The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 21, 1897, Image 4
J The Sioux County Journal. PubrtTlftioo Trie. f2.00 HnlSHfd iu a 1UH. The ToWu Wwklr BUAf. V3FFICHL DIRECTORY. On l ist Wediv-miay afternoon B. F. Every intelligent f.mily needs in addi- -ct atf. Hi ricF.n: 1 Johnson tendered resignation an . tion to tl ir local paper, a B-vJ national j.., iioicomb.... nwnw ' count v cum m issi.mer for the tliird com- j weekly. The created and nt widely i K. K. Lieutenant (. mm ! missioner district to County Clerk Blew ' ett, and the same has been accepted 01 FICIfcL OF ClOi-'A CCUNTY. U JM'.tor. i-fiH-rcd nt the Ilturi-son jK-t an TUCKSOAT. JAJ:.'.KT SI. 197.- kn a f;enerjl family newspaper is the ' J. A. rhs-r T..U.,Wtr rtPuW F.rimrtv vears Ka,'- M.Kre.. ami a successor will be appointed vy tiie it hasiwena r-B-uiar wsi-.or hi . j ..s.riinr-liu: county clerk, county treasurer and j part of the Uuion. and is well known at j h. f. ntox-ll county jmLje. but as yet no one lias i almost every ou of tlw TO.GuO .nst-jU. K-CuibcU sui been selected. I oi!i -es in the country. It is edited uitli j sMtF-MrtSAL For more than a year past there has ', r feiem e to a national circulation. H j5m u, Tt.nrtjn tna mere rr less friction ltweei Mr. is a paper, ti t ''" of U ! Wi:,. Allen I Johnson and sou. of tins other official 1 politics tak it because c:f it honesty and ill- It.". !iu- culminated ia his msign- ; and fairness in tlte ihscuviion f all pub in' over the making TllL. &.TX "'- TV I .nieslion. !t i the lavoiite laindy r.jary of .-tate Auditor irt'ey . Tnnmir r uton.ey teiieril l-i,nd Comiiii-ionei t. rubric Instruction HEI.f:r..VTIiN: I. rv .Vn:it;r, Oumlm 1 GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Ititrt Yon. Offer of chop reading matter you can't j affjrJ to init.i. During the ffr-at campa'fio foj-l Prompt attention given to u!i 1 gal want new-.paper and want tii- m while matu.r j, Justice, County and l t-trU t they are fresh and newsy. The Semi- j Cnnn .,,, lx.fl,1() ,,e l'ixKd KtaUt Week I v State Journal, Lincoln. Neb., ' I mailed i-"" Fiia Insurance in rtli-hie i J. 1!. stri.n 1 I). II. M.rier, ; C. 1. Mrik'rjokn i K. J. Uahlcr, supplies the deman.1. as it t ice a week from now until January 1. for S cents, or from now unt.l January 1, ! . fvr one dollar. The tor, Miuilio.n j tvieI1ty-li ve- nt proi-OMtion ta'.; you ta"lii"M l,t'1- V"1'"'" ! all tlirouu-h tha .ainp-u-n. pvc, ;o,i the eleition returns auJ tnroun nai- Jm-RXAL tlie o!!icil -i(er of tlie- cyuulj j a-r, sooi-th:n (or every mem-, e; Aii.lnw , forlhevear 1!7. Had ( 'onimi-iMoueis U r of the h.,uyit.dJ. S.-n..l stories, i O. M Kem. the hoiwhold UVIwr ii. l TinL-iuiii l'..ll.iived II i exam- r in' a II. I liuiuor: pie set by lieri!f, tie county d-mrtiuer.t (best in the wurlJ.!. loiin . A M and the county supenuteinletit ami di- ' Folks, Sunday Svhoo! Lenn, Tal- t. O. repirdeii their otln i 1 oath arid i'iiorl : niriKf S"ninf tb hv!'otead, tti- I. I.. u. v. 3 Mh tan I'u'ii.-rtou J Aurot it 1 t loiiil t 1 llrukca lior 1 .otirnnit-s. jiajvrtt carefully drawn. H.VJtlil'ilN. - .NtilUA'-SA. H. L. SMUCK. last week the Crawford tritium en-, t -red upon the tenth year of its exis-! ( and in ;.akinj of it id. Kett hum ; l'ke occaon to rttuark t!ut no fAi'"' j v is ever .tMu coruia.iy t:ateu V '-1 tlMJ .ttt Bn1 j Mr. Johns. in tak-'. Q.i.rtiou Bureau tw I. . inand rtiscals aad l.e add a list ' ' i( r I0111 j:li, j,,a;NAL thill to tt,K, njto.uf lor mWrilrV, 1 -.vntv-oce tx-oplo who have otten.p t i run nil oopo.vlion paper ana lell a ; . , , . .,,,,,.. Si. Inus i ;tm.- eia.llv ,-.-! proof that thOM. w ho lend their. ' " ' UM u eive a. the ' on application, and ,1 wdl send u a ,-ives as a tool to advance senf mes of. , , it 0j f,lrf!e-. w.- w .ii mail a copy to -'iers oveet with a common fate a.lur. so that even It is hoped that the legislature will make provision to pay the bounty on uii-ar haets and chicory which has len earned. A numiwr of hills have Wen I itrotiucel for tiie repeal of the law, and jt. ts safe to sav that no bounty vviil 1 provided at this session for the future, t.nt the contracts were made last year villi ihe unJerstandinsr that the bounty uld be paid and the sta'.e cannot lord to avoid keeping its promises by kmg advautae of a 1 was legally entitled and attempted to : irive it to Mr. J lms .n's tiet, who win chances are that no vacancy aooid now ' exist on the board of commissioners. The lav on the point is as follows and j l is certainly plain enough an-wer.s ipo s m! in as f the n,d other special seut. ance of this i-ar. A dollar for the great twicea-week a;er from now un-; Ptshior.ab! B:.rbcr& Hz'lt DreSSCT. til .lumiarv 1. IsiW. is the hitTsjest offer 1 I ... . .. I. All !..., I. .... i JI'IIH ! tllY ' I el" 'iaue 10 reaui is. i'"""1' j rwtt rlilef Justi.s . Cohimlm- j campaign, nil thioiiirh th Nebraska ; . H.o r.ii .4'te J'l'lifi-, i.r.'ii Nlatel i isiature, t'i cttnert anil the inatt:ii- . Sicl.iV -ia'ti;'', 'W ti't . .... ... . 1 ration .uiipiH'iu.'. u iu Hiei i;eiMii'-r, ..iiicotii OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. KAZlDtS AM) S-v:!hSVH!S ITT IN OKII'Ji. KtKTKKNTH JI IjH I AI. W-TRHT : I M. 1'. KinkHi I - Jiel' O'Neill j W . ii. V -tvei ' i'Uoh.ilie ' "... J. ill" ni tt Clerk, llarri f a new pr.iile the war has s i many ii ! interest to the tiiasss't nt vcr ..en's of a -rowde s.nce ; vital ; I ir.'.o trlt' 1 A CHll wish to rtio lunik Only f 1 a year. ! i-;it.-! a cluO. ttri1' tol ''' Addifsa Tin: IJi.aIR, Toledo, k)hio. CiI'MV U Ui'l i: those county oilicials who have gone contrary to it cannot plead as an excuse j that th-y coul.i not uivierstand it: ; Ma'Tios ISJTJ.-Tbel no nesip .er sh-iil tie eounl'ier.-l u . sal newspaper lor the palill j ealio'j of legal ..r.(t otteT olheiul noticen un- j !ci the stanie sliali h.iv e k ito ia flile eireilei- ' tton of at least an Copies weekly, ami t.Jli ! have tx en puU.l-lKsl ithln 'tie couuty for i W uecejive w.-k prior to the puniiealioa .of sui'"a liuticeii. am! ! primal In or 1 In jirt lu an ulliee uialat iiuJ at Uil- plocv ol pu!tie'..t:on. j I "sKcT'ov .;:; -That all Irjril aiil other of rrrr i nVSal notices be p-ibii'tiel fa a leenl ! Among the bills which have len in-1 newspap-r 'lentie.! p. sc tio-i I !'5Ti of , reduced by Representative Slieldou is , till. aei. ami that the ffl lo.t of lo...'.i j . , . ... . ,. tlou .liall tuW ihat .,. is a a,o for araendintr the constitution so l;,nj, ,.r, ,,.,, lim,,, ,a..ii b.- i apply the Initiative and Referenduui. ! m..,:l rx i,,-!h-of (m " i rlhould the bill pass and the pri'ed i With such a law ivs that tu- comniiH-! .intendment re :eive the requisite numl'r ; 5! oou!! not legally do otherwise. , if votes .t the election in l'4i a e"r'"-lt ! man d,d Messrs. Tuikhaui and Welier for i-lsaajr would be mad in the law-mak-1 the publisher f no paper but TC Jvn-, jno; a;thods, but as it cannot be made N4L jn Sx.ux county ran truthfully : e!l'ef:Uve in less than two years there is ,llukl; the a ffaiavil required hy la (or p'ecty of time for lookiujr it up. A bill ' wV.-ral months to come. It is true that , ,'(,r the repeal of the Russian thistle law : jH;a ,-,tiees have been (mbiished in an--viil meet the approval of all. for H is a ; oilier japer and at the last i.-mi of the oseless as tiie auti-t.reat law w hich has ! district court Jud-,- Wetover allowed ....,m!-iwl Statutes for a number Look at This List of western ('on .140 Omaha St. Louis lCinsiiS City itdoes'tit matter w visitine;. The Hurlii)';' St, Joseph l,!iii oln llolii rt Wi'.hom M. J. iilewetl.. j I ll.l-. ltien!. ... V. II. J. r.rttt.... J. !.. i'liinni-y. ii. y. nio-iia-.. M.J. I5!.-.-ll.. County JiHee ileik ...TreaMoet sti t. I'uOHc iii-truellou -le i III r . Coiiinrr snrveiol Cl. rk 'it J'l-tiii t ' .eirl sixteen months, us there will l ilurti. : this ieriod. The Semi Wvs '.l.v Journal 1 is almost as ood as a daily. S-n.l.your j older direct tr k'ive it to your past-1 master. I eir.i.'it . ul In ie utility lltol m y ! nver U-.ut-v .,oed iich J on in'.en.: j M in lloute is the! 1! 1 l-t hue to all as it i la any one ol 1 them. Advertising matter and full informa tion about trains and rates on apphca Uti. J- FitASfts, O. P. & V. A. 1 Omaha. NeU llOAltll OK l .)M,Mis-!i)NKl:s.- Kr :111k 'i iekUaiii ,. ('1id.ira1.01 1 . 1st IiUit i;.'l i J. W e).er t Ju'llisou .. 31 I.Ki.tsI.ATIVK: . i. stem ai t 11 nt or, li-t So. 1 1, ('Rtivfor'i Jie.i;si'y...l:4 ji., Iiii. No, 4:, lleailniflotii each tls-rees in forefosiir on pohlicit- Somci'ni'.is fr Nothiii'. In addition to l'ivmm two pnju'r v,.-li the Seini-V.'eekly Stat" Journal now ivi s .o encli (H-is-.n sending 1.0t) a ln-e .!- oiiiiiii. You mii have your eho'ce of toe T.dedo Hi ide. or New York Tribune. O:' you can hc.'.e any tii,.-se i...i'..r-i fiee: Poultry New l.der, .r:ll N-.-s .oi l W.-mriikiiid. iluieitvils .. . "e 1 ir-: pr-mnms, such as a splendid At! is. State Journal A'.ma liae, Umt-.l Slat.-, History, etc. rwod VU.1.A..K ill Kl t.KS j h lii'liva r U'hii ii 111.1a , ... I .:. '.V. se.ft i ! II. j tV. II. M .1 .teller . 1 1 1 1 uai ii. 1 I.. J. amio.irt . . 1,01 l-i l,el :.ll-l Tru-li At a Miiinlreil Juncti'jn points 1 in Nebraska, conned ions Hre. made with j Burlington IJfiule trams for Chicaco, SI. : Loins, Kansas C.ty, Si. Jjsepfi, Oumha. I Lincoln, lienver. Cm;, enne and Jeynw!. j Our maps and time-tables show-itif: where, iien and hoe,- our tram run ai.t! wherein they excel the trains of other lines Hi many important r.cts, ai" sent on remiest I re?. Always ;liul to ipjol! rates and (:ixr information. J. Fkancis, O. P. & T. A. Oniaha. Nehtasl a. Clerk ..Tfeii-ui.-r a la 1, ! ad, ami y hon't far.. t t III liter f.. ! us vour iiat Tut. .hiri'NAi st ill'.d V. hell seie r t'ie j imaii ' oilier. We I ail b.l- t.i t: rcpna Til 'ii", K;;).:ti;. T bulcs CUIP ttansca. Klpns Tah'.ilc -: driif-'pie'f. I.'.pann Tahyhn cure d'.xzln'-fcii. Hipana Tabule uttifl duflr'.ien. n.paQ3 Tubules eoiC i.r.".t 'i. P.!pan T.'ilojleK bdiousnrrs. F.liuns Tatule.:: one kIvks reli- f. Hijiipr Tabtili's: ?"iit!c rathir; !c. i; Taruh'3 uirf fon'''jj?:!..n. Tahiiies: pleanani laxA'.ir. Taoult3 cure liver t'O'iMes. Nortli-Western LINE v.. n. & m. v. n. p.. in tin to ai.ii from the l-st SUGAR BEET FIELDS -Or :TH Nr.HHASKA. Veil money. two of 1 . 8-vhie ' s. if., 01. 'KlcFR: it Jek , el' ,.f years. The bill which is of the most jmrvertanca to U.ia part of the state which be has introduced is one which W tbnt. n nerson olferinir dressed 1 Kil'.l istttet 1 oar!, At ..ten ."1 hi. I .None ..1 .ii ( unit, At 1 -.1 : . . 1 1 I a v of e... ii it cut' !:T- U ll'T l-'OIl, ltT '. til. iii.i rlon, iiu'ii 1 a. Ollei tor i .ii'xlelalol j .. 1 !e,v.UI et ! eot'inienees ( eoiiiliil'iicev 1 J,. Wy VI fj ouu ujiu cujs. LIY-SHiT, Feed and Sa!a i tion. but it is safe to .say that the proof postal cam r-nuesi lor ieiuium usi. lof publication was not read by the court, 1 You should reao toe Joui.mi oiu land at the next term of the district legislature, no mutter wUil other papers be asked ! you i-eitd at otie r times, ioil UiUrt t .a. .11 to.t of the'. i: ..i ':e i ;,. t !, 1 eufl vfm r n.oiiev to the Slate Oel lor sale snail o.i nw .i.... ... j (-oiiiii-iii Miei m s .ie; on . ...- , . animal with the meat in order that til j proof of which doe not conform to the j Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, to get any purchasers may know the brand of the l lW in,.ej above, and if such acts do j of these free premium. animal. Such a law would do much ti 1 not lruj,,.at a conspiracy by the attor-j , A v ry it' pudn:atioi, hnsust , heeii issl by the ptuse'i-r .Jejiartmc-nt i ( III' lit 1 IKS AMI soi 1KTIKS Met!nsllt smi.l.iy -eliisil me l:i y leor. liui4 l II .. J. K. )i iKTt:LI.i..i, W SU. 1 Uitemlf ut. it every Sun It. Dins. s,n-retH.ry 0 u .uhiisher who. made tlei nfli hivit to def-jat tile law and i , Such a law would do much ti 1 not lruj,,.at a check the rustling of iieef, and while tt . r,v the sheriff and the would put luinest men who sell oiess;J beef to a little trouble it would be of deceive tiie court it i hard to conceive j 0( y, Kurl.u;;ton Hoiite. It hears the! great benefit to them as it would pre vent them from having to compete witl .n:i!i:y tit sK r Me. ts hei otl'l the eo:.l t !ee.- 'ST, ... SCO. V. It. Moll. In)' tu erti h lllolltll ill it l i-oa. II. h. '.:i encore, oa. and .. i ,l in tl.u .ass of t title. "The Newer North-west ! the county jud-re and ll.e county S!,per-; ' 1 rlif 1(,rthern tha rustlers in the market, and it wouiu iutendent there is no excuse. Consider-1 weorum-anil the lilnck Hills of South vomni'T a ik. protect the stock owner from the raid j i,. the law quoted above and the fart i Dakota whadi are raclied by this com- of the rustlers. The law would cause jn t,e ciise, the people can dec:J wlietli- I pauy s lines. no trouble to the people in the eastern j er thB individuate whom they elected to j . j! l part of the state as the fact that the ! otliee and who have knoin;!y and wl- J tjaIls f .-oni.try arw treated of with ale cattle are not branded there would j fuiiv n(, (smtrary'to the law are lion-; lute fidelety. ioO pa-jes with illustra- render the . law inoperative. The bill 1 est men, knaves or fools. On that uV j tons, sotit ought to go through without op.position ' cisjon rest the verdict of the public on j stamp. ;f it is presented properly. the action of Messrs. Welier and Tink-1 -:.: ; ham. If the people want officials o dis-" - The tweoty-tfUl annua! session of the ( regard the law those commissioners are Nebraska State press Association at ojen to censure, but if the 'jeople want Grand Island last week was one of the the affairs of the county conducted ac- !: lure on receipt ci in ceins J.F;:anc..s, .p.& T. A. Omaha. Nebraska Hiiwrrlblim forn Maiiztiiu See the Bi'st most largely attended and most mUr- j tr-Kr.-; to law the two commissioners estir.g and instructive sessions ever held. I are to he commended. iBome years ago the main object of the; The rsulers of Tin; Jorn:.'A:. know that meetings seem to be to afford one set of j jn the past Mr. WeW and the w riter men to enjoy (and sometime abuse) the i have differed widely on the application jiospitality of the lo.-al committee of the j 0f points of law, and the same different- j city in wbicb the meeting was held, for j st,,n exists, but when the l.i.v is plain no j C.oother set to arrange Tor an excursion ( ms can accuse that otllcer ol willtilty 'o some distant point, and still another j violating it. ie;t to use the organization to some ex- j Jt may not lie out of place at this lime lent in a political way. But all that is j to give the renders of TilE Jol'lC'AL a lit changed. The bummers have gone the j tie information as to the causes which "ay of their kind in any profession andjied up the to the resignation of Mr. ie.ive either dronned out of the ranks or I Johnson. Something over a year ag t a few persons, lured by some successes achieved concluded that they could run Sioux county, but like all little rings emores w(Mir!i;.v orniK woiti.j'. Iarrii.'ui t'liinji, 'u. i;i, iiiiii. oil c.ieli ein.ite Wi-lnes-iiij eve.ilii. vv. ii. bit-iv tv. I., iidvt. cu tk. ( mi. ( inn. M'lDK!!'; ITiKWilKS OF VitKttlt'l. Mvfli e-scli aiteriiule s.,l,iri.iv eveuiiig lit HO'iliKk. A. Ii. !., V.l. ; J. W. SMITH, Clerii. Kl'WdliTIl I.KA.JI P. Regular li-,wnie- ii.e.-iin,; (ir.t 7 ael iy ct'iiini in e.ieh iiioiitii. C. i... ..u.sTia.l.i:n, W. II. Iian-, rie.-!.!i :.t. -4:eeet.iry. Feiotioji.ti:.eeii:i e.-.-ry suia'nv rveaiiiK it 5. J. l l.AHK. r.".eler. JINIOI: I.Kll.PK. . Meets eaeii Sme(,iv i.tteriewia nt 2-rw. Miss. l. si. i.i'i.- oi.u, supi. TERMS REASONABLE. cir loior rs GIVE fIE A CALL. N. D HAMLIN, I'UOPK KT( n THE fES7A3L13HE0 1022. IERCIAJ BAi T T T liV i I Harrison, Nebraska. AN UNPAKALLED OFFER. lemn-et' Cat Taper HtUteriw are tin- niot pr.u tiea1 on the uuirket. 1 hey are of any rflxe a liii'illljer of 111' 'I a s ay at home. The excursion-seekers :ire still on hand but have come to be men who work hard and seek needed test in such a trip, while eery parlical (f politics has lieen eliminated from the jirjfaniiiilion so thiit now the representa tives of the g. o. p., the fusion pops, the luiddle-of-tlie-road pops, the silver dern- lioiiK-liuUl eo-jlU re- each Copy of tln !alarine j printed a coupon eui tloig the siiii-cii'ier, or jiiirehaM-r. tu n pattein (worth ami n Zu lu I y wild for 3's..; or nny iiumlH-rof patenij lor loin tents each to cover pekiiK and postage. When the viiiueof the pi:tP rn lu conni'Icrcd tiie tulisirllH-r Bctualiy eU DEJIOKESTS MAGAZINE I-RIvE An I hat is u:.ia.iiie it !sl l or isti? It ill Is: nioie 1 riiliioit than ever before. New iiiiiiiHgi iiient, new iin-Uio K new Id. s. Kaeli ropy contains mi exiUisitc reproilac GO TO THE NEW that have attempted the same scheme in j tion In colors or wine ceiebraU-4 pl tui-e hy was recoirnized that they I rtlst, wmthy to u'lorn the wnlls ,,. . , t,, r,... t . I of the most rcliued lioaie. Il isiiniriiie.1 tlinl would have to do up The Jo. hnaU To j 1H M1U,T ,h(! ollly tll,llU;l,! luuIy accomplish this a tool was found in an Mhg.u.lllP cmuiulnK ii r the most ese. l individual who by all rule of manhood i(.:;t points of iu .:oiiteioor:irlis, tnnl les ncrats, the gold democrats, and the pop- j am political ethics owed allegience to huvli, mimltuhle fcture.,! lUonii. 1.M- THE JornSAL, and by playing upon the " -- It is a Dixexi of Current Eeiit mid Ide.iis for the Imoy man or woman, a Hevle hud a storehouse of Interest lor nil Wlve, inotli et, nlsti'Lianit daiifciilen Can lluii i-XHetiy i what they need to iiiiiQoe mid Instruct He; icrats, meet on common ground and the meeting last week contained as many firoirressive, brainy men as could be .'at!iored from the ranks of any profess ion in the state, and they met Tor the pur jiose of becoming still more proficient in their profession. The program was pre wired with such view and the papers prejudices ol" people and with the as sistance of oilicials who seem to have more desire to vent a little personal spite than to comply with the law, they hopetl to gain their point, out some ii.jii- . ti.-.d helps iunri y dep. i iia-iu ol est men are in ofll e in Sioux county i tomwUt 'ImI llf. I ludluK the '" and the scheme failed and Tlli JoCKSalI mid oraan.entli.c of tin- hoiiie. en. Ilea! Market FOR Fresh and Salt Meats, Oysters, jFish, Game, Lard, and Poultry. E. B'!K-sTH, 1'ie.iident. C F. form, Vice-1 reiiJent. D. II . GKISWOU). Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITA L. $7,0 000. nsacts a General Banking Busmecs. COHIvK-SPONTiKNTS: Amkpican Exchani.k KitiosaI. Ban-!. New York, Omaiia National IU.'k, Omaha, FiiisT National Bamk, Cha-lron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. j siot 'i nv ATT, ttrTS ny r.i miJ lliii;,.;nnii wl.i..h fr.llr.wMl ,.lln..UJ . I- I I.J j.lfleial uu,,, t '.B I nroeicO, Olil-4 in ill, i ' ., ' ol all kinds, ele,, 'Li. tjiOwtMf we interest; umen anu aiso ; heathen rage. '4.dicated the' sturdy manhood of those : ;t,g4 rn newspaper work wjo vvere -. rfnt, and demonstrated that thd indi vidual who is in the business as the cats- ji iw of some more powerful, must get in ,riial:c mid f.oi. y k and i.jfKlioin'' loci advUe re Kit r. IP ( tilt; well ht..ii(f i,U liii; of the. r ovi a persons. Tn the niiikrt-iin of the committee of, The seooe of ll.u urtieies for 15 .oil if the house of representatives the north-' will cover the hole com. iry ! i. . . r i it i- i ci i.i. : ' Intwresli.. and the in lieles w.ll i- I i '.;iie.y west fared very well. Col. hliuldon m lh 0...t rf,.,v... aa t. chairman of the committee on Public j ,n Hli,lui)l)i t. ;u jmiuiiu tiie i- : .u.., pu.- (Kjsitioato stand on his own merits and ' Iinds and Buildings, which is an iui- j ,.t a.-iwi.. It tr.-. u i aingn. "in i .eo t de, of lUmt:.Jil to iien t. nml "Our L.lrls." I Means; Township and County Bounda- j ,,. u wtiiiy syiii(suim ly( l.d.r..teil i ries; Privileges and Elections; Rules; i people, In whleh we .licuie.l ImporUut ! Apportionment; Public Printing; Irriga- j qnestlotw of tb ol iiitt(.et to theoeier j tion. The matter, wlmh Will M in 111" hav(! ymir ,Ilb,eri,)tlon ftt ouce.j hands of thosa committees will be t'" you K,.t mre vsiu.i for your money than It vast importance to the state and THE i pu.lde to neetue In sny other tiiaa .zlne. ...jt the part of a man if he hopes to be j portant one, and is a member of the fob j sport.. Home A,i,-s. i..e..M nsidered as a newspaper man, for the i lowing committees; finance, ltnu thH (lia,,r,,-, i)v:..r, rtiack newspaper, the quack doctor and 1 1 -jack lawyer nil belong' in the same idaM, and must sink to the same level, f "reat credit for the success of the ineet jnjr at Grand Island is due to the retiring (.resident, W. E. Dayton, of York, and f4MUry F. N Merwin, of Beaver City, lUid for the cordial reception and delight f til aoeial feature' thoa who atWmle.1 vllrer reownlier the local press com DPrtoICDEi 1:-.S:1 L. i:Oli POULTS, r n'.uZS, ! . LOW--NU EVEKf-TiilNU . HY LINE. ' COIViE AND SEE fIE E. E. SMITH. SI.OO -tKe- $1.00 The Greatest Republican Paper ij the West. J TT i th! mmit utalwatt and unswerving Republican Weekly pno- X hihed lo-lriy and can nlwayj be tehed ipon for lair and kooest re-J nirl .if 11 nr.l i ,i-:i 1 flfi-,ir, ports of all political aHain The Weekly IntfrOcean Supplies A'l of Hie New J iji-A- ami the Best of Current Literature. 1 It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Willioul a Peer. Journal believes that when the real work of the session comes Mr. Sheldon will drop the partisan bickerings which he displayed in the opening days of . the rtrfttM od Dorl of Ornial Island. For session nod display in his work the tlx erlng year P., VL Kimmell, of Mc- ability and broad-mindedness which he is Cook, elected fwwddent, and F. N. known to possess, and by that course ae ( coiuplis.i mucu lor vne state, ana esfwe- ially for the part of the Mate wnicir m rvprtaepti, f J'-' 'min,ofBvrOity, wae. t-elected fjJUary ffl tntt.yn o"t an- The M:igaine one year fur J.U, Or jl3t tuoiitlts for - l.'w. (Orel1 K0 dlffereiit (fsrineuts nr uliow.-i ewli J"er, pHtU:rii of all of wlileh r oh tahishle 1y Biitjwrltjer lit in. !). Htiiupk' copy (w-tta pattern coupon) sent for 10c. , i. i.01 IfBt-ISftlKO t ". , , . HO ni'Mi Amnu, New York. ' a i.mcmLormH. oskra.!'! iTilE SIOUX OUNTY JOURNAL OEMORBST-S FAMlLT MAUA7.INK. r , fetid Tur5,Vc'l?ll'"',,'',l(Jic. Opposite THE JOURNAL olllce. HAitpo:s, NkuitAsrcA, GASOLINE engines. irom m wood PUMPS Its Literary Columns are iquril I to those of the best megazlncs. Its Youth's Department Is the I finest of its kind. ....... Hbrlntrs to the fomllv th Sew. of llm l-ntir Ui.rl.l sod given the hem and shleiv Uirciwalorm o' ii ii'i:-siiei, of rtxuv. ll.e Inter iiimn uivei) irt. pr. m rn.u'mi in .tier mi h week und lie I n K .oilili.lir.t In I hiriro 1 letter kjHi.lil u, li,r i.,. nt Ibn ieopi west of tbn Allnuhany Muuiilainj iuau m:y niit r ppur. of all kin: I. H'-Upte mud rilrtianki Win, mill Tuwen, Tuiika. Imi our, OuiliM. Ili. Iiriiinc li'-lfl'l.;r- Shllrri..Wo'1'l fkwt Ilil.B I'ljinui. Ptw.. t-IIIIDfl,, M- jroea. unit I'lilrlJffn' NtuBdanl Hralnt. I' a. Urn. iH ih Ijeii. Sen I m CAIai&iruei. FAIRBANKS, MOUSE & CO., 1193 Farn-m ft. Omahi. Nab, Prf- nf Tinllv by mill t t) per ymr I'rte of Kue-Ur .y mini i; no .,r yenr bally iind ttunuii) ! liij;! ,....y,M pi r r AdilressJHK IM I.IOCI"AX, fclcuao.? Tie Daily and Sundij Edi- tlom of The Inter Own m the tot of their kind .... J )