WE ut together in the veran da at shepheard's Hotel. Cairo lay beneath and around us Cairo filthy, uiulti-colored. and malodorous, but always pictur- cloth, two flowers marigolds. 1 tliitiki esfjue. Suddenly an Arab ly came i witii only the head remaining, a brick around the corner, and with a salaam j from the walls, ami, lastly, au iron af Of the deepest, handi-d souie mail to j fair, which I at once recognized as the Grimshaw. Then he squatted down j point of one of thos; sticks with which e-n the veranda tioai'ds, with his great j camels are urged onward, black eyes fixed on my companion's "Gcu. Gordon lost no time in uitrav face, waiting for further orders. eliug the mystery of this missive. The "Your !. Captain'?" I asked "Yes," replied Grimwhaw, "but a good deal more than that, la the Soudan now I should lie buried II It were not for Ibrahim yonder." 'Tell me al-out it, please." I asked, rather eagerly; for this small Arab iu the clear, white tunic, and brilliant tur ban interested rue mightily. Oriuisha w sottk-d himself back in the bungalow chair and began: "You know, of course," he sa'uL "that I was In Khartoum with Gordon, l did not regularly 1 long to the Gener al's forces, but I had volunteered as one of his aides-de-camp. Well, we were shut up In tl at death trap City of Khartoum, surrounded on every side by the fore s of the Mahdl myriads of fanatical Soudanese Arabs following that high priest of bloodshed. We Ku- , KliKh were but a mere handful of men; the auxiliar- force were w retchedly small. Our only botie was aid from) Egypt; and. as the whole world knows, that never came. Poor Gordon was al lowed to fall a victim to the Mahdi's sword, and most of the garrison were slain. With the exception of SIntin Bey, who became a Mussulman, I think I was the only European who got out of the doomed city with his life. That I did so was due to Ibrahim. Here the Arab ly hearing his name mentioned looked up and smiled, showing a row of teeth except ionally even and white. "A few days after we entered Khar toum," continued Grlmsliaw, "I was patroling th - town under G n. Gordon's order, when we came across a great rabble of lioys, hallooing and shouting at a desfeni.ig rare. I sent an Egyp tian soldier to discover the cause, and he reported that the young 'f uzzv-wuz- i.ies' (it is so that Private Atkins of her Majesty's troops denominates the Sou danese; were 'having fun' with one of their number. I was then, as now. in tensely .interested in native manners and customs. Halting my men, I cn- , tered the lioistcrous cordon of boy to determine the reason of their tumult. "The little rascals were teasing one " of their number. Tensing.' Indeed, in this case. Is too mild a wnl. They beating and stoning the lad, who , "ay bruised and half-blinded in the gut ter. H's turban was off. and his al ready scant clothing had leen torn to shreds. I sprang ii.ro the middle of the mob and demanded the cause of such brutal treatn - nt. At first they affect ed not to understand my Arable, and went on beating their victim, hut when I had soundly cuffed one or two and summoned my interpreter to my aid, I succeeded in making them answer, "He is the renegade's son." mi id a ringleader 'Hassan, the renegade's sou. Stone him, in the name of the prophet. 'Then I understood. The poor Isiy's father hud taken service with Gordon, leaving his offspring to suffer all the cruelties which the Khartoum chil dren, egged on by their elder, were sure to Inflict upon him. I lost no time in calling up a few men and sending that park of youthful fanatics to the right about. They went away, vowing dire vei,gi;.uoe ou the 'renegade's brat and I raised my protege from the dust. He had fainted from pain and loss of blood, but one of our surgeons soon brought mm to. When he opened his eyes and saw me he smiled like a little coffee-colored angel and wanted there and then to give me his liest salaam. Of course I made him lie down again, but he blurted out his gratitude for preservation so vigorously that he tame near fainting again. "Next day his father, Hassan, one of 'Gordon servants, came to see him. The two had a long talk, nd Anally Hassan announced that for his son's sake he had decided to leave the Gen era! and go hack to his cobbler's stall In the bazaar. Ibrahim for the lad whom I had helped to rescue was the same one now sitting liefore you noon recovered, thanks to his native, tough constitution. He left my hut, absolutely refusing to touch any of the money which I offered him. s '"Protector of the poor,' he said in his quaint, grandiloquent Eastern way, 'yon have saved your servant's life. Did not the mouse once repay the lion that had been Ins benefactor? Do! I am the mouse, effendi; and you are the lion. Perhaps somo day I may re pay you. Salaam, friend? Then he backed out of my hut, and I saw him not for many days. . II. "One evening, while hurrying through the bazaar on my way to Gen. Gordon's quarter, a boy sprang out of a eob- MeT's Mali ami handed me a tiny bnn nUllppinir away into the dark new before I bad time to do more than rec vfuise him as Ibrahim, son of Ha Man. 1 carried the bundle to the General, and together we undid It fastenings. Hare yon ever deciphered an Oriental object letter? I mean a letter which U not written upon paper, bat of which SM Mwe I conveyed bjr objects flow " ad tlte like. The boodle handed ( me by Ibrahim was Just such a connim nieation. It contained a. queer collee tion of articles. They were: A piece of broken knife blade, a wrap of grwa i green cloth,' he said, means the Mahdl. If -cause his sacred Hag Is green. The j knife blade stands for a sword, and tiie ; decapitated flower mean that our heads are going to lie cut off. The bri- k, I take it, hint of treachery In side the walls. The camel-spike ad vises you to fly from Khartoum imme diately. Where did you get this'? "When I told him the source of my Information he was Inclined to pooh pooh Ibrahim's letter. 'It Is a 1-oy'a fear and fancy he said. 'We shall !e re lieved In a few weeks.' "Hut the Mahdl'f men formed an Impenetrable circle around the town a circle that grew narrower and nar rower. Day after day we scanned the desert horizon for some sign of the ex pected relief, but without avail. Iay after t ay the Impression grew stronger umit each and all of us that we were doomed. "I Hiring an earlv morning walk Ibra- him a crusted me as suddenly as he had done ix-fore. 'Fly. effendi,' he whisper ed. 'The city is lietrayed. My father and other Mussulmans have decided to let the Mahdl within the gales. Dis- ! guise yourself and fly In-fore it Is too late!' "I slxsik my head, for duty kept tne in Khartoum; and Ibrahim retreated with tears in those big, honest eyes of his. III. 'The very next night his warning was fulfilled. It would be Idle, my friend, to tell you over again all the horrors of the capture, or rather Im trayal. of Khartoum. The Mahdi's sol diers, were like fiends incarnate. Spent with fatigue and slender fare we could not stand before them. Gordon, poor fellow, was slain, and a remnant of us was driven, fighting for life, from hut to hut across the city. Finally, with empty revolver and broken sword, I found myself in the stairway of a rude minaret, waiting for the death which 1 felt would be inevitable. It is all very well to meet death boldly ou the field of battle, with comrades and friends mound one, but to sit down In a dark stairway and count the minutes until ; Its coming might make the bravest man 1 in the world feel uncomfortable. All ! around I heard the hideous sounds of j slaughter and watched through a tiny ! loop-hole in the wall the red flames j shooting across the sky (for it was mld j night, and a starless midnight to boot i. A sick feeling stole over me. To re- main cooped up thus seemed Intolera : ble. I had Just resolved to rush Into the thick of the Soudanese and sell my life as dearly as possible when a foot fall on the stairs below arrested me. "It was the sound of a naked foot, and as I peered, every sense on the ah-rt, into the half-light by the minaret doorway, 1 vaguely distinguished a ) dark form ami two shining eyes. Was ! it one of the Mahdis iu search of hu j man prey? I gripped my broken sword ; tighter and prepared for action. " "Effendi" whispered a voice, 'is it you, protector of tie; poor';' "The voice was that m Ibrahim, son of Hassan. My heart gay a leap for gladness and I answered him that It was. Indeed, myself. " 'It is good.' he exclaimed. 'My lord, I have come to save you. Hasten down and don these garments which I have brought you. They belong to the old blind priest who lodged with my father. He died last night, but nobody knows of it yet. ' You can pass as the old priest and escape. Make haste, sa hib, make haste!' "I saw the chance nnd seized it. Re fore you could have repented the pro verbial 'Jack Robinson" many times I had pulled those baggy Mohammedan clothes over my soiled and bloodstained uniform. A turban took the place of my khaki helmet, and around my face I draped the white hood which the Soudanese Arabs wear. Then, Is-fore I could protest, Ibrahim eoolly seized a handful of mud and lilieraliy daubed my face. " The sahib Is too white he explain ed. 'The olu Wind priest, was always black and dirty so kick off your boots, sahib, and let me daub your feet.' Off went my Itoots; and In a minute or two my legs from the knee down were as brown (and as dirty) as they well might be. "You are all right, now, effendi,' ald Ibrahim, 'let iw make for the Cairo gate. With ail my heart I thanked the boy; but lie would listen to no thanks. 'You wived my life; I'll save yours he said. Kemeuiber, effendi, ttie mouse and the lion. Let us hasten to the state." 'But you are not coming 1 le- gan; when my protest was interrupted by a troop of black Mahdlsts surging Into the little bystreet where we stood. Xerer shall I forget the sight they pre sented, In I he false light of the burning city, with their huge piles of hair, their ferocious faces and their spears and sclmefer a-drlp with blood. I bad given myself over for lost, when I bra him, gripping m band, led me onward, ! calling In sing song tones: 'Room for the blind priest. Room for Anied. sou of All, the soothsayer. The light of Allah is upon the blind priest "Taking the hint I plucked up cour age enough to shout the war-cry of the Mahdl. Tne 'fuzzy-wuzzie entirely deceivc.1, joined in my cry. 'Hide your time, holy father said one of thein; 'we'll five you plenty of Christian bead? later on.' . . . Then they left us whooping like demons down the street, but Ibrahim plucked at my sleeve and mechanically I followed him. Many times we met parties of the Mabdiists, but In the darkness our ruse succeeded beautifully, and we reached Cairo gate in safety. "Around the gate, despite the con fusion, a strong guard had been posted. In the open space without many scores of camels were spra wllng. "'A camel for the Mahdi's messen ger: cried Ibrahim in his shrill voice. 'Ho, brothers' A amel for th- blind soothsayer. Arm-d, son of All. who lsars the Mahdi's defiance across the desert." "A dozen dusky warriors surrounded us, and as many awkward camels were prodded to tneir feet. One of these un gainly beasts ws made to kneel, while Ibrahim made a great show of helping the supix-tHcd blind priest to a seat tijsin his back. "Just then a tall fuzzy-wuzzv clear ly an officer--rushed forward. 'Who Is this?" he d-manded. -When does this man go? The orders are that no man shall leave the gates before daybreak.' "My heart sank, but fortunately for us the natural superstition of the Arab came to our aid. 'Have a care" cried one of the soldi. -rs. 'It is a blind priest a soothsayer. He may curse you. The offlircr stepped back involuntar ily, eying me with fear. 'Give us your blessing, holy father." cried a dozen on lookers. "Here wa a new predicament. I could not renicm!er enough Arabic at the moment to give the desired blessing; but a whisper from Ibrahim recalled to my mind a simple form of words, which, eked out by discreet mumbling", on my part and the loud responses of the lsiy, suited the Arabs well enough. They prostrated themselves the olil cer with the rest amid a great crv of , "Allah Ackbar.' Then Ibrahim smote our earned soundly, and away we went, through the ous posts, speeding fast from the gory City of Khartoum. IV. "The perils and adventures of the Journey were p, numerous to lie told at one sitting, but it was nearly a month after that awful night that our amel limpej into Cairo, carrying on h's back two emaciated fugitives who had once la-en an officer of the line and an Arab lioy. "Ibrahim has I wen all around the world with me since, and will probably continue to lie my comrade until one of us twain depart this life forever, eh, Ibrahim, old friend?" The Arab lad sniitei. and spread out his hands, "My fate is thine, effendi' he said, "you saved my life." "On that score. Ibrahim," answered Capt. Grimshaw, "I think we are quits. Kcmember Khartoum." Atlanta Con stituticu. Si'alucs of Corpses. The pleasing jsmsibility of transform ing the dear decellv,.( nt0 . iiJ(-lde. like statue that may In set in a niche or on a pedestal was suggested to the members of the Academy of Sciences of l'uris recently by Mr. Motrin, who read a paper detailing his discovery of a pr icess of converting animal matter, before di-comjiositiou ki-:s iii. into a substance tei.cmbiing marble, l'ing Hlfficielttly Lard to allow of jis be.ng sculptured. He called the attention of the society to the possibility of his in vention, which he has taken the pre caution to patent, being utilized to fire serve hiiniau bodi.-s after death. Inas much as this marble-like substance can be sculptured, it is possible to reme.lv little physical ! fi ti- that, unnoticed or at least not obtrusive in life, might de tract from the attract Ivettess of a stat ue. This proce is a step ahead of the St. Louis silver-plater who for ten years has l-en experimenting upon a plan to succeed embalming by hermetically plating iu gold, silver' or nickel the an cestors of such people as are willing t. undergo the expense of having them decorated for future Inspection. Imitation Keed 1'ackajcc. There seems to be no end of trouble to the Agricultural Detain motir frmn the distribution of seed this year The ' ,i ...... , , : I urtmi iaii-ai uas learned mat requests i,.,... i . , , , . hava lieen mnde nn cuin o,ore!n 1 wnA. i men for seed put up in papers similar to those used by the Government and printed in simulation thereof. Acting Secretary Dabney has sent out notices to a large number of seedsmen in re gard to the matter, stating that the department cannot permit the Govern ment seed contractors or any seeds men to sell sods in packets bearing the name of the Department of Agricul ture, or any words which might cause the receiver of the packet to believe tl at It was a part of the Government seed distribution. No seed can be dis tributed free of postage through the mails except that delivered upon the orders of members of Congress by the Department of Agriculture, or sent out directly from the department. The act of March 3, 1875, confines the franking of seeds by niemlMtrs of Congress to those seeds which they receive for dis tribution from the Department of Agrl culture. Flower Perfnines. It is claimed that the perfume of flowers disappear as soon as the starch in the petal is exhausted, and it may, it Is said, be restored by placing the dower In a solution of sugar, wben the forma tion of starch and the emission of fra grance will be at on re roauined. Lawyer Do you think that yon are capable of tilling the position, young man? Boy Capable! Why, my last dom said I knew more than be did. That is why I had to leave. Va nit. TALM AGE'S SERMON. PREACHESON PROCLIVITIES DUE TO ANCESTRY. Bat, No Matter What Our Birthright May Be, W Can He Font and Dauiih tera of God and Heira of Immortality A Glorious Inheritance. Power of Heredity. This wrmon by Her. Dr. Talmage om heredity will bring all the family records into requinition and lead people to mudv their on proclivity toward gixsl or evil. The test cbonen waa I. Samuel, xvii. S, 'Whoae son art thou, thou young lima?" Never there more um-qual fight fban that bet wen Havkl and Goliath; Oavid 5 feet higll, Goliath 1; David shepherd boy brought up amid rural scene, GoiiHta a warrior by profeaaion: Goliath a mountain of braggadocio. I.-t-vid a marvel uf hiiinitiiy ; Goliath armed with an iron spear, David armed wbli a siing with smooth stem- from the brook. Hut you an- not to decpim- the latter eiMii. ... A Mighty Weapon. There Has a regiment of shiigers in the Assyrian army, and a regiment of slinn ers in the Kgypiian army, and they made terrible execution, and they could cost a atone with h much accuracy mid for, .. a now can be senf hot or shell. Tin Greek in their army had tdintiers who would throw leaden plummets imcriled with the irritating words, "Take this!" So it was a mighty weapon David em ployed in that famous combat. A Jewish rabbi s.'tys that the probability is that Goliatb nag in such contempt for David that in a paroxysm of laughter he threw his head back and his helmet fell ofT. and David saw the uncovered forehead, and his opportunity bad come, ami inking t&is sling and swinging it around hi heitd two or three times and aiming it at that uncovered forehead crushed it in like an eggshell. The buttle over, liehoH the tableau: King Saul sitting; little David standing,, liis lingers clutched into the hair of decapitated Goliath. As Saul sees David standing there holding in his hand the ghastly, reeking, staring trophy, evidence of the complete victory over Gd's enemies, the king wonders what parentage was honored by such heroism, sad la my text he asks David his fw-di-gn-e, "Whose son art thou, thou young man?" The king saw- what you and I sec, thai this question of heredity i a mighty u mo tion. The lunger 1 live the more I believe in blood - gmd hiood, bad blood, proud blood, humble blood, honest hloivi, thiev ing blood, heroic blood, cowardly blood. The tendency may skip a generation or two, but it is sure to conic out, as in s litttle child you sometime see a similarity to a great-grandfather whose picture hangs on llie wall. That the physical and mental and moral qualifies are inheritable is patent to any one w ho k.-ejw his eyes open. The similarity is so striking some times as to be amusing. Great families, regal or literary, are apt to r ve the characteristics all down through the gen erations, and what is more fierceptil.ie in such families may lie seen on a smaller scale iu all families, a thousand years have no power to obliterate the different'. The large lip of the house of Austria is seen in all the generations and is .al'ed the Hnpshnrg bp. The bouse of Stuart always means iu all generations cruelty and bigotry and sensuality. Witness Queen of Scots, witness Charles I. niul Charles II.. witness Jaiuea I. and James II. and all the other scoundrel of that line. Scottish blood means rsi-tem-e. Knglish blood means reverence for the ancient, Welsh blood mean religiosity, Danish blood means fondness for the sea, Indian blood means roaming disunion, Celtic blood means fervidity. Human Wood means conquest. The Jewish facil ity for accumulation you tuny trace clear back to Abraham, of whom the lljblo say "he wa rich in silver and gold and cattle," and to Isaac and Jacob, who had tfte same characteristics. Some families are charaeierixed by longevity, nnd they have a tenacity of life positively Metlms- elisli. Gibers are characterized by Goli athian stature, and you can see it for one generation, two generations, hve genera tions iu all the generations. V igormiN theology runs down in the line "" -icMiuoeis. i ragcuy runs on in the family of the Kembles. Literature runs on in the line of the Trollom-s. Phi lanthropy runs on in the line of the Wil- tM-rforces. Statesmanship run on in the line of the Adamses. Voti see these .cu uarines in all generations. Henry and t stlierme of .nvgrre religious, all their fnniilie religious. The celebrated family of the Casini, ail mathematicians. The celebrated family of the Medici, grand- rattier, son and t athcrme, ail retnsrkubk for keen intellect. The celebrated fam ily of (.iistavus Adobhus. all warriors. This law of heredity asserls itself without rf'f"r""' 1,1 ""''' political condition, i"r yoa sometimes find the iifiiobie in hk'li ,,',. ,;,i ,i, i .. . ,, , , piiue and the honorable in obscure place , , , .... . A descendant of Kdward III. a doorkeeo er, A descendant of the Duke of North umiH-niuiii a truiikmaker. Home of the mightiest families of Lngland are ex tinct, while some of those most honored in tne peerage go track to an ancestry of hard knuckles and rough exterior. Wboac Hon Art Thou? This law of heredity is entirely inde Iiendeut of social or political conditions. Tlien you find avarice and Jealousy and sensuality and fraud having full awing in some families. The violent tenijsT of Frederick William Is the inheritance of Frederick the Great. It is not a theory founded by worldly philosophy, but by divine authority. Do you not reniemls-V how the Jtihle sstik of a chosen genera tion, of the generation of righteousness, of the generation of vipers, of an unto ward generation, of a stuhlsrn genera tion, of the iniquity of the fathers visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generation' So that the h'xt comes to-day witn the force of a projectile hurled from mightiest catapult. "Whose son are thou, thou young man?" "Well," says some one, "that theory discharges me from all responsibility. Hon) of sancti fied parents, we are Ismnd to lie good, and we en-mot help otirselvea. Horti of un righteous parentage, we are bound ( he evil, and we cannot help ourselves." Two inaccuracies. As much as if yon should say, 'The centripetal force in na ture has a tendency to bring everything to the center, snd therefore sll come to the center. The centrifugsl force In nature has a tendency to throw every, thing to the periphery, and therefore ev erything will go out to the periphery." Von know ss well as I know thst yoa tsn uinke the ceulripelsl force overcome the eentrifiigsl, sad you can mse the centrifugal overcome the reittripcts!, ss w hen there is s mighty tide of go.d io s family that may t overcome lJf deter mination to evil as in the case of Asron Burr, the libertine, who had f-r father President Burr, the consecrated; ss io the case of l'icrreponl Edwards, the scourge of New York society eig!;y yesr ago, who had i Christian ann-stry w hile, e-n the other hand, some of the best men and women of tbis day are ilioe who have Come of an ancestry of which it would not l courteous to sis uk in their presew-e The practical and useful ob ject of this sermon is to show you that, if you have come of a Christian ancestry, then you are solemnly bound to preserve and develop the glorious inhcniaui-e. or, if you have come of depraved ancestry then it is your duty to brace yourself ataiimt the evil tendency by sll prayer and Christian determination. And you sre to find out the family frailties, nnd iB arming the castle put the strongest guard at the weakest irate. With these slii'Sith stone from the brook I h-iie to strike yon. not where David struck Goliath, in the head, but when- Nathan struck Da vid, in tin- heart. "W hose son art thou, th;y youjig man?" 'l'lie re is something in all winter holi day to tiring up the old folks. I think many f on:- i tfous."hi at uch limes are set tii tne tuTie'of "Auld Lang Sync." The old folks were so busy at such time iu making us happy, and perhaps on less resource made their sons and daughters happier ihan y.oi on larger resources are able to make oiiir sons and daughter. The snow lay two fee! alic their graves, hut they shook off the while blankets and mingled in the holiday festivities the same wrinkles, the same stoop of shoulder under the weight of age, the same old style of drcs or com, the amc smile, the same tone of voice, i hi' you remcinls-r them bef,,r,- they went away. If not, I hoie there arc those who have recited to you what they were, and that there may be in your house some article of dress or furniture with which you associate their memories. I want to arouse the most s.i cred memories of your heart while I make the impn-siotiist interrogatory in regard to jour pedigree, "Whose son art thou, thou young man Anccntry, First, 1 accost those who arc descended of a Christian ancestry, I do not ask if your parents were jierfect. There are no perfect people now, and 1 do not suppose there were any perfect people then. Per haps there was sometimes too much blood in their eye when they chastised you. Hut from what i know of you, yon got no more than you deserved, and per haps a little more chastisement would have lieen salutary. Hut you are willing to acknowledge, 1 think, that they wn tiled to do right. From what you overheard in conversations, and from what you saw at the family altar snd at neighisirhood otiwefjtiifs, you know that they had invited God into their heart and their life. There i nn something that sustained those old l-op;e suNTnaturnlly. You have no doubt about their destiny. You expect if you ever get to heaven to meet them as you e3Ej-ct to meet the Iord Jemis Christ. That early sssociation has been a charm for yon. There was a time when yon got right up "from a house of iniquity and walked out into the fresh air because you thought your mother was looking at you. You have never tn-en very happy in sin l-cause of a sweet old face that would present itself. Tremulous voice from the past accosted yon until they were seemingly ifudib'e, and yon looked around to see who spoke. There was an estate not mentioned In the last will and testa ment, a vast estate of prayer and holy example and Christian entreaty and glori ous memory. The survivor of the family gathered to hear the will read, and this was to lie kept and that was to be sold, and it was "share and share alike," But there was an unwritten will that read something like this; "in the name of God. Bitten. I, Ix-iiiff of sound mind, be queath to my children all my prayers for their salvation. 1 henueslb. to them all the n-sults of n lifetime' toil. be- queath to them the Christian religion which has ls-en so much comfort to me. and I hope may he olaiy for them. 1 quealh to fhern a hope of reunion when the partings of life are over. 'Share and share alike' may they inherit eternal riches. I bequeath to them the wish that they may avoid my errors and copy any thing that may have been worthy. In the name of God. who made me, and the Christ, who redeemed me, and the llo-y Ghost, who sanctities me, I make this my last will and testament. Witness all you host of heaven. Witness time; witness eternity. Signed, scale.! and delivered in this our dying hour. Father and Mother' You did not get that will proved at the surrogate's office, but 1 take it out to-dny and I read it to you. I take it out of the alcove of your heart. I shake the dust off it. 1 ask if you will acis-pf that in- j lieritnnce, or win you break the will? Hcunonsihllity, h. ye oft hrlstian aiicestryl You have a respotisiliiiity yHt beyond nil measure ment, i, sl will not let you off with just ts-ing as good a ordinary people when you had such extraordinary advantage. Hugh! hot yon, my brother, to l better! noting nao i iirisiian nurture, than the man who can truly say this morninc "The 6rt word I rx-memlsT my father speaking to nie was an oath; the first time 1 retnenils-r my father taking hold of me was in wratti; i never saw a Bible till I was JO years of age, end then I was fold it was a puck of lies; the first twenty years of my life I was associated with the vicious; I seemed to be walled in by sin and death";" Now, my brother, ought you not I leave If as a matter of fairness with yon-ought yon not to lie better than those who had no early Christian influence? Standing as you do between the generation that Is past snd the generation that is to come, are you going to pas the blessing on, or are you going m )iTe jour life the gulf In which that tide of blessing shall dron out of sight forever? yu are the trustee f piety in that ancestral line, and are you going to augment or squander that solemn trust fund? Are you going to disinherit your sons and daughters of the hclrWin wnieti your parent left you? Ah. thtit cannot lie possible-it cannot be possible that you sre going to take such a position a that! You are very careful alsmt the life Insurance, and careful about the deed, snd careful about ihe mortgage, and careful shout the title of your prop erty, because when you step off the stage you want your children to get it sll. Are you making no provision that they shall get grsndfstner's or grandmother's re ligion? Oh, what a Isst will and tei. ment you sre making, my brother! "In the same of God, amen. I, being of sound mind, make this my lsst will and test, ment. I bequeath f0 my children sll the money I ever imide and sll the house I 9, 1) it 1 disinherit them. I rob ' .,e; 4 the aui'i-stral grsi-e a'-d tin- Cirisilai, VT, fhieme that 1 inherited. I hue piX nVred that on my worMlines. Sfia- Slid share alike liinsl they ir the niif.,t. tune snd the everlasting outrage. S.gi1(j sealed and delivered in the present 0j God and nu n and sngels and devil, r,j all the generations of earth and tesveg snd hell, July, l!i." Ihe Il!e-1 Mother. Oh, ye of highly f.ivorc l :i: stry. ak up this morning to a etic t your opo. timlty snd responsibility; I tii. i.k there must tie an old cradie or a fragment of cradle somewhere that could lc!l a story of midnight supplication iu your ls-luiif. Where is the old rucking chair in whirli you were sung to sleep with the holy nursery rhymes? Where is the old cldc that ticked away the moments of liut sickness on that awful night when tliTs were but three of you awake yon irrl Gid snd mother? Is there not an o'4 staff in some close!? We beg you to tura over a new leaf this very day. (Ill, the fiower of ancestral piety. !) illustrated by a young man of New- Yorfc who attended a prayer meeting one nig'd and asked for prayer and then went home and wrote down these words "Twenty five year ago 10 night my m it her went to heaven, niy tsuntiful, blessed mother, and I have lieen alone, tossed up and dow n upon the billow of life's tempestu ous ocean. Shall I ever go to heaven? Sh, told me I must nn-et her in henveu. Wh-a she took my hand in hers and turned her gentle, loving 1 yes on n.e, and gazed earn estly and long into my face, and th liftisl them 1.1 heaven in that last prd"a she prayitl Unit I might meet her ill heaW en. 1 wonder if 1 ever shall? My moth er's prayers! Oh, my sweet, blessed inotlier's prayers! Did ever a loy hav.' such a mother as J had? For twenty-fir,, years I have not heard her pray until t -night, I have beard all her prayer over again. Tfe y have had, iu fact, a terrib.e resurrection. Oh, how she was wont to pray: f-be prayi-d a they prayed to-nig-it so eariu-st, so importunate, so believing. Shall 1 ever bo a C-hristiari? She wa a Christian. Oil. how bright and pun; an I happy was her life! Stic was a cheerful and happy Christian. There is my moth er's Bible. 1 have not opened it for years. Did she believe I cotild ever neglect her precious Hiine.' hhe surely thought I would read it much and often. How often has she road it to me! How did she cause me to kneel by my little bed and put my little builds up in the attitude of prayer; How has he knelt by me and over me, and I have felt her warm tear mining down ufsm my hand and face! 'Blessed mother, did yon pray in vain for your Isiy? It shall not I? in vsln. Ah, no. no; it shall not Is- In rain! I wiil pray for myself.. Who has sinned against much instruction I have against so many precious prayers put up to beat en for me by one of the most lovely, ten- r, pious, confiding, trusting of neither in her heavenly rather s care and grace? She never doubted. Hhe believed. Him slwsys prayed as if she did. My Bible, my mother's Bible and my conscienco ics'b what I am and what 1 have made myself, on. the bitter pang of an accus ing conscience! I need a Saviour mighty to save. I must -ek him. I will, 1 m on the sea of existence, and 1 can never get off from it. 1 am afloat. No anchor, no rudder, no compass, no l-Kiok of instrWA tions, for I have put them all away from me. Saviour of the js-rishing, save or ! perish;" Do you wonder that the next day he arcs., in prayer meeting arid said; "My brethren, I stand before you a Mon ument of God's amazing mercy and good ness, i-orevcr blessed ts his holy name! All 1 have 11 ml all I am I consecrate t i Jesus, my Saviour and my God." Oh, the power of ancestral prayer! Hear it: fb-ar it! Heirs of Immortality, Hill 1 turn for 11 moment to those who had evil jKireiiiage, and 1 want to tell you that the big hoi thrones in heaven and tin mightiest triumphs and the brightest crowns will be for those who had evil parentage but who by the grace of God i-onqueri-d conquered. As good, as use ful, as splendid a gentleman as I eve; knew had for a father a man who died blaspheming God until the neighbors bad to put their fingers in their ears to ship out the horror. One of the most conse crated nnd useful Christian ministers of to-day was the son of a drunken horss jockey. Tide of evil is tremendous la some families, it is like Niagara rapids, snd Jet men have clung t r(K., ,) been rescued. If this world is ever to lie I-Me nixed and it will be all the infected families of the earth are to be ri-Kenenu..,! rul there will some one arise iu each fumily line and ojs-h a new geiiealogk-nl lahle There will Ih, some Joseph p arise in tint line and reverse the evil influence of I bolwiitji, and there will lie soim- Marv tu arise iu the line and reverse the crtl fit. tliicnce of BathshebH. J'erlian the itsr of hope may faiint down to your manger . IVihaps you arc to In- the hero or iieW heroine that is to put down the brake ah slofi (hat long line 0f genealogical ten dencies ami witch it off 011 another track fiuin that ou which li has been ruunin fur a century. You do that, and 1 will promise yon as fine a palace a the archi tect of heaven can build, the archway in scribed with the word "More than con queror.", But whatever your heredity, lei me say you may Is' sou and daughters ol t..e Iyord God Almighty. Kstrnnged chil dren from the homestead, conic bscs through the open gate of adoption. Then Is royal bhsel In iiur veins. There art crowns 011 our escutcheon. Our Fathei Is king; our Brother is king; we may U kings and queen unto God forever. Com and sit down on the ivory bench of tin palace. Come and wash in the fountain' that fall into the basin of crystal and ala baster. Come and look out of the up holstered window upon gardens of azalea and amaranth. Hear the full burst ot the orchestra while you banquet with po tentate and victors. Oh, when the text sweep backward, let it not stop at Hit cradle that rocked the first world! And Wueii the text sweeps forward let it not stop t your grave, but at the throne 0( which you may reign forever and evee "Whose son art thou, thou young man?" Son of God, heir of .immortality, taki your Inheritance! Malaga, Uuevlii, Cadiz, Tarragrma, and other maritime provinces of Hpalt are trying to emulate the example ol Seville and Barcelona and to collect ' money to liny a warship each to present to the Kovernmeiit In order to have 1 powerful Spanish fleet as soon as possi ble. Some people are uevcr contented ua less In controversy. Like the stormj petrel, they arc erer flying Io search a tempest.