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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1896)
-,t. .W " ua-i i a if, . M mm 111 .. ,.. , 11,11 i i hi ii . inn. mm a mm" aaaaBsaaaaaia 11 e THE FARMERS' BALLOT VIRMONT ELECTION SHOWS IT WILL BE CAST FOR M'KINLEY. Favor aa Hakt Carraaey, tha imrMl r Kcpablieaa Bala and the (rkyatal of Labar. Much apprehension ha been ei pressed aa thin campaign in reference to lb Tot mt the farmers. It ha been conceded that business nu n would be alarmed by the threat of repudiation which were endorsed in the Chicago platform, and re advocated by the candidate selected to stand ni-on that platform. Nor have many been fearful lent mechank-a in large bodies should desert the Repule ftcaa cause: the e ;pcrleiiee of the last few year has Itecn 'oo bitter fur them to desire a prolongation of Democratic rule, under the control of the most dan gerous element of the Democratic party. But it ha been conHtautly mated that the farmer of the country would fi-xk in sboal to the cause of the silver stand ard and of partial repudiation. It is hard to see why such a belief should lie entertained; the farmer con stitute a lame and an intelligent class; as a body they have stood by the muse of gissl government; they have not l-en controlled in their political action by an? low apealn to selfish motives. The burden of war taxes fell on the farmers as it fell on all. but none the less they were staunch in their Republicanism during that trying period, ami quite as rwirlv us nnv other class to devote their money as well as their Uvea to the pres ervation of the Union. Why should it be supposed that they would' snddenlv be allured to the support of a silver standard? There could be only two motives for such a course; one, the belief that debasing the standard would increase the orii-e of farm prod ucts; and the other, the hope that de basing the standard would enable those whose land was mortgaged to cheat their creditors bv paying in silver what hart been borrowed in gold. To imagin that the farmers would believe that their lot was to be bettered by a depre ciation of the currencT. and the bud ness disaster which would follow, is an insult to their intelligence: to claim 'hat they would lie attracted by the po" nihility of cheating their creditors .' an inn!t to their honesty. We need not re neat what has been advanced on this subject; the faNity of the assertion that the prb-e of farm prod ucts has fallen with that of silver. ha been shown by figures which no denia gogue can controvert. During i i" years of a gold basis from lsil to the average price of great staples, like corn and rye and nay. did not lull at all; varied from year to year with the crop and the demand, but there was no gen eral depreciation such as there must have been if their values were regulated by that of silver, which during that period f e 1 near v .Ml per cent. hvrn the urn of wheat suffered but a small fall until about 1802, when increasing supplies from South America and Russia lessened its value m the markets of the world Neither in a single year, nor in any period of five years, have the flnctua tions of wheat corresismded with the steady fall in silver which has been caused hy the enormous increase in the production of that metal. It is refreshing to see that those who prophesied evil things of the farmer nave been put to shame, and that neither their intelligence nor their honesty is at fault. There is no state in the t'nion which is more peculiarly a farming state than Vermont. In Vermont there are no. great manufacturing ciliea like those In Massachusetts and New York: if any depreciation in farming lands has been suffered in Western New York, the cansis which produced it have operated ui: as severely among the people of the Green mountains; by their votes, they have shown their ability to under- i tand the cause ot their evils and nave i sustained the policy which will, secure for them better th ings in the future. , Thev have voted for an honest currency, for the restoration of the Republican ' rule which will give confidence to busi ness, employment to labor, and will in- I crease the demand for the products ol the soil. The voters of Vermont appre j elate the fact that when the mechani' has no money with which to buy. the df maud is sure to be poor for the thing? which the farmer has to sell. After th: lesson of this election we hope to bei ' no more nonsense talked about the i roads which free silver is making anm'! the farmers. Rochester (N. Y.J Post i"d Express. Jeveltp the Industries. Mr. McKinley believes in ennfid.'i. 'e. and plenty of it. even if Mr. Br; in doesn't. The Republican candidu ?'s address to the Republican Press a: eiation of Virginia was one of the ' est of the many good addresses that he fias made Ui. his,, thousands of visitors. In Impressing upon the West Virginia edi tors that development under a wise sys tem of tariff will give them "letter towns, better farms, better farm he ises, better schools, better homes and hap pier people," he added: But reinemher that yon ran do thlc only by a restoration of confidence. Yr can liever do It If yon destroy confidence. ireat applause. Ht'rlve for a fuller develiment of your Industries; build up a greater and more profitable home market for the prml ucts of your farms; advance always that nronM-rltv which enables the employer to fiay the highest scale of wages to the work ngmeu of America not the lowest. (Cheer.) Exalt the character of your labor .Never degrade It. Tromote that comfort and contentment at home which conduce to good citisenshlp. good morals sun good order. Stand up for America and America will tand up for you. Kireat ap plause, and cries or "Hnrran ror JicKin- i ley!") Hestore the principle In our lgls Istlnn which gave us prosperity. (Cries of "That's right!") Our esteemed Democratic allies at Syracuse and Indianapolis do not think It Is the height of political wisdom for Maj. McKinley to talk in this "train. We shall positively decline to quarrel with onr allies, bnt will have to reserve for the Republican candidate and the wise managers of his campaign the right to say a word now and then gainst a free trade system advocated eloquently by Li Hung Chang and other misguided persona. New York C' cial Advertiser. Mr. Bryan's Irreverence. A stipercilioua irrevereno seems to pervade mnch of what Mr. Bryan says (tn the stump. No man who makes a Joke of the Bible can hotie to succeed In thia connfry, in nblie life. Col. Robert O. Ingersoli, with the brains of several Bryan, iu his head, could not possibly obtain the suffrage xtf the people, for 'he: aataHeat eleefiveWfflce. The candidate of the Pomilists may taint: it ., smart . to colloquialise Holy WrU. He may believe that throwing and in the ee of the people Is '"iiilv ! to creating mankind ont of the 4aat ar taut earth. u may tains it ctort to parody the New Testament. ii. mmmmd T almas-lf as wittv ivnen I? !?JLfT. 7-i"f,.Wi ka aiataternreta, ridicules and falsely colors the Bcriptarea. He may assume aL.a' Aft... aaaaxsa aVsa, aatSB aVttaa la Kff HataUa. 'Wy to et vote la by dese iVcnrtlrV insulting the Uai. 1 r-w beUevt that by WW mt a these OlC l " Wa be learo a dn m aeiptnf tne Wa haw lean aa K.drr with Dim. Praty awrieaa aaaf 4toparaf ln Jy wa astaaga ta on parry vi jtiumu i awara. tka ranting rorrollst i-oa- ia fsW IM WTeata Awoassa arU tHU If C aflat Omm ta Coiigrc." Thia party km just been joined by the lev. J. Wkit.-oiub Broughrr of Fatersoa. N: J.. w -" latest diatribe delivered on the text. "Where Ctuld Jea Go if lie Came to New York City?" Kvea as advertising of the cheapest ai.rt this does not pay. Mr. Bryau doe not apfear to see that which is plain to every other man in tne t niteu States; he does not see that in ts-lil- tling the Bible he dishonor not it, but himself. No candidate can afford to otlend the Christian mother iu this laud, -ind, thank Heaven the land i full of Chns- tian mothers' I I'heir sous do the voting. w lurk Free. BBTAN AGAINST WORKERS. He Favors Kvery Haslneut-l-aralyuaa; Featurc of the Gorniaa HI1L Although several times challenged since he took the stump, William Jen nings Bryan will not have anything to say upon the tarin. 1 Be only question ortliv of consideration tor a moment. be tells the people, is the silver question. If Sir. Brvau had not made a record upon the tariff if he had not stood with U i son as an ultra f ree-trader If he had not declared that a prote-tive tariff is indefensible, he could evade the issue and fiol the Ts'onle. .Mr. Brvan, uism tne tarm question, is committed, is known to W lor every business paralyzing feature of the tub man bill and against every protective feature that was added to it in the rsen ate. There were amendments madi to the bill which he was opposed to and which he is onoosed to today. He and the leaders in the silver movement are the men who put their foot iisn the measure presented in Con gress for the relief of the government, and by their acta they have checked the confidence that a Keuublican victory aroused in November. and are re sponsible for the idleness of lisi.(SN) additional men and tne holding up ot every projected enterprise iu the country until money lenders and contractors can titul s tiufw ItSMtti til flu nnsitii'SS noon. William Jennings Bryan and those as sociated with him refused to aid the government, thev have unsettled the money market, thty have decreased la bor and have iiu-reased the distress of the people; and they are making misrep resentations to the people in favor of class of citizens when they say that free coinage is a jJinacea for all the people's wms. Labor rantiot get a dollar it does not work for. The men who take the while metal from the mines only receive the small proportion of the product repre sented bv dav's nav. Why then should labor Tot' for a oli-j-. which the advo cate of it tell them will inflate prices and give them a poorer dollar than Ihey have tolav Lalsd may not know the difference in diilhirs (nil think this dollar-talk is all a scare f. buncombe. It can know the difference if it will. The laborer knows there tin a time when it took eight davs' viork to obtain a ton of coal and there has been times since when eight days' work would buy nearly two ton of oh. The tall in tne price or coai shovM the increased purchasing power of rmnev. The reduction iu price of oil article shows the same increase. EYTu-was never a time when dollars vild buv more than they buy i duy fri mav sav there was never lime Ton thi v were harder to get. '''he policy of the Icmocrntlc "rty v"ich increases the work In foreign iidls. and decreases work or entirely coses American mills, which increases itiis.rts and decrease exports, which en r..iirnL'es fraud, increases foreign comie- 'dion, destroys trade, depreciates values mil. puts hundreds of thousand of merican workmen out of work, lessen iho ilenriiiL'-house transactions of the country jKi.litHUKKU"") in less than two i.irs and increases the national detit in lima Hum four vears more than J''li2 strum makes dollars hard to get. :t' j a restoration of confidence that : nrs. nwled a condition which in ..:,,. mortal to enter main new enter ..j.;.,, jtnd which makes it safe for noitnlists to loan money and for con tractors to bid for contracts. The way thin i a vote for sound money. Th.oi the mills, the lunils-r camps, the no.irries. the mines, the trade will lie gin to SHOW ai'tlvil.T, tne mimrj unoccupied will liegin to circulate, the IMKtple will find employment, and dollars will lie easier to get. tr Is the restoration of he condition of 1K!)2 the starting up 'if the mills not the mints that will iK-nefii and bless tolior and give the I tilted Mines a genu ine boom. A vote for McKinley and Hohart is a vote for these better condi tions and better times. Norwich (O)iiu.) Bulletin. NO HELP TO THE MORTGAGED. Free Silver a Hardship and Not a Belief - to Mod of Them. Teoiile aiming their homes and having mortgage upon them should not be mis led into thinking that a free silver vic tory in No.embor would be of assistance to them ,n meeting their mortgage. A little e animation will show that on the average it weiild bring hardship in stead of relief. This would be true, leaving out of consideration all circum stances affecting wages and incomes, and confining the argument simply to a bare discussion of the mortgage itself. The great majority of mortgages, es tecially the smaller ones on dwelling houses, are written for three or five years, and of this class the greater num ber for the leswr period, while many run for a year or two. iMiring the last few years a greaf many of these mortgages have contained a gold clause. It i oli- viou that no one having such a mort gage on his tons would la- helped in the slightest Dy tree silver, it is cjiun ly plain that on the contrary, were gold at a premium, it would be harder than ever to majie a payment. It might also be remembered that there are fciwavs. especially during bard times. ,;nrre number of mortgages. especially o small houses, that are over- due, a no are rvuK - mrtrt 173 ITfe . Bearing these facts in mind it seems safe to assnm" that the average life of mortimeea on this class of property in this city and its suburbs does not ex ceed one year. For free silver to Is? of advantage to th. mnrtirairor. money must be more ..inntifnl and more easily obtained with in that time than it is today. Is there . roauin rn hclieVO it WOlllli he? Even without a SK-cial session of Con free silver law, such a law could not reasonably be looked for within that peri od, mm lss an innation or tne cur rency, so as to give relief to debtors In the msntime, what would be the ait tiatlufi ? Tho ,-ril. In financial affairs would fol low immediately nin the success of free silver at the imlls. Following tne wnu iimn-al of nl. I there would ls a shar .contraction of the money In circulation, and Instead of more money with whio "nl insicao oi more iiioimv to meet indebtedncM there won .Id be les fiwin in the unsettled condition 01 af fairs, lenders woald he more iinwiUir than ever to loan, and, as an inevitabe resnlt. parmenU would bare to bo oe- la.lnl There to 01111 another point. ! Hie very great majority of eases ivtortfagors do not willingly forecIte. They want kl. amwv and Interest, rather than the property. Thia la especially tree erf tha asvlturs aid eo-ooeraUT ha oka.- Aa a rnK, fbey often earn mortfagw ust re due nntil such a time as the a b meet them. But If they saw mat they would rw-Wve at 'tii' future time an amouut less than its value in foiu. nd oulv snh a payment could ! ol benefit ta the iMirruHcr. they would de mand a settlement at once, and. if that as Bot forth.-oming. they would lore se. And forechwure in a panic mean the w ipiug out of ninnies. In the above statement DO alio awe is made for b of earning power an the part of the home owner. It la assnaMd, for the sake of the argument, tnai a will have as much money as he has bow. Kven on such a showing, free silver ta the great majority would not be half, but an injury. Boston iieraid. ttHEX BKVAN 14 ELECTED. They sty men will not hve to work, w heo Brvan is elected: There'll be no toiler, hence do shirk. lien liryan is ei-tea; For silver then will all be free And. every uiurn and nigiit. win do hroustil re'ind In csrts iu you sod me. v uea nryau is eieciea. I know a maa who want a Job. w hen Bryan Is eiecienj His naihe Is I'eter. 'twill Bob. Wheu Bryan I elected: He sat for twenty lugs'' day. H.-'ll hire himself, his horse stid dray, Iteliteriug silver down his wsy. W lieu rwyau is eiectea. I know amdher who declsres. w lien Bryan is eiecteo: He'il silver piste Hie golden stair. When Brvan is elected: They"ll Just make l to tet the bsnfl. Keiellllll all liu rni-niii oinuo. Ukt that "tie called "stipp'y snd demand." w ueu Bryan is eiei-ien. t'olninbu IHspaich. POLITICAL NOTES. rnlitics makes nm-er mortal of ns. Discussing the tariff question the Iemo- cratic party coiitvuls that the t tuKil States is not lug .liougn to stand aione. but when it coinv to the silver lUestiotl the same party argues lhat we art- not only strong enough to stand alone, but are able to bring up to a dignified atti tude all the Iver countries of the world. Waterhsi -If uirnaM .'minor. "Wht n th.- Creator made man. He did not use any sus-nor kind ot mud in making financ iers." This is n sample of the dignity and reverence which charac terize the campaign utterances ot Wil liam Jennings Bryan. Can tiny intelli gent citizen, even bv the most laTsisteiit irritation of his mental processes, imagine illiam McKinley voicing a thought so impious and vulgar? Mail and hxpress. It is claimed that it is no longer appro priate to call W. J. Ilrvan the Isi.v on tor ff the I'latte, Is'cause the I'lntte dries up every summer. Atchison (tiois1. In Vermont the Kc publicans get more than l'i to 1 iu the Senate, and if the campaign had lasted much longer they would have done the same Hung on uie popular vote. Bryan's star has set in the (ireen Mountain state. Lynn (Mass. i Item. A Missouri farmer has promised to let his daughter marry the farm hand of her choice if the Democrats win. Twi more young hearts doomed to sorrow lUv Coutitv (Mo.) Republican. The trinh is that when such men as Harrison. McKinley. Sherman and Reed get before the public, little fellows like Hillv Brvau become subjects for ml- erosootiica I study. Ray County (Mo.) Republican. Mr. Cleveland refused to allow the use of his name at IndiunaM.lis. He can Itcttcr serve the cause of holiest money in the campaign by shooting a few hole into the tent of the Chicago cirnis later in the campaign. It is understood he already has his guns trained in that direction. Ohio State Journal. It must be a wise Democratic child that knows its own pulit and tree silver father. New Orleans Picayune. Specialists who have examined Mr. Bryan's throat say that the epiglottis is caiiable of great endurance which is certainly very encouraging for the Re publicans, for if there is anything that will l" of great service to the McKinley forces it is to keep Mr. Bryan's talking apparatus in gsid condition. Such sen tcnoes as he uses at limes are eno-igh to ruin the lid of any man's voice box, but. if the machine will only stand the wear and tear until ovemlT. the Re publicans can well afford to have it re-tiii.n-d at their ex'iise. Boston Journal. A ..icKiiiky club lias been formed at the Soldiers' Home at Sandusky. Of tlie Ho" inmates of the institution H!H joined the club. Fremont Journal. lriscnssihg the assertion in me iree sUverites that the statute of the I'niteil Stati. single handed and alone, against the civilized world, can raise the price f silver to a purity with gold at li to 1 when the commercial purity is now .SI to 1. Speaker Reed says: "i was told IH'.SI bv two of the most sincere as well as the ablest silver men that the ourchiise of -I .." U " N I ounces a month would raise silver to par. ami wiien we i did buy it, silver went down tike lead. Silver men have not Is-en good prophets iu the last." Hence Mr. Kced refuses to take any stock in their new prophecy as to the wonderful, not to say miracu lous, effect of a free coinage law. I'eoriu Jrnnscript. Stewart of Nevada, owns a cross of gold, to which he nails every man who borrow nidiiey from him. "Interest and principle payable in gold. (ilolie-Uemo- crit. A Nebraskan object to the sisition ot II the parties on gold and silver and advocates the free coinage of aluminum money. He says: It would make a very pretty, ngnt and durable coin, and though it is rather cheap now, the unlimited coinage would make a demand tuat would raise tne price and keep it up. I have already bad a Lincoln man apply for the nomination for President by a party that will advo cate this. A this would aps-al to the patriotism and independence of oar ritl- uens, especially tne sireet corner ponu- , in ii. would pull the British lions tail and slap the goldbtig in the face, a con vention held ahoul i (doner 1 would ne in time to form the party, nominate the candidates and sweep the country." Burlington Hawkeye. Brvan savs there is such a thing as a dollar lieing too good. A dollar snd a wife, says the Council Bluffs .Nonpa reil, "are two things that can't be too good, anil they are too hard to get to iu. readilv trailed off for a cheap dollar or cheap wife, just because those are easier to get. -nuriitigion uawKeye. TL,.H ...i.rtit oal lUP tin thfiHH frail llvspl document that were scattered around in Vermont and send them to the scattering ToiKHTat party In liaine. Detroit Jour nal. j o, j on,..-. c . An Apt Illustration, At Toledo Mr. Bryan said: "If yon have a little home and it only cost yon jlllO and has but one room, you who own that little home would be as much ori.rciaed bv the announcement it had canght on fire as would the great man otiVTehome" oauc '""Vmi" 'wu'ld be a good deal more ei- ercised, also, If you knew that, Mr. Bryan having been elected President the insurance which you had paid for out of vnnr labor with lew-cent dollars was to be paid to yon in dollar worth M cents, It wouldn't make so m .h id lffren-e awhk-ago Tlmea-Herald, A rminrni mrrj. - " SZT&mL ' .hv ..rba7 Ing hysterics attont what the goldbugf will do when Ma). McKinley ia elected PifUbnrg Nrwa. r 1 1 IN THE CLUTCHES OMjj I T waa a real relief, when papa new doctor was gruff and terrify Ing. to say "bear" all to myself. But, perbnjm, I diverted uiy attention too much from what be waa telllui; imt by thta devk-e or he K' ti red me into tem porary Idiocy by hi grlin deuicauor. At any rate, I was nndous that aa a uurae I had cut a poor figure. It aeemed a i-'ial pity that ir pipa ahould have had that lllties Just then, when mamma and Isa!el were In Baltimore. Mamma had gone there to re under the care of Dr. Baker, uud sli; could not come home, mid Isaltel could not leave bcr. If we bud only had uu" good old doctor It would hove beeu bet ter, but be was In EuroM, and impi Had callwl In this Dr. Griffin, wllo, o ple seemed to think, waa something wonderful. It waa said that hut lru" tlce waa really something for so young a man (lie wan verging ou 40; I am sure that ia not so very yotin for any amount of practice), and 1 suii jstse he bad to economize Ills forciw, but it made him dreadfully disagreeable. I was Bitting by papa's lied when be came In that firnt day. Some people made such a hero of him that I felt a little curious to ee him. anxious ami troubled aa I waa, and I smiled at hlt'l ss nicely na I could ns Inift nahl, "M.v daughter, dis'tor" though be was lit tle lews tluin Hiipnlllng; extntordluarily t'.ll and gaunt and awkward, with l lugged, aerloiia face and a shock of tawny hair like a lion's inane. I was ntxnit to go, but aa he did not glnnce In my direction he was proba bly not aware of my Intention. He s'ightly Inclined bin bend and said: 'Miss Macon w ill please go out. bleb. Misa Macon did with nil due celerity. That waa but the beginning of a rli-a of stirltikflgi that I underwent during this Illnese of pupa's. I am only 5 feet 4 to Ktart with, but every Interview with the docUir niudf me feel a foot or two shorter. When I looked out of the window oni day and actually siiw niainma and Isa- Md getting out of a carriage at the door it was as If a ton weight had Iwen lift ed from me. The doctor whs with papa (who, however, waa almost well), and I waa hi my own room keeping out of his why. I dashed dowimtnlrw like a mad thing and hung my 'foot somehow o caught my dre on loose screw .1 hr-ve never known which), and fell al most from the top of iStp flight to the Itottom. The doctor rushed out of pupa's rcKim and was at the foot of th. stairs almost as wioti ns 1 was. Mamma i;nd Isalxd appeared frantically from the opiwwlte direction, papa calling fiom titairs all the time to know what it all meant. I was so ashani 'd of having canned the commotion that I tried to get up liH.stlly and close the incident. "Oh, if nothing. I Just slipped." 1 fa-gnu, struggling to my feet and then a great, palpitating darkness Nettled over all. I revived to find myself, aa it were. "In the clutches of a grllfiii." 1 had long applied big name to him in a distinctly opprolirioiiR (sense.) "What do yon ini-an by tearing alsmt the house In that fashion'" he demand ed, stopping at the door as be was leaving. But somehow I was not so afraid .if tutu now, and for reply I only laughed feebly and Inanely from my station ou the sofa. It waa well that my terror of hlin had lessoned, for that mlseralil." sprained ankle required his attention more or lcs throughout that winter. A strange thing hapencd soon after nut in ma and Isabel came home. ImiIm-I la very pretty and very bright. Wo were Hitting together after tea wheu the bell rang, and who should he ush ered In hut Dr. Griffin. And with hi, hair cut which was not at all an Im provementthough I had thought thai any change would be. It was so won dorful to see him sitting there uiugblm; and talking, "like folks." as Mammy Judy used to say, that I could not do anything hut stare at him. And when l'red Carey came In I waa slllvely provoked. But then I never saw Fred julte ay stupid and uninteresting. Not rery long after that another re markable thing happened. The first wonderful thing, by the way, began to happen pretty frequently after a while j 1 think I have a little knack of rhyming, nnd 0De day a mngaelne a real maga- . l ,ina trwkk one of mv nleeea Knch A thing had never happened before and haa never happened since. It waa a sentimental little effusion, which was not about anything or anybody In par ticular, but It aj-enied to me to la? pret ty, and It sounded aa If it meant a good deal. I waa standing on the porch when 1 oiiened the letter which the pontman Ju(t, hande)j t0 me. i remember it waa a beautiful aprlng morning, when , ny cirp of happlneaa waa m lining over j and thu, last drop waa almost I , too much. 1 wm about to ny Into the j house, aa fast afl mj disabled ankle , w(ul(J a,tow wh, t gaard tna clk-k of (the gate. I wTd my letter to Pr. J (irlflln aa ba came up tha walk, and bo 1 , .ha., nil Mutant f.Ae ft 1 waa almowt worth whlla to ba ao grliu looking, to be ao tranafonnad by a mne. i thought to myaelf. I did not wait for greetings or qoeatlona. - . "I have got a piece accepted by the magazine:" 1 said, eagerly. "Ah. that's goodr he replied. "And what are you scribbling about?" Oh, Ifa Juat lovely I" I said. "Don t you w ant me to say It to you Go ahead, and don't jumble it," he replied, dropping iktwn nion one of the ata ou the porch. I cla-d my ban da behind me and rattled off my piece, flushing a little a I did It from suppressed laughter at my own audacity. Ami then I looked at him for applaune. There was a blank silence, and my eyes sank and checks grew hot with mortification. Humphr he said at last, getting up from hia seat. "Well, how la that an kle of yours?" It seemed my fate always to lie seen by Dr. Griffin at a disadvantage from the time wheu he Just saved me from murdering apa with the wrong medi cine ou through various misadventures almost to the present day and I have listed him afreoh every time, as If it were all his fault. Some people al ways see one at her lct he apja-ared on the scene invariably when one was least dmlroim of spectators. I started out with rather a sinking heart not long after the adventure of i lie poem -which Incident, by the way, hid rankled not a little In my mind to hunt up n Sunday school pupil who hail dropcd off, after an attendance of a Sunday or two uin my clnaa. He waa said to live on a small street which I had never heard of, in a remote anil not especially genteel part of the city. which I had never explored, and I fore saw that I should get hist. I stopped on my wny at the bonne of another piiril of mine, whom I knew to tie 111 and whom I bad been vlaltlug for some time. His mother received me In a cold. stuffy little parlor, and entertained me while Johnnie waa being made ready for company. 1 listened sympatheti cally to a long narrative of the heartless treatment she bad received from her physician, who really did seem to have neglected his poor little patient, and to have tieen rude and overla-orlng be- Mde. 1 had passed him once aa I went In, and had noticed how red and bloat ed his face was, and had thought then that he was drunk. He was a physi cian. I suppose, of no standing. I had never before heard his name. "And then," she i-oncluded, "I Just 'phoned for Dr. Grlftin. My husband said, 'Don't yon be bothering Dr. Grlf- liu; he's got more'n he can do 'tending to the rich people.' But he's got time tt 'tend to poor people, too, as well I knew. And 1 'phoned and he came. An' he's an angel In a sick room!" The couiimrlson struck me as so lu d'erotia that a smile arowe to my fav nefore I could check it. "If I was Queen Victoria and John nie wan the qneen' sou he couldn't le kinder. Now, you etui Just walk right In and ace how pert Johnnie' bettiu'." . After leaving there 1 walked ou, and on, as the story lawks say, and it really d:d seem that I had emlmrked upon one of the vague, nlghtiiiareish (jiiests of the Norse talcs. The end of my Journey seemed always. Just at band and still It lengthened, lengthened, till I could fancy that I waa a lovelorn prlu cess looking for the Castle of the Clouds. If Bonaparte I'lunket had llv eI east o the sun and west o' the moon or at any other of the addresses given lu those veracious histories, he could not. It seemed to me, have lieen mo.-e tautullKlngly !nacfelble. He took on at laat, a half-mythical character Ii .ny mind, as 1 could find no trace of Mm. Hens and chickens run suawkiiu aenst my ath; geewt .hissed at me, to ny unapenkable discomposure; puddle of Ill-smelling water appetired on th mean sidewalks; dirty women and dill r'.ren swarmed altout the doors, and still Bonaparte I'lunkett a place of resi dence ever receded from me. I begd.i to have a distinctly disreputable feel ing, as if I were becoming assimilated to my stjuaild environments, and a faint fear arose within me aa I realised that I had not the slightest idea in the world of where I waa. Yea, I was lost I stood still and looked blankly around me, beginning, aa the last S'rnw, to feel that my ankle was giving out. I was juat making up my mind to ask the way to rue nea nut car line of the next person whom I ahould meet, when I snw a buggy coming down the street. A audden hope took possession of me. lie alwaya came when I was In some nndignlfled and ridiculous plight And yes! 'Oh, Dr. Griffin!" I callwl out. lie pulled up at that quavering cry, nnd looked at me for a moment In the blankest amazement. "And what are you doing In Rock et ta, in Ism?" he demanded, aa he helpexl toe In. a wild wave of exhllarntln had come over me when 1 felt myaelf aafe In tha vt'hlele. "I waa only paying some calls," I aald In an off-band way. "Aren't the rial ma of society burdensome? I am really tired." "Callar be repeated. "And where were 70a calling In RockettaT" "I waa going to the llunketta'," I i said. npver day anyway " 1 Wan to rei-'Bt my nonsense wheu be t..k a little red ndelk our of his ttocket and. utterly Igwring my pres ence, began to ks.k over it with knitte.1 brown. We drove on In perfect alienee fur several bhsk. and he niairlfeated no intention of resuming the conversa tion at all. while I. on my part, waa occupied in regretting that I had totally ' forgotten that 1 was "on my uigouy. n mv old nurse would say. Well Mis4i Frances," be said sud denly, without looking up, "have you ,'orglven me?' -Forgiven you, for what?" I nuoidJon liigly replied, but a reminiscent wava of mortification awepi -. He gave a short laugh, mm turning tne leaves of his book, hut did not an swer. .... a be sat hsiklng down, with hi brow furrowed and hla rugged face ahowlng very hard line at lta hardest m me lear daylight. I stole timid glancea at Wm and wondered how 1 naa ever had the temerity to rectte those mia- rable, sentimental verses of mine to Mm, of all men! 1 Idimncu uowy n. thought of my fily. The horw- had slackened his pace, nui the doctor did not s-em to notice It. Have you lieen writing any morn poetry?" he asked. a If becoming con scious of the claims of civility. "No," I said stiffly. He made no pretense of interest In . ..!. .. I mv answer, indeed, ne was ipmr c.i- dently not at all attending to what I laid. "I didn't like that-whaia its ;ame? onnct of yours." he remarked. tapping tne norse wnu mc u-m. Ah." I said, aa If I had not already been crushed by the snubbing whicll it had rti-elved. Do ymi want to know why I didn t ;ike It?" he went on. He put his boot lown and looked at me with a queer smile. "Yew," I aald, but still with the haughtiness laini of Inward humllla- '.'.oll. He took off his hat nnd looked care fully Into the crown, frowning as if bd !md that moment remcmlx-red leaving wmiethlng of the highest value which jcemed to be missing. And then he put It on again. He cleared his throat and jerked at the reins. "I didn't like to think of your wtilm- ienng alsiut some whlppiTsnapper,'' he said, "when I want you myself." When the treo and houses had set tled hack Into their normal plncea and the waterfall had ceased rushing and roaring In my ears I looked at hint and saw that he was talking on, but of what he said I had only the vaguest notion. The blanknowt of my fa-e irust have struck him at last, for hi stoped abruptly. Walt, don't say anything' yet. b-5 ki Id. We were drawing near to my own home, but the horse went very slowly. "If you could tell mo," be began there waa something positively uncan ny and awful to me In the humility of tils tone "but don't say anything tin has It is yes.' Take time any length of time." lime! It seemed to me that it had lieen l,fon years already. It waa anch nil old, old fact that Dr. Griffin had ask ed me to marry him that I felt that 1 ;iad been )ni wlih the consciousness of it. I tried to remember how things were ln-fore It happened, but no, therd vns nothing la-fore that. . Xelthcr si)ke as he helH-d me out of the buggy and solemnly walked with me up the long green yard. He paused tit the porch. if," he said, "you could poaslhly say jea' don't mnke me wait." I ran up the ste without replying, nnd opened the door, stopping with my hand iikiii the knob, and looking back at him standing uikiii the walk la-low. "Yes," I said, and, Imnglng the door, I flew tijistalrs to my own room. Then I ieeexl at him through the fhutter and I saw that he had bowed head on hla hat for a moment, aa If he were In church. ' What fl ridiculous couple we will Is?! - Ijidies' Home Journal, I'haraoh the Oppressor. The worst blot on hla character waa Ms ruthless destruction of the work of his predecessor. No doubt In such a time of distress. It would be difficult to supply workmen for public monuments; hut his ulter disregard for everything that went Is-fore him (Hi I docs even hla orgulous father, and la painfully fu con trast to the careful restoration made by hia artistic grandfather, Setl I. He planted hla funeral temple Just lieliind the magnificent Isalldiug of Amenhotep HI., and pits-ceded to smash up every portable atone, whether statue or tab let, to throw In for his own foundations, and then reared hi walla with the no ble block of the great temple, and even stole the very brtcka. Not con tent with hiking what he wanted, be further defaced what he could not uae; and all over Kgypt the statuea of the kings may lie seen with bla name rude ly cut over their Inscriptions, or bat tered with a hammer on the exquisite ly polished mirfacee of the other mon arch. With little of aortiplea, of aaate, or of feeling, he wa yet not derold of ability and energy for a difficult posi tion; and though we may not rank him with a Trajan, a Bellas rl us, or an Al lred. yet It would be hard to deftf him the company of a Veepaalan or a Clau dius Goth lens, a Oeorge tne Rw-dlAl, or a Victor Emmanuel. Century. If your men folka atrew the worn coats and boot a all over tne woodahed, have a cloaet made by putting np two hoarda on either aide and hanging a print curtain and plenty of nalle and a shelf at the top to hold newaptpere after reading. Every bad married woman that erer lived had an Indulgent buabnad. ,- - ai -'.v-".'-.'r fl ' 1 s.ia laTTrVf -" '