The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 01, 1896, Image 6

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Fatal Measles and Miapi
It Is reported that a terrible epidemic
of measles and muni Is raging In
Costa Rica. One writer says that an
many as ten thousand children died of
these diseases in a period of three
week. The government suppresses
he farts. It is well known that
measles is a much more dangerous dis
ease in countries where It has never
oeen known than in Europe and Amer
ica. It probably becomes milder by be-
ng filtered through the bodies of suc
cessive generations. When measles
first gained a foothold In Fiji it was a
Tlrulent and as fatal as cholera.
Brain and Min'l.
Great size of head and brain Is ln
d cative of extraordinary mental power
cnly when "other things are equal.
that is to say, when the quality of
brain Is fine and the vital functions
4,-pnerally are of a superior order. Pro
portion to the size and weight of the
entire body Is also to be taken into ac
count. An illustration of the fact that
the size of the head is not a direct and
rnvarylng measure of intellectual
greatness Is suggested by the remark In
recent biography of Ixrois Agassis
hat while Cuvier and Agasslz both
possessed "enormous heads and largely
developed brains, neither Lamarck nor
Parwln was abnormal as regards the
ize and development of the head."
A Big Chunk of silver.
In a popular history of America pub
lished many years ago an account Is
given of the discovery of a silver mine
Id Teru by an Indian, who, while chas
ing game In the mountains, seized a
hrub for support, and the shrub, com
ing loose In his hands, revealed glitter
ing masses of silver clinging to its roots.
This story la recalled by the recent dls-
fufi. iu i mai v.ounry, Arizona, of a
nugget of nutive silver which had been
washed -and worn by water no one
knows how long, but which still weighs
448 troy ounces. It is of an oval form,
and Its surface is so marked as to in
dicate that It consists of crystals of
silver formed in strings, and afterward
compacted into a mass. The nugget
has been placed In the National Mu
seum in Washington.
The l arlh'i Animals.
A recent computation places the en
tire number of species of animals
which up to the present time have been
tieseribed by naturalists at 300,000.
Many new species are added at , vy year
ft previously unexplored lnn Sjfrre in
vaded by students eager to gat J Is tine
lion by adding valuable eonmitlons
to the lists of science. The number
of species already known is so great
that even naturalists are sometimes
troubled to keep truck of them, and a
project has Just Iweti set on foot In tier
many to publish a work in which the
entire animal population of the globe
shall be arranged and described on a
uniform system. The publication Is -to
be begun next year, and a quarter of
a century Is assigned as the probable
period needed for Its completion. Not
only German, but English, French and
American naturalists will have a hand
in the work.
Tlic 1 cicnoe of Yjits.
A translation into English of the
work of the great Gemma authority
on fermentation, Prof. B. C. Hansen,
tails attention to the important ser
vices which science has recently ren
dered to the brewers of the "Father
land." About ten years ago Prof.
Hansen experienced much difficulty
a)d opposition in obtaining admission
to the Old Carlslierg brewery for the
purpose of carrying on researches ln.;.
the origin and nature of the yeasts on
which the production of beer depends.
The brewers were practically familiar
with the culture of yeast, and did not
believe that a scientific professor conld
tell them anything new or useful about
the subject, although the yeast ofteu
behaved In a manner which they could
pot explain and which caused them
much disappointment and kiss. But
within a few years the professor had
discovered facts they had never dream
ed of. had taught them a better systeta
of cultivating yenst, and had made
their brewery famous throughout the
scientific world, on account of his ex
periments. ' Various kinds of yeast
cause "disease" in beer, and Hansen
pas discovered the means of. guarding
gainst tt. He has also devised meth
od of preserving "stock" yeast so thnt
It can be kept pure for years, and
transported safely thousands of miles.
Selecting a Vocation.
The young man who says, '1 have
fiven my heart to the Lord, and, there
fore, I am going to study for me i. i
hrtry,' mis the entire point," says
P. Parkhurst to an article on "Relett
ing a Career," In the Indies' Home
foarna). "There Is no therefore' about
t, That la a pettifogging way of meet
lag p grcavt situation. I quote ri i
lattsr that I received recently from a
jvung lawyer In Ohio: 'In my dally life
ftfaoot tha criminal court I have seen
stay a tad scans, and at last It baa
bom) to that point that I am almost de
Jd to east aaids my bright future In
trw, and tstar the service of the Lord.'
I anawafin bin that be was writing
f rata What be meant by the aer
C af tha Lord was the Christian mla
tT, mi thnt la a mora a service of
the Lord than any other reputable call
ing. It Is not what a man does that
makes his service Christian; it is pat
ting his career under contribution to
the public weal, instead of mortgaging
It to his own preferment, that makes
his service Christian. There is a great
lot of small thinking about these mat
ters and well meaning Imbecility that
works damagingly all around. Mv .-or-respondent
furthermore wrote that he
had 'learned to distrust the law.' AU
the more reason, then, why he should
stay in the law. We cannot fmpr n f a
thing by standing off and Mistrusting'
it, but by Jumping in and converting it.
If all the conw-cration is put Into the
ministry and all the brains Into the
other professions neither the pulpit nor
the world will profit. The sum and
substance of ell of which is that. when
a young man hs come out on to the dis
tinct Christian ground of putting him
self under contribution to the public
weal, the selection of a career, best suit
ed to himself and to the needs of hu
manity, is simply a matter of studying
adaptations, and deciding by what art,
trade, business or profession he can
subserve tb'it weal the best."
Field's Fondness for Chil.lreo.
Eugene Field was a man of generous,
tender spirit and boundless sympathy.
He gained and held the love of little
children and of men and women; for
In his writings he appealed to young
and old, and every gentle nature re
sponded to the magic of hin honest
He was a great lover of animals, and
was constantly making pets of them.
He was very fond of birds, but, as he
disliked to see them caged, he looked
forward to the time when he could add
to hi? new home a good conservatory,
where the birds might find a home and
fly In and out among the plants. After
he had once.beeome attached to a et of
ny kind it was exceedingly hard for
h!m to give It up. For several years
he paid the boarrPof two old dogs at a
lann. Some of his friends thought this
a foolish expense: but he said he would
not have the dugs killed, as they h:td
been faithful to him In their younger
days, and he did not believe in deserting
old friends. Several years ago a Jeru
salem donkey was given to the Field
loys. and they named it Dou Caear
de Buena. After they became too old
tf drive with him, it was a serious ques
tion what to do with "Don." For some
fime he "was boarded at a livery stable.
His board bill soon liecame quite a se
rious, matter. But Sir. Field would not
jave him sold, for fear that the chil-
dren'e old comrade might fall Into un
kind hands. At last a friend In Ken
tucky offered a home for the donkey.
and there he Is now, spending his last
days In luxurious ease on a blue-grans
farm. SI. Nicholas.
A Poet's Gifts to His Mttle Friends.
As we all know, Mr. Field was ever
gentle and tender to the little ones. If
they were in any way weak or afflicted,
they appealed all the more strongly to
Ihe love of which his heart was so full.
His nature was as simple an a child's.
and he loved the children's toys as
much as they did. His sympathetic en
joyment of their pleasure In any new
toy was a revelation to the every-dny
man or woman. One day I went with
him into a toy store to get some little
things for the babies, as he rarely went
home empty-handed. After he Iptd pur-
ctum.d several things, he ordered a doz
en medium-sized bisque dolls. I won
dered what he was going to do with so
manv, and put the question to him. He
answered: "Oh, I like to have them.
ftnd when little girls come to see me
I can give them a dolly to take home."
Som.? time after his death, the family
found the box that had contained the
lolls. There was only one left, and
that one in some way had been broken.
It was only a few weeks before his
life ended that be bought these dull
so he must have had many visits from
his .ittle friends. St. Nicholas.
Got Ahr-a'I of Them.
A writer in the Springfield Republi
can tells a story of the boyhood of
Judge C. 15. Andrews, of the Connecti
cut Supreme Court. The story shows
how lie, when a freshman at Amherst,
got ahead of some hazing collegians.
It was the custom then to smoke out
the freshmen. A party of a dozen or
more of the fellows would enter the
room of an unsuspecting boy, light their
pipes and smoke until the victim gave
In and offered a treat. When they enme
Into Andrew's room they were without
their pljes and had no tobacco nlsmt
them, but with a stern volen one fellow
handed Charles a dollar and ordered
hfm to go and procure pIjwm and tobac
co for the crowd.
Charles went out, and soon returned
with ninety nine pipes and one cent's
worth of tobacco. What the buys did
to him for his audacious act is not re
lated, but it la a fart that they did not
smoke him out that night.
Size of an Karthriauke Wave.
Seismologists say that every great
earthquake causes pulsations which ex
tend for thousands of miles in all df
rectlons on the globe, and Prof. Milne
likens such pulsations to the long, low
swells that sweep across the ocean.
Recently Prof. Charles Davison has at
tempted to measure the height and
length of the waves of an earthquake
that occurred In Greece on April 27,
1HIM, the pulsations cf which v ert per
ceived ly the aid of a specially con
structed pendulum at Birmingham In
England. The pulsations, or waves.
passed through the rocky crust of the
tarth with a velocity of about two miles
n second, and each of the largest of
them, according to Prof. Davison, must
have been about twenty-eight miles In
length, but only half an Inch In height!
Meat, according to experienced cooks,
should never be washed. It may be
cleansed' by rubbing It with wet cloth.
Meat lose flavor If placed In direct
contact with Ice.
d MVk vvi
"What bear your Mr. Boldero U.
after all," Elbe said that night at dinner.
"Juat think, Jenifer, he baa actually re
fused my Invitation for to-morrow, with
out having the courtesy to assign any
reason for doing so! If I were you. Hu
bert, I should take my affairs out of hi
hands immediately."
"That'a more easily aaid than done,"
Mr. Kay aaid, indifferent" "the b-isiiiess
management of a big proiierty i not so
easily transferred as you think. F.fiie."
Then the conversation drifted a usual
into the theatrical channel, and from
divers remarks Jenifer learned to her
horror that Captain Kilgecutnb had de
clined the part of Charles the Second in
the tableau, and that Jack had been per-
aunded to nil it.
"Jack, you promised me you wouldn't
act," hia aimer cried.
"It isu't acting, you goose," Mra. Ray
aaid, hilariously; "he'll have to do the re
verse of act; he will have to remain mo
tionless and inactive, and merely look
adoration of Neil Gwynn's charms."
"I hope poor Minnie's head won't be
turned," old Mra. Kay said; and tlicy all
laughed, with the exception of Jenifer and
A little stage had been adroitly con
trived and furnished at the end of tbp long
library, and on this the performers had
a fnll-dresa rehearsal this night after din
ner. Captain Edgecumb came in rather late;
but as he was not wanted till the farce
which brought the entertainment to a
close, this was a matter of minor mo
ment Meantime he stayed in the draw
ing room with old Mrs. Kay and Jenifer.
"You take no part in the entertain
ment to-morrow night, I understand, Miss
Kay?" he aaid.
"Did you exect that I should tell you
I didT
"Indeed, no; I knew that it wa due
to the genius of those two restless spirits
that this affair wag coming off at Moor
Royal, and if I could have got out of
having any hand in it I should have been
glad; but Mrs. Jervoise and her sinter are
old acquaintances of mine, and a man
finds it difficult sometimes to resist any
claim made upon him by such fair old
u-quaintauces as they are."
"I don't wish to interfere with any
one's arrangements or amusements, hut I
wish you had kept your promise, and
taken the part in the tableau which they
have now persuaded Jack to fill," Jenifer
said. "Captain Edgeeumh, you've al
ways professed willingness desire to
ilease me. Will you do It now?" m
She had spoken much more vehemently
than was usual with well-balanced, self
possessed Jenifer, and now she rose and
retreated to a place behind the piano
which was out of ear-shot of her mother.
For a moment Captain Edgecumb could
not believe bis senses; they were surely
leading him a will-o'-the-wisp dance, and
would beguile him into a quagmire of
discomfiture, if he presumed on this ap
parent desire of Jenifer's to establish a
private understanding with him.
"Dear Miss Kay, the hojs? that is dear
est to me in the world is to please you,"
the handsome young officer said, earnest
ly. And really he more than half meant
what be said.
"Oh, don't talk nonsense!" Jenifer said,
eutreatingly. "Don't think of me as a
girl, please; just treat me as you'd trent
Jack. The favor I want you to do me is
this that you'll claim your original part
In the Nell Owyun tableau, and make
Jack resign it."
"I will," be said, gallantly, without
asking a question or offering a remark.
"Thank you," she said, simply, holding
out her hand to him as she passed out
of ber secluded uook back to her place
at a work tak-le.
His young hostess stood in the ball
when, in ols-dicnce to her summons, be
was crossing it.
"Well!" she said. And though she said
nothing more, he felt himself challenged.
"Mrs. Kay, 1 fwl as much honored as a
man can feci in being Invited by yon to
yotir house. Be still more gracious to
me; let me piny the passive part you
nslicd ine to fill first let (me be Charles
the Second. I shall do your taste and
discrimination more credit than Jack Kay
"As if I didn't know that this dramatic
ardor has been put into you by my guile
less aister-in-lnw," she answered, mock
bigly. "Jenifer hates Minnie Tlmrtle,
nd is awfully afraid of Minnie's getting
Anything like local recognition. Now I
have no small feeling of thnt kind. If I
owned serfs or slaves I should like my
serfs or slaves to distinguish themselves
because they'd rcdouad to my credit. But
Jenifer has no broad feeling of that sort.
8he hates Minnie Thurtle because Minnie
la pretty and Is the keeper's daughter."
Eflie suokt 'ry effectively; bat the
days were dead in which ber effective
renifpring of wrong ideas could impress
"If you really Isdieve Miss Kay to lie
actuated by anything like petty jealousy,
s'loir yourself so much nobler by not try
ing to thwart her," he said, politely.
Ktiie laughed at him and told him he
had "grown strangely humble."
"Will you make one tiny admission to
me?" she asked, as they walked along to
the library, which bad Ix-en transformed
into a theater; "it wou't involve any loss
of your dignity in fact, if any one will
lie humbled by it I shall tie that person.
Weren't you very much relieved when
you heard I hail married Hubert Ray?"
"I was delighted to know- that you had
such a fair prosiect of happiness."
"That's an evasion. Were yon not re
lieved? Didn't you feel I had saved yon
a great deal of trouble?"
"I thought you had acted very sensi
bly. Your husband is one of the liest fel
lows I have erer known. Jack," he con
tinued, as they went liebind the scene,
"Mrs. Kay has kindly ermittcd me to
take my original part of Charles the Sec
ind. You won't object? Y'ou thought it
a bore, you know."
"All right," Jack said, but he said it
grimly; ami Captain Edgecumb saw
lightning glances interchanged ts-tween
Jack and a handsome, dark-eyed girl who
stood a little apart from the ladies and
gentlemen assembled on the stage.
"Jenifer doesn't mind putting me into a
situation which she feel ti lie fraught
with danger to her brother,1 be thought,
discontentedly; but the ncxi instant the
lietter thought, "She knows too well what
1 feel shout her to dread a low rival."
"The change is Mis Jenifer's work,"
Minnie Thurtle took an opportunity of
whissring to Jack, when stage business
drove him into her vicinity. As much as
he could he avoided Seaking to her he
fore people. Not that be was "ashamed
of bis admiration for ber," he told him
self, but becausp he feared being forced
into a premature declaration of love ami
The majority of those who bad received
Invitations to these festivities at Moor
Royal came, though they bad declared
themselves to be shocked ftnd disgusted
when they first heard of them. Young
Mrs. Kay and her sister were born man
agers on a munificent scale, and no more
perfect display of hospitality, well within,
the borders of good taste, had been wit
nessed in that neighborhood. But when
they came to count the cost of it all,
which was not for some months after.
they found the bills so heavy that Elbe
broadly advised that no effort should lie
made to meet them.
"It will curtail our income quite too
shockingly if these wretched people are
paid now," she said. And lliert she added
that Hubert really should consider what
exhaustive calls were made upon her
housekeeping purse. "I have to provide
for two families, you must remcmls-r, Hn
liert. It would 1k very different if your
mother and sister were not here."
Jack made Moor Royal his "headquar
ters," as be termed it, until March. If
he used the words in the sense of meaning
that he honored Moor Royal with his
presence more frequently thsn he did any
other place, or that, when he did so honor
it, he gave bis fullest head-power to the
forwarding of anything like intellectual
life there, the designation was certainly a
These first three months of the first new
year which had witnessed the dethrone
ment of old Mrs. Ray were unquestion
ably not happy ones to either the widow
or her children. Did Mrs. Ray and Jeni
fer lived apart to themselves a great deal,
and this not through any sulky desire to
hold aloof from or seem to disapprove of
Elbe and her doings, but really because
Erne made it practically impossible that
their daily life should harmonize.
Jenifer had made up her mind very
lovingly and carefully to make onp appeal
on behalf of her brother Jack to Mr. Bnl
dero, and she knew that she could do this
easily it a lawn meet at Hallowmorc.
' "Jenny, yoa're going out with an ob
ject; oh, and your brothers quote yon as
being so guileless and superior! Jenifer,
take the advice of a woman of the w or lit.
A hunting woman, especially one wnc
has to make an effort to be one, won't
attract Captain Edgecumb."
Eflie said this with a little spiteful
sarcastic Is ugh, and an Indescribaule as
sumption of being more conversant with
Captain Edgecumb' motives than any
one else, that would have been funny bad
it not been Insulting.
"Be quite sure that, when I want to at
tract Csptain Edgecumb, I will come to
yon for Instruction; to-day I won't tag
either yottr patience or good nature,"
Jenifer aaid, temperately; bat Sirs. Ray
knew from ber sister-in-law's averted
face and measured tones that ber shot
bail gone borne.
"I've no time to argue the question now.
the horse will be round in a minute or
two," Eflie said, walking round Jenifer iu
order to get a straight look into the girl's
eyes; "hot I'll just offer you one hint
though you re aure to take it ungrace
fully, and misunderstand my motive in
giving it. Don't think to win Captain
Edgecumb by any pretense of indiffer
ence; be'i very honest and straightfor
ward himself, and has a horror of any
thing like finesse In a giri."
"Here are the horse," was the only re
ply Jenifer vouchsafed to Mrs. Ray.
Jack had come up from the home farm
to join the Moor Royal party; and, as
Jenifer came out, both ber brothers greet
ed her cordially.
"Glad to see you out with us again,
Jenny, dear," Jack cried, heartily, and
Jenifer relt self reproachful for a mo
ment, as she thought of how she was go
ing to try and upset what Jack was fool
isii enough to fancy was bis happiness.
"It will Is like old times to see you In
the field again, dear," Huls-rt said, kind
ly, for this w as the first time that Jenifer
had attempted to bunt since ber father's
"I don't think I shall follow." Jenifer
said as they rode through the lodge gates
Into the grounds of Hallow more, and
Mrs. Kay was soon surrounded by the
members of the bunt who bad the honor
of being on sgM-aking terms with its most
distinguished wearer of a habit.
Jenifer bad ridden on with Jack, and
they had been joined by Mr. Boldero.
Jack, Jenifer said, hastily, it s so
long since I've ridden to hounds that I'd
rather take it quietly to-day. Don't let
me stop you. I'll stay quite couteutedly
with Mr. Boldero."
"Bat you mustn't keep Mr. Boldero
out of it, Jenny; he won't thank you for
doing that, the young brother said; and
he rode off, leaving bor alone with Mr.
"Y'ou know why I want to see you
she began, w ithout any idle preface. "He-
is going to ruin. Once more 1 ask you
to sjH-ak to him, to stop him."
"I cannot. This is final. With all my
heart would I add my entreaties and
warnings to yours, but the power to do
so has Is'cii taken out of my hands. I
know that be has licen offered good aje
poititmc ills at high sulnries. I know (but
an agency to large estates a post for
which he is exactly filti-d is open to him
now, but I can't press him to accept it.
"Mr. Boldero, what is the secret tower
which holds you back? You surely don't
want to see us Rays ruined?" she asked,
leaning forward to gain a clearer view of
his face.
"Heaven forbid!"
"But it is evident that man or woman
has constrained you to stand by supinely
ami see one of us go down. Oh, do, do!
if you cared for my father, as we all be
lieve you did, save his son!"
"If the sacrifice of all my worldly good
would do it, I would do it," he said, fer
"You say that; It's easy; but you won't
speak the won that might do it. I wish
I bad not come out; you have disappoint
ed me this time more cruelly than before;
for you must have felt that I was in
extremity lief ore I wrote to yon."
She turned her horse's bead and rode
shandy away, to the wonderment of so
much of the field as had leisure to observe
her; and Mr. Boldero did not venture to
follow her.
Meantime old Mrs. Ray, having nothing
else to do in Jenifer's absence, bad gone
dowu to the home farm to see what ar
rangements had lieen made iu the house
for Jin k's comfort.
She was quite alive now to the right
which was hers of taking away any furni
ture that she desired from Moor Royal.
And she was quite resolved that If she
found the farm house rooms inadequately
furnished, she would exert that right,
and have her son's new home fitted up
with some of his customary surroundings.
"Poor, dear boy! 1 dare say it's all bare
and ugly enough, after what he has ls-en
accustomed to at Moor Royal," the moth
er thought, as she walked down to in
spect her son's house for the first time
since he bad occupied it.
It pleased her well, as she approached
the house, to see the old-fashioned look
ing garden neater and trimmer than It
had ever lieen even under the Cowley
rule. Long Isirders of primroses, cow
slips mid snow drops wound ribbon-like
round every lied. And all the windows
were bright with hyacinths of every
shade, from creamy white to darkest bine
and red, and with gaudy but Iteautiful
double tulips in pots.
"Dear Jenny bus taken care that be
shall have (lowers to remind him of
home," the mother thought, tenderly, a
she marked with pleasure that the flow
ers were softly framed by white muslin
curtains, as well as by the heavy dark
ones that she herself bad sent down from
Moor Royal. Then site opened the hall
door and went into the wide red brick
passage, calling, as she entered, for Elsie,
the girl who bud been scullery maid for
some time at Moor Royal, and who had
now come "to do" for Mr. Jack, as she
herself expressed It.
The kitchen door stood open, and a fine
appetizing odor of bread making stream
ed forth. Something else streamed forth,
also, and that was a dialogue carried on
by two highly pitched female voices. The
first words that fell on Mrs. Ray's as
tounded ears were, spoken by Elsie: -
"I don't can; nor know what you're
a-goin' to be, Minnie Thurtle; you knows
lst about that yourself, I s'pose; but I
know you're not a-goin' to come here now
and order me altout as If you was my
missus. I'll take orders from none but
master and the ladies up to Moor Royal;
and if you choose to come a-poking, and
prying, and ordering in my kitchen, you'll
bare to bear what I've got to say
there!" "You'll find yourself walked out of this
house before you're many days older,
Miss Impudence!" wpre the next words
that quivered forth in accents of fury;
and then both speakers became aware of
old Mrs. Kay's pretence, and silence
For a moment or two . Elsie looked
crestfallen; for she could not help feeling
a little shocked that her jeremiad against
the bold Invader, Minnie Thurtle, should
have been overheard by her former mis
tress. But after a moment or two this
feeling of shock passed off, and she felt
grimly exultant that her burst of elo
quence In aid of the proprieties had fallen
upon ears that sorely would be sympa
thetic. But If Elsie deemed that her former
play and school fellow, Minnie Thurtle,
would now without fail meet with well
deserved punishment and downfall, she
ai bitterly mistaken. Minnie r.i.?lt
have failed to extricate ht" rself fruu. :e
dithcult situation had Jenifer' evi Is-en
upon her; but und.T old Mr. It .y af
frighted and perplexed sw she s-edi!y
recovered from the severe but momentary
"I've Just come up with a message from
father to Mr. Jack, mum," site a:d, glib
ly, dropping an almost iuipcri-eptilile
courtesy is she ssike; "father's mad, al
most, he's so vexed about it, and be
thought Mr. Jack ought to know of it at
"What is it. Minuter old Mrs. Kay
asked, accepting Minnie's insinuating ex
planation of ber presence in the farm
house kitchen with a readiness that made
Elsie morally grind her teeth.
"It's those poaching Mitchells; father
is always coming across them and their
lurchers in the woods, and lie say they're
a bad lot, and the sooner they're out of
the parish the better."
"Y'ou weren't so ready to tell on them
when you and Bill Mitchell kept com
pany," Elsie said, savagely, for she saw
that justice was being averted from the
offender, on whom she did virtuously de-,
sire o see condign punishment fall.
"Hush. Elsie!" old Mrs. Ray said gen
tly; "how often bave I asked you not to
indulge in a quarrelsome spirit? Well,
Minnie, I will tell Mr. Jack what your
father says, though I am very sorry to
hear it. I always thought the Miicl'.elli
such a nice, well-conducted family."
"They're bad, root and braniU, mum,
father says," Minnie answered, with
suave spleen; for Elsie was generally un
derstood to have tender yearnings to
ward that very Bill Mitchell whom Min
nie bad thrown over. Then, that
she no longer had any fair eensj f ir
staying, Minnie picked up a little brisket
which always accompanied her, and took
a self-possessed, resjiectful leave of Mr.
Jack's mother. '
When she reached home, after briefly
relating to ber mother what passed
up at the borne farm house, she began
carefully pinking up rather extensive
new wardrols-.
"My dresses will be as bardsome hi
any Mrs, Kay has," she observed, with
much satisfaction, to her mo lier, "and
1 shall look quite as well in them lit she
does in hers. There's no nonsense about
her; she and I shrill get on wed ennngh,
and I don't cure about lb-" old woman
and Jenifer; there's nothing to get from
them, as I shall tell Jack if they cut us
and he makes a silly of himself alvut it."
"I shall never feel happy about it till
I sec you conic out of the uurrh with
the ring on your 1 tiger," Mrs. Thitrtl"
said, anxiously. She nattirallv proud
of her handsome daughter, and Hiih'v
gratified at the prospect of seeing bet
"made a lady of."
"The truth shall be known as soon a
ever Jack comes back from hunting to
day," Minnie told herself, resolutely. "I'm
not going to have it said of me that I'm
over-bold ill going to a bachelor's house.
Elsie'll bp sorry enough slip let ber saucy
tongue run on as it did to-day when the
truth is known."
Jack had fallen in with his brother and
sister-in-law as they jogged borne, and
Eflie, with unusual suavity and eiiipressp.
nienf, had invited him back to Moor
Royal to dinner. He went home to dress,
and from Elsie learned of the explosion
of the day. '
(To be continued.)
When the Hair Is Growing Thin.
Here Is a recipe for a pomade to
check the falling out of hair; Five parts
of tincture of jnitornndi, three parts
of lanoiltie, twenty purts of glycerin;
mixed with the help of a little soft
snap; the scalp to be rubbed every
night with a little of this pomade on
the end of your linger.
Another simple lotion Is composed of
a teitspootiful of salt and one scruple
of quinine, added to a pint of brandy;
shake the mixture well mid apply every
nlgbt for a few weeks.
Ammonia takes the color out of the
hair. Therefore If you use It In your
bath take care not to wet the hnlr.
For cleaning hair brushes, however,
ammonia Is Invaluable far better than
soda or soap. A teaspoonful to a quart
of warm water will be sufficient; dip
the bristles Into this, but not the han
dles of the brushes. Dry the brushes
In the open air, but not In the sun.
Only s Trick.
Tha so-called gliiss stitike docs not
break to pieces at the sight of an enemy,
us Is commonly supposed, but, like some
lizard, throws c.ff Its tall Iu nn effort
to escape. There are several lizards
which, when attacked, for Instance, by
a bird or animal, will throw off their
tails, uud the tall flopping up and down
on th. ground diverts the enemy and
thus gives the lizard time to get away.
The glass snake adopts the same trick,
and thus frequently saves Itself. It Is
true, however, thnt the Joints of this creature are so loosely con
nected that the Minke will be broken to
pieces by a blow of a stick, though tho
Itlea of a reunion of the broken parts Is
n superstitious absurdity. The broken
Joints do not unite, though a new tall
will 'row In a few months If the reptllo
has received no other Injury.
Heavy Hotel Charges.
At this early day rooms and vantage
ground for seeing the coronation nro-
cesslotis In Moscow this spring are held
at exorbitant rntes. Nearly every Inch
of room In the public hos'tclries has al
ready been engngefl beforehand and 13,
500 is asked for a suite of five rooms for
three, weeks, with n cook and a lackey.
while a single room In private houses
costs f l"o for fifteen days.
Couldn't fie- Worse.
Apropos of the celebration of Iloa.
elnl s birthday on Feb. 20. It Is recalled
that Prince Ponlntowskl came to Ros
sini with two operas to ask which of
them rbotild be produced at the. Theater
Italleu. The Prince played thronch one
work. "Choose the other for perform
ance," advised Hosalnl, with a sigh of
Hlsmog "Xlhley, your face Is a sight
Dlil you cut yourself while shaving?"
Zlbley "Not exactly. Perhaps It would
be lietter to say that I shaved mystjf
while cutting." Box bury Gazette,
'Mamma, why do they call It tha
weather bureau r "Because the ton
drawer Is generally In such a frightful
mesa, I suppose,"-Chicago Bnoofd.