The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 11, 1896, Image 2

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Greatest Proportion of It I Still to
the I'nlted frtates.
The report by Mr. C V. Lucas on the
emigrants' information office for lS.t3
gives evidence of good work done at
mall cost to the public, says the Lou
don Time. We are not sure that much
more cotilj be done than is done al
ready by the managing committee and
their agent. The colonies do not. a
rule, t-are to receive more emigrants
than we are sending to them. The
federal tendency, there and in the
United States, is to look with wiue
Jealousy at each new arrival. Mor?
working hands mt-aiis more competi
tion for employment, w ith lower wages
as the result; while new hands who are
not inclined to work are as little de
sirable a part of the population in the
new world as in the old.
In 18ii5 the passengers who left the
ports of the United Kingdom for places
out of Europe amounted in round num
bers to ITJmki. as against 22T.Ihi in
18&4. In the first two mouths of IStMj
the emigrants of intish origin lwve
been 15.1M, as against 13.711 in the
corresponding period, of lSOo. The
place of destination for the largest
number is, and continues to be, the
United State. This is most markedly
so la the case of foreign emigrants
passing through this country on their
way to their place of settlement but it
Is the case, too, with emigrants of Brit
Isu origin.
Next In point of attractiveness comes
South Africa, and, in spite of recent
disturbance. It has gained ground
very considerably during the present
year. In lfft5, 26,(100 emigrants went
to the Cape and Natal, as against
rather less than 17,000 In ISM. This
hows an Increase of more than DO per
cent, but It has been far outdone dur
ing the present year by the further in
crease from 1.&41 to 3,343 in the first
two months of the year. British North
America has also been doing letter as
an emigration field, but the number of
emigrants thither and to the Australian
colonies continues to be comparatively
One point of interest In emigration
statistics Is, as Sir Robert Giffeu lias
shown, that they serve to Indicate the
state of trade generally. As trade im
proves emigration will be found to in
crease, while a decline in emigration
Is a most certain sign and forerunner
of an approaching trade depression.
The report of the emigrants' informa
tion office and the further figures In
the Board of Trade's emigration re
turns are therefore very satisfactory.
They combine, with such proofs as the
trade returns have lately been furnish
ing, to show that we are at length In
the course of a genuine trade revival.
The Australian colonies, It Is true,
have not yet fully recovered from the
grave crisis which they have gone
through, and so close are the modern in
dustrial relations between one country
and another that effect of Australian
depression must be felt here as cer
tainly as in Australia itself. But there
la nothing In this to discourage us. If
our trade shows signs of revival while
Australia is still depressed, we may be
confident that It will Improve the more
when Australia, with Its energy, its
amplitude of resource, and its vast re
ieuperatlve powers, has recovered the
ground which it has lost, and when the
upward and onward movement now In
progress has extended to the two or
tnree districts of the country which, as
the report shows, It has not yet fully
Native Born in Cities.
Regarding the population of great
capitals M. Bertillon, the French sta
tistician, has made known some inter
esting facts.
London has the highest percentage
of native population. It being 65 per
cent In Vienna the native population
la 45 per cent; In Berlin, 41; In St.
Petersburg 82, and in Paris 36.
The greatest number of foreigners
is In Paris, over 181,000, including 26.
863 Germans, while In Berlin there are'
but 397 French.
The greatest number of foreigners
from any one nation in Paris is Bel
gians, 45,000. Of other nationalities
there are 13,000 English, 25,863 Ger
mans, 9,000 Russians, 13,000 Luxera
bourgians, 26,000 Swiss and 21,000
Italians. Of the present population in
Paris only 36 per cent were born there.
For the past thirty years this percent
age has remained practically the same.
Berlin contains 18.000 foreigners, St
Petersburg 23,000, London 95,000, Vien
na 35,000.
Women Who Toil.
London leads the list of cities In its
dumber of women who are either do
DMattce or skilled workers. New Tork
la next The workUurwotnen over 15
average about 300,000 In New York
Otty, as against 75,000 a quarter of a
ftatary ago. There are probably about
UQDOQ women of working age In a city
KWew Tork, with ly 2,000,000, and
isowi that half of them are obliged
Uttl. - -
Divorce Jlecora-Breaker.
Aft Indian man baa made appHca
Mm tor bla ninth divorce, and he
3a't begin bla matrimonial career un
fa ktt was 8ft yean old. This shows
What a mil can accomplish In any one
ClKllw by giving hi whole attention
fta C stir, Portland Oreggnian.
lift tvt la larger than the world,
Htm UM whole world sannot fill it.
EjaMa a grind down another with
er Cast ptariag hit owj soul coder the
yy .
T-l iririB' 1 I r 1 I I
Pheasants Defying Thnniler.
A correspondent of the Zoologist tells
of the peculiar conduct of cock pheas
ants when artillery practice is going
on at Colchester. At each- discharge
of the guns the pheasants crow, not
as though terrified, but In a manner
suggesting defiance and the answer
ing to a challenge. Several writers on
natural history have coted the same
fact lw'fore.
When Will Men Fir?
In a recent lecture at Woolwich. Ir.
G. II. Bryan, of the Royal Society,
showed how all the principal prob
lems couneeted with artificial flight had
now len solved by Mr. Maxim with
his areoplanes and Herr Lilienthal
with his soaring wings. By combin
ing the advantages of the two forms
of apparatus. Dr. Bryan predicted that
artificial flight would In-fore long be
Germs In the Air.
There is a widespread Impression
that diseases are sometimes scattered
broadcast by germs borne by the wind.
Prof. Cleveland Abbe combats this
view, and asserts that epidemics
spread along the lines of travel, and
tnat experiments show that few dis
ease germs are able to retain their vi
tality when freely exposed in the air
and to the sunshine, as they must be
if carried far in the atmosphere.
Boring Thin Glass.
Everybody who has tried under
stands how difficult It Is to bore a hole
In a strip or sheet of thin glass. The
following method is said to be success
ful: Press a cake of wet clay upon the
glass, and tbe:i make a hole through
the clay of the desired size, laying bare
the glass at the bottom of the hole.
Then pour melted lead Into the hole,
and it will drop through the glass,
making a round aperture. The expla
nation Is that the sudden application
of heat cracks the glass In a circle cor
responding In size with the hole In the
New Facts About Mars.
Prof. E. E. Barnard, late of the Lick
Observatory, says that during the last
opposition Mars showed so many in
tricate details as seen with the great
3tt-lnch telescope that It was impos
sible to delineate the planet. Hereto
fore the reddish parts of Mars have
generally been regarded as represent
ing land, while the darker parts, s re
times described as bluish or greenish
In color, were thought to be water.
But Professor Barnard says that with
the Lick telescope the apjiearances no
ticed suggested exactly the reverse;
what have been taken for seas look
ing really more like mountainous land.
So we may have a new set of theories
about Mars.
Wonders of Hartioarapb j.
One of the finest photographs made
by means of the mysterious X rays
that we have yet seen Is reproduced In
Nature from a negative by Messrs.
Reid and Kuenen In England. It rep
resents a frog, with legs and fingers
extended, and not only are both the
flesh and the bone most clearly pic
tured, but the difference In condition
between the two lungs, one of which
was distended with air. while the
other was collapsed, is revealed with
astonishing distinctness. Even the ef
fect of the overlapping of 'he flesh
where the knees were lient Is plainly
shown, and in the original negative
the reticulated structure of the dis
tended lung Is said to have lieen vis
ible. This is a revelation, not merely
of something hidden from sight, but
of the Internal construction of things.
A Bins Island.
Many -coral reef Islands In the Pa
cific are In the form of more or less
perfect rings, or ovals, enclosing la
goons. Recently a description w as pre
sented to the Royal Geographical So
ciety of the ring Island of Nlnafou,
half-way letween Fiji and Samoa,
which bt not a coral reef, but a vol
canic ring enclosing a crater contain
ing a lake two miles in diameter. To
ward the sea the ring Is bordered with
walls of black lava, and on the Inner
side these break down In cliffs 2i0 to
300 feet In height An eruption In 1SWS
formed a peninsula on the eastern
side of the lake. While the ocean out
side Is trembling and thundering un
der a heavy wind, the lake remains
smooth, or Is simply wrinkled with
A Wonderfsl Lunatic.
Dr. L. C. Bruce gives an account In
Brain of a lunatic In the Derby Bor
ough Asylum who exhibits the phe
nomenon of passing from one mental
state to another. By Wrth he Is Welsh,
and when in bis "Welsh state" his con
dition Is that of dementia. He can
then understand Welsh, but not En
glish. In his "English state" his con
dition Is that of chronic mania, and
be speaks and understands both En
glish and Welsh. But he cannot re
member anything that occurred to hirn
when In the Welsh state, although hla
memory leaps over the interval and
recalls events belonging to preceding
English states. Conversely when In
the Welsh state ha la totally Ignorant
of things that he knows and under
stands perfectly In the English state.
Sometimes be passes from one stats
to the other suddenly; at other timet
fee goes through an Intermediate state,
mixture of the two conditions in his
Tn poetic Pood.
It is said that Shelley one day called
upon Routhey, at 4 o'clock, and found
the poet and his wife sitting down to
their early tea. Shelley accepted a cup
of tea, but when a plate piled high
with tea-cakes was offered him, he re
fused them with signs.of strong aver
sion. His own diet was very light at
that time, and well-buttered cakes, hot
blushing with currants, sprinkled
thickly with caraway seeds and reek
ing with allspice, distressed him griev
ously. But Southey was a hale and hearty
man; he did not shrink from the cakes,
and cleared plate after plate with an
excellent relish. At length Shelley
could contain himself no longer.
"Southey," he exclaimed, "I'm asham
ed of you! ' It is awful, horrible, to see ,
a man like you greedily devouring this
nasty stuff:"
Now Mrs. Southey was a charming
woman, but she had a sharp tongue up
on occasion.
"Nasty stuff"' she repeated, with Jus
tifiable Indignation. "What right have
you. Mr. Shelley, to come into my house
and tell me to my face that my tea
cakes are nasty, and to blame my hus
band for eating them? The In.ard and
the rolling-pin were quite clean; they
had been well scrsied ami sprinkled
with flour. The flour was taken out
of the meal-tub, which Is always kept
locked. Here Is the key! There was
nothing wrong In the Ingredients, I
am sure. What right have you to
speak? You ought to be ashamed of
yourself and not Mr. Southey; he has a
right to eat what bis wife puts before
In the course of this animated Invec
tive, Shelley, abashed, put down bin
face to his plate, and curiously scan
ned the cakes. He broke off a bit and
ventured to taste It; then he began to
eat as greedily as Southey himself.
The servant appeared with a fresh sup
ply, and these the brother poets dis
patched, eating one against the other
In generous rivalry. Shelley asked for
more, but the whole batch had been
consumed, and when he went home,
his verdict on them was sum med tip In
the report of Harriet Westbrook, to
whom he was engaged:
"We were to have hot tea-cakes ev
ery evetiinv 'forever.' I was to make
them myself, and Mrs. Southey was to ,
teach me."
Now She la Sorry.
An American woman traveling in Eu
rope saw some pretty souvenir spoons
in a Berlin shop window, and stepped
Inside and bought one. She put the
neat little parcel into the pocket of bet
heavy cloak, visited a museum, did a
little more shopping, and then returned
to her hotel.
Leaving her cloak upon the bed, sh
went down to luncheon, and on return-) that time there was no idea of general
lng to the room found the cham')er- j education at the public expenxe. Al
maid, a typical German girl, in the act' though Massachusetts had had schools
of hanging the cloak In the closet ' for nearly two centuries, the free school
Something in her manner attracted the
lad's attention.
"Are you nervous, Augusta?" sh
asked. The girl made eomeasl!ght em
barrassed reply, and left the room.
The lady Buspected nothing, but just
then remembered her spoon, and put
her baud Into the cloak pocket The
parcel was gone! In another pocket
was her purse, but no sjsHin. The girl
must have taken it, and her peculiar
behavior was explained.
The lady rang the bell, and when thf
girl came charged her with the theft.
The girl protested her Innocence. The
woman demanded a confession. V try
lng scene followed, the girl weeping
the woman urging her to tell the truth
and restore the stolen property. Threats
of prosecution only made the girl wcer
the more. She should lie rukied, and
she knew nothing aliout the ;.-poou.
Finally the lady so far relented as U
make no complaint.
"You may go," she said. "1 will sat
nothing, but you will not come into inj
room again."
That was last w inter, as the Mor if
told by the Philadelphia Times. XU
woman returned to Ameri.-.i, kik1
thought little more aliout the hjcmii t .I
on the first cold day of autumn rh
brought out her heavy cloak and begat
looking it over, to see If moths liaci
done it any mischief.
There was something hard In oni
corner of the lining. What could It be'
The lady had a presentiment of 'lit
truth, and a snip or two of the cisHir
brought out a small paper parcel hct
souvenir spoon.
What did she do? Firxt K!;e sat dow u
to a woman's great resource--1 goo!
cry." Then she declared that she iiiusl
go buck to Berlin with peas in hci
shoes, so she said find Augusta, and m
far as possible undo the wrong.
Whether she has yet started we an
unable to say, but she will probably bf
less hasty another time.
A Dog lo Pawn.
Even dogs are pawned In New York
writes a correspondent Iq a place on
Twenty-eighth street a lonely pug, sep
arated from his fellows, gated wistfully
at customers yesterday. "How much
for that one?" asked a stranger as he
pointed toward the pug. "Can't sell him
until Monday night" replied the bird
and dog dealer. The man wanted tc
know why, and he was Informed thai
the pug was In pawn, and If he wasn't
redeemed prior to the time mentioned
he would lie sold. "That pug's been
hocked three times and has always been
redeemed. How much do I loan on
him? A dollar's the limit sir, as pug
are no longer popular, you know.'
When a woman puts ber pet dog in
pawn It Is quite safe to conclude that
the wolf has entered ber apartment
There la no higher praise for a friend
than te nay that he la faithful,
A combination that never falls to
muse: A big cigar and a little boy. I
It Was lie Who Transformed Free
reboots from Charitsbte Iuatitn
tiona Into s Great System of Univer
sal Kd nest ion.
A Little Known Hero.
Ask the average iwisou to name the
rnnii who did the most for the upbuild
ing of America, and he will answer:
"Washington, Jefferson, the Adamses,
Lincoln" and many more whose uauies
stand out brilliantly lu American his
tory. Not one In S.too. however, will
mention Horace Maun. In Iced, to mill
ions of intelligent people the name of
this really great man is unknown, yet
none save Washington and Lincoln did
so much toward creating and preserv
ing American greoinesn as did Horace
Mann, the founder of our pp-scnt school
system. As the centennial of his birth
was recently nlmcrvol a review of his
life may be of some interest.
Bom May 4. 17:;, at Franklin. Mass.,
be spent the first twenty yearn of nis
life on a poor farm. It was hard work
tit little pleasure, with but eight or
ten weeks' schooling during each of
several winters. But the Isiy was am
bitious, and from an Itinerant school
master he learned I-a'in and Greek,
ud at the age of Lit entered Brown
I'niversity. By teaching country"
schools In winter he worked his way
through the university and. on gradu
ating In 111, Itecame a tutor in college
and studied law at the same lime.
When his. legal education was com
plete, he went Into practice and was
very successful. In jiolitlcs, too, he
met with success, rising to the jiosition
of president of the Massachusetts State
Senate In lS.Tr.
It was In that year that be corn-
menced the ereat work of his life. At
naq Deen, to a great degree, a cnanty
school the country over. The country
free school was merely an economic
means of educating the lioys and girls
in tlie same school In the cheapest pos
sible way. The cities, like Boston, had
taken pattern from the schools of
Eton, Harrow, and Rugby, In Eng
land. There was not the least suspicion
of a science of education, or an art of
teaching, and there was no general
proposition to Improve the free schools,
as one-sixth of all the children of Mas
sachusetts In 1837 were In academies.
Each and every religious sect had its
academies scattered over the hills of
New England, and they were the mosf
prominent educational Institutions. In
terest In public education was either
dead or dying. The teachers were
young women, pupils of the country
schools, with an exceedingly scanty
stock of knowledge and no skill what
ever. In the cities the little children
were taught In the so-itilled dame
schwils, where aged spinsters collected
a few little ones around them, and, at
a small tuition, pointed out laboriously
the letters and taught tlfdr names.
Horace Mann, like Thomas Jefferson,
saw clearly that there could be no
evolution of a free people without In
telligence and morality, and looked up
on the common school as the funda-'
mental means of development of a race
of men and women who could govern
themselves. He saw clearly that the
whole problem of the republic which
was presenting Itself to Intelligent, ed
ucated men rested uiKin the idea of
public eduiiition.
Although other and more distiu-
guished men had the same Ideas as
Mann. It required a guiding spirit to
Inaugurate a reform movement lu edu
cational matters. Horace Mann sup
piled the need. He Introduced In and
carried through the Massachusetts
legislature a bill providing for the
formation of a Board of Education a
lioard which had advisory powers only.
Its duties were to collect statistics, look
Into the state and condition of schools
nd Influence the people In the direction
of better education. Horace Mann was
made a member of this hoard. Then
It seemed of the first Importance that
the board should hve a secretary, one
who could give his whole time to the
matter of education. This position was
offered Horace Mann. It was the turn
ing point In bis life. He was 41 years
of age, and fast becoming prominent In
bis profession of law. He was the con
temporary snd equal of'Chsrles Sum
ner. In fact there was no man, with
the exception of Daniel Webster, In
Massachusetts, who. in prospects, stood
a liea d of Horace Mann. Everything
In the way of fame and fortune was
easily within his grasp. The queetlori
with him wss, should ho give up all
these brillhtnt prospects and take up a
cause that seemed lost and almost hope
lessthat of common schools? He ac
cepted the position at $1,000 a year and
threw himself Into hla work with all
hi might and main. He traveled all
st- v
over the State and lectured In hun
dreds of schvoU, but hU masterly elo
quence was met with suiien Indiffer
ence snd often he spoke to but a doxen
people. But gradually hi Ideas took
root, other States emulated Massachu
setts aud upon the foundation which
he built Is laid the greatest education'
system the world has ever known.
Hi great work In this line B'-com-plUued
Dr. Mann returned to public
life aud In lMd succeeded John Quincy
Adams as member of Congress. In
1W2 he became resident of Antioch
College In Ohio, w here he died In 1'J.
Hi indomitable, earnest, sclf-sacnuc-Ing
spirit shows Itself In one glorious
line, the closing sentence of his addresn
to his last graduating class at Autim-h
College: "Be ashamed to die until you
have won some victory for humanity."
The Hall Pupil.
Do we not make serious mistake in
that we are always ready to cem-ure
the slow pupil? Here is little Olga.
naturally timid, and seemingly dull
She is failing. The teacher lakes great
pains to notice It, and when she calls
her arithmetic class, she keeps lief ore
her mind the too oft-reieatcd failures of
the child. Calling for 4 times 5, ail
hand" are rained save one; the child
notice ber teacher looking at her, and
Immediately becomes coiiftim-d. Sar
casm and disgust are plainly written
on the teacher's face. With, "Of course.
Olga. you don't know; you never do!"
she passii) on. Is not this a cruel
thruxt? Do we consider what we are
doing? Do not let us make the dullard
lielieve he "never knows." but help
and encourage him with kind word
and gentle ways. Let u cheer him on
to quicker ways; encourage him with
gentleness and sympathy. How much
licttcr for Olga If her teacher had said,
"What, Olga! Don't you know? I'm
sure you can answer as well as the
rest. Now. think a little w hile, and .et
me see your hand, too." Thus by en
couraging, we give them faith in them
selves anil strength to do what before
wan seemingly hard. Dmr comrades.
If we have an olga, do not let us chill
all that Is best In her. but help along a
thousand times rather than hinder once.
"It is not so much what we say, as
the ma tmcr in which we say it." I'rl
marv Education.
Kducatlon lu Knsals.
In Russia a project is ou foot for tix
I: g a minimum to the number of stu
dents allowed at each university. At
Moscow the number has risen during
the last thirty-five years from l.tkxi to
3,oiKi, snd, if the rate of increase In
maintained, the students w ill presently
form an unwieldy, not to say danger
ous, tiody. At St. Petersburg the num
ber Is 3.1XHI, while the smaller provin
cial universities, such as Kasan, are
comparatively deserted. It Is pointed
out that great hardships would be In
volved if poor students In districts
where the local Institution was full had
to seek Instruction In remote quarters;
moreover, It would be Injurious If pro
fessors of rare eminence werp not able
to attract unusually large audiences. At
Odessa. It has lieen proposed to found
a special university for women. Note
worthy Is the method by which the
originator of the scheme suggests that
the necessary funds might be raised.
A tax of from one to two roubles could
lie imposed on every girl attending a
high school; to the capital so procured
voluntary contributions would be add
ed.' There Is a possibility that the Idea
will be realized In the course of the
next academic year.
Hsbltnsl Postures of Kclinnl Children.
Do we give sufficient attention to the
postures which children habitually as
sume in standing or sitting? Of course
all say with one accord that in the
education and development of the child
there Is no Influence more potent than
habit. We also recognize as valid th
fundamental law, a dictum of modern
psychology, to the effect that mind and
lxMly are under a relationship of recip
rocal causation that body acts on the
mind aud mind acts on lsxly; that no
bodily change can occur without modi
fylng the mental states and the flow
of Ideas, and likewise that the mental
states In their ceaseless change contin
ually modify the bodily functions In
their exercise. Tutting the two princi
ples together, viz., the principle of habit
aud that of the reciprocal relations that
obtain between mind and body, can
we not see that the repetition of physi
cal postures and movements has the
power to modify and reorganize the
shape of the IkwIv, snd also to Inhibit
or accelerate the flow of ideas? Chud
Study Monthly. ' ' .
University of Pennsylvania.
The movement to require a higher
standard of general intelligence on the
part of medical students has extended
to the University of I'ennsylvsula. The
proposition there Is to provide for the
gradual raising of the requirements for
entrance until they are equal to those
required for entrance Into the arts and
science courses of the college. It i
proposed that this shall be done In the
next three years, a decided advance
being made each year. It Is also pro
posed to discontinue the practice of ad
mitting graduates of three years
schools to the fourth year of the med
ical course without examination. These
radical changes have the hearty Ap
proval of the faculty.
Pnttinu In a Poor Foundation.
There Is a complulnt that In ri-achl.ig
the top of the present public school
system too little attention Is'pald to the
step that are necessary to be taken.
That Is to say, the rudimentary branch,
es are slighted In order that the higher
branches rnsy the sooner be reached,
and the result Is a delinquency it every
stage. This Is not education. It Is sim
ply acquiring a mattering of knowl
edge and a superficial understanding
that Is useleaa If not actually harmful
In fact It Is corrupting the roots of the
tree, Kansas City 8tar.
I Hcbrasha Hotcs
i. . t. j w. t. r.
' jJj j-
7 8 9 io j II 13 13
77 15 16 . i7. J9 20
21 22 23 24 2 26 J7
28 29 30 j
Cut wcrms have drrtroyeJ con-i Ur-
' sble corn near rg ut
j South Omaha people have suWriled
3'i f..r celebration ; .rpoecs.
j A large acreage of Katlir corn is l-ing
; sow u in the vicinity o! Piilcr.
j oiV count v caught a loot and lia'.f
of r-:i. i-ur ng A nl May. !'" )'"
j 1 li. it- are twenty-three graduitcs in
the c sec of '!, f the lloldrtge bign
The Chadron Journal tascs 110 part
in politics, hut is entirely 1. voted to
locai newt.
H. E Moore is about to begin the
publication cf a republican iifsj sper
kt draftou.
Mrs. Julia Col. ins !id recently at
Net. ranks C'ty t the extreme sge of
ninety-six years.
The llurstsn thistle 1 r p in Dakota
county is doing reinarkahlly well since
the recent rains.
Evangeliits have finished tl.fir laliors
at Ohiowa, and itft the place in a Hate
of comparative purity.
The asessmriit of Newcasllo this
year chows an incrt-a-e in intuition of
several hundred liollarf.
A thief entered the p.-siollice st Mil
lard while the Nssby wai at I1H-I1 and
carried tff in cash and stamps.
The druggists c f NewcdKtle ate taxed
25 lor disinclining booze for u.ed.cinal
purjuMM.'. There is a way to get even.
Ureeiey county contributed a tar loud
'A corn to the TcxaB tornado sulleiers.
Bread cant iijuii the waters is great
A carload of dried fruit passed over
the Union Pacitlc the other day, billed
from ran Fratic.sco to Johannesburg.
A frit a,
A (jraud Island woman had a lemi
uine neighbor arn Bted for calling her
hard names and "making up faces"
it ber.
A club has I -ecu organiz'd in Norfolk,
amijioeed of people born in the state
j New York. 'I lie oo;s re full
of 'ein.
Mrs. Al Field, wife of the I'latte
Center hotel keeper, died at the hos
pital in Columbus alter an illnecs of
lo yearg.
A farmer of Huffalo county lost four
head of work horn-a during a recent
norm. Three were struck by light
ning and one was drowned in Wood
While boring a well near Kent, H. C,
Urvi struck an elm log at a depth
A one hundred feet. It was buried
there about the time of tiie Babylonish
captivity. 1
HeMdents of Boyd county who saw'
wood on government land are having
indictments returned against them till
ihey can't rot, aud that's all it
l iiuunts to. j
Harry Picuton, a fc'cotis photographer
bad hard luck w hile moving bis car to
r'ullerton. The vehicle upset and rolled
iown an embankment. Very li .tie was
saved from the wreck.
The personal property asfecsment of
Barneston township. Gage county,'
.-hows 330 head of horses, 1,104. cattle,
forty-four mules, twenty five sheep
snd 1,794 hogs, valued at 132,100.
The mill dam at Martinshurg as well
us at l'onco was nearly washed out by
the storm of the 21th ult. At the forra
ir place it will cost considerable time'
it as good as it wis, -
The Columbus Times is publishing
a n der copy right a history of Msjir Frank
North, who was widely known through
out the west in the early history of
Nebraska. The major was a brother of
5.: North, revenue collector for
it. is district 'T3P;k-w. A'tlS 1
About seventy.flve men and boys and
sixty-seven women and girls were con
firmed Sunday at the Catholic church
in Columbus. Biahon k,-onr,alt aI
- - .. . n. 1 , v4
Omaha, Father Mauritius of Omaha
nd Father Jerome of Humnhrew as.
sistcd in the services.
C. L. Pay of the Stella Presa i. .,.'
happy, and gives vent to bis consuming
wrnm in ue louowing manner: "Away
down hers in the corner where no one
will see it the editor ft going to register
a kick. Several timsa Ut.t ... 1
been called Charlie. Sow Cbarli. 1. .
very good name, but it doesn't belong
u.iuuntsr,giM 01 it. The only
name we have for general anrl r.r u.
cuous circulation Is Day. Jut common
everyusy iy, With a capital D, tnd It
doesn't make any difference whetl...
yen put a Mister to it or not"
A Free Methodist catno-meeting and
district coherence will be held in Mr.
Welborn's grove two and a half miles
eaat of Wellfleet, Nebr., commencing
June 18 and lasting until the 28th or
m6 ebb,u A krga tent 40.00
feet will be used for services.
Rudolph MechoeliUchka, a mni
man employed on Enoch Wilson's
farm, near Nebraska City, bad the
thnmb on hit right band caoSt In a
corn heller and It was ton off before