Tb Sioux County Journal. i ins. Subscription Pr, 93. 00 I. J. Simmons, Editor. gartered at tbe Harrison poet olBre m ) coed etas matter. TnmiT, AtorT , itr. BeaahHcaa Xathmal Ticket. For president, , WILLIAM MTKIN'LEY. for vace-preaident, tiAEKETT A. HuB.t ET. 8Uta Tlrket. Tor Governor, J. H. MacCOI.L. for Liutenant-iovenior, OBLA.NLKJ TEFrT. Tor Secretary of Mute, JOEL A. PIPER. For Auditor, P. O. HEKLISD. PorTreaurer, C. E. CASEY, "or Attorney -General, A. a. CHI'BCHILL. Tor Sept. of Public lnttrticliou, H. K.OURBETT. Tor Comislaaioner Public Lands 1 Bulllings, H. C. KuwU. For Sapreme Judge, RGHF.BT BY IX, . If. P. K1SKAID. Vor Krtrrat of the Stnt University, W. G. WHITVOKE. For Presidential Elector. J. E. HOl'TZ, F. J. SADILEK, A.J. BLKNHAM, a. c Foster, SOL I'RAPKE. ti. A. DERBY, J. L. McPHEELEY, 41. L. FB1E-E. Ceegressioaal Ticket. For Member of Congress, 6th District, A. E. CADY. CADI'S POSITION. Sr. Pacl, Neb.. July 22, To the Ed itor of the St. Paul Phonograph: L'KAI SlB: I have resid your uccount f tba North Platte convention which re aulted ia my nomination for congress, mod I wiah to thank you for the kindly aeatimeot of your rerereoce to inyaelt'. Tba respect and confidence or the people with whom I have cast my lot is to me far dearer than the accomplishment of any political ambition my abilities would permit me to attain. I observe that your one objection to my candidacy, Md wbicb you call particular attention of your readers, is that I stand upon a platform opposed to the best interests of tba people of this state. I s ty to you frankly, if I believed this to be true, if 1 thought my success, or the principles I advocate, would either continue or add to tba burdens that now oppress the peo ple of Nebraska, I would withdraw from the co test. Everything I have in the world, every hope, every ambition, lies within the boundaries of my adopted state. Here I have lived since the days of my early manhood here was the tirst home build ing, here my children were born. Every tie of home, friends and material inter ests, appeal to me, and to have said that I would advocate a policy opposed to trie beat interests of our people sounds to me Dot unlike a charge of t reason. Can you f'v any reason, moral or material, why should do so? There is none. It be comes then a question of judgment and experience to determine who represents tba beat interests of the people. Let rue briefly give the reasons for the faith that s iu me. The two cardiual principles of tba republican platform are protection and sound money. My devotion to the former is based upon tike country's ex perience with and without it. Every de viation previous to the war resulted dis astrously. The revenue tariff of 1820 reduced the country to abject poverty, threw tba working men into idleness and destroyed the borne market of the Amer ican farmer. The value of wheat at that time can be determined in the fact that it required a barrel of flour to pay for a pound of tea. A revenue tariff in 1887 closed our factories, and for tlie tlrsl Time in our history soup houses were opened to feed American workingmen. Wheat sold in Ohio for 8 cents a bushel. The panic that ensued lost to this nation as much money as was required to sup press tba lata rebellion, and it left the vounlry so poor that in 1840 an agent was sent to Europe to borrow ten mil lions of dollars to pay the running ex ponas of tba government, and he could find ao one with enough confidence in our ability to pay to make tlie loan. A popalar loan was advertised and a few bund red thousand dollars subscribed at rates of interest running as high as 32 par cant Tba cry of the workingmen was, a-cording to papers of that date, "Give us work, give us work at your own terms. Our families are starving." And during this period there was on the statute books a law providing for the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, but no protection. The next tariff re form measure was followed by the panic vf 1887 with all ite attendant miseries, and whan in 18nl Abraham Lincoln took tba rains of povsrnment he found a bank root treasury and a ruined credit A protective tariff was again enacted. It imparted a new vigor, it brought new Ma. Miam wars raised to carry on the civil war, and when that was brought to successful conclusion the country was left with a debt approximating 92,500, OQ.swfl. Under a protective tariff we aaw that debt steadily reduced until it 1840.000. Under tba edminis- of President Harrison tba war i dimiaiahsd sear I v three bun- BBilUon dollars, therefav aavimr tlfZX&0 annual interest charges. Whew Br. Cleveland was started in 19M tba psspls war employed and tba coun try prpsrous. With his adveot to swar protection was again dethroned. What baa beta tba result? Wa have asa sMaacias in the rovsrnmatit revs. 'sm We baveseen the interest bearing Jew. hjBistii tm,000,000 to par U aaswan of the government. Wo aaea the aavoal Tsurest charm lot ' tna ex- have chmrttm Im its Wf-W't Wa have sees maoufac to- sad thoasande of i thrown into idleness. zjjmzrrm'm y"f .w wot n a tba aaatcy of dtepair, aad con srnaraay toast tba broad of I aw 1 -a .i a -U 11 fatVti7 tews fcrtnrd to hits us an incroaasd market for our oft ad stuffs and meals, and with this added to the decreased consumption resulting from widespread idleness, we have seen the value of every product of tba Held sod Uriu depreciated in value. Aodytt in the face of all this we are told that ou. troubles relate not to trie tariff, but the money question. We caunol forget tlatt when we had exactly the same mon ey conditions and different tariff we were prosperous, and we know that if a policy is adopted that will sgain give tLe people employment, again make Ihrm wage earners and circulators of money, look to the future with hope. Bui He are given to understand that the tanll question is settled, lliat this is the ldt:il cooditiou, that tlie results are satisfac tory. Lsj you candidly think that the settle- ' meut of tlx: money question by the same ' party and with similar results would (e ; satisfacUr ? And yet what more navel we to liope for? 1 abserve with what I persistency refereoce is made to the re- j publican platform as "gold," and its ad vocate as a "gold bug," and with the same assumption of virtue that the Mo hamiiiidan refers to the "dog of a c hris tian," and Willi equally as much reason. The republican platform demands that present gold standard be maintained un til an international agreement for lite free coinage of silver can be perfected. There is but one interprta'.ion: that all of our money, gold, paper, or silver, shall be of one ami the same value, and the standard of lhat money shall be gold. as it is and has been during the most prosperous years of our nation's life. 1 cannot understand what possible ol-jec- tiou can be urged to that plank, iuu certainly do not want silver and paper to be worth less than gold. I observe that in free coinage discussions care is taken to insist that silver will advance to a parity with gold, so that standard Appears to be the free silver man's ob jective point. 1 am in favor of tlie free and unlimited coinage of silver under such conditions as will enable us to keep what money we have and receive a permanent bene fit ot all additional coinage. Can nru dence go farther? Would you be willing to adopt the converse of this proposition: Your objection to me is that 1 do not advocate the policy of allowing the mitw j owners to take piece of silver worth lifiy ents to the mint and hnve It stamped a i dollar. I certainly believe It to br fraught with the grvatesl danger and il ' carried out productive of results senou ; to every interest in the country. Tlie, commercial value of the silver that en ters into the composition of a dollar is approximately one half the value you propose to stamp on its face. The gov ernment stamp wiil not raise its value perceptibly. V hy? Becaux the coin rests entirely on its own value, it is not redeemable, it is not inter-changeable, the government assumes no responsibil ity and its value must and will be deter mined bv the price of silver throughout the world. Uu you for one moment im agine that by the passage of a law by the United Slates the value of all the silvei in the world can be doubled? And yet unless that be true this country would go to a silver standard at once, tlie $625,000,000 or gold will go out of cir culation and instead of having more money will have infinitely less. You are a candid man. Would you advocate a policy that would le.id to this perilous contraction of the currency? And yei you must concede that this result would inevitably follow unless you succeed in doubling the value of silver throughout the world. How is this to be accom plished? India has .30,000,000of silver. i)o we understand that by the passage of a free coinage law in the United States that silver at once assumes the Durchas- ing power of l,ir00,000,000? That sur-1 passes the dreams of the Indian juggler. I China has fTW.OOO.OOO silver and by tlie! touch of this maigic wand of legislation 1 is this to be transformed and become a ' value of 11,500,000,000? Some one urges that if the law ot tins country makes sil ver worth 1 at an ounce it must be so elsewhere. Very true. But the law I will not make it worth $1.29 in anything ' but itself. The law will simply deter-; mine that $1.29 of silver is worth $1.29 in silver. That is true today. In advo cating the free and unlimited coinage ol silver at the ratio of 19 to 1, iudepend.ini of any other nation, you ignore two im-i portant fact, first, that when sil vet was formerly at par with gold tlie mints' of the entire commercial world with the exception of England were open to its coinage. The only countries of conse- quence whose mints are now open are ' hina and Mexico. The closing of the j mints of the world to the free coinage of : silver is urged as tlie reason for itsdepre- j ciatiou and if this is true is not the ditfi- i culty international? If it required ten ! norse to pun the load can you expect one, though lie be the largest, to pull it alone, and if you insist on it woo't you kill your horse? Another fact you ig nore is the increased amount of silver. Uo vou realize that durinc the twentv- one years subsequent to 1873 tbe world's production or silver was as much as dur ing tlie previous one hundred years. Uo you expect the United State to alone aboulder that additional burden? Uo you realize what has been done for sil ver in recent years? .Let us briefly ex amine. There is a constant recurrence in the statement that the people of the world have bad taken from them one half of their money. In 1878 tba coined silver of tba world amounted to $1,816, 000,000, today it is $4,000,000,000. Does not that show that the silver money of the world bas been more than doubled during tba last twenty-two years? Dur ing tnai time tna world s product or sil ver has been $3,000,000,000 and the above record shows that mora than 70 per cent was coined into money. You assume that the republican party is un friendly to silver. Let me call your at tention to the fact that in tba fifteen year from 1878 to 1808 tlx re was added to the monetary system of this country 889,000,000 of silver, mora than one fourth tba silver product of the world during that period, mora than one-third of ll tha coined silver in the work! in 1871 All of this ailver, however, was coined by the government on it own ac count. The silver was bought at the market price and whatever margin re mained went to tba government. Thin was not and is not satisfactory to tba mine owner, ha wants the freedom of It mints he want the privilege of having his piece of silver stamped a dollar though the judgment of lb world says it is worth but Oft cant. It ia a de maad withoat a parallel la history sad Un vary suggestion of ite success will be watohed for with anxiety aad fear. Vary Bsspact fully, A. at, CaOT. - How it tteMtoswswniho.- PROPOSED consTiTUTionai AMEiiDMEHTS. The following propvoed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska, as hereinafter set forth iu fall, are submitted to tba electors ot the State of Kebrsaka, to be vofei upon , at the general election to be held Toes- , day, Xovember 3, A. D., IHM: j A joint resolution proposing to amend section two (2), four 4, and Ave (6.) of article six (6) of tba Consti tution of the State of Nebraska, relating to number of judge of the aprema court and tbeir term of office. Be it n-mlVMl sad rasctcd by tk Legisls tare of the 8 sui u( Nebruks : Hoc i ion 1. Thai MKsli'Hi two (7) of srtiol tit () ft tha ion.um'.j of ih Mate u( Kcbrsak b MBMdwl mi to rsd a tol kiwt: oVxHios I Tb supreme aoert akall anil otborwue p-iirt 14 by lit. of fl : (A) jntsi a Bwjon'7 uf sb'jai abai. b a-- -aarv to farm a quorum or lo prunnauoa : s dwiaios. I aludi bar onetsal ai iadl -tlos j Id chm istiftUu to ravann civil eaaaa ia j wbi .k Ih atata snail tm a par'r. isasdssiaa, . eoo warranto, habaaa aorpn., sai as a i appaUsla lorladictioa. s ever b proridad by . lew. j Bettns 2. That Hrll'l foar (O of ai-lcle ' all ( of tha CoBattistios "f Um HUata or Mabraaka, ba amesdad au a to reed s fui kxaa: hWtion 4- Tk lodes of tk aaprvai court akall b aiartd br tk electors of lb lata at lsr, aad Ibair Wrm at oAoe ex cept aa hnramaflar prtjvid-sL anal! ba for s uari-d of sot lea than fir C4) .ara a lb taeialsiar but praaenha. He-tioa 11 'inal aa. tiuo flra C) of rtic at (Si of tba Cun.Utatl.Hi of the State of Na brsaka. ' smait.Md Ui rasd f .How.: kartbeta. At tha fl-.t nenaral alactioa to ba keld in tha vrsr 1MM tbere bail ba alaated two (tt Jofra ttt tba aaprvma cuurt osa , of whus rkaU ba elected fr a Urat of . t ( Tear, wsa for tha tsriu of four (; yasra, and at aaab gaaarsl ia:Uon there after, than hall br alerted osa jnd- of tna auprema ooart for the Wrss of Br (a) resra. aalaea otheraiee provided bj law; Prarllad. that tha jodnae of the an pres. court show tarsu have not expired St tka tins of h ildinx the getiaral aloiv linn of Us abali i-.munu' to sold thair trfflo for tk remaiBiar of lha term for ar hi h tba were respectively tuianie alued. Approved March W. A. D. 1SX. A joint " resolution proposing an 1 amendmeatto section thirteen (13) of article sis of the Constitution of tbe State of Nebraska, relating to com pensation of m pre me and district coo it judges. B- It ratolved by thn LejUUtar of th State of Nebraska: ffection 1. That aectloi thtrteau (la of article an (i) of (h t'o.i.lliutioa of the Biaie of Neora.ke be aiucodtid eo ae to read aa fol lows: Hec 13 Tha jndem of tka tunreme aal diatrict coarta aball receive tor their servlcee ock compena il.ou aa may be provided by law, parab.e quarterly. The levltiatar aball at It flrat aeesioa sfter the stlostioo of IhU amrsdraaut, three fl.'ibK of tha memljare eieoiad to as h house emicarrlm. eetabiwh tb r onipnnaaUon. Tba oomprneiiloB ao -lab-ialieU ehall not be changed oftnner -thaaoucetnaour eeara. snitla no ayeat niuaa two-tkirda of the membra aisctad aav-h kooee of tka lentaiators vjuttr t nereis. Approval kUrck ID, A. D 180. A joint resolution proposing to amend section tweuty-four (34) of articlo five (5) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to com pensatiott of, thaofficera of tbe executive department. Be it res lived and aaaetad by tke Legtilatar ef i ke (Hate of Nekraeha : Haciioo 1. Ik it section twentr four (21) of amme fl () of th. Conailtutlo i of the Hcaaa of Kaoraaaa ba amended to road aa fol low: baetton M. Tka of&aer of tka cxacative deperwneni of ihe ! (ovrament ahali receive for their aervioaa oiwpeaestioa V ba e.tsbllshol by issr, wbl h anal I be aaither insr seal nnr diminish -odunu tk term lor which thee ehail k iva uaaa rom ml.aiooail and iney a hall not re r to their own net any fj. co. a. iniereaia, aoou pa lln DioDA) a in ibair hand a or under their control, BerqoUite of offi.; or othir com pea nsUu aad nil fee thit may here, after ba parable r law fir aerviee performed br aa offl-wr provide 1 for to this aruV-laabaii be pai.1 la adeaa- into tke state treaeuj y The laialature ehall at it. Brat leealun alter the adoption 'if thta amend ment, tk -ae fifth of tke memtatra e.e.-ti to avb hooaa of the letalatare con currin. eiabllk tha a.iartee of la officer aaioed in th; aril -la The eam p n altoa m eauilahe4 akall not be ckanf i oftauar tkaa uude la four ysa-s aaa in ao event Oai-e 1 two-tk rd of the member elected to each koos of Ik legtaaatai conmr therein Approved March SAD. UU. A joint resolution proposing to amend section oae (1) of article aiz (6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebras ka, relating to judic al power. Be it rweotved sad aaaetad by ike Lsziaia tareof tk of Mabra-ka: section 1. That miIoi oa Oof artleladx of tke tJeaatitattos of Ike ate. of Mebraaaa amaadad lo aad sa foi.owa : Section L The Jadiial sowar of tkU Basil bs Tee tad ia B eupreeie coart. dhlaria aeart. otmnty eoari Ju. tinea of th pas . ao- BUffiatrsta. sud la sack otkar eoari Inferior to th . eaprsma eooi I aa may ba eieatad Of law la which to-tklrd of Iks ttMBSbS. Siacted lo Approvsd XUrch at. A. D. lanV A joint resolution proposing to amend section eleven (II) of article six (8) of tba Constitution of tba State of Nebraska, relating to Increase in Bom ber of supremo and district ooart Judge. Be It rsselvsd and aasoted by tka LeglnUtars ef lbs Saate of Ka.irseka: ailo I. Ikal asetlos aUvea (ID of srtii-U MX () of .he OasaiUatius ,4 th MM of braeka be eSssatMe to rasa a fat- IL Tka Isais asars. w base ear two- sairo or tea m.wosr etsessa as am a aaaaa snail soa.Br Ikaraia Bear, ta o- efisr tba yasr aaa laoawad .l.hi huadrad and alnalyseraa aad ao uftenar laaa as bs avrr ioar year, leoresaa tk aam-atr of iadgs of ac srssts aad dtatrMI oart. and tke )odlal Sejtrtat of tk atsta. aa b dl.trict akall bs formed of oompsat territory, aad koasSsd by eoauity uas; and sack ia avaaaa, ar ssy chan.a la the bmadsrte sf a dastrlot sksll a vaeste tke osIjs ef say iata. ' Approved .teres ta. A. D. laU. A joint raaslatioa prapcainf to aottoa ats (8) of arttele om (l) of tha Ooawtitalioa of tha State of tad to trial by jury. B. St rssslvMl sad euseic J mj tto Lsfislslare e is- Btoieef Vim; (l)of ike Coast taoaa at Skst 4 Ke- brsaas be ssit 4 lo r -4 s follows: Section s. Ike rtik of (rial b taur sksU wsin lavMlato. Im Ik sta a' B" u.sr urv via tk .1 is ctvh eruoa. s--stit ks of ta J-T rimer s vwrdt CuiUj .r.iaistsre mmf l-o kuns. Ir-mt br s jar? ot s m sssib-r tksa linn ia euar. laferiur to Ik ow WVt court. Appte'sd ktorck X. A D. IWi. A Jolrt resolution proposing to amend section one ( 1) of article five (S) of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat ing to officers of tha executive depart ment. lie It reenlv-a and snarled by tk IvrUia tare of ike His a of Nebraska: Knrll.in 1 That eat-tion one (1) of ar tide flea ( )of lha t'ossili Ulloa ot lha etat T Neoraaaa La amended to read a. lot- , Iowa: . Bartios 1 The axreaiiva depart n e-it akall 1 eona-at of -veinor. Ilentenant (oreraor, arretary of mUut au iu-of pub ft-j ac.-. oats, I irtaxur-r. as a lnteudent of pub 1 in atruiTtioa, aitorurr r n-ral. romnnaeVwer of paoilo land and bui disira, and thraa raj, road, eomuiieeioa-ira ea k ol a bom. cso-pt tha eai 1 r-.il-, t auaamiaeiunam. abaL houl bt office fur a term of two yeat. tirni to flrat Thuraday after tba Arat Tueala In .anoary. after alactioa. an i aatii kU aueceasor la a actel aad q -a Ifted Ka k r- iind com ml iocier ahail hot i hi office for a term of three yesra baiunintf on the Srat Tbureiar altar tha fir.t TneaJey In 4a oar a ler hi. . Uon. and nnui hie innna or la ele tei ul qo iflad P.-otlrL bower er. 'that at tka flr.t fenerai aiee tion held sflar the ado tio i of thu snit-nd-awnl i bare .hail ba etacied. ihiva raiiroad eoamlejioiier.. one for taa period ol oae year, osa tor the pt-riod of I wo year., and oae fur tha p-riod of three year, lb" eu araor, aacretarr of atnte, aull!or of pub lic eeeoonta, and trea-arer akeU reeMe si th capital duniw their tnrm nf offlv; tker akall keav lb publlo rword.. look! ami paper, there ana eha.t perforui anvk uu Uaa aa Buy ba requirea uy lw. pprovaa kUrvb . A. D. UOj. i A joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-six (26) of ar ticle five 5) of tha Constitution of the ! State of Nebraska, limiting tho num ber of executive "tat officers. B It reeoleet and enao ad by tka Laf -huature of tbe Kiel a of Nebra.ka: Hectton 1. That aedton twenty aiz (.t) of artli-la fire of tha Coa.timuoo of lha Siata ot Kebraaka be meuded to read aa follow : Heciioa fit. No other eierntire itate offl Cera e.-pt thMe naruad in aa tloo on . 1) of thu nrtit'ia ehall be rreatad. x pi by aa act of the kiielature which u ronenrrsi In by not leaa tb-n tbrao-f urtha of tba meuibere alaotad to each boUM tkereof ; Prowled, That sny nffl'W creited hy an act of tka legt.iature war be abo'iabed y tka lefialaturti, two-thirle of the m-m-lera elected, to each hoaae thereof ooucar nng. Approved March 8U. A. D.. lael A joint resolction proposing to amend section niua (0) of article eight (ft) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, providing for the investment of the permanent educational funds of the state. Be it raeoWed and enacted by tba Lfie!s ture of the mat of N-braaka: Hoction 1. That aeu.toi nine (") or arli-le iht (81 of lha io,l.oll ,n of the Klete of Neoi a.ka b amuudud to read aa fol lows: rcttonv. All f uu ia tie'.onirtne lo taa atsta for dacaU.nal pnrpuaee, lha Interval and iucom wbaraof only ar to te tiiii, ihill bs seeme4 trut tonda held by tha atat, aad the i;aia absll aupptr all loaae there at tkat may In anr ma mar acorue, ao that tha asme aball rema.n foravur inviolate aad uodtminUhed aad ahad not be in Ttd or loaual e.-ept uu Uiilt-d Htataa or atat ea-unliee. or rea-laiered oouaty Boada or reiatred echo 1 dl.'rt -t bond, of tki etate, and an-k faod with tbi inter est and income tharaof are hereby aolemn lr needawtl for tbe purpose lor whi h they are framed and aet aiart. and aoall nut ba transferred to any ol bar fund for otkar Oae: Provided. Tha board created by arction 1 ot lata article ia emtxrteeewt to sell from lima to time nay of tbe eei-uritiaa belonging to the permanent s bail fund end iuvmt Ihe proorada ari.lng therrfrim In any of tke aecuriliea enumerated In Ikia aactloa bear lag a burner rata of tnureat whenever an opportunity for better inreaimeut la pre anted; And provided farther, That when any warrant op- a tha etais Ireeaa er reg uiarly is-ued In pureuan -e of an approprl atloa by tba lestalatare Bad secured by tke levy of tax for Ha pavment. kball be presented to -h state treaeurcr for pay meat, sad tkera shall not be soy money Is tba proper fund to pay each warrant, th board creeled by aeirtioa 1 of this artto a may direct tbe etate treas urer to iy lha araon:it due on aa h war rant from Btoneya in hi. hnoda le-longing toih paroianent acbo il fund of tha state, and he aball h 4d aid warrant aa aa In vestment of aeid permanent a. bool fond. Approved starch 2S. A. D lstU A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska by adding a new section to article twelve (IS) of said confutation to be numbered section two (8) relative to the merging of the government of cities of the metro politan class and tha government of tbe counties wherein inch cities are located. Be tl rolvd and sasctsd by tbe Legls latar of tk aisle of Hsbrsaka: asstlua 1. That article twalva T) of tka Ooaa Illation of tk Htale of Meoraska bs mpded liy adding to said article a new ac Uon to im am bared section two (.! to read s follow : Section t. Tb goverameBt of say oily of tk metropolitan elaa aad Ik gov- moi of tea ooaaty in wnmn tl I ko-atad raav ba merged wkotir or la Ban waaa a proposition au to oo aaa bees abmltiad by aothority of law to tke voter of rack oily aad coanty and re eelred Ik aaaeat of a majority of tka vote east la each citf Bad aleo a majority of tk votet esal la IBs coanty ai.nuaire ef tkoa esst la tack mairupolitaa city si esck sleatioB. Assrovad Karcb , A. D. im A joint reaolation Broroing aa amendment to (action aiz (6) of article seven (7) of tha Constitution of the State of Nebraska, prrsoribing tba iaor ia which votes shall be cast. Be II reeotred sad aataatad by tk Lanrialat ar sf tka atsta sf Xebraeke : aactlas 1. Taai ssottna als (f) ef srUcta even fj) of the Oonatltstlos of tk ktaU f Kabrsaaa be maadad to read as fot- Bessie A All vats atmll ke br ballot ar sack oiasv mrtkid aa assy ba pi aeialisd by law rnvklarl tb srr f voliag sa areaerved. Awirorsd .a D im A joint ivMointton propoiinaT to Bated Satioa two t) of article fomr teea (14) of tba CoaMUtmtloa of tka State of lhtaakt, ralatlva todoutloa to worts) of ifrtaraaJ Impmstaeat aa4 suaafactortea. fca U reaulrad sa4 aaet.1 by tka Lae lakatar of tke Male of Mbraaka : The sac koa two .') of arsane toartasa arteaa (lai of tka lose Uu lua at laa b:ahaf MabwSik. b nnsad to rasa a km: See. I Mm aMy, esaaty. sm. saeeiae. Baaictaeltty, or otkar skaivi4ua of las sM. skali ever ssaka a.-aakM to say Works of Internal UBurueenieat, or SHShsCart-wv. nalea. s pr .n-ltioa so to so ahail kaaa been I ret eoliaiiitea to tka a oa tkea aim tore aaJ rsiuW i.r a (wo IhirJa aa at sa alactioa by Buthortty of law; Provided That an. h donali.aia of a evvstv with tba OeMiloaa of anrrh aa di vunoB ia the arreeala kall not t-s.weti leu par east of tka eeecenii vaineipa of ark count t ; Provided, furikar. Tht any eitr or ououty mar, by a three-fonrine Tola, increase an h indebt-dn -aa Bee per aaat, la nudition to aah t a par cant aa4 So bosda or evLianeaa of iBdabiauiMwa ao laesail akall la a Id naleaa ik- aauic .k I have andrei l h rm a a fl'-al. mgixA by Ik aaniviary n.t ae-11 or nf ll". bowing tat the aama la uauei pareoanl to law. Apprvval Uarrh 9. A D . ltJi. I, J. A. Piper, secretary of state of the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that tbe foregoing proposed amendments to tbe Constitution of tbe State of Ne braska are true and correct copies of the original enrolled and engrossed bills, aa passed by the Twenty. foorth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, as appear from aaid original bills on file in this oDce, and that all and each of said proposed amendment are submitted to the qualified voters of tbe State of Ne braska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday, ths 3d day of November, A. 0., 18SW. In testimony whereof, I have here on to set my band and affixed tbe great seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this )7tb day of July, in the year of onr Lord, One Thou sand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-Six, of the Independence of the United State tbe Ot Hundred and Twenty. First, and of this slate the Thirtieth. (Seal ) J. A. PIPER, Secretaiy of State. Good rigs furnished on short notice. Reliable drivers and quiet saddle horses alwuvx on hand. Good accommodation for trsmsriimt ctintonicrs, llonies boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL. . N. D. HAMLIN, PROPRIETOR. -THE- COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, 1. E. BnatWnTU, Prasideni, D. H. ORWWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50000. Transacts a General Banking Business. ,J CORRESPONDENTS: ' Awanck Exchahoe NatiosaL BAirg, New York, Omaha Natiokal Bahk, Omaha, FlBOT NATI05AL Baw, Chfidron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tsT-DSAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. YOU WILL FIND ME AT THE OLD STAID WITH BA.ieOI2srs FOR m. GRANT GUTHRIE, tttorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and Ifistru-t Courts, and before the United States Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliaMe oniiani-s. fj"Legal papers carefully drawn. HarjuwjX, - NKBKtsaA. B. L. SMUCK. Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. OPEN SUNOAV FROM 0 TO 12. BaZohs and scissors pit is csfimt. (lire t ton J a I (all. Itipans Tabules. Hip.ms Tabulcs cure nausea. Kipans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Rlpans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure bad hroalX Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. North-Western LINE F., E. A M. V. R. R is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. Feed and Sale Stable. Nebraska. C. F. Corm, Vi -Piidat u. wmi s 4-s j