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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1896)
.rf J, r 11 ft Vafariaa W Vnblaa. j Crepoo, ao much naed lat yer, I.m taken rank among tha despised fmbrict. In iU placa have handsome cloths with a smooth and glowy suilace, fancy cashmeres, canvas, etc., for Uilor-tnsde , (own. Linings of outside garment! will he 1 showy clisreter and a litrht glaces will remain in vogue for lining dree skirt. In all designs of costumes tilk ran be used with good effect either visibly or Invisibly. Chirairo Rord. 1MB Mlllll.KN MOTIIKR llu found lliHt I fr littleonnure itnprnvrd more lv the pimrtatit Hyrnp ul Figs, wtirn in need of the laxative ' rite-t of gentle renwdy than by any oihi-r, and that it in more acceptable to them. Hnldrrn enjoy It and it benefit them. The true remed v Syrup of Kig. is tiisntilartured l.v the t ahloniia Fig Syrup Compaiij only." One gigantic f-t i, of Dista Rica grasshopper lavs 2.O0 egtrs in a single Jaying season, which extent's over but three weeks. Mr. Wlniinw'i Booihino Tacr tor fhild tro u-ethlnr. tultant tbe zunii, rt lucr fiiflain DOtlun, .in.rur win J cone. Jx bolt I The easiest way to nuke some men ai -gry is to compliment their competitors. ' Comfort to California. Yes, and economy, too, if you take the Barlington route's personally conducted once-a-week excursions which leaves Omaha and Lincoln every Thursday morning. Tourint sleepers clean, bright, com fortable through to Kan Francisco and Los Angeles. Second class tickets ac cepted. Only h for a double berth, wide enough and big enough for two. Write for folder giving full informa tion, or call at the depot and see the local ticket agent. J. Kkamik, (ien'l. PaiVr. Agent, Hurling:on Houte, Omaha, Neb. r' fiW Bpidera' FyealKbt. Flow far away can a apidr see n Py? After several years of lugi nioun ex perimentliig Mr. and Mrs. I'ecklMm, the imturaliHtK, have concluded t!i;it the grentewt distance at w'.iic.'i hpiderx are able to see objects d;sHntl.v 1 about one foot. Hcyond that dixuie", then, we miiy nsxunie that a fly caught In a spider's web would 1m- wife from detection by Its enemy, If Its move ments and struggles to get away did not lietray It. The same observers think that spiders have the senses of color and smell, but feebly developed. A million ioliars in silver w ill weigh 50,931 pounds, or almost twenty-eight and one quarter tons. mie Hired r. 1 ot one Dollar I tnu only of Iom. SartaiitrUlrt. j:H nmt for your money and r ulir trun ii-oti(Un) when you liuy Hood's Sarsaparilla VVIilcli pur tun the l eoi ; inl nin-s catarrh, etc Hnnrl'c PS He "' H otili ),lll o take IIUUU S I lll ,), . , TMi-nninnlla. IMimlea in Guiana. It Is reported through Selene that sn American commercial travele'r In tiillHiia has recently discovered in tliat country villages Inhabited by little lu ple, averaging only about four fe.t :ind a half in height. Humboldt, when In South American ninny years ago. heard stories of dwarfs living in thoMj te glans, but he saw none, nml seems to have given little credit to the reports about them that reached his ear. It will 1m- remembered that Stanley, in his last expedition In Afri'-e., found communities of dwarfs whose i xlst ence had also Ix-en previously report ed, but generally doubted. Is heavy with odors. Imm-miis- rn theli emanation Is not oprswed by the fun light. 'Voun r.t Cost." 6 Golu Bicyclt Calendar 306 nicmorandnm pages 'Mm trinl.s of cycling intermt 12U little tlnimb-nail ietche an oftice and home conven.-ence. Hcraute there are jui! a lew word- of trip hammer, unanswerable argument aliout Columbia bicycle qual ity and the mechanical certainty produced by twenty years of con tinuous hi cycle building, this calendar is yours, pre patd, for live two - cent stamps. Add rent Calen dar aftaartmcnl, On IN. CO..Htrtfarl,Caa. ! The CycllHt'H Xeceaaity. ' EKTBMT; A Froaty Mine. The Ice-covered regions of the tar North doubtless contain many treas ures which the Inhabitants of sunnier climes would fain possess. J posits of coal have been found In (irccnl.-iml. and precious metals are known to ex ist within th- Arctic circle. Whether these riches of the North will ewr be distributed through the marts of th world Is a iiiieslloii for tle ncxf cen tury to answer. At present the mot northerly mine In exlstene.. j said to be that of Oninllk on the Fish Klver, in the north western corn -r of Alaska, In latitude sixty-live degr-es north. It produces lead utnl sliver, principally the flrst-nanicd. and Itx lod-s are very rich. Hut the severity of ih. cbmeie Is a serious obstruction to the work ing of the mine, which has to be aban doned every year alxiut the beginning of October, only to be resumed late In the following spring. A Kcul Vacuum. What would seem to be an ab.eilute vacuum was recently produced by I'rof. Klmer (Jutes of Washington In an ex ceedingly simple manner. He took a "test-tube," which Is a tube of glass closed at one end, and which. In thU case, was composed of a k'nd of glass that melts only at a very .ii'h temper ature. Into the tube he poured molten glass of another kind, which melts at a comparatively low temperature. After the latter hud cooled, and thus formed a solid mass completely till ing the tuls, he attached a suction pump to the open end of the tube, and then applied heat until the softer (.lass Inside was again melted. The next step wiih to withdraw the molten glass by menus of the pump, enough lieing left to close completely the end of the tulie, when It was allowed once more to cool. As no air could en'er the space left vacant by the withdrawal of the molten glass, a perfec t vacuum Is be lieved to have been produced there. la th REPAIR KIT for all ACCIDENTS. Cnequaled for Quickly Healing Lameness and Soreness of nuscles, Wounds, Bruises, Stiffness, Rheumatism. Bub thoroughly with POND'B EXTRACT after rach ride to keep muscles supple, pliant, strong. fry Poni'x Extract Ointment for Piles. rod euh$Httrt$-W$et, Wafrrf. Wtrthlm. Pokd'i BrraAcrCo.. i Fifth Avenue, New York. Tha At. Joseph and Grand Inlapd B. B. I TSB SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE TO ALL raiy Tr NORTH WEST m EAST SOUTH kuol"i Union Pacfio System ItTSS SAVORITS sorts To California, Orfgon anil all WMlern Pointt tot Information wanting ratea, etc , call on r a0'1rM any Sitenl or s. M. Anoir. M. V. Koaisaoa, Ja., n. Can Am Ocn'l kanator, HU Jh, Mo. Ant with Umbrellua. The doings of tints nr.? niiiong the moat Interesting things thit uutiiriillstrf find to study. No members of the In sect world present more startling ug gestlons of Intelligence and forethought governing their tictlons. It Is not cor rect, however, to explain the h.-iblls and conduct of ants by human antilo gies. For Instance, it was once sup posed that the so-called "parasol ants," living In hot tropical countries, car ried little leaves above their heads for the sake of protection from the sun, Later Investigations have shown that the ants actually do carry leaves, sus pended by the stem which they hold In their Jaws, and that columns of them thus furnished with leaves like an army with banners march In regu lar order; but that Hie leaves, Instead of being Intended to shelter the ants from the sunshine, are deposited hy them around their nests to form a soil In which grows a kind of fungus that they are fond of. So the parasol nut Is not a dandy, but a farmer N N. It. No. 418-ftl. York, :! WNBir WBITIMO TO ADTKBTISKll VraaM ar r mm aavartlaaaaam I.IbM unl I'erfumca. A garden full of flowers Is more fra gra'ii .viieii shadowed by a cloud than when bathed in sunshine; at least, that is the conclusion to which the r' exMTlineiits of .Monsieur Mesnarl lead. He asserts that It Is Hvh', lilid not, hs commonly Isdleved, oxygen, which exerts the greatest liiflu.Mice In destroying odors. According to Hie same authority, the Intensity of the perfume given off by a (lower depends upou the relation between he pres sure of water In the cells of die plant, which tends to drive out the essential oils that cause the odor, nml the ac tion of the sunlight, which tends to diminish the water pressure In the cells. Sprinkling the plant Increases the turgescence In the cells, nml so augments the perfume. A cloud pass ing over the sun arrests the action of the light, thus permitting air Increase of turgescence, and as a consequence, a more copious production of perfume. At night the air around a Hower-bed Tramps and Pan lea. If tramp became tramps and re mained so becauae they could not find work to do, there would be a cloae cor resisiudem-e between the numlier of trauijai and prevailing industrial condi tlons. Their ranks would be greatly Increased lu time of panic, and dlmiu lshed In time of prosperity. The first of these tendencies is strong ly marked. 1'rofensor M"ook, of Yalf University, who has made a thorough study of the subject, finds that aftei each of the panics of ihl'i tnd lSti there was a great rise in the numliei of tramps. Kven after industrial con dltlotis began to Improve, the upward movement continued. The res son Us obvious. When times leeo!ne dull, a weedlng-out proees among workmen Is-glns. The drinking meu are the first to be dropped; then It) different workmen: then incompetent single men; and wilier. cable, mar ried men the last of all. When timet Improve, these classes are taken lsick in the reverse order. The men frotc whom trainiM are recruited are usually the first to go, lcause they are intern perate, shiftless, and generally unmar ried. But Professor McOook's statistic! show further, that there is nothing lik a complete reclaiming of the tramps, even when business is at its best. In 1V7I, for example, there was a further Increase In the number of tramps, al though a small one. It wits not until 177 that improved business condition!" effected a diminution in the number, and then the fall was only ten 'r cent. The conclusion seems Inevitable that a considerable percentage of the men who become tramps In the llrst place because they are thrown out of work re main tramps afterward liecause they do not choose to work. They lisve found that they can live and be fairly comfortable and happy without work, and they like It. As Professor McCook suggests, they remain nomads from the same Instinct that leads a horse who has once run away to run away again when he gets a chance. Therefore the llrst remedy for the trump evil Is work. The withholding of private charity, nml the exaction by the authorities of a full equivalent In work for food and shelter, will put a new fuce on the world to the nnle lMnlled trump. When lie tlnils that to secure support In viigiilsiiidage he must work not les hard, but harder than under other con ditions, the nomad life will hsc Its charm for him.--Yoinn's t'oinp.itiion. keeping Kverlastiii;ly nt It. l-'roin its scrap Isiok the Cleveland World reprints the following very prob able experience of tin advertisement, teaching the wisdom of persis-ietlcy, which, when nidi-d by phusing variety, adroitness ami artistic is-rfectioii re moving all the 'source of some pain" or reference "to that old 'fld.' again.", that Impressed the mind of the old versifier to a sorrowful admission of a then existing unpleasant side, Is irre sistible: An "Ad.," when tirsl looked at. is scarce seen at nil, And aain on the siclit unnoticed may full; The third time it slip in its own proper place. And the fourth time appears with a strangely sweet face: The fifth time, when seen, we uncon sciously read it: The sixth time we mutter: "We're sure we don't need it ;" The seventh, the "Ad." is a source nf some pain; At the eighth we blurt nut: "There's that old 'Ad.' again!" The ninth time we read it in less than n minute; The tenth time we wonder is there's any thing in it; At the eleventh we sny: "We will -k YnmH tlie way." Should it turn up n twelfth time: "How nil such things pay?" Thirteen limes makes us think it iini.v he a good thing: While the fourteenth perusal a longing will bring; Fifteen times having rend it, we imagine we'll try it; Our wife, on the sixteenth, suggests that we buy it ; On the seventeenth, now 'tis the talk of the home; On the eighteenth we're reminded that pay-day has come; The nineteenth rolls round; it in ordered ami paid for: O, twentieth render, that's what "Ad- vera." are made for. A VEUt i AbLfc OGhE. rbe Wild M K'1 the ". ree thai O.vru It Hit I r. Hut of all the vegetable iuhabitunf of the tropical wssls the strangest is that one w lu i-cd. it ia said, will die if it falls ujmiu the grtiuiid. and which only grows when it finds a rcwring place ou the tw k or a fence, or on an other tree, where there Is not a particle of earth or moisture; and in all the West India forest this tree is the great est criminal. It has a king and beauti ful I-arin name, which, it might le nup jMised. would have some subduing in fluence upon it, but it docs not seem to. This plant Is the wild fig. us imagine that some hungry bird, taking in its beak one of thse tigs, flies to a liclglilstring tree. and. alight ing on a lofty brunch, eais the fru'.t. One seed is left. The suu is warm and the air iikjsi, and after a while the tin j" germ begins to sprout, and the minute leaves, breaking their thin shell, shool upward tender little innocent, putting up its slender arms In a "please-hclp-mo" sort of way; while Its spider like legs are reaching out to get a tinii hold on lis aerial home. The little plant seems so harmless, and the hospitable formt giant cannot know to what a robber and monster it has given a resting-place. After a while the tig sends up a stem, and its ris.t. peeping over the edge of the lofty brunch, finds the ground eighty or one hundred fe.1 be low. Hut nature has endowed this sprig with daring, and. nothing daunt ed, the slender thread leaps Into the air. and. feeding upon the moisture wi;!i which tie' hot atini sphere is laden, it drops slowly and boldly to the ground and here takes root. As the plant grow. It lets fail other long feeders, one by one. which descen I to t lie earth. Soil!" of the tentacles! have by this time found the tree Itself affords nn easy d'-sccnt, and one day a root stai-is along the branch, and. reaching ti trunk, trips lighily down its spim! stairs, and thus reaches the soil. Oth ers, timling this way so easy, follow, and so the Mots Increase in number and size, nourishing their .master alsive. It li.-is now grown In strength and vigor, and. wrapping themselves around the trunk of Hie tree that sup ports tlieiu, the roots strain and press upon it cruelly. It Is a struggle for lif". but their fop-st hosi Is distmed. Slowly and surely lln-y envelop it. The cm brace of the fiir is death. At hist the great tree dies, and little by little, rot ting branch by branch, it falls to pieces, ami iis place is taken by the ogre that has strangled it. The wild lig belongs to the same fam ily as the lmuyau. It Is found In the Oast and Went Indli-s and In Australia, and has the same destructive habits everywhere. Sometimes It grows to an immense size: The wood Is soft, and the natives make bowls, trays and spisiiis of it. The fruit Is about as large as an apricot. St. Nicholas. ft n. nw aa- . . . afll .. . . V SPRAINS g St. JaCObS Oil the foil Ueg it aaa promptly teei tne cure. 1 bat s f g PAINS S all, but that is something sure. o o kscoccooooccscooooooocaecocoof? A t ew I acta. The large.-t theatrical building ia the Gr:nd Ojiera at Paria, which covers three acres. i! tie growth of naih on the left hand requires ei.-bt or ten days longer than thefce on the right. There are in the United States 40,000 deaf mutes. At the first of the year the armies of the world numbered 4,500,000 men. In the twenty-four books that Dickent wrote there were 1,425 characters. CATAKKH IN THE HEAD. Almoat aa Cheap aa Walking. It Is calculated that the themtrical pro fitwloti In Kngland will wave $1:25,000 n year by the reduction In fares which the railway companies have conceded to traveling ootnpanlos. Little I iirins In Japan. Japan, ami not France or Hclgium. would appear to be the land of petite culture. According to a recent Ameri can bulletin a couple of Hen's is con sidered a large tract for fanning pur poses. Most of tin- farms arc smaller, and on a little plot a surprising variety of crops Is cultivated a few square feet of wheat, barley, maize and millet; a plot of Is-ans perhajis ten foe-t wide by twenty feet hmg, a similar urea of IKitatoos and istis find a patch of onions "alsnit as big as a grave;" beet root, lettuce, tlirniis, sweet potatoes and other on (s-cupy the rift of the ! area. The fanner examines his grow- lug crops every morning. Just as an en- I gineer luM-cts his machinery, and if ' anything is wrong he puts It right. If ' a went appears in the bean patch he pulls It up: If a hill of Hiatoes or any- i thing else fails it Is in mice leplautiil 1 When he cuts down a tree he always plants another. As sism as one crop Is harvested the soil Is worked over, manured, and forthwith resown to an other crop. It is estimated Unit nine iciiths of tiie agricultural land of Japan 1 Is devoted to rice, and as this Is n crop requiring much water the paddy fields ! are bunked up Into terraivs. one alsivi the other, and divided off Into small ' plots twenty-five feet or thirty feet square, with ridges of earth between tliem to prevent the water from flowing 1 away when they are flisshsl. All farm lug lands are lrrigabil by a system that j Is a thousand years old. Some of the ditches are walled tin with bamboo i wicker work and some with tiles and stone. Nitirly half the total population of Japan Is engaged In agriculture. Silk nml tin, the two chief exsirts of country, are raised almost by th work of women. 1,'iudon Times. Mother of Seven Noted Men. Mrs. Itardsley, mother of the Itishop of Carlisle, who died recently at the age of !M, had seven sons, all of whom took holy orders. Her hiaslaud, bsj, was a clergyman. They were Intimate friends of Charlotte Rronte. A Cuiiailtiitloiial 1'Ueaar, Ki quiring a Com Itulloual lUiney. Catarrh in the head consists of in flammation of the Dim noun membrane in the naeal packages, and tometimee it extends to the air cavities wb:ch cover a considerable, portion of tiie face. Catarrh in the head frequently de-i-troys the sentes of taste and smell, and its tendency is always debilitating. The beat aut horiiies say catarrh is just as surely a constitut onal disease as is Scrofula. It ii! caused and promoted by impure blood. The teaching of experi ence proves that the true way to cure catarrh ia to purify the blood. The ( )ne True P.lood Purifier is llcod'g Sarsa parilla. Thousands of si i h Mattmenti ave been written by bopeft, straight forward men end women; they have is en pub!is'.M d year after year; and their eet.u'iienc'B is beyond any possi ble question. It von are n ff ring bom catsnh, do not dully with muffs, -t halents and use-1-b hIochI applications. Take ;he di rect road to health. CleanBe the stream at the fountain bead. Purity your iii.sid with the One True Blood Purifier, liinl's farsapar.lla. In a short time von will be convinced of the wisdom of thiB course. Hood's Harfaparilla will give you an appetite, tone and strength en yout stomach, make ricti, rea mood and remove all the iliSHgri-ealile symp toms of catarrh by permanently eradi cating the causes which produce them. There was a prize of $ iiO offered not long ago for the beet and simplest in vention. This prize us carried off hy a Mrs. l.cttie Cox of Blue Spring, Neb. The invention was a work table. Mis Muriel Wilon, the daughter of "Tranbv Crolt" Wilson, is one of the beauties of London at present. She reigns by virtue of her jet black hair and e . es and olive ekin, so different from the general run ol P.ritisli loveliness Men Ibe baat Cook. It is a very remarkable fact that tha greatest and bet cooks have alwayi been men. Cooking is supposed to M essentially the province of women, but all the big poets of the cooking world are by men, and of these the French andSwisaare the most expert. Few women possess the initiatory power ol concocting new dishes, or of exercising that orignality in the kitchen, that they use with such marvelous results in the dressmaker's or milliner's workroom. Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is the best, hanili'-st.'siite.-t sorest, cleanest, most economical uic! ati-ji--tory da" ever invented, it is the geniuiiieu'H tavorite. Sir W. McGregor has come acri3 an extraordinary language on the west coast of l'ritish New Guiana. It is spoken by the Dungerwab tribe and is remarkable sb postreeeing some unusual ly long words. For example, says Sir William, our numeral "ten" is ex pressed in Dungerwab by a word ol twenty-six letters. My doctor said i would die, bnt Piso's Cnre tor Consumption cured me. A mot Reiner, Cherry Valley, Ills., Nov. 23, 'aft. The dowager duchess of Manchester may be said to be the pioneer of Amer ican heiresses in this country. She had not bo many dollars as the women who have come after, but she had mote than the usual ehare of beauty, grace and wit. Her maiden name, aa all society knows, was Consuelo Yznaga and she was one the most noted and popular bellea of New York, when Vis count Mandeville wooed and won her in 1876. There is more Catarrh in this section 0 the country than all oilier diseases put to ge.her, and until the last, tew years wa4 supposed to be incuralile. For a grciit many years doctors pronounced it aloud disease, and prescribed local remedies, t.nd by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incnrable. Sci ence has pi oven catarrh to be a constitu tional dbease and therefore requirei con stitutional treatment, il all's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Jt Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constititional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon fni: It acts directlv on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send lor circulars' and testimonials. Ad-tre?s, 1 V. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. CaSold by DrutririMs, 75c. - Celebrating in 1897 its seventy-first birth- day Thb Companion offers its readers many W exceptionally brilliant features. The two l hemispheres have been explored in search si-j of attractive matter. Vf The YDllth'S f Maoamc Lillian Nohdica, who has written a practical article, " How to Tram the Voice." (or The Companion tor 1897. (ompanion In addition to the 25 staff writers The Companion Contributors number fully 200 of the most famous men and women of both continents, including the most popular writers of fiction and some of the most eminent statesmen, scientists, travellers and musicians. for the (JdboU family. Tub Companmon also announces for 1897, Four Absorbing Serials, Adventure Stories on Land and Sea, Stories for Hoys, Stories for Girls, Reporters' Stories, Doctors' Stories, lawyers' Stories, Stories for Every body all profusely illustrated by popular artists. Six Double Holiday Numbers. More than two thousand Articles of Miscellany Anecdote, Humor, Travel. Timely Editorials, "Current Events," "Current Topics" and "Nature and Science" Departments every week, etc. One of the most beautiful CALENDARS issued this year will be given to each New Subscriber to The Companion. It U made up of Four Charming Pictures in color, beautifully executed. IU niie ii 10 by 24 inches. The subjects are delightfully attractive. This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youth's Companion and could not be sold in Art Stores lor less than One Dollar. Subscription Prict of The Companion $1.75 a Year. 12-Color Calendar FREE. Vw eabtcrtbm who will et oat this illp ud wn4 It at mm with um ud attarus ana 91.70 wiu roeuva: FEES - Th Youth Companion Tory woak frost tbo ttaM ntwcrlpUon ti rocalvad till January 1, 1I9T; FKEE - Chrtattcu, Naw Yuar'a and Eaator Doubla Nunbon; FfcEB - Tha OomBanloB'i 4-pajra Catondar for 18tT, ft bouU- fttlly colorad onvanlr. Tha moat eoaUy gift f Ito Ub4 Tha r!nan,film ku ar olfarad : 811 Ami Tha Oompaalon Titty two Waaka, a fail yaax, to Jftft. Mitt. w V! z I I i The Youth's Companion, 201 Columbus Ave., Boston. Mass. I.rd to Crlmn. Kindly Individual (going thmtiKli prlKon)-- My Kooil niao, tell me whnt tiroiijrlit 'U lii're-. Embezzler-1 tried to keep a blryplo In remlr on a aniau salary. Up-to-Utile. Dynamite Not Ho Dangnroua. Dynamite, contrary to general belief, la romiMirn lively hnrnileaa ao long aa It la kept from tlie nmtertata whicu are used to explode It. Gunpowder la far moro dangerous Id transportation than dynamite. Black J day. Several Hlnck IMdtiy formed unfed eHcliM In tlntinelnl hltrtory. There wiih one In London in 18ti6, Friday, May 11, cttuwil by tlie failure of Overend, Our- , ney & ()o. the prevloua day. Tlie Unlt ' ed Nlatefl Itlack Friday waa September , 24, 18H9, when a group of speculators 'oreed the rhv of gold to H112V4, n1"' thus pnxlnewl a panic. There waa a famoim Hkiik Friday fu EngllHh his tory, I . (I, 1 745, when the new reached London that the Pretender and JiIh force were In Derby. TIioiihuihIh of the population fled from the metrop nlla, and complete order and tran quility were not rentored for several dnya. ' Kurope'a I'opnlatlon. WIUilu the last decade the populutlon of Europe ha lncrenel by alKHit 30, 000.000, of whom Kitaala contrtbufed 12,510,000 and France only 67,000. After a man piwaea Ofty he can look up the road any time and aee bin grava. Then he become aeiioua. Home ptwple are nice to you becauae yoti atlll liave aome Juice left In you. Rvery woman knows Juat enotiKh about statistics to prove to ber husband that It Is cheaper to lKwird than to keep house. ' Every woman exaggerate a man's Income when she marries him, and when she auea for alimony. WAS it your own baby or your neighbor's that drove sweet sleep away? It's all un necessary, wscarets inanely iatnartic, sweet to the taste, mild but effective, stop sour stom&ch and colic in babies, and make papa's liver lively, tone his intestines and purify his blood. 1 CASCARETS candy incy around. for price Aa.'n STERLINQ REMEDY OOMPANY, OMKJAOO OS HEW VOSK. CANDY CATHARTIC CURB CONSTIPATION. Thty c.Tfume the breath and mike thinm all tiirht all your oruggut s ioc sue, mailed WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS, USE APOLIO A.-. 'V' i":'J'. l ' Vmim f. " U 1 -if' fi : -r ii I ii an iiup i in i ii,n -y nniafiii n i ianu m . 41 i 1 ur tw all n.