The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 11, 1896, Image 8

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OfMlal Propartioa of It la Still to
tha United BtatM.
The report by Mr. C. P. Lucas on the
emigrants' Information office for 1895
gives evidence of good work done At
ma.ll eost to the public, says the Lon
don Time. We are not sure that much
more could be done than 1 done al
ready by the managing committee and
their agent. The colon! do not, a
rule, care to rewire more emigrant
than we are sending to them. The
general tendency, there and in the
United State, 1 to look with some
jealousy at each new arrival. More
working hand mean more competi
tion for employment, with lower wage
a the result; while new hands who are
not inclined to work are as little de
sirable a part of the population In the
new world a in the old.
In 1886 the passengers who left the
ports of the United Kingdom for places
out of Europe amounted in round num
bers to 272,000, as against 227.000 in
ISM- In the first two months of 1896
the emigrants of bntish origin hare
been 15,184, as against 13,711 in the
corresponding period of 1805. , The
place of destination for the largest
number is, and continues to be, the
United State. This is most markedly
so in the case of foreign emigrants
passing through this country on their
way to their place of settlement, but it
Is the case, too, with emigrants of Brit
isa origin.
Next in point of attractiveness comes
South Africa, and. In spite of recent
disturbance. It has gained ground
very considerably during the present
year. In 1SJ5, 26,000 emigrants went
to the Cape and Natal, as against
rather less than 17,000 In lSiH. This
shows an increase of more than 50 per
cent., but it has been far outdone dur
ing the present year by the further In
crease from 1,941 to 3,343 in tlie first
two month of the year. British North
America ha also been doing better as
an emigration field, but the number of
emigrants thither and to the Australian
colonies continues to be comparatively
, One point of Interest in emigration
statistics is, as Sir Robert Giffen has
shown, that they serve to Indicate the
state of trade generally. As trade im
proves emigration will be fouud to in
crease, while a decline in emigration I
Is a most certain sign and forerunner j
of an approaching trade depression.
The report of the emigrants' informa
"tioa office and the further figures in
the Board of Trade's emigration re- j
turns are therefore very satisfactory.
They combine, with such proofs as the
trade returns have lately been furnish
ing, to show that we are at length In
the course of a genuine trade revival.
The Australian colonies. It Is true,
have not yet fully recovered from the
grave crisis which they have gone
"throcrgh. and so close are the modern In
dustrial relations between one country
and another that effect of Australian
depression must be felt here as cer
tainly as in Australia Itself. But there
Is nothing In this to discourage us. If
our trade shows signs of revival while
Australia is still depressed, we may be
confident that it will improve the more
when Australia, with Its energy, its
amplitude of resource, and its vast re
cuperative powers, hB recovered the
ground which it has lost, and when the
upward and onward movement now In
progress htm extended to the two or
tnree districts of the country which, as
the report nhows, it has not yet lully
Gordon's Rebuke.
The anecdotes of "Chinese" Gordon
are innumerable, but however slight
they may be, we cannot have too many
of them. The author of '"Fire and
Sword in the Soudan" nays that
san Bey, a sheikh of the region, reiate.l
to him many Incidents about the white
man, for whom he had the greatest ad
miration and regard. He pointed out
a magnificent saddle ami sword.
"Look!" said he. "These are the l ist
presents Gen. Gordon gave me. He
was most kind and generous. lride
was unknown to him. One day when
we were traveling an attendant shot
a bustard, and when we halted at noon
the cook at once boiled some water and
threw the bird into the pot so as to take
off Its feathers, Gordon, seeing this,
went and sat down by the cook, and
began helping him to pluck the bird.
"I at once runhed up to him and
begged him to allow me to do it for
him, but he answered: '
'Why should I be asliaroed of doing
work? Iam quite able to wait on u.y
elf. Certainly I do not require a bey
to do my kitchen work for me.'
"Ouce when he was traveling wits
me I fell ill, and Gordon came to so
me in my tent In the course of con
versation I told him that I was addict,
ed to alcoholic drinks, and that I put
down my present Indisposition to the
fact that I had been obliged to do with
out them for the last few days. This
was my Indirect way of asking Gordon
to give me something, but I was might
ily disappointed st receiving instead a
very severe rebuke. '
" 'You a Moslem,' he said, 'and for
bidden by your religion to drink wim?
and spirits! I am Indeed anrprlsod.
You should give up this habit altogeth
er; every one ought to follow the pre
cept of hi religion.'
"I promised to be more moderate in
future, and Gordon seemed satisfied."
Crashed tf Mighty Words.
, I Mi on the seat with the colored
M who drove me down to the rail
road depot with a shacklety old wagon,
ad aa we left the hotel he aald:
"Bam If yo kla dun aay oner a few
Mf wartfa oa a way down, de ole maa
wttf U 'ztrtaaety dtoMeeged to yo"
Zt wwr da yoa waatr
0gat i too Kg, boa. I'm a
af K3 ' f wfeaa ealaaMtoas ee-
To yo i espect to And use for them
this morning?"
"Reckon I doe, aah. Mr son, Abra
ham, work down to de depot, an'
whenever I cum around he trie to
show off ober me an' make me feel
smalL He'll try it on dUt mawnin. fur
uah, as' I jest want to be dun fixed io
-aralyie hi desirability. Spit m right
out, boas, an' de ole man won't forgit
yo when de watermillyun sezuin cuius
We had about half a mile to go, and
before we reached the depot I gave
him a Urge and choice assortment of
Webster's longest vocabularie curiosi
ties. When we drew up at the platform,
Aonaham was there, and a Wo a dozen
white people who were to go out on
the train. It was a good opportunity
for the son to show off, and he realized
It, and came forward and waved his
arm and shouted :
"Yo dar ole man; ba'n't I dun toled
yo" 'bout four hundred times not to
aagaciate dat stupendous ole vehicle
In de way of de omnibus? Sum ole
niggers doan seem to have no mo' Idea
of de consanguinity of recltltude dan
a squash."
"Was yo' 8Hkin' to me, nh'!" stiffly
demanded the father, a he stood up
and glared at Abraham.
"Of co'se I was."
"Ien, sah, I want yo to distinctly
understand dat, when de co-operasbum
of de Imperialism seems to assimilate
a disreputable Infringement of heredit
ary avariclousricHs. I shall retract my
Individuality, but not befo' not befo',
Abraham's eyes hung out, his com
plexion became axil color, and his
knees bent tinder him as if the springs
were altout to give way. It was a long
minute before he could utter a sound,
and then he reached for my trunk with
the muttered observation:
"Befo" de La wd, but things am git
tin' so mixed up I can't dun tell whed
der I'm his son or his fader!"
Sir. George Moore Is finishing a new
novel, "Evelyn Inues," the subj-H-t of
which Is "the struggle bet ween the spir
itual and the sensual life."
Zola's enemies are preparing an an
thology of the objectionable words and
phrases In bis works, to be presented
to the French Academy when he next
offers himself as a candidate.
The Publishers' Association of Great
Britain Is at last an accomplished fact.
It Is expected that the association will
have a representative in the United
States to watch out for copyright pir
ates nnd lu other ways protect its
Col. T. W. Higglnson's gift of ltook
to the Boston publie library comprises
1,000 volumes relating to the history of
woman in all lands and ages. The
collection was begun In 1H40 with the
purchase of Mrs. Hugo Keid's "Plea
for Woman." and has beeu continued
ever since.
E. F. Benson, of "Dodo" fame, in now
in Egypt. He is writing a romance,
the scenes of which are laid In Gnvce
during the time of the war of Itidon
dence, and filling up his spare time by
doing archaeological work in Gree'o
under the auspices of the British Senool
of Archaeology.
All who last year were interested in
Mr. Henry Norman's "People's aud Pol
itics of the Far East," will be pleased to
learn tliat another Illustrated volume
containing the further record of Mr.
Norman's travels and Impressions will
appear during the spring, under the
supplementary titl, "The Near Fast:
Its Peoples, Problems aud Politics."
In his younger years ne was
engaged to be manied to a very beau
tiful girl to whose bouse he went one
night in a state of intoxication. The
young lady was horrified by the sight,
and the match wu at once broken off.
She is now the wife of one of the most
prominent authors in France. The
Bookman says tljt the most Veiiaiiie
ever received for a poem In France
was 3 francs.
Sale or Uoyal Kelics.
A collection of Sistorieal relics rntjat
ly bequeathed bjr Clery, Louis XVl.'s
valet, to his soe and by him to bis
daughter, who laely died, was sold re
cently at Rouen. It is believed that the
Oiost interesting objects were bought
i'or the Emperor of Austria. The shirt
worn by Louis XVI. the d.-iy liefore his
execution realized 2,Siof.; -the napkin
used by hlnx at his last communion,
1.950f.; a coat wcjrn by the Dauphin
jn prison, 2,050f.; his waistcoat, l,025f.;
.Louis XVl.'s head-baud. 7'Xif.; a key
made by him, fiiiif.; Prlncens Eliza
beth's headdress 6Mf.; Marie Antoin
ette's knife, usefi at the Conclergerle,
87ff.; fragments pf the beam of her
cell, 105f.; locks !! hair of Louis XVI.,
Marie Antoinette, and the Dauphin,
750f., 910f., and T30f.; and hair of the
Princess de Lamballe, given to Clurv
by Marie Antoinette, 200f. LondoU
Times' Iaris Corncspondeoee.
Divorce It-corrt-Breaker.
An Indiana man ha made applica
tion for hi ninth divorce, and be
didn't begin hie matrimonial career un
til be wa 55 years old. Tbia show a
what a man can accomplish In any one
direction by giving hi wbole attention
to tbe matter. Portland Oregonlan.
"Oh, mamma," aald little Willie, aa
be made bis first close Inspect Ion of a
bicycle, "this machine baa got mbber
os to keep ita wheel from getting
er-Harpr'e Rossd TaMav ,
It to tuafsir to repeat tb murappsrt
4 Ua of a gtp.
Practical Joker Who Adrcrtiaad far
Quarters mnt Nicaela.
"Have you an American quarter or
nickel dated 1SW? JHM5 quarters are
worth 1471.25; 1SN5 nickels, $!M.25.
The above is a fae simile of an "ad"
which appeared la the St Louis Re
public a day or so ago, and every one
whose eye caught the "ad" hastily ran
hi hand down into bis Jeans and
pulled out all sons of money. If he
wa lucky enough to find a nickel or a
quarter which had that date a flutter
ran through his system and he would
hasten to the man on South Fourth
street who put in the "ad" and claim
the prize. A few hours later quite a
mob gathered in front of the store on
Fourth street, anxiously awaiting the
opening of the place. One of the boys
who saw the "ad" looked over all the
money he had, but he could find none
o.. that date. He walked up to a
friend on the street a few minutes later
and asked blm if be had a quarter or
a nickel of that date, keeping quiet
alout the "ad." The friend was lucky
enough fo have a nickel, but suspect
ing that something was In the wind,
asked him what he wanted with It.
The boy told him he wanted It as he
had a small brother at home who was
born In that year.
The young fellow would not give it
up, and the boy offered him a quarter
for It. He got the nickel. Then the
boy made a graud rush for South
Fourth street. When hi' arrived th-re
he saw, much to his dismay, a large
crowd outside waiting for the adver
tiser. After a half hour's wait a boy atxiut
W came whistling down the street an I
opened the door.
"Did you advertise for 1SS.1 quarters
and nickels?" eagerly asked the young
man a quarter out. The boy said that
be had put in an "ad" stating that 1K.H5
quarters were worth $471.24, and ls.'so
nlekles $94.25. . "Well, I have one."
said a raw-boned young fellow on the
outside who had been fighting his way
to the front with indifferent success.
The the young fellow explained that
1,885 nlckles would amount to $:M.2".
and that many quarters to $471.25.
Then the crowd got "next." and It
looked like the mob was going to lynch
the boy. but a policeman happening
by scattered them. The "quarter out
young man" then went back to the
office where he kicked himself aud did
without his dinner.
How Lincoln Began.
Possibly the story of how I.ttt' d i
learned grammarand ho learned ih;;
he could master things without au in
structor has already been told iu the,- J chairs in his handsome library that he
columns. Whether it has ben or uot, j now sought repose. A loving and aym
it may do some youthful reader good pathetic wife adjusted the curtains to
to read It We borrow It from Mc
Clure's Magazine.
"I have talked with grnt men," Lin
coln told his fellow-clerk nnd friend.
Greene, "and I do not s-e bow they
differ from others."
He made up his mind to nut h!melf supply, be gradually lost all conacloiis
before the public, and talked of Inn ' n lu prufoundest slumber,
plans to hi friends. In order to keep j
in practice iu spew king he walked seven Horrible visions, so urireid and yet so
or eight miles to debating duts. 'i nc.
tlclng polemics," was what be called i,na. Hard, etern faces are about
the exercise. ; him. restraining walls, an Iron pall-t!
lie seems uow for the first time to j At times a spirit of rage comes over
have begun to study subjects. Gram- hlm-a blind unreasoning, ovcr.vbehu
mar was what he chose. He ttonsht ' ing rage. It fills his veins with runuii.g
Mentor Grit ham. the schoolmaster, and nre.' He feels a mighty strength
asked bis advice. . through every nerve and fiber of his
If you are going before Hi- public,"
jir. i i ra ham told him, "you ought
do it."
Hut when could he get a graioiu.-ir?
Tlcre was but uue iu the ielgiiisulis!.
Mr. Grnimm said, and that w;is
miles a v.-;iy.
Without waiting further iuforni:i'i'ii
the young man rose from the break ,V.-:,
table, waited immediately to the :l:tce,
borrowed tliis rare copy of Kirkh:in;'.
Grammnr. and before ui.gbt was deep
in Its mysteries. From that time on for
weeks he gave every moment of hi,.
leisure to mastering the contents of
trie M)'iiy. frequently lie asked Iu
friend Greene to "bold the Ixxik" while
be recited, aud when puzzled by a
point he would consult 5Jr. Graham. j
Lincoln's eagerness to learn was such
that the whole neighborhood became
The Greenes lent him
books, the srhool master kept him in ( ed. But the dear ones never come,
mind and helped him as he could, and ' never come! Ah, now, happy relief,
even the village cooper let Dim come in- at length be awakens. What a fright
to bis chop and keep up a fire of sluiv-1 ful dream!
lug HunVleutly bright to read by at
night. It was not long before the gram
mar was mastered.
"Well," Lincoln said to bis fellow
clerk, Greene, "if that's what they e.-iM
scien-o, I think I'll go at another."
He had made another discovery
that he could conquer subjects.
In Hummer's Sweetness.
The nwpers labored cutting at the
wheat, and with bowed backs bound up
the sheaves; the doves came out from
the copse and fed among the wtubble.
Among the beech tree there floated the
sound of the falling water on its way
to the cl green flags of the brook.
Faint rustling of squirrels' leet, the
hum of invisible insects, the flutter of
butterflUm' wings, the hum of a bumble
bee wandering among the fern, the call
of the grasshoppers in the grass, the
amorous sigh of the breeze, tbe quick
maze of tbe sunlight dots, the eise
of all summer things, the distant thun
der deepening with the pressure of Its
note, the voice of tbe sunlit earth, the
fullness of the harvest, the touch of a
loving hand. Richard Jeffrie.
Terror of the t'sknown.
A gentleman In England whose prem
ises were often Invaded by treap-tsaers
put up the following on his gate-bouse:
"A terriftkokalblondomenol kept ber,)."
- A friend aaksd blm what terrifying
thtokf that was.
"Ok," be replied, "It la just three big
Orssk words pot al together; but It
arras tbe purpose wall; tbe unknown
la always dnadfol"
Slowly, upon the kiU-hen floor
I ad in the firelight's glow,
, 0 winter eveninga long sad coll
'JrandniotlH-ra s!rp would go.
IT'I.U k- L .1 -L. t ...A ,1
With her right baud she turned the wheel,
The other held the wool,
While to a merry, humming song
My heart brat fait and fuu.
And as she spun, her mellow voice
Wa ringing clear and sweet.
And in her tread I heard the tramp
Of soldiers' marching feet;
For she outpoured in measured tone
Great Homer's lofty line,
That told of mighty Priam's fall
And Helen's face divine.
Or she would quote from Pollok's lay;
How Byron's lonely soul
Was brother to the rocks and storm.
And ocean's wintry roll;
Or yet of Hoheidimieu's field
Of drums that beat at night.
And how the pure, untrodden snow
Grew crimson with the figkt.
Till, listening, I enraptured grew
An aspen to ber voice.
And chilled or glowed as the essayed
The poem of her choice.
Ah, those were days of wonderment,
Of youthful hni and fire.
When all the fibers of my soul
Were tense as Sappho's lyre.
Oh, this, all thia, was year ago,
When I was but a boy,
Yet often now my pulses leap
With that remembered joy;
Again I see, again I hear
Grandmother at her wheel.
And to her magic numberi thrill
And all her power feel.
Her rhythmic voice ber kiudling eye
Arouse me here to-night.
And her sweet face iu halo abinea
And fill me with delight
For me ahe Uvea, although the year.
Are piled upon her tomb.
And still I hear her measured step
In that old kitchen room.
She is a part of me and mine,
And every aong I ting
I feel that I should credit her
Aa rivers do their spring.
And If there lie. In time to come,
Some laurel for my laya,
Oh, place it gently where the aleepa
And give her all the praiae.
Chicago Hecord.
"My dear, If you will keep the chil
dren quiet I will try to take a nap be
fore I go to the bank. My head aches
cruelly. Wake me In half an hour."
It was a cosily house lu which Mr.
Steadmun, the great banker, lived and
It was In the most luxurious of easy
j soften the light for the Buffering umu
! aud then, with her firm, soft hands she
I tenderly pressed and stroked his throb
I bing temples. Dwelling in an atmos
phere of uulsiuuded love, surrounded
: with every comfort that wealth could
flit through C'hurlcN .SL-admnn's
( being and longs to grapple the tbronts
of the bright-eyed demons who stare at
bis through the grated door of his im
prisoning cell.
Hands reach out aud clutch him and
when be fiercely struggles to be free
they thrust him into a padded cage,
si-arce larger than a coffin. In which lie
cannot Maud, be cannot rlHe; like a
curtain of death it enshrouds nim,
f'hoklng, suffocated, be dashes bis ;lwtx,
his feet, bis head against the y!eid;ug
sides; then coium oblivion, now com
plete, now partial, through which bis
! suffering consciousness. Is charged with
constant terror, and through w hVh
vibrate piercing, Inhuman cries and
awful laughter.
At times a softer mood comes over
hiu). He calls for wife aud tJiildren;
to bis eager Inquiries for those he loves
false hypocritical answers are return-
"Mary," be cries; "Mary."
Hut there Is no answering touch, r.o
answering voice!
Is he then awake? Surely be Is.
His pulse lwats calmly; his eye
open; he feels that he has bis full un
derstand lug.
Yet this is riot his chair! Those walls,
that window, tiiey are not in his home.
The lloor Is bard beneath bis feet.
Where are the thick rugs, the decorated
walls, the rich draperies of his library?
And above all, where are the gentle
hands and voice of Mary?
"I'pon my word. Doctor; this Is amaz
ing! I believe he Is himself. Look at
his eyes."
"Incredible! He Is an Incurable!"
"Hut look at the expression of bis
eyes! I tell you, this man is sane."
"Of iiurse I am sane," says St'.vid
man, "and what do you mean by this
talk? Why am I not at home? Aud
how do I come here?"
Xow be sees that he Is in a small
room, sitting In an iron chair, which is
fn.encd to the floor.
Startled, bit eyes eagerly talt In his
surroundings cold, gray walls a little
window protected by Iron bar a door
wltb Iron grating a narrow Iron bed
covered wltb a neat, white counterpane;
all so strange, and yet atrangely,
strangely familiar!
; A quiet, elderly man, dressed In a
long, black frock coat, stands before
blm, and by that man's side Is another
who stoops aad pears latently lato
' Rteadinaa's pttsalsd, frightened face.
"What data this mean, geatbrrmm?
What crime have I committed In my
sleep that I am In prison? What will
my wife think?" And be endeavor to
rise from his chair.
"I am very glad, Mr. Steedman," say a
the man in black, placing a
hand upon bis shoulder, "to bear jou
ask these questions. You have lsen
very alck, but now you shall go home.
Your wife will be a happy woman to
hear of your recovery."
"But, Doctor, if you are a doctor,
why should I have tieen removed from
home If I were sick? Surely, home 1s
the best place for a sick man, and my
wife i the best of nurses. Thl Is an
outrage and I'll teach you scoundrels
that uch things cannot be done with
He feels that old, mad fury coming
upon him. He dashes aside the Doc
tor's bund, springs to his feet and hurls
himself at the Iron-grated door. In an
Instant four bands selie him, well be
rememlters that bated touch there
comes the sound of hurried feet, the
door Is ojM-ned and In rush two attend
ants. Despite his frantic efforts hand
cuffs are snapped upon bis wrists,
brawny arms hold him, panting and
struggling, down upon the Iron cot
Oh, what dis this mean? Those fear
ful visions, those dreams of mad strug
gles, of stern faces, of resistless coer
cion, of prison surroundings flash
through bis mind. Were those dreams?
Hurely this is reality. And if this is
reality, were not thoee things real?
Merciful God, Is he mad? Yet not now,
if then, for lying there helpless as a
child In the grasp of those terrible
men, his reason assure blm that he no
longer dreams.
"Doctor," he say pleadingly, "re
lease me. I will be calm. I will Injure
no one. Surely you do not wish to
cause nie unnecessary suffering."
"Release blm," aays tbe Doctor, "and
leave the room."
They do so and be rises to bis feet.
"Doctor, however thing have bon,
1 am well now. I wlah to go home.
Will you not permit m to do so? If
you will, I win pardon all that Is past.
Only let me go to my wife."
"You shall," returned the Doctor.
"Immediately. Be calm and patient
and I will procure a conveyance as
quickly as I can nnd you shall be with
your wife within an hour."
The Doctor leaves the eelL but fas
tens the dKr behind him, and
tnan, fatut and sick, sinks back into
the Iron chair and seeks to collect hs
It was but an hour ago that the sound
of children's voices was stilled that be
might sleep away bis headache in the
library at home. He can bear the echo
of his wife's gentle "bush." causing bis
little Edith and his little Ned to stop
their noisy play. He can feel the dear
wife's breath and the slow stroke upon
his forehead which carried him iuto
dreamland. Hut what then? Nothing.
Is this dreamland? No, it is too
frightfully real, lie can hear and see
nnd think and rememlH-r. How
clearly he can recall every Incident of
this eventful day! He had not been
well for some time. His wife had
been very anxlons about him. Y'lebl
Ing to her persuasion, he had that
morning -onsuIted bis family physi
cian concerning himself. He can re
niembor every word of the good man's
"Too much worry; too much applica
tion to business; nervous breakdown
threatened; must quit work aud get
And he had answered: How could
he, the president aud priclil stock
holder of a bauk, and a director titid
official In a host of business enterprises
which demanded his personal supervis
ion? He was rich, yet there were lia
bilities which he alone knew bow to
turn from disaster Into great profits,
lie could not stop, be must work aw hile
longer just a little while, aud then he
would take his wife and children
abroad nnd have a happy year ami re
gain his former health and old-time
Hut the Doctor bad shaken his bend
and said: "Mr. Kteadmau, you are in
a serious condition, more serious titan
I would care to mention did I not know
that, unless you are reasonably alarm
ed, you will not follow my directions.
And he had promised to think it over
and had gone home to luncheon and his
hour's rest iu tbe peace and quiet of
that dear alxide.
Hut here come the Doctor and he
will soon be with Mary and the chil
dren again and know all, for she will
fell blm why be was carried, iu his
sleep, to this dreadful place. H was
no lack of love which sent him there
he knows that well. If It was doue
wltli her consent.
The cab stojts in n part of the city
where Hteadman has never been be
fore, in front of a plain, unpretending
house. Tbe cabman opens the ihor a'id
the Doctor alights.
"Oh! doctor, I beg of you do not
spend time to make a cull. Get me
nome! Get me home!"
"Come, Mr. Kteadmnn, you will find
her here."
"Find my wife here? Impossible!
This Is not my house. Driver, take me
to 1741 Park place. If you must stop,
Doctor, I will go on. You can follow
at your leisure. Do you hear ino,
driver? Move on and don't spare your
"Hut, Mr. Sleiidinnn, 1 tell you your
wife Is in this house. I will explain
Kteadman springs from the carriage
and hurries up tbe steps to the house.
The Doctor cn hardly keep pace with
him. lie rings the bell and to the mnld
says: "I Mrs. Hteadman bere? Hny
her husband wishes to see ber,"
There are running footstep In tbe
upper ball-a familiar form glide
down the stairway, a moment's hesita
tion, a glad cry, and be Is clasped h bs
dea wlfe'a lof lag arms. 8be lead blm
Into the little sitting-room, makea him
It down aad then abe cart sees and
comfort, him doe a mot her the
child who wa. lost and U fotmd .
HI. eye. overflow with tear, at tbi.
great teuden.c-but what la lhlT
The light mayor, ,-rhaj- the tear. It
cannot be; but -, the hright,
hair i. thickly screaked " ' .
"Oh, Mary!" he cries, "tell nie, dar
ling, why are jcu here?
not at home with lb children? And
tell me, dearest, how came those gray
hairs in your young head to-lay? Aud
now, that I look at you. you are not,
the same. Ha. my l. k..c rt !
so, my poor girl?" , ,
And then he bursts iuto "'! O"1 r"
strains his grief, after a time, as be
thinks that at least he is well now and
come back to help and comfort her
when it might have been so different.
"Come, dearest, a cab la at tbe door.
You can escuse yourself here and we
will go home together. I will upend
the afternoon with you and the children
and we will forget this horrible day.
And. Mary. I'll fix things at the bank
to-morrow. I'll take the Doctors ad
vice aud we will all be off across the
water for as long a vacath.u as you can
Then the pis.r little woman and tbe
kind old doctor gradually tell Cbarle
Kteadman the a hole, sud truth. It la
ten years since he feel asleep In tbe
old home at Park place. Wh-n ho
awoke he was another man. Ihey
touch lightly on the need of restnilnt
In the "hospital." With the Uws of this
supervision, aud ieruai8 through fraud
aud trickery, his great fortune
melted away, aud his delicately nur
tured wife had been obliged to give up
her home and seek employment for the
support of the family. He 1 scarcely
given to understand that this included
the supixirt of himself at the private
-hospital," yet he feels It, oh, how
She had established aud successful
ly maintained a seliool for children,
and this Is the school building and the
children are now In the schoolroom
tiistalrs awaiting the return of their
Then come the crudest blow of all
for It niUKt come. The man is mad In
his demand for little Ned and Kdltb,
now grown large and handsome, he i
sure. He la made to kuow--lt Is broken
to him gently that Teddie and Edith
luive lieeu dead for many years.
He bows his bead in grief too d'Jep
to find expression -a dry -eyed, burning,
awful grief.
He is penniless. The bmt years of
his life have been passed In a mad
house; he has come forth a broken,
shuttered man wlio can only lie a bur
den to his little, frail, careworn woman;
he can scarcely hope to lteu her toll,
to witiieH which will lie Intolerable.
For ten loug years b! own dear Mary
bitter to contemplate'. luis labored
in desolation of spirit to supisirt In tti
aHjlum ber Inwtue husband who could
not repay her womanly devotion with
one word of love, with one look of
gratitude; who, In his insanity, was
blind to her patient fa-i deaf to ber
appealing voice. And with It all, F.dilh
and Teddie are gone. He can nsver
touch them, see them, bear them again.
"Oh God, can It lie!" breaks despair
ingly from his trembling lips.
He feels again that velvety touch of
gentle lingers, soothing, so, so sooih
lu! on brow and eye. He opens his
eyes beneath those magic fingersoh!
happy, joyous transformation! The
stiff. wsden chulr lie-ouieM soft and
easy to bis aching frame. The wall
recede, then stand dark nnd beautiful
in familiar form; the rows of books !ti
shelf, on shelf, the draperies, the furni
ture; oh! this is home again.
And uow a heavenly niiwlc to his
hungry ears that murmur of children's
voices from the rimm above takes oil
the tones of little Ned, of lovely Kdlili
blissful sound! And all the time be
feels the rhythmical stroke of the ten
der hands of bis sweet wife Mary.
Looking upward, be sees starry eyes
gassing down Into bis and the dear fa-fl
is young nnd free from care and the
lieautiful lmlr Is all a rich, dark, glossy
Was this returning madness, bei.lgn.
ly sent by Providence to clouk a 1mih.
less misery in robes of seeming happi
ness? Or was it all a dream and this the
blessed awakening? Detroit ' Free
Native Born In Cities.
Regarding the population of great
capitals M. Hertllloti, the French sta
tistician, has made known some Inter
esting facts.
London has the highest, percentage
of native population, it being 05 p,r
cent. Iu Vienna the native population
Is 45 per cent,; in Heriln, 41; In Ht.
Petersburg Z2, and In Paris .";ij.
The greatest tiuml.r of foreigner
Is In Paris, over 181,0x0, Including 20..
83 Germans, while In Berlin there are'
but 397 French.
The greatest number of foreigner
from any one nation in Paris is Bel.
glaus, 45,(XM. Of other natloimllrle
there are Hi.iKK) English, 20, B Ger
mans, 0,11 Russians, 13,(j Luxem
Iwurglaus, 20,000 Swiss and 21,000
Italians. Of the present population In
Paris only 30 per cent, were Isirn there.
For the past thirty year this percentl
age has remained practically the mnw.
Berlin contains 18,000 foreigner Ht!
Petersburg 23,000, London 95,(s0, Vlcnl
na 35,000.
Women Who Toll.
I-ondon leads the Hat of dtle In It
number of women who are either do.
meatlca or skilled worker. York
la next. Tbe worklagwomen orer 13
average about 300,000 0 New York
City, as against 71,000 a quarter of a
century ago. There are probably abotrt
600,000 women of working age 0 a tty
Hke New York, with Its 2,00000, aad
tale snow that half of than art oblbrad
to toil