THE SIOLX COLNTY JOURNAL. t j. smaofta, rrm. HARBISON', KEBBASKA. "Ou what do Chicago business men lunch T a skB a New York paner. Most of them lunch on stools. Knowledge in said to Ik? power; and it is power iu the same sense that wood Ig fueL Wood ou fire U fueL Knowledge on fire is iower. .. . Now. if Emrland doesn't fiirht tt will be due to abject cowardice; the new American rams and toriedo boats are to be painted green. The taste of beauty and the relish of what Is decent, Just and amiable, per fect the character of the gentleman and the philosopher. True freedom consists with the oli servauce of law. Adam was as free In paradise as in the wilds to which he was batiUhed for hi transgression. To hear always, to think always, to learn always, it is thus that we live truly: ke who aspires to nothing, and learns nothing is not worthy of living. ; The Duke of Veragua says: "The l"ni-; ted States should reuiemlier what she i owes to Spain." After this gentle hint ' we hope Tom Palmer will turn over that relief fund of tM. ' King Menelek has asked Italy for 40,0(K),XX) lires. If Humbert isn't too particular about the pronunciation we presume he can pick that number of campaign lires over here almost any time. A Euroioan ktter says that Dr. Carl Peters, the African explorer, who is to be tried for crimes committed in the dark continent, is very bowlegged. It seems, then, that he is crooked from the ground up. A South Dakota divorcee explained to the court that on the eve of her mar riage she held her prospective husband under a pump to soler him up suffici ently to permit the ceremony to be per formed. Afterward, she added, she had viuru icm inai hue uiiini souse mm into a watering trougn and anchor chewing gum; yet I. Cvrus W. Kdson him there head foremost over night, who has studied the subject profound ttomeu often lack thoroughness In ly, do. not consider this an over-estl- ineir work. A statistician has learned that the annual aggregate circulation of the pa pers of the world Is calculated. to te 12. (XOOO,000 copies. To grasp an idea of this magnitude let the reader fully real ize that It would cover no fewer than 10,450 square miles of surface, that it is printed on 781,2r0 tons of paper, and, further, that if the nu.Tiber of 12,000,000,000 represented, instead of copies, seconds, it would take over 333 years for them to elapse. In lieu of this ! arrangement we might press and pile them vertically upward to gradually reach our highest mountains. Topping all these and even the highest Alps, the pile would reach the magnificent alti tude of 400 or, In round numbers, 500 miles. Calculating that the average man spends five minutes reading his paper in the day (this is a very low esti mate), we find that the people of the world altogether annually occupy time equivalent to 100,000 years reading the papers. The friends of Oscar Wilde are pre paring a petition to the Home Secre tary, praying for hi release at the end of eighteen months' imprisonment. The pi-tanner has been visited in Jail by his wife, and it la aaid that a complete reconciliation has taken place. When his term Is completed he will accom pany Mrs. Wilde and hto children to the Continent, where he will permanently reside. During the last few months, in the time allowed by prison regula tions for recreation, be hag been read ing the works of St. Augustine and Walter Pater. To a gentleman, who recently visited him, be said: "I bare erred throughout my life In leaving out all consideration of the moral element" He Is said to be affected In mental vigor by the Incarceration, though not In physical health. If his release is secured, be will hare no difficulty in earning an adequate Income by bis pen, t bough probably tinder an assumed Dame or anonymously. Cuba may b congratulated upon the fact that it Is not threatened with a presidential campaign, but it is not otherwise open to felicitations. Rav aged by war, hardened with a debt which will curse ita people for a quar ter or a century, the Island suffers In addition to all Its other woes an epi demic of yellow fever, the worst ever known. The disease recurs regularly as the wet season begins, but this year It la working unprecedented ravages. The death rate la said to exceed 30 per cent of all those seised. The military forces along the trocba are decimated by the plague. Several general offl eeaa are among the victims. In the Havana hospital the number of wound ed sad sick soldiers Is orer 2,000. It Is 'mot wonderful that military operations aboold be suspended and that officers aboold seek a furlough from this cam paign against an unseen and remorse laaa enemy. The Cuban ally, yellow Jack, baa coma to the rescue with a Toafaaaca. His death roll will be larger than any the machetes and rifle of Uaceo'a men can pkee to their credit It ssakaa a difference whether It la far ban that gores my ox, or my bull Cat la axaeadaaf bis enrplas energy trj Caaostdon to fight en your ox. maker a formal protect against tzj remtatory actiea la patting an fui-ainu i iiui'U raiui-. A t-a I tw it raw from Havre lately anrounced t!it our consul ha I refused to permit a shipment of five Frenb caittle i ii.e I'nit-d State. This rigid enforcement I of the prohibition of iuiHiriatiu of neat can le ami their bides from coun tries infected with c-utle disease, in cluding France, (Jermauy, and Switzer land, which is provided for in the ul I tariff act of 1M4. but not iuvoked un til some mouth ago, when a irx-biua-tion ou the lubiwt w as issued, is direct ly due to the aggressive isjliey of coun tries like France and Cermany in en deavoring on one pretext or another to exclude Amerh-an cattle and meats. ' Repeated representations and waru- ings have been made to Isith countries through the State Department, but to uo purpose. Under a system of treaties which were exacted from Japan by the civil ized nations when Its ports were forci bly opened to commerce duties upon all forms of lmiorted merchandise nre limited to 5 per cent, ad valorem, and this has prevailed for more than quarter of a century, although Japan hag continually complained of the in justice. The government has for years contended for the right to regulate her own revenues, tlx her own tariff and manage her own custom houses and ports, ami the United Slates has repeat edly expressed Its willingness to con cede those rights. Hut Oreat Itritaiu has stubbornly declined until last year, when new treatlm were negotiated with our government and with France. Oreat Britain, Oermauy. Russia, and other countries, in which iiii.oitant concessions were made. These treaties are nearly uniform and recognize Japan as a civilized nation. Ou and after July 17, lxjiy, Japan may regulate her own tariff and exercise Jurisdiction over all persons residing wi-.'iiu her territory. She agrees that all her ports and cities and towns shall 1m- open to foreign commerce, and that foreigners may come and go and enjoy the same treatment as citizens of Japan so long as they oliey the laws ami reg-i'ations of the country. It will be difficult, how ever, for the I'nlted States to negotiate a reciprocity treaty with Japan for the reason that the "favored-nation" clause appears with unusual breadth in all her treaties. Twenty million dollars sounds like a ! pretty big sum to exoend nnnmillv t,.r the satisfaction to be derived from umte. There are at least live Immense I chewing gum factories, a dozen of mini-1 erate size, and innumerable itislgnifi cam nrms in me L nited States. One company alone sells $3,000,000 worth every year including, of course, the quantity exported This Is as much money as the United States furnishes one year for the supiHirt of her home and foreign mission. As a nation of churches, we are still further humiliat ed to learn that we expend $.S.Ott0.0O0 a year more to purchase rum than we gve for the maintenance of clergy of all denominations. The entire revenue received by the Government from tax ing fermented liquors only exceeds the chewing gum limit by a paltry $3,000, CM), while the cost of the chewing gum craze Is greater by !). m.000 than the entire expense of running the prisons, courts, hospitals, police force, etc., of the city of New York. The habit Is in creasing at such a rate that Americans bid fair to become a race of enormous facial development Chewing gum will be a national characteristic, as base ball is the national game, and clever slang Is our native speech. Twenty -five per cent of the 70,1100,000 people In the United States are already addicted to the habit And not only do an ever-increasing multitude chew, but they chew openly, defiantly, on the public highways, at places of amusements, and at the clubs. explaining It. "Say, Mime," said Maud, as she bit off a tiny piece of chewing gum, "I've been Improving my mind again." "Go 'way! You haven't!" "Yes, I have. I have been reading all about the convention. It's perfectly fascinating, too." "Can you understand It?" "Most of it. I -used to think a conven tion was stupid, but it isn't a bit. It's Just like a gymnasium or riding a goat at an Initiation, or something of that kind, you know." -How do they dor "Why, they bring out a plank." "Yes." "And It's very wide; and the candi dates try to straddle It, and other peo ple try to keep them from doing so; and the side that wins gets the nomination. I don't know what It means, hut that's the way lt'a done, for I saw it In the paper." Washington Star. Paper Pillows. According to Good Housekeeping, the latest health fad is paper pillows. The paper Is torn into tiny pieces and put Into a pillow aack of light ticking or drilling. The pillows are said to bo much better than feather ones, aud certainly very cooling In hot weather. On account of the disagreeable odor of printer's Ink, newspapers are not nice to use, but brown or white paper, old envelopes and letters are the besr. The liner the paper Is torn or cut the lighter It makes the pillow. "Brown Is a good shot Isn't her j very gooa. we were practicing with our guns at my country place the other day, and be hit the bull's eye the first time." "Very clever." "Yes; but he had to pay for the bull." Harper' Weekly. "Do yon have many frunds In school. T.aatyi' "No'm." 'By t! Is very otd. Ia t Itr No'm. You ee, the boys I lick hates me and the boy that licks me bater- ",'cago Record- TO A v'lLT. Whfn first we i-onvjiid, you Wrote "Sir," aud 1 wrote "Madam" Hoi thitt ii t hell you kj-vr no' uie, Nov I knew you, from Adam. Yoa signed yourself "Moot faithfully." 1 thought it illeXJdieut 1 Tu auwer you more warmly then, And euiied "Your ots-dieiit." ; Hut toon you found you knew my aunt's Half-brother t German sister. And o we strut k the golden mean With "Ih ar," aud "Mis," and "Mr." One day I wro'e iu erm that neeiued To you t.i billct-douxly; lou straigntw) took me down a peg By aigniiig Sir, your truly." Next day. you feigned compunction and I sed phrase almost fervent. I paid you bai t, ami wrote "Your most Obedient, buuJde servant." "Yours always" once I tried; lmt you I'roved more unkind than clever, Hy riding roughshod o'er my heart With "I'ard n me. youra never." This outrage tote my soul, ami drove Me almost fn m my sense. My answer wai typewritten by My girl ania-iuensig. Once more you grew "Affectionate, And I replied "Sincerely": You pocketed Jour pride, and signed Your next one "Alice" merely. And then I gave myself away With -'Aiifcd." "Sweetheart," "God dess," And little dreumed the heart was false That Istit bei eath your Issliee. But when at last I sign myoelf "Your destined euro poo," You calmly wr te and nay you nov Kr M nie to tnpitose so. I ask you what did "Alice" mean? Why, when I called you Venus A month ago, jou did not say That there was nought Is-tween us? Y'es. e'en the irm will turn, and free His linilw from silken fetters. I sign myself "et cetera." I. S. Herewith your letters. Chandlers' J mnial. "AFTER THE TWI LIGHT-DARKNESS:' On IsKinl Eastern Express Just out from San Kranclo, Aug. 27. My Dear Malicl: This Is a queer place to write from a shaky. Jolty railway car, but I tun determined to-day that you shall lie fieglocted no longer. It Is really Uki first time I have been allowed to write at all since I was ill, but for several days they would ask me, each morning. if I had any word to send pajxi. IVsir papa, away off In Russia, having such a splendid time and now they have cabled hint to come home! I cm n't thliili why they should have done It. ImxhuA' I am almost well again, and it isn't too late even yet to stop him at Ixindon. I spoke to I'ncle John about It this morning, and he only said. "Never mind. my dear, he will Is? ready to come now, I think; besides, I need him here. What In the world he can ueed him for is more than I can see, for he and papa have hardly spoken to each other In twenty years Aud, Mabel. Just fancy Uncle John- stiff old I'ncle John calling me "my deer!" Why, I think the world must lie coming to an end. Oh! that sound of the sea; how I loathe It! Night and day, for nine weeks, it has been In my ears, and now I am flying from It up Into the mountains as fast as this train can run. Lncie Jonn said I was not strong enough to take the trip aloue. and iu slated ou accotnimuyiug me, and I nev er saw anyone more attentive, lie In troduced a Dr. Farnsworth, of Phila delphia, to me Just as we started off, and It seems that he Is to tie our travel ing companion. But uncle has lieen so kind. 1 think ray widow's cup 1ms ap pealed to him, for during all my slck- nene he visited me every day and brought quantities of doctors to see me, This Dr. Farnsworth is very gentle manly, but a little too observing at times, I think. For Instance, as we paused a little lake tbls morning and stopped close to the beach the noise of the ripple upon the sand brought lisck that dreadful sound of the sea, and then a boat glided suddenly by, which put me Into almost a terror. I suppose I showed It, for uncle Instantly crossed to my seat and put his arm around me. as If to reassure me, while the doctor watched me with the eye of a hawk, ami then wrote something In a little notebook professional act, no doubt, but not an over-poIHe one. It seems as though they could not do enough for me and I atn never left alone. On one pretext or another, uncle or the doctor Is always with me, and once, when we stopped for luncheon and they liorh left the car, the Pullman conductor came and seated himself opposite me for a chat which lasted un til the others returned. He was not In the least familiar, even refusing. In a roost polite way, to raise the windows which I had been unable to do, because of some peculiar fastening upon them saying the dust would "make It un bea ra ble." I wlah uncle hadn't ta ken t h Is stateroom for me. one seems so much freer In the outer car. Janet, my maid uncle engaged her during my Illness Is with me, and I can hardly drive her out of my sight. We are to wsK at a pretty, retired llt- tie village near the summit of the mountains until papa returns, lie will meet us there aud go home with I ua. I wish you could see the traveling areas I bare on It Is dark brown and with such queer figures on It like little boats about two Inches long, with a raised pattern running In bars amies It At first I hated the sight of the little ImmiU. but I am getting used to them now. I'ncle could not see how the figures resembled Iswts, but I cut one out of u:y sleeve and made him bsik cUfcely at It, He put his hand to bis eyes a mo ment as he took it to i-oneeal a laugh, I uppM and theu I remem tiered that I had torn off a part of the kirt the day liefore to show Janet, and this probably is why he went to her at once. But not to please Janet, nor uncle either, will I change this dress brown lecome me so. y0u should see how gracefully the sts sail up aud down my arms. jjy two !- were In a little lsrat. How glassy green the water looked as It poured over. I got ahead of Janet a few minutes ago and rau out ou to the platform. Oh it was so ciKii: One of my slioes as I flung it away, nearly struck a nmu standing by a crossing. Janet laughed and gave me some light slipicrs to put on. The doctor told me some gay storlew. lie is very amusing. I'tn le has not Ist'ii with me since he carried me iu from the platform. Little Vlrglnle Ilofmann brought me a pink conclmhell she Is carry ing l'me "to listen to," she s:iid. She used to le with me so much at the Is-ach, and I like her, but she must not torment me by wanting me to listen to that awful sea sound, so I smash. -d the shell against the steam-beating pipes, and uncle came IsiuiKling In. No (me said anything, but Virginle cried, so I gath ered the pieces Into my lap and carried them in my dress to her seat and threw them upon the car flsir. Some of the pieces are very pretty, and she and I played with them quite a while. It frightens me to watch the Isiats run around on my dress! When they strike that nilsinl jmttern they tip so horribly that I can hardly keep from screaming out and then I push them back where they can sal! alsmt with h-ss danger. Old you ever see a boat capsize and hear the wild crv for heln. or watch the stiff fingers raking the wa- ter? and then those dreadful bubbles ftlsive the sweet lijis. Some of the Ismts are tsi heavily loaded. I al ways knew It, and so I watch them. Aug. 31. Our destination at last! Such a time as we had on leaving the train. Janet Insisted on my wearing my gray duster, but It was so silly to put It on at the very end of the Journey. I tore it in pieces. She slipped a sort of canvas Jacket on me that was tight aud hurt my anus whenever I moved them, but uncle got me into a carriage at once, and we were ssin at our Jour ney's end. ,. Keit. S. I have a funny room here flt Or. Holden's strange how many doc tors I run against! I'ncle has nsiins across the street. Although we have iH-en nere nearly a weeK. lie lias not yet lieen here to see me. No doubt be thinks he lias done his duty In getting me safe ly hen-, and possibly has gone back to San Francirtco. Janet brings mv meals to me, for they all say I am not strong enough to go downstairs yet. I have neverseen such dishes -plates, cups and saucers, ami even the spoons, of paper! My meat is cut in pieces for me. Not a sign of a knife or fork, not even a glass. Twice Janet una tried to steal my brown dress, but she shall not have It. I push it through one of the windows at night now, and hung It by a fine strUig to a nail In the sill. It makes me shriek with laughter to see her hunting for It. My rHm has no dopr except the one that leads Into hers a queer arrangement and mine seems so liare. The bed Is simply three ma tresses, one upon the other, but quite comfortable. Janet has the rest of the furniture In her room. Whether this lounge upon which I am flttlngforwantof a chair Is Immensely heavy or Is nailed to the tlisir, 1 cannot tell but I mlsa my table more than anything. Yesterday, you see, I stood up on It a minute to get a Iik out of these absurdly hlgh.narrow windows-1 could not possibly squeeze through them. On the north side Is a horizontal slit look ing Into a narrow hall two stories high and roofed with glass. Well, as I stood there, the table gave way a little and I Jumped to the floor, twisted the legs off the craiy tiling and flung them Into the hall. I laughed till I cried to hear rbem go crashing through that glans roof. The boats keep darting around my shoulders! How they rock, and how the faces of the children upon them drip. drip. I have sat here all day long, keeping them away from that raised pattern. It Is wicked to load them so and no llfebehs. I shall soon have all these boats torn off my dress. I pick and pick around each one until It falls out then put them on the floor and get down on my hands and knees to blow then) along. I blow very gently that they may not 15 driven far from snore; then the chil dren can sail right to the pier without being carried out to drip and drv upon the sand. 1 Papa came yesterday. I have forgot ten what day It Is. I was blow ing the boats about when he came, and was so arraiu one would pitch over that I did not get up to speak to hlia, but crawled along the floor to where he was standing, holding the lioat level as I went, and rested It against bis shoe. He did not speak nor move, but kept staring at me as If be saw a ghost. My dress was so torn and ragged ! ' See, papa," I said, " 'My boat, my bonny boat! My boat, you shall not find none fairer afloat In river or jsirt.' " They have cut my hair quite close to my head. If they try to tie my bands again to night, I shall scream, and scream, and scream. And the boats sail on. Han Francisco Argonaut. The women do not admire a woman Who works, but the men do. eV Tss ConicrtM hhoalct Act. The St. Joseph. Mo.. News snys that If Congress would turn Its attention to country roads instead of streams and , make these great appropriations lor their building, it would answer the pur- ; Isse of the iMilitlciims lietter because : every district could call for help In mads, while not every one can find a stream that even by Congressional courtesy can lie called navigable. I he appropriation, if made for country roads. Would do some good to others beside those employed, whereas, the money ient on harliorB and rivers, in nine cases out of ten, are of no other , twnetit. It lieliig consiuneH in piming . out smigs and dredging bars on streams that are not navigable by any craft larger than a row Ismt. Value of Good Koadn. An exchange says: "Io you know a goisl road sermon when you hear It? If you do, here Is one In a nutshell, tin the sxirest of earth roads, not muddy, but sandy, a horse can drag twice as much as be can carry on his buck: on a fair road, three ami a half tl s as much; on a good macadamized mail, nine times as much; ou a smooth plank road, twenty-live times as much; on a stone trackway, thirty-five times as much; and on metal rails, fifty-four times as much. Those who use mads can therefore make money by Improv ing the roads rather than buying new horses every year." Yes. and further. If you have sandy mads you may possibly get one new settler per year; If you have fair roads two; gisid smooth stone or shell, lift y or more! One little city in this State has recently completed miles of beau tiful mads alsiut the city, and the num ber of ten thousand-dollar homes go ing up In that town this year is amaz ing. Go! roads work all around, and for the iM-nefit of all. News, St. Au gustine, Fin. Good Roads and I'utrlotlsm. It has been suggested, apropos of the ceremonies of Flag Oay, that the L. A. W. should lie required to salute the flag. The league will never prove It self wanting In respect to the Hag, but' It Is quite fair to ask that In return the flag shall have some significance In particular for the wheelman. The roads of the I'nlted States are almost as great a source of wonder to European travelers as our munlclpnl politics, and their mire Is about as deep. Patriotism is a plant which grows best in emergencies. For the common hum drum of every-day life It needs culti vation. The wheelman is a power Iu our midst. If he realized it sufficiently to exert his power. He is asked to bear certain burdens, and show cer tain tokens of respect not exacted from his fellows. In return It Is not asking too much when he Insists that the I'nlt ed Suites ought to furnish at least as good roads as those constructed by Caesar's legions 2,HX) years ago. The wheelman pays a tax ou his wheel, ami gets next to nothing In return. He docs more than his share In providing good roads, and works out a tax during the course of the year quite as effec tively as the fanner who "scours" his plow Iu spring by plowing up the mid dle of the road, and then reporting to the commissioner that he has "worked out his road tax." Nearly every day Intheyearthe wheelman dismounts and removes wires, cans and debris from the road. Sometimes he does more than this, and no one Is more careful to do all that Is iosslhle to aid fn keep ing the mads, bridges, etc.. In good re pair. News, Denver, Col. Tweaking the Tsar's Wig. Paul, the eccentric Tsar of Russia assassinated In 1801, was very particu lar as to his dress, and considered tri fling matters as of supreme Importance. This peculiarity was once taken ad vantage of by an officer of the guards. Major Vaksel, to win a bet. The major, the wildest Joker In the army, wagered several hundred rubles that he would "tweak" the tall of the emperor's wig on parade. Hays Temple Bar: The very next day the enicror hap pened to be present at early parade and as destiny ruled It, took a position for a moment Immediately in fropt of the daring major. Breathless wltb ex citement and terror, Vaksel's compan ions beheld that rash officer's right' band steal slowly from his sir!?, rise to the level of the tsar's neck, and give the' wig's hanging tall a most decided tweak. In an Instant the emperor's face, pale with fury, was turned ujsiti Vaksel's countenance, which, however, only re flected an expression of childlike In nocence, mingled with the most defer ential astonishment. "Who dared to do that?" asked the enraged tsnr, Ids eyes giving flashing evidence that his most dangerous mood was upon him. "I did, yo'ir majesty," said Vaksel, who, however Ills heart may have flut tered, managed to preserve outwardly an unruffled calm, together with an ex pression of Innocent surprise. "It was crooked, your majesty," be added, In a confidential undertone. "I straight ened It for far the younger officers bould see." Paul's countenanca cleared at aaim lie stared fixedly, however, at Vaksel' a Innocent Iisiklng fice f'r nonie -ords. Vaksel ndmitti-H afterward ti.-a this was the trying moment, but be liii said to himself. "If I waver. I'm lost" Then the tsar and spoke so that all might hear. "I thank you, colonel." he said. If ever s step in rank was gained by the purest effrontery, it was o acquir ed on this occasion, and Vaksel left the field, not only promoted to a coveted Hitlon In the guards, but richer by many hundred rubles as the remit of his wager. Home Fearful Moments. During the late war l-twei-u China and Japan we heard often of wonder ful acts of bravery performed by the Japanese, but tales of Chinese bravery were few and far Is-tweeii. The fol lowing story, however, which appears to be told by an eye-witness, is enough to show that the Chines had at 1 one officer w '"' vu" "" coward. ' The deposed viceroy. I.I Hung Chang, and the committee iipioit'ed by the government to investigate the reasons of defeat at the battle of Port Arthur, met ill the city of l'eliill nil Septem ber "h. Among the charges was one of "jMior gunnery." brought against' ('apt. I-e I'lieii File, who bad com ma n led tiie Yen Tse Chang, one of the largest battle ships that cHCaied from the action w ithout great damage. After I.I Hung Chang had read the charges in full, the accused captain rose and requested thai a dozen shells In' brought from his vessel. This was done, and the shells were set in a row before till- committee. I.e Chen File then stepped forward, and drawing his sword, said: "Can you wonder that we were defeated when our shells were like these?" As he spoke, and before any one could stop hlin, he raised his sword and brought if down on the shell iu front of him. The shell was split in two and sawdust and red-brick dust flew ull about. Then Iu rapid succession he struck shell after shell. Nobody moved, we were so surprised and frightened. I remember thinking that if the last one proved a good one there would be none of us left to tell the tale; lmt no, that was like all the others- a sham. As he finished, I.e Chen File laid his sword at the feet of I.I Hung Chang, and as soon as that statesman could speak he dismissed the charges. F.iploslon in a Morse's Moiilh. The driver of one of II. It. Schnr mann's brewery wagons sloped Iu Molt struct this morning to deliver n k"g of beer. While he was Inside be and Hip people at the bar were startled by the report as of a pistol In the street. They all ran out to see what had happened, rpand dow n the street lliey looked for murder or suicide, or al leas! some one running. There was nothing of the sort, one of the brewery horses was prancing madly, however, mid the driv er hurried to seize him. As he grasped the reins he saw, to his amazement that smoke was coming out of the horse's mouth. The tongue also hung out, and was cm and bleeding. In flic gutter at the horse's fis-t was the empty shell of a cartridge. It Is supposed the ani mal, nosing about In the street, had picked up the cartridge, chewed It. and thus set It off. A veterinary surgeon, two or thriH- doors away, was sum moned, and he discovered that the bit was broken. The tongue would have to be cut off to save the horse. New- York Post. A New Industry. Restaurants In New York have grown so numerous In the last few years that what may Is-called a whobwale restau rant has Is-eu evolved. In these estnli llshmeiits meat Is bought by the carcass and vegetables by the barrel. In this wise the proprietor can sell a great piece of roast beef or a shoulder of mut ton, thoroughly cooked, to a small res taurant keeper for lens than the latter would pay for the material If purchased at retail. There are three Institutions of similar character here. Close on to these people are the three or four men who make a living In buying up the remnants from big dinners, wedding re ceptions and similar sm1-iI affairs, as sorting them so as to lie presentable and then selling them to cheap restau rants, boarding houses and saloons. This new Industry whs started only four years ago, but has prospered so well that It has probably come to stay. War Over so "Mc," In KLM a Polish nobleman liecame ob noxious to the laws of the country. He fled to Sweden, whereupon John Cassl mlr. King of Poland, wrote to Charles Custavus. King of Sweden, demanding the extradition of the criminal. The King of Sweden, on reading the dispatch, noticed that his own name and title were followed by only two et celenia, while the name of the King of Poland was followed hy three. The missing etcetra so enraged the King of Sweden that he at ence de clared war against Poland. This war was carried on with great bitterness until lWiO, when a peace treaty was signed at Ollva, near antxlg. In article 3 of the tleaty it was ex plicitly laid down that the custom of shortening titles by "eteeteratlon" should still hold good, but that for the future each of the two parties should give the other three etceteras. Odds and Ends. Unprecedented. She We were so disappointed, doc tor, that you did not call Tuesday even ing. He I was dlsapiKiInlcd, also. The fact Is I was suddenly ca'led to visit a jiatlent 8he-Ah! That was It. Nobodv could think of any reason for your ab- sence.-New York World. No woman can make the crust of tha pie aa good as the Lord makes the frail filling.