, made over a change
able silk iu some brilliant hue, is much
in Vogue for evening wenr. The skirt
is tiuished with a full ruche of the
same material at the hem aiid another
at the knee.
A fancy of the moment Is to wear
long sleeves with the low-cut bodice,
a boon to women whose arms are not
their strong point. The most striking
novelty is tbe long, transparent sleeve
of uet. or chiffon, gathered very full In
uiousquetaire fashiou.
The simple leg-o' -mutton sleeve has
developed wouderful possibilities tn tbe
bauds of the skillful modiste. Finish
ed at the wrist with a flaring, open
cuff, and slashed to. tbe elbow and
Oiled iu with gttlhered hace the effect
is novel aud cluirmlug.
PLaid velvets are much iu vogue for
bouse wear, and tbe woman who does
not owu a blouse or tartan velour docs
uot consider her Indoor wardrobe quite
complete. These are made decidedly
loose, a la Uusse, and are belted with
the Inevltalile Jeweled girdle.
Kor evening wear, sleeves resemble
miniature lamp shades for ballet skirts,
ns tbey are made of frills and tulle and
suind well out from the arm. Home
are draistl close up to tbe shoulder,
ami so form a sort of butterfly effect,
decidedly chic and lie-coming.
The very latest mode In skirts Is tbe
graceful Spanish flounce, a most be
coining atyle to the tall, slender woman,
and that brings up the query why do
most fashions seeui briber adapted to
the "daughters of the gods divinely
tall" than to tbe petite morsels of fem
ininity? Among the most elegant materials for
dinner gowns Is the lowly mlrolr vel
vet, which falls lu graceful, clinging
folds, and bas a sheen and luster all Its
own. Whole costumes are made of thks
effective fabric, which, when trimmer
with fur, sea-ma pcculhtfiy appropriate
for winter wear.
1b (rreateet devolsM waa HitdUha.
'"J'ba Light of Aala," "Tbe Intllau
Chriat." flo powerful waa tlie Influ
ence of tbia remarkable character over
tbe human race that to day it ia eati
mated Boddba's followera nuntlior 4WL
British inetitotions have recited
severe shock by the recent conviction o
a bs adJe of the Bank of England of lar
ceny. He bad been thirteen years in
the service of tbe bank and waa em
ployed regularly at the banquets of tl e
lord mayor and tbe city companies,
where he filched plate undetected. Un
fortunately he stooped to stealing from
the army and navy stores, when he war
caught and the treasure of plate he hac
collected during nine years from sixteen
c ompanies was discovered.
Ion't believe it. nor did thp editor
until he saw Sfilzer's great farm seed
catalogue. It's wonderful what an ar
ray of facts and figures anil new
things aud big yields and great testi
monials it contains.
Fend This Notice and 10 renta Stamp
to John A. Salzer Seed Co.. La Crosse,
Wis., for catalogue and 12 rare farm
seed samples, worth $10. to get a start.
As the name indicates. Hall's Vegetable
Sicilian Hair lienewer is a runewer of the
hair, including ita growth, bea th, youth
ful color, and beauty, it will please you.
Petunia continuog to be a very popu
'ar color, the pinkish rather than tbe
purple tones of tbe flower being favored.
Mrs. Wlualow'a soothinu oykop tor child
ren tfethinir. golieus the xnuia, re-iucea tntlata
matlou, allays pmn.curea wind colic, 'ic bottle
Calling gowns of velvet are often
trimmed with fur, and most unusual
sombinations, sucli aa silver fox and
mink, sealskin and chinchilla, are seen
n one gown.
CascAasTi atimu.ata Ivar, kidneia aad bowala. Ns.
as a.cssu. wastes or srl;.. 10c
If tlie figures could be obtained, it
would probably be found that every in
Insurgent killed in Cuba costs Spain bis
weight in gold.
I know that my life waa anved by Piao's
fure for Consumption. John A. Miller,
Au Sable. Michigan, April 21, 1S95.
The question of a century celebration
sf the death of Ednrund Burke is bein'
mooted in Ireland.
Wrs blllom or coallra. sat a Cascarat, candy ca-
luarfcic, cure auarauweu, LU.:, 30C
Beerbohm Tree lias fixed upon Sat
urday, February 27, for the opening of
his new Her Majesty's theater in Lon
don. The correct way is to buy goods from
the manufacturer when possible. The
Elkhart Carriage aud Harness Manufac
turing Company, of Elkhart, Indiana,
have no ageuta. They make first-class
goods, ahip anywhere, privilege to exam
ine. See advertisement.
Alt KIMt 4MM
T Whoever chooses to ace St. Jacobs Oil for
Hurts r Bruises
win f-l a rrrw. mn srTRE.
l 4M IM 0M
iKHieianrv mr, i lirrrrr, . car aav
f ADdVbU Ithi li UflnUn 1L6U tlra. arr eri
. u. ...iu. i... .j cri-ninto UKfirnY t
i a ww . r at 1
Km, mM
ouaumax for 14 raan, si
waolaaaia urloaa rnvluc
a sate. Krarr
nc ereennit
triM eTqsr-
MD alalaa
aass- Vob uattaaaalow
aa ps. i-hm was aa raw
as 1st. ttpria WtoS'
Boa4 Waacoua, au-. Daw
far laraa, rr OataJotus.
iiai Mm Slt H.
aa Saa aa attai mjn.m.
Snl iiai Tt
ELKHART AaUa am ARXEae wru. v., w. a. ruATT, s. klkiabt, am. .
"Forbid a Fool a Thing and '
That He Will Do." .
Don't Use
The St. Jotaph and Grand Itland E. B.
18 TBS
AJ?3STZ ' Union Pacific By.tem
unit vve?iir booti
Co Calltorala, Orrron and all Wealero Pointa.
For taferatttton retarding ratet etc., call on
or aSateae aay agent or 8. M. A bttiT,
M. P. aoawasos, J it., Oe- rasa. Art.
iien'l Manarcr, St. Jcaeph, Mo.
M M. . Me. 4at.
Colonel VT. B. Hale, formerly genet al
t aeeenf er axent of tbe Watash roaV
dropped dead on the streets of Columbia,
Mo., of heart failure, .
Whitman ilardy snot at his rivaj,' '
Spencer Doctor, at Columbus, S. C . an4 -the
bullet pierced tbe breast of bit
sweetheart, wounding her fatally. ' J
Thomas and Robert Fennell of PerrfJ
O. T., were arrested charged with liar-'
boring Dyna.nite Dick aud Ben Craven!
and receiving stolen goods from the'ui and IJoolin g-inup. j
Care t.f your healt i no. lo not
your blood to remain in that impure con-j
d.U n in wb-ih the winter months are
suie to leave it. Take a thorough course
of Hood's S r aparilla and expel tho-e
imptiriti- s. Othe wise you will be an ee;y
viet.m of diseas .
The Safe Way
is to begin in season to purify and enrioh
your blood, Lefore the warmer weather
conies. Hood'. Sarsaparilla will overcome
the languor and weakness which are due to
impoverished blood. It will purify your'
blood, and give nerve, mental and diges
tive st eug h. Get only Hood's, because
la tlie beat in fact, the One I rue Blood f under. ,
Hood's Pills Tit"'
ShIht's Sriia urr Warranted lo fiaHliiCtt
inhn Itraitlfr. MfjhtL'Ott. WU.. atuiiiBhei
rtltt- world wiUi a vlld of 173rm.I Hulzttr r-
I'lilvur Hints Bitrlwy rr ftcr. Hun t you hcMev
f it f Jiint w--ili' hfm. In orfjT to (fain, in IdV,
.(Ht.OOM iifw mistoitiers w wnfl n trmf
lit priya. of new utiil rare famt wd. tocJu'il p
Vt'ch.,4tr Wheat. " ana other noTcit.r, p-.
LUlvcW worth il&.lo jrt a Wart, all postpaid i
Irifluuiiijf our kfinav o oaiaioa:, iur iw
. i.arirBt fjrowors of farm eua and pota
i.t'H in the worhi. 'iu pKtri. eaniewt a
. vn(fOt lit Catiilojr tlt a
. nil aout It (ilddlT ma Hud l' Z
i:-t.lltiir'ya''- Sen.l
INV KNTOK: DKLAV frum lack of funds
muy lose a fortune. Though vou can't afl'ord
patent now. tbe law protonu, if you take proer
lept. Regis er your invention, and thin se
cure yourself at tritiinff com. HI best refer
ences. INVKNTOK'8 RHilTKK,
97 i Uirk St., Uhimgo.
Whv sometimes it amuaea
(M .IIMi lllli
raaeer coaaMnatlea. Caacareta srs ine iaa uua
or rrire.t.iit ias easr aatura! reialia. MB-
n.. Oiirami. .innleal. uaa., ornew ior. ai..
AirmtiL In th
Um ana Prlotwlthaartata. 1mm. i
had, aaraa ul m ais iu Ik I
Every Tbursday afternoon a
lourtat aleeplng car lor Pea,
ver, Salt Lake Cttv, Han Fran
cisco, and Los A u galea leevee
Omaua ana Lincoln via (be
Marlinfton Route.
It is carpeted, upboMered
ia rattan, has aprina fcsai aad
becks end is provided wltak
cartalns, beddlne, towala oa
etc. An eiperieneed axcur
1in conductor and a uni
formed rullman porter se:
compeuy It Ibroush to (a
I'acine Coast.
While i etlntr as eipeuatTell
finished lmtat Mne to look ai
as a palac' sleeper, It If Inst aa
pood to rkl.t In. aecoad claat
tlckela art honored and the
firtce ol a berth, wide enoaft
or two, ia only l.r.
for a folder (ivlag full pasa
tlculara write to ,
J. t aiwcis. dea'l raas'r Aseat, Omaea, Net
Uaa Bla tl far uaaairi
dleaharsas. lalaBejeHeaa,
irriiaiieas aa atoereiiaee
af aivcasa ssssakraaes.
Palalaaa. aad aol aatrta'
IraflsMl OatailatOt. (at or aelaaaees.
ft sat la aleta
r 1 1 1 1- -k
r i m j
rue aa w awtaaart.
I irwaaii iianeiia.
f aeuri.s.r-1