The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 22, 1896, Image 9

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5 -tv
i- -
t i
teller laM llfr-rt.
"My It modi and fellow pmtiot," tie
orator ahouted, m be pounded tbe de-
fencelet air, "oar friend, tbe enemy,
here boasted that they can elect a yel
(low dog tbia year. Let ua get together,
t" put our ibouldera to the wheel, and
, how tbem tbat we can elect just aa yel
low a don aa tbey can. Tbat ia to tav
, Tbo rett waa loat in tbe vociferoti'
JpilauBe of the patriots. Inilianaol
h JTitb the exhilarating sfiiif of renews)
s ealth and Mrenpth and internal eleanli
. teas, which follow the lis? of Syrnp ot
igs, in uiiknow n to the few who hare not
rogresned be olid "fi ohl-time inedininea
jand thechoap iili4iiluteofiietinifi offered
-t, jfcut never accepted hv tlie welt-informe-!.
(t :
' lllta f II iful Thought.
f Love ciii lie in'inderptood, but never
't Wiioever ke-p the tbe devil away
from a child dive- C'brint an army.
The inan w bo i not willing to fervf
, God for nohtinir, i- not willing to serve
at all.
There arc eopK-iio feHni to think
tbat berauce t hey lme religion tbey
j Lave no inn-il f t.r una.
Jeeun never prvarbeJ any higher
above anything than He lived. lie etn
phaair.ed evpry ferinou by allowing
what it iii-aot in liia own life. Hani's
Wh. n i.;:
randy ;ith.
hi ciistire cat a CiiKi aret,
. i-'jri Kni rim teed: 10, '.Tic.
The 'i '.f-i.. r.- u! lim propriety of rid
ind a to irini'cii will probably re
main an open ot;e until the pope in-uei
a biciclica. ( n the Htibject. I'uffalc
If too luiicli Fulpbiir it given it in ap
to vntt i v. '1'fteii.
Keep lime uud ground bone where
tbe IowIh can help tl.fuiKelvea.
Milk cuii 1p (fiven in place of water
until the low t are nix weeks old.
If the heni ar well cared for while
molting, they will lay tit-fore winter
I Notbinu tends more to engender dis
ease in jKiultry than tilth in tbe coopa.
, In feeditiii (o.iln closely confined,
never fed more thin is eaten up clean.
Care of your health at thin seiuxm. Se
that your hluod i pure. apctite ifonil
and all the mimim in n liciilthv i-tuiilitinii
UdoiI'k Sur-ii hi riHn U the irrt-iit hiiililiim
up and hluod - i! ! f v i f.Ai iin iliciii". and
therefore it j the In -t i o do in.- In lake in
the fall, when the iimi -phcre laden
with diiM'aiM' fcerniH fr.nn d"i-iiint vi-m-ta
tion. Hood' Siirfiiuri!la preci-niK i oIiIh.
pnetimonia. bronchi) ih mid fever.
In tti liet In fa t th One True hl'iod Purifier.
HfkrtH'c l!llc 'ami V atliartl(
1IUVJU I MIS au.t liver a.'M-.
The Cyclist' h Xeceity.
Is th REPAIR KIT for nil
Unequnled for Quickly Ileal i tin
Lameness and Soreness of I
r i
iluscles, Wounds, Brujses,
Stiffness, RheTitnatism.
.1!- -" -t ' -0
Rnb tborouKbly with
i each ride to keep muscles
supple, pliunt, strong.
Try PoBj'sJrtract offiilnt If )iles.
Mroid SvbttituletWeai, Water f, Worthhu.
Powd'i Exthuct Co., vl Fifth Avenue, New York.
The St. Joseph and Grind Inland B. R.
And In ronneo- tt tj a .
tion with tte Union racifio Syitem
To California, Oreitoti and all Weitern I'lilnla.
For liiforinailuti reKarillni raten, etc , rail on
or addrena any aiient or H. M. Admt,
U. V. Koaixnos, Jr., lien. I'au St(i.
(ien'l Manager, Kt. Jmpph, Mo.
with Vathl
Hamctflaa. Ha
rami aitar Ihaaaaaa
MiM bmnonni'tA Iiiibmmi lYon flra jma (.
I noprwaa.
ipDr, tm4
tpaaa raiildlf diMpacar, im4 l l im at left two
ialrla H til iiailoma an naond. HOOK of
tMUaoalaui of inlrariilnua carat Mat rKKR.
Til DinTreitiiit Finisketf Frit bi Mill.
a. 1. 1 m i mi iridium iTuiTL mien
llahll enrol, M ia IHTI. rtinuMiid
riirod I 'lwap aail tint cur, rail l ai
u Mat eaaa. Da. Mtaa,uala. Mlrh
N N. U. No. 410-43.
York, rli
4 mm mj mm tba drtMiu-i
a taua l
T.itle Ah Sid
Wsi a ( lirwlian kid.
A cute In tie cna you'd de la re.
With eye fill of fun
And a Oiim that begiui
Itik'tit up under tl roota of hia hair.
Jolly and fat
Wan thin frolicHouie brat.
I'lajiiiK through the Ioiik KUiuiiier day
And liranh-d hia cue
'I'lie Haute u lie used to,
In Thina laud, far away.
( Mice o'er a law u
That Ah Sid played umhi,
A hunilde lice Hew in the Hpriin;,
"Melicaii butterHy!"
Said he. w ith n iiikini; eye.
".Me catehee and pull off urn wiun."
Then with bin rap
He Ktruck it a rap,
Thia innocent huiitlde Im-c.
And put its reinaiiiM
In the cnf of hi jenn.
For a mk ki t tlnre had the Chinee.
Iown on the irriK ii
SSt the little Kardine.
In a atyle that wax Htranc'dy demure, ,
And hi ill ith a grin
That wax brimful of in.
"Mi; innxhee inn luittertly aure."
Little Ah Sid.
A" ii t but a kid.
Nor could -xmi-i him to guenx.
What kind of a Iiiic
I le w Mr- holdinu "O XIIIIK
In the foldx of hix looxc littim: dren.
"!"i yii ! Ki yip pc!"
Cried Ah Sid. as he
I!o lniri ii'illy from the upot,
"Ki pi 7 Vnk a kan'.
Inin out Mcliean man
I'm luittertly hcry niiicli hot!"
MhIiiiIc Wnitli'Nley ilrendeil the in
terview, jet tilie woiihl not luive fure
Kniu It. Kven to heiir from K.ilph's
llptt whiit nlie knew she w:u nuUiu to
hear w:ik well, a pleamnv. Jtut it
Whh il.itiKcinus.
She wua in her own room when her
Itmid inme to tell her Hint Mr. Itny
ton had e:tlled. She wna lliiKcriiiu the
tleckhice of peinlM that Ooiiiild l'erj;u
hoii luid sent her Inat week, ittut an H
trlflliiK' lilit Inlay prcMeiit. It had coat
htiiidredH, said the Jeweler to whom
her proud mother had shown It cna
nully. There was also the llttl- ohl
wHteli with the iiioiioKrmii M. W.
WfoiiKlit In iliiiinoiiilH oil the linck. Tim i
had arrived on Clmatniitn eve. tin hon
or two liefore .Mr. Kernuwm hlniKei!'.
"It' tlo uooil." Hihed Miilmle. "it
tiHai Kot to he. I'oor Itillph nmst see
Then she went down to "poor
He wtiK statiilinn Ka'.ln rnptly ut
Multnle's lutest photograph. It was In
n (cold frame, the frame the jilft to Mrs.
Wrottesley of the inevitable; Mr. Fer
guson. "She deserves to be mounted in cold,
and In Kohl she will be mounted. If you
will allow me," Mr. Kvrfcumin hud
anlri, and, of course, Multnle's mother
had no objection.
"Mr. Huyton," Malniie whlsjieeed.
He turned and showed her his sad
dened face.
"It's got to that, has It?" lie said.
"After being 'Kalph' for about n score
of years, too."
"My dear old boy," then said Mai
mle. Impulsively, "circumstances have
got to be accepted, and it's no use
thinking anything else."
"So I suppose. Mrenmstanccs em
bellished by about n million sterlini:."
"You have no right to reproach me
like that!"
"No? TJien I reckon no one bus the
right. However" (Kalph pulled him
self together ami looked the gallant
fellow he wasl, "as I have no intention
of surrendering without a murmur, Kit
me say my little word and depni-l."
"What have you got to wiy?" asked
Malniie, lief voice trembled ever so
"Why, Just this, Malniie, If you will
excuse the liberty I take with -your
name, I love you as fondly ns man cuu
love a woman, ami If I do not marry
you I stipMise I shall go sing!e to the
grave. Hut that wouldn't mutter
much, I expect. The main thiug Is
this: I've had a lift In my di-parlinent,
and my Income Is now fson per an
num. On that, if you would look on
me wltli favor "
lie hesitated. In spite of lils re
atnilned, hnlf-iroulcal humor, the
yearning tone got Into his words.
"It Im Impossible, Italph; quite im
possible." Italph shrugged Ida shoulders.
"So I supposed," lie remarked. "You
may as well have my scalp, thnugli.
I've been told ladles enjoy these con
quests when the sere-nnd-yellow-leaf
time comes."
"You are cruel," murmured Malmle,
"Am I? Then I apologize. I'ti'll
three months ago I was under the im
pression that we were all the world lo
each other, and that a suitable Income
was tbe only hindrance to me as an ac
ceptable suitor for your dear lianil."
"I never siilil so."
".No. It was your mother. There
fore, I will Infer nothing. (!ood by."
Malmle's blue eyes had tears In them.
She knew now what this parting
meant to her, as well as to liiui.' She
did not put her hand Into hl- for it
moment or two. She did not cvc:i look
at him.
It was not without ft strong effort
thai Italph kept from Inking Iter In hia
nrms, In spite of everything. Those
(ears maddened 111 id.
"(Sootl-by, Mnlmle," he wild again,
"nud good luck."
"Oood-by, Italph," slip then replied,
wltli a multled "b In her throat, (lis
bnnd closed umui hers and held It
while he oould v counted ten.
"I do uot difipair,'' tie said, ."for I
Isitli iiect flud Iiate inv lial."
There waa 8 rustle of silk and In
sailed Mrs. Wrottesley. She had
hear') these last words and was angry.
"My daughter will marry Mr. Fer
guson next mouth." she said, with the
Ktoniiiess of demeanor that must have
reconciled her late husband lu his early
demise. "There can be no uestl n
alsiut rivalry in this maer. Uood af
ternoon, Mr. Ituyton. King t'.e bell,
Italph Ituyton went bark to town
both irritated and depressed. Not 1m
iug a very original young ioju, lie
could think of no more original way
of fighting the great Ixmuld Ferguson,
late of Melltourne and CoolgardiL'.
than in calling ill the aid of u detective.
James I'oiler. the detective 'ligaged.
encouraged him mightily by not laugh
ing when he heard all Italph bad to
"You Ki-c," said Italph. apologetli-ii-ly,
"there's nothing really -.i gains! him
that 1 know of, but "
"Hut there's a large tield of possibili
ties, finite When does this inr
rlage take place?"
"Ill five or six weeks. I snppos.-,"
said Italph. dismally.
"We must thank heaven for the in
vention of telegraphy. You w'sh no
expenses spa red ?"
"f'p to a few hundred, you I. now,"
Italph replied.
"Very good. Then I will lie oil to t tie
city Immediately. If Mr. Ferguson
lias any virtues and any failings I snail
certainly hear of them there."
'Then I may really hope?"
"To the extent of the few huml v is
yon c;ii, n fiord to expend lu the mat "
.Mr. liiiylim." said the d'tectiv.
lu these words there seemed to Italph,
after the expiration of a week, no en
couragement. Mr. I'orter had absolutely nothing to
tell him in derogation of Mr. Fergu
son's pocket, which hud perhaps nat
urally appeared bin only assailable side.
"I wish, sir." said the detective, "that
my credit was as good as this Aus
tralian gentleman's. Folks s-nnck
their lips when they speak of hiin."
Whereat Italph groaned.
"We may as well slop, tlen." he
"You Just leave it Willi me," he said.
"We've not done with 1 1 1 m yet. I'll
tell you soon enough when it's a nope
less case."
And so Italph went nig way with n
shoulder shrug, and made nil miinm-r
of foolish mistakes at. the office, for
the nearer Malmle's wedding day ap
proached the less he was able to live
like the promising young man he had
been accounted - before Iionald Fer
guson came on the scene.
The last week arrived.
The Impending luiiitlige had been
mentioned )u the papers, and Maii'de's
wedding gown had been .loscribed in
two or three of the ladies' weeklies.
Ralph's own particular chums, who
knew how hard he was lilt, had done
their best with him -and failed. They
could not convince hlin that there was
as good fish in the North Sea us any
that reached (Jrimshy market. Nei
ther could they persuade hliu that Mai
mle Wrottesley was n henrtles-i minx
and worth no true mini's adoration.
Meantime .Mr. Porter had not neeii ac
cessible. Italph had culled twice and lu'il not
seen hiin. He had written and re
ceived no answer.
The truth whs that his cllen. Irri
tated the good detective, prefer
red not to see Italph until he had hit
what lie was alining at, or wiih positive
lie never could hit It. Mr. I'orter was.
In fact, "not at home" to Italph Huy
ton. This, if Italph could have ki.own H.
would have made yet one more of
those pleasant arrows which tile lutes
Just then took delight In shooting at
As It was. lie thought comparativl,'
little about the detective, and till about
He had seen her and the (''e
man driving together (with Mrs. Wrot
tesleyl In the row, and he had seen
them together In n Hotid street shop.
If he could Judge by Malmle's face she
was prodigiously happy. And he did
so Judge.
Mrs. Wrottesley wan wiser. She
knew better. Now that the mnrrlnge
whh only three days distant this as
tute lady felt sure nothing could keep
her from being mother-in-law to a
millionaire. Hut instinct told her so
much that was in her daughter's mind
that she longed Intensely for the quick
and wife, transit of these laat three
Needless anxiety, you would have
thought, if you could have seen the
marriage ceremony, which whs duly
celebrated with all the pomp exacted
of the rich by Hauie Fushlon. There
was uot hitch anywhere. True, Mal
mle was very pale, and once held her
hand to her heart. Hut other brides
did the same thing, and were uot a
wlilt less happy for It hs wives.
Then ciime the breakfast, and soon
afterward Mr. and Mi. Ferguson were
carried north.
Malniie hankered after the lakes for
a honeymoon, said her mamma, and
so Mr. Ferguson had engaged rooms at
a Windermere hotel.
Matters had got (hits far. Indeed, ere
Mr. I'orter obtruded himself upon the
unhappy Kalph. The latter was at the
oIHee, after ii n Ineffectual luncheon,
when the detective nppenred.
"Well, Mr. I'or " Italph was be
ginning, with great Irony, when the
other stopped him,
"There' no time for talk, air," he
exclaimed. "Come with me nt once."
"Hut do you know "
"I know everything. Thnt confound
ed ship only came In nt II o'clock this
morning, nrul I couldn't trtiat my doc
ument, until them. I've thought It
beat to charter n spechil for n all."
The detective spoke with unction.
He enjoyed his client's surprise i:n
"I'll explain it all us we go along iu
the hansom," he added. "The oilier
are already ut F.ustou."
It was Kalph 'a tutu to feel faint.
However. Mr. I'orter's subsequent
words were Iietter for him than sal
"There was another woman iu the
case." ran I'orter's tale. "I learned
that from a Mellsiuine man who kuew
the parties. He vowed Ferguson was
married to her eight years ago. How
ever, they're a wide-awake lot in Mel
lHiuriie. and. thanks quite as much to
that MiIIm.iii in- man (who lias a mighty
fine grudge against Ferguson as to
your "hundreds). Mr. Ituyton. every-
i thing's clear. The wife herself and her
eldest boy are at Huston. She has the
! certificate, and ihe lad's face tell its
own tali-, oh, it's just a beautiful lot
of piecing throughout, and all we've
to do is to lix up the rogue about sup
per time."
Italph' feelings may be imagined.
I lappily, there w as no ditiiculty about
the train. It could be so managed thai
this special arrived even before the
other, carrying M.iimie and Ihe man
who was not her husband.
of the journey ill both cases nothing
need be said except this: M iimie came
near wishing there could be a collis
ion, with her ih alh ns one of I he conse
quences. Mr. Ferguson's veiieer of v
lineineiit iwis ;.-! ruthlessly aside be
tween London .ind Windermere. She
w:is by no means the conventionally
happy wife on her wedding day when
she was invited to leave the 'rain for
the luxurious carriage that was await
ing lh in.
Hut at the hotel, much to the mana
ger's chagrin, a dramatic scene had
been arranged for them.
The millionaire's face w as w real lied
in smiles .-is lie handed Mnimic across
the hotel threshold.
"At hist !" lie excla lined.
The next moment he stalled and
swore. A woman and a boy approach
ed liiui in the vestibule.
"Iionald!" said the former, and the
boy exclaimed: "Father!"
Tlie woman's eyes were tear-st.iineil
and reproachful. They did not look UT
Mn iiuie. however.
"This Is a plot. Who is in it?" then
cried the millionaire. He glanced at
Maiinie, whose agitation was utiinls
hikable. "You don't believe this non
sense, my dear?"
Hut Mamie only looked at the boy;
that sufliceil.
"I'm in it, Iionald Ferguson, at your
service," then said Mr. I'orter, Intuit
ing; the millionaire ids card. "Further
more, I have to place you under ar
rest." Kalph also stepped forward, trem
bling, with eyes for Maiinie iind no
one else.
"Maiinie," he murmured, "shall I
take yon home?"
Hut foi'answ er the bride who was no
bride could only si a miner. "Oh,
Kalph." and faint Into 'his arms.
When she recovered her senses Mr.
Ferguson was out of Westmoreland
mid she was being excellently eared
for by a sympathetic domestic.
The next morning Mrs. Wrottesley
appeared on tln scene In a prodigious
rage. Nor was her rage much ii bated
by the resignation -even bright resig
nation of Muimie under this terrible
As for Italph. he had hurried back to
town in the night and was a changed
ma n at tlie oltiee the next clay.
After the formal dissolution of the
marriage that was no marriage, even
Mrs. Wrottesley thought her daughter
might as well marry Kalph.
And neither Italph nor Malinlo cared
for the slight slur that the Ferguson
affair had cast upon the latter as a
candidate for a husband. Scottish
iert injr a Pointer.
"You are a farmer. I take It?" queried
the sharp-nosed man as he sal down
beside the tni.ti with his trousers tuck
ed Into liis boots.
"Waul, ynits, I farm," was the reply.
"Then I want to talk to you. I've got
a patent hay fork which I am going to
travel wilh this summer, and 1 should
like to get a few pointers from you to
start on."
'T'lnters. eli? Waal, what sort?"
"How shall I approach the average
"Waal, you'll glut-rally tind him iu
the fteld."
Musi tell him what you've got."
"He'll ask you to tlie barn to talk."
"I see."
"Hut don't you go. Instead of lliat,
make a bee-line fur your buggy, climb
in, and scoot as fast an you can go fur
the next six miles."
"But why?"
"Oh, nuthlti' much. I only killed six
myself last week; but, you know, It
rained purty steady for two days, and
travel was light."
The Hale Harvest.
F.gypt In tlie favored country of tho
date, and It Is said that more thau two
millions and a half of pHlms are there
registered as fruit-bearing trees, and
as a alngle tree will sometimes bear as
much as four hundred weight of dates
quoted last year at $12.50 In London,
but this year, from over-ubundntit sup
plies, not worth half it may be seen
what an Important matter to the Fgyp
1 1 it u fellah Is his date harvest.
A Iliaky Service.
Tlie African Lakes Company has be
come so careful that it compels It
agents to pay their own funeral ex
penses; so many agents died that an
order was actually issued compelling
the agents to die at their own expense.
For a long while the company ha eu
Joyed a monopoly of trade.
If we had the power we would make
every husband a wife until he bad given
birth to at least ene child.
Au L'uMMrli Lift
' 1 yon should go to Uieenlmid you
arould be surprised at the size of the
' potaUsfa there, fjr tliey grow r o larger
. than a marble.
The widowa of J're-idents Grant and
Garfield are now tlie only private per-
son" iu the United Slates who are en
titled to the franking privelige.
Tiie higheet spot inhabited by human
beingd on this globe is ti e ilmMh't
.'ioisier of Hanle, J'hiliet, whtrs -Jl
monks iive at an alti'ude of lti'XK) ten
Ion't Tobacco Spit and fmoke Your
Life Avar,
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and 4 forever, regain lust manliooil, be
made well, strung, magnetic, full of new
life anil vigor, take Nu-'lVHac, the wua
iler-worker that makes weak men strung.
Many gain ten puuieU in ten days. Ovei
4IMI.INN) cured. Hny Nu-To-B.o- from your
owu druggist, who will uaraiitee a cure
Booklet ami a.imple free. AiUress Ster
ling Kemedy Co., Chicago or New York.
She: When a man propofeis to a girl,
it doesn't always mean that be wants to
marry her." He; "No it may be a
matter of neeeteitv." Life.
Mn. VVinftlnw'a SooTHiro -vuL'f lor child
ren ti-ethii.K. Milieus ihe i:i;.-, rH iuei inrtaiu
m alien, ailayi pain, cures w hui fu.ic. - ooltle.
Thieves turned up the corner stone of
a new church at London, Out., and
stole the moiiev del os'led in it.
IQQflF IITWI V P !' A H S iT !'(' II "' rure C1W0' coinUiiiun. tasrareia are th Ideal laua
ADjULU 1 LLl uunfini! 1 uLl) k.c. nr rr in or Trine. but raone natural renalta, Han.
pit tad iMXiHel frfr. rf vTWtl.lM; t.F'';K''S
Lay your foundation with W
"Battle Ax' It is the corner
stone of economy. It is the one
tobacco that is both BIG and
GOOD. There is no better. There
p .
0 is no other 5-cent
j I ry it and see
"He that Works Easily Works Suc
cessfully." Tis Very Easy to
Clean House With
With a sharp stick
you can turn ii tlie dirt aniTget ground readjr
for planting but what a clumsy, slow, labori
ous, inehVctive
much more
of it
and down oa a wash-board, with
and mam strength to get out
think how simple and easy is
soaking, ooiitng, rinsing. c
You need Pearline for all
your washing and cleaning.
You need something better than
soap or a sharp stick when you're dealint? with dirt. m
- ft . . r
I. lug lb Wortff ovar.
VY. 11. Mall's k is to edit a new Lon
don weekly modeled after tbe Spectator
but to be mid for half Ha price.
New Zealand's legi-lative council has
jiit-t voted to exclude the Chinese an Jail
other Asiatics from the colony.
Iu commemoration of the tbiUeen
hundredth anniveisary of the establish
ment ol the Bi-e of Canterbury, it is
projsised to erect a statue of Theodore
of Tar-iis, ti e only Gteek archbishop of
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a euijsiitutiomdciire. Price 78 cents.
Montenegro has isoiied a jubilee post
age stamo in honor of the two hun
ilridth anniversary of tlie Niogoch
! dynasty.
info t to Cul furol i.
! Yes. and economy, too, if you ta- the
j Btii'iingtou route's personally conducted
once-a-week excursions which leavea
Omaha and Lincoln every 'lbur?day
Tourist sleepers clean, bright, com
fortable through to f an Francisco and
Los Angeles. Second class tickets ac
cepted. Only 5 for a double berth, wide
enough and big enough for two.
Write ior folder giving full informa
tion, or call at the depot and see the
local ticket ug. nL. J. Francis,
tien'i. Par'r Agent, Burlington Route,
Omaha. .V-b.
CO.. fhirmni. Bontrrat. On.. c,r Sew, Tori. lit.
plug as large.
for yourself.
way ot going to work I Not
so, though, than the old-
! Grinding the clothes up
nothing but soap
the dirt. Then
Pearline s way
ft. ' i
r a. V.-,"t -FT
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