The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 18, 1896, Image 7

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    TUm Millul World.
More than 4,(100 stamp r at present
in operation in California.
The agxrKatt-apiUl o( the f24 Aus
tralian milling companion floated in
London in 18M5 man 33,711,394.
A shipment of l.V) ton of copper from
the Duck town (Term.) mines bag been
nade to Swansea, WaU-s.
An American exploring vynuirau,
la developing some newly-acrjuired .
mining properties in heuador, South
Hall's Catarrh Cure
la a constitutional cure. I'rii-e 75 penn.
Green salad plants that are eati-n un
cooked should 1 washed in plenty ol
salted cold water. The Bait w.ll kill
any perms that may have settled upon
them in the dust of the market, or an
(arasite that has fastened upon their
in the garden.
Haminisck cuohiona thin year are ol
ont-iior mater alp They are of Juni
rose leave, of pine tit Hie, of acorni
liroken, and of , dried leave. They ar
of hops, of lrieil spearmint, or thf
gathered ends of all the fl iwera of thf
field and garden, Urned in the aim and
made fragrant hy salt and -pic.
The fahtiiuuahle wedding- (tilt for th
i.ridegriwim to make to the bridesmaid
). ..fn-i.dirii watch in enamel, of a lim
correi-miiit with the tone of thf
riliimii imIb le to lie cultivated ir
-. day, when all summer gownf
- Sepfiidcnt. largely upon ribtons foi
cir pret tines.
t is almost impo'aible for a girl whr
Is in love to make a good cake. She it
eure to get it too sweet.
Wounds, Bruises,
Sunburn, Sprains,
Lameness, Insect Bites.
After hard WORK or
EXERCISING rub with i
-Weak, Watery, Worthless.
cures PILES. SeMru
MHO'S fXTRACT CO , 76 Ffth .. N- "
The Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age.
Ha discovered In one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst bcrofub
down to a common rMmple.
He has tried It in over eleven hundred
cases, and never failed except In two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates
of Its value, all within twenty miles of
Boj'on. Send rostal card for book.
A benefit ft always experienced fi orr.
Bie first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken.
When tha lungs are affected It causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through themj the same with the Liver or
Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears in a week
ifjer taking it. "Read the label.
If tha stomach Is foul or bilious It wlU
causa squeamish feelings at first
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
Che best you tan get, and enough of It
Dose, ona Ubiespoonfuljn water at bed
time. Sold by all Driijxists.
The 8t. Joseph and Grand Island B. B.
'It; Anion Pacific Byitem
is tni fATofira aocra
To Calilornta. Oregon am all Wwiwrn Points.
For Informal Ion ta, etc, call on
r addiM any afent or B. M. Aoit,
M. P. koaimox, Ja.. Oon. Pan. AgU
Coll i Manager, tit Jwph, Ma
The coolness is refreshing;
the roots and herbs invigor
ating ; the two together ani
mating. Yen get the right
combination in HIRES
mkf ty TW CWtes I Wm 6., rfMtlffclt
ps f ppii. worn rwfaw
Through Yellowstone
Park on a bicycle.
Write t J. Fraorts, fleal ramV Agent, nur
flngton Ruute. Onulia, Jieb., for booklet glvin;
rail laformstlnn about mi, roada, no.
OLD EYES MA PR Kf.W-Awar with ro
rfc" r'" taelca. By mall loe. L k Hoi
taa, Maw York.
5 j-7 i:S,'
Polid l't ro'riim.
It Is retried In Krieni-e tbat Mo-i-sieur
lie Htimy, a Krem-h naval otli
ct, liax Inventwl a proct-sK by wliich
I'trilfiiii) t-au he i'oiiv-rtfd Into .-o'.Ul
hlockK, as hard an aniliraciif
Common iwtrolciim oil. it U afwrti'd,
bass hern tlius M.liditli'd. an. t,e IiIih k
In ImrniiiK, irivp off Intvnw b-at .-nni
are slowly coiiNiiriK'd. nc iou of wol-c.
l'-troi.iim used as fuel I wild to lx
"juivalrnt to thirty ton of . oal. i'tic
roniparativt -t of t!i two fonus of
fut'l in not c!v-n.
(liunl I'liintH on Mountains.
Itwcnt fXplonTs of t!) ,suaHii
MotintiihiH have riiiir-d the eiisti-n-there
of a it--n i.-i r rnee of pijrantie
herlweoim plants row ina a; a height
Of nearly (I.ihmi f,.,. sea-level.
IMaiits lielon'iii to the hanie hoianic
famillex, hut crowiiiu at the liottom
of the Valleys In-low, do not ailam an
extraordinary size. For instanee, a
Hpeeie of i-ainp.iniila -our ordinary
harehell Ik n i-atiipaiiii!a i:ro only
two feet hlch In i he valley, hut on
the mountains it reaches a he'-ht of
six feet, and Its stem heroines thick
and ; ';;id, like it of a ' tree.
A rmirs on li e.
Army engineers In virions countries
have calculated the t hlckni-hs of Ice
necessary to sustain certain weights.
Ice two Inches thick Is dwiiied stronjr
cnoiiKh to hear a inan-s wel).'h!. ac
eonllritf to a summary of the army
rules on this suhject puhlisheil In ' Kii
plneerlliK Mechanics," and on uch Ice
Infantry may march Jf the dlslatice be
tween each man is properly spaced.
Cavalry and light field tfims can -riss
Ice four Inches thick. Slx-incli Ice
will sustain heavy field (runs; eight
Inch Ice artillery batteries with horses;
and ten Inch 1P "an army or an limn
uierahle multitude." (In fifteen inch
Ice railroads have lieen laid and oper
ated for mouths at a time.
The Kliioroncope.
Mr. Thomas A. Kdison has Invented
an apparatus, called the fluoroscope.
hy the aid of which a surgeon, in
stead of photographing with the X
rays the hones or other hard substances
concealed under the skin and flesh of
a patient, may actually see them.
The machine depends for Its action
upon the fact that the X rayi possess
the property of rendering luminous
certain substances, which chemists call
fluorescent. Mr.- Kdison ilrst deier
mined, by experiment, that the best
fluorescent substance for this purpose
was calcium tungstnte. The tungstale
is spread In a smooth layer upon a
piece of pasteboard which forms the
bottom of a small box. having boles
for the eyes at the upper eud. A
Crookes tube, enclosed In another box.
Is excited by a current of electricity,
and If the hand, for Instance, Is to be
examined, It Is placed upon the box
containing the tnlie. The observer then
looks Into the viewing box, whose
tungstate-eovered bottom Is placed di
rectly above the hand, and sees,wlth
startling distinctness, the boiy-s and
Joints, showing at dark and delicately
graduated shadows, while the flesh is
only faintly visible. The reason the
bones appear Is because they Inter
cept the X rays, nnd thus prevent the
tungstate sur'v'p from becoming fluor
escent where their shadows fall
The Hanner of the Fun.
The expedition which will go from
the I.lck Observatory to observe the
eclipse of the gun In Japan next Au
gust will carry a novel photographic
machine to picture the great coronal
treamer that are seen around the
sun when Its globe Is hidden behind the
moon. The sun's corona has been pho
tographed during previous eclipses,
but aa Its light Is much stronger near
the aun than at a greater distance, the
photographs have Invariably been over
exposed for the brighter part of the
phenomenon when so timed as to catch
the Image of the fainter parts; and,
conversely, the outer portions of the
streamers have been lost In the photo
graphs when the exposure has been
made short enough to give a good Im
age of the bright Inner portion. Mr.
Burekhalter, of the Ohahot Observa
tory, Oakland, who will accompany
the expedition referred to, thinks be
has contrived a machine that will
pqiialixe the exposure for all part of
the corona, and thus enable lilm to
get a perfect photograph of the won
derful display around the sun during
the eclipse. The principal feature of
his Invention is a rotating diaphragm,
driven by clockwork and provided with
a peculiarly shaped hole for the pas
sage of the light, whereby the fnint
outer part of the corona will get a
much longer exposure than iLe brill
iant Inner part
Astonishing Blaleiiiem.
A certain woman novelist writes in
so a musing a fashion that the many
blunders which mar her work lire not
discovered by the critical. In one of
her novels will be found a horse win
ning the Derby three yeura lu aiioe
slon; guardsmen sitting; up nil night
drinking hard, smoking perfumed cig
arette, gambling for fabulous sums,
and starting forth In the roornlDg after
breakfast of ortolans and green Char
treuse, fresh aa daisies and prepared
to do deeds of prowess In the hunting
field or at the covert aide; and thut
great feat, too, performed by a maiii
wlih a "tawny mustache and flunk!
like 3 greyhound," who, while snipo Aome of Our Puritan Ancrtlon flad
shoot1!, espies an eagle. " a dim sjsi It j Kemnrkolile Jia.tianial Titles.
111 the ethereal vault." What rare he The qualntneis of the Puritan nain.-s
that his i-artrld,e only contain tiny of piety not Hible names, but words or
snipe shot? lie bangs a way with un-! phrases of religloua iniort baa kin
erring aim, ami "slowly the king of tMi recognized. Iu the days of Crom
birds, with bis glorious pinions out-jwell, contemporary jokes were rife
stretched, sinks at his feet a coriisi?."
Iu another ,f her Istoks a genth-man
performs a similar feat, but this tlm
lor the snke of variety, with a rifle bul
let. An Knglish novelist, In describing
river side jieople says, "They go to
church but three times In their lives
when they are baptized, when they are
married, and when they are buried." It
Is only people In novels who go to be
buried during their lives. Mr. Rider
Haggard, in his "King Solomon's
Mines," made an eclipse of the nmoti
take place at the new moon Instead of
at the full, when the earth Is betwee:!
the sun anil the moon.
A Public Keuervoir.
I saw an Interesting sight while In
Venice. Kut e ring a little square shut
in by high houses, and, like most Vene
tian Muans. dominated by tht' niilin-isiu-d
facade of a tlnie-stalned church,
I noticed a singular activity among
t!ie. people. They were scurrying iu
from every alley, and hastening from
every house door, with odd-shnped
copper buckets on hook-ended woodi n
bows, nnd with little coils of rop.-.
Old men and women, boys, and girl ;,
all gathered closely about a covered
well curb lu the middle of the square;
and still they hurried on, until they
stood a dozen deep around It. I'n s
ently the cliw-k in the church tower
slowly struck H, nnd a little man forced
his way through the crowd, passed
his jMinderoiis Iron key through 11:
lid, and unlocked the well.
There Immediately ensued a scene of
great activity. The kettles went Jan
gling into It, nnd came slopping out
again at an untaxing rate, nnd Un
people trudged off home, each with
u pair of them swung from each shoul
der. The wells arc deep cisterns, which
are filled during the night, and It Is
out of amiable consideration for thos--who
love their morning nap that they
are given us good a chance as their
neighbor of getting an unsoiled sup
ply. It Is the Hrst instance that has
come to my notice of n commendable
municipal restraint upon the repre
hensible practice of early rising. I
found, on closer Investigation, that th -water
was of excellent quality.
Training the Human I'ody.
I'.y those who will exercise the re
quisite patieiuv, the body nnd Its varl
ous functions may be brought under
perfect command. Even the vital func
tions of the body may hi- affected.
There have been not n few exhibitors
who could actually control the heart
beat, making their pulses noticeably
slower or luster according to their
pleasure. The seemingly nriraciiliuis
feats of ncrolmts aj-e simply the results
of continually placing particular sets
of muscles under complete control of
the will. We should do well to try to
appreciate how Important, to our phys
ical being at least, f lie gaining of a
complete control over bodies may be.
The student who has before him a dif
ficult ixissage or problem must, If he
woi.'. i succeed, exercise sufficient will
force to place everything else In his
mind second to the task before him. H , born and readed in travelling inenager
Is much the same In our daily life. Mul- j in or caravans. When very young the
tltudes of petty things tend to make cubs are taken from the lioness and
u forget our purpose in living, and if I given to a collie, Newfoundland, or
we are to rise above them, we must other canine foster-mother. As a rule,
remember to unburden our minds of a woman looks after both nurse nnd
the "worries" that we may have room
for the "realities." We must shun ex-
citement of every kind. We must live
an even, temperate life; and we can
do this easily enough If we have gained
perfect control over ourselves. '
Not Quite Correct. ,
In telling a Joke, It Is well to under
stand It thoroughly. A party of men
were wont to amuse themselves at ,
table by relating anecdotes,
c onun- I
drums, etc. Mr. Archer was always!
greatly delighted at these Jokes, hut 1
he never related anything himself, and (
1 I .. .- .... U ,1.1.. I
being rallied on the matter, he deter
mined that the next time he was called
iqiou be would say something amusing.,
Accordingly, meeting one of the wait
ers soon afterward, he asked him if he
knew any good Jokes or conundrums, j
The waiter Immediately related the
following: "It Is my father's child,
and my mother'u child, yet It Is not my
sister or brother," telling him nt the
same time that It was himself. Mr.
Archer bore this In mind, and at tha
next meeting of bis friends propound
ed It. "It it my father's child, and my
mother's child, yet It Is not my sister
or brother," throwing a triumphant
glance around the table. 'Then It must
be yourself," said one of the company.
"I've got you now," aald he; "you
are wrong this time; It Is the waiter."
A shout of laughter Interrupted ArcliPr,
who perceiving the mess he had got
Into, acknowledged his error, and told
the coinnanv that he would nay for the i
wine. It was bis last effort.
Working Their ' Way.
inning the past summer a number o.'
Undent who are working thdlr way
through the Philadelphia colleges ob
tained employment as car eonduetoin
in that city, and proved to be reliable
nnd trustworthy. A railroad official
says that they were thoroughly honesi,
intelligent nnd polite, and ns their de
sire was to earn as much money during
the summer as pissible, they were
always willing to work extra hours nnd
take out special cars. They lived eco
nomically, and have probably saved
something like fVM each, which will
go a good way toward paying their col
lege expenses next wlr.tor. This Item
apenk-i for Itself, and needs no com
ment. An Idle man Is never welcome unless
he bus money to spend.
amo-ig me .Malignant, in w men sucii
worthy Itoundheads as "Fight-the-good-tight-of-faith
Jones," "Help-froin
on-HIgb Kobbins," ami "Faint-not- IMs
bery," figured prominently, and wire
treated with scant n-spect. The name j
themselves were not burh'squwd. They
were so queer It would have lieen dilli-i
cult to do so.
The longest and strangest of the com
binations lu use In Old England did not. '
fortunately, ever become popular In !
New England. Nevertheless the Amer-1
lean colonics had their share. Our own !
Dr. Holmes has recognized this In his!
ballad of I'liritan times, beginning with
the father's imitation to bis little son:
"Come hither, Ood-be-Cloritied. and sil '
upon my knee." j
And it was in a much later period
than the colonial that a worthy person j
flourished, commonly known as Trlbby j
Clap, but whose whole mime was
Through-much -ir.imianou-we eiiter-tlie-
kingiloiii-of-1 leaven Clap. The brief
surname follows its len-.thy prelix as i
surprisingly ns a chip of thunder. I
But, apart from the rarer ami longer!
combination names, any one reading
much Htnoiig old tow n rec ird-i, or expert
In antiquarian lore, is sure to come
across names odd enough to make him
pause to wonder whether the ancestors
who bestowed them were so singularly
sober-minded as to be without tin
sense of humor, or so excessively hu
morous as to name their children in
J"t. j
Some of the names read remarkably!
like puns. For instance, one of a group
of her ancestors to wi Mrs. Alice
Morse K.-nie dedicates a recent book on I
"Colonial Haines anil Uoodwives" is j
.Mlstnss .silence Ilejird. One wonders
whether Ooodninii and Ooodwifc
Heard noticed ihe effect of this con
junction when they named their baby,
or did they do It ou purpose V
Here are n few other names of the
same kind, all duly recorded among the
births and deaths, wills and hind trans
fers of a few little New- England towns:
"Wait Long." 'Temperance Waters."
"Righteous Hope," "I.ovey Sweet,'
"Submit Willing," ami '"Thankful
. Hart"
j "Expect Little" of one village list olT
, Refs "Hope Much" of another. "Lively
Smart" should certainly have been !i
forward child, but he died in Infancy.
( One poor little girl, nt least, we may be
sure was named in Ignorance by her.
parents, who were peaceable and re-1
Kpccted people, though it is hard to j
imagine how they could have failed to
perceive the bloodthirsty significance!
( f her Christian name when united'
I with her surname. She was christened
t "Desire Gore!"
j Notwithstanding her forbidding ap
pellation, n young man was found bold
enough to nsk her to change It, nnd she
, 1ms to-day numerous descendants
I whoso desires are not gory, but It Is
quite true that none of them Is named
. for her great-great-grandmotlier.
Itred In Captivity.
The greater number of the lions ex
ihlted to the English public have been
j culis, the task usually falling to the lot
I of the mistress of the caravan. When
norn uie lions are like young cats. The
little family is usunlly accommodated
in a corner of the caravan, or in the
trainer's private apartment. In their
Infancy the young lions are treated Just
like kittens. When they are able to
walk they have the run of the place,
play about, nnd seem to look for and
enlov tlm tl -bits and enrmuua that
in-stowed upon them. They recognize
for a long time the authority, so to
speak, of the foster-mother, and are
obedient to her wishes, even after they
. ....
have considerably
outgrown her In
He Had a Good Eicuse.
A clergyman was on a Western trip
for his health, and happened one Sun
lay to stop at a little Colorado Inn, the
keeper of which was also the superin
tendent of the local Sunday school. The
superintendent was proud of bis schol
ars, and persuaded hla guest to attend
that afternoon's session, and to put the
pupils through a little examination. The
lateer did as djtslred, and wound up
with a short discourse on profane
"I hope," he added, "that none of you
ever Indulge In that wicked practice.
I am sure," he continued, turning to the
head boy, a sparkling urchin of ten,
"that you never do It Do you, my little
"No o, sir, I don't The other day 1
'! call Bill 8mlth a cussed fool. But
he Is, you know."
Addition to Our Navy.
Another formidable ship has been
added to the active list of the United
States navy. The double turreted mon
itor Terror has gone Into commission
at the Brooklyn navy yard. She Is heav
ily anno red and has four ten-Inch guns
In her turrets which will throw steel
projectile with accuracy and effective
ness nine miles. The Terror has a low
free-board and her turrets are low, for
which reasons she will offer a poor
target for hostile men-of-war. She
could bring all four of her guns to bear
on a ship which, at a considerable dis
tance, would have great difficulty In
hitting her at all.
When an industrious man makes a
dollar by bard work, the loafer starts
the story that he made at leaat ten dol
lar, and stole half of It. ,
Hou.chold lift.
Baki g an omelet. .
loft water for making oap.
1'roiled bacon, instead of butler, on
Putting sugar and flour, ifore the
fruit, jd pita.
A lump of alum to the vinegar in
which pickles are scalded.
To make potaUiea brown and crusty,
cold boiled potatoes cut into drawn
butter, and fried, turning like an ome
l't. Good Housekeeping.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may us- the California
liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs, under al!
conditions, makes it their favorite retnedv.
To get the true and genuine article, look
for the name ol the California Fig Syrup
Co., printed near the bottom of the pack
age. On the blue days when everything
seems to go wrong just start out for a
brisk walk and see if your spirits do not
Horsehair hats are aa airy as lace and
are not affected the lea-t bit by damp
F.very man having a beard should keep
it an even and natural color, and if it i
not so already, use Buckingham's Dye and
appear tidy.
A simple method of table decoration
is to place a single flower vase at tin
four corners of the tab'e.
FITS, All FiuMppe4fr-'.-byDr. Kline's Cre
Herve Restore. I" iisaliwihe finu .lay ut.e Mi
vei'.ll cure 'J f.M1l- and ft to Irul U'l'L f-t- It
tit.e.iM-it'l. I" 1 "" - V. h Si . Hi..! . l'
Ice tube and Mat-r i t.ep are more
in favor than the old time ice pitchers
lr. VVlijlow soothin'i .-VRtip for child
ren lei-tliiic. KfiiPM-. nins. rp.Juoe Inflam
U'atiori.alhM. - - ' lie. ic Untie
A hint t i ti e M.uiiot r ui ferns indi.
i-ate fas.-inai i ii. A gilt of a handful
r.f them i-boin-i be in leap year regarded
quiviilent to a . ropo-al.
"A Bicycle Built for Two."
Five cents' worth of
" BATTLE AX" will serve two
chewers just about as long as 5 cents'
worth of other brands will serve one
man. This is because a 5 cent piece
of "BATTLE AX" is almost as
large as the JO cent piece of other
high-grade brands.
the paint on. Haven't you noticed that certain imitations arc-
not to puncuwr aoout tuts r
t ha Criitl. msn Wn K.ola.
A leader of 'be bui-e hoatone
time held the office of pnme minister,
was noted for b:s indoieni, gentl man
ner, and the soft drawl ith which he
sent stinging t-arcasui Jcme to bin
opponent. One of his long suffering
vict.ius, however, d?alt a tellmg
blow by complaining that the honor
able member had been to hi al
alia manner " l.e as-serted, 'was- -not
ungentlemauly, but it wad leg ladylike
than usual. "
Think what a long b-aio ol disruse wie from
Impure Mood. Tlio keep the blood pure wttti
The Due True Mood Purifier. A LI druKgiatJ. si.
Hood's Pills are always reliable, 'a cents.
Invalid requires at Hot
Springs, So. Dakota.
Physicians suns hine
cheerful surroundings
pure air baths sanitar
iums quiet.
Book about Hot Springs free if you write
to J Francis. Gen'l Pass'r Agent, Burling
ton Route, Omuha, Neb.
Ilsliir ( iiri-d. Kt. In IH71. T!inusnd
curetl Cht-ap-a nd bflt cure. Krki Tki
.1. Nlaifraw- !)k Makh. oiitmry. Mini.
N .VI No Wi -555.
York, eb.
pi fa-. say you uw the drrtteuient
tu tbi mar.
is another one of the things that:
Pcarline(u0,'iM.V) does best)
With that, the glass is never
cloudy is always clear and
bright. Washing it is less.
trouble, of course but that is
the case with everything that isv
washed with Pearline.
And about the sashes and the
frames ; remember that Pearline,.
when it takes the dirt off, leaves