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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1897)
Faortiou Customer W'ter, 1 iiifl.r (rem sharp trt-tti and a sharp apjM-tiU-. What would you recommend a a rem edy I r the complaint? Waiter (under notice to leave) Well, ir, you might try a eleak. racellou Customer lo you think Uiat would take the edge off my appe tite Waiter I daresay it wou'd, air. Any way, it mould take the edge off your tooth. Full. Pifo'a Cure for Consumption ha saved out large doctor bills. -C. L. I'sker, 4.'-' Kegent riq , Philadelphia, l a., JJec. 8, '!.. Ella Wheeler Wilcox ; no buiger young and giddy. 8he has just celebi-a'ed h-r forty-third birthday. The "Poctefs of Paiou" was liorn near Madi'on, Wis. Wii billon nr c-lr. emt . 4' eaadf c- ttai'U. LUim gUArBUUK-J. 10 , 2m That report of a piacucable airship in San Francisco wax b far true that fl.OCO worth of aluminum t lie used in making it baa been ordered from Pittsburg. That ia coming very close for an airship etory. Mrs. Mln.lnw'. SnmH m SYPt'r lor rnilrt reu u-eiliiiie. Milieu, the mut. r.iii'-i- at. lien, .il.vfc i'Btn.rur- mil cmic. jx' o.tue Mr. Theodore Tilton is home from Ka rope. She ha been living in Paris for a tiumher of year, hut hat come Lack to New Vork, tunning all her 4 OUSehold ff ! itli her. True Plnrtl Is i lur. ! ,-ti. ui Mtr.aparilla. anil k ii mi.iT' t .i kt ,u in it. riin.nk. k cures irf catarrh. ii.ii.ihr.llM.,. 'tvsn-pU nIood'S Sarsaparilla It thi- Knt In l .f I, II." "nr l ine Hlitml Purifier. Hood's Pills ?,at;;,,fi:!. wllh FOR 14 CENTS. !. IM WA plrSM-J Ifcr I l af r.le tU. I V - . It-OH I.rtttt I V t " M- i..n 10 , I m il -'it-tw 'in.- tk- I II I'm H ,- I ' tlrttti' I T-iMttfrtModn (" ' 9 I t"(tt 4tl iU tl I tfltl -afltf I I f-i'it . ti'itt-' .mil id I I 11., - .1' K. a." 1 I I -!,) f J.un. .i - urt'l fcri,. ,f ... 1 1 I Ann It . trn I fw H (tvci ' i MHI 1 tl7H - Mi . I ftti-sl l COMFORT TO CALIFORNIA. tourlat lf)itiiK tt ,f. nJi l-k ' -iv, Hn Krn i-o, iul Adlew lrm Uii't'ia () l.iuiflu i Hi HurDhgUin Kuiitr, It 1 ni"(. ijtli.ifcl.ni1 b' i ai'l ftri;vii)r with rurtif), hfiitliin, ItmvU 9-mit ec Am fi(rif vi rur-ur. ninii i ottdt (-(. r mikI tint 'JlMUSifitfl foTrnw Pullman ffirir T. I i -.tin !.- 1 1 ihrnn h tn I hi BI-li' (jitUhtM UtT M lifift (iiliMik at a a t' r it fHfr, it la jtiai rol t rtda in hvmhI Huh urn rv Honored and li ttrlif m, trtlt. r ide enough I. ir tuo, u only $. "tt t.iMi-r tt'vliiK full fmi lifiilftm tvrlli to lifu l I'aw r ip-ut, iluiah. Sfb. NO FRIEND O flNK FLOWERS AND CHOICE VEQ ttABLtS Should Imll In nd 2S inn tmr a Collrllum ol ... II Pigs. Garden and OrrnC 2 Pigs. Select Flower ULLUu PETER HOLLENBACH SEEDSMAN 1 ! I(,li lrrrl, 1 1 1 t . I . 1 1 I. qaml'ANTKH IIFI Kill RV sV&VgWATERPROOF. fim IIIJmT aar If 4TTI.I'. "-i' A OnraiblrmahtiiliMir lr Pla-trraa walla. WHflf lr( kratlilHtf at mmm ititfri, Ilia t oat a thApt i y t tjft mf Irt W rtla f-tt m it (-, ti, TtUll IAMI.1.A ftOO l4.t0..tABULN.J. PATENTS. TRaDF-MaHX: Ksanilitaitriti anrl aKv aw u P,i.mtfit t'y -f QPIUrrDRUNKENNESS Wl IVltlur.lUKI.IO.ri. K.r.iuTi - DR. J.L.BTaPHKNa. UBAa.a,auk L F I 1 Sweetness and Light. Put a pill in tli pulpit if you -want practical preaching for taw physical m.m ; thra put the pill in the pillory if it doo not practiwe what it preaches. There's a whole g08pl in Ayer's Sugar Coated Pills ; a " goxpel of swoetnost and light." People uped to value their physic, aa they did their rlirion,-by its bitteruota. The more bitter the doue thu Luttr the doctor. We've got over that. We take "sugar in oun" gospel or physio now-a-days. It's poHsible to please and to purge at the same time. There may be power iu a pleaaant pill. That is the gospel of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. se ) ) Mora pill purllculari la Aytr't CarclMok, im page. Krat trtr. J. C. Aftr Co., Lowtll, Mi. Nttf rv-svfi Vl.- In Franc bicycle arc lighted by elec tricity. The bicycle lurm it now Is-lieved to I the result of the heel coming to th( surface Detroit News-Tribune. Ti e Mexican war dcpar'uienl isaltout to consider the project of equipping a r-r-rtion of t e army with bicycles. France propot- to U'e in-anity I ) teaching lunatics t ride the bicycle Th throws a near light upon the biry cle craze. INFLUENCE OF ATHLETICS. Mares de Conhrtl Hatlievra thi OtjaaplcGainra Will lo Mach (iond. On the world at lflre the Olyinpifl Cnujea lime, of courae. exerted no In fluence a yet; hat 1 am profoundly couvlni wi that they will do ao. Mny I be permitted to any that thi was my reaaun for founding theui? Modern athltftlca need to le unified and purl- j Cud. Those who hare followed tlie reuniosauce of pbyalcal uporta lu thla century know that discord reigna su preme from ona end of tbetu to the other. Kvery country ha it own riih-a; It la not po.Klhle even to runin to an agreement aa to who la an ama teur, and who la not All over the world there I one perpetual diaptite, w hich la f nil her fed by Innumerable weekly, and even dally. uewhpHpt tj. lu thla deplorable state of tiling l"o-fe-!oiillam tend to grow npiice. Ue:i fcive up ihelr whole exlateii'-i' to one parlirulHr rpirt, arow rich by practic ing It. and thus deprive It of all no bility, and destroy the JuM eipilllbt llltu of Hum by mnkiiig the inuwlia prepon ilerKtif over the mind. It in my belie' that no education, piirtlculm'ly In dem ocratic tjinpa. can Ih- K"'d and com plete without the aid of athletic: but Hthletlc. In order to phiy their tirepcr edncatioiinl role, must be baaed ou perfect dlHlntereateolnesM and the k-u-tlmeiit of honor. If we are to guard tbciu 'iukt thette threatrulDK evlla. we inuat put on end to the quarrel of amateurs, thru they may be united among t heinselvet, nnd willing to measure their xklll In fre quent encounter. Hut whrit country la to liiipcne its rules and Its habits ou the others? 'I he 8wedc will not yleid to the Weriniiiia, nor the I'rencu to the Kn'liMli. N'nihlng better t!i;in the In teruiitloiinl Olyiupli- gurnet could. Iierefore. be devised. Kach country will take its turn In organising litem. When they come to meet pvery 'out years In those contests, further enno bled by the memories of the past, ath leiea all over the world will burn to know one another better, to make mu j timl couceitaioiiM. and to seek no otliei , reward In the competition tliuii Hid honor of victory. One mny be ti'lcd with the desire to see the colors of oue's club or college triumph lu a nu tlonal mei'tinc; but how much atniuger j Is the feeling when the t-olors of one' ' country are at stake! I am well n- j an red that the victors In the Sladh.u t Athens wished for no other recom- j pense when they heard the people ( cheer the (lag of their country In honor of their achlevctneut. It was with these thought lu thst I sought to revive the Olympic J games. I have succeeded after ninny I efforts. Should the lust It lit ion proper - as I am persuaded, all civilised na tions aiding, that it will- It may b a ' potent, if ludlrvct, factor In ecunng j unlveissl pence. Wars break out be- i-aiuie nations misunderstand other. We shall not have peace the prejudices which now separate tiie different iscen shall have beeu outlived. To attain this end, what better menud than to bring the youth of all couu trle periodically together for atnlct ble trials of miiHctilur strength utrl agility? The Olympic game, with ih ancients, controlled athletics and pro moled peace, it Is not visionary to look to them for similar benefaction In the future. "The Olympic litiun of lHisi." by Its run I'icrre de CouImt t lu. Ill the Century. !omodor i'.ichard Peek of the Ne Vork and New llavt-n steamboat line, after u hum the Sound tiler Kicburd reca was nameu, nas compieieo amy- wight years ol service in Hteamboating. i lie is Delieve.1 to Ire the ol.leat tteam-i boat man in the countiy. Comodore p.,,H p,., uUr to the Viciorla Nyauza, IV k is HI yar old. Hi firt experience j Central Africa, thus proving not only iu fteanboaliiiK was iu IH'JH, when be'n1H extent of migration, but nlo the was I ;t years of age. possibility of plant.s appearing in IWihly the oldeat woman in Kugland ' "range localltli-s thrirugh the agency of in Surah Thorns., who on p'ebrumrv h . will be 100 years of age. Mrs. Thomas has smoked a clay pipe for lixty years ami bid fair to enjoy life and tobacco ' fur some yeaia to come, i i h TAK.NQ CARE OF BANK BILLS. 1 bollud Notes Not a. Com mo a as Sev eral Yrurl Atu j P.tnk notes are ck-auer than they tisjl to 1. It is the policy of the New York bunks to send their soiled notes to the , I uited .States treasury to Ire destroyed ' as soon as u sullicieiit uuuiIst aecuiuu-1 late to Jiihlify it. I'.anks iu the West "lid OU whole hutches of soiled New j Vork notes to their corresjxiKbiiis in ' this city, and the bank that recelra I hem sorts them out and scuds round j each little batch to the banks by which they were bisiied. Thew sorted Outett J lire then sent to the treasury to be de stroyed ts nd others issued in their place. New Vork is thus it eort of dejHit for Milled and damaged notes of its ow n is Mte, The printing, pns-ess for bank j iiolcs bus been so developiil of late ji-nrs that the gov ernineut hasudopted thin Miliiy of frcijuciitly ihsiroying oiled notes and reissuing good ones. ' The Hunk of Kiiclatid never lets a imie (,'u out u second time. Its lowest ui.tei are fur t"i, so that the loss per (ii' ind Is comparatively small in thus ii. troylng lii '.Ic iiHed notes. Some, in- Ireil. come into the bank as fresh in i; jiearain e as when they were Issued. A note criming in is marked for de s:nictluii and laid away for a time. Mcaiiuhilc i In- name and, address of tii" presenter ar taken, along with Milliliter o.'' .lie note, in order that 'lure II'. IV be olie den' III case r-Ul'h :i Hole is reported lis stolell. I: is mu suspected liott' ! tn port a ii I an clement In a baiik' profit on circula tion is ihe ilcsirMction an, )os of notes !n tiie hands of holders. This was I ii iii U Uru'-r in days when reissues I Mil.- 1,'hs iieiiui'iit than now. The laivr tiie ainoiiiit a bank may issue the ti'ea'cr riie loss iu tic hands of the people. A b ulk of this city til i: ubau doiie 1 l;s circulation Is-forc the open ing of the ci il war yet has many thou sands of lis ol I notes out. They were outlawed years ago. though $:'.ihh( of :iiein presented about ten years ugo were fully Identified and redeemed, i he whole issue of tiie bank was only ationt ?J.iii.shi. Although the average, life of u Hank of Kugland note Is said to be but. live -and one seldom cncounltTS a so h-d Hank of Knglund note lu !ou-doii- those notes. clrrMilate for years in the colonies, for they are taken abroad by travelers and are current almost everywhere. They circulate, along with our note, lu the region bordering liritlsh Uuinuu. There are Scotch and Irish banks of Lssiic einlt liug small nolcs. and these notes are often greasy ami worn, since they are no; regularly destroyed when they leach the home banki Cauadiaii bank notes are current along our northern bonier, ami they are suttlcleutly like our own. being in dollar denomina tions, to deceive those not accustomed to make the distinction. They are often kept long in circulation on the; birder, and are twcaslonally worked ot! on the vIslLlng New-Yorker, who flu is tliciu uucurrenl in this city, and mils; exchange at a discount. New Vork Suu. ItirUa aa Seed t'arrtcra. Two centuries ago the Dutch destroy ed every nutmeg tree in the Moluccas iu order to enjoy a monopoly of the business, having planted the tris-s in their own possessions. In tiplte of their each mi u earliest efforts, however, the isl uuttl i anils were constantly being restocked. 1'or a brtig time the thing was a uiys tery, but at length It was solved. The doves of that quarter of the world are of large size, anil readily wnllovv tin- seeds of the mu meg. They traversed wide stretches of sea and laud lu u few hours, and deposit the seeds not only uninjured, but better titled for germination by the heut and moisture of the blrd'a system. My u similar process thousands of acri-s of bind have been covered with trees of different kinds, the birds act ing as nature's agents lu the disseml liailoii of plants. Paruin found ill six grains of earih adlicrltig to Hie feel of u plover three tj : rr,. r,-tl , kinds of seeds, and lu mud .killt, ,,, ,lt. f1H.( f ,w.k and goinc hlll Ul lun,, t. f(1Uiid tin-M.s-drt of these lllrus. In the in ml sticking to Ihe feci of a Texas steer the seeds of live different kinds of weeds and grasses common to Texas were found by s mlorcrseopkst after the arrival of the animal In New Vork. n y flie i.i ken mm. One Sunday, as s certain SisitiiJi lulnKter was returning liouiewnid, he wim insitsted by an old woman, whir said: "Oh. sir. well do I like the day w hen you preach!" The minister w'as aware that he was -t very popular ami answered: "My gissl uchan. I am 14 hoi to binr ir. 'I'hcre are too few like you. And why do you like II when I preach?" "Oil. sll'." she replied, "when you pleach I always get a good seal!" Tit- a ts. I .M iklna Kurr. I "I tennis, did ..oil mall Hint pmstal card 1 I g-sve you'.'" ! "Vis, sorr, an' o' tuk tile Utterly, norr, of pultlu' 11 '.' clul shLninp on It, ttorr, Ve wrote so folue an' got ho much on tli' cyiird ol toiiglil It inoight be over afight, aorr."- llarper'a Bar,ur. Well Hoa.trcl. Ulalher- Say, did you llud anything tell rousted at the harlxK'Uc? tlHthem Well, nothing eirvpt the niHisigement. Ada ins Kre'man. 11 may iook worse, irut when a man 1 stand, around the street, he la doing What women cult "shooplng " JYYEIt TESTIFIES HOOD'S SARSAPARI'.LA PURIFIES AND ENRICHES THE BLOOD. Always Accomplishes the Ke.nlt. for W hil h It la Intend -d. A lawyer rertaiu!y understands the value of testimony in establishing a fact. The letters written by tliOfie wilO have ls t ii ctinil by IIissl's Sarsaparilla l ave over and over again "proved the -as-" for this great medicine. This tivtiiiiony has shown so many times that Ibs-d's Sarsaparilla cures when all other inedlciiK's fail, that llorsl's Sar s'lparilla is- entitled to the verdict, "The One True HIismI I'uriiler." I. M. Iiu ch.iuait. l-!-l., Itts hester, Ind., has Utt'tt in 1 lie jiiar-ticc of law since ISK'J, and Is well known at the Fulton Couuty bar. lb- says: . "We have taken several lsiUles of Ibssl's Satwaparilla iu our family dur ing the past year and have been very much pleased with lis results. 1 have taken it as a bhssl purifier and my wife has used it for the same purismc. When ever we feel badly we resort to Ilisid'a Sarsaparilla and It always seems to ac coinplisli the resull for which it is in tended. My wife was fisding very bad ly and Hut Thut Tired Kcelinir, and she lisik IIimmI's Sarsaparilla with Is-netit. When we take IIihsI's Sarsasi riila the iiiipiiriiii s of the IiIimkI are ulieii forced through the skin by enip U ins, but by cnnl inning the use of II'mi I's Sarsaparilla the blood Iss-onies phrilied anil the skin returns to 1t.s nor mal condition. Ibstrl's Sjn-saparilla al ways seems to cleanse the Mood ami we hold It in very high esteem us a bhwid purifier." I'. M. Huchunan, Ksq., Kis-hi-xter, Ind. (ieirre J. Gould f fjaid to be eoexpert a A telegraph opera'or that, ntunding in the operating room n ihe top floor of the Western Union building, be can dis tinguish w ithin a few minutes the qual ity of work tl at in being done by the operator nearea to bim. Thi facility ol discernment on President Gould's part makes big viaitBtothe telegrapher' quarters a matter of gome moment to them N'o-to-ltac for Filty Cenls. l)vi-r -tou.oow cirrr-il. Wli, let Ni-' ii ltao r-Kuliitu 01 reiiievB your el-nit,- I 1 lobiu.'C ? Sn- luuii .uiiiki's FiMalth mid in iilnruU. i;ur kUSl rlliuirli. liOC iLll rl, il n I Ili'B Ir I-. The Festal Hoarding House. The Napoleon of a Waahlngtou board ing house, nameless here forevermore, or worihj to that ellexTt, was devotlnjf all hut pnre time to the conquest of the 1111 mi I at Ire fore him, while the other boarders were trying to forget. In pleas ing and instructive conversation, what they were there for, say the Washing ton Star. Thr- Naiioleon had Just stuck hi fork Into a helple. potato, the dlacuaalon being on the Irish rebellion, the Imme diate contention being the year of It occurrence, and the Napoleon waa tak ing no part whatever, notwithstanding the landlady' aeductlve effort to lure ill ui into It. She had Just set a dish of fruit down by his pt-te. "Oh. . r. Barker,'' ehe exclaimed, with tin- nue effuslvenewe and fervor of a landlady trying to please, "have you no memory for date?" The Napoleon glanced quickly at the lately deposited dish and then turned his flerce eyes upon the landlady, who was moving about the table. "No'in, I can't aay I have," he r.aid In a voice that fairly lifted the State le part incut clerk next to him clear out of his chair, spun him anmnd and set him down with a thump, "but I have for prunes, .and this is the twenty-first lime we've had 11111 lu the last seven la s." As the boarder Unbilled this truly Na poleonic utterance, the landlady, whn was coming toward him with a tea koii, was seen to turn deadly imle and grasp the back of a chair for support. IMtTercntly Fdiicatcd. In old times the same man often silli ed his name in several different ways, and even now members of the same foinily sometime vary the orthography j of Ihe family cognomen. This may be for one reasou or 11 not her. Sometime. II. Is a matter of taste, sometimes It ia a matter of education. At a wedding in au English town, says the New Vork Tribune, the offici ating clergymnu uskisi one of the wit-iii-se how bis name was spelled, and was told ".McHugh." "Hut how is that?" Inquired the cler gyman. "Your wiater spells her nam "McOue." "I'leuse, air," wa the answer, "my sister and me didn't go to the aam .-lurol." . . Although Or. Charles John Kllicott, the bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, England, is in his eighty-seventh year, lie is an enthusiastic wheelman. Horatio, Earl Kelson, who i 74 years of age, is now the only surviving peer who was alive and In the er.joyment of his title w hen the queen came to the throne. lie is the third descendant from the hero of Trafalgar. Thm Logic of It "I wonder why it i w ife iiuinieiera nearly always put in a plea of in sanity?" asked the iweet yonng thing. "It it because a man who could so cruelly uilitreat th. partner of hi joys and sorrows must naturally be con sidered mentally out of balance?" "Naw," said the Grumbling Bachelor, "the mere bet of his being married shows that he was weak-minded to be gin with." Cincinnati Enquirer. ' HUlallli Krwsrdf.1 liaron I Lava great conlilenee in tbet minister of ours. FVitert What gave it to you? ' Well, you knew, I wanted live d d lari to pay an inr-talluient on my bi. y c e. I dido'l know where in the wmld it was coming Irom. I ent to chut-h. and the minister recommended us to frearc"! the Bcrintuies. I went home and di j, and I found five do lars my wife had hidden away in the family Hible." Vonkers State-niaii. Danger Environ us If we live in a n-? 01 wlo-re malaria i- pre valent, it is iiccle-s to hope to 1 .-rape it ll unprovided with a medicinal saleguanl. Wlierevt-r the endemic is inot prevah-nr and malignant in r-oulh mid tcnti'al America, tin? V est Indies and certain por tion of Mexico and Oie Isthmus ol i'unama, liosietter's f-toinacli liitu-rs litis provel a remedy lor and prei-eim- 01 i lie uit-ease in every torm. Not Ii -- ellect ve is 11 in curing rheumatism, hvi-r and tel lies complaints, dyspepsia, biliousness and Iieiv-iUsiiess. l b- Old Vt ilirw .1 1 III .11 ., ' When KUa Wheeler Wilcox wrote the poem, having for title the eme heading aa t ti ts article, she touched a chord tiut vibrated iu thousands of hearts. For iyer'g Alujatuc, ' Tiie Old Yellow Al manac," ot the poem is intimately asso ciated w ith tli ' Uaye and deeds of a lare part of the worlu'a populatioii. How lure a part of the population this geu eral statement may include, can be gt tiered from the f.ict that the yearly issue of Ayer's Almanac ia from 17,t OO, WiO to 'Sb, 000,000 copies. It it! printed in twenty eiubt editions anil in mt' i-it;b-teen languag'-B, including, bes.ib Kng lisb SpaniMo Portugunre, 1 n 1 cti Gci inan, (Swedish, llsnisb, Norwegian, Holiem'hin, Welch, Italian, I rench, etc. 'Klie old B'yl alm, is lo iked upon by many as a relic ot antiquity, especially the "patent medicine almanac,'' whose j keg are the butt often of the very pa pers in whose columns they first ap peared. Hut there are almanacs aim a tnunacs. Ever since I r Ayer'n Alma nac baa lieen put out ii baa employed an high a class of mathematical and astro domical talent aa U available in the country. The result is that it stands on a par, in respect of the reliability of its data and its accuracy of its calculations with the U. S. National Almanac, and testimony to this fact is found year after year in the letters referred to the alma nac department of the company, from studnnts and mathematician in various parts of the world. In it p'-ruianence and reliability Ayer's Almanac stands an a very fitting type of the Aver Kern e die indifp'-nsible in the family and reliable every day in the year. The 1897 edition of this useful almanart is now in course of distribution through the 01 uggisfs of the country. Miss Jessie Ackermann will soon enter irs,ti liar iltttlttu aa uuulilant nd' t.ii- c,f the Fourth Baptist church of Chic go Thin or grav hair ami bald heads, no dis pleasing to many people as marks of age, may be averted for a long time by using Hall's Hair Rencwcr. Lady Harconrt is an American by birth and the daughter of the late John Lothrop Motley, the fanioua author of "The History of the Dutch Republic." She first married a Mr. Ives and was a widow when she became the wife of Sir William Harcourt in 1876 As sure as w inter comes, comes STIFFNESS SORENESS As sure as tVWMtVVWtaVMrtvi ANDY CURtulrtSTipATIOii I 25 50' I DC At T ". 1 l'i 5t V rrPt 1 1 mrt A j.Jt'UU 1 li 1 t" i; nr. ill 1 uul ijTt. nrvi - r.lo (-I. SI'CKMKO Kr.MI'ln "The More You Say the Less People Remember." One Word With You, S A POLIO r. aaaAAAas - - "SSVffT WW WW W KEASONS Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa. : rS'r-ua. mt WWWrrWrrWwW W P f J a cup. Be iur that you get the genuine article made by WALTER BAKER A CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Maes. I .Ubll.hed 170. CUTLER'S POCKET INHALER. LIFE I LIFE t Cftttvrrh, lnrlrlnl pnu- laiMloti bronchi tlit can lx curt in h Diotith. time (if our course of loaiutrtit. lubalfir. br uiftil, fl IS- f, H. SMITH,KO.,4,0Tur-ffls, I l?oiiiiiltS7riiip7 I ISM J M4t. I A litUe clril I often not only leada, but amuses liy original deacr ption of or dinary vents. Says the Pittsburgh t Clm ntcle : A je.dje a little daughter, j who bad attendnj tier father's court for i the lirst time, was very much interest! in ihe hro.1 ei i. hh. After her return ' home he told l er mother: '"Pipa made a an 1 several other men maae speech-14, to 12 men who eat all to gether, and ttun these 12 men were put in a dark chamber to Is- developed." 'Waltir Baker & Co.. of Dorchester, Mass , i;. si. , , have g veil years of bindy to the -kilful prctntriitiim of cocoa and, and have devised machinery and sv-(em peculiar their method ot treatment, wlie-env the purity, palntabilt tv. and highest nutrient characteristics are reiaiiifi. lhcir jireparat ions are known the world over and have received the ingle si indorsements from the medical practitioner, the nurge, and the intelligent housekeeper and ra'erer. There N hardly any 1-ioii pro'iui-I v iiii-li in;. : 1 "Xl-en- sively 111 I in tin- house-lioln ihina- tion Willi oite-r ioods a- r n ,, ; and chocolate: hut here aiiain we u .r .'. iui porr nice ot puriiy a. id nutrie'it v inc. anU these iiimori .lit i-oint.-, we teei .s rre, may he relied upon ill linkers t'o-oa and l.'his-olate." Jjietelic adil llyienictjacette. One of the hew dress materials ia silk gotiffree, which is thin feilk crinkled in a V tnetv of patterns. CA.sC4i-KTs htllllil iil- iv-T. K-'lDi-yilftUd trvWtSA. U u cltea seitii. a ir tfri: e. inc. liriiius broA'ii is a rich, tawny shade ot that color, found in cloth, velvet and corduroy fabrics Kii7 ;i:s I O 1 ATOI- l'KK Ar if r. lioh't believe it. nor did I he editor until be saw's sreat farm send cataliiguc It's woinlerful what a a ar ray of fads and tigures and new things and big yields and great testi monials it contains. i-eii'l I his Notice and t ) rnt !taopa to .lull 11 A. Salzer Seed Co., ha Crosse, Wis., for caialogtie and 12 rare farm seed samples, worth 10, to get a start. Mrs Krnger. wife of the Transvaal president, is soon to have a carriage for the first time. Catarrn Cannot be Cares with LOt'AT, APPLICATIONS, at they cannot reach the feat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it. you must take in ternal remedies. Hall s Catarrh Cure i taken internally, and acts directly on th blood and mucous sarfacea. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. II was prescribed by one of ihe beat physi cians in this country for years, and 11 a regular prescription. Jt is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the tisst Mood purifiers, acting directly on tne 1..V0 s tarts -. The perfect comt" ia . , .: i f the t .o ingredients is what wo iaii;S such V'Tjderiul results in cnriau t'alarrii. Send for testimonials, frrA ! . .). CHENEY At CO., Props., Tob -io. i sold by Drttggisls. prio? 75c, . Mrs. Framws Vlodgson Bu'tiett p 'cts soon to return to her hone in Washington. Jt'ar ir; a lor boi nr Cwirw. raudr cMbartte. t i liver .ud triW4l reauiA ur uiftiitr. Dr. Isaiah I.', sexton of sparta, Mich, is one of the thirty-three survivors of the war of 1812. St. Jacobs Oil comes, it comet to CURE. The ailment goes. lrWrSAArWriASrV CATHARTIC all ; DRUGGISTS j inn - asp of riinstiua'inri. Ciiiwrr-tj srr-1 lie lit tl Ixa-i r rrii or L-rifieJ ut ruji i:-sr rrsuluv Sara-i Co., CMcac. Jioalnuil. Cm., wfcew lorK. tt. .A. a rVSFrpP'SPrPP' P' FOR USING jrlti' Because it is absolutely pure. Because it is not made by the so-called Dutch r'roce.. in. which chemicals are used. Because beans of the finest quality are used. Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans. Because it is the most economical, costing less than one rent CURE YOURSELf ! I III ST I . I ( IV! WUUB WI(S aifjclurfi, HtBamnisitUrBU, irritfttium or tlc.rtiou ui luucouti tHmbr .. "I - ' lUlfil, B1IM1 out wim ArHtEvAIISCHCHtCUCo. ftur poiKnu, or unit in pin wrmp Ii m or 1 lu.ttiu m y ft. V. No. 4K3- Vork, ., IIMRIt WR1T1NU TO AUVKHTISBtM ' ! mf putt mw the adrwtla i la tkte patter f itlMl lftf liou not i tutfiur. . ltw4lPrsu Nuuita jr iaissaii,o.r