The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 11, 1896, Image 7

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    Prtrslaaaa rl W trahlr.
Oil burner on a system invented by
an engineer named CunniWU, have
Wn put into all the new Ilalia.i war
ships, and have a'.ao been adopted by
the (lernian government. The fuel
used ia not rrude petroleum, but petro
leum rui'loum, which ia more eco
nomical, and haa the advantage of not
producing smoke win burnt. The
British slmirahy ia about to ei(eri
nint with Ihjuid fuel on the new f t
cruiser Gladiator.
A atini'ilant ia often nwlrd to nnuri-h
and strengthen tlie rwii m i to k 1 thi
hair a natural color. Hal) Hair Kftiener
1 the bH tonic f-ir the hair.
The a pike of graaa that were con
sidered to smart on the early aprin
millinery are not seen on the very mod
ish summer Htylea.
wttil, icUim4 a Uuj;ul. how Uie propla
atlfk Ui Hnoft arjjrtii 1 i,.y all suit
TWOMTrM hlood I'undar. AH druritau. L
HOOd'S 'ilia run- all Urn Ilia at aenu.
Gladness Comes
Withn bi tt. r understanding of tho
transient, nature ol the many :hj -ical
lilt, which vaiiisii U fure proja-r ef
fort ire nth" e (forts pleuJ-aiit c Iforta
rightly diivcU'd, Tin re is comfort in
the Utmw leil'e, that ho many forma of
akkncsH are leit due to any art mil dis
ea, but himply bj u const iputcdcomli
tion of the avHtem, which tlie pleaaaiit
family laxative. Syrup of Fim, prompt
jr removea. That in w hy it is the only
remedy with millionaof fainilies, and is
everywhere csteeuieil ho highly hy all
who value g h'!tli. Its )., nelicial
effect are luc to the f.o-t, that it is the
one remedy which pi'innote internal
lii'ttiilinesh without dclill:' atinjf tiie
crtrntisoii which it m'!i. It is tlo it foro
all important, in ord r to jet its hem
ticial effect, to not v hen ynit pur, that you huie the genuine Hrti
cle, which ia mannfiictiired by the Cali-fiM-nia,
l'itf Syrup Co. only and hold by
ail repuLible ill -Uftfists,
If in the enjovinetit of ;ih health,
and the (system ia rejrular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may lc commended to the inoht hkillful
phynlclans, but if in need of a laxative,
one hhnuld have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Fijr stand hlhcnt and is most hir ly
used and give niit pencral Kuti factiou.
"The best, of course,"you
tell your dressmaker,
and trust to her
using the
Why don't you tell her to ute it or,
better still, buy it yourself?
W your dealer will not aupply you wc
trp ej ihawinj l! mi mtcru mjiied f'
home Lrimiklng a new bo tjr
Emma M. Hacper. of th Laet' him j urnal.
telling how Ic pal on But V"'e'een Siir. bni-
A. H. M. C., V. O, Bn M, S. V. Cily,
Then is lots of pleasure,
tatitfaction and health corked
up in a bottle of HIRES
Rootbeer. Make it at home.
Mil t T M a Hm Cm . tllrltH.
a a. f-u i vrf ;
j4. -
. r v.
The Blue and the Gray.
Both men and women are apt to feel a little
blue, when the gray hairs begin to show. It's
a very natural f wling. In the normal condition
of things gray hairs belong to advanced age.
They have no business whitening the head of
man or woman, who has not begun to go
down the slope of life. As a matter of fact,
the hair turns gray regardless of age, or of
life's seasons ; sometimes it is whitened by
sickness, but more often from lack of care.
When the hair fades or turns gray there's no
need to resort to hair dyes. The normal color
of the hair Is restored and retained by the use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
Ajtr a Cartbock, "a atory of curaa told hy th cured."
a pages, frt. J. C. Ayr Co., Lowell, Ma...
Orrkard a1 (.!.
The ohjeet in t runin the (frape ia to
leaeen the quantity of fruit and improve
ita quality.
To nrevent nremfttnr fulling tT
the fiuit keep the trees healthy and free
iroiu inaeci pen.
There ia no advanUtre in plantinif
tendt-r vejfetahles until after aJl danger
of frost il past.
It makes little difference about the
iie of the tap ao long aa the tree La
pletity of pnA roots.
t ni ultlaatrd Ideas.
The testimony of educated deaf mate
regarding aoine of their Idea before
instruction U very Interesting. Koine
fancied the wind waa blown from the
mourh of an uiueen being. A nutiihcr
iiippotied that rain and llfutnlug were
?auwd by roea In tlie sky pouring dow n
water and firing guim. One wbo had
aeeu flour falling In a mill thought that
anow waa ground from a mill In the
aky. Some thought the stars were can
dle or lumpa, lighted every evening hy
Inhabitant of the heaven. Only one
naid ahe had ,-trled lo think" ahont
the origin of the world and Its Inhahl
turns. All itjul a great terror of death
ud beiim put in the grave; one had
beeu hmiuled hy fear that she inltrrit
! I wake in the ;rrsve and he unable to
all for help. One thought death waa
cnuHe.l hy medicine administered by
the doctor. Iieaf mine have refused
to K" to led when ill from observing
that Kirk (htkhiih have taken to their
beds liefore death. Thooe who were
taken to church hy their parent mul
they had little Id en hefore education
of the puipiwe of thia awtembly. One
testified: -I thought that the people
were In the church to worshrp the der
gynian of the greatest dignity and
apb-ndor." They had do Idea of ny
twlnj; more wise and powerful than
man, and no conception of the soul,
or of any spirit whatever. New York
tapaneae Huuriln.
The .lapaneae, whe flvlllzatloo was
old twfore otira began, have produced
beautiful crumple of the sword mak
er's art. The Japanese nobleman cur
rieil tiia swords as the iuHignla of hi
rank. He wore one on inch side, thrum
Into the folilR of his a.'iah.
These swords hnveheen handed down
an heirliHiuiH from father to son: and II
wan not unusual for families of an
cient lineage to have as many as tif
teen hundred of them marvels of cost
ly and artistic workmanship In their
poMuaaiiin. The scabbards ar -richly
lacijuared, and hound about with s silk
en cord In a curious pattern. The
blade la curved, and the round guard
ia pierced to carry a small dagger. This
guard, called a tsuba. is decorated wltb
curious designs; and bo great la the
Ingenuity of the Japanese metal-work-rs
that among the thousands of swords
they have produced It Is Impossible to
Ind two guards exai-tiy alike. They are
prized so highly hy collectors that large
unis of money have been paid fre
quently for an antique sword, only that
It might le ruthlessly torn apart to a
;ure the guard. - St. Nicholas.
Time Have ('hanged.
j A Maine pnier notes as evidence of
the change that has come over methods
, and nieu t tin t whereas In old times the
pnyinaster on the Keuuebee Ice fields
I never uki1 anything but cash and
i.miiiurli- lure In moklncr riavments tie
now keeps a loaded revolver on his
table as a precaution against the possi
bility of bold thieves trying to snatch
; tils pite oi gieciiiwckn.
' Wood.
Wood soaked In a strong solution of
common suit Is thereby protected
tgslnat decay, especially when placed
! ondergrouud
Name of "Cripple eck."
A ruagn7.lne writer saya that Cripple
Creek got Its t nine from a trio of pros
pectors who happened to stop oo tho
hsnk-i of the stream because their mule
had gone lame. X'hay dlacotered signs
of gold and decided to stay a while.
While putting tip a shanty one of the
men fell from the roof and struck ou
the dog which they had with them,
breaking Ids own arm and the leg of the
csnlii'. muJe three cripples In
csiiip hence the nanio.'- -
Every man baa mora
how In hla actions.
... - - -.f
In forming a bad habit, remeoibet
that It will N very bard to quit
, " Great Thirst.
The ermine of an express traJn con
surnes twelve gallons of water for each
mllo traveled.
Bloomers are noihlng more than mod
mi f leovcs xtepped Into.
1 1 T Jfa
The Heal Drain.
The drain on the farmer's requires
Thai in ivs") the tryiiipeat load.
Not only to hitn but hit borne.
In canned an you know it of course in,
I'.y not rightly (Iraiiiing the road.
There 1 civiliz:itiou, enlightenment
ind economy In j;ood roads. ood
rondH lend to proicpt and Hteinly ntten
iiiuce upon hiinh aervlceH. achool
riMim dot lew. neighborly iiitercoiir
mil him i;ii iimuM'tiii'iit. I'.ad roads h :i I
lo profanity, worry, trialK and trib'il i
tioiiMamj h'taof time. (jnlveston (Tex
in) Tribune.
Finding the I.cak.
Time spent in marketing farm prod
uoe is a dead loys.
This Iokh fulls on the crop produced
hy the fanner. The dappled field of
jtreen and g Idcn wheat know It and
the corn leaves whisper it to the l:'7.;.
pumpkins yellowing iu autumn .-iiiu.
They know that against Ihem will be
charged all the tune of horses and men
and all the wenr mid tear of vehicles
euiHoyed m tint. spoiling them to mar
They know that if the loud to town
In very had Mid but half a load can be
marketed in twice the time required
for marketing n full loud w ith a ;,o id
roud, it will nil count ngnliist th-un
when the yenr's business is linisued
find the books are balanced.
They know that production and con
sumption nil- the great contending fuc
tors of the farm. Horses and men are
consuming the crop while they are iro
duclng it. The consumption of It doc
not cud until it Is exchanged for it:
cash eiululciit. The fewer th Hum
1st of horses and men. and the less the
amount of time employed In prodii"iii2
and marketing it. the more there will
be to credit to tlie worth of the crop.
The mud tux. or stony-road tax, or
the steep grade tax is assessed against
the product o! the fields.
If the Inrii) isn't a paying Invst
melit, the "why?" Should be lo il,ed
The farm, itself, may show n proflr.
The miserable rond to market may be
the unprofitable part of the business.
Itoads should be so made that Iomls
can be hnuled to market when lipids
are too wet to work.
Quit charging the fields with the
great Iohh of time, the broken vehicles,
the worn-out horses and the ninny ills
occasioned hy poor roads.
Heems to Have Disliked Women.
Probably the most confirmed mis
ogynist who ever lived was a wealthy
old bachelor who recently died In
Vienna. After his dentil a bundle of
documents wi'g discovered among his
belongings, labeled: "Attempts by my
family to put me under the yoke of
matrimony." In this packet were six
ty two letters, the dates ranging from
1835 to 1H!W, a sufficient proof of the
tenacity of his relations. So afraid
was this strange man of even sitting
near a woman that whenever he went
to a theater he booked three seats. In
order that he might have one on either
side of him empty. Whenever travel
ing Ina railway carriage he was always
! fareful to smoke a large, foul-smelling
pipe, to Keep nwny uiiruuers or me le
mnle sex. In his will he said: "I beg
that my executors will see that I am
burled where there js no woman in
terred, eitiie'r to the right or left of me.
rihould this not be practicable In the
ordinary course of things. I direct that
they purchase three graves, and bury
me iu the middle one of the three, leav
ing the two others unoccupied."
A Valuable Witness.
At a recent trial before u .New York
udge, it was thought Important by
the counsel to determine the length of
time certain "two quarters of beef,
two hogs and one sheep" remulned In
nn express wagon in front of the
plaintiff's store before they were taken
hway hy the defendant. The witness
was a (lerman, whose knowledge of
English was very' limited, but he testi
fied in a very plain, straightforward
Way to having carried It out and put It
Into the n foresaid wagon.
Then the following dialogue ensued:
"Stnto to tho Jury how long It was
after you took the meat from the store
and put it into the wagon before It was
taken a way," said the counsel.
"Now, I cannot tell dot," replied the
witness. "1 dinks 'bout dwelvo feet.
I not say near us dnt."
"You don't understand me. How long
was It from the time the meat left Che
store, and wns put In the wagon, before
It was luken nwny by the defendant?"
"Now, 1 know not vat you ask dat
for. Der vugou he van back tip mlt dor
sldevalk, end dat's s boost aa It vas.
You dell me how long der sldevalk vns.
Den feet? Dwelve feet? Den I dells
how long It vaa."
"I don't want to find out how long
the sidewalk was, but I want to know
(speaking very slowly) how long thin
meat wns In the wagon before It was
taken away?"
"Ob, datl Veil, now, I not sold any
more meat an, I all time weigh him;
never measure meat, not yet But I
41ok 'bout dre feet" (Here th spec
tators and his honor and the Jury amll-
ed audibly). "1 know not. shentjeinaim,
how Is dis; I dell you all I can as good
as I know."
"Is here, I want to know how long
It was twfore the meat was taken away,
after it was put into the wagonV
"Now you try to get me in a isonipe,"
the witness replied, lisiking very know
ingly at the counsel. "Dat meat vas
aboost so long iu tier vagon as he vas in
der shop. I Hit's all 1 told you. Dat
meat vas dead meat. He don't get
moocb longer in den doiisaud year, not
"That will do."
fiheep Sorrel.
I'nder the dead brown leaves of last
year's grow th the new aud tender green
Of tliP hallierd shaped leaves of the
sorrel may lie seen. On the under side
both edges are rolled toward the mid
rib, and many do not unroll until they
have grown quite a good deal. They
present rather a prelty apiearanoe.
thrusting their little Diluted noses out
Into the world, to sis- if it is safe for
them to get wholly out of their warm
beil. There is an acid juice iu the
leaves, which is quite pleasant to the
taste, ami children always enjoy eating
them, as they are prone to eat any
thing that comes within reach. We read
that in the early days of the colonies
the people made pies of them, relishing
ti e sourness in the spring. The name
of the plant coines from the Greek
woid for sour, referring lo this qual
I'.v. Sorrel is a weed common throughout
tlie I nileil states, preferring a dry soil.
Oilier Mann's for il are sonrsauce and
Rourdook. The tiny (lowers, which ap
pear during the summer, are of a red
dish hue. and are collected in racemes
on the long stem. Montgomery has
written of
"The sorrel's simple bloom."
And a Held of them In bloom is a pretty
sight, though a single plant seems rath
er Inslgiiliieant. But h-t one look at
the tiny blossom under the microscope,
and a beautiful Mower will be revealed,
showing the porfeetness even of little
things on this earth.
This little plant was supposed to be
under the Influence of Venus.
An English writer says: "From May
August the meadows are often rud
dv with the sorrel, tlie red leaves of
which point out the graves of the Irish
rebels who fell on Tarn hill in the
y itp.t y elght," the popular and local
tndition being that the plants sprang
from the blood of the patriots shed on
that occasion."-Boston Transcript.
Ttie Knhii'i I'asKlun In Heath.
("niton (lore tells a striking story of
a hardened professional pickpocket
who found himself within sight of
b-atli, and for the first time in his life
had leisure to think. iMiriiig :i some
what protracted illness the reality of
'lie love of (Jod was vividly borne in
upon him, and he been me. in the deep
est souse, converted from darkness to
light. He had received the sacrament,
md was In articulo mortis, when the
priest, w ho Was reading the commetid
ii lory prayer by his bedside, heard a
hoarse whisper In Ills ear, "Look out
for your watch." As the clergyman
raised his head the man lay dead with
die watch In his hand. "The will,"
si,.! Cation Core, "was not strong
fO'iiigh to resist the habitual instinct
ice motions of f lie body, yet was strong
c'l'iug!) to protest against its own act
with the voice."
Curious I'refiistoric Monkeys.
!u several places In the Cape Colony
i:id Orange Free State of South Africa
'ires have been explored which yield
ed hundreds of mummified remains of
i pioer species of six-fingered monkey.
Ail of the full-grown specimens of this
remarkable species of qnudruiiiaim
ivo the tail situated high on the back
from three to live inches further tip
'hin that on the modern monkey and
('her distinguishing marks, such as
i wo sets of en nine teelh, beards on the
males, etc. Whether these creatures
w"re niiiniiiiilied by human beings,
who formerly held tliem In reverence,
or were overtaken by some catastrophe,
such as a sudden convulsion of nature
or a cataclysm which entombed them
in their caves, and thus preserved them,
1 a secret that can never be known.
Public Opinion.
X Knys In Court.
The new photography has not been
long In getting seriously to work, and
at Nottingham, England, It has taken
!i prominent place ns a witness In a
l.iwsult. Miss Gladys Kfolliett, nn
actress, brought au action for damages
against tlie Nottingham Theater Co.
She had Injured her foot, she paid,
'hrongli a faulty staircase In the thea
ter. H was of no use for the defend
ants to argue that the plaintiff's foot
wis not. Injured, for she promptly went
and had her bones photographed by
Prof. Ramsay, and produced the nega
tive In court; and the Jury holding that
negative evidence Is the most positive,
awarded her appropriate damages.
Had Luck.
A remarkable succession of misfor
tunes occurred recently In the Irving
family of Oldtown, Me. Not long ago
the old homestead burned down, leav
ing the family with but a shed for shel
ter. Two of the sisters moved into a
store and started a millinery business.
The atore was burned down, and they
lost all they had. Soon after that three
women members of the family were
thrown from a boat In l'usha w stream,
directly opposite their home, and
drowned. A week or so since two other
sisters belonging to the family were
murdered In Oldtown.
The KfTcct of Temperature.
The difference in length of the cables
In the East Itlver bridge, Brooklyn,
when the thermometer registers zero
and when It registers 100 degrees aboYC
Is two feet four Inelie The difference
In tbe rope which hauls the cars is
seven feet six Inches.
I'mI ef Harntinj l..r Kratfc
A record of all labor put on digging
the beets was kept with the following
result: Five and one-half days' team
ork, at 75 cents per day, M l'.'; 22 days'
man labor at $1.50 per day, $33, making
a total cost of $37.12 for digging 22 44
tons of beets, or $l.t5 per ton. The
beets were taken from the ground by
plowing a deep furrow with the land
glide as near the lieets as possible with
out cutting them. They were then eas
ily thrown in piles.
Lekon from Africa.
Territorial greed ia apt to receive a
severe check by the Italian tragedy in
Abywinia. Between the aia.e of the
people, weary of a policy which drains
their resources and ic iirodign! of their
Uvea to maintain a national glory,
euough to them, and the increasing en
lightenment of the savages iu rhe col
onized countries as to civilized means
of warfare. If not of civilized m i:uieis
and customs. Governments arc having
a rhorny time. They are reaii.lng that
laud grabbing, like meaner fornix of
miiyipproprlatlon, has its retributiocs.
Baltimore American, .y,.. s
Her Brag tha Biggest.
Dr. M. W. Stryker, President of Ham
ilton College, told this story the other
day in an address before the New York
Hardware Club: "The braggart spirit
anywhere is absurd. Some little school
girls (It is chronicled of Chicago) were
discussing their clothes. 'I've got a
lovely new dress,' aaid one. 'and I Em
going to wear It to church next Sun
day.' 'Pooh!' said another. 'I've a new
hat, and I'm gnlnjr to wear it every
day.' 'Will.' said a third, 'I've got
heart disease, anyway!'"
Much Iu Little.
It doe not take many volumes ta
bold tfce really great thing that have
been written in all ages, nu 1 a New
York Arm Is planning to pul the best
part of it into a series of tweuty-tive
volumes with the title, "A Library of
the World's Best literature." Charles
Dudley Warner will be editor, and will
lie aaalaned by Henry Thurston Peck,
Hamilton W. Malrfe, W. D. Hovvellsf
Prwf. Charles Eliot Norton, and others
of high ability, so the work promises
to be of value.
'By the Alove Ball."
Perhaps oce of the very oddest mon
uments is tlie tablet In a Berkshire
church in memory of a soldier who had
his left leg taken off "by the above
ball," the actual cannon ball being in
serted at the top.
"Cleanliness Is Nae F'ride, Dirt's Nae
Honesty." Common Sense Dic
tates the Use of
The umpire
" BATTLE AX" is not only r
decidedly bigger
other 5 cent piece
quality is the finest
the flavor delicious.
know just how
you try it.
Examination and AdrW aa to Patentability of In
vDtton. abend for iQTenlim'Uulda, or SJnw toUrt
Peumt. l'araioa (uuu, waahlngtuet, D. O.
Dai f a lArsaatMll.nlaitk.warM.
mmmm aww. "wiiiam taiai. I
Farta rr f.naii
One aource of increased coat is in
wasteful feeding.
Feeding eheep will not fatten on
rough feed alone.
Tot much cars cannot be exercised
in selecting thoroughly healthy and
vigorous animals for breeding purposes.
Unless warm, dry quarters can bi
provided for the brood sows and their
young pigs there is no possible advan
tage in having them farrow early.
Farmers' Review.
Strawberry mousse is a delicious
dainty that can be easily made from the
seas .nable berry.
I IJeiieve Piso'a Cure is the only medi
cine that will care consumption. Anna
M. Ross, Willianisport. Pa., Nov. 12, '95.
The vdiain in c ?.n linen is not con
sidered half so bad by the feminine
portion of the aud trice as the one who
apt ears with a black eye and a red
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally. Price 75 cents.
It iB said that a loaf of stale bread
may be made to t.ste like newly baked
bread if it is dipped in cold water for a
moment or two and then put in a pan
and rebaked for three-quarters of an
FITS. All Fiit iippd free by Dr. Kline'a Great
Nerve Restorer. No rubalier tlie first day'.uws. Mar.
rk.u Hires. Treatise and f 2.00 trial bolt l free to
it case. Send to hr. K line, c 41 Arch St., l'hila.. Fa.
Until you have our pocket picked you
will never understand that sinking sen
nation tiiat is akin to seasickness.
Mrs. U inaiow'a Soothing syrup for child
ren teetlilim:. toliena the nnis, re.lucea iutlam
ination.ttllav pam,curi:B wind colic. bottle.
A journey to the center
of the earth.
No, not quite.
Enough like it, though,
to give you a good idea of
vhat the real thing is
the trip to the "Garden of
Eden," Wind Cave near
Hot Springs, So. Dakota.
Book about Hot Springs free if you
wrii to J. Francis, Gen'l Pass'r Agent,
Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
now decides that
in size than any .J
of tobacco, but the :i
he ever saw, and j
You will never -1
good it is until
Through- Yellowstone
Park on a bicycle.
Write to .1. Francis, Genl raasr Agent, Bok
llngton Route, Omaha, Neb., for booklet giving
full Information about coat, roads, etc.
H M. V. Mo. Sl- S.
fork, Mab,
I s mw rm saw ska Mtartaaanal