The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 04, 1896, Image 5

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J.. J. tHtnmona, Editor and Prop,
r. E.4 .R.E.TtUW.
Oming Wart. UAag tut.
o. , Blied .,.!. Ka. I. mixed 7:40
Wtorney-at-Law. (
Prompt attention given to ail legal
matter id Justice, County and LMstritt
Courts, and before Hie United States
L ad Office.
Fir Insurance wrltUo in reliable
CJTLegal papers carefully drawn.
llAJuaauH. - Nebraska.
Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser.
and acMaon pvr a ohms.
ttlra I im I i I Call.
J. E. PHINNEY, it D.
Physician ami Snrfee.
Alt calls given prompt attention.
Ullce la Drug Store,
Vests, and
and wlien you need anything in thnt
line you should sursly go to
He also has a One amortmant of win
ter underwear, gloves, mittens, liats,
caps, boots, shoes, arctics, etc., etc.
Hi atock of staple and fancy groceries
is full and complete and on all goods
ha will maka you bedrock
Hperlal Hates.
The following excursion rates will be
in effect for the dates as follows at one
fare for the round trip:
' June IS and 14 to Denver and return,
good to return June 2Mb, to national
aaaatoo Junior Order U. A. Mechanics.
July S and 4 to Buffalo, N. Y., good to
return July 13lh, to annual meeting of
national edutional association.
Jutv 1. 2. 3 and 4 to Washington, D.
C rood to return July Ittb, to national
cooveotion youog peoples society of
christian endeavor.
July 18, 14 and 15 to Milwaukee, Wis.,
rood returning July 24th, to annual
meeting Baptist young people's union of
August IS, 17 and 18 to Ouisha, good
returning August 24th, to young peo-
nla'a christian union.
August M and M to Milwaukee, good
returning Aug. 81st to national conven
tlon republican league. The return lim
it am above tickets to the different points
my be extended from 10 to 15 days,
for further particulars call oo me.
K. F. Pottos, Agent.
Hester is retiring his windmill
which was damaged by the wind.
ForsD A watch. Owner can have
it by calling at this ofllce, proving prop
erty and paying for this notice.
If you want good photos rail soon,
for Mclotire will stay but a sliort time
Get your I torses ready for the races
at Harrison on July 4th.
Ir. Phinney has commenced the
construction of a good-sized barn just
north of his residence.
L Richstein purchased the bicycle
formerly owned by County Clerk Hlew-
ettafewdavs ago and Vincent is the!
proudest boy in town.
Excursion tickets will be sold June
12th, and July Sd and 24th to Hot
Springs and return at one fare for tlsj
round trip, good teturning SO days from
date of sale. E. F. Pontiuk,
Agt F. E. & M. V. It It
On Tuesday morning the lead engine
on a double-header stock train' from the
west struck Mayor Rohwer'g best cow on
the crossing near the depot. The animal
was injured so that she '.mil to be killed.
The contract for building the new-
school house at Andrews was awarded to
James Wright, but we are informed that
he decided not to accept it and the board
will take action to award the job.
The work of making Alls of the trea
ties along the railroad a few miles east
of town was commenced the tlrst of the
week. Quite a force of men will be
employed for some timo.
Phil Unitt arrived last week with
two car-loads of cattle for his ranch
south of town, and remained a couple of
days looking after his interests. He
says everything indicates a big crop in
the east part of the state.
Word was received yesterday that
Red Cloud accompanied by his son and
a number of sub-chiefs and leading men
of tlie Ogallalus were at Andrews on a
visit to James H. Cook. Several from
here went down to see the sons of the
forest. '
When at Chadron last week County
Attorney Guthrie found the case against
the county which he went down to de
fend was in such shupe that he could do
nothing and the county will have to pay
the judgment which was rendered before
he had anything to do with the case.
The rase of Hester & Son against
Henry Lindeman was called in Justice
Smuck's court on last Tbursduy. A
change of venue was asked for by the
defendant and the case was transferred
to J. W. Hunter's in Bodarc precinct and
is set for hearing today. j
Taking effect June 5th the jure
riles on live stock will tie charged as
were in effect prior to January 1st. It
is $61.00 per standard car front Harrison,
S2.00 from Van Tossell and f&i.OO from
Andrews, adding the usual per cent to
tliese rates for curs over 30 feet, 6 Indies
A man working on the grade east of
town while helping to unload material
from a car Tuesday morning got his foot
caught between the bumpers so that it
was pretty liadly mushed. He was
brought to Harrison and Dr. Pliinney
dressed the injury and the man went to
Chadron in the evening.
' Some people seem to have the idea
that if a person does not give in all of
his property to the assessor that it is the
fault of the county board if he is not
called upon to list it all. That is a mis
take, as the board has nothing to do
unless some one brings tlie case be
fore them. If any one is not satisfied
with tlie assessment of another it is his
place to make a kick to the board of
equalization, and if he fails to do so he
is more to blame than any one else.
-A bad mishap befell Roy Hamlin on
Sunday. He was riding a horse into the
liverv barn when the animal slipped by
reason of tlie planks being wet, and in
falling canght the boy's left foot under
him in such a manner that in was terri
bly crushed, the bone of the great toe
being forced from the socket and driven
out through the flesh and other parts of
the foot badly crushed. Dr. Phinney
dressed the wound and all done make the
lad comfortable, but it will lay him up
for a good while.
On last Saturday Adjutant General
Gage mustered in a post of the Grand
Army of the Republic. The following
ofticers were elected: E. E. Livermore,
commander; A. J. Bogart, senior vice
commander; W, D. Lafferty, junior
vice-commander; Sanford Hill, quarter
master; John Plunkett, surgeon; Wm.
L. Baldwin, chaplain. The next meet
ing will be on Monday, June 15th, at 1
o'clock, p. m., at which time a full at
tendance is requested as business of im
portance is to come before the meeting.
On last Thursday morning the editor
of Tub Journal accompanied by his
wife and two youngest daughters went
to Andrews for a fw days outing. A
tent and complete camp outfit was taken,
and just as it was got in shape the train
from tlie east arrived bringing Mayor
F. M. Broome, of Alliance, accompanied
by Mrs. Broome and their two little
daughters, who joined the outing party.
A good time was had by all, Mrs.
Broome Moving to be the roost success
ful angler for the speckled beauties
which inlwbit the waters of Whit river,
The rain of Saturday and the night fol
lowing was something of a dampener to
the snort but the toot shed the water all
right awl oo serious results followed the
Claude Taylor was up from Cliadron
a.-ain on Friday,
D. 8. Cox and Wm. 8 wan son are up
from Soldier creek today.
Mrs. M. J. Blewett returned Thursday
from her trip to Crawford.
W. J. A. Rauni was up from Cotton
wood the first of tlie week.
T. B. 8nyder was lip from Sheep
creek Tuesday and called at this office.
Miss Lizzie (iorlach came down from
Lusk last evening to visit tier parents.
Mrs. I). II. Griswold anil children
leave this evening for a visit to relatives
in Iowa.
P. t u i- i. .... r r.....n..
ilAlim . iiuh v,ts up ltiu .11113
Tuesday and made a pleasant call at
this oilice.
M. J. Welr and C. A. Puddy made a
business trip into Wyoming the last of
the week.
James Wilson, James McOann and F.
W, Knott represented Gilchrist at the
county seat on Tuesday.
Harrison will celebrate. Come.
A new boy arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parsons on Tuesday
A heavy hail storm struck the val
ley north of town yesterday afternoon.
The crops are not far enough advanced
to be injured.
All parlies who hove agreed to do
work on the race track and all others
w ho are interested in having a track at
Harrison are requested to come prepared
to work on Tuesday, June 9th. It is all
laid out now and ready for work to be
gin cutting tlie sod,
It is reported that a 4th of July cel
ebration at Harrison is a dead sure go,
and in the past good times have been had
at celebrations here and with a good race
track additional sport can be provided.
It means a lot of work and some expense
to the people of the town, but if all
unite a good time can be liad. The pro-
grain will appear later.
-I. R. Mclntire informs us that he
has so much work that he will remain
here all of next week so that any who
have not obtained photos of themselves
or families should lose no time in
getting them for it may be a long time
before another opportunity will be had
to get the class of work that he turns
On last Saturday the first soaking
rain of the season fell In this locality.
It came but a day or two later than the
first rains last year, but owing to the
light snow-fall during the winter the
ground was much dryer than usual and
grass was suffering for moisture. The
rain last week fixed matters all right
and people are happy.
Tins land office officials are urging
parties who hive timber claims on
which the proof can be mode without
advertising to do so during the present
month. That includes all entries made
prior to Sept 15, 1887. The object of
the officials is evidently to close up the
proofs of tliat class and it will cost the
claimant no more to make proof now
than later.
On last Saturday lightning struck A
team of horses near the old brick yard
at F'ort Robinson. The horses were both
killed and the wagon torn to pieces.
Two men were in the w-agon and they
were rendered insensible, and it was
thought they would die. They were
taken to the hospital and at last reports
one was out and the other was improv
ing. They reside on Soldier creek, but
their names were not learned.
Excursion Trips.
Excursion tickets will be sold from
Harrison at one fare for the round trip
to the following points on dates named:
To national prohibition convention at
Pittsburg. Pa., to be held May 27-29, on
May 22 and 28, final return limit June 2.
To republican national convention at
St. Louis, Mo., June 16lh, on June 12,
13, and 14, final return limit June 2.
To democratic national convention at
Chicago, 111., July 7, on July 3, 4 and 5,
final return limit July 14.
E. F. roNTOjs. Agent
Harrison, Neb.
Teachers' Institute.
The Sioux county teachers'tinstitute
will be held this year in the court
house at Harrison, commencing June
22 and closes July 8. The attention of
the teachers is called to Sec. 0, Hub-uiv.
10, of school laws. So if you expect to
teach during the coming year be in at
tendance at the institute.
W. 11. Davis, Co. Bupt
Kstlmate of Kipensea.
At rnmlnr moetlns-of the Board of Trim
tees of the Village of Harrison, Bloux coun
ty, Nebraska, belli on me Bin nay 01 aiay,
IhMS, the followliiK estimate of expenses fur
the current municipal year of 1SW was
(Miners' salaries 80 OB
Water pu ni puis, etc . KM no
Klcctlon expeuses . . 00
Incidental 00
MlnktnK fund
Interest on water bonds lw no
To apply on Judgment 400 00
Total -!, 00
ttd Harrison, Nebraska, May 10, ISM.
! 37-41 1 L.J.Simmons.
1 ' Village d'lerk.
Kstlmate of Kiprnses.
At the regular Janesry, IMSt, meeting of
the board of county commissioners of
Slonx county, Nebraska, the following es
timate of expenses was made for the. cur-
District court expenses, flOO 00
Halsrles !. W
Stationery --
U..IB an l hrlriffMS tJMMI 00
I'rintlna and DUbllslilna 400 00
Institute H
I i mi u ml rumr fiiufl ItlO 00
Incidental .
sold ers re let lunu - km w
(Mlcerslees - M0
Special debt fund as Indicated by
.1 Ma.fl vtrmn Ls fur thn
years 187, ISSS and tsss 1,080 W
Total 4I1K t0
Dated llsrrlsoii, Nebraska, May IS, IMS.
l. J. BLtwrrr,
(3(j Uoauly Clc.i.
Final Proof Notices.
All persons having dnsl proJif notice -n
this psper w ill reriie a murk-! copy ,if tl.e
pttprruml ur r4jue4t-d U examine thHr
nolu-e uwl U any rrrois exist rt-iurt tue
sauii to tiim oltlce at one.
.Nnlirr for Publication.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb. I
Nay Is, imw;. I
Notice is hereby irfven that tlie following
nunicl wttlcr has Hied notice of iii- iuu-n
lion lo iiiske flnul proof in iipport ol his
clsfin, and that mxUi prisif will Ue itittde be
fore M. J. Hit-writ, . Icrk of the district
court, at Harrison, Neb., on JiinclT, istb,
Fir V. Piwwr. of Bell, Xch.,
who made H. K. No. 1187 for the . !,Vw. '4 t
. f. i, sec M, tu !T.i n., r. .'4 w.
Hi iisiocs Ihc folios lux to prove
bis coiiIIhiioum rci-Meucc upon and cultiva
tion ot Mid lrttid, viz:
(iclavt (turrit, it. K. Ni-ccp, Alva Mirieve,
W . !. Mcliolrton, all of kU-ti. cb. slo
Kiimry K. I'msscr. of Bell, Neb.,
alio tnuUe II. K. No. S41I lor the nw. i. nc. ,.
sc.. ', nw. and lot 4 sec. 6, I p. H n., r. 54
uiio h. -v, nc. si, l, T w n., r. 3.1 w.
He naioeN the following witncsncM to prove
his (.-oiiUntioti n-slilcnce upon and cultiva
tion ol, suiii Jund, viz:
Octiive Harris, It. K. Neere, Alva Shrieve
W. S. Nieholsuu.ullor Hell, Neb.
37 4Jj J. W. VVkhs, Jk., Kegixtrr.
Notice lor Publication.
Ijtnd O.Hc-e at Alliance, Neb-, I
April T,, llTJL
Notice Ih hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of tilsinten
lion to make Html uroof In snmsirt of his
claim, and that said proof will Is- mailt; be
fore M. J. UleweU, clerk of District Court,
ut Harrison, Neb., tin June B, lstsi, viz:
Joseph P. Met tail in. of llnrrtsen, Neb.,
ho made II. K. No. ltt for thn so. 'i nw.
s. ', ne. 4 and ne. it ue. see. 31, tp. SO u., r.
Hi w.
He names the. following witnesses to prove
his continuous residoucu UXn und cultiva
tion of, said land, viz :
William ll.iurr. L, William Ilelden, William
II. Hough, vt tlltuin (,1-rlac-h, all of Harrison,
34 3 J. W. WtHK.jR., Uegister.
Not ice tor Publication.
Laud Oltlcu Ht Alliance, Neb., (
June H, IMW. )
Notice Is hereby given th-'t the following
named settler has tiled liutl-o ol bis Inten
tion to make filial proof in support of bis
claim, and thnt said proof will be. made be
fore 11. J. Iticwclt. ( lerk District Court at
Harrison, Nebraska, on July 11, IsSB, viz:
John H. Nrwllii, of (iilckrUt. Nell.,
who inailit H. K. No. J44 f or the s. 1 , se. ,
mi. su. 4 A xc. t 110. sec. I,;, tp. 33 11., 1.
.' w.
II11 naiiins the following witnesses to prove
his con II 11 mum residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vi. :
V. W. Knott, James Wilson, E. K. Wohl
helcr, all of Uiichrlst, Neh., II. K. Cofree, of
Hodsrc, Neb.
J. W. Wehn. Js.
3f-44 1 Uegister.
.Notice fur Piilillratlon.
l.nnd dltlce at Allliince, Neb., I
May 40, Iswi. j
Notire is hereby given that the following
mimed settler has illcd notice of his Inten
tion to make fldtil lirtsif In supfiort of his
claim, and that siilil pnaif will be made be
fore M. J. Illewett, clerk dlst. court, ut Har
rlson. Neb., on June 27, Ihiiii, viz:
Kram Peter Slullnr. of Arilninro, S. D.
who niiiile H. K. No. S4i4 for the w. ij sr.
sec. II and w. ', ne. ' sec. 14, tp. :14 11., r.'A w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous reddeucu upon and cultiva
tion, of ssld land, viz:
Peter llretty, Jukob Klrcher, Jakob Murk
lug, Peter Hanson, nil of Ardmorc, D.
1 87 4i J. W. Wkhn, Jk., Uegister.
The line 4-year-old Shire Sullion will
make the stand for the season of 1890 at
(5.00 to insure a mitre in foal.
He is a bright bay, with good style
and nction, und weighs about 1,700
Young stock will be taken at market
value in payment of service fees.
The horse can be found at all times at
the Schoefer barn 1 mile south aud 1
mile west of Bodarc postollice.
Nicholas Schaefer.
I will put you is a machine which will
elevate from 300 gallons to 22,000 gal
lons per minute with the least possible
power. It can be operated by windmill,
steam, water or horse power.
It has been tried and its merits are
It is just the thing to use in streams
where a portion of the water can be
used to elevate the other portion.
They are cheap. They are durable.
They are simple. They are up-to-date.
Prices on larger machines or on iron
work alone, furnished on application.
Write for further information to,
L. T. POOLE, Agent,
Marslaud, Kdb.
JMIoney, TThan
Marsteller Bros.
"The Old Reliable."
Isatlor Richstein,
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Pabst's Celebrated
Always carries in stock a good line;
of statipnery consisting of
Letter heads, Note heads,
Legal blanks,
Book stock,
Etc, Etc, Etc.
When in need of such things do not
forget to call
Bill heads,
Poster stock