The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 05, 1896, Image 4

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Tl)8 Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, f i.OO
J ff. Simmons,
trt'rrt at tHe Ilarritou ikmI uirk-r as
Jfecud elm utter.
TjlCRJpjY, NLrt'EJlKEIt ., 1;
prysn is nit likely to starve for uant
of a job. A New Vork firm has olbrr-d
him salary of .2".iii i a yr to nuiimv
law iepurtiiM-nt in tlx-ir ton?.
Jmi,'e Elmt-rS. 1'undy, iff the Ur.i'-d
States eorirt, (lied a', bis home in Imal.a I
feist weefe. He had toll;," xs-sidvd ot r I
jhi fi-tienil iu)rt fur tie: district of!
Nebesfc:v. .V niimbtr of asjiirants for '
fht) phtcegrti already mentioned, in! it is '
SuiiJ tlrnt President Cleveland will an- I
poini ro que bo is over sixty years old ;
pr wm is Dot a so '.(rut money j
T5e election not only va r favor of
MiKinley, but botll the .senate ami In. us,,
pf representatives Bill be republican so
tlmt legislation aloiij;' republican lines is
assured. The effect of that assurance is
already bvu.g shown in tlve east aiimr;,
mills ami factories, anil those who have
denied that protection bruits ;'ood
times are requested to watch the result.
Tte announce rueit 01 1 r. Stepbcn I J.
mmons, of New York, tliat be has
foontl a method wljervby silver mas- be
transformed into roM is one of tlie most
recent advances of science. t is not. the
"wild assertion of an riTispof-siblt; tWKi,
tippalist for Dr. Emmons is a scientist of
the highest order and bis announcement
lias been lonjj anticipated and while it
aroused interest and curiosity it caused
no astonishment among those ivlM have
kept abreast of the advances of scientific
research. The ultimate result of the dis
covery of Ur. Emmons is an interesting
tltemp for discussion. For aes ,M h.i s
been largely the measure of value in
justness transactions in all civilized na
tions. If the conversion of silver into
plJ is not attended with too 'f.-reat ex
pose tlw increase iu the amount of gold
,; in the world will be go great that it will.
jnost, likely, make it a less desirable
jwedtutu of exchange. That would up-
'srtthe existing conditions to a very
great extent and whafc would be decided
-"fn to take the place of gold in the busi
' ness world cannot be foretold. The de
velopment of the method will be walch
pd with interest.
f)ur America a )'- hn Ms.
' The progress of our ow n presidential
Campaign has been marked by the wail
pf many pessimists whose voices have
been beari along the outer fringes of the
general conflict. In the East the pessi
mists are practically all in
one political camp, while in the
Vejt they are all on the other side.
The Eastern pessimists have been !
moaning the fearful decline in the moral
character of tlie nation as indicated by
the desrate wickedness of tiie Chicago
platform and the shocking depravity of
,he millions of citizens w ho are support
ing William J. Bryan. The Western
pessimists, with precisely the same de
gree pf self-righteous censoriousness, are
proclaiming the enormities of the" mon
ey power," he dark designs of the "syn
dicates," "trusts," and corporations, and
he speedy downfall of all our best insti
tutions in case McKinley should 1 elect
ed. His victory, tliey declare, would be
the triumph of the most grasping and
pnscrupulous plutot racv that bus ever
. in all history fastened its clutches upon
an enslaved people. In justice to the
most representative portion of the coun
try, it should be said that the one set of
pessimists wil cruelly ba found east of
tip Alleghany mountains, and tlie other
$ets almost to a man, west of tl? Mis
souri river. In the central section, ex
. tending from Pennsylvania to Nebraska,
. The political little lias been raging most
lustily; but men are not pessimists in
jn that region. In those splendid com
men wealths of normal and wholesome
development, of high average prosjierity
and of comparitive freedom from ex
trepie contrasts of social condition, the
people are not given to uppoing. even
tinder the excitement of a presidential
campaign, that their country ingoing to
the dogs or that half their "fellow citi
zens are rascals. From "Tlie Progress
of the World,' in November Review of
Key lews.
The Toledo Weekly Blade.
Every intelligent family neetls in addi
tion to their local paper, a Rood national
freekly. The greatest and most widely
known jreueral family newspaper in the
Toledo Weekly ftlade. For thirty vears
rv uaa ueen n regular visitor in every
pari' of the Union, and is well known tit
almost every one of trw 70,000 p(mt,.
oltices in the country. It is edited with
reference to n national circulation. t.
w a republican paper, but men of all
politics take it because of its honesty
And fairness in the discussion of all pnb-
nc questions, it is tlie lavonte family
rt with something for every mem
oer of the household. Serial stories.
. poetry, wit and humor; tlie household
department (liest in tlie worldj. Young
FoMi, Sunday School Lessons, Ta
wge's Hermom, tb farmstead, tl
Uueittion lAirenu (which answers ties-
Slottf for subscribers), the news of the
rek in complete form, and other special1
ffBtufj. pjciman copies gladly sent
an armlinAt.iiin. a rul it unu will ,. A
t r r - . . , .... .. , .- i , it, . 1 1 . vT m
frt of addresses, we will mail a copy. to
ywv - -y v t J . . i j vtu mill
, fftiM a club, write for terms.
Addrcu Tub Bi.xnr
1 1" J r'
H-r"'. : ' .'
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II U 5
e a
He is elected and lias votes to spare.
From Maine to California he wins.
atriotism, Protection, Prosperity,
and Sound Money Win.
Republicans carry every state east of the Missouri.
Interests Von,
t)lfer of cheap reading in.tttr you can't
a.Tord to inn.
I 'uring tlw grettt i amiain ,-eople
want nvwspajiers and tin rn while
! tbev are fresh and new sv. The S-mi-
Wwkly State Journal. Lincoln. Neb.,
supplies tlie demand, as it will le mailed
twice a week from now until January 1, ,
l"iT, for 2'i t ents, or Ii jiii now until
January 1, lMK for one dollar. Tlie ;
twenl v-live-cetit proposition takes you
all through the t jm; ii-n. gi 4 1 o I I-s
election returns, and through tlif lub
ant e of tins y.-jr. A tlollar for th''
great twne a-week papr from uoiv un
til January 1 , llis, is the biggest oMir
ever mail.- to readers. All thriugli the
anipsign, all tlirouli tin- NVbr,i'.i I -g-islature,
the i ,in,'i . s and tips 111.111.11
rutiiMi of u new pre: !eiit. Never stiice
the war lias s i many im idents .of vital
interest to lite masses U-t-u crowib d jn'.o
s,tei n iiioiith-, as there u ill be during
this jK-ri'sl. I'lie S ini-Wt . :,lv Journal
is aliii'.-l as guod as a daily. H.-nd jour
onb-r or give it toujour j asl-master.
(iiuNT (ii-Tinni;,
I'roinpt attention kiv"" to U legal
matters 111 Justice. (Vuinty and lintrttt
('ourts, and before the United Htate
land Otlice.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
7?' Legal pajiers '-jrefulU draw n.
Hai:j!Isi;.. - Nkwiaska.
. L. SML'. K,
Fashionable Barber 2c Hiir Drecser.
RAZultK AM) f-"ISSUUS I t T IS Ottl'Ktt.
I.ive J noJ
a I t ail.
At a II u ml it (I Junclitm Points
in Nebraska, connect ions are made iMi
litirliiigtoti Kout! trains for ''liicago. S',
Litiis, Kansas City, St. Jov-ph, Otii.iha.
Lincoln, lleiiver, ('hyeriue and lit ytmd.
Our maps and lime-tables showing
where, when ami how our trains run mal
when-in they excel the trains of othci
lines in many important respei ts, are
sent, on request tree.
Always glad to tpiole lal'S an 1 give
J. Fmavjs, (J. I. & T. A. Omaha.
Nebiasl a.
Itm'l forget that TlUC JutHVAI, bio
a large 1. 1 u hliing list and ben srlei tuij:
reaibng mat t- r for the comiii; year ail
and give us your order. We can sae
ton money.
ri:ri Tjl.ii'tK
Ki.i.miiTjbiibH cii rc n:iu.-(3.
IJi..iiS T:bu3: at i!ruv?;:;iP.
ii jiiar. Tiihci; b cure dizzincsu.
U:ii.i;i3 Tsbtilc ntist diKCStion.
K: par s TjOuiIch c:ir iiad i;r.-at!i.
Uipans Tabub'S cure b Hull rm s.
R'nan Tabub-': o.i" Riv a relief. Tabub s: (? nth' cathartic.
Hiiian? 'j'al tib'g mr-s icustipatlon.
Itlpan T.iiuie.: peataiit laxative.
Htjcixij Tabu. en cere liver troubles.
I North-Western
F., I! & M. V. II. li. is the lsl
to ami from t be
' A . .it ., ; : '
Feed and Sale
(.iood rigs furnished on short notice.
lie-liable driver-) and ijuiet Kiddle horses always m hand.
flood nccomnimlatioiis for truiiscieut tuslonmrs.
Horses Imarded,
,i. n.
Harrison, Nebraska.
7" A ATT
E. BnK'.vsnn,
1 'resident.
C. F. Coffer,
D. n. ORrSWOLD. Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Amkhk'ax Evciianiie National Bank, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
Fust National Hank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
! he Inter Ocean
Is the Most Pc-ntlar Pcpr b i lea n Ik -w p n per
rif tlu West Jind Hn.fhe Lirgest Clrcu.otion.
tuhms nv MAIU u.
DAILY (without Sunday) j4.00 ptr ycrr
bAILY (wltli Suni.y) 6 J r.cfyc.r
The Weekly Inter Occl!I- C i .00
i'ltii YZMi 2
As a :iernr,. r THK IT'TEil OCT,. R -jraBt of tlw im5 jB a'l
"V l It !. r.Kitue.r p 4ns :tr t! vxan i '
Ajj a ( a niU y Pcnef U Net Hxceflf 1 bv Any.
P"T-7T'i' l' ;i ifb;n'? f f ntor.-t t. arh tn sr. r oi th imt its
YOUTH'S CiPAflT.MCN'i- U tao vry b.Mc Itokmi. lULirii...
KY FEATURES Arat.neii'iulb'1.
ItlBtTWaUVE PAUK PAPitle j,i.t I'l-. of tbo V7orld
I0 ITICA..LY IT IS KEPOBLICAS. a.l vr. ,t, racteri tlm b,mBnt of
tl. Wo.'. d:ouMiiu on !l li vo pcitlo I topic. It IB ub lhd In Chl aJ
ni ii ;n oco r t wit-a the '.i-op of the V st, in bmh tn':ti n t bt-rnfir
PIi.!, t-m.rr,lK.r it 1h prlc ft THK WUaU l(si-l( iN ia
OhH OAK lxLL,t.U I I 11 t CAIt. Atljrwi
THF ISTf-P 0C'."AM r.h
oUxlo, Ohio,, I
"'titf. I
'j HJ tttftrj,
vv -r IJv