TT.3 Sioux County Journal. ESTliIJJ5rrED Subscription Price, fi.00 l. J rsiminons. Kditor. Mittererl at the Hari-uou post office ax fe"!jud claan uuikt. TiicrsdaT, Skptehekh 3. lsuu. Republican National Ticket. or preaideiit, ,tt 1LLIIM Mi KIN LEV. star vice-prc-lileiit, UAKKKTT A. 1IOBAKT. Mate Tit-Let. or Governor. J. II. M COI L. or Llentcnant Governor, OK LAN Do TEFFT. tor Secretary of st-.te, JUKI. A. PIPER. or Auditor, P. O, llEDLUND. e'er Treasurer, C. E. CASEY. For Attorney-General, A. S. CHI RCUI1 I Kor Supt.of Public Instruction, II. R. CO HI! KIT. Kor Commissioner Public Lands t II. C. KuflL Kor Supreme Judges, KOBERT KY t M. P. KISKAIU. or Regent of the St ite l-nlver!ty, W (J. WIUTMOKE. or Presidential Elector, , J. E. HOLT.. T. J. SADII.EK. A. J. Bl'KNH AM, A.C.FOSTER, ML DltAPKR. O. A. DKKBY. J. L. McPHEELEY. M. L. FRIES:. Congressional Ticket. Vr Member of Conttrcu, Mb District. A. E. LADY. Now in the time to su'.-ist ribe. The eomnsittee of the silver conven tion will olBciiilly notify Bryan and AJewaH at Liwotn on September 8th. U. L. Loofbourrow ha assumed edito rial and local manaenn-nt of the RusV - ille Recorder. He is a newsp iier man uf experience and hails from Kansas. England has announced that she is willing to have the Venezuelan !unda rv dispute settled by arbitration. That rihows that civilization is advancing. The democratic state convention will meet in Omaha on Friday, Sept. 4th, to lace a state ticket in the field. That -will be the silver or Bryan wing of th (dirty. It is not yet announced what tlie MXJod aioney wing of the denim ratic xu-ty will do in regard to a state ticket. Tlie letter of Major McKmley accept ing the nomination of the republican tiatidojil convention as the candidate oi 1 lie party for president was ivt-n out iat weeic. It is a clear, concise dm u inent,' setting forth in plain language the position of the party and its nomi ne. Ifo assertion is maile which is nut supported by facts and history. There aire Do attempts to avoid or Mr-addle any fioint. It is well worth careful reading liy every voter in the nation. At the republican congressional con vention of the Third district last week Rosa L. Hammond, editor of the Fre mont Tribune, was made the choice of the convention for successor to Congress man Meiklejohn. There is no more de serving, energetic progressive candidate in the field than Hammond, lie in ;iein, honest and able. He has tailored for yam for the best interes.s of the rty and the state and his election will reflect credit on the people of Die Third district. It is said that Judge Green, the populist nominee for congress in this district, has challenged A. E. t 'ady, th- republnai nominee for the same position, to meet him in joint debate, and that the chal lenge will be accepted. The. iu. s be lore tlie voters in this campaign are not ailch as can be properly presented by either side in a joint debate, but if (he speeches are reported in full the people an read them and compare the argu rneoU and thus gain information. 1e tkitesof that nature are all right to .stir ieople up, but it is doubtful if any real ttin is made by either party. The re publicans need have do fear about Mr. Oady being able to take care of himself lo such debates. The sixth in Ihe list of the proposed amendoieats to the constitution is un important one. Under the existing law en member of a jury in a civil case can prevent verdict. This sometimes re sults in much expense to litigants and it belaitned that to so amend the law tAatt live-aixths of u jury loay retnrn a ia .- .. ae.e. -v-ra. uoa ,,re eii i ine parlies frtmi mttinir a fair VerH.r.i .a-....ll m w - . - ... . IMs true ao long as tbe presiding judge hm the authority to mt l)m Verdivt f ' Jury aeMe if in bis opiaitin the verdict wtw erroaeoes, and tlie rignt of p-eni t Mgtwr court remains un it is. Tite Jury ejottesw frMjuently said 10 fall lnr -atWtwf what ft m inteiaiid and the t -a .a . . a . , asam ev ww prijpiitwii JlWfeU avTortl aa opportunity to ut the : Saw asBSJfciislS awarl..aM..eoa.a 1... :..i. ; wwm .i..w u, r,B..i, fffmfmm the state ele ti.n in Wrra 1 1 on lie- r piiM-cans cam. d tie st te by the largest niajo.ily ever giv,n in the state. It is significant f the wit'i ment existing among tlie voter. T e result in other states w here e'ectl on held will lie ,niilarto that in Verinot t. S;xth district i 'H'ed V L. pips loiu:i-ii'.e,i ' . aj t Greene of Kearney f"riiinw Greene ! i out of the loudest-mouth J lellov in - ' Nel.raska, and ha le.-n qmte succ -dil in getting himself into Lit places, lfo ti now district judge. In A E. aily li mit find tt haid man to bu k. and tlf people who live in th.t liulM I are vtr strongly .f the opinion tnl Mr. will redeem (he di-trict froai populi . .f he does, tlie Sixth will lor tlie fir-t tune le represent d on tile Q oor of con- 'resa. Swurd R ' p'rt :r. W'r I'pou Kear Tructiieut. Persons whose knowledge f the blu i s of Nc Yurk citv is not di r.vd from ;.c exjerience cm form but a (ail conception of their Mjual ir and wretvh- edness Tins slittii lelillv real in ti e tell, ment huu-s which oeii Unu lie streets, but is iucread teiilold in tie rear ttneuients winch. In mined in -they ure by buildings, are ilunwl com pletely .-ut olf from sunlight and lit h air. M.nv of the rooms have no wii, dows. and wher- they do exisl they tip. i. into narrow ch ills or courts w hit h .r otleiisive w ith n.iisouie islors result ng Iron bad nuliiUr.' ui-raiieineiils 1 In houses are damp and some of th ill filthy beyond description. H is hardly necessary to say that they are brte.l.iiK- places of disease. Statistics show tha the annual death rate, which is tweotx- twoineverv tbousiiiid lor the who e citv, reaches s- Vi-ntv five, and has ris. 11 ... lo the exireme liure of one huiKlr andth.riy-hve in the rear tenement-. The Board ol H.alUi has Iwd many 1 I r the-e pest-holes und.r investigation 101 some time, and recently issued an ordei cond-. lini ng lor.y-sev. n ot lla 111 ni.d providing lor llieir dtstrui tlon. Aboi.t a hundred more which are being ui specled will 111 all probability meet the same fate, and 1 he city will thus Iw re lieved ol niauy pla,ui spls Uvii oresl's itirjaZine'lor S pteilila?r. The Vice-rre dent cud the AduitnU tratiou. The Vice-president should so far us possible npitseut ihe taiine vteiAS un.. principles wnicll have se. Ui'.-d tlie iiwtu liiatiou and election of the president, ao he should be a man Mauding well 111 ut councils ol tne party iru-ited ' y ins iei lo party l.-ad--r, and aide HI Uie ftu l any acc.d- lit lo h.a cliiel to lake ti) the work ol (lie iail' r J J-.1 here it v...- lefl. lll-r ri-pUon;,in partV' ll.lS th.S Veoi uoiiuliated sucii a man ill ill: p-iSMi i i Mr. Hobart But uoii.u.atiotis ol th. kind have by a t means been always the rule of recent ears. No change of I'-'"'-ties, lor insttuce, c uld well produce a greater revolution m elie tiliii wouM have been produced at almost any tun. .iuriiig lliu l.utt three years if Mr. .'h-v-latid had died auJ Mr. SteVensoU mii ce- d- d Iiiiii. One sur.j way to secure this desired re sult would undoubtedly !- to lucrea -tile power of the Vice-president. U should ulwais lie a man who would ( consulted by the presdenl on ever, great part question. It would ijt Vei t well to give mill a vat 111 tti-j cuibite'. It might he w.ll if in aildili.xi to h. vole 111 the senate in the event of .1 (i he should be given a Vote, 011 oi Jiu ir. occasion, anil s-rch nice 011 occasi own voice, in the d liatts. A man of t'a character ol Mr. ilobiri is sure to mw tils weiglit fell in an administration, bu the power thus ex.-rcis tig lufl ieti should le made ofB -ial rather than p r snnal From "The Three Va e-l're-ideo-tiiil l and. dates and What They Repre- sent," by Theodore Roosevelt, in Sep - leml-er Review of Reviews. Iurp-U Vim. Offer ol cheap re.t-li.ig mat ter you . a.- ' afford lo in ss I r. . i ' During the great campaign ,ieo,l. . , , . I want. ne Sji(.er and want them w hb- j n..e-.r, runt ciewse The Keni i tlte are Irish mm newsx. lie Weekly State Journal, L molu. Neb . - . . supplies the demand, as it w ill he ina.l. it twice a wetk from now until January 1, 197, lor "25 cents, r Irom now until January 1, lS"i. for on) dollar. Tbe tw Dtv-Hve-cetit proposition takes you all through the campaign, givosyou the election returns, and through the bal ance of this year. A dollar for the ixrvat twic'-a-w.-ek iiaper from now tin - . , i ,oq .1 i t rr til January 1, l(i3, is the biggest ofT- r ever made to readers. All through the campaign, all through the Nebraska leg - islature, the congresses and the inaugu- ration of a new president. Never sine- the war has so many incidents of vital . ,. interest to the ni.iso-s lieen crnwileaj in'o sixteen months, as tbure will h during this periKl. The Xeriii-Weekl V Journal ' is inmost as cooa as a oanv. oeno vonr is almost as good as a d id v. Send von r t ... . ' i ""wr u,rrvl vr e, ' " 3"ur P"i' , mater. . VUmWVmn MOa Mt MM I Bellas and rslftMaM Was PUMPS mint law era. Taaaa, irrna owa oeieia. nuaa, Bteinaa. Uriasaf saellera. Wese Ssart, nof. tisjiaia. Biuas, Venn l .r I'olSla Plae. ritllacs. hraas araraia aad FalvtMitMBa f 'Ll " g' 1 VZ,1 ,oc Hiaaaara . . K . . . . . . . MRSMM RlUnlS iQ ..j I ltd Pamam tt. Omh, Nww t PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL ADEHDQZ8TS. The fullowiag proponed Btnen("Tinf to tbe CfUstitatii.n of the State of Ne braska, as hereinafter set forth iu fall, are submitted to the elccti rs f the State of Nebraska, t be vote! npou at the peueiai election to l-e held Tues day, Kovemlier It, A. D.f 1833: A joint resolution proposing to amend sections two (2), f. ar (4), and five (5 ) if aiticle six (') of the Confu tation of tlie State of Nebraska, relating to naiuber of judges of tlio supreme court and their term of nfice. B-It r.- vei aud ense eJ uj tb i Legists turw of tba rt u n N--b a: tiwi'.a I. Tut -e ti ivj (0 ' rtl six ( ) .f tha i i.n.uu I'u U h' rimim o' N u uki b amoudod o lo rnxl lot- 8-ctlnn t Th satirem mrt chill nstil othwiw.e p ti -l br law e -nai. of Dv () ja am J rl T of a b .u a-t. b- u -ur o fo- m () kornm ur ,o i ron'idnc ilwHaim I ah.l nv ur .final Ju ull ti u to eaaaj rwl lua ti revenue civi cmjm- in whi b .bo1 staui a km I -e par j. man IsmiK, nuo warrnt4i. habeas cor u li.l -u b nppcllmt jarusl.ction ss msf Iwpro.lde by law. o.--tlia !. That tt fonr (I) of ur lo a sis (6) of ta (''uit .b i.f th- 8 .to ol Nejrta. o fUi.-udrtJ ao aa to i eai as Iiw loars: iv-ci (on 4 Tha judires of tba snprma coari ahxll be rt.tx-t-. i b tba e sct.)ra of -ha stale at large, snl iheir term .f offi.-e es ospt h -rtiiiisfie prvid it sh I o for a n i or not lea in n Do i.; T.ars a, tlx are sar oreacritM. h tion i J bat se tl o l O of artjfl e a TI r 1Kb C... ,f tlti . . of h Mula i.t Mte bra.k.. s aaie i ed f rea-l a. f li.iw: b. Be ,i , ,h. (... 1.1 t hero .ha . be eleet-d t (0 1 " lb . .u -em c u-1 ons of wb'j ii -b.l be rie ted f r a t-rin t twoC- ears one for th Kim of (I) Tenrs. and si earh Kuanrai e.eaioi tbsrv ttl.Ti 1hr.r, ,n ri,.ed one jo'Ue of J 'J?' Jlrt V 7 lw; I'-ovilad. that iha Julfna of ihi as- pram eoart w h Inrnsa navj not expire at ihe tins of biding ih j.usrl elec tioi or i9si. anau cn:ina ' i- uoa msir iffloe fur tba rema.n .or of 'h i term for whi b tbny worn reapocUvsif contaus aw L Ae proved Karoh It, A. D lili. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section thirteen (13) of article six of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to com pensation of supreme and district court Judge. B- it rsoilrsd by th Le.-islatara of the 8ut of N torssks : bection 1. That sactlot thirteen (It) of arnc.ti six ( I) ut .b Uo .all at 10 J 01 th tntato of Na ut k ba amended so as to read as fal lows: "are 13 Thn Ji lira of lb so .rsms aa-t tUotricK-oar anal. rn-is lurlb If iwn so a eomoeiifl .lei 1 ss my be proyl led by taw. loystj e quu-u-r r. '-he eii.sta -ball at Its Brat aaaaioa after -b-4 ai-.iptini of 'his am nlmant, tb ea-fl n of the membaa-a a to ea h h.usa co' .a iin. a-tab.Ub ih lr 00m p -iaaUon. Tbn eom-nwilja so tab .sii-i shall not ba casiuasl .atoa-r th oj o .c In mur aenrs. a-'d to no even uite-as taro thirda of tb uie.ub is .Ua.-t-d w am b hsusa ot ibe eat Ulurs cju.-ar theein Atiproyel Hr -b SU, A D 1 A joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-four (24) of article five (5) of Ihe Coustitul.ou of, Ihe State of Nebraska, relating to com pensation of theolticere of the executive department. Be it reaxrs 1 an 1 1 "tl by tba Loglslaiura Of be Mat- of s.-h.-aiuu: Basi.ion 1 in 1 asciioa twent fou" ('4) of nrtni.e flvs 1. ) t ih I'onsiituilo . of tua H.lia ot aa tJ sxu tidal lo.e.daafi iuws: tsaciioi M. Th - ofB ra of tba xai-uliaa dsuartiuaui. ol bj .it goV--.iimeut sbii ra eir f 1.' tbair arvi -a4 a cmi.eia.aUoa to be e laiilian i by Bar. abi h smii i Bitha iD -r a -1 n ir di u nisu -d duria Iha term o.- ibo sbao b v lasso oui loi.sio rti i sua .aeysh.i. uot r ete to th-..r oudbb auy I. eo- a. m.e rs.s, u.shi pu lie uon s u ihac b d or uade lb ir 00 n rol, pi3t i .-s of offl -a or -ai.' coin t sall. i and an lasaj th t miy b -ra. tf. r ba pa st: taw f r sery.cos t.e f .nnsd o an offl ar proal ia 1 f .r in this aril 10 ha 1 1 oai 1 m iuiu a i t) ma stain t easu j Too le .aiainr- h .1 t it first . aaiuu a. 1 r ine ad .pi. 0.1 -a? I his atnsnd iu u t ih a, fl ih of ih mem ' e t4 .a aa h bou-e ol iha w.ailainra uoa- ' a rial. s dish toe s. s iss of tha oflSeor nam -d in tb s arti la Tbe eo i o n ailfA so -a i itoaaa abaii not be cbotiira l sfia r thbd iiiv ii foor $ai s aud ia ss yea oa.'ii tso tb rla 01 tba u.etnb-rs I eied losa b housj of tba laghuBltue oonjur ,tbiat Av.urad Starch A A D. lOi. A Joint reaolution proposin-; to amend ectiuo l of ' " tn Constitution of the State of Kebrac ka, relating to judic ai power. - . ' . , , B it rs-o rai wi s.aeod by aa Lajiala- jura o tb bt e ' sei'tlon I. ibit lib ob ( ) of aril lasts (a),,f llM oi iwla ecrf Nabiaaa. U. am a iad lo eada foowa: a ei.on I. Ii-alnui n. po ' of this a lata ' ih.l ba y-ii m a aup.e ..u t Uiatn. t oats oouni oars Ju.l-s ot b lea o 1 o niaa-la m.-a aud la sa h ibr oar s Inf ilor .u th upra u i t-oi I as i..ay ba avao-u ii a a id whi h of tbtf ii.smos s ratal to sun ar, Avt-a-uvad K -r.b A, li. IM A Joint resolution proposing to I aman.1 aaa.l.iran sh-i-r.ii 1 1 of artiela anv j .... . , . ! () of the Conatitauon of the btate U " ' ! Neltf-k. relating to increase in B. 1 ' "P- tri( 0OQrt f J00"- j x5i53t? tkn1tmn ; "-auiio , i. i ha aao.loo l-ven (II) of arU la a.1 CO I h t-a liollou t iaeetae 0f Maura. as , aoaaa tad lo raw i a, tn- u. The leaks stare shaaaw ta- h rds.rf be m .aors s .. -t-i savt I eon Hi- ibe.'etn may so f " tass aar bm tb,.a ua I b ban lrl aa i . Inety hmuv-i and i a and cut of tetter ib a awla.-vrr luatsawa Iba ." of Indn-as tba B&.B - of Jiula-as of ac . ill li l.-l eoarl. ant Iha MHoai ttiatrieis of .bi afiaa. -ah dl-t let-. k I of noin-tiut ieriu.r. ana Aer-yi Mareh li. A D. h.Ji. aa,. , . . B A J"int rwsolatlotl pr ipositlg to BrB"B J ect ion six (H) of articie one (I) of tb Co"",at",u ot the M9 musBS SI insi Bf 1S1T, ' " ' ft-It reaxlrt ml anvtet Tr ti? ! ? sl-tare efth Wtateof ba.aa: Me tioi t. Tii e.etiai six O i rtl-l at .ha (un-tiati ra of h stale of Js bin. . be an, mi d o a d fu : beet ion 8 .hi it k of I u b jury h-iU reiaai In loalo ba lue -i n a. pro n l ih t la ,iv. a i u 11 an hijfi. ej r ma P y-r t i .an ih v e ..of ii oia bu x ir a Lr -. yx- of v- ib b -than .w e lue in oi to til I ...u t. i voX Mcli?. A D I.Di. A joint rps lution jr"j-lnjr to mend sectinu one (1) of i rtici live (3) of the Const. tut.ou of ? braska, ing to otLccrs of the ex uepa.t incut, b it roe Ir-d snl wiKial br th L ,U. tara . f h rt a eut N ina-ka: tl -n I Tha -u 1 oaf (1) of ar tiol n ( )of a 0:1a i a km i h.. tat of S rtu e am ua d to la.. a a to. lows: rsw-U-.n 1 Tb' ex to Ira i1-art e t ahsli eoua at of s 1 .v.- n r lie t.-n.ut-jo eror, avetary of at t- - u 1, f of u.i a. u:i a, ires nr r, -u e inteu n of iu.l 1 1 sfruviloi, atl 1 e s ra . 0111. ... .aio er of po.i.: and find tiiu U a - sud .b ee rni road oaoi. j 4-iou a e b 01 . b nn. exe pt iha fai . oomra a. tuna sbsl bold hjl cftlce or a le. 31 ol two vess f-i.u, toe fl. at Th'irla, ft -the nrat Tnes a 11 ani-rjr. after b s el. tion. an entl hi-, a 10 . as .r s e te . a id q a id -d Ka b r 1 . ai .m sni aio .er sh.i 1 hot . his oftl -t f .r . errn of tbrti . x s bj.unl 1 oa fl -it Tuu s a itor the Brn 'lnesl.y in a ur a tef Lit a. a and unn hi- -s -a or is rle ai m qi iflal Po liel however, j ha s t 1 be fl 1 gen--, a e o turn h. .dale- he adM tio . of n , ame.11 aitfut her h.i be ,.. imu lb a rsi . uul Ofinmi -aio -or .otf to' the pato I o. one year, one or h. p-ri-d of iwo yeiir, and obm for the p rtod of tbrei yen 'Ih ir.iv amor, se.-r. ta ', of at ., an. l or of i uh lie a. rooms, si t irea ti er ahiil r.-. a tha rsi.l:a. LU-in Ibe-r Urrn . f oftl : taeT ah -II k -v ha p b Ir r-co d . 0.4 a.iu pap -r Ihe.-e a I I ah-i 1 p rlo.ui aB-boa-ues a m bi req ai rej 1 w. Approval Mar, b . A. U. 141 i. A joint resolution propos-ne to amend M-ctiou tweuty-six (-'(')) of ar ticle fire (5) of tbe Coiistiiotiou of the State of Nebraska, litiutiug the num ber of executive state cllicers. Ba It reovl an I use el ly ib L-K-taialnra f Hi -nle .f K -iira ka: Kee.lon 1 Iha' ae- ll-el t.eiiyaix ( ") of artiela five ( ) of the (-m ma ioj o. ih M ate of Neb. aaka be am d d 10 red a-. followa; tee ton 2S. So o'bor . in a lv stata offl eers ex opt 'b -s na ne-l n -e ti-i 1 ona (i of this art.r e chill b .-re ted. x ot by an act of b lem-latare wli' lt ia ronrnrn 1 in .r i.ot le-s tb u h a f nribs or tb meuibvirs eiH-tod to . b b ui tfc-r.s.f ; Pron ljd. Tht any " (80 rre"j i,r an aoi of the le. i ialurn ro.t Iw sho sb-l t lb lea-islature, ls-otinr is of itis in m-la-ra aleeted to ea. b bin tberei ouucuo nag. Approved March WAD. .8.11 A Joint resolcfion pmposing to amend section uiue (0) of articie eight (8) of the Coi siittjtinu of 1 lie State of Nebraska, proviuiug for the iuvestment I of the permauent educatioual funds of the state. Bait as 1 and enart-d by lh-L--Ua-turaof b nta is of S bra.ka: hec Ion 1. Ihitse-in nln (' ) of ar'l a eivht (4 o' ths 101 utl n if ihe of ch.. a ka 1 a Hnt-B led to rea-l aa fol lows: reel on. All fna la he onrlnsr to the ata'a fur ual po. p.a b int. r-S' a id bl'-onia whereof i.uit a e to la u , h 11 tade-mai tru-t tauda hi t by h- at te. a..d h sat- fhili snp... ai. 1 .as s .her.e of that mar In an mi nar a-rr.i,.. ao that th . same -h U reins u or.ver mv oi Ut and u lUlml il-ll -d am ahil 1.01 1 ia vesed or oa. et ax ;it on U 'ttd S aiai or st.-.ta aa if re. is er.-d county bin Is or rej-oior.xl a. ho 1 -.1- H 1 bo-d.of this suta. an 1 au h na ti wr it th tn-er est an 1 mr-oms therei. areh-r-bv wonno 1 pledal forth. i.ufmeo Inr whi h -hey ara gran tal and a.-t a-srt an 1 aiiail not m t ausfarred Pi any 01 bar land fur other Utes ; Proriled Tba board e-aa el by aeetlon 1 of this articie la em owfls-d to S'M' fr-om lime 10 time any or Ih" s eurt le. i I- nit ni to ib. ta9imineot s h .ol f ind 'ml inv-t tba ofOf.- is n t tn tb.-r fr 'm in a .y 01 hi sa.-nrilieB eua ueaei iu ibid e- teei iair In a ni her rato of mtereat w h- .ever an opiH.rtuuity Tor be ter lnveatma .t is pre sented; And pr .y dl further, That when any warrmt a. ha aia' ir-iao er r-g u .r.y ls-a d la t ur.aan a of an appropri ation by lb leirt -In ne and aenrei by ihe lavy of a Ux I t na ia ment be P'asented t-i b aboe treasurer for psyma it. and lb -re ah .11 not . auy a.n 1. in 'h onMMr fund to psy auub warrant he board ereted i.y e tlnn 1 of this artle a in y i:-?t Ibe state treas urer to a ih -anion t dna 01 au h war runt from moneys in hi hinda lonKlnff to ha per anent ac-ho .. f u .1.1 of h- s uie, and ba -ha I b -Id -aid aarra-il aa an tn tsj: ot -at 1 larcii le tahio.fuad. Approved aUrch Hi. A. D ISUa. A Joint resolution proposing an amendment to tbe Comtitutiou of tlie State of Nebraska by adding a new section to article twelve (12) of taid constitution to be numbered section two (2) relative to the merging of the government of cities of the metro politan clasa and the government of the CGuntioa wherein such cities are located.' B It ra-aoWed and anselad by tba laagto utlure of tb riiata of Nsbra-ka: Baeiiasl. That artw-le tai (1?) of tba Oonatl tttioo of tha btata of Na r stta ba amstidad T a-di ' g to said artl -le new aee Itoa lo numbered section iwo (T) to read ss follows: Bactiun 1 Tha gurarnmast of any ottr of tha matropo iui eiaas and this coy. rnmssit of iha eonnty in ahch It bt lo ateai assy tat merged ahuilr or ia pa t wh-n a protaanMou so 10 do baa ksan aoomltiad tiy atitao Ity of law to tba yoters of soa-h ett and oonty ai.d re. eetval be aaa-nt of a m J .rlly of the Tolas aa-t la u. b ett a id al-o a majority of 'ka yolaa eal tu tha ax .usiea of hoav t-asl la sa h metioponiaa city alsacb a,jil n. Approrsd March . A. D. IMS. A Joint reeolntion proposing ao amendment to section six (S) of article even (7) of tbe Constitution of tbe State of Nebraska, prescribing tbe manner ia which vote tball be cast Ba It raivea nasi ease led by tb Lagisial ara of tb Stata af Nebraska.: Bee .loo 1 Th l as'tion 'Is (S) of srttrla aaf..i (,) of ike Omstliatloa ol tha Mi .la of ' rr- ba amaadad lo read as ful less: kantlaal A'l -k'll Ba n? bal ot or aw h o b-r saethol aa may ba P'.sen tat b- law rovUai tha seurssr of ve las' be f. ei riat. AiiBvevssl Mureh . A D UH. A Joint KtwiolioB pmprajng to ameidawetioa two () of article f oi teen (14) of tb Conatitntion of tbn StaVta of XtsVraeka, ittotivo lo doiisiiou to WtriW f iBteTBal iBpniireaieut and 1 t tnanofactoiiet. B- it tvaa lr i sn4 e-" -t by ta lala.ura of tb -.ale .a . . : anion I Tn aee .. () f rtlot. f..nrt-B (H of h. iaj , . i f aa b ata( fe0.a la w laUl 10 1.11 as follows: . 8 s-. t So ci'j, rei-iT tw i. fnoinrt, nam -ios uy r ie..- su.n.i 1 04 ibe stai. shall ever m be .. i.a i - ,s to any works of ml r.u iin : . iu .ui. or Bnau.ila.-f. ry. ones a ia- p - 1:1 m ao 10 do ahav. b-ra baoa fl'st a . it. vd to tb qua lA-al a tors an. rn ill 1 1 a tare thirds t a. at el.- iton o, a thuitr ut iaw: Pioti led 'ib t -u h d : ..l na of a count- auh th a -n- ti u o' neu -a di- VlalobS j 1.U a. sr va hi! l.ol X .-ei ten per rut o til J mill I-u -f su. b ouoot . ; Provt-.ei la 1 r. 'lb t idi cn or nuuii hi a . bv a ihr - four n vote, ini rna-e an b In I . five per ornl. in adiitioM 10 -u b t n p r ent an I eo bond or evi .e of .nt.o..e-s a-i la-no-l thai a v id n:ue-s h a. me b I I h T l a -e d l -t ed by lb seer In 7 ad an 1 or f aiat . Shos log tbii th asn.s is i-sae. poiaUo lo law. Approved II .rcb rs. A D . ItCi. I, J. A. Pper, ewn-taiy of s'a?o of the stale of Nebraska, do liPtt-by certify that the foregoing pr pisud amend incuts to f he Cousliiuliou of the State of Ne braska are true and corre -t copies of the original enrolled and enproj-sed bills. a passed by ihe Tv.enty-fourtl) session of the legislature if the Stain of Nebraska, as appears from said origin :il bills ou file iu this of.lco, ami that all and each of said proposed anieiniuit nts aie submitted to the qualified voters of the Mato of Ne braska for tneir adoption or rejection at the general election to le held on Tuesday, Ihe 3d day of November, A. 0., 1(SJ. Iu testimony whereof, I havs hero nnto set my hand aud uftixed tiio great seal of the Suite of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 17th tiny of July, iu tbe year of our Lotd. One Thou sand, Eight Handled and Ninety-Six, Of be Iiiilepemlftuce tf the United States the O . Ho nil ted a ml Twenty First, and of this state the Thiitietu. (Leal) X A. PIPE It, Secretary of State. (ioisl rign furnished 011 short notice. Reliable .hi vers and i-puet s-nkl!" hors-s always on hand. Good ai-coiinii.Klatioiis lor I lent Horses 1m ia riled. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL N. D. HAMLIN, PUiiPltiETMR. COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1300. Harrison, Nebraska. E. BRKWST..t, president. D. IL ORISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. SOOOO. ansacts a General COE RESPONDENTS: Americas ExctiASfiE National "avk, New York, Omaha National Bak, Omaha, First Natiosal Bank, ChadroD. i Interest Paid on Time D3posits. WDBAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EL ROPE ler y:r" r - ' " O '' : I 1 r- 1 - ,- e-, -rs m'aL.V.l!..a..sA'ilt,'' ''' N,5S ' '!e hv Any. !',. .,.. . f I! t.o-,..-., ."'."'; A (T''" l. !' I i. . ".' i-:.- ..- s. , i I.VH i.'i .,., . ... oi.kaid.j: o-i ad livo polltlo 1 t--7 . ; ; . ., ... ,. ,; ,,. , .a 1 , n ajo 'fl w.t.t the jj.nrj of tho -!.! l..o. r . r. . , t'i -. .") y..m fn' ' tia. tbe p-lo t.t Tli." V. I ' , , :. ,, - i.'. "?; 1Ul.LAl. 4'tll ygAR. ArJarcio THH virrp. DC? .,i.,. JR.WT GL'THRIE. Altorney-at-Law. !'.- ut.' atiet.tiot: given lo all legal h't r.HlJl lire, t.uiily uthl I'istmt ufts, tali J the United States '.in.! Oliice. 1 .re liisiiritu-e writ'iti in rel.alle o::ip.. "i. .. it .tj r, . .11. Tiillv drawn. ,.' v'iit'---.;. - NoutAifSA. ii. U S1L K. r.icliionab'e Barbort!t H iir Dresser. i OPtN 3UN0AV FROM 0 TO 1 2. I. ..olt- AM stssoItS PIT IN OKDKR. s. ! I all. Rlpzns Ili.'ia:. I. lpjns It p t.ii! Itpans ";p.;tis it pans R p'ns; Iiiptn Iiiiianr.' II. pilld Ta Lilies Tabttl-'S cure n".u?ea. : at drurglst". cure d rzin'ss. atf Sat diECBtlon. Tal-tile? T;'bti' f Tabu Irs Tabuics Tubules Tabules Tabu! Taluh s Tabuk'i Tabu -s cure iir.'at.1!. cure b Ilousn fs. : oi.e R'.tf f rr l.rf. : gf-"iic c.VharUe. tur." r"D.--,ip,:t!';n. : icafjul laxative. li troubles. - North-Western LINE V.. & M. V. It It. is the liest to and fr .i! 1 he SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF N'OIUH MliHXKA. K-'r.y n I r T ke 1 up 11 t to-, pn iom- in lUtweu pro riii -I, I. en 1 tv. Sell, on M"K :l. H'.ai, I ... r 1 ... .Li-.,, ..... 1 .1 l..r II and j J i 10 oief-leil. E. K. tUKOKfc LIVERY, Feed and Sale THE- C F. - '07101, Vice-Preaidsnt. Banking Business Ocean - f niar ! r-hijjii.t Newspaper ",'sH at-- ya at n a-S i easJ"tBasaraMBlBnyaBatfBfa it - Sh. J ..." '. '-i Circu.ation. " en per j enr 1 : ."; i,; ; ' i:.-: :..v; MrLRATURC. amaMM tT ,,ll fi M '. . )( : : ':.) ... .;( . , .... i m'.-r. ' ; l.'TK .-