The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 03, 1896, Image 3

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    i Ucbrasha llotcs
1896 SEPTEMBER. 1896
t. r. s
3 4 5
10 11 12
17 18 19
24 25 26
2 I
George Bucraetta's Btore at Elk
Dreek wag broken into, probably by
.ramps, and a lot of clothing ami tobacco
Tlie house of Isaiah Hasbrook, near
Bradehaw, was entirely destroyed by
Bre. The loss was about $3,000, with
l,8iK) insurance.
H. C. Johnson caught a thirty-pound
'.urtle and a ten-pound carp near Graf
ton anil brought them to town as evi
dence of his prowe-s.
Sam Schultz of Klk Creek had three
nice hogs billed by lightning recently.
The lightning struck a large, tree, under
whici) the hogs were asleep.
Editor Bulla of the Sun limps about
these days, the remit of getting his foot
into the pr -S8 machinery. Editors very
frequently (jet their ' foot into it."
Schuyler Quill.
Some hungry person entered Ira Wil
liams' cellar at Wahoo recently anl re
lievel them of four loaves of bread and
rpiite an amount of jelly. He evidently
liked god cooking.
A prohibition party advocate recently
rame to Gordon to lay in supplies and
politics. It was noticed that on leaving
town he took a two-gallon jug of tde
luioothest kind of booze.
Dill Huston have prepared an ex
hibit of Hall county products, which
they propose shipping to the Iroquoiii
county, 111., fair, under the charge of A.
DeWitt. It is a fine collection.
The editors of the Progress and Eye,
both of Burwell, are no longer friend?,
and each is throwing out hints tending
to reduce or entirely annihilate confi
dence in liia opponent's virtue and
Toentv rRttlpHnakes in an afternoon
is the record made by Iw Wii.sor and
J. C. Crist of Wayne not long ago. They
varied in size from six inches to full
grown snakes, and it wasn't much of a j
day for rcakes either,
Mose Croll of Kearney
awoke ihBt '
Thii'Sdny night and, like the old maid,
found a man in the room is, an
other rutin. While Mose was trying to:
load Ids fire alarm the visitor retreated
hastily, but in good order.
The city council of Tecumseh has pas
sed a Ftringentotdinance hearing on the
liquor question. I's object is to efft ct
ually stop the bringing of liquor into
Tecumseh from other towne for disposal
either by gift or by sale.
A two-year-old child of A. C Corhett
ol EuMis got hold of a bottle of carbolic
acid ami in trying to drink from it, !
burned i:8 mouth, face and throat so that
its life was despaired of. It is now im
proving and is out of danger.
While hinting near Stanton recently
Sherman Porter, ged fourteen, was ac
cidentally shot bv Tom Stevens. The
chatge of No. 8 shot passed through the
leg just lelow the groin. The wound,
though severe, is not regarded as fataL
Sheriff llulierle of Otoe county went
to PlattHinouth recently after Tom
Chapman of Nebraska City, who is
charged with having established pater
ml relations in that burg without first
going througuthe formality of a mar-J the south side of Thirty-third street,
rmK8, saluting him as, he passed in.
Lon Wait of Syracuse bruised bis fin-1 Ag Li HunR Q)M)f was about to en
ger and a felon developed. He had it tlie Waldorf be saw standing on the
lanced and the pain and drugs together ' iteM tie Hon. John W. Foster, ex-seo
rer.dired him out of his mind for over , ruUry of gt8to Tney hands very
twenty-four hours. He was frantic and e ,r(i jally. Mr. Foster, it will Vie re
it was feared that lockjaw wold set in. niernber, actod as adviser to the famous
He is now recovering, however. Chinaman during the negotiations for
A villain gathered a farmer's chickens peace between China and Japan in the
near Milligsn, and carelessly stowed ' j ,te war.
them away in his wajron. The farmer I The viceroy did not register. Accom
tracked the villain by the dust he dis- J paui-d by Mr. Foster, Mr. Rockhill,
placed, and finally overtook him. He ( assistant secretary of state, and Gen
jumped from his wagon and was soon era Ruger, he ascended to his apait-
lost in a tangled forest of corn , but his
horse and wagon, sixty-eeven chickens,
a laprobe and a whip became spoils of
the victor's.
A stabbing affray occurred in Crete at
6:30 Tuesday evening betcen J. W.
Jackson, a restaurant keeper, and
George Laramy, a horse trainer, in
which the trainer was'seriously and pro
bably fatally injured. The men had
been quarelling over the settlement of a
board bill, and during the dispute Jack
son, who was whittling at the t'rne, in
throwing up his hands o protect him
self fiom a rush by Laramy, stabbed
Laramy through the left breast, pene
trating the muscles of the heart and leii
lung. It Is the general opinion that the
stabbing was unintentional, for both
men were the best of friends until the
happening. Iaramy is in a precarious
condition, and his recovery is doubtful.
He is a tdngle man, about twenty-five
years old, and has no relatives bore.
James McAfree of Tekamah was bit
ten on the foot by a rattlesnake last week,
but with prompt medical attention he
recovered from the effect in a few days.
A little son of Jeppe M. Watt of near
Praha, was recently bitten by a rattle
snake. E. Lamhofir proceeded to cure
him with the root ol the echinacea plant
commonly called the black fanison, or
porcupine plant. The root is scraped
and is used both externally and Intern
ally. This used to be the old Indian
Li Hong Ctang Arrive! at New York
Amid Pomp and Pagea.try-
Gen. tlu(r .re-U Hie l;ellnUlhrd
Cliliiam--ia In lth -If of IIih President
oftlio l ulled tatr T" Juet
uf Honor aiuageil lit America.
Nko Yokk, Aug. 2it. II Hung Chang,
viceroy of China, Anibas-ad-r fextraor
diniry to Russia and world-i enow tied
diplomat, arrived in New York yester
day and became th guest of the nation.
Tne stately St. Louis pam-ed Fire Is
land at 10:33 a.m. with the distin
guished visitor on hoard. The Btearnei
made the trip from Southampton in t-ix
days and three hours. She was sainted
by the tooting ol whistles, tugs and
steamers as she passed the lower bay
and entered the narrows.
The day wasape'fcct one. Bright
sunlight overhead, an atmosphere clear
as crystal with a tinge of autumn co li
nes in it and a liirli t br--eze that milled
t'e surface of tiie biv combined to
make the lirs' view'hal Li Hung O.'iang
had of the harbor of the metropolis a
pleasant one. Added to its natural
beautiei wa-t the imp sing spectacle
furnished by the presenct of the finest
(b et of warships I'm le Sam has evei
gathered together. Tiiey were the beet
of the navy and every vessel was pol
ished and painted and made ready in
Bristol fashion for the reception of the
honored guest There was the new
cruiser New York, flug-ihip of the fleet.
M i tli Admiral Bunee on Ixjiird. The
cruii'jrs Cincinnati, Columbia, Raleigh,
Neward, the battleships Indiana and
.Mass ichusetts, peerless in their class,
the Maine, the Texas, the monitors
Amphilrile and Terror, the ram Kalah
d n and the dispatch b at Dolphin, with
the reception eommitte on Imard. The
men of war formed in double column
and as the St. Louis paused letween the
lines taluU d in turn with a roar of their
When the steamer came to Castle
William a salute was fired. 'I he envoy
aiked what it was anil seemed pleaied
when told it was in his honor. All along
the water front crowds gathered and
cmHS wenl UP "onor 01 l,,e "
H 1 'lie;1 tMe "teamr touched
pier. Li's sedan chair was gotten
re 1,1 ? for him, but he turned to the
11. e i ami Saul: I do not neeil it. i
!''fcr to walk upon Amencin shores."
At. 1 : ) p. m., acconipanieu uy me
! odicial party, he left the steamer by a
I private givngway and was greeted by
j the naval militia, who heat a welcom-
lug tune upon drum. The party de
fended from the upx-r pier by eleva
tor, which was elaborately decorated
with Chines colors, to the lhair below,
v. here another compsny of the naval
reserves formed a cordon. Here eight
carriages were in waiting for the for
eigners, There wa-f a delay of half an
hour in getting away. In the mean-
time an immense crowd had gathered
outside the American line dock at the
foot of Fulton street. A large force of
police was on hand and they had all
tiiey could do to restrain the throng.
The procession up Broadway from the
battery to the Waldorf was uninter
rupted by an unusual incident until
Nineteenth street and Fifth avenue
was reached There a little ra iimullin
threw a dried lemon peel at the am
bassad t'b carriage. It made a curve
in the air and Geiier linger and Li had
to dodge so as not to lie hit by it. There
was an immense crowd at Thirty-third
street and Fifth avenue, but Li entered
tl.n lifit.ii illiullv The eUl'ft'rV litlPit 11 II
inents. which embrace the entire first
floor, The sleeping apartments are on
the corner of Fifth avenue and Thirty
third streets. The distinguished China
man was left alone for a few minutes.
At 4 o'clock he gave audience in the
hall to the 100 or more silken robed
Chinese merchants. of New York.
Fenln Horry for Ititllnna
Wahiiinutok, Aug. 29. -The report of
Governor Foster of Louisiana upon the
lynching of three Sicilians charged with
murder and confined in the parish jail oi
Hahnville, St Charles parish, just lie
low New Orleans, in resjiect to which
Baron Fava, the Italian ambassador, in
the name of his government, has asked
reparation from the United States, has
been received at the state department.
The governor makes the customary re
ply in such cases that the perpetrators
of the deed are unknown to the author
ities, who are taking all possible steps
in the matter.
WanU lo l.rava Her.
Ran Francisco, Aug. 29. Frederick
Belasco, the acior, a brother of David
Belasco, the well known playwright,
whose recent suit against N. K. Fair
banks, the millionaire pork packer ol
Chicago, gained him world-wide no
toriety, has sued lor a divorce from his
wife, Grace Belasco, now in New York,
and whom he charged with desertion.
Belasco was married In Wisconsin in
18113. His wife and he were then play
ing in the same company and travelled
together as far as this city.
1 Ur loi y tf a t ire.
ILruoiiTos, Mich., August 28. An
other sawdust town has gone where 0
many have preceded it. Ontonagon,
the olcest settlement on Luke Superior
between the Soo and Bayfield, is no
more, and its 1,S(K) homeless and hun
gry inhahitan's are depending for food
and shelter upon charity.
The s'ory of its det motion in a few
brief hours Tuesday afternoon in piti
fully like the stories from a score of other
lumbering towns in the northwert
wkich have been wiped from the earth
in a few hours. Smoldering forest ares
had burned in the swamp south of the
Diamond Ma ch company's big mills
d.r two 'weeks. At noon the wind
freshened. At 1 the hr-t mill caught
fire, despite a fire department creditable
to the to vn and i f the special firemen
and apparatus of tlie mat -h company.
The wast s de mill speedily became a
seethim: ma-x of TheaiitoniaMC
sprinklers deluded the v. hole interior
uith water, imt fie gale fr m the south
west drove the (lames i .to the lumber
along the river, where 00,000. 000 feet of
pine luuiher w.n stacked in piles as high
as a three-to-y building.
The Haines from the lumber yard
hlaz-d 200 or more leet high, and dense
snuke an I brands of lire made the
Berne a hidwius and frightful one. Few
families saved anything from their
home-. The couri-e of the (lames whs
s ) rapid that the people were content
toe. cape with life. The -rater in the
river became heated to an unbearable
point, and the storm upon Lake Super
ior precluded taking refuge there.
By 6 o'c ock the destruction til the
vilhigi was complete, and not a soul re
mained in th i town proper. Prior to
abandoning his post at the railway de
pot the operator had sent out an appeal
for ad. The regular train headed this
way was caught at I'ori. The engineer
told to disregard schedule and get to
Rockland as quickly as possible. He
ca'ri d out his instructions and the
train came (lying into this station ahead
ol time. From here toward Ontonagon
progress w4 slow, owing to the dense
smoke, but li e engineer managed to get
within about a mile of the doomed vil
lage. The train picked up all the peo
ple found beside the track and brought
them to this place, where they were
made as comfortable for the night ss
the limited accommodations of the ham
let would permit.
Many of the people, particularly
those who had some members of their
f.miily missing, did not wait for dawn,
out as soon as the glow in the northern
sky died down started toward their
former home. As soon as daylight came
the train crew of the St. Paul railway,
aided by citizens, loaded into a box car
all the coihing and provisions that
could be collected and set out for
Tlie town presents a sad sight, es
pecially to one entering from the south
by way of the railroad. As soon as the
grale down into ihe village is reached
nil tiiat can he seen is a drjary waste of
ashes. Tiie buildings of the Diamond
Match company lined both sides of the
river and of these, together with the
main part of the village, which was on
the east hank of the village, nothing re
mains except a few shanties on the out
skirts. The west side was sparsely set
tled, but even its email proportions
have been reduced. The ruins are still
too i ot to permit a search in them and
ai there is no water at hand to pour on
them, it will he a couple of days before
inyiidng could be done.
A Mnli In (;)iilMiiiliiole
jOndon, Aug. 28. A dispatch to a lo-
al news agency from Constantinople
sys; Mobs were in possession of a
'arge portion of Constantinople yester
day. Late In the afternoon a body of
men armed with revolversand bombs
invaded the Ottoman bank, killing a
number of gendarmes on guard. The
employes of the bank fled to the quar
ters occupied by tlie tobacco syndicate,
which has control of the collt-cton ol
the taxes on tobacco throughout the
empire. The invaders mounted the
roof of the building and from the opt-n
windows fired at the police in the street
below. The police returned the fusil
lade and several perBonswere killed and
wounded. Shops were sacked and
bazaars invaded and the wildest excite
ment prevailed throughout certain quar
ters cf Constantinople.
A later report says that there is no
doubt but that the movement was revo
lutionary in plan and scope; that it had
its origin at secret meet.nga of Armen
Her maj -sty's ship Dryad at ence left
Therapia, where she was anchored and
proceeded to this city. It U also ex
pected that the French and Italian
guard Bhips will reach Constantinople
oarly in the morning.
Mult do ttettar.
Conbtantinoi'Lk, Aug. 28. United
States Minister Alexander W. Terrell
has notified the Turkish government
that Ihe latler's answer to the demands
of the United States for idemnity as a
result of the burning of the American
missions at Kharpu' and Marash is not
A Heavy Lmi Uy Fire
8aui.t Stic Mahik, Mich., Aug. 28.
Fifteen buildings were burned here yes
terday, causing a loss of $300,000, half
covered by insurance. Th fire started
in North Water street. Among the
burned buildings are the Soo National
bank block, the Premlauer block, Chip
pewa house, Cleveland house, Metz
ger block, Perry hotel, pottofflce and
the United States customs office, tele
phone exchange and a number of wood
en structures. v
hMtllTS uF PUiilib uu
The Supreme Lodge in Session it Clefe
land,0.. with a Large Attendance.
The Ordpr bluiifU fer Amr-rlci mill Ameri
can S- utiiii-n'v I'.. -it. on no IliB
I'utliullc IJurrliuil B-laleti
Oi.i:vel am), ()., Aug. 27 The su
preme lolgeofthe Knights of Pythias
met in the New Pythian temple yester
day. There were present I'M supreme
repre.-entatives and twenty-five past su
preme chancellors. Tlie latter may sit
with the supremf lodge, but have no
vote. Mayor McKisson addressed the
lo'lge and presented the kei 8 of the city
of Cleveland. Supreme Chancellor
Richie accept d ii. a happy speech. The
annual report of the supreme chancellor
was then given out. The number of
subordinate lodges at the beginning of
the year are given as 9,404, an increase
of 4 since Dec-mher 31, 1893. The
total membership of the otder January
1, was 44,f).'!9, an increase of 20,024 in
the two proceeding years. Touching on
the question of establishing the order in
foreign lands, he said:
"I have had applications from Eng
land, Germany, Australia, West Indies,
and Central America. I may say that
tne selli -linens, the i xclusiveness of the
people of other lands would not tend to
promote the growth of this American
order. We are great enough, with
enough to do at home."
Regarding the Catholic question, he
reports: "Our position is well defined
and it is a matter to be disposed of en
tirely by the individual members who
belong to the Catholic church. The re
sult of this, no doubt, has been a consi
derable loss of membership. I have
found in a number of states, where the
Catholic memlierhhip was targe, that we
have been visibly affected by it. But
no member of this order should be cen
sured for the following the dictation of
his conscience."
There in no equivocation in the report
on German rituals. He says: "Our
orher stands for Americanism. It saye
to those coming to our country not car
ing to know our language, not eating tc
observe our laws, not caring for our cus
toms, thrice welcome will be the ship
that carries you back to the land from
whence you came."
Harmony In Michigan.
Bay City, Mh-h., Aug. "7. The con
ference committee of the democrats,
populists and union silveritcs, which
adjourned early yesterday morning with
out reaching an agreement, went into
. r II I , .
bession again at 9 o clock. An agree-
ment was reached about 10:30 and tht
several conventions met in joint con
veniion yesterday afternoon to receive
the report of the full committee.
Headed by a band the silver and
pop'ihst delegates marched in a body
to the democratic convention hall'
w .ere they were received with wild
enthusiasm. When the delegates were
finally seated a joint convention waf
organized to cover legal formalities,
Thomas K. Karkwortu was made chair
man and F. II Ilosf.-ril, secretary.
Nominations for g ivernor were then
declare 1 in order. The silver men nomi
nated Charles P. High of Grand Rapids,
and democrats, Justin R. Whiting ol
St. Clair. Then the convention ad
, i ,i
When it re-assembled late in the
evening a joint executive campaign com
mittee waB appointed. The populist!
then in open convention rescinded the
unit rule and the chairman announced
that Messrs. Whiting and Sligh had
agreed to abide by the will of the con
vent ion, the defeated aspirant for the
governship to take the second place on
the ticket I
The following ticket was nominated:
Governor, Charles R. Sligh. i
r Lieutenant-governor, Justin R. Whit
ing. !
State treasurer, Otto E. Karste ol
Gogebic. !
Auditor-general, A. E. Cole oi Liv
ingston, j
Attorney-general, Alfred J. Murphy
of Detroit.
The name of the ticket will be "dem
ocratic people's union silver ticket."
The viznetto will be a representation ol
a silver dollar and a picture of Bryan, j
iBve-tlR-mlng; Hi'' County lliltal. j
Omaha, Aug, 27 The board of coun
ty commissioners held an investigation
of the county hospital in accordance
with a resolution passed several
weeksi ago. Allot the members were
present and the investigation was com-'
menced at 11 a. m., and was not ad
journed until 11 p. m., when the hoard
concluded to await the preparation ol
the stenographic report before deciding
upon the verdict. I
The time of the board was taken up
until 6 p. ni., in listening to the testi. ,
monyof the matron, Mrs. Howell, and
the witnesses she produced to substan
tiate the statements she had made.
The remainder of the time was occu
pied by hearing what the other em
ployes of the institution had to say for
A Very I'UBgy 1'ng.
Baltimohk, Aug. 27. James J. Cor
bett made the following answer to the
proposition telegraphed from San Fran
cisco to the effect that if he would re-1
lease hlrp, Sharkey, could get a "go" j
with Fitzsiminons previous to the Cor-bott-Sharkey
fight. Oorbett said: "I
positively refuse to consider any such .
proposition. Until I meet Sharkey no .
one else shall. I am ready to meet him
In three weekf or less. After he hat
met me he can set on all the bouts hi '
j wants w ith the San Francisco man." I
Allurr 1 .r.:...
Lkaoville, Colo., Aug 20 Six men
ere arrested yesterday morning at the
instance of the manager of tiie Coro
nado mine. They are Morris Jones,
Charlt s Lindetrom, William C. Rule,
Tom Conners, James Quigley and Rich
aid Owens. It is charged that they
have leen in the habit of s anding out
side the big fence surrounding the
mine and watching everylody who goes
io. They stopped a man named
Charles Taven, who was about to en
ter the gate, and upon searching him
found a letter in his possession from
the manager of the mine to the Buper
iutendent instructing the uj.erintend
ent to put the bearer to work at 2 50
per day. The men are alleged to have
warned him to leave ton and he prom
ised to do so. Instead he went directly
to the manager and told his story. The
arrests followed.
The men were taken before Juetici
of the Peace Ur.tnt, hut the c ise bb
fore JJustice Grant was dismissed by
the district attorney and the men were
brought liefore Judge Ower, who held
them in o00 bail each. Judge Ower
made the following announcement from
the bench :
"I desire to reiterate what I have be
fore stated that law and order inut pre
vail in Lake county ; that all itg courts
are open for the redress of grievances
and the procesh of any and all of them
runs unobstructed anywhere in the
county. While I have no complaint to
make against jiiv of the lower courts,
tnig court will remain in con tinuous ses
sion in order that thote persons who
wish to do so can make their original
complaint in this court."
The citizens,' con unit tee appointed to
arbitrate the difference between the
miners and their employes reported
yestsrday tha'. their conference w ith tiie
mine owners had not amounted to any
thing and they had given up the idea of
doing anything more, The mine own
ers expect to make a test with the Coro-
nado mine.
Worrying Hie hjiaul h Soli! Ii ra
Havana, Aug. 20 The decree which
it is said Captain General Weyler will
shortly iesue prohibitii g the grinding
of the sugar crop will also forbid the
gathering of the coffee i.Top.
Fel pe F'.spauola Traviezo, a prisoner
of war, was sh. t at Ma-anzas yeHterday.
A military train having on board the
Spanish column under command of
Colonel Celmllos, came into collision
yesterday at the station at Guanaba, in
the province of Miitanz-is, with a freight
train. A number of the cars were, shat
tered and the locomotive ol the train
bearing the soldiers was wvecked.
Twenty soldiers were injured. The en
gineer of the military train was arrested
I Oil DUnillLIUII l utinu I' Cl-nirniii.
. , '
.... ;..!.. ..( I..,,.,,. .,......,t,;i,l.. tnr (Via
! accident.
i A party of insurgents attempted to
' destroy a passenger train at Kl Palmo,
I province f Matanzas, by explodin
dynam te beneath the cars. Fortunate
ly, howevu,-, no one was killed.
It is reported that a train was de
railed yesterday between Jovellanoeand
Colon, but no details of the affair caD
vet be obtained.
Wataon on I lie Mump
Washington, Aug 20. Chairman
! Butler of the populist national commit
tee lias announced that Tom Watson,
the populist candidate for vice presi
dent, would begin his speaking tour at
Dallas, Tex., o:i l abor cay, Septembei
! 7, and from that time fo-ward would be
I on tiie stump until election day. From
Dallas, Mr. Watson will go north as fai
as Nebraska, returning by way of Mis-
souri and Arkansas, and thence tc
Georgia, where he will remain until
Georgia's early election. After that oc-
curs, Mr. Watson w.ll again entel
tHie northwest, going as lar as Idahc
and Washingion. He w ill coie east in
time to give some attention to eastern
states before election. The exact list ol
western dates will be announced latter,
Mr. Butler says that his advices from .
Idaho indicate that there are hopes ol
an adjustment by a proper recognition
of the silver republicans, so that the
silver elements will work together. i
He thinks the adjustment will be
along the lines of fusion adopted in
Minnesota, Washington and South
The executive committee of the silvei I
party has been called to meet. It will (
be tiie first meeting of the committee
since the St Louis convention, and ii
regarded as an important one, the ob
ject being to arrange plans for the cam- '
paign. Chairman Lane of the national
committee will not be here. ;
ftHiiunlnary Conllict I
Wahiiinoton, Aug. 26. The State de
partment baa received word of a san
guinary conflict between a party of ex
plorers in Peru and a band of Peiuvian
Indians. The report is made by Consul
Leon at Callao, Peru, who nceived the
details from the United States consular
at an interior point.
The exploring party was led by an
American named Cooper. Tiiere were
ten in the party, including two Germans
who are the only ones who have thus
(ur rei.i.rinit Th men lost their wav in
. , ,
the dense forests and after great suffer-
ing from hunger were attacked by a
band from the Campa tribe of Indians,
Denver Klrm ialla.
Dknvkii, Col., Aug. 26. The Appel
clothing company yesterday evening
turned over Us property to mortagagees,
Otto Mears, of this city, being desig
nated as agent for the mortgagees, ct
which the First heads lh
list. No statement of assets and liabili
ties is given out. The Appel clothing
company occupied a handsome four
star v block at the corner of Sixteenth
and Larimer streets, and was one of the
leading firms of the city.
Trail of Hnman Freight Buns InU
Some Wrecked Freight Cars
A Thro (h Ki-re--B the I'ittabarc and
Western rra.iiriia.4l Cornea to Grief at
Valencia, Pa., A Voug Lilt
ot Wounded and ly DC
PiTTSBt'Ko, Aug., 25. The through
express train from Chicago on the
Pittshueg & Western, which was due in
this city at 12:30 p. m. was wrecked at
Valencia, a small station twenty miles
west of here, at 11:30 yesterday and
more than a score of passenge's were
injured, four of whom may die. Just
before the passenger train readied
Valencia theie was a collision of freight
trains, which threw a number of freight
cars on the main track and the express
train, coming along at the rate of thirty
miles an hour, plunged into the wrecked
freight cars. Nearly every car of the
express waB wrecked and the escape of
the passengers from instant death is re
markable. The injured:
Mrs W. B, March, Talmage, O., ekull
fractured; will probably die.
John Curry, Pleasant Hill, Pa., lower
jaw fractured, throat cut; will die.
Mrs. J W. Morse, Lodi,0., lower jaw,
cheek bone and collar bone fractured re
covery doubtful.
Miss Maud Bennett, Allegheny, Pa.,
serious contusion of left temple, nose cut
and bruised.
Mary Bennett, head cut and face
Walter Smith, Akron, 0., scalp
MrB. E. M.Cramer, Appollo, Pa., seri
ous scalp wound.
Belle Cramer, injured slightly intern
ally. Grant Culbert, Alleghney, Pa., right
forearm fractured, face and scalp wound.
Jennie Cramer, slight scalp wound.
Dr. J. T. Tierney, Alleghey, Pa., seri
ous scalp wound.
J. W. McMillin, engineer, Bennett,
Pa., both feet crushed.
Charles Smith, fireman, Bennett, Pa.,
ankle sprained, head cut.
Many others were more or less in
jured. The injured were brought to the
Allegheny general hospital on a special
The Chicago expresa train does not
generally stop at Valencia, and was
running at a high rate of sped when
the engineer noticed the debris on the
tracks. The engineer immediately re
versed and applied the brakes, but
though the speed of the express was
diminished Somewhat, it struck the
freight cars on the main track with
frightful force and freight cars and
engine rolled in a great mass of torn
wood and iron over an embankment
into the ditch below.
The engineer and fireman of the ex
press, when they saw that a collision
was inevitable, jumped and escaped
with severe injuries. The tender, mail
and passenger coaches piled up over
each other and rolled down the em
bankment on the wrecked engine and
freight cars. Clouds of steam and
smoke from the disabled engine en
veloped the scene and added to the
distress of the injured passenger
pinioned in the wreck, who feared the
debris' would take fire and burn them
alive. Meanwhile the express crew
and the passengers who were not in
jured, the people cf Valencia and the
freight crew, were near at hand and
I rushed to the aid of the injured, and a
special train with surgeons was at once
dispatched lrom Allegheny to the Bcene
of the wreck. The freight cars which
were struck by the express train were
heavily loaded with large iron piping.
These heavy tubes were burled with
great force through the sides of the
day coaches and most of the Jatal in
juries to passengers were prodused by
Succeed Hoke Hinlth,
Buzzard's Bav, Mass., Aug. 26.
Piesideut Cleveland announced yester
day that David R. Francis, ex-governor
of Missouri, had been appointed secre
tary of the interior, vice Hoke Smith,
resigned, and that he will assume the
duties of his office September 1.
St. Louis, Aug. 25. David Rowland
Francis, the successor of Hon. Hoke
Smith as secretary of the interior, wai
born of Scotch-Irish parents in Rich
mond, Ky., October 1, 1850. Supple
menting common school education in
Kentucky, he graduated from Washing
ton university in this city in 1870 with
the degree of bachelor bf aits. After
three years' apprenticeship in commer
cial life, he organised the D. R. Francis
& Bro. Commission company, which is
still one of the leading linns operating
at the merchant's exchange.
In 1883 he was elected vice piesident
of the exchange and the next year wae
chosen president. He has been a life
long democrat and in 1884 waH a dele
gate to the convention that nominated
Mr. Cleveland for president. The fol
lowing year he wss elected mayor of St.
Louis by 1,400 majority, overcoming
former republican victory of 14,000.
Long needed municipal reform flour
ished under his administration. Ia
IBOS ne Was eiecieu g-ivernor ui an
a,-! kv one 0 i19 heaviest maioritli
1888 he was elected givernor of Mil
ever achieved by his party in Missouri.
and his wise conuuci oi me oiuce is aim
llrooklyn a Good Oner.
Boston, Aug. 25. In the preliminary
or practical trial, yesterday the cruiser
Brooklyn developed an average speed
closely approaching twenty-one knot.
The trial was made over the govern
ment official trial course from off Cap
Ann, Mass., to a point off Poini
Porpoise, Me., and return. The meas
ured distance between the two point!
is forty-one and one-half, thus making
the run of eighty-three knots, excluding
the turn.)