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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1896)
iltebraska notes j 1806 SEPTEMBER. 1896 i . M. T. W. T. r. I 13345 6 78 9 10 11 12 .13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 17 28 29 30 John lets ot allev has gruw b netrlyiK,,!, i .1 v. i - , 1 . , ; , , , ' ", an-J the bank paic whieli ranl fortv acres of cucumbers for eeed this ' , . . ' year j here last, week, and it is announced that , , , 'lit will be diucl 8si within the next iast bound prairie schooners are num.- . ... . erous around Arapahoe. They cone i ,wettt'-to our.. That ia. the name, from the drouth stricken regions of the j ui 'he ""flerate-, the- men 01 the out southwest, side who drew out and appropriated Fairbury ban adopted a curfew ordi nance and hos urider fifteen years of age must put up before 9 or be put Up by a j oln einan. We not'ee 'hat the prairies of Nebras ka are ju.-t now taking n a deep gold.n hue There is soii ething significant in that). rdoti Journal. G. XV. Mii'oy has rei-imM his po tion as e.i. tor of .the Douglas Enter prise. Wult Rogcs will a:euiue the management of the paier. The Indians at Rosebud agency re ceived a or load of soap this week. This is the. strongest evidence yet of their advance in civ:i zition. The fourt eu-year-old son of II. M. Looney bit en by a 'attlesnakc re cently. '! he proper remedies were ad min istereifand he is recovering. Tfkaniaih schools opened Mjndav with an enrollment of 303 pupils. This is a lntle increase over former years. There are nine teachers on :hes:aff. Kalph Johnson of Pst.oc-o "has just finished harvesting forty acres of sor ghum for hay, which he. says will fa six tons to the acre, making a total of j 249 tons. I Theie is on W. H. Moody's farm, near ... . . 1 nesiervine, wnat some tninit is a queer freak of nature. It is an apple tree that has the second crop of good sized apples growing on it ihis year. Henry Jornan, a well to do farmer of 6t. (Stephens precinct, was arrested by the United States marshal and brought before Commissioner .Stoughton charged with operating an illicit still. , 1 1 1 ' 1 . . Ho( cliole'a is doinif more damaee through the state at present than ever . 1 taa air n r a uaa a 1 r fKain aaaaai I before. This, when the largest corn crop on rec ral is about to be harvested, ia discouraging pork producers. The of L. Banwood, who was drowned in the Platte, near Wood river last fp-ing has been found. It was buried in the t-and about a mile and a half from the place oi alrowning. Marion Zink of Austin ran a mile toot race against t rr.e at Loup City last Saturday on a wacer, winning a horse from George McFadden. Time, five minutes and thirty-one seconds. A boy who drives team for Louis Al lison came very near having his horses drowned in the White river, north of Crawford, on Mo .day, but by timely assistance from town they were saved. The management of the sugar facto-y at Norfolk hopes to be able to order the commencement of the beet harvest on 8eptemler 19. The people of Norfolk areanxiouiy awaiting the opening of the factory. While iMr. ?chma!zer was digging a tl . a aaa a a. Pfinceton, rcenUy he struck gas at the wen at lue 1x10a ecnooi nou-e. near depth of eighty feet. The ga- was r-f considerable force and issued from the shaft with a rnmblin noise. A. H. Kicker of Plain view . has dem onstrated the fact that excellent clover can be grown on bottom land He has cut two crops from a ten-acre tract this season, the yield each time being in the neighborhood of two tons per acre John Williams a Russian living thiee miles south of Hampton, whose mind has not been in a good condition for some time, made an unsuccessful at tempt to kill his family recently. He was arrested and taken before the board of insanity. William Bloom of Peck ham has a vel low watermelon that on theoutside looks jiniormation ana incur personal venge iustlikea nuniDkin. but when onened : lnce of the mob, which is in the ma- me insiae is a Dnght red. This is a good variety to fool the boys with. Three men went into Sam Beaver's melon patch at Seward. Soon things began to come their way. A man and a dog attacked them and they left. Soon afterward they appeared at the resid- nnMnf. -w.. 1 v..j !..: .,.., hot oat of them, of which they had ac t'healmT,n, cer,alnt5'l of f"!ure cnmnlated a nice collection. j County Jude Thompson has wnttcn , , a i i . , , for publication an appeal to all good Mrs. , Robinson died Tuesday ! ,UKM to aM him ift hollli n(fIawaod morning a the residence of A. H. Dyer or(J(jr Xhe era, fce la n f.yor at Fremont after a short illness. Mr. of lH(in(f nmUers taVe tJ,eir c011rge lor and Mrs. Kobmson came to that city the present and not inflame the excited from Cedar Rapids a week ago Wednes- ; mobs of the connty. flay to attend the Adventist eamp meet-1 The people of this, Washington conn int. The day after their arrival Mrs. '' 'y. V,4"J 'a1 (a" " make ",e ,,Jr"- Robinson was Uken .,,.1 lenlv ill .H rapidly grew worse nntil the end came ... , ras until the end nmc i The remains were taken home to Cedar Bapids for interment. The county treasurer's semi-annual statement shows a balance in the treas ury of this county of almost 100,000. There ars few counties in the state which can saakeas good a showing. .TlattanKmth Wews, Georj Aabier4 of Prairie Center wasa a sptwa tt Cssvwey Uatwawk ty Mkiac a kugs doaa of strychnin with tiUsHiatMt. KsMtica won adsainia. l?sJ kt tiM 10 wtw hit His, bowtrar, tti km wd .Uto m oryortaatty to try ,' ' . 1 r.' .. A SYNDICATE FOR ROBBER A Olstor aai Byotematio Plundering of a law Orisons Bank Ttkei Plac. AMOUNT STOLEN IS OVER $500,000.00 eea Paraee. are ImpUutM la I he Crime The Bookkeeper Ltt-e 111 Kent aad CatiunUu aaiolde as reon a Callt Paint Toward Him ' OlBera Being Catugbt. Nt Ok'uks, La,, Sept. 15. Thre Is cnly one more secret to come out ia the wreck ill IT i,f th I'liicm National the fsj t,000 of the han't money. Col- eomli aud Leefe. t ie bojkk-fpers, 1 tbe accoun so as t keen the I bcKlli bank a!av4 in .Irht to these confeder acies. The bank was ro'iVd i y a syndicate cornpos-ed of s-v.-n per--'in, t on the Ins de of the hank mi I (i.e. on trie out- 'de. Tne whole trama.-tion was bu-i-ne s- ie aol systems! kal. ii clmling an agreement a? t the t b Irawn Oji or s'olen each d.;y, and the division a! ti.e funds. Co'.ct inb, whose lack of nene was shown b this suicide the tn tuent suspicion pointed to him, was t e zer of the project and its di ecto'. It it reported that a confession tus been made; that three members of the syndicate have been named, and that trie only rnoii their names are 1 ot now made public is to prevent any scape, as sume of them are out of town.' Ihe money went mainly in riotous liv ing; the balance on speculation with the tiope of recovering the amount stolen. In the big cotton speculation lat hen cotton went up so high, the syn i cat was ahead of the name. The and- len collapse of the market prevented it from making good the bank's money d 'enderrtl a new raid necessary. The bank had len plunged more heavilv lhan ever sine1. The oatside memlx-ri A the syndicate a'e said to i hinh livers. Not so with Coicornb anal Leefe ; they culd not be so, for they were kept ill the day at their desks, working way to cover up the crookednes ia their books. They had little time for a ipree. Colcomb spent most,,.of.,bis share n v.:. .,:i u.. ii.j .t.. : - aru hid aniuiM. lie ureu uiubi lUAunuur . 1 j . . j 1 1 iv i'u lacu servauiB auu a ii'juwaeeritr ' ! to relieve his wile of the trouble of jioine.-tic affairs, a rather large house bold for a clerk on a salary of (150 a mouth. He had evidently anticipated j 'hat the defalcation would come out j tooner or later and had determined on1 jluicide when it did, for he carried the f isori on his person to be used at a mo meat's notice. He had many friendp.l ind they M a a a aa Ir r f a - in'l brave. To commit suicide is the )nlv :hing a gentleman could do under ihe c.rcum stances, they say. Colcomb wi interviewed on Thursday night 1 out the bank's con iition. He was lra and collected then, apparently in the best of spirits, although it was unly 1 few hoars before bis death, and he Dad then evidently detei mined on sui :ide. He did not tell bis family of his In eution, and it was not until several b urs later that he took the poison and Wis discovered in an in.-ens ble comli don. Once or twice in the next thirty lix hours he openeJ his eyes and looked tround the room, bnt he neither spoke nor seemed tokn .w any one. Colcomb's i,eath ,,nd.r U,e orV0' investigating eiai auon very aimcuii, ana L,miea 5,18,68 B4nk -xaminer Ecott donbu rnemir n win ever oe pontoie 10 anow ill the details. Examiner Escott completed his first trial balance of the Union National bank Saturday night and found the amount Holen .f02,6S7. This is subject to an in ;rease when all the accounts are care 'ully examined. Idol gait In fore. Springfield, Ky., Sept. 15. Every sight this city is patrolled by special sllicers under the command of the city marshal. People in the country not in ympathy with the mob dare not come ! to town lest they be suspected of giving jority. Not a soul enteis or leaves Springfield without giving a good ac count of himself. County officials are afraid to raise a hand except to pro tect the town. They are not accused of cowardice, but fear the consequences of n attempt to restore order with the meagre support ai ineir commana ana f'kes free thronghou- the county. AS ine piaes are owneij iiy iiuiimuien . 1 1 .1. ', .1.- It IS peo- neoeesary lor anovoer vjuj 01 vnc pie to asstsii taxes to purchase the 'ikes. In f ..Id Wood. Hatanisa, Se;t. 11, via Ker We, Fla., Sept 1$. Captain General Wevler has inaugurated an era of persecution against offensive citiins in the towns. He ia convinced that they desire his re call to Spain, and ia using every means ta bta power to satisfy bis personal spleen. Whoa no evidence of guilt ia to bit obtained, eo prom 1st nf papers are introduced b the polios and tho rtetim panishod on the strength of (also tosti- Bwoaoti ars botng shot osiiy. aanaiM lruabi apaeil. 1 Am dos, Sept. The Standard po tishes a dispatch from Constantinople sa; ng that the yon ng Turk part is covering the city with placards incii g the people to dethrone the suhan. eerious trouble, it is sdded, is certain to occur within a week. Old Turk if h t ships are nigntly deporting Ar teniaus to the Black sea, where it is bei evel they are drowned. '.he British resid nls. at the instan of the British embassy, have tele graphed to Ijrd Salisbury stating that th ir lives and property are in danger. 11 1 French residents have taken similar ac .en. British and French fleets aie new near the uicuth of the Dardanelles. Fuad Pasha, one of the eul'an'n aide- de, was questioned as U how long the furls along the Dardanelles coi.ld check the aige of the wart-hips anal he replied that they could s'op the th us in half an hour. .he Chronicle and the Da:ly Newa wi.l today pul.!ifh many columns of din pai. lies .raining that the European na ti. lis are rousing tiini.ceives Hs.'nii-t lb 1 tuitan, though tl.e semi-oiliaial mals are callous to the fullering i the Ciat'.Btians in the Turkith domin ion. Mr. Gladstone has written a lett r in hich he jn iTiires to r'peak at an anti .lu tan n.ei-ting. t'oNf rjtT!Soii.E, Sept. 16. A serinus I anie cruned ye'eril;iy in the Gilatia quarter in Ctviaf e jnetire of the arreet o! an Armenian, in he p. s-ei-fcion were a i: tin her of inn at i g letters and a rewal er. rutted into their houu8 ami the titers of stios snd lieliiiig were ha-! ly b:.rr.-d, the ei -pie fearing a repetition cf the Kotirg ariaf niaisacn ing. T,ie pau'n: spri-aal to I't a an., f imilar siei.i s were enacted there. I.I II aiiif t iax l l.onr. Vaxi:ol-vkr, 15. C-, Sept. 10. Li H rig Chang rope at 5 o'clock Monday in' rning ar.d was kept busy until the d parture of the stenmer for Hong Kong receiving deputations of his country men ami the civi.- a"d provincial olli c.als. He disenssi d railway tronstru.-tion with the member of the Ixiard of trade, stating that mu-h material would b brought to Chiiiii if m Canada f ir riil roatlg aUiut to Ije constructed in China. He thanked the mnvor for the protec tion extended tc the Chinese, remark iog that as h understood, Canada wanted population, the Canadian gov ernment stioul 1 w. 1 Mine Chinese, As the steamer left the wharf the Chinese started a fnsilade of fire crack ers, which was kept up for over on hour. Attack k Ctiniuui HoaM. .itLVEB City, '. M., Sept, 18 OiTicial a.! vices rei:eived yesterday by the Mexi enn consul at Dem iip, N. M.,from Mex- ic .n custom house llicials at I-as Palo- nias, give imu uUre of a raid upon the custom houH) there Monday by a band of aimed men compored of Tomachic Indians, Mtxicans and three or four white m?n, numbering al.out fifty in all. The bandits were resisted by the custom hou e officials and guards, the bittle lai-ted for seven hourr. Two of tl e bandits were killed, two of the Mexican custom house employes were mortally wounded and several slightly b ounded. The bandits were finally driven ff and relre.ted across the line into New Mexico snd last night encamped in the Flori.ia in. nnlains, about ninety strong Governor .Almniada of Chihuahau has tioopB en r nte lor I as Paloirias. : he white men in ihe gnng are sup- po ed tr he ihe It aotrs ot the border banih'S rei-ently cl-m-ed bv a United fc'aies mar hal and troops. R. bl-ery is suppoted to he Ihe motive, although it is tvlaimed that it is are-nltof thelxirder ajritation by snpjorters of Kanta Ter-si. H e custom hoube force numbered t wenty-five mi n. Itob 1 be Kxiirein. Mkmpuis, Tenn , Snpt 10. A epeeial from West point, M s?., gives informa tion of a daring exi.iess robbery at that place early ytsterday morning. It states that just as the express wagon drove up to the office door to unload matter received from the north-boutid Mo.'iile & Ohio train two masked men stepped from around the corner and covered the driver and night clerk wi h pistols, ordering tbern to throw up their hands. Thpy did so and were then ordered into the express offii and cine manded to open the safe. After secur ing such plunder as they could the rob bers ordeied the express force to pre cede them into the dnikness and down the stree in their lrotit. After getting out of danger t e cxpre 8 attaches weie dismissed and told to hustle back to town. The amount of booty secu:ed has not vet been ascertained. A irrmHii Honored. Ekhlis, Sept. ltt. After the parade on the Tempk hof Held yasterday. Em peror William made a speech to "t he su perior officers present in which he dn olare.l that he was desirous of showing his unimpaired confidence in bis loyal and valued servant General von Hahnke in ihe fad ol tiie insinuations and at tacks upon him in connection with the 'resignation of General Bron sart von Hchellendorf as secretary ol war. Tha emperor continued that he had therefore appointed General von Hahnke to the colonelcy of the Print Carl Prusein Grt-nadieis. Coal Mlaee ( hang Hand. Topeca, Kan., 8pt. 10. C. J. Dev lin, manager of the coal properties ol Atchison, Topeka k Santa Fe railroad, has bought all of that company's mines in Kansas and will take posiesaion October 1. His purchase includes the Santa Fe mines in Osage, Cherokee and Crawford counties. Ha also owns the mine at Marceline, Mo., and Tolot a, !IU from which too Santa Fa gets a 'rgo part of its fuel. This sal elosts out tho last of tha Santa Fo'i coal pro ptrUoa. . WARiHIFS CO TO TURKEY Uncle Sam Will lot bs Bshiod ta Fi-ocesiioa st Turkey 1 Downfall. BANCROFT AND CINCINNATI WILL GO At attempt by Tarkaf la Enforce th I crlla lrnenieat Hill be I)irefar4d bjr lha Valud Stainti It IVh et a Party to That A (rear men t. Warhisotos, Sept. 17. The assign ment of two additional warships to the Mediterranean fleet is accepted evidence of a decisive move on the part of Euro pean powers in dealing with the Turk ish situation and wli ie it ia . not ad m tted even yet tl H the I'.ancroft, w'lich sailed Tues lny. is under orders to pnx-ee'i to the Po phoru, there is no longer the sliyhte-' .test ion a., to her mii-sion. The a'" uinia. ration pro prsei! she shall In the United States g-'ard-liip at Constiiutinoule, whether ti e purt grants the necesi-ary j eriiiis s;.in or retu-es it. In i ai-e of refual this govt rniiieni will hold that it ha never accepted t.'ie I'e lin agreement as excluding it fioiii navtl represeiitstijn in v.alers. ami that not being a uftrty 1 1 ll.c r reemeut, this country can not lie excluded unjer the laws of ration. Tl.e departure of the Hancroft, to followed iu thr.-e days by the Cini nati, Umnd for the same station, be looked upon in official circles as tndi citing soijh ;ie- and um-xpei-ted 11) ive b this gciverninent in Turkish affairs. The departure v' the Bancroft is Paid to have liee'i h:ist led at the instance of Secretary Olney and if th Ciin iniiati 11 luail cwil in time 'she w ill rail also 1 fore the vlo-e of Ihe week. ,The prac t .t v;Bel will go first to Fayal for coal and theuUK will piOK-eed to Gibraltar and on to the levant, where she is un der orders to announce her arrival to Minister Terrell. 'J he Cincinnati he ir three times the size of the Bancnft a d much faster will proeeeJ directly to the Mediterranean and join the Ban coft at Gibraltar t oiagmiinaii'a Son Klllrd In a Onrl. St Lot-is, Sept. 17. The Globe-Demo-cat prints a 8ecial from Van Buren, A -k., giving details of the shooting of I- auk Hepburn. It. -ays: Frank Hepburn, r n of Congressman Hepburn, of Iowa, f ught a duel at Ches- t r, this state, a d was mortally wounded by the sec nd shot from his antagonist's weapon. Chester is t wen y miles north ol here, ana nepimrn, who r at an engineer on the rnsco railroad, was lying over at that station between runs, The day was hot and oppressive, and several persons were asleep on the p'atform Among them was W. E. Sims, pro rietor of a saloon in ChesU r. Hepburn, who was known to his as sciates as a practical jok-r, thro.igU h - would have some fun with the sleep ing men, and picked out Kims bs his victim. Carefully cutting the saloon keeper s shoe strings, the engineer then removed bis shoes and hid them at some distance. A few minutes laier Sims awoke and was astouidied to find him self standing only in his so ks A hois tercus laugh apprised hiui that be had been made the victim of a juke., and turning nn-rilv to the crowd he ex pressed a willingness to thrash the man who had removed his shoes. Hepburn immediately stepped forward anl ac knowledgcd timt l e hail dune the deed No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the saloonkeeper rushed a the engineer and stabbed him in the side with a pocket knife. The wound was only a slight one, and as bystanders interfered all trouble promised to be over. But Hepburn, who, until the knife thrust was made, had considered the matter in no other light than a joke, in formed Sims that if he really took it so seriously be (Hepburn) would give him an opportunity for revenge, and ho sug gested that they secure suitable weap ons and fight it out. Sims at once acquieeced, and both men left for their boarding houses which were near by. Quite a crowd had collected by this time, but the by stand ers either did not rea'ize how serious the sequal promised to lie or else they bad no desire to stop the duel, for they made no attempt to prevent the meeting. A few minutes Inter Hepburn sp- peared on the steps of his boarding house, revolver in bend, and Sims simi larly armed, came out ol a n oar-by building. The men were separated by about the with of a Btreet, when both raised their weapon and fired. Neither was hit, and a sceon exchange of shots follow ed. This time Hepburn (ell to the g-ound, mortally wtinded, with a bul let in the bowels. He died two hours later from bemorrh: ge. Congressman W. P. Hepburn of the Eighth Iowa distiictwaa notified late Tuesday night of tie death of his son and he arrived at Chester yesterday from where he will take the body to Iowa. Sims was arrested, charged with mur der. A right at a Debate,, Tenn., Sept. 17 There came near being a riot yesterday after noon when the guWnatorial candidates Bob Taylor and G. N. Tillman, met In tho presence of 6,000 people. A fight coenrrnd near tbo speaker'! stand and a doaan persons mora or less injured. Tho excitement waa intense, and It waa with too greatest effort that ordei was sufficiently restored to enable tha orowd to hoar tbo addrarssa ol tha Can't rianu Paper la Cuba. HatVatNA, Sept. 18. (via Key Wrst.J The money question ia the all-absorbing topic of the hour. Ever since Gen eral Weyler issued bis famous decree, or dering tbe Spanish bank's paper money to be accepted at par with gold, it was forseeu that serious complications would arise, because, not having the govern ment's proper guarantee, it could not be accepted as a circulat ng Hiedium. The government is doing all in its pow er to sustain the value of the paper. threatening with severe penalties those w ho refuse to acrtept it on the same basis with gold. The Spanish bank, with the assistance of the government, in order to uphold its pnpBr, announced its willingne-s to accept it in paymtnt of drafts on Spain, but when one of the al bankers, as a test case, solicited from the bank a draft on Spain for Jlo.OiiO, the bank refused, on the ground that it could not furnish bills to bankers who did not admit its paper in payment of their exchanges, l'.y repudia'ing its own paper the bank has initiated a crisis in financial circle, which has ti- t the money market, . and inanv be lieve it will end in a c .iiiiiiercial i.anic. Many etf.irU s-e being to avert .user by iuducu.g Item nil Wevler u m ow the iiuotatiou on exi ai ge 0! toe Oaiv shoiil.i apr currency, that every know its exact iiitrinsic value; but it seems h e) ler nanus lirm on h s decree aii.l does not allow the h at varus j.n of lin order. The result is that ever since then the tock and go d exchange has not. done any operating, mid ad quota tions are considered nominal. On the ther hand, all the haukers in order to avoid the liena. ties til Wevler decree by rL-lu-in.' the acceptance of pap-r in payment ol ilrait. have drcid.-d Pi close liie.r exchange departments, alleging tint they have no to check iiii:tin"t, w hen they are offered g'id in jayment Then the draft is fairnisbed. HOW AKKKHTS AMK M UK. The announcement that the whole sale arrests of citizens made Saturday last was simplv a government plot to remove obnoxious persons, has been fully confirmed, at least in the case of Mr. Alftado Hernandez Huguet, the American citizen arrested, When the police overran h.s house in. search ol incriminat:ng papers, his daughter saw one of the men intioducing a suspicious d cumei.t amongst his papers, and, seizing him by the arm, strongly pro t -ied attains! the infamous act he was ciuiiiiittink', but it was of no avail, for they carried that document, as convinc ing evidence of guilt. Cdie went to see Consul Lee and told him her tale, and when the consul a-ked her if ha had the courage to lay the facts before General Weyler, she unhesitatingly assented. It is under stood that both went to see the gen eral ami that he refused to listen to her on the ground that he was not the judge ih-it had to decide the case, and that she should give her testimony to the ju 'ge who investigated the matter. I ty wry i Aneated. LoMos. Sept. 18 Edward Bell, ot Ivory, the alleked dynamiter, who was arrested in Glasgow last Saturday, ar rived in London at 6:10 yesterday morn ing, hating been brought here in obedi ence to a requisition from the Scotland yard authorities. Upon his arrival he was put into a carriage and driven to the B w street police court, where he was at or.ce arraigned before Magistrate Vaughan. The entry upon the "charge sheet" ol the police court in his case was: "Ed ward Bell, alias Edward J. Ivory, an American citizen of 211 Lexington avenue, New Yoik, accused of unlaw- fully and malicioudy conspiring with and the relative position s of the horses others to Caiusai an explosion within the were unchanged throughout Robert J. UuiteJ Kingdom to endanger mni in- mB'le a til'fMiI'te. though unsuccessful jure property; also a counselling 8uj "'0 tcond place at the quar abetting the commission of crime." ea ai pMctical, UJ Magistrate aughan asked the prs- tlon of the second, until within the last oner his real name, and the latter re- thirty rods of the wire, when Robert J. plied, "Edward J. Ivory" iMect.vtrl '10 n'l 'x'n pushing Frank Agan bard. FI.kxI then t.wk the witne-s stand and ?!' lhe ?ay l?T 8econf' P1". pushing by testified ,hat a number of document, LL'L ! - .raaaaa- a a . . . Hflaf iMKlin ll-iaarifttr hurt La.aa I 1 ... a-... j iaa... '' IUUIIU llil tne pockets of the prisoner when he wa arrested. The prisoner was remanded lor a week. Cuban central Arrented j Crispi, a lawyer and a natural son of tbe Nkw Yohk, Sept. 18. General Car- forn,t!r t'Tm'r, rreating a sensation.' los Uoloff was arrested yesterday by II aPIM'ar ht the lawyer had an in Demilv United States Marshal Vlt..r trigue with the Countess Ct-llsre, and Sttff.i d as lie was leaving 22 Cortland : street. He is accused of having aided and abetted an expedition to Cuba. He was arraigned before Com in s- siotnr Alexander and held iu 2,.00 ba I lor examination next Tuesday after noon. General I.'oioff is a veteran ol the te,,1 ears' war in Cuba and is a major gen-l eralinthe present Cuban army. Il ; came to this country from Cuba" a hoc! j tWi months ago upon a private iniesion! iu behalf ol t .e Cuban cause ami sinct I his arrival, it is stated, he has Uer watched by detectives nut unon hi, iition tracit by the Spanish consul. Tin charges against General Rdofl art based upon his alleged connxti.u wuii in expeuuion sent irotn tins port to cutis on the steamship lurada oi. August 9 last. General Moloff is secre tary of war of the Cuban provisions government Politician Kill lllmael'., Mass., Sept. 18 Her. bert P. Plyinpton, chairman of tbe exe cutive committee of the republican suit central committee, committed snicidi alwut 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in lis istbar s bouse at Welleslev Hills, in shooting himself in tbo hood. Mr. Plytnpton waa abontkwentv-ona veer. old and was a bright and raorgotic poll wean, nt naa noaa actively at work In tho iutoresta of tbo camDaiam for th. last month. . FIERCE WINDS IN UIAH Ogdea Experiences a Hard Time With tha High Winds. EIGHT STORY BUILDING BLOWN DOWN I.o of I'roprrt 7 la Terr Ureal Kallreads era Obatrueted and Traltle Teoifir arll j Abandoned rire Adda la. tbe lontuilon and Lone of i'ropertj. Oodhn, Utah, Sept. 19. Ogden na vicinity were yesterday visited by a ter rific windstorm, which began at ncm. There was no accompaniment of rain or had, but the gale was blowing at about sixty miles an hour. Tiees had been blown down and plate glass fronts blown in, but no serious daumge .recurred i.ntil 8:30 last evening, when a large tight- sto'y brick warehou-e belonging to Kiesee & Co., wholesale groceries, was blown down and the cmtents fire.1 by electric wires. A few minutes afier the crash the entire mass was a sheet of flames and many smaller buiMhu-s were completely destroyed. The building is iWatai't on Wall avenue and Twentieth Street, nesr the railroaal yards, siei is surrounded by numerous other ware houses. The ihtmage an I 1 jss w ill er red lIOO.flKJ. The 'tab ami Northern passenger train, w hich leaves O.leii at K;4(l, ran into an obstruction in the shape of trees and alino-t every psne of glass in the cars was broken. Thu tiain returned to Ogden for repairs. At 11 ") tin- storm was still raging. There were Severn! smaller fires, but no damage to exceed about f 1,000. Salt Lake Citv, I'tah, .Sept, 19, This city caught a pirt of tbe storm which wrought ha toe in Ogden, but lit-' tie damage was done here, beyond the blowing dow n of (ouih electric w ires and the uprooting of trees. In the south the tstorm was moro severe and tele-, graph wres are now down, so that little newo cm be received. Star Polmer Hreok Krror la. MKhronn, Mass., Sept 19. An enorm ous crowd gathered at .Mystic park yes terday afternoon to witness the free-lor-all pacing contest in which Kolx-rt J.,' Frank Agan and Star Pointer entered. The race developed the three fastest consecutive bents ever paced, while in the first heat the New England track record for a mile was beaten and a world's pacing record for a half mile es tablished by Star Pointer. When the hor es were sent off in the first beat Mar Pointer bad the pole, with Robert J. in second place, Fiank Agan outside. Star Pointer bad a flight lead when the word was given.' At the quarter, which was made in :29J4',i be was in the lead with the others at his heels, Agan having taken second place, and when Star Pointer passed the half in :59?4, beating all existing pac-, ing records, a tremendous shout went up from the throats of the thousands of spectators, The th'ee quarters was' passed in 1 :31 with the positions of the racers unchanged. Into the stretch' they tame at a record-breaking gait, all. three working as steadily as enginea. As they nested the finish Pointer hs hold ing his own splendily, while Agan was making a hot bid for the victory, with Robert J. close at his wheel. When Pointer shot under the wire a winner by half a length in 2:02 and the crowd realised the Dst time that had been made, the excitement was tremendous and Pointer and bis driver, McClary,! received such an ovation as is rarely seen upon a race track. 1 In the second heat Star Pointer led from the start to the end of the mile. aaaiaa. 1 uiaaia., , l tn; . v ,vJ 7a t ' bcandal In Ultlelaal Clrelrs Rome, Sept. 1!). The charge of theft . of jewelry brought agaiiiB', Signor Luigi ca". B la,ch key to hn konte. In April,1 189.", jewelry valued at abnnt 30, 00 lira (0,000) was stolen from the apartments of tbe countess and suspicion pointed to the lawyer. But the police refused to prosecutsd him, and he afterwards threatened U bring legal proceeeding ?al,i the countess, claiming that she ,,a1 imulat'd the roblry. The charge aKalntt young Cnspi is now revived and ,s ,in.K Investigated. It Is alleged that Pl'tial friend of theex-premler.when t,ie c,'ari?! we-e Zri brought against tne 'awy", offered to recoup the coun- tess fur her losses, admitting that yotina v-iir.i n axieiiomaniac. ilis ac cused lawyer is now at Buenos Ay res. j 1 wo Man II I nun up. Victob, Colo , Sept. 19,-Dan McIxMd ana Frank Ledbetter were killed yester day by an explosion in tl.e Independence mine. The drilled into a blast that bad (ailed to go off. , A Fortune la a l.nmp Nrw Yoita, Sept. 19-The lsrgnst chink of gold that has ever ln in this city was wheeled down Broadway tbe other day. It was taken from the Grand Central depot to tho United States assay office in Wall street in a common ex press wagon, guarded by flue detectives. The big lump weighs 4,717 ounces, and it ia worth M00. It was snipped to tbo assy offioo by tho Book of Montreal, Canada, and beloogs to tho Cariboo MinloB eonpaBj of British Ooioabio.