The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 05, 1896, Image 5

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    J- .. r , ,
j .1. Si in iih ns, I'1 i I or an 'I I'mp.
F. E. M. V It. It. Time inl.1".
l.oluK West, t.olnc K.u-t.
So. ."i, It.tV-l. I 4 ! So. Ildxcl 7:41
J. I". rillNNKY, M. I).
riijslilaii ami Stirircnti.
.Ml calls Kivt-ll prompt atlc1i,i.
iirtl.e III In ii; -tun-.
otk k to m:tti.i:i:s,
Tli" rul
. of ill" !-: I l:;inl odii o have
p.i .-lit I V I ! allU'lid'-il so licit Mlllfh
la !: linal proof -t ;:i 1 1 settle With the
publisher Indole sending in their : if I it a
I urn. A 11 part les ib-so ie."; to make litial
(.roof run have their papers made out at
THK .lori:'- M.oiia .. fee .f i i v - s I
promptly traii-mittcd to the t . I i oil
mi tint no tun' will be lost.
1 nr iiiforniat ion n :nl Till". J. 't l:N.vl..
Call lit, TllE Jnl'ltS M, oiiirii anil hiivn
your liniil I'loof Jiiipnrs iuail nut. Jl
will art Vnil nothing.
J. W". Slwrrill .i'iii1 Hi- Nurtli-wt-stirn
lint' I t.i tin- puhln' on Tin -lay.
so thiit lliiriisnn now hiis two lintels.
Iv. I'iither Mijenii h will hol.l i'.'ith-ii'oi-
s'rvii'es at thi) reii'i iii-e of M. J.
Iili'WKtt "ii 1 liiiii v , Novemlier, t'lth.
It is r.'p irte'l tint S mi 'lVhh. t ex
ici ts to e;o west, i-ith.-r into Maho or
I'.ilor.uki, in thi? sprui:'.
THE Jut'liNAI. is informed Unit Ihe
Klkhoni trams will not stop here lor
Heals, imt. w ill continue to make stops
at I.usk for that purp .se.
, ,!
It looks vcrv much as if winter
Set ill fill' keeps, illld It cailie ilefore j
many were prepared for it. lis wn usual-j
Iv have niee weather for Some time later I
.ban this. I
V. It. Smith has (iei'iil
! '
meat market in tin; leiiblinu' opposite I
'IV K .JortiVM. otliee. Two incut nmrlietsl to be ,.hh; to supply tin; n. eds cfj
t!ii' town. !
At th" rut business enterprises in
Harrison have lieeii inereiisuii; o l a t it
ou-lit not to Ih I0114 out ,1 it b.soiiies a
cilvof the metropolitan c.i-,s, w lib
- John H. S ii'plieid writes thi't hi
estniiat.; ol io la was not ! ir out of the
r- . 1 0.1:.
way as that sta'e i:vc M
l li.e-v f i. ' I '. '
an I lie w in is up his let ter si nil
for sound money an I propenty.
No s inner hail the woili f printiii','
the ballots lie.-n loniiib'ted at ilii: Jul lt-
. 1!, otlice th in tl." t,.ir do. k.'t lor the
Novum bet' term of the district court, b id
1o 1 gotten out. and as court convenes
N ivemb.-r ii'.'i 1 1 ir.; ,is u tiiini to be
--Jack 1! i'irt Kiys that the fellow
w ho helped himself to a supply of wood
Ir.uii Tiik Jul i:N l. otli. e wool I do well
to Ht-lwt a time lor his visits when ,h -re
is no livsli snow on the 1"""'"'
tracks the thief mailt! last TI
liiht avu bun in" aV.
Phil. o l i lt a. rived
this mormnr; to look afier bis inter
for a fo ilivc II ) will sl,,
lo.nU of cattle to bis home pl.c-e on M m-
.!.v l i.ol in ls teed Vail-,. W h Il Will
make twelve hundred
will fatten to ship to
The county clerk of Sheridan county I
bad to with a force of pr.nters to
Chadrou and draw on the facilities ol j
both printun olli, cs of that town to "ait,
..... .i... i... ii. ., r.. ti... i,. ,,( the voters:
Olll llltl ll.lliois l"i n.-.i -
of Sheridan county. The job was a hard
one to Ik handled in all tl coumies, .o.
especially in those lar Irom cities.
-Every available room in town
within a reasonable distanca around i
occupied and still there are not cuoukIi
1,1 ili'tln. demand. It is necessary
demand. It Is li' t'ssa r
for people to Kct where tbey can f-'li'l
their children to s, hool, as the sett lers
have become o few in some dist i u ts
thai thev have no school. It will hi;
iidvantiitfe to the town to make it an n
jett for such to como here, for people
who tun all'ord to follow micIi u course
to educate their children aro worth
Koniethiu;,' to the tow n.
A good deal of work i""1 expensu
has leil .lecessary to pit the steam
pump in shape. It was lixed up tem
Mrarially so tliut tha water Miiply
could I kept up and repairs ordered,
und when those arrive and an) put in
liliicnt is hoiH-d that it will uo nil
r,Kui uirouK. me -
ousextH'iisu fur u walr ""I'l'LV
J lie column
I,...,.,. v,.,is to the people of the town
and soiuu way oiij,'hl to l- aeviseu 10
duce iU Al tJordon a windmill does the
work ul little or no expense and muc
watens .etpiired to sup.dv the,
wants of that town than would U re
quired lorthiH place, of four" there
would lie quite an expense to start with,
but onco met it would relievo tho town
of nearly all riiwiiiijf expensu mT 'i n"1"
her of your. At (lord.).) tbey have
steam fixtures which can hi connected
in a very short limo nhould il buconiu
necessary, but it liai seldom bee" found
'I'Iip r.W'ctiou iii .Nebraska. J
The r--n It of the li'i i nri T'l'-- 1 v i
is iuiv iiiiiu '"- comfortm.; rep'ibh-
cans kn far us Nebraska, i . i on -cm I . j
Not .nly fM the lSiyiti 1 .
: -1 j - -t sdul, but most if Hit; i'lsion .'n- i
;-re mimmi an 1 also the 1 ; 1 1
:i. cr-i,
by whit majority is riot known.
In Sioux i on ii ty tin liiiv-t vote- w;i
p oiled T t i-t t has ls'en recorded 1 or years
tlc; vote c:it t 1 1 1 c t . vi lin ii i
:l'i.nil niuty r c.l.t of 1 1 iv wlide lum
U-r in t he t-oii nt y.
TlH' follo 111 Hill show how till' Vl('.
wns mi tin- . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . l 1 uliii't-i's;
.M, Kiuley . . . . .
J'or eokcrnor
.'!.. oil
'lie- otlii r stall- idle i t's
t he same ok' as tl'f
o'"t uof.
I .
1 r
; i . . i
on. lu'siiian,
li.-pH'-j lltiitive,
s.l,..ii.. ' '"'.n
1 little . . . b'(l
'oiinty al toi ney , i
(;;ithr:e . ...... . "1-
.... .IS'-l
i honias - - -
I 'oinniissioner, 1st ih-.t rn t , 1
Kills '
'1 iiikti.tiii '
In all the ,i'ei'iiii Is the Voters starU
let I y i lose to the t wo pi Hlripal 1 1' kets,
Imt lew Mattering Votes having liei'ti
Not one nf the ropose.l iiineinliiients
to t!ii; constitution received u. majority
in Sinus i.ounty.
Ill this precinct more Votes ivi-re chal-
,-i A tiian ever helore, but ill all
X'apt one the chulleiicil parties sworu ;
n th. ir vote when the ch.illen-o was not !
VMlh awn.
No trouble has been reported, for ,
while the eoiitct was tiirm-sl tuer.j was
httle hiltianess 1,1 It.
- ;
- 1 'rank Tmkham and Jack Kricsl-r
Cpi I t, to put III lllos
Velill;r tile Hill' '
t of the wniler lie-
v.. in- Hie cold niini.iir lanns mi
of i ol.las
ivo paying
'i hev I,,-i
ore and as
Wy ihiiIiIl;, sou
heve that thi'V
t he country is to continue 011 a Kold
li.f-ls thev propo-.e to have some id the
,'oid. 'J Icy will hlait, Iroui lici'i; Ihe
last of the week and drive torour;li.
Arlhur I hristiaii, I'o.i'Uiaii of IheT
I h .x I. ranch, passed tiuoiuU llai-ri-m
j w itil tile clltlil tin: first of 111 1 we -k. lb
was taKin.; it lliollsilltl lie 10 01 jmn.,
steeis wim h f. I'". t'ollee p;ireha-i d ill
i An ilia last Spnii'', Irani tiu raic lt 0:1
lUwInde to lie li i.iie raiico ol ..Ir. (....- j
! lee on Mat I re li. llie calle; wii ;
I fid 011 allalla ilurni the iviule.r and tali-
! . . . ,y ..,;.,.. ,,, (iu Sortu '. I
(la Wednesda' niormil. lit. the:
1 1 bur. h at M nit rose .Mr. J. J. Henry ami
j Mis-t M u'.v Null" wi'i'o niiirrieil by Il-v. 1
; Father .Mm inch. In the cveMHH the:
i wedduu' les! cities wci'i; In'ld at tin
home ol the bi'id.;
.puviils, about ""'!
, t(,v, quests piirlii'iMllli. 1 i"'
, yoiiu -opl urn wi ll known ill the
,,.,,,'t i. i,.o'i f ,e count y and Iniva tb''
' , ions and well wishes of all.
-James Hotirrett. cam;; down from
i Montana the Ih'st of the Week uri.l ml
I Tuesday he and Miss Jennie l.tcey drove ted to this d.'..irl m- til of vientilie a'i'l
from Seward ' to Ardmore, S, I)-, and were, ipnetly . ,.uiure will be pi-.-eute.l to th- me-tiii.
Is luarncd at 'I o'clocl; that evening ami
ir b ft for a short wedding trip. Il-ilh tin
youne; people ar
well known beri
I Will 11.11 lie tllCI!' home Oil the plad
, . ... u
Ilea, I which heilonKiue; to mo K-ionui, on iwo,
i . . . ... . i ... i l ....... r
Water, and tliey nave ine -ooo lusra,..
th"ir many friends for happiness and
( iiji in II. in,!.
The voters of Sioux t'olllity will
ease in cept my thanks for your many
. & I ..
favors- i am, t;enllcuieii, very inn.
Your ohcdienl serveut.
. ( TlluM Vs.
ti.,. 4.'e,,t Itai'. ler Tn The N'orlh rnlo.
, Tin-(.'fp.'ll llilfl
The reat obstiicle in llndinj; the North
; j,, j course, the all pervading ice.
, ,, ,,,, l, o,i,mr. t he season ol eon
i ,, sl, ,mll(r. the season of
j s,.,t tainlishl, the Arctic sear open
i s(,rt ,! tl,e explorers push their
j lj()S rlirtier and farther to the north,
i nil h the hone st rone; within them that
they, of all the venturesome spirits w lio
have soiih'hl. the I'ole, will lind it, nnd
will win undying 1,'lory. Hut these open
seas which stretch out so invitingly, are
luring them to their destruction. Weeks
have liecn passing while thu staunch
craft of lhe explorers has lieen sailing
nhrth. The sun sinks lower and lower
ju the Houlhwest, and at last leaves the
region enveloped in the hint; Arctic
niht, Tin; pathway of water lielween
the Ileitis of ice slow ly closes. The ship,
now in all prohab.h.V pushing ter way
.l!(,SieI - ately toward the south, mak.s
. , t
less and less pro-ress ami iinaiiy s"ps
The ice gathers round her and presses
her with mi embrace that constantly
crows lieliter and more deadly. Sho is
. . i .. .... i.i
in a trap S - - "
living nun,; ui i.iiu us -
ly criishi d; but, thu remorseless ice only
squeezes her thu harder, and Iinaiiy
l.e,-i,ii-s broken and useless, and those
...l. I..',,ii"ht her hern leave, her tolu r
desolate fate anil U,Km a joum -y south,
ward over thu ico a journey winch, lor
many, ends in k raves in thu frozen solitude's.-1,'oui
"To thu North I'idi) by
Ualloon," in Peitiorcsl ' fur NoveinU'l'.
(',,.. p,-.
riiusov u,. !
..i y..-. . r. ''iV.'c hmv ;it
1 V vilie:l.lV.
'oiitnr returned from Montana
,,t th"
iiiil Will (i.e. hart were i'l Harri-
on M-tiil-i v.
( i.i r- M. t: .:
- .ni"r:i - ii; - !.i.
is evj.--'-'sl to ul'l'lVr
V , to'll-HTOV,
(-..iiiity At"rii'-y Out'in ::
i u!. .n this cvi-ii.ii on 1 :nl l,iisii,i-ss.
W. !' !' oi.tins .is-.-il 'hr oi-li il: ir:
n i i,t u"i V: o:i vi.iv to -a st it i. in up
M. l-.i-m-u
t:,.. .,-t ..I ti
i 1 tun.
,l .v, n fr i:n (iinuu
1; t i lil 1 ii In -
.j irvis
is v. ns id
! .1 ri'i s , (1
a ,,!...
I.i-1 of t lo- Hi :.n l ma.!'.? ii
1 .-.I! ;,t tins oil, n.
W illiam 1'.. ' U-'i I. as - far I
f.-, hi !::- - from ulii. li I.i
o1 Ins lift-, that h- i aim; n;) la
I lIVl'I'i il
ii aily
iui'l is stoi.n'u:: i.a IIu'i'ii'i-C .
nufl!! iiuiiii'i C.mim ittiiin
Ili a-La St.itc Ii li f:itt(i:i As-.u: ijili":i.
7'o I!,.
N.'hr.i V.,.1,1, -A-. ;-i.: i :
Knurl h Annual 1 'nnvnt ,n
-ki Stilt.; irriL'ition Ai
;.f the
w,iii; lj'M in I.'vin.'ion, N.-'n.iskn, on ,
l liiirs.Iav. I i-Hiay anil iinroay, -ioikiii
(her l'.t, iiu I -I. 1 -!'.
Tin lei.ii's.'iitatinn HI Sill
I ill he a i follows:
The Governor of tin- slat" w ill iipiiint
twenl v il.-le- .t.-s at ;iiv''.
: Tin; Slate ii liinl of Arii ulture, t!ie !
1 State Ijihor ( 'oininissii'ii, the Statu I'ui-
1 versitv .in' the University AiTrieult tinil I
, l. .;irtllli'llt, S.hilll in) elltitleil to tell
delegates each.
All Far rs institutes, (irans. ,
( 'i .i i iii v or 1- ill A;rrii"ili in
ral or llorti-
euiiur.u nocieiies
in otherwise provuieil lor, ten ik-le-ates
to '.u Ii oraui. i' ion, to In clioseii oi iip-
p nuHsl as lie oMi'-ers of thu respective
...... i . i .ii .1 ...i,i..
oil; tin... '.ion nai i s
I', irh IrraL.'..! ion Association lar-er
l, mi a county will be eiititl -'I to a ili'le-
Ration of all Us olli-vrs and t-u addition-
in ii'-e .ui's.
Kudi In-i.ilnm Association will
be cntili' il to a ile-le-a tion of all olliccrs
iln.l mb-rs.
M . i ..I' . it ies -al',' l-l'ilUested to .1l-
p,'i,'l,. d.l. -ales h, v.lliiL'es live j
,i,...'-iles, pi- .,i. eit ; o IJiciriH ol ir.iue I
1 , ;,.! ci.;,s li v ! l. irales
' ,, . .......j,, .....i ,1 .,, enuritional ,.. !
- s. tln'.e il 1. . I'es cat
and t-v.-rv I
I line-i,r' 1'ii.', atioii, local or stale, shall
! ,1 !.! I,i t l.r .... d-deL'ateS.
. - 1
I. vcrv ri
ul 1 1-1 oixani.-d Irrigation
tell I'olll' aliy
-li ill h; en! a ed to thru;
del, -at. s.
Kditors of regularly issued
or period,.-;, Is w i'.hin tin; sta
te, lievoteil
in w hole or in part to
and commercial il. velopemcnt of
of cred.'ii-
braska, shall, on pres'-iitat ion
ti. lis, be entitled to seats and one Vote
each in III." convention.
A cordial invitation is extended '' n"
' mist and present Members of Congress
,,., t)is Kt;ll,., all past, and present
: ( :lU; ol'ii'ials. all iwirivul.rt nf 111'
j ;,.,nisiiit legislature, and all county
, ... , l,l,liri- olli.'e. including
!,.. , ;,os,ionci s. to attend as del-"
l'la' tical p ipers on timely topics rel.i-
; Orators and eminent. rp"Hs in anous
I brine i.-s of the ait. of on ;atioii will talk
lor r-a-l prepared tlifines ul. the busy ses
i sions.
! The various :ippoiiitin agencies are
: e iri.estly reiplesle I to forward to li., S'cretary of th" Local Kxecuti ve
t 'oiiiiuit t."e at I. 'xin'ton, a full list, of
d. !-H lies appointed, with poslollicu ad-j
dress of each.
Ue lii. ed rates will be available on all
rail roues.
J'or furt iier informal ion see the daily
and press, or write to li dx'l't W.
I Itarlon, IVesidt nt, of Hie laical lAeciit ive
j ( oiiiuiittee, I'Xintou, or I!. Krier,
! Secrelary, s un.; a.l.livs.
A. ( i. Will.KKSU.VU iWI,
Pfesidenl. Nebraska Stale Irrigation .As-
J.VMKi L. MdNTiwil,
l.lXDir.S, N'KH.. Nov 2, l-'.ll
I iniil rronf Noliccs.
All persons havtnif tliml proof not tecs In
tills puper will receive it nmi ked copy ol the
,llicr Hint lire leqne-tell to fjiiliillie their
uoliee nnd II iiny .-rims exist report tlie
siiiiie. to tills otlleii lit oin e.
Snth't' fur I'lilillriiliitn.
I.llllil liltlee lit Al.LIAM K. Nfr.
(let. f., iMIi.
Notice t liereliy Klv, ui that, the rollo.uiix
lliuiltxl H'tller llu'.i Ille.I notice ol Ills iutrii
tiou to make Itinil proof In support ol lu
cliilm, und Hi ll s od proof will lie iiimle In
fore l. .1. Iilewi'll, ( lei k I). '., nt II irriMin,
N.'li., on Novellllier 'is, Hl4t, vl.i Jiieoli
M.ll kinn, of .Monlro.i', Ni l,., who inade T. 11.
h. tor Ihe int. see. Is, tp. :U, r. ' I.
lie llioiii''. the lolluu Ink wll llesses to prove
Ills eoiiUniiuiK restileiii'e iipoa nnd i-iillivu-iloil
ol s oil holil. N
.liieUrou hrlenler, siepiu Scrr". .loMi-ptJ
Holt ntiin, nil ol IliHlnr.', Nell., .till oil W asser
Inn j-'ei , of Moiitro-e, eh.
II no protest lie lllel n,jnhil this proof on
or helore 'lav set lor laklliK same, li-stiinony
Mile nlV filhlililted "III li ' coin) 1 1' n it.
,7 h! J. W. N I lls, Jit , la lister.
Nnlh'e for I ill Ii-n t ion .
1 lllli"! St lies I.llllil lllliee.
Alliance, .Nel, , AilK'I'l '.
No! ire t-i Ili'leliV n en tint, U.i vlil Ainler
;u,i, nt Ar-luiore; s. I)., has IIH',1 notieii nl In
lent.ioil t 'ike llliitl pni'it helore M..I.
Iile.ii ii, elt rk ol IM-t. I nail, hi ins tun 'ii hi
j lvwnlu. t, 'Z
11 . ', of mi'.-I Ion .No. 2, 111 toll llsllip Ml. -i-i ".,
1 No. -l ll .
lie liiilin s iin witnrmrn:
lo-eph Adiion, Aiuimt, Mcyerii, thrum
IMcli ire-oii, J. M. PI. I am, all ol Ar.linoi'e, H.
1) 7 i: J, W . H'liUS, Jit., Kitf'nU't,
Sioux County,
Free Hemes (or More
Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches, :
; railroads, etc., '
Qontains over forty-five miles of
rail oad and has no county
Sioux comity is the northwest county
(,r Mf.,nisl;iu It is about thirty milt's
east ami W'e-t by about seventy mi
north anil south anil contains
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
of land. Then; an; more bright , spark-
o, Ian,., nien; am mo, ,., sp. ,
hn, small streams in the county tiian ,
ciin be found in the same area, elsewhere
in t he state. H has more pine t imber in
it than all the rest of the state conibim
!s masses ani the richest and most nil-j
tritiniis know n so that for stoek-growiii";
il is unexcelled.
The soil varies from a heavy clay to u
liht sandy loam and is capablu of pro- j
duoiiie; exi clleiit. crops. j
The principal crops are small p-aiii
and vi-eetaiiles, although e;ood corn is:
";row 11 in tin; valleys. The wheat, oats j
rye and barley are all of unusually line ,
quality and command the highest
t "
Hie water is pur.
ntiil refrcshini,' iiml
is fuuiiU ill abundance in all parts of tin;
The county is practn ally out ol uolit ;
aid has over forty-live miles of railroad
1- 1. 1 I I 1'l." e,,lil-t
'1"'11 l"l,ul", " b""" '
1 l" u'-ikss,., n.Mo.v.
t nini; the county and there has never
I i. ' 111 r ..,.,,..1,, iu.uuul
( oeeo oni: uoii.ii oi
' li"1' bencti taxes w ill be low.
i The l remont, Klkhoni & Missouri
Valley railroad crosses Sioux county
i from east to west and the I). & M. bus
about i-.l'teeii miles of its lino in the
. . .
nort lieast piiri oi Hit; uouniy.
The climate is more pleasant than that
of thu eastern portion of Nelinislia.
Then) is still
CVER 000,000 ACRES
of land in Sioux county yet open to
! ,,olm'htei"' eM,r'
It is better land am
more desirably located than that l"rj
which sucli rushes are niauo on i.ue opi u
iiiofa, reserval ion. There is no rail
road land in the county and for Hint
reason ils settlement has been slow for
no special effort to pi settlers was
made, as was done in the early days of
settlement of the eastern part of the
(i ioil deeded land can be purchased at
reasonable rates with jrovcrnnieiil land
adjoining so that a person who wants
more than one (piarter sect ion can obtain
it if lie has a lilt Io means.
There are about, l.oOO people in the
county ami there is room for thousands
1 biri'i on is t lie county scat, ami is sit-
is as pmd a town as the thinly settled
country demands.
School houses and vdiurches are pro
vided in almost every settlement and are
kept, up wilh the times.
All w ho desire to p-t a homestead or
buy land cheap are invited to come and
set; the country for themselves and juilne
of its merits." Homesteads will not Ik;
obtainable much longer and if you want
to use your riuht mid psl. I'll) acres of
land from Uncle Sam lieu it is lime you
were about it.
Not ice hir I'lililh'iitimi.
l.uiiil (illlceiit Al.i.iANcr, Nun..
Oct. I'.i, ihtw.
Notice Is liereltv (flveii Hint the folliilvhu;
iniiiieil si llier tin's Hied notice of his Inten
tion to ke linal proof In support of his
cllilin, und that s liil liroiif ill lie Hindi' he
fore .1. Ith wi 1 1, i lerk Hist. Court, nt llnr-
l isoii, Nell., nil Nov. 4S, I'."',, vl.l Soliiulllll I,.
Kills, ol IIhiiIsoii, Neb., Mho nnule II. 10. No,
r, for the lots I nnd und e. 'i see. U,
tic :iil n., r. .'.7 w.
lie niiliU's the tollowillK witnesses to prove
Ills com inil'iin resilience upon und I'llltivu
I iin, ui siii.l hunt, v I. i
Wiilker Wooill llil . S. M. 'I'hoililis, N
1 1 ii It li . . It. Ue. ah "I Harrison, Neh.
also Philip l. iniioi, ot llnrriuoti, Neh.,
who niHile II. K. No- aT4 for the lie. U sec.
tp. .TI ii., r. r,7 w.
He lliones the followlllK wUnesses to prove
lil eoiithiiliins icHideili-e upon illnl eilltlvil
llon ot said hind, viz:
l orwln Low is, S. M. Thnniiis, .liimeH Nolun,
t.col-Ki' i in ner, nil ol Ihil'l NoIl, Nvli.
17 li J. V . Wr.lis, .In., Itcitister.
Nlllil'C till' l'llllllciltKill.
l and OIU, t Alliance, Neb., I
October 11!, IhWl. I
Notice i liereliy Riven Hi t the fnllowlnn
niiiiieil settler has llletl notice ot his inten
tion to make iliiial prnul in support ol his
clntin, anil Hull said proof will Is' liniile he
fore M. .1. Illcwctt,, t link llistriel Court lit.
Uurrlsoa, Nchraskn, on Nov.'JI, ts'.m, vizi
Mlrliicl A. Hiilinili, of Lib 111 1st, Xcli.,
M ini nnule II. li. No. for the s'a lie '
'il, tli. tt! n., r. 'il w.
Ilti iiiiiiiks the followliiK w itnesses to prove
his eoiitliiiiniis resldein'e upon tiiul cultivs
linn nt, suit) I'linl, vl.:
,). W SiniHi, I'. K. Marpliy. I.ouls IlnfSlMS,
Jolin Muck, -ill el 1'0'l ir,'. Neb.
j. w. ivriM, .ui
tll Ki'K'.stor.
sidor Richstein,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
At ; e rr
I3 a bst S
We will send THE
--T . .
1 J J U XVll illi UlL
and the Toledo Blade for 3 months for rj
Or the above papers and the ( Jhicago
T 4. ftnoail Ci TTPCif
Hi Iti VlUU IA, J Vtli
This odtT its to all new Fulwril ers and to those wlio aro
istibscrilH'Ts. nrovidt'd they nay
. , , - ... ij.ii
tion to date or siaueiiieni ul
Cash in all cases will In; required from those who wish
to take advantage of our campaign offer.
Tiik JorRNAi. is the only paper in Sioux county that is
. i . T 1 1 J 1 . 11
uUtllOI- ZCI I TO pUnilSIl 111(5 OlUCiai UUtll c ti Utc pmpoi-n i
1 a IIH'IK UVK 'DTS 10 UIO COI1SIJ Lliliuil, it in ino oiuumi
! j j il .i!i.
paper, and is the only paper in Sioux county that is q.-.ali-iied
according to the Statute for the publication of legal
notices and other notices repuircd by the laws of Nebraska
,),( published.
Kelore snlHcritiiiiK for a Mafjaane
Sec the Itcst
Deinorest's Cut I'lijier I'ntterns are the most
practical on the market. They urn ol any
a n her of the houseliolil coal, I r
ipiire. la encu copy 01 me .mmaane is
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hu-ly mild lor ii-V.) or miy nunilicrof patterns
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j iwistiiKe. ben Hie value of the patterns in
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And hut n nuiiiiizhie It is! For ls',17 It w ill
lie inure brilliant, than ever before. New
uiHiiiitfciiient, new nietlioils, new ideas.
Knell copy contains nil exipiisile rrprixpae-
I tion tn colors of some cclcliruteil picture by
faninoiiK nrtist, worthy to n, lorn the wans
of the most rellned lioiiie. It, isiiltlrmcil that
DKMOlihsi "S 1k the only coinplete Kuinily
MaKiizlne eouitiiniliK nil "t the most excel
icnl points ol its contemporaries, besides
hiivlilK ililnlit.nlile feutlires ol itsown. HliM
(VliKsrsis.ictiliilly ll IIO.KN M VGAIN l-.s
111 (me. . ,. , , . ,
It is n Digest ot Current Events siul Ideas
for llie biii-y umn or Moinaii, u He view nmi n
siorehniise of Interest lor nil. Vlve, mot li
t'l-s sisters nnd (luiiKhterrt run Und evnctly
i but thev nee, I to Hliillse Illnl Instruct theni,
ii I so piiic'tical helps in every depurtinent ot
ilomesllc nnd social llie, liiclmthiK the turn
Isliinn nnd oriianientlnn of the tiiiine, ein
lirolilci v, la ic u brc,iu l istic and luncy work
. .'....,.. ..t.. . niel kiieircMl inns ti in I
1, t oi no sui'is, .,'.. " -i '-
...i..,i,,,r llie Uel l-liel ti U mill (M'eSM.
IUI ,, ' l''s' ' S o
Inn of their own persons.
The scope of the nrtlclcs tor P-'.ia nnd istin
will cover tlie w bole emintry nnd Its vitried
Inturesls. nnd tlie articles w ill he Prolnsely
llhistratcd wtlb the llnesl iiiigmviiuis. end,
In Hihlitliiu, It w HI publish Hie best nmi pur
est fiction. It trcnls ul length out ol Iioor
hiiorts, Home AiiiMsemi'iits mid Kntertntn
lnents; II Rives n Kinnt (teal of 11 lien lion to
the ( til Wren's I e purl intuit, nmi "( mr i.irls,"
und Inn. u Monthly .synipnsiiim by t elebrnttiil
People, hi wblcli me discussed hnpnrlnnt
(iiestioiis of tlie hour of Interest to the older
I,et .iik have vour iilmerlplioii nt, once.
Von net more viihin for your money than It
is possible to secure In uny oilier
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(Over tt.ifl dillerenl irurinents nrn shown
eni'li venr, patterns of nil ot which aro ob
tainable hv sulwcriliers ul 4i escli. ) Mini pie
copy (Willi piHIcrn emipnn) sent tor Wo. I'f m.iKii I mi ( ti.,
Ill) Kit III Avenue, New York.
X UiiKit U. orn.R. only -:
h'e.i.l Vour Kni's-rij'tbiu totliti'Mtlvc.
Oemorest s
Tor 1 1 ftQft
Lil UaiiUai V A,
foT fr 1 P.K
J.VJt . r- w .
all arrearages on subscriy-
uiu ifKuiai imu-c.
' .. 1 .....i!.. ..1 lw. l.T'LACni
44- ... ) I . .i aI lino .lllllltli
1 IN t(,r7
a. -V, . ' " run j J v
I will put you is a machine which win
elevate from 300 pi I Ions to 22,000 piU
Ions per minute with thu least poiodblo
power. It can bo operated by windmill,
steam, water or horse power.
It has been tried and its merits uro
It ih just the thin"; to use io stream,
where a (lortion of the water can ho
used to olovate the other portion,
They tiro cheap. They lire durable.
They are simple. They are tip-to-dnte.
Prices on larger machincii or on iron,
work alone, furnished on application,
Write for further infortunium to,
U T, TOOLE, Ap-tit,
MarUud, NsiU.
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4. "
II - " J'