HAILED FROM UATTOOff mt. Mrr K. Miliar Bsx-Hm -Tala "WiiM PlkwMat atejolciaab Vowt , Journal MattooH, 11L , Mr. Marr E. Miller, of Mattoun 111 wtrrm ioquirj faa ArwvUftd that ahe it a laar writ and iaroratiljr known in the rwum unity id wbiik ahe reside, aenda tne ruiuiin report of ber aufferina; irvm imiumuiautrr rneuuiat)tn. and aub-arqut-ut . ur- by Or. William' I'iok I'iila, nuvu an uiut-r reiiirxlu-a nad fulled. "Mattouo. III., Au. a, Mr name is Jlarr K. Miller. I am 44 year of ate am) a miilciit of Mat toon. Cole County, 111. About two xeara ago j aa atiaiknl with iiiflaiiiiiinlurr rbru malum of a M-vere tyLw. ami confined to my litnl tiir tbre mouth. 1'Iij si.-iuu. of whom I bad two. could 11..I do tut- any food, and I waa (filing worn instead of U"ttr. It waa then that I dctf nuiui-d to .try Dr. Wiliiama' 1'iuk I'iila fur I 'air l'filt', hi-li f hail wn advcrtinwl o WMlfly. sutl to lhi end ul.iiinicd a miifily. Io addition to tin- rln'iiiiiutiiii I mi auf-fi-rins crr.-tt ly with iutyoii di hility, hut after tiikilli! leu than one liok ihr DlTT ousni's hi.':iu to iiliHle. unit jinnently the rheuiiintie jiaiu crew lean My the time two l"ixr hail hern taken I wa able to walk, which I had u.. done aiiire 1 wax lirl allacked. my aipetitr re turned, and I noun renaiin-d my health, and am now an KfrnitB ever I n. I alway keeo l'ink I'illx by me anil nl waya atiall. for to them I owe my health. nnriVr I'm ideni-e, mid I I'lcll sound their praiaea nheuerer and heriTer 1 can. tSit'it.-ili "MAUY K. MlI.I.KIt." Wiliir: CYNTHIA II. KKYXOI.DK. Ir. William' 1'iuk I'iila contain, in a rondenaed form, all the element ne. ca nary to (five new life and rit'hne to the blood and rentore nhnttered n rv. They are an unfailing i"-i-ihV for in h diaensea a locomotor Mtaiu. partial piiralyMK. St. Vrtn' dance, aciatica. neiiraliit. riicu ih tiam. nervoiia liefldmlir. the nfler effect of la irrippe. palpitation of the heart, pale and aallow complexion, all forma of weakueaa eithpr in male or female, l'ink Pilla are k.M by nil dealer, or will be aent potpaid on receipt of price, .Vi ernl a boi, or ais bovea for 2..Vl (thev are nprrr aild in hulk or by the 1H). ii'v ad-dreaairik- Dr. Wiliiama' Medicine ( 'out ran. Keheuectady. X. V. , ' GOWNS AND GOWNING i radc in Auvoaiora, "Tbr la a re; alar tra4a doo la portraita of bco la imr aa4 womao I , In madlaraj roataosaa," amid tug pie- '- - ture dealer to too wrltar. i WCiaflEN GIVE MUflH attfmtiom "I aia fraquaallj caUad upoa ta avp 11 th) flctltloua aoccatora, and I Bad that tba portrait of a fctlaaa In irmor and armor la eapertaU farorad. Oulf tba atbar weak a man, waoaa laaa oer apelt Yortaaa from pork aaaaacaa,' applied to me for a aerica of ancceton. I had thraa old portralta on hand at the time, and offered them to him, but be did not care a bo at tnem because there waa no armor. Could I not eup ily tbkf deflcleorT I aald 'Yea,' and doubled the price of the picture, and he drew me a check for 2T0 with avid ity. Now he want fonr more to fill 'uur vacant panel in the picture gallery f bia 'ancestral home.' "Of courae, you know that large quan tise of ancient armor are made every year In Sheffield and bought by the iuie claa of people, with the name ob ject an I be picture. It I a fact, and I have known oro to Ik- paid for a suit if armor which probably coat lea than 10 to tuake."-T1t-Bltg. TO WHAT THEV WEAR. So Advantage Over Her. A man, whom the clrcucatance of travfliUK caiiKtd to sit in tht aame aeat with a young lady who waa unusually friendly for a tranger, aald, aa be waa having tht car: "I thank you for a wry pleasant chat, but lam afraid you would not have been bo kind to me bad j on known I am a married man." You haven't any ndvantago of me." promptly responded the young lady; '1 am an escaped lunatic." And ao, aa t turned out, ahe really wa. How eaay It I to kick, nod bow llttl It get you! It would be a hard matter to locatf the boy who nev r pir hia tongue on fro-ty axe blade. M br tfwbiew N-m- Ttirin-e' va There are two countriee w here chil dren choose the.r own named In Ne Zealand the Maori prieat repeat to the infant a lengthy list of the names 1 1 it anceatora, fixing upon the one which the child by sneezing or crying when i' ia uttered, i conaidered to aelect for it elf; while in Russia the Cherem i shake the baby till it erica, and thei repeat a string ol name to it till it chuoetM one itaclf by creaging it,, tear. C'emfO't to Tal fornla. Yea, and economy, too, if you take the Puriingtou rout a peraonallv ondticte snce-a-week eicuraioni which leaver Omaha and Lincoln every Tlmnwlin morning. Touriht fleepera clean, bright, coni' fortable through to n Francisco an. Ixm Angeles. Seem J clans tickets no septrd. Only 5 for a double berth, widt snough and big enough fur two. Write for folder giving full intormn lion, or call at the depot and see tin local ticket agent. J. Francim, Uen'l. Paae'r. Agent, Burlington Route. Omaha, Xeb. How to Make CrHiibcrry Jelly. To make cranberry jelly, wash ire fully a quart of selected berries and pui them in a porcelain-line 1 kettle with itnall cup of water and half a pound o good white itigar; allow the n to boi Kt- adily for twenty minute and ther prefM through a jelly bag into a mouL wh eh . as pn-viously been rinsed wlU c Id water. Hot away in a cool plao lor several boars, when it will be read to serve. Thie quantity ahould be uuf fici-nt for six persona. Brief Glaacea at Vaacies Fcanialaw, Wteeloaa, Mayhap, and Yet Offered ta the Hope that the Beading Prove Baatfal to Wearied Womankind. Oeaalp froaa Gay Gotham. New Turk oorreapondenca: HE time baa final ly come when It ia safe to Hx-ak posi tively about a few changes that are to be acceted n fahIonn for the seaaon now uon u. All advice be fore has been In the nature of re cording the chang es offered by the fuahlon makers, but not until such changes have had time to be Inspect ed and approved by the fashion wearers really nettled. More than half the feminine world ia content to gown Itaelf according to what It sees and ltelf approves. A very select portion prefer not to appear until assured of something new, that is at the same time approved of good taate. The advance guard try the nov elties, content with the distinction of noveltyself.andreudyaml able to throw fi-lde a fancy if It proves a freak In id of a fashion. I'pon this advance" "d the offered new fuila largely de- i i. and from the exhibltn these folk ve the wlaer select. Kawhlou's de 1 ion to De or genuine service must t her trick select taste by prophesy i upon me auinonty or tne venturer 1; .ads, nor discourage well-dressed ma J -l ity by Announcing the somewhat " "r"r"- "c aietrTCT were small W.ahmg rUaaeU. puffs, wlrh oddly ehaped cuff, finished J r a i . . i. with i.rM v..,r,,.. ' . To wMO take aom beat rel underneath waa white llk- wtrh . i ,0W Mp' ,ared U &l7. twisted girdle belt of black satin, and !'"CePan- Vver with 80,1 d faatened In front witL whit.. jik ei ! 00,1 u 1 Joa n5ve cr W7- Make lacing. The cloti jacket Is safer than the bro cade, and It is now found In such a variety of shapes that even a venture some amateur will in making one meet with all the obstacles she can handle. At the left of the Uiird illustration there is a Jaunty one, not too difficult to cut and fit, yet by no means so simple as not to require full consideration. Of broadcloth in a pale mode shade, it waa combined with black cloth. The fitted bodice hooked at the side and had two In crop diversification orange blos- (oms maturally follow w idow's weeds There ia no excuse ior any man to ii pear In society with a grizzly beard since Ine introduction of Huckingham's Dye, which colors natural brown or black. to There are people mean enough forge their namea in the book of life. Cases reta atimulnte liver, kidney anil bowel. Xever aicken, weaken pr gripe, There are 1,3K) women in Kngiainl. Kmal eletki Don't Tobacco Hpit and Smoke Tour Life A War. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, regain lost manhood, be made well, strung, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the won der-worker that make weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds In ten daya. Over 400,000 cured. BiiyAVTo-Bac from your owo druggivt, who will guarantee a cure Booklet and aample free.- Add rend Ster ling Remedy Co., Chicago or Xew York Everybody make an easy road for the man with a well filled purse. PATENTS. TMOF-f'- Examination and Anrcvmin i -o mtltm. henri for luent'-' arattmt. o.T1,. -.. pb, k- tor n-w- NFFn PC " I ..ainp. .... HbCii; -i aaa awort-d nee tle In, darninv, etc. Wdt.KK 4 '.'.. 31 ItearboiD Ave , Chicago. H. N. V. Mo. 413-46. York, Stt,. "Fightlnz Ilob" Waa Mad. During the Chilean war American were very badly treated, and "Fighting Bob" Evans did not like It All clause! down there use trenjeodous quantified of garlic, and the result Is unpleasant, for your nose Is offended constantly even In the street. One night a boat wag sent ashore from Captain Elans' ahlp, and. believing it safe, the sallort who had acted as oarsmen left it on the bench for a few minutes while they went to slake their thirst. I'pon thHi return they discovered that a party of Chilean had kmded It with atones "Fighting Bob" waa fighting mad when he heard of It the next day, and was asked what, he was going to do about It. "Do about it?" returned the sailor; why, I m going to turn my men into traveling arsenals, and If the thins ever happen again, or If our flag U again Insulted, i n make hell smell like garlic.1" TBI KCWKST llf LOl'18 JACKETS. Charlotte Made a Htl. Charlotte Clubman was once fllllnj an engagement at the opera bouse In Belmore. A man In the gallery created such a disturbance that It seriously Im peded the progress of the play, and common place of the paatdng fashion, aa actually panned and Impossible, . In the accompanying five pictures are new dresses and garments that make a greater departure from recent modes than do the average rlga that follow new styles, and yet good taste is not passed In any of them. In the descrip tive text that supplies the details that the pictures themselves do not give, the treatment is as if every bit of cloth and thread were new, fbr such It was in the originals of these sketches, but the ap plication of the opening hints as to al teration will be readily apiwrent in each case. A visiting drews is shown In finally brought It to a stand-still. Im i the first small picture. Its full skirt was finished at the hem with a narrow plt-M Nil ruffle of the drees goods and a handkerchief pocket was cut In It. The Jacket bodice was uox-haicd, but had slightly fitted sides, which were hooked ,1 beg of you, dear friends, don't throw , to the blouse vest. The latter lapped him over. Kill him where he Is!" Thtt ver, ana was or ngured goods w'lth a mediately the audience, furious with anger, cried: "Throw him over! Throw him over!" Mis Ctishman stepped u, the edge of the footlights, and, in a sweet and gentle voice, exclaimed: "No, story has been told of a good raanr other actresses beside Charlotte Cuh man. But we will let it go at that. The Casns Belli. The Indn Critic, Clement Sobt. ant Mr. Kendall have ben at loggerhead for many year. Hcott' version of th cauae of their enmity la lntereatlng "It was years ago," be says, "when the Kendals were on a provincial tour. J narrow inserted pbmtron and stock col lar of plulu material, either the color of figure or ground. The blouse sleeves werepleajedatthe artnholea and tucked at the cuffs, where they were finished with turned back cuffs of the vest's stuff. The loose fronts were pleated at shoulders and back. Havana brown cloth was the material In which thl dress was found, green and brown flg- ureo silk being used for the vest, but had gone behind the scenes to see on there Is a wide variety of suitable ma- RtEliA.VCK WITHOUT FIT. Inserted pa mis of bluck cloth that ended In points at the waist. The short biiMiue and plnin plastron were finished with stitching, tabs coming over the black panels as Indicated in the picture, with very novel effect. The stock col lar and sleeves and skirt were plain, and the colors of the gown were repro-du-ed In the hat. Beside this in the picture Lh shown the fashionable cut of box eot. "Worn over a silk bodice It Is of the same stuff as the drese skirt aud has a plain back laid in a small box-plent on either side of the center. A plastron is inserted In the front, and is sewed to one side, while the other fastens with buttons and buttouholes. with corresponding button garniture on the opposite side. Moderately full sleeves atid plain collar complete It. A Jacket of the same sort aa that Just described comes In the next picture, but this one was made of velvet and trimmed with fur and gold braid. It was In a handsome shade of hunter's green, and had the regulation loose front forming two large box-pleata In back. Its high collar had points of braid appllqued on the velvet The sleeves were rather small, ending In deep cuffs, and at each shoulder was a cap of applique design resembling that on the collar. Two minks were 'fast ened to the shoulders for further or namentation, and the whole garment waa lined with old gold satin. It may seem like employing a mis nomer to speak of a dress as a trimmed tailor-made, but tailor rigs are so abun dantly braided and strapped nowadays I a latter Ot I lie hnibwl m..A tiA .H.l HUU IVUIU water, wash the flannels in this, rinse in clear tepid water, and dry in ta bade. Either very hot or perfectly cold water will shrink flannel, ao always ure it wnen tepid- Choose a nice windy aay to wash your best flannels, to that ther will dry quickly. loo aewaxa, iuo The reader of this paper will be pleaseo to learn mac to ere la at least one dreaded aiaeaae tnai science ft an been able to c re In all us stages, and that is Catar b Hall's Catarrh Cure is the oni positive eure known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re- ouirea a constitutional treatment, ilall'i- t-atarrh Cure ia taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous turlare f tn srstem, thereby destroying the foundatioSi of the disease, and (riving the patient strength by building up the con Ititntion and assisting nature in doing it work. The proprietors have so much taith in its curative poer-. that they otfer Un Hundred Dollars ior any cae that it ia.il to cure, fend for I' at oi testimonials. address, F. J. CHENEY t CO., To edo, 0 Csr""Bold by Dniyeixt 7. Boleros of finely tuckeu Bilk in an color you choose are one of the feattr of dress, and black velvet boleros i ov ered with an applique of white eni.in leaves outlined with cord and sb el. ur. made to wear with different bodices. The new combination underlain ents are very attractive with an extra belt of pink merino, which extends from the bust well below the waist. This gi warmth where it is needed, and tin pink and white mixture is very pretty The latest vagary of fashion is the ad dition of padding around the hips o: dress skirts and the promise of bustle in the near future. A jlittle bustle a' the back in generally an improvement. In the matter of fall millinery ther? are a lot of novel things pretty enough to recommend themselves to any wom an. The turban is the hat par excell ence of the moment, and probably wil be until late into the season, when the never failing picture hat will shine strong as ever. When bilious or costive eat a Casearet. candy cathartic; cure guaranteed; 10, :5c When you meet a married man sneak ing around the block late at night with his hat pulled down over his eyeB, it n high time some one was writing an an onymous letter to his wife. Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consump tion enred me of a bad lung trouble. Mrs. J.Nichols, Princeton, Ind , .Mar. 2G, 1KB listene' all th- Nobody appreciates a good like the man who wants to do talking. I Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the fin est liver and bowel regulator ever made. Lily Drift. Tba average boy dislike being called "Bob." We mostly admire the opinion! of those who agree with u. Nothing on earth look quite at cheer' lea a a vacant house. The beggar that goea to the front door to ask for alms hasn't teen long in the business. It seem to be human nature if yon dielike a man to dis.ike all connected with him. one Fact is worth a column of rhetoric. It is a fact established by the testimony of thousands, that Hood's Sarsaparilla doea cure scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh and other diseases and affections arising from impure state or low condition of the blood. It alsc overcomes that tired feel ing, create a go id appe itc, gives strength to every part of li e system. Get only food's Sarsaparilla The best ta fact, tin- One True lilno.l Purifier. Hnnfl's Pills c"rB '-t,'er T ' IIUUU rillA take, easy to operate. 25c. Some newspaper men would have a great deal more influence if tliey did not allow the community to become per sonally acquained with them. Mr. Wlimlow'i soothing vcr lor emit, ren teethinK, ki(iiii the zuinn, re.iuces inrtum inatlon, allavs pain, cure wind colic. Z'x: outdo You make enemies of most men when you beat them in an argument Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasantefforts rightly directed. There is comfort ia the knowledge, that so many forms of bickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial ettccts, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. rally 100 of tha Moct Funoni Mo ud Wonm of both con UntnU havv eoniiibntod to Uu azt ftu't Vol am of Thebuth'S (ompanion Celebrating in iSq? its seventy-first birthday, Thk Companion offers its render many excep tionally brilliant features. The two hemisphere have been explored in search of attractive matter. Un Macuren, I op THt CoMMmON-t notbd CONTNiturom POM 'IT. m Special otM ttltm. IAS kUCLAaiK. atroTAao x ip us. BALL CAINS. rsAsi a. TociTo. Alois raiDiaio. sunam uluam roidica. Distinguished Writers CHARLES DUDLEY W A EX II TEFHXN CEASE HAMLIN ALAND. MAX O'lEU. W. CLARK ttnuZLL. ALICE Loaaruxow. HON. TH0MAI . HIED. ANDREW OARNESU. LIEUT R. R. PEART, V.I. N. DR. CTRVI IDION. DR. ED. ITEaiTf HALE DR. LYMAN ABS0TT. TAILOHMADK BUT TRIMMED. of the actors, and by accident I walked Into Mrs. Kendal's room. That good lady was about to begin her toilet. Bh shrieked: 'Oo away! (Jo away!' I turned, shut my eyes tiht, bowed, and said: 'Madam, I need'no persuasion. And to this day I have never been abl to tell which she resented the mors my Intrusion or my remark." tertals for It, and perhaps that goods you have In hand will serve. If so. WHEN- WttlTIMa TO ADVfcRVTlKBK, l-LU say yaa saw ta a4rartlsaat 8 () Stockings in amall check color are the tales'. of ?'.ii, Ayer's Argument. ( ( ( If there is ny reason why you should use tny sarsaparilla, there is every reason why you should use Ayer's. When you take sarsaparilla you take it to cure disease ; you want to be cured as quickly as possible and as cheaply us possible. That is why you should use Ayer's: if cures quickly and cheaply and it cures to stay. Many peoplt write us : "I would sooner have one bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla than three of any other kind. A druggist writes that "one bottle of Ayar'a will give more benefit than six of any other kind." If one bottle of Ayer's will do the work of three it must have the strength of three at the cost of one. There's the point in a nutshell.. It pays every way to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. () HS. - - .aaakw YOUR CHOICE Or FIT ON LOOSENESS. ) you are fortunate, for It la a vary at tractive model. The-urreutly stylish counterfeit of the Jackets of the time of Louis XIV. la portrayed n the second nfctare. It was )made of dark treen JacqiuNl, a ad ac , romps nied a plain skirt deeply located at the back. The jacket formed full pleats at the back, and the front was nntahed with small rev era which were appllqoed with black atlk braid on whit eloth, the collar being the same that thta term la a necessity for pur poses of claaslfleatlon. The Jacket of this fifth sketch shows how great the need of such a term Is, for this (rarmeat I of strictest tailor flnlah In all but the trimming on couar ana revers, and that I til 1a an Alutwtrtifa itlapn ... I Wf braid. It l made of steel cray cloth ! W and has a moderately long lmsue, wide ' turned revrs aud turned-down collar, with all elites ornamented with stitch ing. The Jacket opns In front and has ! a pocket on each side. The dreas skirt accompanying tills Jacket Is of the same gray cloth, and the bodice has silk lin ing, with deep yoke of white lace and silk. All these dresses that have received the artist's attention are free from the experimental novehMea In which the ad vanced woman delights, but it may be as well to mention a few of the tatter's fancies. She will wear an overdress you see, she cares leaa for grace than for novelty. This will be Hke a second skirt, hang free to within an loch or ao of the foot of the skirt, and nave a deep hem for finish. It may be silt at the sides to the hlpa, and Mem Advance la a very handsome, tall and slender figure; It ahould be slit. Her hat will be tipped well over her none, her shoes will be pointed, her gloves heavy and In either case with enormous big but tons. She will rear her chin as much aa possible above a high close Iota made en aulte with the hat, and she will be careful that It will not be possible "to lift the enld chin any more than a quarter-Inch above tie boa. Anyone wbo keepa track of the very latest poaatbla fad of fashion, and la wllVlng to repro duce rt on her own pretty bark must be kept very busy over something not very much worth white. Copyright, MSB. A4 aur thaa 0d Hu4r( stku Eaunnt Wrltan. For the Whole Family. Thb Companion 1o announce for 1897. Four Absorbing Srrinls, Adventure Rlorir on I. and and Srt, Stories for Boy. Stories tor Girls, Reporter' Stories Doctor' Stories. Lawyers' stories. Stories for Kvervbody all profusely illustrated by popular arlisls. Si Double Holiday Numbers. More thnn two thousand Article of Miscellany Anecdote. Humor. Travel. Timely Editorials. Current Events, Cur rent Topic and Nature and Science Departments every week, etc. B2 Week for.Sl.7S. Send for Full Proapectn. 12-Color Calendar FREE. 1 sum ntacrlpttoa I rec.lvtd r labwrlbtn who wUl cat t tku slip ta 4 11 t mm with 4drM Si TA thm afchaerlntlaa nrli-.l will m..i . r th lau i uoanuuoa mry im rroai to Juuit 1 lltT nil' Thukidrlaf, Christ sad w Tor's Dmbls Kutfctn. .SEE Oar Artistic t r roldl Calsadu tor lilt, Utharruh la Twain BMatlfal Ootors. s A4 Th TMth'i Oaaptal ol Woohs, rU nar, I ; saury 1, lltl. IS THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. Boston. Mass. - Absolutely Pure-Delicious-Nutritious - The Breakfast Cocoa made; ay Walter Baker 3f Co. DORCHESTER. MASS. COSTS LESS THAN ONE CENT A CUP: NO CHEMICALS. ALWAYS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Waiter Baker it Co. Breakfast Cocoa MADE AT DORCHE$TER,MASS.IT BEARS THEIR TRADE MAM U BEUE CHOCOWTlltt ON EVERY CAN. AVOID IMITATIONS "Brevity Is the Soul of Wit." Good Wife, You Need 3APOLIO