The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 17, 1896, Image 7

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Maklag Bakla.
Nowadays hive are made to cheap
and (rood that you cannot afford to
take them yourself. You couldn't earn
60 ceuta a day at it, Send to the near
est dealer in bee supplies and pet a
movable frame hive. Whether you ill
do beat to get a ten frame or an eirl.t
frame hive ia a question. Perhapa you
might beet try an eight frame hive and
if that doean't give room enough you
can ute two oriea. Beehivea are made
of pine. Iowa Homestead.
If oil ia spilled upon a carpet, im
mediately acatter corn meal over it,
and the oil will be absorbed. Oil that
baa soaked Into a carpet may be tuken
out by laying a thick piece of Mating
paper over it atd preening with a hot
fliitiron ; repeat the operation, using a
fresh piece of paper each time.
It is eald if a lamp wick ia maked in
vinegar twenty-four houra liefore bein
placed in the lamp a clearer flame will
be insured. Wicks should be changed
often, as they aoon become clogged and
do not permit the free paseage of the
A thin coating made of three parts of
lard, melted with one part rosin, ami
applied to stoves am! grates, will pre
vent their muting during the aummer.
The ttt when you need me II ine Kortioo-i.
jHctlto. nerrei, tnmacli. live r. notilug eii il
TTir One Tnifl MooJ J'u Mcr. All ilrucglsta. 1.
Mood' PUIS cure all Liver 111. 2T, enu.
Gladness Comes
With a better tuiderittaudbijr of the
truuhie nt u.itutd of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before j.l'j;H-r ef
forts gentle .Tort pleasant ciioi t
rightly directrd. TK. re is comfort in
the knowledge, thut no iiiuny forma of
kick nesa are nut due tu any actual ilis, but simply to u .amaipatcd condi
tion of the a,vau.m, which the plcaauut
family laxative, Syrup of i'ipt. prumpt
ly removes. That ta why it is the only
remedy with nv.l!:oiisf families, and Is
everywhere esteemed t.o highly by all
who value pool lnvrt'i. Its beneficial
effects ure due to the fact, that it is t 'ie
one remedy which promotes internal
cleiinline&s without ilchdi'.ntinif the
organs on which It ;.'. Jt is iVvefnro
all importiint, in order to tr. t i- ' i ; i.
ficiul effects, to y. '.('. when -.on pur
chase, that you have the rcmiiuo arti
cle, which ismam:f.tciuied by the Cali
fornia Pig Kyrup Ci. c.u.y and hold by
all reputable druirisU.
If in the enjoyment of od health,
and the system is rcifislur, laxatives or ,
other remedies an then i.ot needed. If
alllicted with any actual diseuM cne
may be eomin'iided to the moi.t hl.illful i
physicians, if hi t;ced cf a laxative, ;
one should have the b?st, and with the '
well-informed every win re, Svnip of ;
Flnidands highest c'nd i' mos larfrvly
used anil gives. wk.I general natihfactb-u. :
so Clean,
so Durable,
so Economical, 0
so Elegant JLJ
r a
You have to pay the same price for the
"just as good." Why not insist on
having what you want 5. H. & M.
If your dealer WILL NOT
supply you we will.
"Horns Dreiumakine Hi&a Ey," ne 7 J ff
'junut. tslli In plain wordi how to mak dresie at
DV Mil h mm. M. HOOOer. 0 liw wmiv-
JH. A M. Ca P.O. Boa69,N.V. City.
The Ins and
If you get best wear out of a coat, best work must
have gone into it Vou can't get good bread oU of
poor flour.
Moral: Vou can't get the best out cf anything, unless
the best is in it; and the best has to be put in bchoru it
can be taken out. Now, we have a rule to test those
sarsaparillas with a big "best" on the bottle. "Tell us
what's put in you and we'll decide for ourselves about
the best." That's fair. But these modest sarsaparillas
say: "Oh I we can't tell. It's a secret. Have faith in
the label." . . . Stop I There's one exception ; one sar
saparilla that hS no secret to hide. It's Ayer's. If you
want t6 know what goes into Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ask
ywr doctor to write for the formula. Then you can
satisfy yourself that you get the best of the sarsaparilla
argument when you get Ayer'i.
AarAmblbhr O tks " CarthM."
It till 4mbm but cam dwkiara.
AionMi J.CAwCv,UU,Mua.
Joka Wa ob Har,
At a certain court function Lady Har.
ringlon waa bediiened with diamonds
and jewel, and looked like a stage
queen of indifferent character, and she
bitterly complained to George Selwyn,
that she was to walk with Lady Ports
mouth, who would have a wig and a
atick. "Never mind," hesaid, "you will
only look at if you were taken up by
the constable." This she repeated
everywhere, under t'.e impression the
reflection was on Lady Portsmouth.
He Left a Fortune in California to
Become Klch ia Booth Africa.
Another strauge discovery baa coma
to light In the Hibernla Hank depoaitw
that have been neglected for many
years by their owners. It appears that
Jeremiah Penderguat, long mourned as
dead. Is alive and prosperous In Bouth
Africa, where he has made a fortune.
It Is learned that he ban apparently for
gotten that 1 12,000 await him In the Hi
bernla Rank of San Francisco.
The hlntory vf Pendergasfs deposit
Is one of the moat interesting of all the
old estates that have lain unclaimed for
years In the vaults of Ban Franciaco
banks. In the first place it now amounts
to $12,000. tKltif the largest sum of all
the unclaimed deposits; and, In the next
place. It has perhaps been more widely
advertised and more g"iierally claimed
than any other sum In the list. Strange
ly, however, nearly all the Pendeiyasta
fc.ive the nl owner seem to have heard
or this money and laid claim to It, while
the original depositor has lived quietly
lu South Africa all thine years, heedless
of the fact that his gold lies In the bonk
awaiting the owner's orders. Attorney
Osinr T. Shuck has Just located the
original Jeremiah PendergaHt In the
Congo Free State, where the old man
lives In great luxury, having amassed
a large fortune since he went there aa
one of the pioneer of nearly twenty
years ago.
"Pendergaat went to South Africa In
1S7K," said Attorney Shuck, "being one
of the leaders of a California colony.
He left a good sum In the bank here,
since which time uo one has ever heard
of him until I got word that be was well
and rich. The nearest trace we ever
got of bliu here was that he was at the
old Empire Hotel on Pacific street soinf
time between lKtWand 1870. Hundreds
of alleged helm have leen after the ro
tate, but It will no doubt, soon reach
the original depositor."
A strange fact about the case Ih H at
the public administrator recently peti
tioned for letters of administration, al
leging In a general way that IVuder
gast died some years ago In Nevada.
Judge Slack went so far as to appoint
Atorney J. J. Dwyer to represent the
alweiit heirs, but Attorney Shuck sug
gested rbnt Pendergaat still lived,
whereupon the letters of administration
were withheld.
It Is quite probable that the claimants
were really Induced to believe that
thHr ancestor died In Nevada, where
nn old miner named Pendergast ex
pired In a fire that destroyed his cabin
and himself at midnight In a mountain
fiisrnrtw. They will soon learn, bow
ever, that the true Jeremiah Pender
gast, who left a few thousand dollara
In the Hibernla Hunk In 1W3S, went to
Bouth Africa with only a little money,
and Is now griwsled with age, but gilded
with gold alo. The real heirs to this
strange pioneer lived In Massachusetts.
The bunkers and attorneys, as well
as the public administrator, are won
dering why the pioneer of '49 deserted
Inn gold here, even to become a pioneer
In the African gold fields. At any rate,
the money Is safe. The distribution of
a living man's funds has been prevent
ed, and $12,000 now awaits the owner's
orderSan Francisco Chronicle.
Sorry He Spoke.
A trnm car was proceeding down
one of our busy thoroughfares the
other Sunday and was already com
fortably full, when It was balled by a
laboring man considerably the woriw
for liquor, who presently staggered
along the car, between two rows of
well-dressed people, regardless alike
of pollKhed shoes and tender feet.
Murmurs and complaints arose on all
sides, and demands were beard that
the offender should be summarily
ejected. Hut amid the storm of abirw
one friendly voice was raised, as a
benevolent clergy msn rose from his
seat, saying:
"No, no; let the man sit down and be
The discomfiture of the party turned
to mirth when the luobrlate one seized
his benefactor by the hand, exclaim
ing: "Thank ye, sir, thank ye. I see you
know what It la to bp drunk!"
Outs of It.
Caique Distinction of a Man Now
Almost Forgotten,
C rover Cleveland to-day is know n aa
the twenty-third President of the Uul
ted States. He was lu his first term
the twenty-first President, so it would
seem that the chair of the chief execu
tive has been occupied by only twenty
two men. This 1 what general history
There have been twenty-three men In
the office of President, and one of them
wore the honor for only one day. Ilia
name Is completely forgotten now.
March 4, lx4!t, came on Sunday, a day
that the constitution does not recognize
as legal In the transaction of such offi
cial business as administering the oath
of office. On that day at noon, Presi
dent Polk's term of otlice ended, and
President-elect Zachiiry Taylor could
not take his place, or at least did not
think he could. The pmsjiect of the
country lielng without an otticlal bend
for the twenty-four hours or there be
ing doubt nlxmt who would be the head,
created discussion in Congress aud in
the press.
When On. Tnylor arrived In Wash
ington a few days before his Inaugura
tion, he was besought to take the oath
of ollice on Sunday so as to prevent con
fusion and what some persons believed
to be danger. It was lu the hot days
of the "Free Boiler" and "Hum Storm
ers" and the storm of slavery was brew
ing. Ihirliig Saturday and Saturday
night then; were a half dozen fights In
Congress. The capltol was a camp of
violence, but (leu. Taylor held out that
he would not become President on Sun
day. Imvld H. Atchison, of Missouri, wns
president pro tempore of the Seriate,
and It wns held by Congress that the
functions of President must devolve
upon him from Sunday noon till Mon
day noon, and for these twenty-four
hours he has had the distinction of be
ing President of the I'nlted States, hav
ing nil the functions and powers of that
,!!;. The oath of the ollice was not
administered to him, for the same rea
son that it was not immediately ad
ministered to Ceil. Taylor; but he, be
ing virtually Vice President, it was not
considered necessary.
That President Atchison considered
himself President there can be no
doubt, for on Monday morning, when
the Semite reassembled, he sent to the
White House for the seal of the great
ollice, and signed one or two olliclnl
papers as President. These were some
small acts in connection with the In
auguration that had been neglected by
President Polk.
Hut there was much fun and good
natured badinage Indulged In among
Atchison's friends and himself during
his short presidential term. He was n
Democrat, while the President-elect
was n Whig. A majority of the Senate
was Penioerntle, and his friends jok
ingly proposed to Ii I tn to usurp the ollice
by calling the army to his back and
preventing "old Ironsides" from be
ing sworn In. If any such thing had
been seriously contemplated (!en. Tnv
Ior was too much the Idol of the army
to let 11: be successful.
Hnn (Jen. Taylor been nn unpopular
man and had Atchison had the cha me
ter and ambition of a dictator, with a
friendly army, Congress and timid Su
preme Court, President Atchison's
name would probably not have been so
soon forgotten and the constitutional
day of Inaugurating the President of
the United States would have been
changed so that It would never again
fall on Sunday.
According to nn almanac maker of
the time, the next Inauguration to fall
on Sunday will be March 4, liilM. and
just, a century from the date of Presi
dent Atchison's term of office there
will be another Sunday March 4, and
following this will be March 4, 1!T7.
(rover Cleveland was but inaugurated
on S.itnnbiy. The century gains n
whole day from the lenp year scraps
left over. This day Is added to the last
year, lDiifl. If this (nlculatin Is correct
the constitutional day of Inauguration
Is not changed, the twentieth century
may have three "one day only" Presi
dents. New York Press.
Terrors of a Crowd.
Apropos of the tragedy, In Itself bar
baric, caused by the struggle! of a vast
unwieldly crowd, that concluded the
barbaric splendors of the Moscow cor
onation, James Payn says: "No one
who has not experienced something of
Its power can Judge of the horrors of
pressure freed from scientific control.
What holocausts would have been
made of the crowds that pressed to
see the executions before Newgate In'
old times but for the barriers that
were erected to stern the human cur
rent! At the fete In the Champ do
Mars In Paris In 1K27, numbers of peo
ple lost their lives stundlng, and were
carried about hither and thither In the
crowd all night, side by side with their
living, companions."
Holdters Have a Klght to Vot.
In some of the Kuropenn countries
the line between the soldier and the
citizen Is very hnrply drawn, the
former not liclng allowed nny of the
rights or privileges of citizenship. In
our own land of freedom a citizen Is
none the less so from the fact that he
Is serving his country In the army. Any
soldier, on complying with the registra
tion laws and In other ways fulfilling
legal requirements, has the same right
to vote as though he were following the
business by which he made his living
before he enlisted.
Very Consoling.
The festivities at the coming of age
of the present Ixird Hopetoun Included
a service at the pariah church, which
was filled with members of the great
Hope family and also with members of
the Hope elan. The feelings of the con
gregation thus composed can be Im
agined when the minister began his
discourse with the words: "My breth
ren, the world Is full of blasted hopes."
The Conner in the Tower Will lie In I
Great Danger.
In that coming naval battle between
the steel fleets of two first-class powers,
to which nautical authorities have been
looking forward ever since modern bat
tleships became the mighty engines of
problematical forces that they are, the
military mast and fighting top will play
a deadly part and be the etation of dan
ger and heroism.
As everybody knows, the old mast,
the mast of yards and sails, has van
ished from the modern ship of war.
The Newark Is the only modern tdilp la
the United States navy which has sail
carrying niastn. The place of the mast
that was erected for sail-carrying pur
poses is taken on the modern warship
by a steel tower, which rises from the
deck to support one or mayle three or
four circular galleries, where rapid fire
or machine guns are placed, which, lu
time of action, pour their hail of bullets
at the decks and ports of the hostile
The object Is to kill the gunners, for
It Is self-evident that the most powerful
gun Is powerless if Its crew is dead.
Take the twenty rapid-fire guns distrib
uted along the superstructure of tie'
Indiana. From a fighting top such a
storm of lead could lie driven upon
these great gun as would nuilie It im
possible for men to work thevi. T!i've
fore it wi'.l he o:.e o;' the list d.Hl u o;'
a w.'.:'s!ii; ! .: :;,.):: atvay vv.;!i its 'u . vy
gum the l. iiiiary mast of lis ad
A. one well-directed shut will :;i r 1
the ninst tumbling, It is not probable
that any h: will come out of an en
gagement with lis military mast stand
ing. The shooting away of the ma:U
will, of course, mean the death of every
man in the lighting tops. Men sent
there will know as they climb the dark
ladder to their stations that they go to
almost certain death, and will have only
one duty before Ihi-iii, to kill as many
of the enemy irf; they can before the
crush conies.
Men who In turrets and sponsous
below are handling the great guns have
every hope of life and victory before
them, but the men In the tops go to
their duty wllh no such hopes and ex
pectations. To man the fighting tops,
in action will be a kind of martyrdom
especially hard to endure.
To perform deeito of valor In the face
of contending armies or to sulfer with
fortitude in the gaze of admiring thou
sands Is one thing; to climb up calmly
inside a steel post and work away at
such an unpoctieal mechanical device
as a rapid-fire or machine gun until such
time as it may please the enemy to blow
one Into "kingdom come" Is quite an
other thing.
Yet the modern nian-of-warsman In
enthusiastic over the advantages of the
military mast, and would obey an order
to man a gun In the fighting top as read
ily as be would the bugleciill which sum
mons him to his meals. New York
Chtr.oi Make Slow I'rogr-ss.
In these times, when we can put a cir
cle around the world In seventy days,
this globe of ours seems a small enough
place. Hut who conceives its real ex
tent? Who can compass in bis mind
such a realm as China?
penis Kearney used to tell us the
Chinese were "moon-eyed lepers." My
old friend Uret Harte dubbed them
heathens. Our enlightened governmenl
proscribes them as things accursed
Yet In that marvelous nation has gone
on for Immemorial years a civilization
and nn Industry which were brilliant
when Euivpc Mas a fen peopled by sav
ages and America an undreamed of
Th"y had a literature before the
Egyptians, and a wise one. too. They
bud printing when the European world
was a chaos. They had art when it
was nn unknown thing, except, per
haps, to the Egyptians, and to th"in
only In a primitive way. They weiv
the Inventors of glass, and centuries
upon ct ntiirh s before a European ship
penetrated to the Indian ocean their
Junks traded glassware to the ports of
the Persian gulf. The Arabs, with cut
ting toola procured from the Chinese,
engraved this Chinese glass with Arab
emblems, and so stole the claim to in
vention. When the Chinese commenced to
make pottery Is unknown. I'rom pot
tery to porcelain, from porcelain to
glazed porcelain the progress went on.
They cut Jewels with miserable tools,
which now almost baflle the mechani
cal ingenuity of Amsterdam. They
made coral n Jewel when Italy wns un
known. They curved jade, an npixir
ently worthies mineral, Intractable
and brittle. Into the most Ingenious of
artistic forms. Their silks were the
silks of the world, for there were no
others. And through all these neons,
with all their capricious changes of dy
nasty, they have remained the same
people, perpetuating the feudal sys
tem of Europe, a nation of lords and
serfs. Hut of lnte years, the vansals
having been ground down so fine, the
conditions having changed so much
silicon new world has grown up about
them, the lords reluctantly part with
their treasured .heirlooms under the
pressure of necessity. Collector.
The latest story of German "thrift"
Is told nt the expense of the proprietor
of a circulating library, who charged
for the wear and tear suffered by tils'
iKioks nt the hands of his patrons. One
volume came back to his scrutiny.
"See here," he exclaimed, "there Is a
hole on page nineteen of my beautiful
book. And see here," he went on, turn
ing over the leaf, "there Is another on
page twenty."
"Does the bicycle hurt your busi
ness?" "Yes. The Junior partner and
the confidential buyer are both In tlie
hospital." And the man of affairs
I sighed heavily. Detroit Tribune.
A Hew Chtengo Rue Track tlullding.
Three hundred men and 150 teama
are at work upon a race track juut west
of Kull, Ills., acrots the V isconein
Ute line, and racing at the new course
begin Aug. 29. The work is in
Charge of the contractor for the Chica
go, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad,
which corporation, together witn wo
rtl the largest breweries in Milwaukee,
is back of ne enterprise. The Ideal
Park Racing association will operate the
When the hair has fallen ont. leavine
the head bald, if the scaln in not ulimv
there is a chance of regaining the hair by
using ttall 8 11 air Kenewer.
To Mke a Neot Patch.
Here ia an uncommon way of mend
ing a silk or woolen garment in which a
bole has been torn and wheie only a
patch can remedy matters. The frayed
edges around the tear should be care
fully smoothed out and any long threads
trimmed off. Moisten a piece of the
material with very thin mucilage and
place under the tear. Lay this part of
the garment on a flat surface and place a
level weight upon the tear and let it re
main until the mucilage is perfectly dry.
I never used so quick a cure as Piso's
Cure for Consumption. J. H. Palmer, liox
1171, Seattle, Wash., Nor. 25, 18U5.
Cream of milk that has turned but is
not aoured may be made f weet by s ir-
ring into it one tea-poonful of carbonate
tf magnesia to each quart of milk.
If a cloth is wet in vinegar and then
wrung out as dry as possible with the
hands and wrapped around cheese and
Lben the whole put in a large paper bag
nd kept in a cool place the cheei-e will
retain the moisture and freshi.ess of a
new-cut cheese and will not mould.
I rrVr
f ---i-- -at
For Imitations of Walter Baker & Co.'s
Premium No. i Chocolate. Always
ask for, and see that you get, the arti
cle made by
Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass.
"The OH Soldier's Favorite."
asa- V
A little bit of pension goes a long
way if you chew "Battle Ax'
The biggest piece of really high
grade tobacco ever sold for 5 cents;
almost twice as large as the other
fellow's inferior brand.
"Say Aye 'No' and Ye'll Ne'er Be Mar
ried." Don't Refuse All Our
Advice to Use
i . mwiiiwiyfiaaiwi
How to limn I'lctux Clni ud m ta
Picture glasses should be cleaned with
soft leather wrung out of clear cold
water, then left. They will dry withoat
any rubbing. The gold frames of picK
tures should he biushed and dusted
only. If the gilt is chipped off in partav
it can be brushed over with void paint,
which you can get from any oilehop. It
is a wife plan to cover gilt frames when
new with a coaling ol clear varnish. All
epecks can ttien lie washed "iff with cold
water without doing any ha m.
flail's Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally. Price 75 cents.
Morgan' 'uiuoas Kxtuers lo Meet.
The surviving members of Morgan
famous regiment, the Eighth Kentucky
cavalry, have formed an organization.
Colonel Cicero Coleman of Fayette
county, Ky., has been elected president
Colonel Bennett H. Young of Louisville
orator and George B. Taylorof Nicholas
ville secretary and treasurer. ',
It is the intention of the survivors of
this famous band of Confederate raider
to hold a big reunion in October. It
probably will be held at Versailles,'
which wag the base of many historical
operations by Morgan's men. j.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svecp for ehtldJ
reu teetihine, aoliem the (rums, reduces iatiaiav
niatlon, alleyb pam, cures wind couc. c UHUe.
There are many who declare that tbey
are not superstitious who would feel
certain of some dire calamity if they
were ta remove their wedding ring. t
Currants dried at home for winter
use are much nicer than those that can
be bought and are easily done. Pick
them over and remove the stemg, spread
them on plates, sprinkle well witls
eugar. and dry them in the sun or is
slow oven.
i lnf-
pwebts. tume-hm.
Bnnlnatlan and Advtfl aa to Patentability of tn
TMitlon. Mfirl for InYMtofa' (Jutfla. or How tnfkt :
a Patent, r Anuoa O'Paaaau, Waahlnatoa, U Q. )
K. If. V. Me. 406-ai.
York, Hate.
aatf i taw tha aAvtrtWaMat.
la awla MAM.