The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 13, 1896, Image 7
T1IE SIOUX COUNTY J. Simmon. Kilitor uml I'rop. K.K. V.VK.K.TiMUllo. tioi ig Wnt. liolnn Kant. it, UiImhI, Mt:l No. , iul-U 7:40 ITSTrn SneyTsl U. fbyxicUu and Surrron. AH rH given prompt alU-uliou. Oflire in Drug autre. HAKItLSON. - - NEBRASKA. Tlii! thirtieth annual NEBRASKA STATK FA I It AND EX l'OSJTU IN. ()mah:i, Nehraska, AlfiUST27 TO SEI'TEMHEK 5, WC. Nebraska Herself Again. The plucky NelirnskHiis wlio have maintained conlKlf ne in their state are rewarded by and all the people, by prubeul rare, are .. i .1... ttuia iu aiieiiu Lilt; Greatest State Fair ever planned wmt of the Missouri river. The Ann:ultural, Horticultural, Dairy, Textile, Fine Arts, Mechanical Art, I'oultry, Hwm, Honey unci Apiary (rood.-, and Live Stock Exhibits ure tlie Ik-iI ever tillered. The HNr'diiKt race list ever before hook ed. lifitl, trotting, naming horses from all parts of the country. Fast time in .ill classes. The grounds of thu WHITE CITY OF THF, WEST have lost all disagreeable features inri lienl to their newness last year, and are in good iki. musical rnooitAM. IWsiile i the numerous bends engaged to entertain the crowds, the NORTHWESTERN S "ANDINAVI AN SING LHS" ASSOCIATION will pUv free entertainment on the Fair (.round-. Friday, September 4th. 1000 voices and 5 bandit of music. All of tare merit. KNHillTS UF AKSARBEN w ill celebrate the IV.AsT OF OLYMl'IA. Tucsl.iy nijcht, Si'pt. li,t, (Iraud mili tary and i ivic parade. Weilm -lay night. Sept. 2d, Parade of Nebraska i. unties. ThurwUy niht, Sept. 3d, Knights of Ak Sar I.!ii parade. Frid.i nnht. Sept. 4th. "Cirand Itall" Ktiighu f AkSarlJen. Salunlay tiiuht. Kept. Jlh. N. V. Ssitidimiviau Singers' Association, 1000 voices. The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley K. It. will run becial trains from many ii.its direct, to the Fair Grounds. S! hand hills for time of trains. Itat one fare for round trip plus 50 cents admission. For further particulars see E. F. Pon tius, Aj;iit Northwestern Line, Harri son, Nehru ka. J. K. Hn iiASAN, Oeiieral Fussenxer Atfent. Omaha, Neb. The ( ountjr Fair. The mf ting of the agricultural socie ty at the court house on last Saturday was fairly nttended. The fair will be held on Thursday and Friday, September 17 and IS, 100. The secretary reported that he had upieatvd lfore the board of county commissioners nnd obtained erniission for the wk i'-t v to use the Becond story of the court house for exhibits of pro dure, art, etc. For the r. ason that the society had no funds to pruvide stalls, sheds and other arrangements necessary for carinjf for show animals, it was decided to offer no premiums this year on live stock. 1). Bartlett, Eli Smith, J. Stimson and W, J. A. Itium were made a csmmittee to solicit, members. A membership ticket costs one dollar and entitles the holder to a voice and vote in all meet ings of the society during the year and admits him and his family to all exln bits made by the society during that time. To the exhibit made at the court house an admission fee of 10 cents will lie charged all persons over 13 years of age, except, holders of membership tick els and their families. E. E. Liwniore, L. J. Simmons and W. IL tluvis were appointed a commit tee on premiums, to report at next meeting. J. 11. BarMI, D. L. Smuck ond N. D, lUmlin were made a committee on race program to report at next meeting. Tlie next meeting will be held on Fri day, Aug. It, at 1 o'clock, at which a food attendance is desired. NOTICE TO SETTLERS. The rules of the local land office have recently been amended so that net tiers to make final proof ithall settle with the publisher before sending in tlieir applica tion. All parties desiring to n.ake final proof can liave tlieir papers made out at The JiH fiSAL office, free of Imrge, and promptly transmitted to the land office so that no time will be lost. Now is the time to subscribe. (iet something ready for the county fair. Cured meats for sale at from 8 to 12 cents r pound by E. Uohwer. John Anderson e.ects to ship two more carloads of cattle in a few days. II. Smoke has taken his sheep into South Dakota where he found rune for them. The poverty party at the court house Monday evening was quite well attended. Call at THE JiM'HNU, otlice and have vour final groof pners made out. It will cost you nothing. Martin Doyle put a homestead filing on a quarter section of land in hungry hollow the first of the week. V. F. Shepherd and Geo. H. Turner exiect to ship several car-loads of cattle the last of the week. J. V. Smith showed some samples of grain which demonstrates what mois ture will do in this country. G. M. Burson and family passed through Harrison on Monday, en route to Colorado, making the trip by team. I am selling all of my wool dress goods at first cost, to close them out. Great bargains. L. Gaiu.ach. James Nolan got the thumb of his left hand split a few days ago by gettiug t mixed up with tlie cutting apparatus of a mower. Kev. Father Brophy will hold Cath olic services at the residence of M. J. Klewett on Saturday, August l"ith, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Hay makers will take the wise ourse if they make fire-guards around tlieir hay stacks, as fires are likely to sweep over the country at any time. The westbound passenger engine set the grass on fire a snort distance west ol town on Saturday, but it was put out by section men before it gained much headway. -Excursion tickets to Hot Springs and return, good for return for 30 days will lie sold at one fare for the round trip over the Elkhorn on July 31, Aug. 14 and 2. The Elkhorn road w ill sell tickets to the Rtate fair at Omaha for one fare and (ifty cents for the round trip, including admission to the fair- Tickets on sale Aug. 27th to Sept. nth, good returning until Sept. 7th. flinty Attorney Guthrie received a few days ago a complete set of 80 vol umes of the American and English En cyclopedia of law. This is considered ttie most comprehensive nnd complete work published and is held in high es teem by the courts. Before he had fully recovered from his recent sickness W. B. W right was uttacked with inflammatory rheumatisn n the left arm and was compelled to take a lay-off and went to Hot Springs for treatment. It is hoped that he may lie benefitted. John Plunkett is in charge of his section. A destructive fire raged east of town during the past week. A large territory was burned over and much grass and timber destroyed. It also burned about seventy-five tons of hay belonging to H. T. Zerbe, together with a tent, camp outfit, bedding, nnd saddle. P. N. Kirkpatriek and John Finley lost ten tons of hay, two sickles and a sickle- grinder. It is supposed that the fire originated from sparks from a passing engine, and representatives of the com pany were looking the matter up the first of the week. . Another turn was taken in the court n the 04 matter last w eek and the sher iff was sent out with some papers on which to take take some cattle whose hides were adorned with that brand and in the possession of James 1L Cook to which Grace V. Snyder claimed an in terest. Shortly after the alien n started out County Treasurer Biehle heard of it and as there is a good sum of taxes due to the county on that famous brand of cattle he concluded that to fulfil his du ties had better get the cattle before the sheriff did. Accordingly he made out a distress warrant and started for Agate Springs, reaching there about fifteen minutes before the sheriff, and got enough cattle to pay, at least, a part of the taxes. Nothing further has been done in the suit. The report from various parts of the county are that feed is extremely scarce and the owners of stock in some instances are at their wits' end to know what to do in the matter. The season hoe been so dry that the grass is very short and thin on the range, so that to expect to take cattle through on that, with no feed for them la case deep snow will likely result in severe loss. Some will sell everything that is marketable and others will move to where they can obtain feed. It is said that along the Platte in BcotU Bluff county alfalfa hay can be bought for one dollar a ton with plenty of outside range for nothing, That being the case it would be good place to take stock to winter. IMI'ORTAXT TO SCHOOL TEACH ER AS D OFFICERS. Eia.iaatlMf Set Held According to Law aid Crrtlflcates Worthless. Teachers Oat of Lurk. An investigation of the records and facts connected with the oltice of coun ty superintendent of public instruction discloses the fact that some peculiar tactics have tieen resorted to in its con duct, which does not apuearlo reflect any credit on ttie official in charge of the interests of education in Sioux county. Early iu tlu season notice was given that all those who expected to teach in the public schools of Sioux county dur ing the ensuing school year would be ex pected to comply with the law in regard to attending inslitue. Tlie notice was officially given by W. H. Davis, Co. Supt. The institute began on June 22. 1H96, and closed July 3, lH'.IG, the last two days, July 2 and 8, 1H90, having been occupied in tlie examinations of appli cants for certificates to teach. No other examination was held during the mouth of July, 190. The law in regard to examinations is as follows: 47 KibC. 3. TYarhcr't examination. 1 The coauty mitierlnteiideiit sliull examine all person offering themselves an touchers for the public schools, and hIihII tilteu at tlie county neat upon the third Saturday In each month In the year for that purpose, anil at uch other times ami places us he may select, by giving not 1 than live days notice In some paper published In Ills coun ty, or. It there be no paper published III such county, then lie shall cause to be posted up n three publla places In the precinct where such examination Is to take place, not lets than live days prior to such examination, a notice of the time and place thereof. Any ceriltlcate granted at any other time or plce Ulan those specified above stiall be null and void. Anil any county superinten dent who shall violate the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction of the same, be fined Iu any sain uot lass than twenty- live dollars. According to the above law none of the certificates issued as the result of the examinations held at the close of the institute, on July 2 and 3, 1H90, are of any value whatever, for while County Superintendent Davis was very particu lar to notify those intending to teach that they must comply with the law, he failed to comply with the law himself and as a result of such failure, after they had beer, to the trouble and ex pense of attending the institue and standing the examination, he rewarded them with certificates worth no more to them than the pajr on which they were made out, as he utterly failed to give notice as required by law as to where and when the examinations were to take place. From the law and the facts in the case it would seem to be necessary for all teachers holding certificates issued on examination held at the time of in stitute to present themselves and take examination legally. The fact the Mr. Davis dated the certificates two weeks after the close of the institute closed is not sufficient to enable them to make a legal contract witti a school board and unless they have a legal contract they cannot collect pay for their work. The records of the county superinten dent show that in some other instances applicants have been granted certificates otherwise than according to the law quoted, and it will be observed that he is liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars for violations of the law in regard to the examination of persons presenting themselves for teachers, and there is no doubt that he and his bonds men are liable on his official bond to any teacher who may have sustained any damage by reason of his failure to perform the duties of his office as pro vided by law and as he in his official oath swore he would do. The lot of the school teacher in Sioux county is not a very pleasant one at best and for them to be put to extra trouble and expense by what seems to be the gross careless ness or maladministration of the county superintendent is, indeed, putting a hardship upon them. PERSONAL. V. Wohllieter was up from Bodarc Monday. Mrs. Herman Hibbeln was at Harrison on Friday. W. L. Ashbrook was at the county seat on Sunday. Donald Kemp arrived yesterday on a stock buying expedition. C, F. Coffee and M. C, Doan were at Harrison the last of the week. Rev. D. J. Clark spent most of last week in the vicinity of Rawhide, Wyo. A. R. Kennedy was up from Crawford Friday looking after his farm northwest of town. C. F. Carlton was in Harrison the first of the week selling goods and visiting relatives. William Ogg was up from Running Water and called to chat for a few mo ment with us on Monday. Sam Jacobs, representing a prominent publisher of New York, was in Harrison Tuesday. II is booming the new edi tion of Chambers Encyclopedia. Mr. and Mrs. S. Tebbet drove up from Five Points Monday, remaining to at tend the social in the evening, as the guests of County Clerk and Mrs. Blew , IU I'Ual Proof Notice. All prrwn harlnif flnul proof notices In thin paper n'ill receive a marked four of Itie paper unit are rej ilcunl to examine then ' i0J a't.' rert " Timber t'ultore, Final Proof. Xot ice for . Publication. I'nited States Land Office. Alliance Neb. July ss. issu. Notice Is hereby given thai John K. Cook of Uoyvilli-, Neb., bus rtjed notice of inlenlion Ui make final proof before M. J. Hlewelt, hl office ill Iiairioii. Neb., tm tlie a day of tjeptmiiber, IrtSti, on tun j MUM, T7 a fjijvituuii i.i. iu iui tile II. 3 ne. it. i. n . i4 qii irter of section No. S, iu township Nu. Mu., range No. w. He tuinu-s as wiliu;i-w: Marr K. Cr.iliain, ul Uovvilk-, Neb., S. r. U. Unwell, " " l.cwi i,eriach. of Harrison, 1.. J. Mutinous " alo Notice I hereby given that Kdwanl A. Weir, of chad ron. Neb., has liled notice of intention to make dual proof at name time and place on timber culture application No. f or tile hw. quarter of section No. I, in township No. 31, range No. 50. ' lie names as witnesses: l-ewi ijei iuch, of Harrison, Neb. John 11. Uarlell, " " H. V. 1. KaMM-tt, of Royville, " 1. II. tiriwwokl, of Harrison, ulso Mary K. lirahuui, of Koyvllle, Neb, who made II. K. No. 3417 lor thu sc. ec. 1, tp. u., r. SB . He names the following wltni'naes U prove hlx coiuiniioiis residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vix : . I '. 1). Ilusselt, of Koyvllle, Neb. tiohn K. l ook, " Lew Is (ierlach, of Harrison L. J. Simmon, ' J. W. Wkiix, Jr., Itegister. Notice to Xon-ltesiilent Hefeiidiiuts. TolJeorge W.C0I1I1, Ida A. Cobb, his wife, nnd W. J. ilowden, non-resident defend an Ui. You and each of yon 1110 hereby notified that 011 tlie find day of July, li, William II. Male, iienjamln llraham, Wiilmni Halls, Jr., and Harris II. Hayilen, plalnlifTs herein, filed their petition in tlie aliove entitled fHtiac, tu the District Court of Sionx Coun ty, Nfhrttiku, against you as defendants, tlie object and prayer of which Is to fore close a certain Mortgage Trust Deed tixucu tod on tlie and day of December. IH;i, by George W. Colli), and Ida A. Cobb, upon the property ilewrllied lis follows: Uil three and Ike Northeast ijuurlcr of tlie Kouth west Ijuarter, and the West Half of Ihr Houthuint Quarter, of Meet Ion Nineteen (1), Township Thirty four 1 34) North, Kange Fit ty-slx (i) West of the eith I'. M., in Mom eounty.Nebrasku. given to secure the pay ment of a certain ttrst mortgage bond uiadi-, executed and delivered by l.eorge Vt'.Cobli, and Ma A. Cobb, to W. I.. Telford for the sum of Two Hundred, Twenty Hve (S-K5.00) dollars, due and payable on the ttrst day of DecemlM-r, lsin, which said mortgage bond has tieen sold, uHiigued and delivered to )lnl n llfT-i herein who are now the owners thereof ; that there is now due and puvahlc on said bond the sum of lii.'.KT, with Inter est thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from December 1st, IH1!4; that there la due the further sum of, for taxes paid by said plaintiffs, with interest thereon nt the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the Mali day of Kcpteinlicr, IKdfi, for which sum, with Interest plaintiffs pray for a de cree that tlie defendants pay tlie name, and that lu dufault of suclt payment said prem ises riuiy be s ld to satisf y tlie amount found iliip; that defendants be foreclosed out of all right, title, lien or eijulty at re demption In and to said premises, and for general relief. You are required to answer said petition on or Iiefore tlie 7th day of September, Isini. Dated at Harrison, Nebraska, July as, lS'JO. 47 '0 J. A. IUhf.ookk, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Notice tn Nnn-Rcsiileiit Def iiilnt To Klmer McKarllug, W. J. Bowden nnd I.. Alice Watson, non-resident defendants: You and each of you are hereby untitled that on the 17th day of July, lstw. Win. H. Male. Heulainiu liraham, William Halls, Jr., nnd Harris II. Ilnydeu, us plaintiffs, tiled their petition in the District Court of Mloux County, Nebraska, ng.ilust yon as de fendants, Impleaded with James T. Musuu and Mrs. Mason, his wife, Christian name unknown, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose n certain mortgage made by Klmer McKarllng upon the following real estate, to-wit: Lota Three (3) and Four (4) and the Mouth half of till! North West Quarter of .Section Kour (4), Township Thir ty 1:), North, Hango Fifty-three (M), in Sioux County, Nebraska, given to secure the payment of n certain coupon bond In writing, dated November 17th, Isss, made, executed and delivered bv Klmer McFar- lliu; to W. L. Telford, for (CiO.OO, with Inter est thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, nccoru Ing to the tenor of ten coupons thereto attached, which snld bond uud mortgage have been duly sold, assigned and delivered to these plaintiffs Iiefore maturity; to have nn Recounting of the amount of principal, 11 terest and taxes which luiiv be due ine plaintiffs, that defendants be ordered and decreed to nay the same, that in default of such payment the said mortgaged premises may be sold to satisfy tlie amount found due; and for general relief. You are required to answer sniu riciiuou 011 or before the Ist day of Scptemlier, lsuti. J. A. HAHinclEK, 48 -SI) Attorney lor Plaintiffs. Dated at Harrison, Nebraska, tills 14th day ol August, ls:m. LOOK! HERE! DO YOU W ANT TO RAISE WATER? I will put you is a machine which will elevate from 300 gallons to 23,000 gal Ions per minute with the least possible power. It can be operated by windmill steam, water or horse power, It has been tried and its merits are known. It is just the thing to use in streams where a portion of the water can be used to elevate the other portion. .They are cheap. They are durable, They are simple. Tbey are up-to-date. Prices on larger machines or on iron work alone, furnished on application. Write for further information to, L. T. POOLE, Agent, Marslaed, Neb. FOB JMToney, Marsteller Bros. "The Old Reliable." Isador Richstein, DEALER IIsT Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, AGENT FOR Pabst's Celebrated BEER. HARRISON, - NEBRASKA. PIONEER PHARMACY Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils. JEWELRY, CLOCKS JISTID EA.HSTCY CALL AND SEE. J. E PHINNEY, HARRISON, READ CHI OFFER We will send THE SIOUX COUN TY JOURNAL until January 1, 1898 and the Toledo Blade for 3 months for Or the above papers and the Chicago Inter Ocean a year This offer is to all new subscribers and to those who are subscribers, provided they pay all arrearages on subscrip tion to date of settlement at the regular price. Cash in all cases will be required from those who wish' to take advantage of our campaign offer. The Journal is the only paper in Sioux county that i authorized to publish the official notice of the propoHcd amendments to the constitution, it is the official county paper, and is the only paper in Sioux county that is quali fied according to the Statute for the publication of legal notices and other notices repuired by the laws of Nebraska to be published. NOW IS THE TII1E TO SUBSCRIBE. YOTTIR, hart GOODS. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW (JOOI 8 PROPRIETOR.. NEBRASKA. THIS for $1.25.