The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 16, 1896, Image 7

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    Aaa.riraa Hiryrle Ibiatd
American bicycle, aa well m Enirlinh,
re exported to almoat all countries.
Recent trade teport ehow hitimenta
from the port of New York to Oreat
Briuin, France, Germany, lH-rjinriif
Norway, Sweden, India. Australia.
Chili, Braiil, Columbia, Hayti, San Do.
minto, Jamaica and Central America,
all within a brief period. Jajan, in her
ambition to emulate weetern industries,
baa begun to manufacture Iter ou
wheels but they are described at clumay.
Magnesia it the friend of the woman
who bat irreaee apoU on ber gown.
I know that my life aaveil by pi-o't
Cure fi r Consumption. John A. JUIer.
A a Pable, Michigan, April 21, lMfi.
It require a woman of much artistic
taste and careful thought ap regards
the details of drees to put on a veil
properly, and the ha another problem
to wreelle with this season if she at
tempts to wear a fichu, fur the fichu
needs the touch of an artiet quite at
much a the veil. The folds must 1
arranged gracefully and the ends co
.uettiilily twisted and fastened with
fancy pint to make a euccert of this
pretty article of dress.
naturally, lime a kx awtite. k-p our
klaod pure and your tieire tnnt by taking
The not , iu tai I. II, due 'I nie lilrxxl 1'uiiner.
Hood' Pill cure bllloiivni-i. Iirariarhe. u:,c
Wounds, Bruises,
Sunburn, Sprains,
Lameness. Insect Bites,
After hard WORK or
KXEJtCISINO rub with it
to J t oil LA M EX ESS.
-Weak, Watery, Worthless.
cures PILES.
eO0'S EaTRACT CO . 76 fifth . haw M
The Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age.
Has discovered In one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He lus tried It In over eleven hutidred
Uses, and ntver failed except In two case
f both thunder humor). He has now In his
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value, all within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for book.
A benefit Is always experienced from
tht first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected It cause
shooting pains, like needles passii.g
through them; the same w ith the Liver or
Uowels. This Is caused by the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears In a week
after taking it. Hc-aJ the label
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will
causa squeamish feelings at first
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you tan get, and enough of it.
Dose, on tablespoonful jn water at bed
time. Sold by ail Druggists.
For rheumatics con
sumptives invalids of all
For everyone who is
weak and wants to get
Hot Springs, So. Da
kota. Book lout it free if you write to J
Francis Ciao I Pass'r Agent, Burlington
Rome, Omaba, Neb.
The 8t Joseph and Grand Island E. B.
IwUV-'t. Union Pao.fio System
iih ravnaiic aouTi
To California, Oregon and alt Walrn Poinu.
for Information warding ralea, tie , i all on
ar ulrt rat. any or S. H. A ijhit,
at. P. HoaiNRoK. Ja., .n. I'aai. Aft.
Oau'l MDut, Hu Joarph, Mo.
Through Yellowstone
Park on a bicycle.
Wrtk to J. rraaeU.OBl IWr A taut. Bur
awVm Ronta, Oauha, .. for kMkW(glfiu
13 laiorauklk atwvl eoat, road, ate.
North Carol iaa Itaaaes Rear The r
Fart ia the Mining Uprratlnna.
Among the Inhabitants of the south
rrn mountains, anions those strange
left-over people whose customs hare
little changed from what thejr were 200
years ago, women bear a large share of
the burdens of exigence, and they
don't call themselves new women.
In the South mountain of North Car
olina, lying to the south of the old town
of Morganton, the poorer residents ob
tain a small amount of money by pan
ning gold In the "branches," as the little
streams are called. It was told that by
far the greater part of this work was
done by women, and I was Invited to
make a Journey through the mountains
with one of these women to act as guide
and preceptor.
As we stood the next morning before
a log hut the door opened and a woman
stood before us. She was Introduced
by my frleud as "Tine" Hank. AlKiut
30 years old, rather small, nlight, dress
ed In a coarse gown of nondescript col
or and material, her eyes were of the
most beautiful brown, while her glossy
biai k hair waa done into u simple knot
St the bark of her head. Her feet were
bare anil brown as the soil which form
ed the floor of the cabin.
"Tine" had been forewarned of our
coming and was ready to start at once
with her gold pan under her arm. In a
fntnmii ndimr .tw. ul,,. .... 11.. .1 t, o man
r " . ""'7 ": v v - "
1 trim of 1... l. ...n: i.:...
nn pni i'. iiitr iii ju;n e, it-inn); Him iu
get a shovel and follow. We took our
way down a crooked trail wlib-h ran
alongside one of the 'brain-hen." If
It had been a pleiiKiiro to see the grnce
and beauty of this woman In repose it
was a marvel to observe her liilin
Siong the forest path, with every mus
cle In piny, every ail.iu- (! to
the needs of the moment, now sli iiln
deftly from one stone to n not her, noiv
grasping the small limb of n tree lo aid
her In a sleep part of the path.
When we reached a place where
heaps of gravel and sand showed that
panning had been done, "Title" assured
us she could obtain a "color." Taking
the shovel from the mountaineer, she
drove It Inlo the bisl of the shallow
stream, pushing it down by placing her
naked foot on the rd,'o of the blade.
Ilanlng carefully ilms-n a panful of
gravel, she crouched down and com
menced the operation of panning." 1
have seen this delicate task performed
many times, but never before with tonh
rapidity and dexterity. In an Incred
ibly short time she gave the twist
to the Iron pan. and exhibited it to us
with the small remaining amount of
gravel collected in lis lower edge, while
the tiny yellow scales, the 'colors,"
were arranged in a sort of line ia lie
upper part.
Then she jumped i 1 . opposite sid
of the branch, du.-ing with her hand.:
(It some looseiKHl pieces of ipial'l III the
opposite bank. She returned. r;rrrj lug
three or four pieces iu her hands. One
of the fragments she held out trium
phantly, saying, "It'll carry right smart
gold," while her bright eyes shone with
Placing her trophies on a flat stone,
she proceeded to beat the ipmrlx to a
fine powder. Scraping the crushed ma
terial into the pan, she proceeded to a
small pool in the hi renin ami went to
work as deftly us before.
A pretty picture it was and a novel
one, tills delicate featured, bun-footed
woman, bending over the edge of Die
stream, whlh rushed along among the
gray rocks, taking its path down t in
slope of the mountain under the big
pine trees. When the pan was present
ed for Inspection there, Indeed, was
"right smart gold." Instead of a few
flakes a yellow streak showed on the
black surface of the pan "almost n
pennyweight," as the mountaineers In i
formed ns. This being placed In a J
hIih rrieneil oiiili brought alooir for the
'purpose, we left the "branch" and
starle for ollur inilllble workings.
I Miring the day we encountered sev
eral women, usually In small parties,
i engaged either In panning or In benting
I up the loose vein rock after the primi
tive method which "Title" had employ
ed. They told us they n vera fed about
j$l a day when they worked hard, and
I there was, of course, always the chance
I of striking a "pocket," which might
give them 120 or $.'10 In a lump. They
were able to turn their winnings at
once into cash by selling the gold to the
local storekeepers. New York Herald.
HU Moeral ltewarct.
The champion mean man tip-town
seems to Ik- a young man, who recently
advertised In the papers offering a
"liberal" reward for the return of a
pocketlxiok containing S.'tO In cash amf
some valuable papers. Two young men
found the pocketlook In Norrlstown
and called at the loser's house lo return
It. He handed one of them fifty cents.
The finders protested, saying that ll'
had cost them n." cents to come down
from Norrlstown, ami that they hadn't
enough money to get home again. The
fortunate owner of the pocket honk dis
missed them with the remark that he
couldn't help that. Philadelphia 1 !'
ord. Inaanlty anil liirorec.
The lunacy statistics of tie- kingdom
of WurteiiilMTg show that out of 1..S 0,.
OIK) people the lunatics number: It.'!
married women, girls, X'.H widows,
1,M0 divorcees, 140 husbands, J:!' I
bachelors, ICS widowers, and 1.4M4 men
living apart from their wives. The
moral of this for married people se-'ins
to be, Hon't rush to the divorce court.
Coal In Mlnnnaota.
Several excellent deMslts of anthra
cite coal have leon discovered In Min
nesota recently. The veins thus far
discovered are only about flv feet In
thickness, hut the coal Is of excellent
As a rule, there Is most justice In thu
side of tn story that Is not told.
Cat loir Bread Thin.
Many physicians, according to a lec
turer on dletica, are ordering thin bread
and butter for delicate patients, es
pecially those suffering from dyspepsia,
consumption and anaemia, or any who
need to take on flesh. This thin bread
and butter Insensibly Induces persons
to eat much more butter than they
Lave any Idea of. It Is extraordinary,
says the lecturer, how short a wsy a
pat of fresh butter will go If spread on
a number of thin slices of bread. This
Is one advantage, and a great one. In
the feedlug of Invalids, for they are
thereby provided with an excellent
form of the fat which Is so essential
for their nutrition In a way that lures
them to take It without rebellion. But
the thin bread and butter has another
advantage equally great it is very di
gestible and easily assimilated. Fresh
butter made from cream Is very much
more digestible when spread upon very
thin slices of bread than the same
amount of cream eaten as cream, per
sc, would be.
Illuta on Waahlnic lilunket.
Before commencing to wash your
blankets 1 sure the day Is fine and
breezy, when they will dry well out of
doors. Cut up some good yellow soap
and boil It to a Jelly with soft water.
Tut some of the boiled soap In warm
soft water; adding a teaspoouful of
ammonia to every tub of water with It
makes a good lather. Wash the blan
kets In two lathers of this kind, then
rinse In plenty of warm water slightly
blued. Wring the blankets as thorough
ly as possible, shake them to raise the
nap and hang out to dry. The surface
of the blankets will Ik- much Improved
by Is'ing shaken twice more during the
latter process. Take the blankets in at
night t)efore the dew falls, place them
In a clothes ltfisket, cover with a cloth
and stand In tire kitchen. If possible
blankets should Is? hung out of doors
for three or four successive days to dry
Omelet Souffle.
Separate six eggs. Heat the whites
up Just as stiff as you possibly can and
add only three yolks. Add three taiile
spoonfuls of sifted powdered sugar, the
grated yellow rind of naif a lcmoi.. one
tablespoonful of lemon Juice and torn
prunes, dates or any dried fruit chopped
very tine. Don't stir until all ol the
Ingredients are In, and then mix vi ry
quickly and lightly, put a few spoon
fuls in tup bottom of n baking dish us a
foundation and the rest in with a batter
bag, so as to make the dish pretty;
dust thickly with powdered sugar, siud
Imke In a quick oven for eight minuii s:
sprinkle with sherry, and serve Imme
diately. KjIK PnfTa.
Soften a tnblcsjpoonful of butter to a
creamy cormintency by working it with
a fork; beat three eggs to a froth and
add thiMn to tlie butter; add also a level
teaspoonful of salt and six tableHpooii
fuls of flour. Boat all these togetl.vr
until they foam, thou put them Into
buttered enrthen cups or Kinall tin pans,
and bake In a hot oven for alsmt hi: If
an hour, or until they are cook'd
through and nicely browned. Serve hot
for breakfast or luncheon.
Strawberry Cream.
Add to the lien ten yolks of six cg-.-s
ono and a half tablespoonfuls of lio'.n
and seven ounces of sugar; mix t law-hole
thoroughly, and stir It over a
slow fire to a smooth crenni. Having
rubbed one pint of strawberries through
a sieve stir the fruit Juice Into the
cream, M It come to a tsill, color it
with a few drops of tincture of coch
ineal, and add to It the whites of the six '
eggs beaten stiff. Tour Into a iuou:d '
and set away to harden.
Brief Hints.
Paint upon window glass may bt
easily removed by rublring with a cloth
wet l'u hot, strong vinegar.
A little saltpetre added to the water
In which cut flowers are put will keep
them fresh a long time.
An essential article that should be
found In every kitchen is a vegetable
brush. Lettu, spinach, celery and
many other vegetables may be clenin-d
much more readily with one than w ill
the bauds,
A piece of horseradish root put into a
Jar of pickles will keep the vim-gar
from losing Its strength, and the plckht.
will not be as liable to become soil or
mouldy. This Is eap&riully gssl for
tomato pickle.
An excellent cure for hoarseness is to
roast a lemon until It Is soft all through;
do not allow It to burst While si'.ll
hot cut a piece from the end and fill the
lemon wltb as much granulated sugar
as it will bold. Then eat It while hot.
A hanging bookshelf may Iks rendered
more ornamental If made with the low
er shelf extending on either side so as
lo form a brackot for a vane or piece
of bric-a-brac. It Is also easy to con
struct one wltb a small cupboard In
closing the two lower shelves, or with
portions of two shelves Irregularly rail
ed off to bold curios.
A narrow, hard bed Is snld to be the
best preventive of bad figures. If one
can also forego pillows, so much the
better. Women wltb round shoulders
snd double china hare a means provid
ed for their cure If they are heroic
enough to give up tb downy conch In
which they revel. When one thinks of
It, the place and position In which on
spends a third of every . twenty-four
hours must have an effect fcPsjC tat
A Beporter'a Interesting Interview
with a Lady of Seventy-two Veers,
Whei Telia a larelona ifitory.
From the Cnum, Port Jrrmg. JV. T.
But a short time ago. in a diatant part
of the country, we hrard of a cure by the
uae of Ir. Williams' Pink Pills, which
seemed sJruosi marvelous, aud more re
cently auoiher substantial evidence of
their value reai'tic our ears. Being of an
iuguiring turn of mind, and wishing to
kuow just how ami there waa iu the
story, a rertcr was seat to interview
the person aaid to he thus benefited. If
the narrative as it had reached our ears
was true, it was only simple justice to let
it be known if it proved untrue, it would
be well to know it.
The person alluded .to above as having
been thus greatly benefited by the use of
Pink Pills is Mrs. Jane Hotslen, of
Hameaville, X. J., a pleasant hamlet in
Sunset County, about fifteen miles
from this otti-e. Ttie reporter had no
difliculty iu finding Mrs. Hutalen. It was
nearly noon when we reached ber pleas
ant home, a double house, one part of
which is occupied by her son. She is a
pleasant-faced old lady, looking to be
about sixty-live, bill is in reality seventy
two years of age. Afier a few prelimi
nary remarks in explanation of the call,
ahe was asked if she had any objection
to g.viiig ns tte details of the case and
how niie caiue to try this now famous
"Not at all," said she. "If my experi
ence can be of any good lo others, 1 am
sure they are welcome to it it can do me
no tiarm. .
"When were yon taken k and what
was the nature of the malady':" was
"It was about two years ago. The
trouble was rheumatic iu character sci
atica, they called it and it was very
painful indeed. The difliculty began in
my hip and extended the whole length of
;ne luno. crippling me completely. I
suffered intensely from it, and the ordi
nary treatment gave tue not the slightest
alleviation. I was under treatment about
a mouth as slated, hut crew worse instead
of Ix-tter. and was fast becoming discour
aged." "Whn! brought Pink I'iKs to your no
tice":" "My son i ailed my attention to an article
in a paper, in which it was stated that n
Mr. Striible. of lira uchville, a village in
this c nitity, tool been greatly benefited
by their use. ami sucgesled that it would
he a good plan to try them. But I was
ki-piical in regard to llicir value iu fact.
I had no confidence in their etiicacy and
rather laughed at I he suggr-stiou. Bill
the trouble increased and I was badly
crippled. A few days later my son was
Ht" mi i t,i visit a neighboring town aud
suggested Hgain ihat il might be well to
try this much-talked. of remedy, and 1
then consented. He bought nie a box of
them and 1 began taking them at once.
At the end of a week I noted a marked
improvement, and by the time I had taken
the first box I was able to walk without
U ciitie. I coiilinnrd their use, taking
several boxes, and inn, as you see, In a
very comfortable stale of health."
"Have you had any return of the trou
ble "Not as yet. though at my time of life,
seventy -two, it would not be surprising if
I should have. If it com-. I should at
once begin the use of the pills. I suppose
I inherit a tendency to troubles of this
kind my mother died from them."
"Did you ever nole my ill effects from
the use of Pink Pills'?"
"None whatever. They never disturb
ed my stomach in any way or caused mi
any annoyance. Neither did I find it nec
eNsary lo increase r.he dose, as tin direc
tions say may be desirable. I am aide,
as ymi see, to a'tetid to my own work."
The reporter thanked Mrs. Hotsb-n f ".'
ber courtesy and bade her good day. ll
Is not often thai one can witness such a
complete recovery from such a pertina
cious trouble at such an advanced age.
aud such instances i tinnot fail to produce
a profound impression. Readers of the
l 'nion may rely on the absolute accuracy
of a!i the staleinenis hen- given -nothing
has been exaggerated, nothing wit'hheld.
1 M-. Williams' Pink Pills contain. i:i a
condensed form, all the eietiou s ncccs
miry to give wk life and richness lo the
blood and res I ore shalt red nerves. They
are an unfailing specific for all forms of
weakness either in male or female, and
all dlse.'tses resulting from vitiated hu
mors in the blood. Pink Pills are sold
by ail dealers, or will be sent post paid
on receipt of price, oil cents a box. or six
boxes for f-'J.oO. by addressing Dr. Wil
lihms' Medicine i 'o.. Sclieneclail. , N. V.
What One llrlglit l.irl Did.
An agreeable fit Id for inoiiey-maU
Ing Is one which Lilian (i bus found,
or ruther Into h hich Lilian walked one
summer morning, (in her way to school
she hud to pass the house of two very
di"ar old ladies, who lived by them
selves, and pottered nhoi.t In n pren.v
old-fashioned garden. Miss Betsey and
Miss Annie were fond of the In lgnt gills
who two or three times a day walkid
past their door on the way to and from
their class rooms, anil they had iliei."
favorites mining llieui. often slopping
Lily, for instance, aud giving her a
flower or two to fasten Into her button
hole. One morning Lilian id, served that
alias Betsey groped a little and fjlt
about with her stick. Instead of step
ping briskly around the garden as she
used to do.
My sister," Miss Annie confided to
her. "Is growing blind. We went to
Dr. N yesterday, and he confirmed
our fears. It Is a cataract, aud It can
not be operated ou for a long time.
What poor Betsey will do I don't know,
for reading has been her great occupa
tion and her one pleasure. I cannot
read to her, for It hurts my throat lo
read aloud."
"Let me come every afternoon, dear
afias Annie," said Lilian. "I'll read to
Mina Betsey from 4 to C every day, and
on Saturdays I'll come twice an hour
In the morning and another In the af
ternoon. 1 can do It Just as easily!"
alias Annie's face lightened. "You
sweet child t" she said. "If you will
come, and your mother will let you
coma, Betsey and I will ay yea $2 a
week far reading to as both." Har
per's Hound Table.
A feather boa on a warm day is thor
oughly depressing.
How to Wear Tear Hsndkerrh'M
There is always a right and a wrong
way to carry. one's handkerchief, as to
do everything else. Just now the only
proper wsy it to tuck the little square
of linen and lace in one's sleeve at the
wrist, allowing il to fall and partially
conceal tiie hand, somewhat after the
manner of the pretty wrist flounces on
the new sleeves. Do not commit so
marked a breach of good form as to
tuck your handkerchief in at any part
of your bodice.
awst Peas for the Table.
The wrinkled variety of peas are the
beat for the table, but are not preferred
for canning. Any of the early dwarf
peas may be used for the first crop. The
dwarf kinds give only about one pick
ing. It is the standard varieties which
bear the heaviest crops, but they re
quire supports that are later than the
dwarf kinds. The champion of England
is considered one of the best for quality,
but is not as prolific as some others, and
is also a late variety.
It would be safe to stake a good round
sum that a linen duster could not be
obtained for love or money theee daye,
snd yet it was not bo long ago when
the summer traveler felt inappropriate
ly arrayed unless done up in this hide
ously unbecoming garment.
Mothers, watch your little daughters,
and prevent the first tendency to stoop
ing. It is, as physicians will tell you,
a short cut to consumption.
When you obterve an aged feminine
bicyclist the thought will prevail that
we sre glad the heel was not known
in our grandmother's time.
There is no ex"uee, bo far as expense
is concerned, lor not having the dinner
'able made lovely with floral decora
' In cases where dandruff, scalp diseases,
falling and grayness of the hair appear, do
rot neglect thorn, but apply a proper rem
edy and tonic like J J all's Hair Renewer.
Why is it that country visitors feel it
beneath their dignity to show any in
terest in the unusual city sights?
Work that is sy eternized is half done.
'The Best Is Aye the Cheapest."
Avoid Imitations of and Sub
stitutes for
"A Scorcher."
Tobacco Dealers say, that
"BATTLE AX" is a "scorcher"
because it sells so fast. Tobacco
Chewers say, it is a "scorcher" be
cause 5 cents' worth goes so far. Itfs
as good as can be made regardless of
cost. The 5 cent piece is almost as
large as the other fellows' 1 0 cent piece.
Follow the directions,
and you'll get the best work from Pearline. Not
that there s any
matter how you
Don't take substitutes to
save a few pennies. It won't
pay you. , Always insist on
HIRES Rootbeer.
N N.
V. H. ItS-SS.
Vrh, t.fc.
r M
rp J
Trolley Mrora by Lightning.
A case is reported in New Brunswick;
N. J., of a trolley car being struck bj
lightning during a thunderstorm. Tbi
electricity ran down the trolley poll
and entered the car, part of the current
running on to the lightning circuit,
burning out the incandescent globe.
So intense was the heat in the lamp
that the glass globes melted ; mostol
the glass fell on the floor, but othei
drops went into the laps of women and
more fell on their hats.
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Figa, when ir
need of a laxative, and if the father oi
mother be costive or billions, the most
grarifving results follow its use; so that it
is the best family remedy known and
every family should have s bottle.
A waterproof cloak which will im
prove rather than detract from a wom
an's appearance is an invention which
the artists in dress have not yet turned
out, and women are continually seeking
it without success. The usual rain
proof garment is shapeless and dis
guises all semblance of the lorm under
neath. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price 75 cents.
Women who change the color of theii
hair to match their gowns may win
admiration for their versatility, but not
for their good breeding.
Mrs. Wlnslow's soothing M'p.up for child
ren teetbiuif. feoiiens the unis. reduces inflam
mation, alia v- pmn. r-ers w in l oiir. hottla.
harm to be feared from it, no
use it or how much you use.
But to make your washing and
cleaning easiest, to save the most
rubbing, the most wear and tear,
the most time and money keep to
the directions given on every pack
age of Pearline.
If you'll do that with your flannels,
for instance (it's perfectly simple and
easy,) they'll keep beautifully soft,.
without shrinking.
OLD EYES MADE NEW Away with at.-
won. bj wail iw. iati mom
H. Saw York.
bit Car, an M in
anno, uaaaaaw aaaaaa
I aadkaa Mr, raaatai
Ba. Miaaa, (jiiUi itTatica.