The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 06, 1896, Image 5

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I J. Bsmrnons, Kditor and Prop,
F. E.4M. VK. R.T1lWl.
Gallic West. Uoluf bit
o. I, wiled. W :0 B. . uiLud- 7:fl
PhysldaB tad Sarca.
All esll g Ivan prompt attention.
OMu In Drug ttora.
Vests, and
ad when you need anything in that
I in you should surely go to
He aim has a fln assortment of win
ter underwear, gloves, mittens, hats,
cap, boots, slioes, arctic', etc., etc.
Hi stock of staple and fancy groceries
i full and complete and on all goods
he will maku you bedrock
Who stole the town pump?
Miss Mabel I) wry began a term of
school near Ardmnre on Monday.
A new girl is reported to have ar
rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clem
Leeling on July 23th.
Will Phillips was in on Tuesday and
reported his small irrain as poor and his
corn and potatoes as fine.
B. F. Johnson is town this morning
after a now hay rake, a run-away team
having demolished the one he had been
Mrs. E. E. Livermore brought in a
cucumber from her garden which was
twenty -seven inches long. Who can
beat that?
A man by the name of Weber has
put a homestead filing on the claim re
cently held by H. A. Priddy northwest
of town and will bring a bunch of cattle
up from the valley to winter.
The six-months-old child of Mr. and
Mrs. C. 8. Williams died on Tuesday
night of Inflammation of the bowels, at
the home of iU grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Thomas. The mother with
the little one was visiting her parents
at the time.
Commissioners Tinkham and Weber
left yesterday on a prospecting trip.
They go first to the mining claims south
of Douglas and then go to Idaho. Mr.
Weber spent some years In that country
and thinks he can locate some paying
mines. They expect to be gone about
two months and it Is hoped that they
will strike it rich. Both are experienced
frontierstneo and well qualified for the
It la reported that the "cooo dive"
on White river is running full blast and
the reason that no complaint is made is
because none of the people In the local
ity dare do so for fear of the vengeoce of
the soldiers being: visited upon them, if
it has come to such a pass that people
in the vicinity of a United mates mm
irv aoat dare not take action necessary
to have the civil laws of the state
observed It would stem that the time
had omm for a revision or the army
kU la the meantime some method
botiM be aevtsed to rid the county of
Um retort Defer soother murder takes
The rule of the local land office nave
recently been amended so that settlers
to make final proof shall settle with the
publisher before sending in their applies
tkm. All parties desiring to awake final
proof can have their papers made out at
The Jcxrsal office, free of cliarge, and
promptly transmitted to the laod office
so that no time will be lost
Now is the time to subscribe.
Cured meats for sale at from 8 to
18 cents per pound by E. Bohwer.
- New Deering Ideal mowers, IWoot
cut, 148 00, at the Ranch Supply House.
Call at The Jocks ai. office aod have
vour final groof papers made out It
will cost you nothing.
Messrs. Oerlach and Hamlin have
concluded that it does not pay to ship
horses to 8t. Louis.
-Pal Lex v says it pays to summer
follow. He tried it this year on a gar
den with excellent results.
Work on the school house is pro
gressing and it will be ready for school
to begin at the appointed time.
The quarterly meeting of the M. E.
church was held on Saturday and Sun
day, Presiding Elder Julian being pres
Louis Ruffing and a daughter of
Oeorge Slack were married at Bodarc on
Monday and have settled down to house
keeping. -Lewis Pfost informed us that he in
tends to remove from Sioux county in
the near future. He has not decided
whether he will go west or south.
-We publish in this issue a letter to
the populist paper of nis home town
from Hon. A. E. Cady in which he
defines his position in the campaign and
his reasons therefor. All should read it.
- 8 wan Peterson died at his home in
the north part of the county on Monday
night after an illness of some weeks.
The cause was dropsy. The funeral oc
curred on Wednesday, at Bodarc.
The cistern near the old Northwes
tern hotel is being fitted up and the
trough will be moved from the uptown
cistern to the newly fitted up place and
in future tams and stock can go there
to water.
It is reported that Theo. Trimbur is
at the home of F. L. Simons, at Edge-
mont, S. Dak. , very sick and the doctors
have no hope of his recovery. He has
been in poor health for a long time and
now has an attack of fever to contend
-The school board is wrestling with
the question of non-resident pupil so as
to do justice to both the residents and
non-residents. The methods in the past
have not been satisfactory and it seems
hard Tor them to decide just what is for
the best.
-On last Saturday e train of cattle
was loaded at Van Tassel I and this place.
C. F. Coffee had eleven cars; Hix
son three cars; W. A. Bigelow and 8. B.
Coffee 1 car; Peter Bourret 1 car, which
were loaded at the former place aod two
cars from John Anderson and one from
other parties were loaded here. There
were some fine animals in the lot.
Some one effected an entrance into
Phinney's drug store one evening re
cently by springing the catch on the
rear screen door. He was in the locality
of the money drawer when a customer
attempted to enter the front door, which
was locked, aod although he failed to
open the door the effort he made had the
effect of scaring the would-be burglar
out. Nothing was missed by the owner,
as the interruption evidently came be
fore tlte fellow could carry out his
plans. No arrest has been made.
At the regular meeting of the vil
lage trustees on Tuesday evening some
important matters decided on. Some
people as owners, occupants or agents of
property in the village have neglected to
comply with the notice to clean up the
premises of which they have control un
til it is imparative that something be
done to protect the public health and
the board declared them to be public
nuisances and will go after them and the
statute is pretty strong on the matter, a
fine of five hundred dollars being one of
the penalties.
A Red-Hot CaMpalgB.
The present campaign will be the
most exciting one fought out since the
war. There will not be a day when
something of unusual interest will not
transpire. The Slate Journal ha made
up its mind to surpass all its former ef
forts in the direction of newsgiving, aod
will give it readers the most complete
details of the campaign, giving all the
news from an unbiased standpoint. Re
publican! will want The Journal be
cause of its staunch republican princi
ples, it being recognized as the standard
bearer of the great republican party of
Nebraska. PopulisU and democrat
should read tt for the news it gives.
The Semi-Weekly Journal will go to
thousands of new homes duiing the cam
paign. You should subscribe, as it will
only coat you 93 cents from now until
November IV Two pa pen every week,
making it almost at good aa a daily.
Subscribe for ft through your postmas
ter or send your order to The BUM Jour
T. B. Snyder is up from Sheep creek.
F. M. Smith is up from Five Points.
Jack Cook was in town Tuesday aod
called at this ofCc.
A. McGinley was down the road the
first of tlte week.
D. H. Oriswold left for Iowa on Satur
day. He will te absent about two
Thomas Kil worth, father of Mrs. F.
B. Hamlin, arrived from Iowa last Fri
day for a visit.
Mrs. Cora Wilson arrived from the
east on Tuesday to visit tier brother on
Running Water.
Mrs. S. A. McNay, who had been visit
ing her sister, Mrs. A. R. Dew, left for
her borne in Lincoln Saturday evening.
Robert Hamlin, brother or N. D. Ham
lin, arrived the first of the week from
Iowa accompanied by his family for a
visit of some weeks.
N. D. Hamlin arrived home on Friday
from his trip to St Louis, having visited
at his old home in Iowa for a few days
on his way back. His mother returned
with him.
C. F. Coffee and W. A. Bigelow re.
turned from Omaha yesterday. By an
accident to their train at Long Pine they
were delayed for about twelve hours so
that their cattle did not sell as well as
they would had it not been for the mis
hap. A Coaatjr Fair.
The agricultural society met on Fri
day as per notice. J. H. Bartell was
made chairman of the meeting. It was
decided that no exhibit be made at the
state fair, and that a county fair be
held here this fall. The chair was au
thorized to appoint a committee to so
licit members. An executive committee
was selected composed of B. L. Smuck,
J. IL Bartell, D. Bartlett, Charles
Biehle and Eli Smith.
Tlte meeting adjourned until Saturday,
Aug. 8th at 2 o'clock p. m., at which
it is desired that all or those who have
become members and all who intend to
do so will b present, as there will be
matters or importance to be considered.
It is easy enough for a few to start a
thing but it will require hard work on
the part or all to carry it through suc
cessfully. There is no reason why a
good time, for the first effort, cannot be
had if the proper effort is made, but if a
part do nothing and a part devote their
energies to kicking about those who do
try to help it, there will a good, big
Harrison, NrB., August 4,
Hoard of county commissioner met per
cull of clerk, j "
PrKttti-'Ooinuililoner' . Ttnkhniu- aid-
Webrr and clerk.
On motion tbe claim of G. A. Mcridlui for
medical attendance for SI1S.SO was recon
sldered and allowed In tbe sum of S75 no and
warrant ordered drawn on the general fund
of I HI for same, tbe appeal from tuo tormer
action on said claim being dismissed at tlie
cost of plaintiff. -
The claim of O. C. Tally of 7.40 for use of
tool and extra labor on roads In district
No. v was presented and on motion allowed
In the sain of 11.90 and certldOHte ordered:
Usued against said road district for same.
The claim of Alex Lowry, road everseer
of the village of Harrison, for 064 61 whs
presented aud, on motion, allowed and cer
tificate ordered Issued agatuat tbe village i
road fund for snino.
The affidavit of H.C. Koush alleging that
his personal property was assessed In the
wrong school district was presented and,
on motion, laid over until next meeting.
On motion O. K. Welsh was appointed road
overseer In district No. 13.
The official bond of Jacob W. Grove as
constable In Cottonwood precinct was pre
en ted and, on motion, approved.
Tbe petition ot V. Wohlbeter and others
asking that county bridge be built across
Hat Creek on section Hue between sections
12 and 18 was taken up sad oil motion laid
over until next meeting. ,
Tbe claims of J. W. Scott and Alex lxwry
for guarding prisoner were taken up and,
on motion, rejected for the reason that
they seemed to be unwarranted expense.
On motion tbe bid of Jackson Krlesler of
S2.Y00 for repairing county bridge over Sow
belly creek was accepted and bond accom
panying tbe same approved.
The reslgnatloa of David Bartlett wis
presented and, on motion laid over until
next meeting.
The following claims against Sioux coun
ty were presented sad, on motion, allowed
and warrant ordered drawn on general
fund of 106 for same :
r. D. Carley, district court fees I S IS
w . H. Davis, expense 01 institute su
L. J. hIiiiiiioiis, printing and publishing 4 M)
John Curran, assessing-...-. . 40 SO
David Anderson, supplius for pauper.. IS uu
A. A H. 1'lekenbrouk, supplies for
Pauner . 0 00
Charles Illehlx, postage . 6 if
W. II. Uavls, services a Ce. Bupt 27 78
Tbe following claim against Sioux coua-
ty were presented aud, on motion, allowed,
and warrant ordered drawn on the bridge
fund of ISM for same :
Marsteller Bro.. bridge spike 5
U. '. Welch, repairing Co. bridge 6 00
U H. uowuisn. -
7 00
1 M
2 00
4 M
4 00
J. K. Johnson, "
Geo. Rodger, " "
Cbaa. Uussell, "
J. S. Tucker, "
Tbe claim of M. J. Blewett for laaulng cer
tificate of election and preparing road
overseers books wma taken op and, on mo
tion laid over until next meeting.
On motion board adjourned without day.
County Clark.
Laak at TfcU Lilt
of wssUm ciUas:
Chicago St. Josspb
Omaha Lincoln
St. Louis Ltoarar
Kansas City Usadwaoad
Itdoas'at matter which you intend
visiting. Tha Burlingtoa Route is tha
bast liao ta all a it is to any ona of
Ad vartisiag matter and full Informa
tion about trains aod ratea oa asplioa
Moo. J, FkuMW, O. P.&T.A.
Omaha, Nab.
Float Proof Settta.
All sermon anal proof aotlce la
this paper will receive s newaad com at toe
paprraad are requested to examine toelr
not Ice aod U any errors exist report Uss
Mum to tuU office at ouee.
Tinker Culture, Final Proot Settee for
fulled State Land Office. Alliance Neb. (
July s, lH. !
Notice 1 hereby given that Joba F. Cook of
Boyvillr, Neb., kaa Hied iiotioe of intention
to make Dual proof before M. J. Blewett,
cierc aisi court, at uu omce in Harriaon,
Neb., ou tbe iaay uf September, 189b, ou tliu-'
M . 'i nw. quarter of anctiou Mo. , lu !
wwoauip 30. zs u., range ao. : a ;
lie lianjev as wiiae.:
Mary E. Grabani, of Koyville, Neb ,
tt. I'. D. ISaMrtt. " "
Lewis Oerlach, of Harrison, '
L. J. sliumous " also
Notice Ik hereby glvon that Edward A.
eir, of Cbadrou, Neb., has Died notice of
Intention to make Dual proof at same time
and place on ttmb-r culture application No.
ata. f or the w. quarter of aectiou No. 1, iu
lowuabtp No. 31. range No. 46.
He names as witneases:
Lewi Gerlarb.of Harrison, Neb.
John II. Bartell, "
ft. C. D. Bassett, of Koyville. '
l. II. Uriawold, of Hariisou. " also
Mary K. I.rahain, of Koyville. Neb, who
made H. K. No. 341" for tbe e. W, sec. 1, lu.
s n.. r. 56 w.
He name the following witnesses to prove
nis conrlnuous reaiduuee upon aud cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
M. ('. U. Baaaett, of Koyville, Neb.
John K Cook, '
U-wl Oerlacu, of Harrison "
t J. Simmons, "
47-W J. W. WKUN.Ja., Register.
Nolle to .Von-Kaideut Ilefeudaati.
To George W. Cobb, Ida A. Cobb, bis wife,
and W. J. Bowdeu, non-resident defend
You and each of you are hereby notified
that on the ttnd dsy ot July, IMS, William
H. Male, Benjamin Graham, William Halls,
Jr., and Harris II. ilayitcn, plalatltr herein,
tiled their petition In the above entitled
cauae, in the Oiatrlrt Court of Sioux Coun
ty, Nebraaka, against you as defendants,
the object and prayer of which la to fore
close a certain Mortgage Trust Deed xeeu
td on the 2nd day of lMicember, ISM, by
George W. Cobb, aud Ida A. Cobb, upon the
property described as follows: Lot three
(3), and tie Northeast Quarter of the South
west Quarter, and the West Half of the
Soulhuaat Quarter, of Section Nineteen (Hi,
Township Thirty four(M) North, Kauge Kif
ty slx (!W) Weat of the (ith P. M., In Sioux
county, Nebraska, giviHi to secure the pay
ment of a certain Hi st mortgagu bond made,
executed and delivered by George W.Cobb,
aud Ida A. Cobb, to W.L.Telford for tae
sum of Two Hundred, Twenty Five (tx2S.OO)
dollars, due and payable on the flrst dsv of
OecemlM-r, 1HW, wkich said mortgage bond
has been sold, assigned and delivered
to plaistltTs herein who are now the owners
thereof; that there is now due and payable
on siid bond the sum of SXttitf, with Inter
est thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum from Hecember 1st, IH94; tbat there
is due the further sum of Slo.'il, for taxes
paid by said plaintiff, with Interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from
the aoth day of September, Into, for which
sum, with Interest plaintiffs pray for a de
cree that the defendants pay the same, and
that in default of such payment said prem
ises may he s )(l to satisfy the amount
found due; that defendants be foreclosed
out of all right, title, lien or equity at re
demption in and to said premises, and for
general relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 7th day of Septeinlsar, IS'J6.
bated at Harrison, Nebraska. July 28, IS.
47 M J. A.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Special Rates.
The following excursion rates will be
in effect for the dates as follows at one
fare for the round trip:
August 15, 17 and 18 to Omaha, good
returning August 24th, to young peo
ple's christian uaion.
August 23 and 23 to. Milwaukee, good
returning Aug. 31st to national conven
tion republican league.' The return lim
it on above tickets to the different points
may be extended from 10 to 15 days.
For further particulars call on me.
E. F, Pontics, Agent.
Eclipse and FlrtMnks Wind
mills Towers. Tsoks, Irrlf
tins Outfits. Hon, But lag.
arlnders.Sbellera.Wood Saws,
lirive Points. Pine. Fillings.
Brass goods and ralraaalu
R)tas)ar Btoalea. Prlrri
low. (1M tbe best. Send for
1102 Parnam It, Omaha. Nab.
I will put you 4s a machine which will
elevate from 800 gallons to 22,000 gal
lons per minute with tbe least possible
power. It can be operated by windmill,
team, water or horse power.
It has been tried and ita merits are
known. '
It ia just tbe thing to use in streams
where a portion of tha water can be
used to elevate the other jfortioo.
They are cheap. Tbey are durable.
Tbey are simple. They are up-to-date.
Prices oo larger machines or on iron
work alone, furnished oo application.
Write for further Information to,
L T. POOLE, Agent,
Mantaad, Neb.
Rfflore (broods
Iflonej, TThan
Marsteller Bros.
"The Old Reliable."
Isador Richstein,
DEALER, 123"
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Pabst's Celebrated
Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils.
We will send THE SIOUX COUN
TY JOURNAL until January 1, 1898
and the Toledo Blade for 3 months for
Or the above papers and the Chicago
Inter Ocean a year for $1.25.
This offer is to all new subscribers and to those who are
subscribers, provided they pay all arrearages on subscrip
tion to date of settlement at the regular price.
Cash in all cases will be required from those who wish
to take advantage of our campaign offer.
The Journal is the only paper in Sioux county that is
authorised to publish the official notice of the proposed
amendments to the constitution, it is the oflcial county
paper, and is the only paper in Sioux county that is quali
fied according to the Statute for the publication of legal
notices and other notices repaired by the laws of Nebraska
to be published.
ataoa there.
nal, Lincoln, Neb,