The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 29, 1896, Image 8

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    el. I
of m
lie Describe in Thrilling: Words the
Conflict a been by tt. John in Uim
Vision The Contending Ariuie and
Iheir Commanders.
At the ArmaKed lon.
la his sermon Sunday K-v. Ir. Tal
niagc J scusscd the great ouili.-t prophecy
foresaadow as the of 'he itvriu
trossU' Aruii,'H.Jd.iu. H. text
lU-velmon xvi., "And lie gathered
them together in a pice called iu the
Hebrew tongue Annag -vidoii."
Merfiddu t I be uawe of a lUM.ihialh that
looks conn upou k-dra loii. I m- greatest
battieti.-id thai the w or1 1 Las ever s'-cu.
There Barak fought the Cau.-iai.iies;
there t'ideou fought the Midianitcs; there
Josiab fought the miniing, Fgvpli.iiis.
The ..hole region stands br bui::e. an.!
the Armat:-I'i'u of my t.-xt l.rr.A it.
name from it and is h-r,- used md g--graphiiaili,
lml ligiirauiciy, n hi'e m-UUik
forth the i'li-a that there in to ! a rii'
closing hat lie, tue g real est oi a.l battle-.
CnUlp.irod v, ith which the coi,!h,ls .,1 !h.s
century ami a!, other ivatun.n. were in-iSiiiu-aiit,
because ol ia- r mi.!cr
of, co.nbalaiits fii;:!''"l. the greater i ic
lory and iiie Kretit.-r lioimi.
The exact date of that hat tie w do n-l
know, and the exact loea'dy I uio-erlaiii.
Jt nut he in Asia, F.umpe, A f nr;t or
America. I. ill the tact that such li l.altie
wili take place i- .is certain a bid's eder-
ual truui. When 1 ue the superlative
decree n. regard to that '.-"in-tirf coiitiat, 1
do Dot forget that there have be -in wars
all along oji KtiiH udotis M ale. As when
at Marathon. Mihiade. brought on In.
men. not in ordinary march, hut in full
run, njioii the horsemen ot Persia and the
black an hers of F-lhtopiu and scattered
them a:id crying: "Hring lire! linn;;
fire."" "-.-i into fiaine the ships of the in
vaders. As when Fizarro ov. r, ante 1'ern.
A when Philip II. Iriiu. plied over I'or
tug!'' As wdjcu the llut.s tind te Goths.
As when '.'J) Spartans t:p ritj.-e'J thetii
elves at Tlienuopi la.'. A wheu the
Cart. i iiui:ihH took As
when Alesandef headed the Maeedoiiiati
filiaian. As when 1 1 ,i imilial invaded
Italy. l!at:!e of HastUii:'. ltaiile of
V'aluiy! I'.attle of I'liltowa ! l'allie of
ArJ.cdu! i'.atlleof Tour-I l'.aitle of l'.or-
I'.attle of laiejitiow: Haitle of
Itattle of loiiteiii.y. where
liJi,itiKi were i,laii.: Hattle of t'haioii-.
where ','Hti,i were nias-aered ! I'.attle
of Herat. w here tieuKuix Kliaii de-troi il
l.iym.tuHi live-! Battle of Ni ishar. where
l.T47,i went down to death! "tie mil
lion fipht hi)nili'.l and sixteen thousand
siain at Troj ! And Aineriean hattles,
too u. ar M now to allow us to appreciate
their awful irrandeiir mid siiruitieanee,
PXi-ep! viiti ivl.o were' 'here, faeinj; the
North or faeitii; the So-ith! Hut all the
J.aities I have named put together will
not eipial in nuuihe-t's enlisted or fieree
neKn or (.'rnudeur or tri'imph or rout the
(-online; A:-niaeddon eontest. Whether
it shall he fought with jirintiT's type or
keen steel, whether hy liraiu or lllll-ele.
whetlier hy pen or earhine, whether hy
booming eiuinoti or thunders of Christian
eUxiucnee. I do not know, and you may
take what I -ay us figurative or literal,
but take as eeitain wh.i'. St. .fohn, in hi&
TiKion' en the roeks of rhe (IriK'ian arehi
fielano. is jileased to call Armageddon.
r All at the Front.
' My sermon will tirst mention the ntri
nieiils that will heetiKited in the eonfliet,
then will say something of tiie eoniuiand
ers ui both sides, and then speak of the
battle itself and the tremendous issues.
BeipmiiiiK with those 'who will fight on
the atdiik side. I first jueiition the reci
ments diaholie. In this ve'ry ehapter from
which t'l.y.rj-st is tatjen we are told that
the spirits of devils will he there. How
many millions of them no one ran tell, for
the statistics of the satanie dominion'
have never been reportci!, and the roll of
tiiat host hav ne,ver on firth been called,
but from the direful ami continental and
planetary work they have already done
tnil the faef that every man and woman
tiid child on earth has a temper there
must he at least 1 f.i H a t.M K) of evil
npirits famili-it'witlt otir world. Perhaps
as many more are encased on especial en
terprises of nlioiuina'iot' among the na
tions mid empires of th" earth. Besides
that there must lie an in -onceiviible tinm
ber of inhabitants in realms patidemoniiic.
Kfayii.g there to keep the (treat rapitala of
Kin iioii.K from aee to age. Many of theni
once liveiUii' heaven: hut, engnionir in con-
opirai v to "put safan on the throne, thpjj
were, he.rlci, out and down, and tbey are
now .imonit"the worst thugs of the uni
verse. Having been in. three worlds
heave. i. earth and hell tbey have all the
advau ages of Jreat experience. Thpir
power. 'I'eir speed, their cunning, their
hostility, wonderful beyond all statement.
In tbJje Arci.igeibjon they, will.' I doubt
not. b'. pre-ent in full array. They will
have no reserve corps, but JI will be at
the front. Oh, what an agitating mo
ment, when the ranks diabolic move up
nd- take tlrWr places for conflict in the
Otli?r regiments who will miirch into
the fijj.'it will be, the regiments alcoholic.
They wilF be nLarti,.'up of the brewer'
companies, ilistillery ownerd and linuor
deaeri't a.xsociiitioin and the hundreds of
minV-'iii'ief their patrons. They will movis
Into the ranks with what the Bible calls
the "sing of the drunkard."' And what a
bloated and srtnki-d and bleared and blnxt
ed and hiccoughing and nauseating host!
If now. aceirrdiiie to a scientist, in Kn
(tland there are rrO.IMK) deaths annually
.. fratii strong drink, ami in the Tinted
States, according to another estimate,
' UUO deaths atmunlly from strong drink,
what iii. arruy of living drunkards tha,r
implies, coming up from Ihe whole earth
' to'take their plncf s in the last battle, es
pecially as the .evil inereases and the
millions now staggering on their "way
may lie Joined -by othe. millions of re
PDforrenients. brigad after brigade, with
dninkn'ils' bones dntmming on the heads
'" tit beer barrels the dead march of souls,'
' Ttiww .millioiMt of victims of alcohol, Join
ed by the millions of the rictima of arrack,
the splrituonf liquor of !hina and India
- ",. and Aali and Kfypt a.od Ceylon and
Biam. . -
. ' th Wrtai l4t. '
'.'.-.l :. Other; -eaiiiMMita who arill tnarch lifo
. (hf fivhl on the wrong aid will be the
' " rf ihieitts inndef. (Jod fart bnt no reve
r.laUW t4 th. ktmiaa rut, ap4 tbcra men
v been. UilM to destroy it Many of
Tii 'Vtokir maiaciiiM ana wspapra;
f ' . Tmh i-rr-'-T1 Mwff at Ohriattanlty,
Maf mmr o lh lfinr, bare become
Marairhv vnriaa ta tkoa reflmenta.
The jn-atet brigadier "f all those
Uietitai, 'ollaire, who closed his life of a
tsult ujssn ChristianiTy ny writing: "Kap
piness is a dream, and only pain i real. I
have thought so for eiglny-f mr years, slid
I kuow uo l-tier plan than to resign my
self to the inevitable aj to retbst that
tiiea are bom to l d.v..urei by spider
and loan to be c.n-'imed t.y care, i wish
I had never lie-u b..ri.!'' Ob. the
f.'rsakcu regiments of ir:f; !i i-. who. after
liming teMt tlu:r l.v.- in antajoutzin j
the o'lly inrlueuee ti.rt .i-iiid tuake tlo
ar;b better, gather. w.:n their low wit.
ai.d their tile s.icer. He' their learn.d
i'l'.ey, and lh-iT li-rr i.V bia-pie-m, t..i
take part agaib-t li.i end righteousness
in the treat Ari.i.igedd..u.
Otlier regiti.ei::.- w iio w i'.I niare'u in "ti
t.he W long -Me in the b ittie w .!. be t:.e
regiment- .i..)i:iii:iiedn. At the pre-, ut
time there a 'e about IT.'i.iksi.issi .M os
letus. Tin ir p! is to kill 'In i-tiati-.
ileuiean w oriia :i ie.o'1 and take e---.
sion i.f ti.e iar'li in the ;;,'er-t of
i:ior iiii-e. soper-titi-o i,ud in.r :i! t'ii.
The lun-sacre .f ."si.mri Arun ti:a:-.s in the
la-t two or three it-urn s only ele- ehap-
t.-r in t.'n ir effort to iia.!:i the .-trrii
ut e.TJ thltig but them.. Iv. . Si d.-ter-
u.inel are tloy in t!ie:r b.ol w.c-k
a !l the nation.- of the'h put log-lher
date not -ay to them
St-. p. -r e w .;!
lliak- l
Mil stop:" Mr h- !-.t.g
b-t'ore that ia-t leiltb- i 1
tiie Turki-h i..i.iven,iii. u".
' whe h 1 -pe :k
.Kiel A. ill 1! M-e
W"it d out of ev.-'
liutl.llieilalilslu. toll) be
dr;;iie is pr-.
in the
Tiie Turki-h r for the l'-t
-,r IlrlS lM-e, !,, H.lgf; ( h!;i
on earth .. religious l.beriy t.ud
impMveiiieiit. Il-r eMi r u. ii)i; i..n
he e, it the bo.-W of I i e V el , ! i O II
gure of the viug u.i ,,f tlo- Ji, v r
liiipiir.res. ami -Jo- is g tieg r:ipi'i;y,
thank iod! In l'-L'n. by tio-iir-.k m-ur-re.-t.on.
-he rcei ived the tir-t ih-stnicti ve
In lvj.'i tu,. Tiirkon.iiu aniv of
I '.ili.ttm was dc-troy. .1
i 1
flu- eau-e r,f
-7 I'rigiaisd.
they ha
ialed t:
advane( d
and B'i-ia. no
re sinee b-eti, at
e 'J'tirkish rl.-efs.
-o cautious as
Na -ir.n-i limtnl
u ud I ir'-o'i- was
free. Weaker and weaker the Titr
Iwer has beeome. ami it has Iot Algiers
and Wnllaehia, and. iier than all. .Iriniig
the past iI.m a.le. throiign her i-rue-y. iias
lost tli sympathy of. every good mini and
vvoinan in all the barn;
The Heathen Armr.
''Yea, to show the ma,g:iitude of .the on the nroiig side. I have to toil
you that what is left ot heathenism tit
that time will march into the eontle t.
Tle re are'I l.-ti-h id .inter-,
in.ism.issi Brahmins, bn.tssi.issi l'.udd
lests. Through the sublirnest moemeiit
of this eenrury, the m'ssinnar.v move
ment, all the time gathering in momen
tum. 1 believe all or nearly all of that
T7ii.CHKi.tMMi of heathend. ill will be con
verted to tlod. But tiiar which is not
converted will come into the Armageddon
on the roiig side.
Other region-tits on that wrong side
will be made up of offender of all sorts -the
defrauders, the libertines, the dyna
miters, the anarchists, the oppressors
and 'he foes of society, the criminals of
all nations, by whatever name they are
now -ailed or shall then tie called. They
may not liefore that have oeii!y taken
shies, but then tdiey will lie coinpell.-d to
take sides. With what venom, with
what vioioneo, with what desperation
they will fall into line at the great Ar
mageddon! Is it not appalling, these un
counted regiments of ihe earth, to be
joined by tiie uti-ouii!e! regiments from
perdiiion? Can any (miwit cope with
them? Especially when. I tell you who
their commander is, for so much in a!!
wars depends upon the chieftain. Their
leader will not be a si!hienl accident or
a military "happen so." By talent and
adroitness am) courage and unceasing in
dustries he lias come to the bad cininejieer
He disputed the thrui of heaven with
the Almighty, but no one has ever dis
puted the throne of eternal night with
this monarch, who will in the Inst battle
take the field in person. But I guess this
old w arrior of pandemonium will not have
an undisputed Held. I guess there will be
an army to dispute with his forces. I
have mentioned the supremacy of this
world. I gtiese our tPsips will not have
to run when on the day mentioned in my
text all the infernal batteries shall be
unlimhered. We have r-ei-n reviewing the
troops diabolic. We hav been measuring
the calibers of their guns. Wp have been
examining their ammunition wagons.
Now let us look at the forces to be. mar
shaled in the Armageddon on the right
side. ...
AnKelic Nesrimcnts.
First of all, I mention the regiments
angelic. Alas, that the subject of deuioii
ology seems bettor understood than the
subject of angelology. But the glorious
spirits around the- throne and all the
hight immortals flint nil the galleries and
levels i.f the universe are to take part in
that last great fight, and the regiments
angelic are the only regiments capable of
meeting the regiments plutonic. To show
you something of an angel's power, I ask
you to consider that just one of them
slew iS.".(sM of Sennacherib's hosts ia a
night, and it is not a tough Arithmetical
question to solve, if one angel can slay
K."i.(mio troops in a night, how many can
rXMUXlO.tXs'i of them slay' The old book
says that "they excel in strength." It is
not a celestial mob, but a disciplined host,
and they know their rank. Cherubim,
seraphim, thrones, principalities and pow
ers! And the leader of 'hose regiments is
Michael the Archangel. Ibivid saw just
one group of angels sweep past, and they
were 20.000 charioted. I'aul, wlo in. the
Onmalian college had his faculties, so
wonderfully developed, cotrfesst his in
capacity to counfihem bv saying..." Ye are
come to Mount Ziorsand an inrvumerable
company of angels." If each soul n earth
has a guardian nnge.1, toon jlicre.uiust be
l.(KKUtlO,000 angels on earth to-day. He
sides Ihnt. heaven must be full of angels,
those who stay there. No' only the twelve
angids who, we ore told, g-unrd the twelve
gates, bnt those angels who help in the
worship and go on mission from mansion
to mansion and help to .mild Hie hosannas
aim enthrone the hallelujahs and roll the
doxologics of the service that'never ends.
But they all. if required will be in the
!ast fight between holine ss ami sin.
r crlinlietic Kfaimenta. ,
The nejef regiments that I see march
ing into the tight will lie the regiment
ecclesiastic. Ac'coriljng to the last ac
count. 'and practically only In 4he begin
ning of the great gospel .movement which
propose to take the w hole earth for tSod,
there jre 4,0.iH Methodista, .172.".f0J
Baptists. l,ZS0.:a'l l're.d.yrerianaf.lEiO,
000 I.ntherans awl4'l.000 Episcopalians.
' But the present' statistic of churches
will! W utterly swampV. When, after all
the-great denomlnstbris ba vel dne their
bwit- workV the. aJowasrt t all, b afcta
will hare more-ntMU'.ers than the present
enrollment of all denomlnatlona through
out Cbr.Kenilom. Yon see, by that time
an atheil or fen infidel will be a curimoty.
and Ik- will be looked a as we look a: a
nun w.La long hair reaching below t i
shoulder and long tinge? Da. Is that are
never cut and a stare iu the eyes md,, at j
lug incipient lunacy not to b - ., .1
with, but to Ih- pitied. W'b.le it will i. !
be any unusual thing to s.-e men as inu fa
d.-oi.d to their religion as Francis Xjv-i-r
in. ti-v,i!-i to hi religion, wh n he
went through the stree-ts a-kuig a!I to
come to hear his faith .jH.uiiii.,,J. jn
year- pi.:ii!:iig the g -p.- m hftj iiatioris
md l.ap'jv.u.i over l.:si.ct ,,tils ,j
he r at bo-'- of beir-Vei- i 2 J ti; t:,e
tirth. makii.i: the J.olT.Ism, i
that Xerxe- rt-vscwed a corporal's ;u.i: I
in com par -oji. . I see t lo lii. the rig in. t.-s"
( - i.--...-; ,e. ii.o::i; n. to that last batt.e. ,
The Lutherans 'beaded ' by s-iine .-. ,,t
't. Jo.
Is- The
In s.:. d bl
t to (-.ti.e.
s. .me t i.s.rge
Tiie l'le-bltl-
I n Knox j - t : .1
t.s headed l-.v
t to lie enrol" .),
a toe Missionary
o;!d. Th- Co,,'
d by some -.
a-b d bv s .me J
The Kpi-eopa.,
hop Ch j rn.s k ;
,:-t. h.a.h.l by
e i'.
e t
I.'l t.'ie V
hi,r. h bea
o.! ell
ot p.-;::.
of 1,-v.
cat r in
!. sir.j
-tr..e- '
:i the j r.
to r
on our i
- of ,.,
t. n- in
'"-hi! I
. t . r
t to taki
ng il.'o the
tiipe.i .-md
g lorn bv
I see t i
: a -t.
1 'U I.e
.1.'. s"
:-d. and s;arr. d
tii. -e ho turn
a!! shine as the
er. Into that
li tics.- migl.'y
itillg pr S-eS ..f
l.a'tle will a'-o
op-s. that sh.-iil
th: I
and f..i
Her. the pr.
Into that
llt ,. -t teb-s,
rs !:i their
olir(-S to
t '.t
ir ti
i.lciiifntal Krginients.
Ag; 11. the regime ills clement a! wiil
ij.u.e into tbat b.iltiy on the r.giit side.
The wind-: tio.I show,-,! what he could
do with : li. ai kw hen ti e splitit r-! timber-
-.f ti.- -hips of the Spanish armada
iter s-rewn on Ho- r ck- of Sco'lanL
Norw iy. and tiie Hebrides, 'ihe water-!
lie -iioe. lie Coll'.d do Willi T
11 li. 11 he p. 11 t'le-u h.b- car'h under 1 h. :n.
leaill.g it subaqueous . s I liats, '1 be
e.-irtliqciki s' I le sli.t'tt 'd wiiat ho could
lo wrli II, em w hen J,,- at Cm, ii-a- drop
into the oi ii month of horror and ihe
islaiid- of ti.o ea wen: into entombment.
The ivlilii.'n;--! He -liowid what he
ooiiM (J.i with I hem when he wrapped
Moiiii' Sinai in llaaies. and we hate all
son tiieii' hashing lanterns moving with
th- .-aai'iois ol ihe midnight hurricane.
All in- regiments elemental will come in
on our side in the grejfi Arinagi-ddoit. j
I 'oine n ml let ns mount ami ride along the
hue and review the iro, ps ,,f Kiuuininiel .
ami titid that tin- regiments t.-n est rial
and eides'inl thai .-o,i.. inio that baltie
on the right sale are -as compared with
those on ihe w -ide two to one, a hun
dred to one. a Ihou-aml i.. one.
Hut tt in, is ti,,. i-onitii-tiidi r in i hi f mi
ibis -iiii-V Splendid artni.-s hate been
ruined, caught in Irakis. Il ing over prec-i-pie.-s
rnd anjiihdal.ed through the iiiooin ,
pi'teii,-,- or tr a.'Sor.t of their general.
In commanls on our side; .lehoiah
.lireh. so eadcl in op. place. '"Captain
of Saltation," so culled in another place. ;
King of kings. Iird of lords. C.,11
'pieror of coiupiorors. His -t c otnriis- ;
icnt. His arm omnipotent. He will
take ti.e bad. He nil: draw th.- sw'ord. :
Hi- will give ihe command. And when '
he plants his foot for 'he combat. th
found itions of the enrlh w ill iitake and j
when he shall, give the Pintle shout, all :
the gates of hell will tremble. j
'I he Con t ict. J
I'.ut do not bd ns shout until after we 1
have seen tin- two armies clash in the last .
struggle. )h. my soul': Tin- battle of Jill
time ai.d all eternity opens. "Forward !"
"For.vard !" is the command on both sides :
given. The long lines of both armies ,
tinier and swing to ami fro. Swords of "
truth against engines infernal. l'.hn'k
horse cavalry of perdition again-t white
horse cavalry oHieaven. The redemption
of this world and the honor of tin' throne
of tin! to vin'f7cu't( how tremendous is
the buttle! The- army of righteousness
seems giving way, but no! It is only a
part of the maneuver of the infinite light.
Il is a deploy of the host celestial. W hat
a me ding iu this held of splendor ami
w rath, of the angelic ami -of the diabolic,
of hosanini and blaspipi-iy, ,,f song niel
curse, of Ihe divine au ll're satnnic. 'I he
thnarlij.Its of the .'mighty hurst and,
blazoOiio'h the foe. I! com IcOoin! Itythe"
torches of lightning -'hat illumine the
scene J see that the c ri. :s of the Armaged
don lias come. It is i':o turning point of
this last battle. Tito next moment will
decide all. Aye, the forces ol" Apolljou
lire breaking ranks. See see! They Hy.
Some on foot, some on wing, they Hy.
Hack over the battlements of perdition
they go down with infinite crash, all ihe
regimeuls diabolic! Hack to the moun
tains anil caves the arm-d hosts of earth,
crying as they retreat tc the rocks and
mountains. "Fall on us and hide us from
the face of him that sitteth upon the
throne and from the wrath of the I.ninb,
for th great duy of his w rath has come,
and who shall be able to stand':"
And while Apollyon, the prisoner of
war, is being dragged in chains to his
dungeon, and our Comiueror is remount
ing his throne, I look off ujkiu the battle
field and among the alnie I find ihe car-'
cassc-s of Mohammedanism, and pagan
ism, and atheism, and 'rfidelity, and dis
sipation, and fraud, and multitudinous
wrong, strewing the plain and I hear the
angel that staqdeth in the sun crying, in
the words of Hevelalinn, to all the fowls
that tly in the midst of hearen-rthe
eagles, and the vultures, and the hawks,
and the albatrosses "Come anil gather
yourselves together unto the supper of the
great tjod, that ye ma eat the flesh of
kings, and Ihe flesh of captains, and the
flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of
horses, and of them that sit on them."
The prophesied Armageddon of the text
has been fought, and Christ and hi fol
lowers have won the day. The kingdoms
of this world have bec-ome the kingdom
of our Ird and hi Christ. All the
Christian worker of our time, you. my
hearers, and you, my reader, and ail Ihe
Christian workers of in the age have
helped on the magnificent resnlt, and the
victory Is ours as much as theirs. This
moment Inviting ail outs'iier. through the
ransomed blood of the everlasting coven
ant, to pet into the ranks of the cou
iiieror and under the banner of our
leader. I shall not close (he service with
prayer, as we usually do, but immediately
give on the .Moravia i hymn, by .lame
Montgomery, appropriate when written,
in IHVJ, but more appropriate in IHiMi,
and ask you, with full voices, as Well aa
with grateful lienrts, to rhaut It!
He Jehovah' banner furl'd,
Sheathed his sword. He speaks; 't
Ami the of tlirj worl.
Arc th kingdom of hi foil.
Hulirst It uftbsnfliuea Miould Not t IM-!ul-d
by tli sltfrf I'ruiuts- of the
J'ollUeaJ tkir-Miu 1'lMlMmud I'roten
We bo- in this g'-d land of ours cer
tain lss. le lllown Coliti 1. lie- men.
H t;l " b.i e doU.
oilf llt (lilU.'.il
-oii-i.i.-r.i b!e fs.s
min.iiiii' :e. 1 he lartii-
er i'
. n:
toW n w ho pvi s a
a to. I
whose 1IH-I-
ot Ins own
of sjlppllo
h,ldlg hJl
Iliell's. ;it-
et.:... to
- and th.
.on ti. .-(-:
the s.,,
pur. ha
a od u h
pro l.n
i .r h s
. -tu- I
't ;!e. ,l- OW
i f.."i
j ;,. i.f other 1 ol 1
to be boil,
a plaU-Jole
.1. bold II V I
br of pat
is. and gold
---To! in our
s liilc tra I
- but
in. I alwas
est : 1- V. a;.1 t-fr t'1. o
t; le t'.i-i 1 1 i ii l-.v r. i::.-. :
ii;i. t.'i ,j vii;,i,e. r. i i
. id l,a lot I.-, l.ghinii.g r.
1 r :. i - i.a w l.i i n l.d-t uc.
1'lial -bsll ; '- bela tlii'l"
lltel the ij.lil p.. r I- h ;
t be '1 ; .i'Uae lew a i . Iia-.
l.i :r
t.,r a- p.
. gite i s r. ad. I
- g. til ry.
clas- of fa 1 in t'
illl.l ll.o 1 l.e t ollil
il g nil tiolil the
bl.. 1, bill b) l!,e
:ig:im-t !h
V a new
;re j.-i'aiel
.l.g pel-.,
y (1 e goj,
I'!. i- !
fn. !,.!- v.
try n;i I-
1 'inner, i
t I
it. r .'..I' ll s. 1. i;,e. tiut ,.f li t. and
l.wlmst I" ' -tnr't cu't.'.an , of the
oil tio-e bold gel.t- .'Villi. It Hie S 1 1 t 1-1
.lobar ,1- llll ol j. t b -sou. Ill, d p'OUU-c
the hole -I 1 1, 1 ii,, I !' at .( k-' Will
l:ot his Wfil'.u ...lill.iet ,. i r bis pi..;u
i.o i,,,!, pal,, hie Ml ban!,, hut Will
gile to the cine! of ,.-s. Willl!e. . UJ,..t
ills 111" lid- the e. Illrol ol his otto fotltre
aid ol the . I. -!, of i hi, gnat nation,
th' tap ! !i feim Rn. I n.l of its iii-
i I. ;,se ;,,,;! !. .buibi, d.
Now u e ad !.e i!;.. f i ;-:iii r no! 1.1 !
d- 'ud.! bv this,- s.Jttrt i.toniies. The
table ot the wheal, and and beef,
and p.. k. .w l i. li the fanner has (., .-!
lb pen. Is upon tlie market,, of Cunqs- and
e.'lllll' f ill nut Wat b. r!i.i,..... nr t'llrlol
bl these new t .1 ' 1 - ,' I . . .1 , 1 ,. !e o o n.en.
and no "in l.uows ii !.et, r i!;:in the . ,.n
tidi in i' mail li.uiseii, H. proposes to al
low any own. r of a silter untie c ,,tl.'.
an ounee or a niobon of 01.11. i s of .lit er
to tlo- m M anj bate .-t. r oil :.ts'
worth of :t m.iikod a b.!lar. and i ?L
the farmer to ;b-l eve that when be .j.i .
tUO of these in e,i elll.l .!e coins he will
be richer than ttlo ti he g.-ts an h'.u.'M
gold doiiar. I in m,t tr,ii the.,- men;
t hey . are : iVitig to sw in. lie toil. The)
hate do, .it,, I ton. Indole, and if on
bike their advice they w;l! do it ag un.
Four years ago -on I thes.- i-,.tue
Imciil tohl ton holt' toil were being. i;n;
pot cr.sio-d by
tioii. and proa
rhcui in f,ow
tllles, vou tt ,
l:-.ibllcari --tariff h ci-la-
'c. 'CHt ll t oil tt oilid pi
r you would hat,- good
ul, I ,';f ride in belt.-r , ar-
riages. be better , bid and .d. and lite!
like lord". Vou r,.,,k tin ui at their word. !
nl heljM I thciil eject just such a I'l'esj. ;
dent and Coiigiess us thei it a at ed. t
They came in;., pow'er in March. ls!i:;.
tind for tu. tear- have bad eotn(i..-le j
control of ail of ihe legislation and ad !
ministration of (he I State- ir .nTu j
.Incut, and toyy up matters just o -nil :
.1 iieJUseit'-s. all, I llott t'let collie lltiHId !
again and t. l! you that ton ar. worse off
than ev.-r before, nud a-k yon to lake a J
new kind of remedy l.r your ills. . Hate ;
ton not had enough ( their wares'; - io ':
ton desire lo iniost m any .,f their I
l'i uliar agri, uliiiral implement-'; ,, y,,n j
want any more ot their patent hay j
lorks. or gold or even sdtcr brick-;
Four tears ago Ihey promi-cd us
tariff which would contain such plot
ions as Would deprive monopolies and
trusts of proie tioii. but over Hie ohjcr;
lions of President Cleveland ihe baser i
part of the I leinncralK- c oinbimil i'ln en-,
acted a patchwork unsyinuii trioally
trained ac-oiding to the dictation of j
Si-uators Oiirmatl and Hriee. the rcpr--i
Selltlltives of the w e;i!t!lot tlll-ts on the t
coiitineiit. And here is the way Ihey
protected the West! in farmer: they put ,
a tariff of -4(1 conis a pound on iron ore, i
,'io or 41 per cent, on iron, 1'.. .-cut on ;
every pound of ru e rai-ed on iln South-
cm plantatii.ii. and took away all of the ;
tariff on -wool, leaving the .Northern'
lariaor unprotected on this, one of In
most important products. ',, ndor i,, :
this as a nelbkuowii instance showing
how much regard these gculh-mcii liuvoi
for your interests, I to you want to trust '
sildi frh-iids again'; t
One of the gieaicst and most powerful i
combine in tin' world is the sugar tru-t
wilh its capital of if7o.'i.(SSi. but the:
enemies of I'lo-nhnt Cleveland, after,
putting ii tariff of An per cent, on blown !
sugar, put an extra protective taitlf of:
one-eighth of 1 per cent, on nil i lined i
sugar, the- c fleet of which was to jgi v lo i
tin- great Havcmyer sugar Irit't a com-,
plete monoM,ly of the relining of sugar, i
anil is said lo have increased the tablet
of its capital in the stiln of j-s.isitl.issi. J
W1"h lint iittirrc that tin i- gentlemen j
did anything of n Iil.e c haracter for the ;
Northern farmer, tin the contrary, ow - i
ing lo their r't i-ion of the tat.ff. i
they cut down ami diminished nil of!
the protection that the farmer then had. i
The Tribune told you in I Mi: I that you '
Would be deceived and injure, I and we j
i ask you as se nsible men if our prcdic- I
tions hate not come true'; Have you
bad enough of the patent iiieuicine of- i
fored to you by these bold stranger or J
do you want another close'; !
I And now the tariff having been fij- i
tered ami changed and business ilcnu'irab I
izotl, factories shut down and workmen I
out of employment and the nation sick
and diseased tinanctiiilly n new remedy
is suggested. Hryaii and his associates I
propose to cure all our ills and iiiake Us
. ivcnlthv by calling 50 cents a dollar and
then lid vise you to relieve jours. Ives of
what little debt you may individually
or politically one by sw indling your eoii-
. tiding credpors nut of one-half of .(.heir
dues. We trnt you will take our warn
ing. We verily iM liovc that the farmers
! of 1 1 1 t i u ii ii , although in the hmiesiy of
their heart, they may Is' deceived, will
always indignantly drive from, their
doors every man who asks tjicin to' save
a little money by repudiating Usoir-lion-est
obligations and will add 'their iium
Imts to the majority that will lualcf- lr
Kinley President and save ihemsilveH
and Hie flag of our country f roiu' dishon
or and il;sgnics-. South Heiid Tribune.
Ilrcssccl Meat 4'ciHicjiai-cil Willi fiolcl.
There are a few things w ith w hich we
can compare gold with some rcaou and
assurance, and I wish to call your at
tention to some of them. There is
dtcssc-d meats, for Instance, I tressed
meat is an article which is manufacturi-d
from time to time to supply an imme
diate ileum lid. Our pa king-houses are
not obliged to keep n large stoc k on bund
in the me-e eviss-tiitiein of a market. If
Ihe njarket is glutted they stop killing.
If there is a tirosM-et of a demand they
buy jus! cattle enough to meet the dc
In n ml . pressed meat mi(tht almost serve
us a stun, lard of vaidc, it is so uniform
and mivuryiuK ia . its tiutptil nud con
sumption. How does It, coymnrc with
gold? For the Inst twenty-live-years it
has slowly but surely advanced in price,
which show that gold ha 'depreciated.
Then tin re are fannini Iniwis. City bus
urn subject to violent Itucliiiitioiiv, but
farm hinds are reasonably stable Hniv
does gold compare with them? Since
1h":I the funning land li the 1'nitcd
Slates have risen very Dutch ill value
which show that gold ha dcireciulcd.
Then there aru wages. 'WAges fluc
tuate more or less, of course, but are con
sidered far more stable than most eom
inislilics. Isfcause of their adii iitsbilily.
Wh'it do I mean hy that? If a man
lose one Job ba tr'wa to Hud another aa
s"n a he rail at 5"s' a gorel stages.
This power of ada.tatioii ther.-tore
makes wag.- reasonably stable. Hot
do tbey f-oiupare with gold? Since 17:;
they have very ss-nssbfy !t"--eas-d- In
lvtl the emmon latrer ioiiI) demand
in go. fl.Ji 7n a. m:li Jlh"
in ls7:i. For skill-l lai-.r the d:ffcr n. e
is even greater, w hi. h .show s liiat gold
has cither ib-j.ris iatsj or that wages hate
increased. But. my fiiciuts. I venture
to a-srt that a -low-moving standard,
up or down, is infinitely U-ll.-r for t-tt ry
Isly tban a coiiManriy tliu t iialmg -l.ind-urd.
The manula. tu,-, r-no I lo.-r.
l.iy alenlate lo the I. a-t fra. iioii . f
l.rol.t the prn-e f.j- which th.-i .m s. II.
tru-iiiig to an aggregate of little
up the credit, iviuuili. W- want
tlo- to U- so. do we not'.' I: git.s us
eVe thing He bty i t th- loW-t po-K.!e
ptt. e. er vti ii. If tbe-e lloui, in ad
btriMi to t)i ir .4)11 E cab ulatious. itett to , ,e ilinte ol ihe Value of the
toon, t f,,r which thev boTigbt and
II V . . nl.l. lo!. I gluilij Jii.tle ir o.!,leiM
ar. I .M.-uh! ii.. I I.t loiiLiee 0- t
.. 1..... . . . , .1 . .. .' . : T r
fc ,.., t,.,, ,,,
son: . I. M."l. in e'.lliln. t. l aiiuol 1 . .1 . r - '
Mi- tlttd. and the icita.ii uliu Ii lobpt- a
1 1 1 a 1 ; 1 1 : . tlilet mil ing statidard lolp- a--t
i r- its altns will tak- a ba. k -eat.'
v. hi-iii- r that cation I.- the I'nii.' j
or M.m, .. . - From Hi my 1 . E-ii-1
brool. . s,ee, I
Kalinin. I Meu Ire Not Heing liitiioi.liit-il
hi Kmiir of rtleKlnlet.
If a ra.'toad man it ho. bating the X
pi l i l.i c of -.i lu.;tiiiii,at,l tin s to make
a lali. :',.r sound nioa. v and iMdain- to
his cti.p'ot, s why. free sdtcr Would be
ihe turn ,d the , o : ry and li ti ' It .1 tu
pair ll. Ojsiat.eti of railroads as well
us an., ting tie wages id Ihe c In;, lot cs.
then be is put d.'ttli by the free sih.r
i,t!t ... a le- a - co. r. ;i g tin- no ii under bi.u
into tiding bo Mi Kiuli-t .
A. K. Stdiwcli. pii-nb-ut of the M . K.
.t T.. and tns pti'siib i.t ol the I'lit-burg
V 'iulf. no liii.i addii-s-iil a large nun,
l r of tin- I'lnpli.t es id his eompanv upon
the gi ;, tiiiali, ial
of t he cay . a lid
iu one of hi
iiom.-dlalt it I iot .
Ipe eating Spe', b
w i Ji , , , s r.'ing t Lo
.Well, d ihl
nged Still.teii
cm:lotes. Mr. Still
f,,l, owing open letter
to I , ot . Stone:
. Sir I ilndeisiioid that y.ul hate bi-e:, Inll-
tlUllM.g ill sofll,' ef foul' s.-' ii, - ill hu.l of
in, .on .1 111 t.lli :, id fioc -ti . : lion I,:,-.,.
is-.-n I tit i,',i.!,- ting ;,,,.! e.rtT, lug lev eliij, ... -
tut,, -...iit.g toi biiii'.! I hate ,1-1. tir- 1
1 tt ', " le, I 'M, . lo lilt, . ill I''
i 1 1. -! evi'iiillill.g . lot tl-ws of wl.t a e..'!ii
try coin.l not ! ,roo. loiis ,,n a si , , r I. .
i hll '. e liel.r ll-U-d ten- of tiie - -1 p.,;,!.
u, . ii r pa i roll twio lie tt g..i t.g i .. ft- 1 "I
I mi I. i "bind l Ion I Ins l a free . ...n, - i .
timl leiy iniiti Im. 11 ligll! 1" c is n ',..' ..:
for the lin-ii of hi- clioi.-e I I'l lalntt i.t -'
lo ss mull !,' liltIf. v. In- I- li, elciig, o!
ti. , ge l lid Ust ni I and i oiiiic.-r. l.i! in', si-. K
I e I, r t' 1 ' t '-, I st Jin I ll.i I I - it t - .M
t.t a 3 w.-, i,,"--!t: . r,ii,rv tlc.n ..-..J :. lii..' toil.
wie, n.'i.e had no liu-ili Ir.nioi.g olid el
pet ,,-n, ...
If ton ttl-ti to Irue.tlg'.il'- lid-'i-r of
my eoei'ci, g my oit,'o , I wn1 , 1,, nine i lie
'Vw-.s's of Itlivol,,. toll rtiifV l.d lo )i,;'ke
i,e lieeis-uiy llite-i ,.';,!l.,ii. lilid if lull liud
C y 1 I. loi I ' ec , r a - S, U
p lives W ho Hil t e,e go
funil-li proof. I will don
S 111
o;in,,algil (mi. I. t, l.icli you c:il. Use to pit' !
tin- etp,-n- of .Mr. P.rtan In east, he tolls
Ibe.ssii'e Hgiiin. 'I'lii- v.iil l.ji.tM y,,n and,
Mr. Iliyaii of tin- enii..ii'iiisi,l nt widen!
Ill ti-1 hicte Peell occasioned ttliell he tt:,s,
iisK.-u io pat u is mre aii.-r visning ttu'i.,
speakiiig al kiiii-as t'lly. f(
I p to date Oov. St.uic has not called
for the Mtsm to be tis.-, n, t hi- Hryan
campaign fund nor is he lik' ly to call
f,,r it. Ills charge was hke .1 great
many other assertion for which tin gov
ernor has beMini'- noted w it In on any
foundation 'Whatever. If th- mini- luis
com tvlieii any particular class of
American citizens are precluded ' from
free -pei-cti and free 'thought the peo
ple ought to know it. If a governor of
a great slate has tin- liberty and priti- I
b-ge !o coerce his subjects by his clo- j
oii'-noe certainly the president of a rail
road sI.eilliL be granted the same privi
lege. If the I'ooocrats could. seal the
mouths of all I ije. sound money men 'and
conhseate nil the new spapcrs that c:l-e
to speak for the In, nor and int.giity of
the govi-riii'iui'iit. then their nefarious
s, bi-lne Ulighl be enforced Upon the Ho-
p!c, but thank heaven this is -till a I ree
country and tin- old Hag. tin' embb-m of
Anii-rii'iin liberlt. still Mont-, t;,,v. Stone
to tin- contrary not with-ia ndiug. The
people bite free speech and that right
they will re vere without f 11 r of puutsh
ineiit from such men as Cov. Stone who
stoop to tirevarieiitioii in order to carry a
point. Springtide (Mo.) l'opiihlicau.
TIIK M.W fiOsl'l l,.
Mr. Itryan Biiiiniuces pound of eight
ounces would milker us all twice hc i
strong. i
A ml a year of a hundred mul fifty days
would limke life- Iwlee - long;
For tills Is the law uf till' llllltelse-, ailll the
burden of his song...
That .is. Inly. I lie uie;ii.iin''t'ii-.,).- ''"'J
- size, and It K''ii'i")!y make- 11 Wl."!!!;'' i
If tl- little pint hot, were called a quart. It
wetillil limke US twice 11- fill!.
If a rusty e, t-ie liaiiie-d s.-aiiel. Ihs!cii,,
'l'.t,iilli emtili c-r the life of a bud:
Wilh 1 II In, !l lalM-le-el "mlie" the lev, Ile-st
pill- Would b.silll like 11 lilllk llllllielise .
Then here's tu the nickel Hint's enileil s
- .cltitu;, .and the dollar uf tlfty cenis.
lib! Ili people's bike away slm Ih st rlke from
ttete o!,l pliY-h-iil laws -Trbinyiihir
tvhce-is wlih a edisin thst sipic-als
on a frine that Is inustly Ibiw--
'And the tin- we se.H wit! coiiibiue icstte-ll
so long n- you e-lioose to Intiale-.
Alll we'll Inete u law especially for to miike
ll circulate.
Then we'll lime a compass Ihat hustles
St'ollltil illiel ain't 1IO slate to the pole.
Our thei iiiolneder's lise will Is- double tie'
SJ7.C for llle Slll.e of Ihe sating ill e-oal:
And two ttlll l.e four, and It'.e uill Im- ii-ii.
and a half will be ii whole.
When se get the rules of the 'ill hllii't I' Well
Into our uvt n coin rob
"" -Joseph iu I'll. k.
The tree Kim Flunk.
There lintt been so much indignation
at the free riot plan's iu t he .Chicago
plat form, and this lndigniiiioii has in
creased so sieadily, thai nnmy attempts
have bee-it made, es iully during llie
lust tivo or three weeks. to i-rtplaiu this
jdiink away. The most common form of
explanation consists of scpuijitiiig the
plaiikT fr'itn what w as in the mind of
lint. AltD'hl w he'll he framed il and hud
it incorporated in the Chicago platform.
"Object lo th,- ' ree riot' phi ilk. do you ';"
asks llle tvryan lieiiioorat. .."Oh, then
of course V."" in favor of nrbiti ry
interference' by Teib rnl authorities in lo
cal a flairs." This form of rejoinder be
trays a knowledge in the adto, ale that
his cause is weak. lb- substitutes,
knowing well enough what he is about,
his party's description of President
Cleveland's con, hid in the .summer of
ISiil for that conduct i'self. lis Mums,
as even body know s lhal the pnrli ular
"interference in local a flairs" wlii-di-ilio
Chicago philfeirm "ileiioutii-es'' is Prei
cb'iil Clcvchiiid' suppression of the Chi
cago riots.
.Sow jt is iiotsilile that tiov. Altuchl
may harbor bitter feelings Ins nu-i Prcsl-"!
cbil f Ictcliiiiil ticn ii,( as' his duty,
what A 1 1 ui bl . I In mi if 1 1 it wiis'a,lno and for
a different reason his dull, had neglected
to llo. but it Is llilssible for ll. J .1:1 ill per
son.' who hclii-vi what lie is tohf, to tin
ilcrstaiul why oiganizedi hibor or ilivivnd
ers should have bitter feelings toward
the President. While (he CJiicago tints
were going on. (he lenders of the A. H.
I!. strike issued bulletins in which they
i xhiirtod -their, follower io be orlerly,
and iuformecl the public that the destruc
tion of railway pro-icrty and the ttsault
upon railway employes were not the
work of strikers. If this was no, then
the President, hy sending troop to Chi
cago, did not in any way interfere with
the strikers or In, T tnarart the
plans of their U ad.r- . He r rely sup
pied a riotous outbreak and rcntoivl
older. One would sup ens- the lead
er of the sdriFI- wtuiid U- grateful to
I' Cleveland who r.iotcd them
ot the iiuttel.-..nie :r:..l I .11 aging c -o let-ration
of, an-LJcft tu. 111 free to
w..rk toward their goal by their own ful and law-bi.lii!g mohods.
' -1 . .... ...1 ,..u.r.11.,
ineri 11 c -.1.1:11 v.i.- ........,
I'r. si. i. nt Cl. t. h.nd's action. If we re
gard ft s imi a. I ol gl ill it-lf. but whi h the l'r -id. t t was not cotpiM-
t.-.t 1.. p.-ifotm, lb. 01 w- are cvtreme
I .tat. -' ru.-l.t- men. who an Imd lu the
! i-iisiiiu't 01 1,0 itarrai.t for our vo ws.
I If e rgarl it a- an mt bud in it'lf.
' then He ino-t t-. lo that tb- bet way
; lo mat a rod i--fr, let it ah. tie. If we
' are in. I I; 11 1 i.t at the siiw.r. -sion of riot.
hln-ll v l-t be flejel- of riot. If we
j ask orgii'.n'-l ials.r to b.- iii.bgnaiif. tben
I we luust hold orgaiii.i-d l.i ! r.-p' i.sible
! f, r tin se riotous co ts . hu h the I'resj-
' 4 sbkii put nnii.d to. and 'he r -s.usibility
1 J i. .. 1... I. vi .!.,n.,ui-,l 111 the liSllie
'....otianir. - .l lab.' bv tin' b ad.-rs of the
..;kc.- .Mi!waiike- S. titiio I
. -
I'rnnilse of I rrr Mlverltes of n Advance
on tsrln I'roiluets. ,
Th" ital .Illusion of tlie free"
' i ,.1 is
11 ihe thi re' w ill be- an ifl-
l.ue in I lie Ii -a 1 1,1 c value ot ririo pro
ducts iinitiediati ly ti on the adoption of
P . free and nidim l.' l cuiclgo of -iln r.
'.!(.. r pti:. lie v ld v. w il coirc-
nl Wi'il tie pi llOilill on g.dd 'I h.s
n. n
ns a in hi-i'.ii man -oiii
i! iintone I. a- a, .jicr.-.l
rn he has in ipoi -! it
i.f Hit:
liiotn t
It st.:.
if.j or i l.i.' rv . I tie IO-sc Ol
tte.'iilh being pi, Ilia f:o : it I'll 1,, e of
the gllijt of il mall id tiietl
So far as tin- first ,!. lu-ioii is rem
ci rue. I, the fc- -liter . hauipion always
in-;-!- that tin- farmer mi! Is' the chief
I.. u. r, larv. The oi.bii'iry w ng-eiirn-er
mat whi-tle lor b, u. t-ts. The farm
er I- til' it bo Wl!! I. leltllinl.V
lavoreif 'Ihe Aiiieiican
ftitnicr i. rip-
reseni, d I.t the :ryiiite-
twilltt-tlt. te.ifs' st, ill, lil
of tli- a t of sT:i w hi. h
silt. r" Vol ' ol these ",-i
al !- i...y. ! b"W In-
w , v 't , r'bnt 1 he-J 11 il l e I
to' I i.-;i 'i
I I . . - -.lid 'to h.-l 1 e bee!
:l.. r of
VI t i.ti"
but li
ttn" ie eien
1 1 i. kell 'low it
b bee II taught
a, s, to low .
il.rost ilpe'll
th ., -1111111'
ii. iil'g dott II
III till!
r" !
i.f r.rvtinit-m s nn
and tmam
i! lint
I the
i !.--
t in
I I H -11.
t ,,f l-7f! -truck out .
Ic If tin- money in is
i- the value of a iiigl
tien iu iht,s , o.iniry, a
r is concerned, the -,
til' l e:,ria f t r the ",
dvcr." hoi (f l.v or !
d !h.
Il didn't
lar in' i b-
ud o far as
nut ft . w if bin
inking (low ti , . .
tt t.lip'S ;tc I
iu tin eighty '!
t in t: -was jn t i
nonet and lis
!h;s it:;. "In ' '
I I"
! of
tin:, ii sdt. r a- it bad I 'd
yi a I'- pi et mils. I n 1 s ,d
circulation in jhis , ountry i
r,pr, se-n t :i f. t c-s ug'gr, fjitug
ai d' iu I Vt)e ice had . I ' ' 1
1T.'1 tin-re tier' onit
t r 'lo'tar- in M-t
about -s.issi.isni sil. J.1n
On duly U i
IV.!. there' Were !" I T ,( v'J.Vl ;S
circulation. I'oteiitial facts souarely
against the assumptions of Uriah! Mr.'
I'.ttan k.-ep- on saying tliat. with free
oinage ,!t ef" w ill jump to f'.y i sifir.,.
biiife. JJ.wa-v. "" worvli lit ui sjlvfr.' ,
What dyes fjiat anniuul to? V(i -'act' of
Congress can null silter up to-'the fnr
of g.,1.1. howwwr. The. act of 1VH.I .(iju't..
j.iisb ..Iter up to .l..i. In rvm il was'
5-1 lili'.o.'i an oiniee. run I whi n the act was' .
repealed il tv !t.7'-l.'!l mi ounce. Oov.
crniui'iit liiif crttiiu'r makeJ va bu s. .., If, If,
'coiilil nic-c'.rfSter -to .! ,l.!t iiieru tv'jjjld.
bi-.tjo'.-miiisMoo valnalelc"' dollar tCfifelr
I'.rt'nti ,at s-n'iot 'giib way in -n 'VlioiLH: ,
doHAr 'to "lii.T. the tarmcr, . ..All Ury-
tiictes ill .feu I want to see 'the preseilt ' i '
pat'i-cut dollar '"k'lim keel out uml the pr,,p,,i j
w ti Intra tin , and ctcry man with his
wages worth.,.! cents cm the dollar. t
Afler all the talk nlsml big prices
for tic farmer what would be accom
plished for' him "f In -. taking tlc
ilidi v 'tigitrcsi 11") to indicate ijll prices,
in lii;.i wheat was 1 n,o: crn. i:!2"f:
oat-. J.""ii;.!l. and the general average tf ot
agricultural products was l'll.t'i. How
did the fanper fare? IF- clothe ih-
cri-iise'd the same time to ifi.'J: fuel tc ,
L'oTl: price of farm implements to l!ii,4.' ' "
I'nder -u, Ji big advinisis Ht jiriis-s where -i
vviis tlu' benefit to tip- farmer from the
increase of farm product prices? The'"
lowest prices for farm products wn'rctt1
reached before the "crime of 1H7.T' -wtlfyee.
pertc:rafc, and since then few pro'ililcls
ha t c'shmt n an np',reciabli ie c litic, w hiles
tii. risen c-r co-t of production., the inven
tion of labor-saving machinery, the greitlrt !
roducVoti of freights and taxes have b't'i, -contributory
to the farmer's advantage.
Htyiiii and bis fi iends say cheap c-om''
fiodities an s "curse- , to the fart
fa rant .v
tiiii frrmii r tnijij y . -uc .'. J !.
ariH'rs think ciiilnp c ibfl'W- uimifF
he'ilp foiul, cheap tools-'n -til
it i::'
"curs..." ns Hryan says ihey are? A
man w li'i'stroiroutic i s the se thing n. curse
is cilhiir. a. loolfor a knave.-Miune.ipolj
Joiintal." ' ' ' "
III! VAN'S n i in:. '
Oct from ("lib agii Iiils later day, ." . "
bringing lo (T'lwns'f ii'.li ill-mutt .'.;-; V
Tii,' i.niigldt'li l;re.s ttltli a still. f.'e;j' ' " s i ., ll ill w luVfiad never lie nrd -ll befolc-4.7
'Ihe t.-ifb,le jiiinhii-sieil , iftwddit galore-
Slating lloil sl!te-r was lip e,i,i-i-'more . " '
Niatiiii- Unit Honor liud fool lis diiv -
Ami Itiyiin was only lite mlb-s awni-.
Itilt a protest e-iiine froiii the- Kaslerii gnlel' - ii
Two good. ,,u and st urily .states, ' r
t lllil-edlllg the iglllls ramus light, ' Ifi
i'iisi luillois a- thlck-a tlic.sttrt-s of jilWitj... '' i
I'lil r aiel fell and mis nnnl tei'sav ll
II,- wits sorry. Iiul.eil, lie e ctntK lur sliiy:; ii.
I'.it riiy an wus Jheii tioi anlles away. ,
Tfioll out from Vtoti Issih-it s shriek ''
That blighted the siiillc on e-aeti i'cipes-rst
j rf'.heisi : ,
Ailil'llie heart of the IH-Ople- Ileal ever biief'eri
rorelsMlliig a' terrttele sce-lie ,f dUsstcr. , o
't he the, light of W'at-on as p,,s.i!,ii' iiiaste'r '
Kntliecl to steady 'till w al erili r i ye s. s,.cv
They Ins) I, Hiked enough at the llglil tin"
lies; . .ik.
Tin-y loiigeil for ihnt gn-at .Veetember clays.
And r.tyiin was llfleen miles away. ' '
IV. " ' '-'It
I'neler lln lr spuming sit.rn the rond. '(.oY.f
I-ltppoxcel lei he (;ale,l fi'itn a l-dlver bids. ,
llrew ehii'k and liirnUhed, ii'ir longer ghiw'l-t1).
'I'lie- reiii' plaiform tHul truveli-ij o'i-c .
The cm inciit 's bre-sdtli from shore lu sTmrc
App-llleel tu seli-llde folic nu lucre; ij'rf
ll spe-i along ill the silence gray.
Ami llryaii as tw.-nlr miles awsy..'1 0
V. ' '
Then at Inst Ihe Public caught sight, 'ii;'
(if a vaiiWnihg face si s platform's height;
Ami S,o en no. Willi Its Clllllllllg tiUght,
'I lie people 1 11, el god With H melltlll griilt tll
Anil. pillliig tlielr voles with a solemn navk,
They sseire thai the right alinnlil still vic
es.', I. ' . .41
They si, .oil hy their country In time nf. iiicm).
Tlli-v rose en masse I tl lliclr awful mlght:
Alill Ulllllllll Jetilllllgs.uas out of alglif v
A usi rin n
In nihil from' "Hie
Aiiiaiross 1 on a
ctis'diiion in ihe South siUs
were killed and six others tvoniHts1,by
till tiles of tiuildllleiimiir. HIP; I J. (Ill-
eineooii isiiiii,s, in, iiociies or in
jli iid were not recovered, as the IslWicwr
Islands. Ihe bodies of tin-
arc i iimiibiils. M. Fiiiilbdi, thc-iui')!,,
gist of the eipedilion, was 01111 iLli,-
killcil. . The Albatross linmbardeil the
sliori. in reliillation, killing fcifn'. na
lives. ';....' si .
Mrs. fJeorge I.unt, who LjiiT Jnst
died at her home in Suiliuiti'. -.W acsV,: at
lh ifge of HTesrs,' was a -tii I he
late Thorns William Parsons, llie uoet,
nnd- IiipI herself mtiHvvftwtrr."-'-"
1'' '.
" j ;
.,.'-e je . .
i'jtswl!--i'' Vis