The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 10, 1896, Image 4

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lib Sioux County Journal.
, (S7.Uil,IafiKl
SiWripticii Pn, $2.00
Jl. J. riimuuiii.
i-.,iiior. i
Kmtmrwi at tlie Harrison lot oflli-e an
tt-Muml MtM Uilur.
iThtrsday. rKTEMEKit 10. 1)8.
Itl looks as if the populists would j.'et
l hot the mue treatment in the divis
j i .n fcf spoil in the state that thev did in
t Ui deal in tlie national affair.
U na editor didn't have two or thn-ej
I "J lows all the time with the niully-,
7nfibabot tmroetliing he has said or
y ..neUiintr lw has not said he would he
Liable to forget that he was running a
jl.per. York Tlih?.
The state officers elect have decided on !
A ho sliail have some of the plums with-
in tbefr gifU So far Jim Dahlman is tlie '
only one in this part of Ihe state "1' '
been taken cure of. He, with J. V.
VUerton and U. L. Laws are to 1 sec- j
,etariesof the fiUte board of transporta-,
t on. Uahlman hail tJ lear lots of gnel
ft uring the campaign and is entitled to a j
place at tlie slate pie-counter. j
-- j
X movement has been started for (
, changing the divisions of the year into
thirteen months, instead of twelve
, wionths as is done at i-resent. The dan
is to have twelve months of twenty
fight days each and allot to tie thir
teenth month twenty-nine days, except
in leap years, w hen it would have thirty
days. The advantage of the plan are
numerous. With thatarrangement each
rutl-th, except the last, would contain
'" exactly four weeks, so that business ar
' raggjeroents would be bimplilied very
1 njiich. Ttie necessity of constantly re
erri"nir to a calendar would be avoided
1 -.d-jn nuruerous ways much annoyance
be. done away with. It is true that it
. pujd be a little awkward at Hist, so it
.' was when the present system of stand-
ajd time was introduced, hut none w ill
' nqw deny that it is far superior to the
' niethod, when each town had a different
' ;m and the same would prove truu of
. time, and the same would jirove
, th plan suggested in regard to the
, months.
. There has been some talk of trying to
! have a law passed providing that in the
4 case of the foreclosure of a real estate
mortgage no deficiency judgment shall
! be entered against the maker of the
mortgage. Such a law would be no
i.,eH,-o in th investor., for it has c
"to be recognized as an unwritten law
'jioiong sheriffs that the real estate shall
' cancel the debt, and the courts tacitly
'recognize that as a proper adjudication.
'.One judjre remarked to the writer re
t cently that in such cases a sheriff could
'.and should use his authority to bring
" about a balance in the accounts. That
! at tlie time of the execution of the
" mortgage the maker of the loan was sat
'istied with the security offered and if
Rvalues shrunk so that the equity of the
maker of the mortgage w is entirely ale
sorbed it is not justice or equity to have
. a deficiency judgment rendered against
bim. That if the rno.tgagee gets the
property he should be satisfied. In most
of the western counties of the state a
' man stands practically no show for elec
'. tion to the ollice of sheriff unless lie
agrees to see that no deficiencies will le
returned by him, and under such condi
tions there is little need of a law on the
, subject, and the only cases in w hich it
would make any difference would 1
. where a sheriff was narrow-minded and
, took that way to vent bis personal spile
. against the mortgagor.
-The highwayman attacks a victim un
awares, robs him of his valuables and
leaves him dying or badly wounded, jwr-
j haps far from succoring hand. The mid
night assassin sneaks as a wolf upon the
defenseless individual he has determined
to destroy and drives the cruel steel to
( his heart from the back. I lie meentuary i
uses his torch under cover of darkness
and when the one he wrongs is not near
J'to defend his right. So tlie malicious
.slanderer or base falsifier does his devd
hih work at a time when defense cannot
be properly made nnd when results may
jjrove most disatrous to the person ma-
'ligned. These four criminal characters
are of the same stripe, being equally
dangerous to society and equally aa
liored by just men. The slanderer and
Har might well be put at the head of
. thia list, for honor with most men is
. treasured nore highly than money, or
"property, or, often, even life itself.
''Who steals my purse steals trash," the
immortal 8hakespeare g""K"y declared,
, and continued truly, "but he that filches
from roe my good name takes that
, which enriches not himself and makes
me poor indeed." Yet these "four of a
JkintT frequently prosper in a worldly
wy, for a season, though eventually
Justice is sure to be meted out to them.
AwMk they may be honored by their
.follow citimns, their dark deeds un-
known, and exalted to positions of pub
lic truet, but in God's good time the
penitent wry gets the robber and burner,
Jthn rope gets the murderer nnd tlie devil
get the last of these unlucky four. Al
(hitw Blade.
I The iV-rmnd
for a more UitaUe lax j
t-r wav t. collect public i
l.iw and a l.ettrr way l. collect pul
reiviiue should receive tlie uttentiou
r the k-itialalure.
of '
It is. evident that jK.ditn.-ian of tl
Ih-vun-Alleii-Jones-Allst-ld class -no not
msa.n -...,..
tioiail RiTaiMas they did Hi the recent
. ... !
election. I iw iK-UHK-ratic hij-rs i me (
' soutl) are declaring tliat they
i more trim with tle xiiulist.sf
w ill no :
and tiie
! ii.s of the r.or!ii declare that they
lll ! '
i never yo into a deal w ith the dern'M ratu
! because tlie latter did not tote" fair in
I tlie campaign of lsU'i. Politics dj make
'strange Ixsl-feliows s.inietimes and it
j seldoiii ad'onls jieaceful rest to any of
the occujants of the couch.
rresiilent C'leVfland has delivered Ins :
last messes to congress and it seems
to he as much of a disa.jAiintnieiit as
any of its predecessors. It was exjiected
that he would make some recommenda
tion to conjrrevs which, at least deline
tfle J)0hitjon r t,js government in re-i
to cubi, hut lie simply deplores the j
.ontitlutj Hitr ,ut attempts to olkr no i
,),, (if m ticn in the matter. It looks
as if m:ltt.r would have to ret as it I
is until tM ( iiaiie in the administration .
ukrti ai.e , Marclu There Ins U-en !
consjjerui, activity both in the war
anj navy dejiartments, and there is no
that the nation is ijetlin' in shaj
to meet any emei;eiicy. In the mean-
tim(J litJ (-u,ans 'are keeping up tlie
fight in a manner which shows uku uie
will yield only when annihilated and
are making it exceedingly unpleasant
for the Spanish forces. Weyler is d--erate
and is conducting a campaign of
butcheries and humanity demands that
ne be made to desist.
Th ( 'omjiaiilon f al-HUr.
It is aid that tlie exjense of making
the Comjianion Art Calendar for ltfT
was so great that bad it leeu .ublis!)ed
in the usual quantity it could not lie
sold for less than one dollar. Four
beautiful female figures are reproduced
on four folding I'ages. Each Ilgure is
lithographed in twelve colors, being a
true reproduction of the original water
color painting, which was selected be
cause of its excellence of design and
charm of color and tone. The size of I
each of tlie four folding pages is 10 by
6 inches.
It is by far the liest piece of color
work tlie Companion has ever offered.
Both as a calendar ami as a gem of the
lithographer's art, it is so attractive that
it becomes a valuable addition to the
mimiel or centre-table of anv room. It
i is given free to all new subscriliers send-
i j,,,, i.7.-, to the Companion for the year
1U7, who receive also tlie jiajier
from the time the sills .'rijition
is re-
ceived till January 1, 17.
Celebrating in Is'.) its seventy-first
birthday, the Companion offers its read
ers many excejitionally brilliant fea
tures. Fully two hundred of tlie most
famous men and women of Ixith conti
nents have contributed to the next
year's volume of the pa;er. For free
Illustrated Prospectus address.
The Yoctu's Companion,
20'j Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass.
Sound .Honey in lue Northwest.
So far as we liave olserved, the east
ern jiress and. the eastern public have not
yet done full justice to the election re
turns of Ihe great northwesl. In view
of the deep solicitude manifested during
the campaign by jieojde in the vicinity
of New York regarding the situation in
such states as Iowa and Minnesota, for
examtile. it is somewhut amusing as
well as instructive to note the fact that
the aggregate sound-money majorities
in a compact region belonging to the
trade zone of Chicago, and including
northern Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and
Wisconsin, were very much larger than
the aggregate sound money majorities
given by the city and state of New York
and adj;tcent populations. Where New
York gave a McKiuley plurality of less
than 27."), 000, a like pojiulation in the
west, including Chicago and territory
tributary to that city, gave a plurality
of about 400,000 votes for the McKinley
electors. The only western state that
voted for Mr. Bryan by a crushing ma
jority was the mining state of Colorado
a state in which for a number of years
all parties, republicm. democrat, and
populist alike had been unqualifiedly in
faver of free-silver coinage. From "Tlie
Progress of the World," In December
Review of Reviews.
' Just From tke Press.
A very attractive publication lias just
been issued by the passenger department
of the Burlington Route. It hears the
title "Tlie Newer North-west" and de
scribes in a most interesting and read
able fashion those portions of northern
Wyoming and the Black Hills of South
Dakota which are reached by this com
pany's lines.
The scenery, towns, mines, people and
industries of these two remarkable sec
tions of country are treated of with ab
solute fldelety. 200 pages with illustra
tions, sent on receipt of 10 cents in
stamps. J Francis, G. P. A T. A.
Omaha, Nebraska
Tlie Toledo We-klr lilitdt.
Ft inl-ll!iriit f.uoi'v needs; la tltitli-
tion to their local paper, a j;ood national
weekly. Ttw gre:i't aoJ niot widely
. pfneral family ne-apr is Us
! Toledo Weekly Blade, For thirty years
I it lias been a regular visitor in every
,- ...;.. .,.11 , 1
almo.t every one of the 70.WMJ
., ... :
oHii - es in the count rv. It is wilt!
.. I
,Sa rfTu""l'a' lM,l'. ul 1:1 n" I
'..,ilii;.i.t.Lil U-in r,f it a liAiiHvl V
and fairness in the discussion oi ail jmo- ;
.c ..uestions. It is the. favorite family j
1 . I
irnper, w ilh Hoo-itlun for every mem-,
her i'f the household. Serial i-tones,
poetry, wit a id humor; tlie household
department (lst in tlie world). Voung;
. ' , .. , i t t i
Folks. Hunday tlnnd Isns, Tal-
male's Sermons, ttia fiirmslead, tha j
uestioa Hureau (which answers lines-1
tintif for siilscrilersl. the news of tlie
w eek in complete form, and other sjiecial j
features. Sieciinan copies gladly
on aiildication, and if vou will send
sent j
us a
lit of addresses, we w ill mail a
copv to
each. Only ?1 a year. II you wisli to
raise a club, w rile for terms.
'Address Tm: Bi.ahe.
leilo, (Jhio.
Id-fore su.-r!l)i ig for a Mi.if.izme
See tlie B't
lemoresf s
I)i'iiiot-t- l ut l'Bler fiiUerns re tlie most
prai tii-al on the market. They are ol any
!. n lueuilx-r of the huuaehulil coalj ru
quire. In eaeh copy of tlie M(uzini- Is
printed a coupon untitling tlie iilcrlbr,
or puri hiiwr. toa iwttern i worth mid reifti
lirlv Mlt for ''.) or any mini Is rof putt-ru
for lour cents each to cover pnckuire a"'l
lo-tage. When the value or the patu-nu U
coimlden-d Uw subscriber actually gels
Aim! Ixit a iiuiKiir-lne it l-f Kor f It -a III
la; more brilliant thiol ever la-fore. New
iiiuimKenieiit, new nietho'la. new ideas.
Kucheopy xiaisite repnsluc
tion In colors of no me celebrated picture by
faiuuoak artit. woitliy to udoru the wall,
of the mo-t n-lln.-d home. It Is iiffinuwl Hint
DHM'lltKsT'! In the only cotiiplete Faintly
Miia-.izlue t-oilibiliillK all "( tlie most excel
lent i.iiit of Its roiitemporarlca,
huviiKtilitiit-atile features of liuwn.
OKl.VT s ti actually a lu.t.s .m ac
in o:ie.
It i a Dig'mt ol Current f.vent and Mean
for tin- bu,-y limn or woman, n Ucvh w mnl a
Storehouse of Interest for ail. Wives, moth
ets, aicteia iinil iWiiKhters ctiii Hud exactly
w hat lin y need to niuuw and Instruct them,
also pntctU-ul h'-Ips in iM-i-y department ol
domestic i.l.d social lite, including tlie furn
IsliInK and oriiuiueiitii.g of the home, em
broidery, brlr a tii-lir and la icj work
or all kin Is etc., etc., and aUHgis tioas and
advice reKiirdlir the weU being and dress
lust of their on u persons.
The coN of the articles for 1'.J and 1"WI
will cover the whole country and It varied
lulrest. and the articles wilt la; I'rolusely
llltistraUstl w ith the finest engravings, and,
In addition, it will publish the la-t and pur
est fletfon. It treats at lenxlll (liltsif Door
sjairts, Home AinaseiniMits and Kntertaiii
ineuis; It (i e. a icrciit deal ol attention to
ii. e i 'tiittifeti'et I leiaii t men t. and "our .irl,"
and h a .Montliiv fyiiijaiaiiitii by Celebrated
people. In which are iliwuei lniorlaiit
ijii. siionii of the hour of interest to the older
l.-liii have your mitwripllon at once.
You iret more value for your money than It
Is possible to secure III any other inaKaz-iiie.
The 1 nifiizine one year for t-M-t.
(ir sU iiiotitua for - l b".
(Over ao different irarmrnts are shown
each veur, patterns of all ol wlilch are ob
tainable b aulMerilwrii at in. each. ) Sample
copy itli pattern rouM,n . jw-nt for 10c.
HEMOKfcsT I'I'lll.lsillMi (
110 Filth Avenue, New York.
a Ltnr.R it orrrn. oki.t ;
wnd Your Snlncrlptioiii to this 'ftlce.
For Iti formation n4 frs Kandficolc writ to i
MUSK a CO., atl BwinmiT, Siw YottK.
Oldest bureau ffr seiir:niniu-nu In Amitrlrs.
Krery tatent taken (ait ey uii Is brourat befom
tli a puUlo by a nutaat glen Ire of vlwix In IM
Mtutiiic American
Tan-rWt dmilirtton of any aetenUne pnrssr fn tti
world. S1' n llilly IlluttraUsl. No InU-l Ujrent
man ihanM Is, wtuioai It. Worklr. 3 OSa
Kirifl.yialamraithi. A41reM, nuriSf ft CO,
Hayiii, 2l Broadway, tfw York CKy,
The Atierican Protective Tariff League
is a national oranizztion advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Industry" as cxpla.ned by it constitu
tion, as follows ;
MTha ob:srt of IH' I ihll b la preset
Ars.-.osn la!s-ir by a trttl in impsrU wh-oh 1111
adaa-ifct'ly ticurt mtluttnal product
Aair.t let ompat.t.on ot fortijn laiisr.
There are no perioral or private
profits in connection tlie organiza
tion r.nd it is sustained Ly rnemberships,
conttibuticr.s ar.d toe distribution of ;'.
FITS : Csrs.sssa 1 ''e'tssj r-ssdiej
" I.'.sff.t.v:'-. ..p " ftiicl ' Clftie ftl Cw &(jonoent."
CCObO: Vraaand wleimoont.-il)ut.oaa,
whvtl or 9m.1I: ur i.i-l. cur tft,u94.
THIRD: V f h Krrs l;r ct dCUirst
09vr("5 tfl pi Cf tl.s Taril q'Mstisr, Com'
pUte lot will u n lil .d t-J iy t ar 1'jr SO fltct.
FOURTH: rnd potsl erd rqut fw rVs
Inmilf f 'f t- 'Airi'tin f-n;mit.H
ldrs W.'hur F. Wnk.rin. 0rmJ 'jKrtUrf,
I iui A. Holrotiiti fioremor
U. K. Moote- Lit-ttu-niuit ..overnoi
J. A. l'i r fc-rt-try of State
KuKPae M i n il e. . . . . A tj.1 i ti .r
Jiw-ph S. llrtb-y Treuturer
A. K ( liureliiU Attorney Oeuer&l
11 I . Uuwtl'1 CounuUnlwnei
II. K. Co'bett Supt. Public Instruction
(XIMiKLS-IDNAI. Ilr.I.MJATION: M. 1 liurlon I. S. Seuulor, Omaha
,. v. All.-u r. . .ur, MIuli,on
i i ... m' s i- i .i it i..
. .. .... ... .
i. wniT, &i nuaoi
U.U.Xrtktoy 1 - ulk-rum
K. J. Maiiier. tU Aurora
w y Allr,. M .. u, nlu1
0 M . Kein, " till " Itrokrn llow
. Jl'DH lARY:
A. M. runt...... I hi'-f JuKthip, ('oltimbua
r , Nl,rVB, A,K-lute Ju.lire, Hi -ward
i. A. ( aii..t-II.Xl rk nml U.-Kru.-r. U.uoln
M. I'. Klllkalil JU'lK'-. O'Neill
W. II. VVeiover Ku.UvlIle
3J. J. MewcU l lrrk,llarrl)n
Rols-rt Wi'iw.n.
II. J. Ulea i tu.
in, ltieliie .
H'. II. Iiavi,....
1). Huitli tt
J. K. riiiiiuey..
H. F. Tlioiiiiis...
.M. J. lllcwett..
i.rimt .utliiic.
County Jiil.!ff
..( Icrk
1 reauiri
supt. Ilibilc liistruciiun
Clerk of District Court !
.... 1 ou ii I y Attorney
Frank Tinklinm t( nairnian) 1st Dlsirict
M. J. Weber...... Sd
II. F. JoUnsoii Jil
II. U. Stewart. ."s-iia tor, Kist No. 14, 1 'raw ford
W. lellis-y...llep., llir.t. No. 13, HeliilLglurd
K. Kohtrer (chairman) . Trustee
J. W. Neon
I). II. Grtawud
IV. II. Marstelhr
S. I). Manilla
L. J. sijoinoiis ( lb rk
lw is (,-l liu h Treasurer
J. W. sscott Diriidor
II. L. stii uck Mialerator
I-i w is 1 A: I i ul1 I) . Treaaurur
District Court, At HarriMiu, commencei
March ZH and Noveiiils-r ttth.
County Court, At Harrison, commence
first Moudav of each month.
Mc Ihcli-t Suiidny School meets every tun
day moraiiiK at II :).
J. K. .M.iKsri:i.l.KK, W . II. dvis,
superintendent. sx-creUiry
JKKHY liCsK I'OS'f, No. SC., G. A. II.
Meets second Monday In each month In
tin- court house at Harrison.
L. E. Livennore, oui.
IInrrl--u Camp, No. .5, meets on each al
termite Weilnesibty evening.
W. II. Davis, w. I.. IIott,
Clerk. ( on. Com.
Meets i-ach alternale .Saturday evcnln-?
at SoV-lns-k. A. K. Dtw. V.
J. W. smith, Clerk.
He-fTilar business im.s;tliif first Tuesday
cveuinir In each month.
C. L. l AKSTI.L1.KH,
W. II. Davis, I rc-ideat.
lievotional iiiei'ting every Sunday e ailing
at 0:t.'i. I). J. Clark, Leader.
Mets eafh..simdav af Utikmhi at 2
Mus. 1). H. Gkiswolii, supt.
Meat Market
Fresh and Salt
Meats, Oysters,
Fish, Game,
Lard, and
Opposite THE JOURNAL offlce.
IIarkimos, Nebkakka.
GASOLINE engines.
laojn wood
Krllp.r ,nd Kalrlxnti Win'.
mlli Tuvrra. Tukt, Irrst
Hob OulDia, Hess. Ii-iunj
llrlndnr. MIi.-it.V.O('I Si
Itrv roids nnd F'nlrbaiiHft
NlanllatHt Mralv. I' rr,
low. tin toe Uual. 6 0.1 lor
1102 Fornam St. Omaha. Nob.
Intiret Vim.
Offer of cheap reading matter you can't j
aiiord to miss.
During the great caiiipaiju people
want m-wypjT and want ttm w hile i
they are fresh and newsy, iihj "-"-....,.,,
Weekly Stale Journal, I.iucoln. .i..
stifiplies tlie demand, as it will 1 mailed
tw -ice a week from now until J.iauarj 1, !
1"97, for'J5 -ents, or from now until
January 1, ltt-i. for one dollar. The f
twenty-live-cent rojositi4i takes you ,
all through the camjiaign. give ;u the .
election returns, and through the hal- j
ance of this year. A dollar for the j
great twice a-week iiajwr from now un-j
til January 1, lx'.H, is the biggest offer,
ever made to reader. All'through the i
campaign, all through the Nebraska leg-1
isluture, the congresses and tlw inaugu- j
ration of a new .resident. Never aince !
the war has so many incidents of vital
interest to the masses leen crowded into j
sixteen months, as there w ill 1 during j
this jieriod. The Semi-Weekly Journal !
is almost as good as a daily. Sendyour ;
order direct or give it tojyour ast-j
master. I
x At a Hundred Junction 1'ninls
in Nebraska, connections are made w ith
Burlington Route trains for Chicago, St.
IxMiis, Kansis Cily, St. Joseph, Omaha,
Lincoln, Ilenver, Clieyenne and lyond.
Our maps ami time-tables showing
wliere, when and how our trains run and
wherein they excel the trains of oilier
lines in many iinrtant resiects, are
sent on request free.
Always glad to quote rates and give
J. Francis, O. P. & T. A. Omaha,
Don't forget that TltK JofRNAI. ha
a large clubbing list andVhen selwling
re-uline- matter for the coming Year en II
anil e-ive us vour order. We can sat-
you money.
Goixl rises fuHiishnl 011 short notice.
Im Iui'iIc drivers mid ijiiu t
(iiiod iii-i-oiiiiti,.ditl ions
Ilorst-si Ui;ii.i J.
B. E. Bruwbtt.r,
1 'readmit.
D. n. GRISWOLD, Cashisr.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Amkiucas ExnusnE Nationai. Bank, New Vork,
Omaha Natiusai. Bank, Omaha,
FntsT National Baxk, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposita.
: 01.00
The flrentt Denuhliean Panr nf ttm W t
TT is the most utmlwmrt sad untwervlng Republics Weekly pur
X luhed today and can always be relied upon (or fair and honeit re
R nrtrl. nt all n,lili-ttl nliira a
a liUil. Ul l pOII.III HIJ.II,
2 f1fsHTlleWccky Inter Ocean Supplies All oftbtNow
Uck? and the Best ol Current Literature.
It is Morally Clean, and
to thote of the best magazine.
Its Youth's Department Is the
finest of Its kind. ........
It brlnga to tha family tha lrr. of llin F.illr Mnrlil and (Itrea
I ha bent and shiest ilicuilon o' all (juesilons of thn av. The
Inirr Of mi, uiwr iHn ptrr remlinK mutter i-tu h !
nnd twin In t hlruro Is U-xtr.r di,pt() to lh" nrwla of
IU people went ol thn Alleiiboy Mountain man any other paper.
The Daily and Sunday Edl
e lions of The Inter Ocean are
tlie best of tbeir kind ....
: (iliANT (IL'THUIE,
Frompt attention given to all legal
nlatlers ,Q Jutk-e, County ami litrict
..j u.for9 the United SUt
IaiKl Ollice.
Fire Iniiurjnce
wntteo iB reliable
I rf'L-al er carefully draw n.
Hai.iu.soN. - NlkhanKA.
pash;onab!e Barber & Hair Dresser.
(ilre I
I a I t all.
Ripans Tabules.
RipaiiD Tl tiles cure nausea.
Kipna Tabulea: at druKKiBtr.
Ripiiis Tabulrs cure d'.zzlneu.
Ripans Tabules alist digestion.
Ripans Tabulca cure bad breath,
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