The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 21, 1897, Image 5

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    -s-- - ti- turn .i - a --k Wli J
L. J. Simmons, Kilitor and Prop.
F. r.H.V E. H.Tim tiV.
GoIuk West, otrfiir Kt.
fo , n.Uetl, ..1 :0)lKo. f. inljtpil 7:."tf
Physician iml Snrj-cnn.
All calU given prompt attention.
Office la I'm Ftore.
The rule of the local land office have
recently been amended so that settler ;
to tnk final roof Mnll ttle with the j
publisher tn-foro vndinj,' in their apt.lica-j
tinn. Ail p;irti i desiring to n.itke final j
proof can have the:r iert nade out at j
TllK JdfltN M. olti. e, friiO of charge, and i
promptly transmitted to the land o!!ice
bo tl at no tune vil In; dt.
!Ior.e.ty is the Ust policy.
--For information n ad TiiK Jvi
Men'i hints and fv;r.-j:it- at. cost at
Stienlc bids ni t t!'e ame fate in 1M7
ns tliey did in lHO and in I-".!.'!.
A will v.-,i!i Ikii ii to Mr. and Mrs. XV
II. lionsell on Saturday lit the homo ot
ilr. and Mis. (i. XV. Hosier. j
tAitmty ireasurer H''lile slartel on e vening f or Lincoln to make bis
annual Kettlenient with the stale treus
iirer and w ill watch the legislature at
Work. is expected home today.
It is ivpoileil that ' 'ominissionei's
X'eber anil Tinkhani toulu have IxiUfiht
t he resiuatiim of an dhcr county olli
cial with the county priiiluiK, but they
want il ho loore at any
A pie social will lie -riven at the
who'll hou-e on toueii...v ir'iil.i.)
evening, under the aupnes of the
w tiool. All ate ii.i itid to attend. The
proceeds are to yo toward the purchase
of a si hool library. The obj -ut is a
Worlhv one.
The weight of snow on the roof of
thu i, lied over Perry White's sawmill
caused the strui turn to collapse on last
Saturday. The mill was running at the
time and a utiiniier of men were at work
ulsiut it, Several had (lose calls but
lioiio were injured to s ak of.
A letter from Prof. K-w in II. Ifcir
Ixuir to the editor states that be e.xpei 's
to be in H.iiiivoo for a short time in the
near future. Tih-re are some d-.-tails
coin eriiiuc; the (oik-sr formations
wIik h he disi'overed which he desires to
A lot of snow fell on Saturday and
Sunday, and during a part id the ;
the wind blew hard enoui'h to make it I
if.meUiin of a bb?.ud. and al a r-esult '
the snow is badly drifleil, but while it
makes it b;ul to etiiround it leaves the
fTioiind bare in pl.o es so that stock will
lot suffer for feed.
Ff.I.I'W ClTIHTNN: It has leu
i-.sary tocopyri-bt my Hi-tnd Hook to
protect it. Hem u more delay. Beware j
of anv attempt to catch you n blood ;
1 hope to mi you soon.
Very truly yours,
II. F. Thomas.
A petition is In-in circulated askin'r
that A J. Bocart 1st appoint to be
losttnaster nt liarnsm under the ad
iniuislratiou of Major Mi Kinley and it
has Iwen signed by almost every one to
whom it has lieeu presented. There are
a numWr of n-iisous why he is teceiviiij;
supsrt amo u w hich may li mentiiined
that liu is an old soldier; that he is
thoroughly honest; that he has always
lsten a republican; that lie is built on a
plan to. broad l stoop to any
little (Hrlty or sneaking trit ks, ftii I he is
free from the laitioiial feehnj'S eiiter
taitie! by many, mid he has never before
Hou-ilil an olla e, ami ms a.Hjinimein .
would do much to unify the rciuhlii.ans
of this locality. In addition to the sue ,
port which he" is receiving at home
has the kicking of iulltieiitiiil j
t-ans of other parts of the slate and it is seated, mid on motion, laid over until licit
but reasonable! to Is-lievc that Mr. j on- tint,'.
. , - . . i The following si itiiiiieiit. of fees received
Hoe-art is m a very fair way to se ure , J! f ft ,,lllty ,,.,, fr ,,. ;,.,r
the place. ! emlliiK .tnmiarv I. i", was pr'M'nted mid
-On Wwineslay of last wiy k, K A. ; approved mid oidcn-d spread upon til"
Northup, tax agent of the li. & i ri'..rd:
., , i , .i ! Kees for ret iirdlnir linn ili-icn ts.
M. railroad coni-wiiiy uppeunsl at toe ol- n,h))r , !,,,, .rif.u;., mid
flee of the eountv treasurer and madi) a tllitrlet eourt fees ZtV,
" ! ('illltli( Intt l.t. ... . IIS ll
tender (if the amount of the tuxes due i ompliiui; s.-es-or' IhmiUs in
, , ., , t ' Coifiptlini- ro id overseer's lioolt 11 w
from his com)Htiy with the exception of j u,Ull( .-..rtiilcites of .-lection... :u
the levy for sts-ciul debt, fund, and asked ; 8lrv h e.-i k .f l..ird of county
' , comuiis-dniiers . e1' IF
that a receipt I "3 issued. As il partial j I.ipt.-s,,, po,i ie, etc 4i K
receipt cannot lie issued Treasurer' Total 1 .tiuz r,a
Iliehle declilK-d to comply with the re- im motion the enmity clerk Is ullowed
oucst, but acknowledged thf! leixlcr ' l -x:y clerk of the Irourd of county
i .i .i. .. - , .... i coitiiiilsdoiurs for tha year IWfT.
made, thus putt itii, the matter .n shae ni)llml ,.B)ltv Mll),.riK,llll,Mlt
to nllow the legality of part of -be j I(nt.rt vi per day for th tlma neeesss
levy to bu tested without, expensive , rlally ciiK-'it''! In ttm pcrforuinnce of the
litigation necessary. It Is an important
matter anil it is hoped that it can he s"l
lled in the near future, nt least, before
the time for making the levy for 1'J?
shall arrive, for if the commissioners
made nn error they want to know how
to proceed next time. There are Home
old warrants which must lie paid sooner
or later and if a Keci,it levy cannot lie
made, the only other way that is appar
ent U funding bonds, ami it is hots
thnl the county will m nblu to
VI Wis. 1111 IUW "1 "Hill"1 t.
cleaned up nnd care on tha part of the
, . ii.i.
people to prevent new del.U leing,
Hint. With the old warrants once
made, the need of ttiil debt lovieni
VUI rMty psKsetl. '
All who nr indebted to Tim JiXTSaI
ar hereby notified to rail anj wills at
oik, a all u li .vcnnnts will Is placed
in the hands of a collector not later tlun
February 1, l-97. Promt t attrition to
j tlni will save trouble and costs.
i Mis Minne Simmons in at Marsland, i
, the suesf of Sir. and Mrs. L. T. PK.le. !
i A. JMjmley was up from nunnini;
W'Hter the first of the week.
L. J. Simmon returned Saturday i liis trip to Oraiid Inland. I
J. E. MarsU Her and VV. It. Smith re-
turned the last of tha week from their
trip to Gennjr.
Mrs. M. J. Blewett, and toster. Miss
Louisa I-ind-man, went down the last of
the week to visit their parents in War-
bonnet precinct.
Frank Tinkhani r turne.1 Tuevlay fo
his mining -nni). lie expect-, to put in'
t' unnth more developing what they
have and ho. by tht time to know
whether or not they have a
pa j Itl i
The Field and Farm, of Denver, states i
that Major Dubois, of the Ilulmis breed- j
injf farm war Denver, lias discovered
that dried alfalfa h-aves make the linest
uli! it uIm for J.ipan tea, and that the
flavor is so like the real tea leaf that it
cannot be distinguished. If there is any
thing in the, discovery the alfalfa plant
' "," va"a"w' I,r,H",tl U1"
r"''-'-J Stat.-K.-Kearney .,.
1 ! - Old oaneiv. li .
ots per do'-n
; Tun .J". of!;.-.
CVcl at Tlif. .h I'llNM, otlic
our Until prmf p ipers Iii;ii
! ill cost von iK.'hin.
t I
' iiiul h:
t out.
orrp i a,.
KiHnivis, Si iiKi-i i, .Ismi'iry l'J. H';.
!!o,.rt of efoi.ity fi:mnls:o:ii-rs met in
u'nl ir -slo'i.
Cri 'i!,n.i''l'i".,ir Wetier. Jolni-ion
lltel TCU'l O'l ;Oi'l e!i-' V,
Mliiutei of 1 1.' me' tln'i were rciul nn'l up.
j prove.!,
i 'Hie fn'.I'.u It' If "HI-'Ill MfiTl! pr
e'l Mini on inof'.on liiipnc. e'l '
(iiHtnv NorcKcli, rojil overseer district
No. 3.
Iloherl -eser, rout overseer HMrict
No. I.
Henry !. ("loun'n. roicl overseer district
No C.
( Icirlesf lirnvp, Jmtlee of th peace in
( oltonwoo'l pree(:if t.
The M-tltloa of Vt ni. PliilUin ami otln-rs
liUil'K I l 't llli;ll!iili'l preeilu't lie e-t. oft ti
ll I'l el ill .trlet was prei-.e1 1-Tt oil motion
the t. rrtt-.ry eo -MprWiiH lliirhlmid j.roctiu-t
1i le r.-i.v 'l-i hire, I to V- ;i roel ! iel. :ct.
Tic p.'flttiei ot ') C T .I'.v i-i'l oi'ier-, it-U
', lei 'h it he ti- ,' .nte.l n ro el li li" t, nt'le,
! eoei'ie',,. !ni lit t he in-rt t' corner of tin
norlhwe.t mi.-irti-r ol n-etlon 7, toiVi-lilp 3.'.
j ranis-' W and riinnlinj Hi-iiee outli 'j tulle
! vie )i;t'-hli't, ail'l oil ocitlon tfrae!" !, iro
j v'.ile'!, 111 it he sal I r...l'1 at t. o-.i n
: I'Xpeilse, HI till eOll.lty 1I ' ' ' "" '' fall
! not iii.ilitliim n piittlht roel, mile., ttm sime
,H. w, B ,,.
t;,,, , tiUou ot V. Wolileter nail othem
iiAtiut that eountv l.rlte i. te.Ut wross
Mat i-reeW on .i-clliiii line het .v ".'lions
1 . iiiet I'l. tov,nll. ;'.!. rmiK" M, was taken u;.
ii-id ii-i million liiiiuiii-'i'iiniT John-on was
.ipiiinfd t vl said liralrfa site ittnl re-
i po.-t at the nem in-i.ii r
Th" sit! 1 a !t ot S-". .1. Hell"! me! . A.dar-
. ... ,i. ... ti,,, .,.1.,.,.! ., t V. .1.
' . ;v)Uu ,. ,tri.k rr, ti
ji,t r.u tin- re
-oil tha
llii-V lio nut
no no mil
Ik-Ioi.k in any
hool ill -triet. tuts taken up
I Hli'l lifter line coll-l'lel iilloii ne isiai I
i fou.i 1 that the st dements inietc In the uftl-
ilslts wen- true and, on motion, the tress
nrcr Is herel.y onleieii a n't lnslriicteil to
strike said schoo; tin tn.iii tha li.; t-
(in motion 1m ir l leljotir.ieil until flo'eluek,
:t. in , Januarv hi, 1VC.
M. J. Pt.KWr.TT,
( outitv I lerk.
lURitisos, NKiit(k (, Jai, nary 1.1, I'M.
Ho ml met i:s per ii'l loiiriiiui-nt.
lre.ent :--1 'oiiiuil-'-loiii l s Wi lier, Johnson
Iilel Tiuklialll niel I "elk.
lin iiiotlon lhe follow lint lippollitinents
were made :
s. It. story member uf sol ll -r's relief cum
uilttet'. Thoiims Ciirr.o. icises-a.r P. .snake ( reek
X. 1j, Humltii tnemt-ernf hr iml cotiimlttee.
Tl. ro,oii,4t of tie- Sfialier's relief Comlllli,.
.liri thit, j,,rrv u )n u uiUlW,.,i i..K, ,s i
prr ted, mid on motion, allow ed ;onl war j
rant ordered drawn on -oldu-r - relict Mud
'U4, M.ull.m..nt ,,, th r. 0Ver- I
w.r-(.,f tl! Vttrions road i;.triet ere nr.
ilnllvsof hi, oltlse for th. y.-ur 1-H7
The followlnif Is the etdiiimto of expense
for the ycur 117:
District court expen" f J.Vfl (XI
Sul tries - l.'M) '
stationery an re
UintlK i.nd lirttlK' 3,.ll li
I'rlutliiK iilel piihlisliliot , mm io
Institute - - 1'ti "n V" "
soldiers relief li noo
(Mtl.'l'ls f"es 7lfl Oa
S.t'lul llelll- 1,IH1 ID
Tntiil II,J. W
On niotloi. Tn Kimrx foi'STr Joiiksai.
Is lieeetit' Heleet(d hu the tifllellll n. tiler for
tho yer l-tiT.
(m moiloti tl.n coinity clerk Is hereby In
lm muiioii .iid.i.i.i..
sirneied to im.k.. r.ils.iin Mr tin
ess.ii y revei.iii. blanks for the year l.n
Ul( ;iiutit bual ,t .o,,, ,,,,.! ,
or the nee.
out (IftV
M, J. 1lLi rrr,
toutitr Clerk
Iilrinl; Fatal Accident.
A (hstressioj; accident occurred last
evening oar the itd Tuhbs place in Mon
roe canon. !
Earl Hoover, the IVypar-ol.l nephew j
of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Thomas, arrived I
from lie Muines, Iowa, to make a visit
yesterday, and was met by his urn !e and j
aunt aiul toward evenai-r tlm ti:ne, ac-
omani.-d l.y Sheplx-rd, started
for When near the place men- I
,i'Jnt1 l,MS 1;,J wa running behind tliej
wn;:on when a do- helofiKinj; to 11. A.
PWv ran a.ter He jimijU on
,,ie '-; and the i5og continued to fol-j
low and It wa Mie-e-.-sted that the dog
lie wared and Shepherd drew his revolver
and as lie went to throw it down on the
,"t 't ns accidentally lw -harmed am) j
; t' entered your,-,' Hoover under the j
j M 111 'war the spine lie-!
. . .
1 tweeu the hhoul lers. lie. was removed
"" "J tu. di.iil :nj huuiiiionvd I
but I".-was lvoial human aid af.d be j
:"xpirei alter u te v imui-s.
j The tad informatioii was telv'r;.iji1
vu paieinsii uie umoi ' uiiao: ooj ai
iJes Moines, and tin; d,s)s!tion of t!ie
. . I ... - ...... r . . I,
remains w ill not ! decided upon until
an answer is received.
j The friends are sa lly grieved and Ross
i Hln ph rd is almii-t Uvule himself with
. grief over the so! "l iu,; of which ha was
the cause, but as th .- sU otiu was pure
i Iv accidental he is bhuneloss, and with
the relative! of lb" deceased, he has the
deepest sympathy of all.
; Notlunu
' ( V towar
Aoul I hive a k router tcriden-i-'-stonn
pi'osH:rity than
some action !o-( ci.ivres to throw such
sufe'uar Is around banks as would
create absolute conf!d"nce in the minds
of people that money deposited by them
would lie absolutely safo and secure,
'When a in in Ikiitows money from a
bank the security must, lw e,it edj;.;, yet
when he dep"-it- any money his security
is onl v what coiifidiui'-e he may have in
the hones; y of the hank's man.igeuient ,
As a con ,i'ii.em:,. banks have to do busi
ness as t.iiouKii tic y i letl every dol
lar on deposit to be withdiawn any
minute. Alliance (Jrip.
Flur.I Proof Null -is.
Ail persons h'tviiiK lliiitl profit notice in
tills paper u ill !(', -i- e i ui.ilke-l eojiy ol' t he
tialsT 11 ft 1 1 are reipie-i'-'l to 1'xa.uuue thetr
iio'.iee mill il any rroi s t-xM leport the
same io till.-- oIIHa' at olie.e.
Timli r ('u'ttiri1 I'i a.ii.-N .tii-e fur I'liliiie.itiiui.
l.a.iii Ottiee at Aliiaaei. N' li., i
.1 -.Din o v la, Isii;. (
N'uMre Is lierei.v K'veu M tUdss
ste(i).e. til i,.;i-lirt-1 , .e!i . I'.us llle't ttol iei
ol I ili-ntion to in ilo- liual proof hi-lor" M, J,
li!e'f.. eleiK ih-lrl'-t eo.irt, 11 1 h.s oltiee In
It irrlfin. Net... on Me 'litli d.i ol Kcln tiarv,
l-'T.oii eil.lure n ipl :e.,l ;,ili No. 1,1,,
l or tile s. .j tot 1 1 ,v 11 . 1 j -a . of 4i-el ion Jo.
,;i, in tort u-iilii No. ;.l n., rautfi; No. r4 v .
lie itii-in- its vv 1 1 ne 1 1: :
I'liiil i'rres,
J' 1-.I-J ll. IfOOM,
.lotlll . Mevrr,
I- raiik 1. JU')iT, all of 'lllehrist, Net..
J. W. Willis, JR.
Jil.'ii Hi'inster.
Sierin's f'or-'i losi.i-e 'iili.
r.v vlrt"if an order of site U-m-il out
lot tie- l.lHiriet i out tot Sii,ll I tiiuily, Ne
i l,rii-k.l, Mioa a I'l l'Tinent ami deen-e ol
i I ' i! cei"-'ll e r '"'I'll'. I II V 'anl COiil t III 1.IVII1'
jo: Willi. on il. Male, lien jsiiiln 10. ill Oil,
j Hall-,, Jr., ail'l Miir, U II. Il.inleii,
! li s ,; lii'tili i. iii"l a Oii-t. I.eote . I',
i Id i A. ( oh!, il, el V , ,1 Mow I' ll, lis (leleml
j nuts, 1 v,l!lfi't live ',Mt U.l.V ol Jauil '.ry, A,
1 S'lT . at tell li'i'ioi i; la t ill- 1 nrenooii , n I.
; t ne ea -l 1 i on t. 'ioor ol the euuil, lioun-. In
,:" tuoiKi oi ll.lili-o.i, in -...'i i-i'iii'i.
,,,r,.r ,,. ,:.. ,,,,., .il .., ,,i,i,iii. ,iet,oii for
J ce.ll. the follow. UK real estate, situate 111
sunt eoiiMy, to wit.
Lot 'l iiree ,:',i the North l.nst (lu-ir-terol
tie-sonill West iliiiirter ami the West
Hall o( the -until Kant ijimrLir of section
Nineteen (Iti!. 1'ovMishlp 'I'hittyfoiir (Mil
I .llh .. ).,., u, siti-iy siii.l ' order' of sale
'in tin- sum ot la, uii'l Interest, costs
" l eei-rii!ii c-j-i
D.VVtll I'.tltl I.KTT,
j It. ;ni sheritr ol said County.
J. A. il.vnia.oKH,
AUomev for Plaintiffs.
look: here!
n r. :c i i-...,y
-v n : :.
, ..,.' ' ".--.i-i-vTS.
I will put you is a machine which w iil
elevate Trimi llflO guiloiiH to 22,000 gal
Ions per miniilo with the least possible
power. It tan tie operated by windmill,
steam, water or horse power.
It has been tried and its merits are
It is just thu thing to use in streams
where a portion of thu water tan be
used to elevate the other pot lion.
They ure cheap. They tire durable,
They are simple. They are up-to-date.
Prices on larger nmchines or on iron
work alone, furnished on application.
Write fur further informution to,
U T. POOLE, Agent,
Marslmid, Nth.
Sioux County,
TMlV fl Z TUP MfiMP-
1 111.. li'wiflL
Free Homes for More:
Than 5,009 Man. !
A HGW COUllty Wit H j
hools, churches
railroads, etc.,
Conta'r.c over fcrty-five miles
rail oac and has no county
Sir.ux county i.s the northwest county 1
of Nebraska. It is about thirty miles j
east and west by about, seventy miles j
tioith and south anil contains
of hi i ill. There an: niorebrii:ht . spark -
ling.sudtii s.rean.s in .i,e emmty ,!,,,
cm lie found in the same area elsewhere
in the state. It has more pine timber in
it than all the rest of the stale combined
I 'a -grasses are the richest and must r.u
trilious known so thai for st'ck-growiiig
it is unexcelled.
The sod varies from a heavy clay to a
light sandy loam and is capable of pro
ducing excellent crops.
Tlie principal crops are small -rain
and vegetables, iiltiintigh good coin is
,i ii -el .. i . ...
g row u in uie v. ii ley s. l lie v, neai , oais
rye and bin l.y are al! of unusually line
ipiahl y lui'l coimnuiul the lushest lour -
k.-t pi tees.
'The water is pure mid refreshing find
is found in abundance iu all parts of the
The county is practically out, of debt
and has over forty-fi ve miles of railroad
within its borders, has a good brick court
house and the necessary llxlures for run
ning the county and there has never
Ikicii one dollar of coiinly bonds issiised
an I hence taxes will he low.
Thu Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley railroad crosses Sioux county
from east to west and the H. & M. has
about Mteen miles of its hue, in the
northeast part of the county.
The climate i.s more pleasant than that
of the eastern portioji of Xebiaska.
There is still
OVER 800,000 ACRES
of land in Sioux county yet open to
homestead entry. It is better land ami
more desirably located than that for
which such rushes are made on the open
ing of a reservation. There -is no rail
road land iu the county and for that
reason its settlement bus lieen slow for
no special effort to net settlers was
made, as was done in the early (lays of
the settlement of thu eastern part of the
flood lie ded land can he purchased ut j
' reasonable, rates with covt riiiuci l laia' 1
iiiljoinin so that a pi-rs in .leva:'
:i ore oii'i (iia.r'. r m el ,. o :
i .1 ii. -i lilt !- lie .11!-.
Tie r, n'.v ,m out I."'.;) people i j t :
' i-oduly ami li.i'ie Is r.'oin f(,i I uoii:ui i,t!
i int. rc.
! llarri jii is Ib'i county sot and is s.l
! tidied on Hie I". K. & II. V. railroad, am! i
is us good n tov.'n us tiie thinly nettled
count ry demands, J
School houses and ,'hurches are pro- j
valed in almost every sol I leu.i nt and are .
kept up with (In times.
All w ho desire to net a homestead or ',
buy land cheap are invited to come am!
e the country lor thenc-elves and judge
of its merits. I lomesteads will not be 1
obtainable much longer and if ou wnnl. 1
to uso your right, and got Kill acres ol ,
land from Uncle Sam fiee it is lime iou ;
were about 11. i
Anronfl iTifl(n(r h nkntoh nnd flnttrrrptton mnr
lju ekly aniMi'iln, fine, wlirther mt tiivuntion tit
.tnli.tbly pii!' Initio, i (jomiu ideal Inin kf rb tly
rniih-l3ti(lul. (H1i4t n'i,;y hirm-curiiiir (mlmi
1h Aiiktico, Wo hnvw u WitnlttniMnii olTiea,
PfiUntu t nken thruaU Jlunu & Cu. tooulrQ uotico tu the
hftHKtlftill" llliiK.rnloil, Inrcosl cirenlntlon of
.in? hp lunlltlr. li air uii I, weekly, terms t.'i.lle a e.
tl.Hix miiiltlis. hlieelmen (xjile anil liANU
ULKJli OK l'AirSTB 0Ql JlUO. AdllrKU
301 Uteiv Yvtlb
Isidor Rlchstein,
Fmc Vanes, Liouors and
y x a
1 ,.1 1. ' ' - . . : m - ' f
i M H ! i..! ?: i', 1:1
I 4Mr A. Amm. -lX, Mj.,
Wq will send THE SIOUX COUN
TY JOURNAL until January 1, 189S
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