The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 13, 1896, Image 5

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Democratic Pr Burst AM Bonds
In Their Indignation.
Ia every contest 1a Ohio, loss, Illinois
and Michigan when the lvaiu'rat were
on a tree Ulfi-r or lirip money platform
they have been oerw bcluiiugly beaten
What evidence hate we tbat there i lo
be a change ia 'IWf-.Montgomery (Ala.i
When great party has reached tbat
stage of mural depravity tbal such creat
ure an Tillman, Altgeid & Co. arc per
mitted to speak to it. much less take in
important part in moulding it politic,
ill con rut- is, huh-ed, about run. Wa
bash (III J.) Time.
American will never givp tbia crowd
control of the country until they shall
have falli-n to tin- level of I lie oltl World
communist. That Mill n bap'n this
year, at leant. The jieople must be de
graded in tlieir own esteem before they
will Tote for a war of class against
rlass, Memphis Scimitar.
The finnneial plunk in the platform
adopted by the Iemoeratie national con
vemiou at Chicago ia distinctly a declara
tion for aiteb repudiation of existing
debta, ptiblie and private, a can lie
ecured by the enforcement upon the
country legal tender money of a de
1. lined ailver coinage conformed to a de
graded atandnrd of money. New Or
leana Picayune.
Scratch a ailver man mid yon come to
a I'opulist. In the heart of each burn
the denire to get a mueli as possible and
give ai little. If either of them hap
pen to l a debtor, tbia desire take the
form of repudiation. A mint of them
are debtors repudiation in the Ihing they
are for, and in the Chicago platform
they go fur it straight. --.New York
It is but proper to say In fairness and
justice to the. grand old Democratic
party of Hamilton, Jefferson and .Iflck
tuiD that we cannot depart Iroin the
way of the father upon the tiiianeiiil
question, and. therefore, cannot, much
to our regret, follow the I lemoerntic
banner as it trail" into a foreign cunip:
aud must, ii a mutter of self-respect,
refuse to support Mr, Bryan upon the
financial plat form tijion which he ha
been placed and stand. -Diiytnn ((I.)
Till the mutest la decided our voice
ahall be raised and our influence given
for the election of Mr, McK inner to the
presidency. The security of the cur
rency ia the paramount question of the
hour. It ecllnse issues. Believing that
thia aecurity can bent be attained by
the inw of the Id-publican party,
'p promise it our sincere and hearty
supjmrt for ita preaidetitinl ticket in the
impending eninpaign. We havp never
Isdieved that the Republican party made
the liest selection possible to it, but it
ia difficult to nee how any candid man
can deny that the selection of the Iteptib
licini party a eminently more fitting
ait' appropriate. There ia an absence
of dignity in the Democratic selection
which ia seen both in the candidate
himself and in the circumstances Hint at
tended hia nomination. Boston Herald.
The true interest of the people nsk
. for the election of Mr, McKinley, not
r r himself but for the absolute ne
cessity of the whole people of the t'nit
,,M States and of the greater world of
' which they are after all but part. In
any event let us lie reasonable. Don't
talk of "aectintialimu" or of "anarchy"
, r of "revolution." Remember always
' hat compared with the unity of country
j"he gold standard ia not worth fighting
'or; one country, one dug. Springfield
id-publican (Ind.-Dem.)
No reasonable man can nsk the Times
to stultify and dishonor itself and long
tiuied Democratic principles. While sup
porting to the best of onr ability the
state nominations for executive offices
and legislative nominees, ne feel a km i red
that all true Democrat will justify us
in deciding that we ennnot give the sup
port of the Times to the Chicago eon
rent ion and Its politically diseased citwli
date. Wo shall do nil we can to sustain
the good name and the organization of
the Democratic party, but we cannot sup-
Krt principles nor candidates of the
land, Teller and A It geld stripe. We
cannot conscientiously ask honest men
to rote for them. Hartford Times.
We repudiate the 10 to 1 plank in
Bryan's Chicago platform and will not
support any candidate on such a plat
form, It is too I'opulistic and Nihilistic.
-Machia (Me.) Union.
Our worst fears havp not only been
realised but new and horrible doctrines
have been added to the Chicago platform,
which ennnot possibly bind a Democrat
who is unwilling to abandon the funda
mental principles of his party. Kich
tnond ( a.) 'limes.
What Harry Bingham feared only as a
bare possibility has come to be a stern
reality. The "madmen" of whom he
spoke have controlled the national con
vention and declared for free silver at
111 to 1. The Democrats of New Hamp
shire cannot "o with them. Manchester
N. H.) t'nioii.
Circumstances have made William Mc
Kinley the limn nronnd whom nil must
rally who desire to defeat determinedly
the candidate for the pm-mlo-Democracy,
Williiim ,1. Bryan, who Mauds for fiat
money under the guise of bimetallism;
for nullification of lawfully-contracted li
abilities; for communism nod lawless
ness, McKinley and the party he repre
sents have until now induced Democratic
and indepndeiit voters to look for means
by which they could avoid be necessity
of supporting the Republican ticket. This
has been shown to be hopeless, a ml there
is no other way but to offer our support
to our old opponents." New Vork Stoats
Zeitung. the leading Kuslern German
DeiniMTttlic daily.
We have no fear that the sound-money
Democracy will acquiesce in a free silver
plulforui, n lieket of repudiation, of an
archy mid the trampling out of the
rights of (he sound mouev deb-gates In
Ihe convention. A bolt Is inevitable. A
Democratic ticket for which Democrats
can vote ia becoming a necessity. j(
will lie su.pli. The Anarchist's, the
Populists, the Communists nu, n,
ists who arc controlling this convention
will never control this country; they will
never control the Democratic party,
Brooklyn lOagle.
The parting of Ihe ways has been
reached, and for the sake of parly hon
esty mid electoral integrity it la to be
hoped that the division will be com
plete. A paramount issue like that for
Ihe pending coinage question demands
n K-edy settlement rind a voter's eon vie
tlons niioii It have not been subordinat
ed to the d (mils of party expediency,
There etui lie no honorable compromise
with or submission to the free slWer fac
tion. Galveston News,
Hpcnking for Itself, the Courier ctnaot
so far forget its duty to it constituency
is to advocate supisirt of the Chicago
pronouncement. The declarations con
tained therein are abhorrent to Demo
cratic ideas; they are not expressive of
Democratic doctrine. Kree coinage of
silver itself alone, with or without its at
tendant consequence is an economic
proposition. Is of minor Importance In lit
Influence for good or evil upon the peo
ple of this country compared with the
other declaration of party policy rg-
presM-d in tue platform. Syracuse Cou
rier. It is iltogether probable tint the
Di tnocrats who love Democracy ami who
decline to be counted among its betrsvers
rtill Lave a ticket id the near futurs that
iviil satisfy tneir desires and aim. Tb.
uiUJ Us the must desirable result, but,
cuuie ht may. the Chronicle bolVis
itlf from all responsibility for he ut
IeiaUis of tbe alleged Democratic lull
ieiitu.0 just closed at Chicago, ami
pledges itself to aid in tbe defeat of its
nominees. To participate iu a ca np iigu
for such a ticket on such a platform
would be to lie untrue to every patriotic
Democratic principle. I Jt Crosse tWU.f
A bright young man with a t'lv-ry,
demagogic tongue is planted on the snti
Demoiralic platform adopted at Chiiigo,
ami the excited victims of a singular and
illogical craiee vie with tbe syuipatUixera
with Anarchy and Populism in the long
acclaim to William J. Bryan, ihe elo
quent and eccentric representative of the
Imlters of Nebraska. . . , Tbe plat
form and fhe candidate threaten a par
alysis of business until the day of elec
tion: for a longer eriid if success could
possibly attend; aud they condemn the
Deuiocratic party to a fate tiiat would
lie death to any other party, but the
Democratic party is undying. Uticn Ob
server. Will Ldm Hundreds f Thousands.
Savannah News; All Democrats will
not approve the declaration iu respect
to coinage, bonds, die currency,, income
tax and railroads. These iatter declara
tions are iu in h more Poimlislic than
Democratic. It looks very much as if
they were put into the platform for the
express purpose of currying favor with
the Populists. In fact, if we are not
mistaken, Henator Tillman said in his
speech in the contention that the purpose
of them is to influence tbe Populists to
come into the lines of the Democracy
and become a part of the Democratic
party. He did not seem to take into
consideration the fact that tbe adoption
of Popullstic declarations might not
break up the Populist party, but would
pretty certainly drive hundreds of thou
sands of Democrats out of the Democrat
ic party.
tloss Champion of Ilorilr.
Trenton (N. .1.) American (Dem.1:
Hut. whatever may be the course of the
jsiliticians and the party leaders, there
will lie thousands ,f Democrats in New
Jersey who not in resentment of the
contumely with which e state and its
Interests have bis-n i a ted, but from
personal and public motives will refuse
to give their approval to a convention
and a candidate which have publicly
and vainglorionsly threatened the de
struction of the nation's credit, the dim
inution of values, the retardment of busi
ness, the attack on property, and the tri
umph of disorder above the law and
those called upon to administer it. And
they will so refuse in the belief that
all other party issues fade into insignifi
cance iu comparison with the issue as it
has been formula ted at Chicago.
Danger to Llhorty.
Galveston News: The fact is that 1
programme formulated at Chicago mere
ly marks the skirmish line of a great and
final battle for social revolution, indus
trial reconstruction, and constitutional
subversion. Without consitutional safe
guards there can !o no assurance of pHh
er free government or individual liberty.
An unchecked social Democracy means
no law but the law of brute force, no
rule ami no order but the rule and order
of irresponsible tyranny. Intelligent
citizen grounded In wholesome appre
ciation of the constitutional essentials
of a stable republic, who supremely
cherish the priceless interests of consti
tutional lils-rty and security, who feel
that there can lie no true progress with
out the conservation of tfiese interests,
will not fail to see In present emergen
cies where their common danger lies.
Realizing also that the problem of de
fense is their common concern, they can
well understand that how they may best
proceed to combat, defeat ami disarm
their common enemy is a question of
momentary expediency to lie decided in
the light of current events and modify
ing circumstances.
Son tli Dakota Views.
Sioux Palls Argiis-Ieader: The Dem
ocrats have declared for a policy which
will inevitably establish the single silver
standard; will, in our opinion, wreck the
iintioiiul credit and reputation; will, for
many years, make commercial confidence
impossible; will spread ruin over the
land; will destroy all bopea of bimetal
lism in the generation; and will indefi
nitely postisine a revival of good times.
I'uder these circumstances the Argus
Lender can see Its duty only in one chan
nel. Believing, a this paper does, that
the honor, safety and proMrity of the
I'nited States would lie seriously jeop
ardized by the success of the Democratic
party on its presetn platform, the Argus
Leader, with sorrow for the broken asso
ciations, with regret at parting from a
name it has revered and loved, but with
a consciousness of unavoidable duty,
withdraws from the grand old Demo
cratic party, which has, in our judgment,
left Its time-honored principle In pursuit
of strange gods, and will throw what
ever influence It may possess on the
side of the Notion's prosperity and honor.
To Attempt tli Impossible.
Staunton (Va.) News: A Jaw de
claring that wheat, regardless of the
surplus on the markets or the demand
for it. should sell tbe year round at $1
fler bushel, and that corn and oats,
no niatetr what their intrinsic value,
should always sell at the samp figure
as wheat, would be just as sensible as
a free coinage of silver law and would
Is- just a easy to carry into effect. The
gist of the whole matter is that to at
tempt to coin silver in unlimited quan
tities and to make It even in value at a
given fixed ratio with gold is to attempt
the impossible and to do what in the
very nature of things cannot be done.
Looking to tbo Mo York Convention.
Syracuse News: The Chicago plat
form is a wide departure from the plat
form adopted by the lust Democratic
state convention at Saratoga. It wits
so wide a departure that tbe New York
delegation felt compelled to abstain
from participation in the nomination of
candidates on that platform. It re
main for the coining Democratic state
convention to formulate the policy of
the New York Democracy. That con
vention. In nominating .presidential elec
tor, will point the way to Democrat
which shall lead to tbe preservation of
the party the preservation of its un
sullied honor and integrity. The party
which this year celebrates it 100th an
niversary will not lie permitted to go
down to a dishonorable grave.
Mo Kxuoso for the Inanlt.
Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser: Thou
sand and thousand of Democrat in
Alabama will learn with mingled emo
tion of anger and shame that a Demo
cratic national convention declined to de
clare of Orover Cleveland the simple
truth tbat hi "honeaty, economy, cour
age, and Bdelity" deuvrved commenda
tion at the hands of Democrats. The In
tense Indignation which this action
cause to over 00,000 avuud money Dem
ocrat in Alabama I heightened wl
the voice of the Ib moeracy of the state
la recorded a In favor of this insult to"
their leader. The intensest heat and
partisanship in favor of free ilver cau
not excuse it. A few more such blows
will render luevlaMe the outbreak of
dlaaension whlcfc ear will not quiet or
Th German Democratic Press Bolt
the Chicago Ticket.
Chicago Stuiii Zc.lui g- The Oemoc
Mi y wbiib di-clap-d ii-e.'f Ut week u
Chicago is a ti.-w and Uegi-iulutrd edition
of the D-mociacy of 101; iu it rcijns
the old Bum bun spirit which uever learns
aud never forgeis. Who. thetefoie, de
sires that the I uiled States should fur
ther develop their minimal omani'in;
that the national government should Is
further strengthened iu ihe interest of
all; that national honor be kept umie
filed; that the national credit le kept in
tuit, turns away from a Denes-racy
which has placed -itself nt tbe dis nisal
of destructive forces and joins tbat party
which was called in 1;1 to save the
I'liion, and which iu ibis year again
has the patriotic duty to purify the na
tional organism from the poison of the
I'opulistic DenuM racy.
The Issue is not one of party, but of
the highest achie einents of the nation,
which can lie kept sisuie only by the
authority of the Federal government, by
an honest currency and by an iuassiiil
able credit.
Iowa Tribune (Dem ), Dnvensirt The
recklessness U,i1 fanaticism of the silver
Iople at the Chicago convent inn, who
trampled all nppositnu under foul, has
made a very bad impression even upon
many of those who sympathize with the
thi-ory of the ih basers of mouev. Tin
majority of our voters is not ready bj
any means to deliver the mil ion to such
crazy deiiiiigogiH-j) as Bryan. Waite, Till
man and others.
Waechler und Anzeiger (Dem. I, den
Ism! -The currency plank, with its dc
cisive declaration against tbe gold tnnil
ard, which, with total disregard of tie
eutire other world of culture and om
merce, is declared to be an Ktiglisb i.isli
tution and is stigmutued as such, u nil.
the free coinage ot silver at the ratio ut
10 to 1 is demanded as an immediate
measure of government, cannot i'ail to
make an altogether revolutionary imprcs
sion. We should nol be at all surprised
If this new should cause in Kuropc a
decline of Aiticrican securities iu ill ox
changes; anticipated this decline has long
been. '
Ixiuisville Anr.eiger I Dem.) Nonsense,
thou prevnilcst! l-'roin (Irover Cleveland
to William Jennings lirynn- this is a
jump for which the real Democrat i not
so easily ready. The Anzeiger prefers at
any rate not to make it. Alter the mhip
lion of the platform the Anzeiger hud no
need to pause a moment for I lie il-lnr i
tion that it Would not support the can
didate, who would accept the noniin ition
upon this platform. The nomination of
Bryan makes this dntv easier and more
agreeable. Bland and Boies would have
been fought by the Anzeiger on dec unit
of the cause which they represent. In
Bryan we do not only light the cause but
the person. Only a convention wnich
placed Tillman above Clevelnnd and
Blackburn above Carlisle would perpe
trate Ihe bad joke to present the .voting
hero of phrases from the West for the
highest ollice in its gift.
Heeboto (Dem.), Milwaukee: As the
close of the century has brought forth
the abominable "new woman," who
rides a bicycle, smokes, drinks, wears
trousers ami tears herself loose from all
old customs, so there has arisen in Chi
cago, imbued with the same revolution
ary spirit, a "new Democratic party."
which stands everything tiuie-honored on
the head, denies the tradition's of the old
party, administer a kick to honesty and
decency and comes before the people
with a financial programme which is a
mockery to all reason. The "new wom
an" and the "new party" are genuine
fin de siecle experiences, and one would
consiileKneither of them seriously if they
were Hut so serious in (heir consequences.
They are on the one hand the regret
table and undeniable excrescences of the
liberality of social views and on the
other hand of the freedom of the politi
cal thought that the Constitution of the
I'nited States prevents nobody from mak
ing a fool of himself as often as he likes
Davenport Democrat (Dem): The
time has arrived for the clean separation
of the two irreconcilable wings of the
Democratic tin,"t". to which the Demo
crat has called attention for two years.
Those Democrats who remain true to the
unalterable national principles, as they
were proclaimed by Thomas Jefferson,
James Madison nnd the other "fathers of
the republic," enn have nothing in com
mon with the Populistic new Democrats
who stole the banner and the name of
the glorious old party to betray under
its shelter the sublime principles and to
throw the country into unspeakable mis
ery. .
Democrats Should Vote tor McKln
lay and Not Sacrifice Prln
, r clple to Party.
New York Sun: The political reasons
for not. putting up an honest-moiicy can
didate this year on a genuinely Deuio
cratic platform are strong and obvious.
The nomination of another Democratic
candidate would contribute to the per
sonal comfort of Democrats who are re
luctant to vote for Mr. McKinley, but
it would accomplish nothing else. And
this method of voting for a principle only
would surely imperil the result in many
a close stale
Better fHr to vote for principle in
a way that will count.
Kvcry Democratic vote cast for Wil
liam AlcKiuJey as the representative of
honest money and (he tuition's honor and
the preservation of deuiocratic institu
tions against the wild horde now pre
paring to attack them, will do just twice
as much service for the common cause
as can be done by a Democratic vote for
a third candidate standing no chance of
Let every Democrat who appreciates
the magnitude of the present crisis keep
this fact steadily in nund: His vote for
McKinley and Unhurt is worth double
his vote for the best Democrat that
the sane part of the party could put up
as n protest against the inqulty consuin
tnafeu at Chicago.
Is there any sincere Democrat -!n,,
understanding nli that the election menus
for our beloved country, is willing to
cut bis vote in two this year; to deprive
bis ballot of one-half lis clliciency'
It will be said that there are such
Democrats. It will lie said that there
lire Democrats who cull persuade I hem
selves under no circumstances to cast
their votes for any Republican candidate
for President. Perhaps that is so. Let
them register their protest against Chi
cago by refusing to vote for presidential
elii-lors. Let them concentrate their
partisun enthusiasm upon the stnte and
locul tickets. They will help in this way
to defend the nation's honor and the
continued existence of the institutions
which the reptidiators and the revolution
ists are assailing. They will help, it is
true, only half as much as if they voted
for McKinley nnd Unhurt, but they
would help not one particle more
than that by bestowing their votes upon
a sound-money Democrat nominated for
the soke of their persomil comfort and
political consistency.
On the other hand, there are hundreds
of thousands of Democrats, If not mil
lions of lliein, who see in the' present
crlsi a call to duty only less urgent and
Inspiring than that which summoned to
the front thirty-five year ago our patri
otic citizens, and made tbera almost for
get, as li't,' shouldered their guns and
fell into line for tbe L'uiou, whether they
bad pieriotisly styled themselves Repub
licans or Democrats. These men, iu tbe
absence of a satisfactory Deuiocratic can
didute on a sound plstiorm. will not ccn
Scixt to surrender oiie-baif ot tbe pounty
ot their suttragt-s tor iLi saki? of over
jenued idea of political oilisiisteucy.
'ibey will ttltil to put their voles fthele
their votes mil Ju the taost good as
agaiust Populism, repudiation and na
tional dishonor. They will tire their bal
lots straight at tbe common enemy, even
though the hallol be lals-led McKinley.
It would be a piece of political folly
amounting to crime to divert the atten
tion of this class of Democrat from the
maiu-qi on, and to jeopardize the re
sult of . election, by setting up inop
portune claims to a partisan allegiance
w hich, iu an emergency like this, is nom
inal at the best.
Mass every honest American Tote on
one candidate representing honest
money, the nation' honor, and the inten
tion of this iieople to preserve the gov
ernment and the institutions which their
fathers handed down to them. Waste
no iiiiimiiuilioii w hen Populism is shriek
ing its battle cry. and anarchy is lurking
close behind i the rear with torch iu
McKinley' js-rsonality is nothing in
this coniesr. His previous political affili
ations are nothing. Accident has decreed
that he shall stand for the time for some
thing a thousand times more precious
than any party budge.
Hie Republican Party's Consistent
Stand as Regards the Tariff.
Prom ISVs to lSHU, the period of maxi
mum national prosperity under Republic
an economic policies which the first
Cleveland admiliiitrut ion, lacking euti
trol of Congress, was unable to disturb
I be foreign movement of our gold gave us
practically no concern. It is illustrated
in the appended table:
IsJV Imports ,$ 4.1'..,,7iiO
IsTU .liiiporls 1, 0.(7, .'"..'.t
Ismi. .Iinijnris 77 11H,:s71
issi I,,,,,,,,, 7.-liiii.lL'7
tss-j .Iijiiii-is 1. 174
tss.-!. .Imports u i:.iil
iss I. . Experts JS.-j-i.iiu
tss.'p. .Imports IS '.'l.-f.sot
iswi. . t-Apiiris , 'J-.'.l'os.M
17. . Iinitorts ;u;,J0i,-(H
lsv .Imports L'.-..-"iS,o.s:i
ls,-'.i. . Kvports -it) iiili.47
Iv.hi, , Kxporis 4.;',.'(1,1 III
Is'U . .Kxporls lx.l;tip'tis,7
1M1L. . Kxpurts -4tCi.N7;t
During nine of these fifteen years the
trend of the gold movement was in onr
favor, nnd during only two of the remain
ing six years that is to say. iu IMS!) and
l.Mil -was the outward movement large
enough to infract attention. In IKS!)
there were large importations under the
tariff of 1 ss; I for the purpose of antici
pating the increased duties of the Mc
Kinley bill, and this caused an outward
Mux of gold in payment. In 1K!)1 the ex-ti'Horilimn-y
outflow arose largely because
of the Burhg failure, which caught ill
its crash many foreign holders of Ameri
can securities, who. being pinched for
ready money, hud to return some of those
securities to this country fror redemption.
These explanations are ouipie to account
for the exceptional exports which char
acterized two of the years of the Harri
son administration, when the revenues of
(he country were upon a highly protective
basis. Adding imports together ,-iud com
puting results tor the liftecti years in
question we find that the aggregate im
ports of gold exceeded the aggregate ex
ports to the amount of .SUll.."i!i,S..'HO.
During this period the national debt was
reduced from W,3-I'.).r.i7.2.'t2.()4 in 1879 to
ifl,rsi:i,til2.4ri.-.ii;i in lHr', n total reduc
tion of $T.So,SC.4.77l'i.41.
Now let us turn to flip years from 1803
to l.Hlsl, when "turiff reform" held the
. (Cxports 87,.VMn3
':(""! 4..'i2K.(l.'
Xli., I-.xporta Rit.StK4.4ltl
1SIK1 . Kxuort 71 nt ;Si'2
Rleveii months ended May
' Here we have a total loss of gold (Jur.
ing the short era of Dciimcriitjc "tariff
reform" of S I !)7. .".",!. I ir,. or a net loss in
four years of S!t."i.!s;o iivii V(.,. t. M,f
gain accumulated during the preceding
fifteen years During these same disas
trous four years of Wilsnu-( forma u tar
iff reform, the national debt has been In
creased in principal $L'ii(),4r4,.'!,'iO. nnd in
interest, yet to be paid almost ,2."i() (KK) -(SHI,
or over $500.I)00,IMIO j all. Had
the voters of the Cnilod States not heed
ed the false arguments of Democracy in
1S'.)2 the national debt, instead of being
increased in principal aud interest over
half a billion dollars in the intervening
four years, would, at the sainc rate o
decrease which prevailed from 187!) to
IH'.rj, have been lowered to the extent of
JlLM,"iri,S,fil)7.;i2, and instead of a loss of
$l!(7.r:il,10(i through gold exports we
should, nt the ratio of the preceding fif
teen Republican years, have had a net
gain through imports amounting in the
four years to $27.HN.-,,0l:. Uecnpitulat
ing these losses, and not saying anything
of the tremendous personal losses 'inflict
ed by the "(in-i(T reform" experiment
upon all classes of American citizens
tor these in the aggregate are obviously
inciilciilalile we find that the "chumre o'f
1W.I2" from .McKinley protection to Wil
son -( Jorum n free trade him cost the gov
ernment of the 1'nited Slates directly, in
its final s, not less thun S!W!.i74,-
(!2.i,.'!2. a conclusion reached as follows:
Loss of gold through actual
export lfi7,.l:tl, 100.00
Loss of gold through what
would have been Imported
hid the lteniibllcau rutin
from 187.S to lM'.u: obtained
from 1H!C to lHPi! 27.08r.012.CH)
Loss through Increase la na
tional debt ."OO.OoO.utiO.tKI
Loss through what would
have been the reduction of
debt hint the Republican ru
tin of debt reduction which
prevailed from 1X711 to 18U2
prevailed also from 18'.rj to
tH!ii! 224,M8.!WI7..'!2
Total loss $!(P.174,(K.i..'!2
This loss has nothing to do wilh the
question whether a gold or n silver
standard is the better. It is a direct
fruit of the Democracy's unwise agita
tion against protection: a palpable dem
onstration tlntt the tariff is emphatically
an issue in this campaign. Scrniiton
(Pu.) Tribune.
The llulliltng Associations I'ahh Kenolu
liuna on ta Money IJuestlon.
At Ihe annual meeting of the United
males League of Local liuililing Associa
tions held in Philadelphia, July 2: 1, the
following resolution on the money ques
tiou was adopted :
The United State League of Local
Building and Loan Associations, iu con
vention assembled, declares: 1. That it is
the sense of (his meeting that the interest
of oil shareholders of building and load
associations in the United States de
uiaiids that the present standard of value
upon which our monetary system has
been bused since the resuinptiou of specie
payments in 1 878 shall remain unchanged
and inviolate. 2. That wa believe that
the interest of every cluss in the tom
niunity, nud especially those of the greut
wnge-eii ruing clas, imperatively J,,,
mauds that the present standard of value
whether coin or paper, shall be cqii-tl in
value to every oilier. J. That patriotism
demands that the "dollar" bearing (he
mint mark of Ihe United States shall be
Ihe cuuiil of the dollar of the most ad- i
van ced nation and entitled to full faith
and credit all over the world; and lo i
that end it must be maintained free from ,
nil suspicion, debasement, or repudiation, j
Principle Above Party for Nearly
200 Democratic Editors.
Cp to date 19V Deuiocratic oewspapeti
have bolted. By locality tbe iuiio'iii
tio(viti is made:
Sw f Bgiand
Connecticut-Hjrtfoiii limes, Bridgeport
Taruier, Meriuvn Journal, New Hrt'iiln
Herald. Hartford Telegram. New Havuu
Hegisier. ,Ww Hateu News. Waierbury
American. ludbaui County Reformer,
Utcfiuetd Impilrer.
Main Irfwision Sun. Muehlas Cnloa.
New llstiipsiiiri W.-iiu-hesler t'nlou.
ttiiode Island Providence Journal, Provi
dence Telegram.
Vermont lieuiilngtoB Reformer, Brattle
boro Reformer.
Massachusetts Boston Herald. Boston
Globe, Boston Post. Fltchburg Mall, Hol
yoke Free Press, Lowell Times. Nortb
Adams Iiemocrat, Milford Times, Sprtng
tlelii Republican. Lowell Star. Balem New 4.
1'iltsBeld Journal, Uordner News.
Middle mutes.
New York Harper's Weekly, New fork
Handel's Keltung, New York Nun, New
Vork Times, New York Herald, New York
World, New York fctsais-Zetiuiig. New York
Post, New York Irisli-Auierlciiu. Brooklyn, Brooklyn hagle, Buffalo 'ourler.
Buffalo Kuquirer. I ilea Observer. Troy
l'ress, Albany Argus, Syracuse Herald.
Syracuse Courier, Youkers Gazette. Buffalo
Iiemokrat, Koine Ilally Sentinel, Hornells
ville Times, f'ishklll News, Oohoea Dispatch,
Peun Van Iieuiocrat, Puughkeepsie Knter-
frise, Puughkeepsie News-Press. Rochester
'ost mid Beobacheter. Corning Democrat,
Syracuse News. Ogdeusburg Advance, Fort
Plains Standard. Binghamton Herald.
PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia Record, Phil
adelphia Times, Philadelphia ;ermuii Dem
oeral, Kastou Kxpress, Kaslon Argus.
Northampton Correspondent, Pottsvllle
Chronicle, Krle Herald, VYilkesbarre VVaeeh
ter, Doylestown Democrat, Lock Haven
Democrat, Chaiiibersburg Valley huh-lt,
Counellsvllle Courier, McKeesporf .News.
Alleulowu Item. Philadelphia Neue Welt.
Wllllauispurt Sun.
New Jersey Jersey City News, Elizabeth
Herald, Trenton True American, Treuioo
rimes. Newark Sews, Newark Hunday Call,
Newark Deutsche Zeltung, Hoboken Ob
server, Harrison Record, Souiervlile Mea
eager, bomeret Democrat
Tbe West.
Illinois Chicago Chronicle, Chicago
Stauts Zeltung, Chb-ugo Abeudpost, Peoria
Deuiukrat, Peoria Herald, Meuduta liepor
ler, (HluHo Free-Trader.
Indiana Lafayette Journal. Wabash
Times, Indianapolis News, Seymour Demo
crat. Iowa Davenport Per Peinokvat, Daven
port Democrat, KIoux Cltv Tribune, Bur
lington Volksfremid. lies Moines Anzeiger.
Dea Moines Reform, Davenport Tribune,
Waterloo Tribune. Dubuque Herald. Mur
shalltown Statesman, Slgnumey Review,
Michigan Detroit Free l'ress, Lansing
Journal, Detroit Abeudpost, Detroit Volks
bhitt, Lake Linden Times.
Minnesota -St. Paul Globe.
Nebraska Butte Gazette.
Ohio Dayton Times. DuVton V'olks Zelt
iing, Columbus Dispatch. Zanesvllle Ger
man Post. Cincinnati Volksf reund, Cleve
land Wuechter and Anzeiger, Cincinnati
South Dakota RIoui Fulls Argus-Leader.
Slum City Tribune.
Wisconsin-.Milwaukee Journal, La Crosse
Chronicle, Milwaukee Heebote. Manitowoc
Pilot. Watertowii Welt burger, Milwaukee
Grrmanla, .Milwaukee Friedenker, Ithlue
lander Herald, Eau Claire Leader. Sheboy
gan National Democrat iGerman), Prairie
du Chicn Courier.
The Soutli.
Alabama Mobile Register, Montgomery
Advertiser, Birmingham News, Huutsville
DelKware-W 'mlngton Every Kveuing.
Wilmington State.
Florida Key West Equator Democrat.
Jacksonville Citizen. Hnntsville Tribune.
Georgia Atlanta Journal. Savannah News
Maeou Tell graph,
Kentucky Louisville Courier-Journal.
Ijiulsvllle Post. Louisville Times. Louisville
Anzeiger, l.evinglon Herald, Shelbyvllle
Sentinel, Frankfort Call, Frankfort Capital,
Russellville Herald (weekly), .Mavflekl Moni
tor (weekly), Shelbyvllle Sentinel (weekly),
Owlngsvllle Outlook (weekly), Mount Ver
non F.sgle (weekly). SheperdsTllle Pioneer
Louisiana New Orleans States, New Or
leans Picayune., Louisiana Democrat.
Maryland Baltimore Sun, Baltimore
Ne ivs. ,
MississippL-Jaekfion News. Vlcksburg
Post, Canton Times, Greenville Times.
Missouri Kansas City Star, St. Louis
Arbeiter des Weslens, St. Louis Anzeiger,
St. Louis Ameriks.
South Carolina Charleston News and
Tennessee Chattanooga Times, Memphis
Relineler, Nashville Banner, Nashville
Texas Austin Statesman, Dallas News,
C.ulvestou News. Galveston Tribune, San
Antonio Express, Dennison Gaizctte, Den
nison Herald.
Virginia Richmond Times. Richmond
State.. Petersburg Jndei-Appeal, Alexan
dria Times, Staunton News.
West Virginia Charleston News, Charlei
ton Patriot.
German papers Chicago Staats-7,eltung,
Chicago Abeudpost, Louisville Anzeiger,
St. Louis Arbeiter des Westons, New York
Stants-Zeltung. Wilkeshorre (Pa.) Waeehter,
Davenport (la.) Demokrat, Milwaukee See
bote, Buffalo Demokrat, Rochester Post
unit Beobaehter. Wafertown Weltburger,
Milwaukee GermanlR. Milwaukee Freiden
ker, St. Louis Anzeiger, St. Louis Ameri
ka, Newark Deutsche Zeltung, Peoria
fliemokrat, Burlington Volksfreund, Des
Moines Anezeiger, Detroit Abeudpost,
Zanesvllle German l'nst, Cincinnati Volks
freund, Cleveland Wuechter nnd Anzeiger,
Cincinnati Volksblatt. New York Handels
Zeltung, Philadelphia German Democrat,
Kaston (Pa.) Correspondent. Des Moines
(la.) Reform. Detroit (Mich.) Volksblatt,
Dayton (O.I Vnlkszeltittig. Sheboygan (Wis)
National Democrat. Watertowii (Wis.)
New England 30
Middle States... &i
South ,r7
West SO
Total bolters 1(W
Included In above total, 53 German news-
From a Pamphlet Kntftled "The Silver
What has been said about the merits
of the question in a philosophical sense
is plain nnd seems Bound, but may there
not be other reasons why silver should
be coined at the ratio of Hi to IV
What other reasons can there hp?
Well, such reasons us those given with
respect lo the debtor class as against the
creditor class.
Name some.
It is said that the country for the post
twenty years has been gradually getting
into the hands of what is culled the cred
itor class, which Is alleged to be a very
small proportion of the population, while
the greut majority have fallen into the
debtor class and into the absolute con
trol of the others. Now it is alleged that
these creditors, as a rule, are harsh and,
practically owning the majority of the
people and able to dictate to them, are
"sucking" whnt is called the "life blood"
out of the country.
Who are these terrible creditors who
are doing this'f Name a single class.
Well, tbe bnnker and money lenders,
for Instance; the "money power," as it is
Then the country is gradually getting
Into the hands of a class of which the
banker are the representatives, and
these "vampires" are sucking the "life
blood" out of the country, crushing the
energy out of the people and enslaving
them. That is the argument then, is it?
Well, you are from Kockford, 111. Ix-t
us take the situation right in Kockford.
Thnt city, as we understand it, is the
second largest fnrnitnre manufacturing
place in the world, being next to that of
(Jnind Hupids. Now, if what is said
about the terrible clas of creditors be
true, and If what is said about the uvvl'ul
condition of the debtor class be true, the
trouble must be ns lippnrent in Kockford
o Id any other place in the country, and
there the people who have created the
wealth, the worker, are gradually he
coming the alare of those who simply
handle tbe wealth after it is erea'ed,
the baukers, for instance. Now. what
is the real situation in Kockford? The'
number of bankers in that city is. alto
gether, thirteen, and the total amount of
caDitaf which these thirteen bankers have
is S375.1XSJ. The total amount of de
posit m thsir backs is $ii,4U0.00u. So
tbat these tLirteeci tankers. -ilh a total
paying capaciry of but $375,000, ate
entrusted with 3.44X,0O0 of other peo
ple's money uitb. which to do business
in any manner they choose. Upon its
face, it would seem that any numlier of
men who have a total paying capacity of
but S.'175,(ssj must lie of great integrity,
uprightness and reliability to lie entrust
ed by the very people with whom they
live and do business with whom thev
tlieir paying capacity, or $3,400,0(10.
Who are the people who have entrusted
this thirteen with so large a sum of
money, so much in excess of tlieir pay
ing capacity? Xhey numlier 9,500 in
that city of a total population of 30,000.
In this case, therefore, who are the
debtors? They are undoubtedly the
bankers. These thirteen men owe these
9,rs0 depositor $3,400,000.
Now, if all that has been said about
the rapacity of the creditor class be true,
think of the situation in which these de
positors have these poor bankers. If
all that has been said about: the povertv,
the wretchedness and the enslaved con
dition of the debtor class be true, think
of the miserable plight of these poor
What is true in Rockford must be
true of the whole country. The real
debtors of the country are bankers,
and the real creditors of the country
are the depositors, and it is to the credit
of the bankers of the United States,
as it is to the credit of the bankera of
Kockford, that although thev could nei
M per cent, on the dollar if the coinage
of free silver ut 10 to 1 were made legal,
by paying their depositors who have de
posited gold at 32 to 1 with them in
silver at but 10 to 1, none of the bank
ers of the City of Kockford, and but
very few of the bankers in the United
Mates, who would have so much to
gain by the adoption of this free silver
lunacy, have advocated this policy,
which would enable them at one stroke
t0; clear so much money.
This brief statement makes it plain
that all the vilification which has been
bestowed by 1'opulist orators and news
papers upon the creditor class of the
United States has been emitted because
of totally false misapprehension as to
who the creditors are, aud it is but u
sample of the profound ignorance under
lying the whole free silver agitation that
they have undertaken to describe us
vampires, blood suckers, Shylocks, etc.,
the great producing classes of this coun
try who are its real creditors and who
own all the money deposited in tlu
banks and upon which bankers do busi
ness and upon the borrowing of which '
most of the manufacturing and produc
tion of this country is carried on. So
that the I'opulists of this country who
have been claiming to be the friends of
the people, have been denouncing them
upon the supposition that the denuncia
tion has been describing the hankers:
whereas, the real truth is, the bankers
are the debtors and the depositors are
the creditors.
According to that the I'opulists won't
accomplish free silver?
Well, there are in the United Slates
0,000.000 depositors in the savings institu
tions ol the country, and thev own de
posits amounting to about $5,000,000,000.
If all the people in the United Slates
who can vote, should vote, the total vote
cast in a national election would be
about 14,000,000; but the largest average
national vote cast is about 11..0OO.0O0;
hence, the total number of depositors iu
savings institutions in this country large
ly outnumbers any majority of votes
which has ever been cast iu a national
In the single state of New York there
are 1,700,000 depositors in the savings
banks of thnt state. They have on de
posit $000,000,000. In the state of New
Vork there are but about 1,200,000 vot
ers; the number of depositors in the sav
ings banks of that state exceeds the
number of voters in that stale by 500,
000. These figures show the utter im
possibility of any such movement as the
free silver movement succeeding in this
country, because its success would in
volve the conversion of more people than
have ever voted on one side upon any
question in this country, to the abso
lute belief that it would pay them to set
tle with the savings institutions- in which
their money lies, at 50 cents on the dol
lar for every 100 cents on the dollar they
have on deposit.
From a Manifesto by the Illinois Sound
Money democrats.
A national convention convened under
the constituted authority of our party
has just closed its sessions in the city of
It entered upon its work by violating
nil precedents in the rejection of a dis
tinguished Democrat as its temporary
presiding officer.
It deprived a sovereign state of a voice
in its deliberations by unseating without
cause or legal justification delegates
elected with all the regularity known to
party organization.
It refused to endorse the honesty and
fidelity of the present Democratic uu administration.
It adopted a platform which favors the "
free and unlimited coiuage of silver by
this country alone at the ratio of 10 to 1,
and thereby it repudiated a time-honored
Deuiocratic principle which demands the
strict maintenance of a sound and. stable
national currency.
Finally, to make it plainer that, al
though in uuine, it was not in fuct a
Democratic convention, it nominated for
President one who is not in his political
convictions, and has not ulways been
even iu his professions, a Democrat.
Senator I aimer Out.
Springfield, 111., July 11. Senator .Tohu
M. t'lilnier has come out openly against
tht! Chicago platform and nominees
Bryan and Sewall. He said today that
he personally knows of 500 Democrats
in this (Sangamon) county who will not
support the ticket, nud he thinks there
are twice Unit number who will not. He
"No Democrat, so far as I have been
informed, will support the I'opulist ticket
nominated at Chicago. My own plan is
(hut the Democrats of Illinois, iu co
operation with Democrats of other states,
cull a convention and nominate candi
dates. 1 favor local tickets iu all the
congressional districts und iu all the
counties, in order to preserve the Demo
cratic organisation."
Having llius stated his view as to the
course Unit ought, to be pursued the
senator vvuh asked if he thought there
was ny danger to be expected from the
silvn movement. He replied;
"Not a particle. Sir. Bryan will re-,
ceive the support of the seuii-l'opulisls,
called Democrats, the real I'opulists who
are soon to hold a convention in Si,
Iouis, aud those fellows out West who
have no conscience in hi thin;, but who
own the silver uud want to sell it. We
will whip tin-in out of their boots. We
ought to have fought them a year ngo.
and 1 wanted to do it, but the people
seemed indisposed to move in tbe mut
ter. We will fight them now, however,
and give them enough of it.
"There is nothing in the platform but
10 to 1, and there is nothing in tbe nomi
nee but mouth. He i a good talker, he
is a Hue talker, but wbeu that is said il
is nil said. At the same time I think he
is tbe right sort of man for a conven
tion of that character to nominate. Liu
suit a gathering of that kind."