ILLITERACY AND SOLDIERS. mm to Wkftker UwatlM MakM a Flsbtor. Military men, and especially military of a higher rank twin common liers and subaltern, do not agree rery much better on disputed points han doctor or lawyer. One point Of aerious difference between soldiers arises over the question whether, an a rule, well-educated soldiers make bet ter fighters than those who are either Illiterate or have only the rudiments of education. Recently some official figures have been published by the War Department In St Petersburg bowing that more than 75 per cent, of the Russian conscripts are Illiterate. Out of men drafted Into the army each year 2o0,0oo are unable to read or write. On entering the army they are taught to do both. Hence the Bussian War Minister claims for the conscriptive system the credit of beins n adjunct to rudimentary public in struction. Russia has always ranked lowest among the countries of Europe in re spect to the education of its soldier, and in the same category with Russia, though a little above it, are the Dauu biau States, Servia and Uoumania. Above Russia, but below the other Eu ropean countries In which educational advantages are most generally dif fused, are Italy, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, and Greece, forming, so to speak, an Intermediate group. Of the Italian conscripts of 1WW. before the Vene tian provinces secured their Independ ence or before the unification of Italy was established, only 30 per cent, were able to read, and the standard of edu cation was lower at that time among the soldiers than among the general population of Italy, for 40 per cent of the men who married were able at that time to sign the marriage register. In 1871, the year following the estab lishment of Rome as the political cap ital of Italy, the number of conscripts able to read had risen to 43 per cent In 1SS1 It wag 52 per cent., in 187 It was m per cent, and In ls!)5 per cent., the present average. In Hungary the ratio of conscripts able to read and write is the same as In Italy, 00 per cent, but It varies very much through out the Austrian Empire, being 20 per cent in Poland, 55 per cent in Tyrol, 85 per cent in Bohemia, and 90 ier cent In Austria proper. In Spain It Is 50 per cent; In Greece It Is 55. Above these figures of percentages come those European countries where, as In the United States, there Is an edu cational test for admission to the army. In Norway, Sweden and Denmark all soldiers a full 100 per cent must be able to read and write. In Germany the percentage Is nearly as high, M ner cent In Switzerland it is 18, and in Holland, France, England, and Scot land it is 00. In Belgium It is 83. Some military authorities declare that soldiers familiar with reading and writing and Inspired by the ambition which comes from education, make alert and ambitious soldiers, and can be deiended upon for taking the ini tiative where illiterate soldiers would not know, or might not know, what V) do. That's what some of the mili tary authorities say, but there are others, claiming to speak with similar authority, who say that the observa tions of Generals In modern warfare prove the contrary of this proposition.. The first duty of a soldier, it is a well-established proposition, is to com ply with the regulations and conform to the discipline of the service in other words, to obey orders. Literary accomplishments or even a rudimental knowledge of the requirements of edu cation do not help a soldier in firing a gun or aiming at an enemy or per forming sentry duty or making a long march. For officers, perhaps, writing, and arithmetic may be a very good thing, but for actual service on the battle-field or in trenches, physical strength and a willingness to olicy im plicitly the orders of commanders are much more Important than general knowledge. It Is certainly a fact that Scandina vian soldiers, with whom the standard of education is now highest have not. In modern times, shown any superior efficiency. In fact they have kept out of war as much as possible, except jlnrlni? the Danish-Prussian war of 1864, In which certainly the Danes did Bot conscpicuously distinguish them selves as formidable adversaries to the better trained, If not better educated. Germans. Perpetual Motion? Perpetual motion has been the dream f the Inventor almost ever since the first invention of any kind was per fected. PHny says that in his time there were machine wblch the Inven tors claimed would work, without stop ping, for an Indefinite length of time, and in tne patent omce oi every gov icrnment of the world there are nun dreda of devices for securing this end. One authority states that In the patent jeOce at Washington there are over VUUU aucn apiiancea, lor eacn oi which the Inventor hoped success. The per petual motion machine, however, have asver succeeded, and never will until mi snecesa in overcoming rnction, fcbs Inertia of matter and gravitation LmA taw In finding material that will jajarcr wear out "After all" Mid the thoughtful girl. ' "ths presentation of the engagement ' rta It relic of barbarism, a remlnis- ; of obsolete conditions." That' ' ra," was the enthusiastic rejoinder. "I f a tries It were the condition to give XigfOM. wanningioa inr. - "Do yon bSTe a telephone In roar 4- C Cs a sight. And tf I had a """ :3s rt esms any wits weald eaU bm ' ) ri22 Kiambm toss tf I was is'-i -- ' - tAAAtohs THE INDEBTED FARMER DEBASE ME NT Of THE CURRENCY WILL NOT HELP HIM. Fw Whm to U Ubnw Waale LeaS to m Cartmllmeut f tka raaaampUea of Farm Jr4cW-Pric Ww14 Bala A correspondent writes: Amoug fa nm-n this argument Is owd: Suppose a farmer 9us loo acres of laud, on tilth fax uae P1. 1 bit year be b low bushels ot wheal to se.l. lie proceed of ahlch be iM-t to sob y u the d-bt. t rwu( th! socst U oith 50 n-uK per bu.tu.-l, or bill the cut. re debt, t uder free sliver be oui(l a-et ti p-r bubel la 5o-cent dollar, or lt mumjh lo dis charge I be ilclt. H should ai srginieut be luel: The change froia he loO-cent gold dol lar to tbe 50-eent silver dollar can lie of no possible bench . to farmers who are out of debt, or to farmers who are in debt but have contracted to pay iu gold. These two classes embrace majority of all tbe tillers of lue toil who own. or claim u own. lam,. But there are many farn.ers who nave bought laud on time, or who have bor rowed money to slock or iniproie tue farms they own. and have not bound themselves to pay in gold. Before these farmers vote tor free, .liuairc, thinking it will aid them, they should study tbe subject carefully. A chauge of trie axmisru to cneap free silver will wipe o-Jt one-half tbe value of all tbe note-, mortgages, oe- posits iu navmgn, tate and private bauks: stoi k of tiiiildiiig and loan association, life insurance wiicies, aud money iu baud. I hrrv will not tie a transfer of wealth frf)lu one set of per ilous to another, but a d-structiou of wealth. These losdes. enormous in the aggre gate aud distributed all over the country, necessarily will bring on a terrific panic. whicb will paralyze all trade for a time and throw out of employment several millions of wage-earners. Those who do have work will get uo more .S-ceut free coinage dollars than they get uow ltlO cent gold dollars. Thus the purchasing lower of tbeir wages would tie cut Uow a one-half. This universal industrial collapse and destruction of the purchasing iiow.t of the mass of tbe community would lessen the demand for ail farm products, and thus depreciate their value. This would be inevitable. Men with no wages or with half wages cannot buy the accustomed quantities of food. The 4.' millions living in the cities and vil lages, belonging to the industrial classes, would have to economize rigorously in their food purchases. They would buy the least possible, of the poorest quality they could get along with. there would not be tbe demand for beef, veal, unitton, tsirk. eegs, batter, cheese, milk, fruits and vegetables which exist ordinarily. In view of this de. creased demand the producer the farm vr would have to lower his prices or his products would be left on hii hands. Thus every farminK community would suffer. The agriculturists of tbe United Mutes would lose hundreds of millions owing to their inability to market their products. J'hcy complain that prices are low uow. 1 bey would nnd prices inucn lower than when there was no demaud for what they had raised. The cotton planters would not suffer as much by the free coinage panic as the Northern producer of foodstuffs. Nor would the tobacco growers of the border states. But they would not escape alto gether, for it ia impossible to injure the ortr-nve millions of town people with out all the rural part of the population uttering more or less. J he farmers must know that the city people are their best and chiefest cus tomers and that when they are id dis tress and cannot buy the farmers can not sell, and consequently suffer. farmers who are in debt and who vote for Ki to 1 .rS)-ceut money will find to their disappointment, if they elect Bryan and a ropoerat Congress, that hey have overreached themselves, and have made tbe payment of their mort gages still more ditticnlt. lor the panic will reduce consumption, and they will get no more cheap dollars than than they get now good dollars. No debasement of the currency which brings on a widespread panic of unprece dented severity, which may last for ears, can lie of any benefit to any farm er, though he he in debt. His mortgage will be due in five years at the farthest. and the hojM'd-for double prices to be paid in cheap dollars with which he can heat his creditor win not materialize in time to help him. Chicago 'i'inics-IIer- ald. DELUSIVE PROMISES. frilling with the Currency Should Xot be Tolerated by Workingmen, The silver orator of the vacant lot tells his audience that free coinage would make money plenty, that if we had more money prices would rise and that it prices should rise there would be a great demand for labor at higher wages. As to that, iu the first place, free coin age would not make ruouey more plenty for a considerable time, lhe hrst enect would be to drive every dollar of gold we have out of use, and that would leave us with about one third less of what passes for money than we now nave. All exericiice, as well as reason, proves that this would lie the first effect, even if silver and other currency shonld fall no more than 1 per cent, below gold. But suppose free coinage should give us more money, bow would the man who works for wages got any more of it? He has no silver bullion costing him 01 cents per ounce to take to the mint and get made into dollars for his own use at the rate of 11.40 to the ounce Tbe mine owner can rake off that fine profit of til cents an ounce, but no man who works lor wages can oo it. no not even the man who digs out the ore in the mine or labors in the smelting works. Prices would go up. unquestionably, if we had more and cheaper money. If money gets cheaper people will not give so much sugar or cloth or lumber for a dollar of the money. In other words, it will take more money to buy the same Quantity of sugar, cloth, etc. How is the workingman going to get the increased sums of money that he will have to pay for his groceries and cloth in? He has nothing toSsell but his la bor. tie cannot sit down in the evening and mark op his labor and go out and ell it for 10, 20, GO or 100 per cent, more the next dar. The chances are that he will get no more for his labor until long after be has been paying more for moat of tbe things be has to buy, and then only af ter be baa been subjected to tbe farther loss and the wearing Irritation of strike. While the mine owners and others on the iron mi floor of this silver deal are raking in their nice advance of 86 to (W t cent, on duiiiob tne nan woo woras For wages will hare hard scratching to get enough more to cover half bis loss from the rise la prices. "Bat" says tbe stiver orator, "when prists begin to boom everybody will pro dsee aaore so as to stake swaey on tbe rise: worfcswn aisst be hind to de the predoeimg, and wages moat as as." The asset rhsroagh sad careful statis tical iaveetkfatioss prove that wbeorver new mto (one an snoer toe ptscsas oi making ansnsy efeean they Kv Always .warr was f i rove that whenever pnxi union ass s-en stimulated by the inflation of prices it has invariably been overdone. Cuilapoe has always folowrd, usually tteuled by panic, and multitudes have suddenly been thrown out ot employment to stay out until at a snail's pace eonttuuiirtioa has overtaken production once mwe. I bese tia sin ot urudtu-tlou WHO in tervals of stagnation are alsiut the worst thing possihW for labor. The bet thing is the utmost steadiness compatible wiih industrial progress, and that is attain able only under a stable monetary staudard aud system. 1 nuing with the standard is something that no Workibgmao should counte- nauce for a moment. Tbe toilers of Kugland learned that long ago, and tie day they warn their American brethren agaiut the seductive wiles of the sil- verites who seek to degrade the stand ard. Chicago Chronicle. THE SILVER QUESTION. Kv. Theodora L. Cayler IMaeoarses oa lta Mural Aapefts. Unless I mistake the signs of the times, the priiicijjb. of universal suf- Irage will l- subjected to a more severe strain this year than at any previous time during the present generation. The Civil war iinijosed but a slight strain; slavery was a sectional institution, which weut down under tbe sujs-rior fon-es of the free states: and the preservation of the nation's life a"alfd to all classes, rich or sir, educated or ignorant. The humblest bmlcamer in an Kastern city, and the roughest miner in a Western camp, could understand why tbe Hag should ie fought for and the Itcbcllion suppressed. The issues then were plain, dixtinct aud simple. the great, burning question which is to lie submitted to the suffrages of thir teen millions of voters this year is one that requires some study and intelligence to comprehend it, and an honest con science to decide the moral issues in volved. The currency question is far more vital than high or low tariff, or any policy towards foreign nations. It bxe tbe value of every dollar that the shop- kecsr puts into his till, every dollar that the housewife carries to market. aud every dollar that is put into tbe contribution Isn on the Sabbath. Dis honesty in the currency tamts every business transaction in the hind. I'n happily there is no question on which there are more plausible sophistries cur rent and more demagogueisb apis-als to unreasoning prejudice. lhe silver in terest, also, is immensely powerful, and Its propaganda have sown its specious liteiature broadcast. There is hardly a barroom or grocery in thciKouth. or a saloon in the vast West, in which tracts or iiaisTs cannot Is- found in advocacy of "cheap money," or "tbe dollar of our fathers." or "the poor man's coin." or some kindred financial farrago. It is not surprising that the free silver lun acy is widely extended and deeply seat ed. Politics and finance Ix-long to the do main of ethics, and there are some moral asis-cts of this free silver agitation for all good citizens. One of them is the current delusion that there can lie a dou ble standard of values. This is as ab surd and as immoral as the use of two yard sticks In a dry goods store, or two kinds of a miiltiulicatioii table in a count ing room. Vet thousands of ignorant voters in every Houlbcrn and Western state are mude to believe that botn gold and a silver standard are possible and are desirable. (21 Another immorality connected with this free silver crusade is the temptation which it offers to the debtor class to dis charge their debts in a "cheap" currency. It is a very attractive idea to a man who is heavily iu debt that he may pay off bis obligations in a dollar that is only worth .50 or '10 cents. That the same sort of depreciated currency may be passed off on to himself does not seem to enter his thick skull. An unstable standard of values is a constant incen tive to dishonesty. It buses tbe credit system ou a quicksand. I.'t) One of the worst features of free silver demngoguery is its attcmiits to el cite hostility between classes. According to the l,!ig) of these crossropds poli ticians, (cold is the money of tin- rich, the silvtr is the money of the pisir la liorer; therefore, silver should be thrown into the aiosl enormous circulation, wbst- ver lie its value. vt nereas uie din rio-l fijrt connected with this delusion K, lln'l iinner a uejiri'CiHieo enrreuej uini n a t .n-.e of li nam nil ppuic or depression. the p(.r laboring chis-es are uniformly the severest sufferers. II the reckless xncrm.eiit of a free coinage ot silver should ;io carried out, and a widespread pliriie snotild ensue. 1 a&ollld not feel halt as niiith pity for the s!.-cnlled "goldbug of Wall street" lis I should for the ior negro on s cotton pln-itntion or a poor caimnfl in the streets of St. Iouis. If anyone wants to see the incendiary at tempts to array one class iigsuist nil- other, l't him rend the recent address of tl)e Populists, issued from St. Julius aft-' the Republican convention hud wis.! declared for the existing gold standard. That address mingli's its eulo gies rn Senator I eller with the shame less jtateiueiit that the existence of a gold standard is "a tyranny more grind ing tan that of czars or emM-ror. aud that "the common people will be in no better condition than that ot the black slaves liefore emancipation!" During the next four months we may eiect a del uge f.f this mischief-breeding nonsense anting the more ignorant classes iu all par-Ik of the land. Universal suffrage puts a ballot alike into the hands of the intelligent and the ignorant, of the wise and of the foolish, and this fact involves the necessity of the most constant, pa tient and thorough enlightenment of the masws of our countrymen on the simple A, H, C principles of honest currency. On of the most dangerous symp toms just now is the rspid spread of the Pom!istie heresies In regard to the standard of values, the functions of gov ernment, and the sacredneas of national honor. These immoral Ideas have in fected many members of both the old parties as well as become the cardinal doctrines of the new party. We had a melancholy exhibition of this in the I'm test States Senate when a senator from North Carolina Introduced a bill that really involved the repudiation of nailnnal obligations! This measure was denounced by Senator Hawlcy of Con nefiTit as the "most iniquitous snd dis graceful measure he bad ever known to be Introduced into that ho4y." Vet this same disgraceful bill actually passed the Senste. receiving the unanimous votes of the free silverites In tne Republican, Democratic and Populist parties! That the highest legislative body of our land which once echoed to the lofty patriotic of CIst. Weoster. w riirht, Reward. Sumner and Edmunds shonld stoop to such sn ignoble travesty of legis lntion is enough to make every American blush for bis country. Wo hear a great desl about the duties of Christians Tn nurifying municipal gov ernment, and about tbe application of "Christian cltlsenship" to the role of tbe "Kndesvor society," and not one syllable too much In either direction. I submit vharhur this free silver mania, which Is overrunning the land and rupturing evervone of the parties (not excepting tbe Prohibitionists), onght not to be put nnder tbe keen lens of Christian con- aelence. and looked at squarely aa Question of Christian ethics. An Intel- ileent Aemocracr. ruled br reason and I n. w h. 1m Va nf meats. Hot universal suffrage onder tae presssre of "bard times", and anb ieet to the gales of popular delosion and Um apnea Is of 4egtjrnes may send mm aUs asrosnd." There are earns moral oseetkms at stake this year jast as truly as there were In the ea saga Was for I nioa snd Kmsncipation. See, Theodore L. Cuyler in Tbe Evangelist. FINANCIAL DEFINITIONS. In resnonse to msnr inquiries as to the meaning of expresaionscommonly used in tbe discussion of issues involved m luis campaign, the Press has prepared the following brief table of terma and equiv alents: Vrrrm Claage. Tbe melting snd stamping Ibis ni'iuey. attlHiut charge for the aerv i.e. of all silver tuillva brought te the Uiims. aixteea to On. The ratio sought to be maintained by law, ai-eordiiur to which alxteen ouuera of silver nhaji equal In value one ounce of gold. Conmcrrlal Ratio. The ratio of act I'll value, the rats at uhl'-li gold aud ailver can he ei changed. It Is uow thirty-one ounces of silver to one ut gold, Soaad Moaey. A currency o' whh-h every dollar la eieliaiigeabl at par with the staudard dollar of the country la this country t gold dollar. The Cold Standard. The measure f valne adopted by tbe lending nations of the aorld a bal for their ctirrem y the i i In liK-li all obugatloua an nually redeemable. A Fifty-Tent Hollar. ine wabh. owing to the deprecia tion of ollvcr. Is lutrltndc-ally worth only this amount, snd maintains lia face value only by rcaon of the gov ernment's pledge lo keep it at a par ity silh gold. How will Tbey Vole? The result of the coming election will depend iiKin the vote of the farmers and the wage-earners. This is as it should Is-, for they, more than any other class, are vitally interested in the outcome. Tbey, therefore, should examine care fully the proposition which the I'cmo-eralie-Populist platform offers them, aud they should vote on it with a full knowl edge of its conditions and its inevitable Consequences. Tbe Iiemocratie platform protswi-s free snd unlimited coinage of silver. This means for the workihguian that the dol lar which he receives today will purchase only oue-hiilf of what It now pti rebuses It means that the seller of couiiiiotjitie will demand payment for them on a gold basis. That is to say, be will accept sil ver, but be will require twice as much of it for a given article as he does today. Moreover, he and all other employers of labor wilr nay wages in silver, so that no wage-earner will have as much pur chasing siwer as he hits today. Tbb applies to every wage-earner in the Unit ed States, whether he be a day laltorer a foreman, a suiierintcndcnt. a salaried nartuer or a president of n company. Now, how will this aff.-ct the farmer? Since the tiny of wage-earners will I worth in the market only half what it is now worth, the consumption of the em nloved class and this class forms On great purchasing clement of our country will lie cut down one-null. J bey win Is- conisdled to get along on half the Hour, half the incut and half the cl-dhes that they now consume. There will be no escape from this, beca-.tse their earn ings will buy only half what tbey will buy now. There will bo. accordingly, a diminished demand for all fistd products, aud every farmer knows that when there ia no demand for wheat, com. potatoes snd other products, he cannot sell his crops. 1- urtherraorc. every holder of a mort gage on a farm will either demand a renewal of the mortgage on a gold basis or he will foreclose at the earliest oe porttinity. If he renews the mortgage on a goid basis be will require twice as much Interest In silver n lie now re ceives, if he cannot gel this he will foreclose and take the farm in order to ovoid receiving s dopreeii'tod currency in payment of interest ami principal. The wage-earner, therefore, would re ceive only half what he now receives. The fanner could not sell his crops, and. In addition, would lose bis farm. Free ami unlimited coinage of silver means the robbery of the wage-earner and the farmer. Will they vote for their own destruction or will they vote for Protection, which will increase the de mand for labor, and. consequently, the demand for farm products, since men who are employed always consume more than men who are unable to find work? Will they vote for a financial system that will rob them or will they vote for s sound currency that will give to every mini to whom a dollar is due a full, hon est dollar worth loo ceuts iu every mar ket lo the world? Campaign Pointers. The sensible voter goes about declar ing that tbe thing most needed is the fn-e coinage of American muscle. Prohibition mar be a good thing, but what the country needs uow is the "gold cure. A 'St raved lioldbng writes to the New York Sun of what he calls "the eternal fitness of the title, the Hoy Orn- tor of the Platte. lie explains that the Platte is 1000 miles long and only six inches deep. Keware of the man or newspaper wno seeks to win ill the present political con test by "prejudice. Pitch in. boys, and we will show our silverite opponent that the Republican nartv is made of pure gold nDU will nan out 100 cents on the dollar. An oratorical failure for a man who was nominated on nis lung power is rather a serious thing. Mr. Hryan s speccn had the effect of depressing American stocks in Europe. Its principal effect, however, was the depressing of Bryan stock in America. I here is one gooo tning aoout tne tree silver bubble, and that is that when it's biggest it will burst. Scratch a tree silver advocate and you will find an inflationist. He is a man who believes that wealth can be created by act of Congress, and hard times abol ished by a law declaring poverty a penal offense. Free coinage 01 silver would greatly benefit a!! the people of this country ex cept those who happen not to own silver mines. The more the people understand the real meaning of free silver coinage the less likely the country is to be afflicted with that folly. Maj. M.Kinh-y will put his record agsinst Willie Bryan's promises and await the verdict of the people. Farmers who think they would get a dollar a bushel (or wheat nnder free silver coinage should remember that l3 cents' worth of silver and 47 cents worth of wind do not make a dollar. It will take more than Bryan's oratory to make the people believe that the wrong is the right. The Intuition of women tells them that McKinley Is the man to be Presi dent, and woe be to the husband wbo does not follow tneir en vice. It Is becoming evident that Mr. Bryan heads too many tickets. If a silver basis Is a good thing for a nation, why ia Russia exerting her best effort to accamnlate a vast store of gold in order to reach a full gold basis as soon as nosslble? Russia Is now on a silver basis, and desires no longer to be classed with China, Japan, Mexico, Argentine Republic, Brasil, Branador, India, Afghanistan and every other in-conaeqnentedjporertr-strickeB nation oa the earth. The nations which are the axore prosperous a ad aaore powerful spars a Da-cent dollar monetary naaia. JAMES Q. BLAINE ON SILVER, Extract from a Speech Delivered in the United States Senate, Feb. 7, 1878. "I believe the struggle now going on in this country and In other countries for a single gold standard would, if auccessful, produce widespread disaster In and throughout the commercial world. The destruction of silver as money, and estab lishing gold aa the sole unit of valne, must have a ruinous effect on all forms of property except those Investments which yield a fixed return in money. Those would be enormously enhanced in value, and would gain a disproportionate and unfair advantage over every other species of property. If. as the most relia ble statistics affirm, there is nearly seven billion dollars of coin or bullion in the world, very equally divided between gold and silver, it is impossible to strike silver out of existence ns money without results thst will prove distressing to millions and utterly disastrous to tens of thousands. "I believe gold and silver coin to be the money of the Constitution, indeed, the money of the American people anterior Carlisle' Points Answered. First. Not a free-coinage country ex ists In the world to-day thnt hi not on a stiver basis. It pays them best, or they would be on a gold basis, since both are free to these countries. Second. Not a gold-standard country exists In the world to-day that does not use silver aa money along with gold. They have to. This proves all that the double standard advocates contend for. Third. Not a silver-standard country exlsta In the world to-tlay that uses nny gold as money along with sliver. Tbey don't need It; they can sell It at a profit to outsiders, whose people are controlled by bankers. Fourth. Not a sllver-etandard country exists In the world to-day that ban more tluin ot-tliird as much money In circu lation per capita as the United States haa. They have all they want, nnd can get more whenever tiiey want It, as coinage is free. We can't get half enough gold, and wtiat we do get won't stay here. Fifth. Not a silver-standard country exists In the world to-day In which the laboring man receives fair pay for his lay's lalwr. There no silver-standard country In the world In which the "laboring man" would vote to go on a gold basis; and there ia no gold-standa rd country In the world In which the "laboring man' would not vote to go onto a double standard basis. IVenldent Dial has Just been re-elected in Mexico by an absolutely unanimous vote. If any more proof le asked for, It can be fur nished In overwhelming volume. Take away the "umtncler" and leave the statesmen, the people, and their prop erty, and the whole world would be on bimetallic basis Inside of twelve month.-"T. W. H-," In Philadelphia Item. A Warning to Wealth. There is yet In the nation plenty of ;land, plenty of labor, plenty of natural resources. There la yet in me lana plenty of capital seeking Investment There Is here every clement of agricul tural and industrial success. With all the elements present, however, and with Ubor waiting. Buffering, hoping, praying for relief, asking for the oppor tunity to earn an honest livelihood; with ambition crushed by ever-present aw) almost fruitless toil; with tbe in crement of their labor going to where It Is not earned; with future debt and further burdens nnd more fruitless toll and even "starv at km staring them In tbe face, these workers of the nation are In no mood to be cursed nnd rented. Tbey art In no mood to accept from the Atkinsons or the Plerpont Morgans the nam of "fooL" It la a time for caution. Thar hi such a thing aa a struggle be tween Interests which shall transcend the limits of election machinery. Peo ria Journal Cows try and Cttr Pa sera. Aa a rale, the conn try newspaper! art owned by ths men wbo publish them. Tbey rarsl hart any outslda swnora or boss as. It Is vary evident tsday that ths bottlag of tits big city dafilas Is tatting a very small figure la ths pros act eampalga. Their carte rMtmllng tas farmer, tbstr ds to the Constitution, which the great or ganic law recognised as quite independent of its own existence. No power was con ferred on Congress to declare that either metais should be money. Congress baa, therefore, in my Judgment, no power to demonetize silver any more than to de monetize gold no power to demonetise either any more than to demonetise both. Few persons can be found, I apprehend, who will maintain that Congress possesses the power to demonetise both gold and silver, or that Omgress could be justi fied in prohibiting the coinage of both, and yet In logic and legal construction it would lie difficult to show where and why the power of Congress over silver is greater than over gold greater over eith er thnn over the two. If. therefore, silver has Is-en demonetized. I am In favor of remonetUIng it. If Its coinage has been prohibited, I am in favor of ordering It to lie resumed. If It has been restricted, I am in favor of having It enlarged." nunclatlon of him as an "anarchist," "demagogue," "repudlator" ond "blath erskite," have only had the effect of more solidly arraying him against the gold party ami winning him over la silver. Ilouesdnle (Pa.) Independent President Andrews on Free Colitaa-e People would not hoard or export gold in the face of a movement to cheapen gold. It seems to me rather likely that the rehabilitation of silver by tis would be the owislon of setting free vast amounts of gold now hoarded for military and otlier purposes. Further, there would bo no Influx of foreign silver. Undoubtedly free coinage by us would Increase the total amount of silver produced, but the new silver could not be mined at so low a marginal cost aa at present prevails. The marginal cost would lie, on the con trary, increased with the output, so that all tendency from this source to lower the gold price of silver would lie nega tived. The very prolific silver mines now are very few. After a possible first shock our credit would Improve after free coinage. It Is our present course which must speedily lower our credit How long could a man or a firm continue to nave credit who borrowed each year to pay a large portion of tils running expenses? Yet on a gold basis this course ia Inevit able, and that Is at this moment the reason why foreign lenders are shy of our securities. There must be a change If we would avoid bankruptcy. With free coinage every Industry would look up, and even If we lost our gold our prosperity would Invite In English cap ital. Just as Japan's prosperity now causes It to rush there. E. Benjamin Andrews, president of Brown Univer sity. As to Insnraaca Policies. It is very true that the beneficiaries of such policies should be fairly treat ed, and not be defrauded with "cheap" money. But It la not proposed to de fraud them with "cheap" money. Tbe bub of the whole queatlon la that nnder present conditions, with money con stantly appreciating, Insurance policies are now being paid with money more valuable than the money In circulation at tbe time the policy was Issued, an t more valuable than that In which ths premiums have been paid. If tbla concerned nobody but tbe pol- Icy bolder and the Insurance company, tbe silver men would give themselves no trouble about It; bat. In fact, a ris ing measure of value concerns every body, just as enlarging measures of! weight, length and bulk would. While the payee of an Insurance policy la ben-: anted by receiving money of augment-' ed value, other classes are ruined by being obliged to most tbslr obligations' in such money. Ths latter are entitled, to much more consideration than ths former first, because their necessities and sufferings are greater; secondly, because they are much mors numerous; and, thirdly, becaoss they are tbe vic tims of ths first wrong. Tas National BtnwtaUist. Grant things are sat accompllabed by Idls dreams, bat by mars of pstient and wisely directed itady. j jock