The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 04, 1897, Image 7

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    .tlu Jap"'
Electrical c Htcrrn tsbicb hae ratal"
liahed plant in Jsptn find that the Jap
niMNii'y bworai e ipert electrir-ians.
Women are employed by a New York
goldsmith whi ieaterf. They surpass
men in care'u'ncss ami ilelicacy of work.
Coal mining ii one of ttv. great indus
tries of Washington. Jurinjf 19 that
aUte pitvloivt over l.loOVHtU torn of
coal, of which about 730.000 tons were
mined in the first district and 4U,00
tona in the second district
An J ftrerigtb are combined .
in Hoo4' One OlTlY
hundred does one dollar ii
eculiar to aad true only of IIoj .'i Sarn
jarilla. This is why a bottle id l!ou'
Sa-a arilla lonUiii more euiatne power
than any other. The great iner.t of Jloo I'a
irsaparlila, prove by lU wondeifu cur's,
has pined it not only In the front rank of
medicines but has given It a pUce ul me and
unapproachable aa The One Tiue Bad
Partner. It Ims accouiplhhed tl our-anls
of cures of scrofu'a, rln umatUtn, dsp-p-ia,
neuralgia, salt rheum and other trou
ble. It is the great building up n:e ii :ine.
It the Heat In (act, Uia tin True Blond f uhner.
HnnH'c Pills, are in ouly pills to taka
IIUiKI S nils ith hCKMl . Karsajiarllla
Fviry ThnrMs afternoon t -lourltt
lerpliiK cr lor Iwn.
vrr, hall Ik liv, s-an Fran
na, and li AriKclei leaves
oniatia anf. Lincoln via tt
Burlington Hunts.
Ii la i-arpett. upboUtered
In rattan, has spring seats and
barks and Is provided wlih
curtains, heddtna. towulcaeap
eie. An esnrircd icur
ton conductor and a uni
formed Pullman porter ac
coriipaiiT It ihroutb to lb
farinc Coait
Wtalla i either as expensively
Mulshed rmraa ft ne to )k at
a a pslsi - slecpc, u la
Is Jut a
ud cia s
ojk1 l ride In. Hecou
tl sols are honored and ttir
price ol a berth, wide enough
lor twtt, 1 only $..
for a fnltler giving full par
ttcula'a write to
r'aaKcia, Oen l fsai't Ageut. Omaha, Neb.
FO1? 14 CENTS.
W aUli U frmti 100 K (iirMtl
ulom la In Iftl t rt'l hnr oltt-r
Karl i. ttrn.l 10c
K-.r Wlllfhn l,(l!uct ilk-
ftrllt-ist Mrllrfl t&c
(limit V .-its OtitWt IW
11 ly IE ult-li 10
bo ! U'V t..iitt ea rr will
fmii yu f r t' ".i t tth our
tTM-sil lsriLmt I m .-it uttxl ift-r t(Mn
rs-4-it tf K.,11'1 IHMt
aitrf Mow tun il l h-v'ifj w
SE41II It! rtl It. M,i I atH If foU
4J 'i-! tfs' thut tbn
I'm His! ti (of uitutattirml
I irtHalloui of tii rimllvut
ot uiutoui uivmtraiio.
rttu t4. ,'nilt. and i.ul uirln.
MtlirMlCHli-iCttCo. -oi or ! i.oi.'u.
IMIJ Iky Drasvlato,
nr aont tn plain -rPivr.
b" nTrrtt. prs-jMiiri, fur
1 1 rt. uti taut od roqytMt.
Arhaapcat I a lb arfef Writ r
Tkaflt MAXILLA Eooristo..tlJibt)i7)(.i.
Catarrh, loci Blent con-
a mntloa and broachl-
tu -an curd lu 8
UKHitb' tin a br our
cuurw of tnaimcai.
Inhaler, bi mall,
1 ii
f . e. SMITH & CO.,
410-411 MletikjaaM.
M tt. V. N. 4H-t)
Korh, . 0
VT BiaaaM ar T" saw lha aaeorttavw
aa Ufa aasaaae. .
alOltl l, xlVtH -slM HI,, I t I k'l IT , Mt.
X y'ociikBX I
Xowsssri.o.l 1
. t e
aV. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataijHrnj
sv. , sMwumss . . 4. -i
T mmr m ATTLE. 9iHlM r r.
APrttbUfcaWtUl4fir f llT walla,
wtlrr Prmmf nhmmtMinm of mtr1ai.tha
tap A t
Any sargaparilU is ararilla. True. So any
tea is tea. So any flur is flour. But grades differ. CtJ
You want the best. It's so with sarsaparilla. There ft
arc grades. You want the best. If you understood
sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it K
would be easy to determine. But you don't. How
should you ? y)
When you are going to buy a commodity c
whose value you don't know, you pick out an old
established house to trade with, and trust tneir
experience and reputation. Do so when buying
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been on the market
fifty years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It is a
reputable medicine. There are many sarsaparillas.
But only one Ayer's. IT CURES.
1 ltd !)
The mercury dropped at Guthrie, O.
T., from 70 degrees above to the acre
mark in twelve bourn.
A Canadian natimal relief fund hat
been inaugurated by the federal author
itiea for the famine sufferers in India.
Senator Allen introduced a bill anking
pooling by railroads to be elapsed aa a
misdemeanor under the act of 1300.
A polinar Failures, an old citixen of
Agnas Claien'ee, Mex., wi-rth a hall
million, a murdered and robbed.
Troubles of Ilia Messenirrr Day.
A telegraph mc-smetiger probably seas
as imp Ii of tbv other Bide (if human
Uiiture n a do-tr. One told au Atfh
bum (il(le writer rerntljr tlmt a worn
an never ojieuwl a telegram wrthdui
turuini; pule, ami, when tlie uiewuigi
was not alurmluK, they looked disup
pdutel. He d-llvered alxiul two deatl
U'ewaiKei a day, four birth luertsnge!)
a irn-Ht luany btislue meaiuigpti, and
omu In a un-at while a lovo mcssrigt
that uiaki him tired to carry. Hi
carried one rwouily Do a young man If
town that read: "How are you to-day
dn rliupti"
The ariKtver went promptly buck bj
the boy nud waa to tliU effect: "I an
hetter, love." H ouee curried a mew
sage of to a colored woman, tint
after reading It, her emotions OTcrcfiim
her to Mii-h hu extent that ah caueli
the meia.-tiijcr In liur oruis al sotindlj
boxod hl warts. Another iilos4 worn
au refuaed to open or tjitn for ft tiinit
migf, but walked (be floor ami In-at -Dei
liiviut, and Teaniel, supiMrlni; It an
nouueed death. When all the nlj;li
lxirs had come In, one tnoro vetituro
some tlian the real read thu mesmt'i'
It was simply a notice that the wont
au's sister would couie up from Leaveu
worth that evening to see her.
Gold Kind In Montana.
A rich gold discovery Is reported froo
Flint ('reek, iu the (oorgtowu district
Montana. Niu weeks ago 8am Snl
dor, a destitute and hungry Hurt pnw
pector. trailed a deer over tlie hills, and
accidentally discovered a fabulous-l)
rich leili'c, which he hast beeu workluj
since filmic and In sccruL 11a caino t
towu u lew day ago with thousand!
of dollars' worth of gold and thu rr
ports of lie n who have since Inspecrcr:
the. prospect say that Snider has It
000,000 lu sitrhL, although his prospect
hole la only about Ufteeil fact deep. Th
vein is ouly eight Inches wide, so fai
as developed, but Is yellow with vlrgli
Wonderful Burgers'.
Mediiiil atuilenis who are engaged It
the study of ophthalmology are stil
wondering at the feat Ir. Fleming Car
row, professor of that branch la tin
University of Mlchlyuu, performed up
on a young man In si week. This patient
had coiTijic'tely lost the sight of on
eye through disease, and, iu order tr
lyeveiM tmr contagion from spreading
Ir. Cnrrow Inserted a small, thin wafel
crystal beneath the lid of the other eye
So far the experiment seems to be verj
succcasiful, and It Is exiwcted tlrat tin
llcsh will knk closely around the w:ttcl
crystal so as to permit no impurities U.
enter. -Meanwhile the patient teems it
le rpille well.
Whiut and lUad.
A white obji-ct of any size may be
seen lu sunlight nt a distance? of 17."A"3J
times Its diuuicter; that is to say, if It
Is a white hall a foot In diameter It can
be perceived at a distance of 17,250
feet. A red object is Dot nearly so vis
ible at a distance as one. of white. A
-ed globe a foot In diameter can he
perceived clearly only at a distance of
iOOO feet, and a blue globe a Utile fur
ther. Camel's Flesh as Food.
Camel's flesh Is the latest addition to
the I'Hrlslan bill of fare, Algerian
butchers undertaking to provide the
supply. The meat Is said to taste like
beef, though white like voa.1. The
hump la considered a great delicacy by
the A ral as.
Themtsst object loneMe feature shout
love la tba poetry that accompanies it.
One of the pariaian novelties in seal ii
a cape full and abort enoueh to meet th
waist line, and trimmed little way a
round from the edge with line of golt.
braid pat in three groups of (our, thre
and two.
New York's Irish Fowolaltoo.
New York ha Irish population of
100,411, tbst largest of may city Id tho
CBltad Starts.
Never tell year best Men anything
Jut wouldn't look WU La Mg-aized
yae In ewsaaer.
risk the Faeorlte Foil for the Coss
rcitional Wklte Elqataits Cre
tioaa Mar Berre aa Kscoae Etss
tss Widows for Indolaence.
At Hymen's Altar.
Kew Tork eerreaponaencs:
r'ss'71 ' K weddings
are occaMionally
beard of, just as
pink luncheons
have leeu an es
(hIiIIkIimI Inslitu-
tliiu for a long;
time, it all Deran
-with ireriiiittlng
the bride to carry
a bouquet of col- )
. 1 ored bloom. Of I
Ii course the only I
i color for a bridal I
j when it is worm
j. c a 8 1 o II wuereiu
the bride Is figur
ing In cuch capac
ity. Is white, but
the decorative ef
fect of a beautiful bunch of pink roses
or of lovely violets is recognized with
the white of the bridal robe. As a rule,
when such a bit of color Is Introduced.
It Is to harmonize the bride with the
color scheme of the wedding, and fl
pink lioutiet carried by the chief at
traction implies that the bridesmaids
will be gowned In pink. The decora
tions will also correspond, and the
bride's Jewels may carry the effect siill
further. For Instance, the scheme In
color of one recent awell wedding was
turquoise blue. The bride was In white,
but her Jewels were turquoises of
amazing size and pearls. She carried a
great bunch of forget-me-nots (wasn't
that hard on nil disappointed admirers,
who, of course, were there), her brides
maids were visions In blue and white,
; and all of them were blue-eyexl blondes,
i which only served to set off her own
j brunette bentily.
Hchemcfi of this sort are viewed by
mst brides as rather radical depar
J tures. and they necessitate sur-h care
' ful plaiiiilng, In which one little sllp-up
' may almost spoil the whole effect, that
' the more conventional color plan Is gen
erally considered better. With all
bright colors left out entirely, there Is
still chance enough for rich and beauti
ful effects, and this January's brides
have boon ft handsomely gowned lot.
The one of these dresses that was
chosen for the first picture should sug
gest to the girl who has a few yards of
ths old-time very wide flouncing of
lace that she. may count herself lucky,
flo be advised. If yon are such a girl,
ad don't say no If he asks you, for this
w I
v r m
if" Tr' 1
i i ,r .
ts th very time when tliH C)KW-wlon
of HiH-ti lew yards wlil t-wible you to
have the, prrttletit weiiUlug dreBS that
ever was. Take this UluKtraliou and
tbe Hiiw-ini-atious that follow under
eoiiHliierutlon, aad you'll we the appli
cation. Iu fnmt was white satin, cut
priucenH to Juat alwrve the knees your
lace aliouhl be laid over the satin, the
upr edge of the lace btlng hidden
under the dnqiery over tlie bust Tlie
skirt was completed by au underskirt
that extended from belt to th hem,
but which only showed below the prin
cess portion. The under skirt had two
other lace flounces and the traiu was
a separate one, falling from the belt. If
you have enough lace, you may cover
the satin of the upjw-r part of the
iMxliiv with It. but lace is needed, too,
for the sleeves, which were of satin
covered with the lace drawn full about
tlie arm and held, the edge of the lace
appearing lielow the satin as a wrist
frill. Such a wedding gown Is the very
cream of the present style, and ratuer
than not use those flounces If you have
them - well. '! Is past, so you can t asK
him. and it's too bad!
One feature of the midwinter britfil
outfit licl) to make the winter bride,
even more lucky than the bride of
June. Th;s Is an almost priceless fur
cloak into which the bride Is put for
the carriage trip from house to church.
The tine grief of the society bride H
tlmt she dare not wear ermine because
the bhick would ruin everything, and
If the little bhick tails were all pulled
off, why no ore would know the fu"
for ermine, no one would be-envious,
rind what would be the good of the fur
then'; Hut the full amount of envy
that Is desired can be raised, neverthe
less. It Is no wonder, In view of the beauty
of such drosses, that women want to
get married two or three times these
days, and widows actually are golug
Into white at their second wedding.
Description of this last bride's cos
tume Ls reserved, for the sake of avoid
ing an anti-climax, until the novel fea
tures of the three other pictured dress
es have mention. Its companion dress
was sketched In (urn colored satin, ami
was Adorned by a very pretty lace bo-
lero, which was trimmed with narrow
lavender ribbon. The same shade of
ribbon bunded skirt and collar, and a
lavender silk gave the girdle. In the
other large picture the seated woman
wore a gray silk gown of very simple
construction, with characteristic feature
being a novel variation of a sailor col
lar In white satin, appllqued with gilt
and edged with chiffon pleating. Be
side It was a costume Including a black
brocaded silk skirt, and a bodice of
shirred blue chiffon trimmed In the
manner Indicated with ribbon snd lace.
Copyright. 1S9T.
The science of biology dates from
Trevlrauua' work on the subject, In
1802. He dealt, according to the knowt
edge of his time, with the science of
I u W iia 1 1.
A nob surro'iiined the cjiuity j tit
Osceola, Mo., ami tried to lynch s v. ral
safe b'oaerg and burglars, who have
len operating in this vicinity, but the
bastila waa too strongly fortified.
Jim Harboldt, indicted for the mur
der of Sheriff McGee, ma rescued from
the Fort Worth, Tex., jail by a gang of
his friends. Harboldt waa one rf the
band which attempted to lull up a
Sou -hern Kansas railroad train at Cana
dian, hen the slier IT was t-hot.
Harvester History in Short.
Ogle cut grain with a dropjier in 1S22.
Bell made a header in 181ii and market
ed it many years.
Kamlall in 18.'I3 operated a machine
having a reel, platform, divider, tutting
aiipHrattm and all essential parts.
Husney built and patented the name
rear a machine. Its principles have never
been departed from; it is still used in
Europe as be built it. He later applied
Ogle'a reel. With but three years to run.
lis epen guard patent sold for SMOO.OOO.
MeCormiek claims to hare experiment
al in 1831; patented a push machine in
1834. strapping the push tongue to the
beraes' hacks; experimented again in
1839; sold a machine in 1H41; licensed
onder Hussey'a patent at the end of a
'iw auit.
The predecessors of the Deering Com
jauy patented a Marsh harvester in 1858;
perfected it and put it on the market;
sroke up the trade of reaper manufacture
.rs, who than begnn building Marsh har
seaters in 1875. Deeriug used doubly ad-
uatable reel In 18irt: was followed twa
ir three years later. Deering and Wood
sold wire Madera in 1874. MeCormiek
waapany followed two years later. Deer-
ng took up twine binders in 1878 and
wag fallowed three years later by the Mc
Dorraick Company. Deering and Osbrne
iteel aiaders were put eut in 1885, and
MeCormiek followed two or three years
ater. Deeriug adapted roller bearings to
larvestiiig machinery In lHtt.i, which Me
Cormiek is now adopting.
V ok's Offer.
In another column of this paper will
m found an offer of James Vick's Sons
d Rochester, N. . Soraethine new for
hie firm, but very tempting. Vick's
Horal Guide, the oldest seed catalogue
n America, has colored illustrations of
he Wonderful Rathbun Blackberry and
he double Sweet Pea, Bride of Niagara.
-f alf tone illustration, photographed
rom Nature of Roses, Aeterc, Carna-
ioni, Gold Flowers, and Tomatoes. It
8 filled with new and good vegetables,
lowers, plants, etc., and is up to date in
ts line. See their offer. Their goods
vre reliable.
Wnai bilious or cuattva. eat a caacarst, candy ca
Utartic, cure guaraotaad, lot-, S5c
To speculate in its original sense
look out of the window.
Mrs. Wlnalow'a soothind syrup lor child
ren teething, softens the gumK, reduce lutlam
nation, allays pain, cures wind colic, ix-oi.ule
Cemetery is from a Latin word
fying "a sleeping chamber."
No-to-Hac Tor Fifty C
Ovar 400.000 cured, win mil hi
regiilttta ii rciiicvu your tt -f 1 1 . f r ti
Save nioB'-) . u-slies Itrialth sikI in nl.u.itl
I uirn
guar.iiuaeu, uoc ui.a all (in;;';-!
Husband a originally the linue
band, or bond of uni'in of the house.
Hall's Hair Renewer contains the natu
ral food nnd color-matter for the hair, and
medicinal herbs for the scalp, curing gray
ness, baldness, dandruff and scalp sores.
Wife is derived from an Anglo-Saxon
word signifying to weave, the wife be
ing the weaver of the family. itvnr, kittnfirsanrl buwsl.
SI sickaa. wcalea or sni.a. 10c
Black net with chenille dot a is used
for evening dresses.
Piao's Cure for Consumption has been a
family medicine with us sinoe 1SU5. .1. It.
Madison. 2409 42d Ave., Chicago, Ills.
Araberque braiding and straight rows
and Vandykes of Milan braid are very
aura of
:it a test that proves a SURE CURES-
SSiBSarl Bs sa4 mat Oatalsfas. Osatalas all taat's nr aa4 alwafi asllabls.
Ut ftmt ClslM J Tw paaasta ate., tlsras
Msatklr KaasUa srakat
SJstSS,f lawatas, las
lrsry ksata iissa ssailif aa Msr as aWvswill rsoslvaa osaasa gtl fr BO osaar wartk sf asai trH
1 V L
nwwvijw l vvananioBv lira. awTSr
mU a4 lsslst frsL A4. rnCgUHO lUtlt
io an"
Bit .ft 4
Skats w
"Say Aye 'No' and Ye'll Ne'er Be Mar
ried." Don't Refuse All Our
Advice to Use
Jwr M ill tleara
The new rursl mini delivery in Cum
lx-rlaii'1 eou!:ty, Me , has brought out
some ijin er mail luxeg. A half-bushel
basket, a big cx'ff ecan, soap and apioa
boxes, and even receptacles that have
once held patent medicines, are among
those that grace one neighborhood.
James McLaige. a convict in the New
Yor k state prieon at Auburn, sentenced
to fivevearg lor grand larceny, smuggled
naphtha int hi cell and burned him
pelf fa'aily.
A Wonderful Asthma Cure.
Brattleboro, Vt., Jan. 12, '97.
Dr. Taft Bros., Rochester, N. Y.: Year
sample bottle of Asthmaleue cure at hand
and will say that it is the best medicine
in the market. It has done me so much
good that I liad my druggist send and get
me a $1.50 bottle; have had no asthma
since I commenced taking it. I feel safe
to say I am cured. I gave an asthmatic
friend of mine some out of my bottle and
it gave him almost instant relief.
W. A. XF.AL.
Sample bottles of this celehiat-'d asthma
cure are sent free to all sufferers by ad
dressing Dr. Taft Bros., 45 Elm street,
Rochester, N. Y.
French dressmakers are fjru.iriii wee
ding toilets with pretty bolero ejects in
lace, brocade and Lyons eatin, the deep
fatin ceintutes strapped with ribbon
and fastened stith buckles of Fren b
We hear a farmer say when he reads
that John Breider, Mishleott, Wis.,
grew 173 bushels of Sakser's Silver
King Karley per acre in 1S!W. Dou't
you believe it? Just write him! You
see Salter's seeds are bred up to big
yields. And oats 230 bushels, Corn
Wheat 60 bushels, Potatoes 1,600 bush
els, Grasses 6 tons per acre, etc., etc.
$10.00 FOR 10 CENTS.
Just fend ThU Notice with 10 Cents
stamps te John A. Salzer Reed Co., La
Crosse, Wis., and get 12 farm seed sam
ples, worth f 10, to get a start. C. N. U.
To luunder once signified to lavender
or perfume clothes with the leaves of
this plant before being laid away. i
. i
$100 Raward, '
The reader of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there ia at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to c re
in all its stages, and that is Catar h.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is the onl positive
cure known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re
quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly on the blood and m neons Mirlacea
of system, thereby destroying the.
foundation of the disease, and giving taa
patient strength by bnilding up the con
stitution arid assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much faith
in its cuivtive power-, that they offer Una '.
Hundred Dollars lor any cae that it tail
to cure. Send lor list ol testimonials.
Address, P. .1. C11ENKY & CO., Toiedo.O.-tjr-tiold
by Druggists, 75c.
The, word infamom was once applied
1 1 a perso'n who was not permitted to.,
t. give cv; in a court of justice
Ji'st try s 10c hoi of Casrarets. candy rathartlc,
Mi live r and huw?l reitulaior matte.
Eu ti jackets i fur and c)oth jackets
with wide fur revere complete the most
fashionable skating costumes, which
are often made of velveteen or corduroy.
w A.lmot
Si K1. LM'. I liC3rivmTsr
Si nt. prepaid, for JS cents la Stamp.
Club Orders of Five Collections, $1.90.
ISO West Handnlph Street, CHICAGO, ILL.
Kxamltiiitlon and .M'.vlfd an a Pit' n'Br(lit7 of ;-
vt'iition. Kp'-'I fnr !avt nun s'Gui'lo, or ;'- v t . .
up--- ' 0'i'nn;i r, T '
CURED svyur
iliirHoH WMwillaialla ria b t'le
. TAF1 BROS., i$ Lla St., Socbesur, N Y.
Jacobs Oil
paaaau 3a. Full mall trie. ants. IJ
taUaaavto rraw riaats, Mawan aad VassUblaa, an la aa
t14 and Oas ssakst sf tsaas (aaast aksrrt) sr II ssaSS.
tl .!, i-
-sip tS32,M,ftii,,T
BIS sr snaa,Bi cavsa aaaf swrai rsaaiiai wmm
ffclsafa. llvalraal. Caa., arKsw Tors, jit.