ft? Sioux County Journal. tsTsjumaa 1966. J o ulcAptioii Price, $3.00 jL. J. Slmiitons, - - Ktlltor. EpjWraal at the Harrison pxml u ThcWDAY. Jcxk 4, 1894. abtabllcM CoMtty Condition. Tie reuulicn elector itt Sioo runnty, N'eb, are,reius,teU to aeud aSeJea-.itea from )lbnr sever.! preolscU to ms-t In eooveii (thMi lit Harrison, .)., mi Ksturdny, Jnue in, M. at It o'clock, k. 12)., fir the purpose of efc-ioaiim two dtloyaVM to the republican tote convention to be held t Lincoln, on Wednesday. July 1, 1 delegates to toe th oouk rasakmsJ district convention to be hclit '.t Korta illie, on Kridsy, July , two dele Ktea to tke Hth senatorial district conven tion, and two delegate to the :1 repreaan ttaUve district convention, and tbe trans action of sach other bnainesa as may prop erty eeute before the convention. the ArruarioauEKT. The several precinct are entitled to rep resentation as follows, bring bawd upon the vote east for Hon. T. I Sorval, for supreme Judge In INS, giving one del. Kate at large for each precinct and one delegate for eac b ten votes or major fraction thereof : UKL. PIC. DEL. t Running Water I t snake freak... "Andrews Antelope Jtodarc Rowen (sMttvnwood . "five Points-. 4 iufr luui 4 Whistle frwk 1 Warbonnet i White Klver 2 Hat Creek. HUrhland ii Total ., 3t Moatrose x It Is recommended that the different pre cincts bold tbeir primaries on Thursday, June IS. it. A. raiupr, I). Bartlett, Chairmaa. Secretary. Datet to b BeasfHbereel. Republican national convention, at St. J .outs, Jane 16. Democratic national convention, at Chi cago, July 7. Fopulist national convention, St. Louis, July a. Republican state nominating convention, Lincoln, Jnly 1. rofalut state convention to elect dele gates to national convention, Grand Island, Jlyl5. sixth district republican convention to nominate a candidate for congress, at North riatte, July at 10 a. in. Congressman Km has a fine irrigated farm in Colorado where be will settle .when his term in congress expires. He I has no notion of being a candidate for ( re-election. Sidney Poniard. Hie newspaper whose editor never es- presses, an opinion of his own good, bad or indifferent is about like a horse pow er without the power. Grand Island Independent. Yea, its like a horse power without a bores or mule. Indeed, such a paper is precisely like a horse power run by an .aga. York Timm. On May 27th one of the worst cy tokine in the history of the country t struck St Louis, East St. Louis and a umber neighboring towns, killing half thoaakod people, injuring some thous ands of Others and destroying millions of loilara worth of property. Congress 'took action for relief, as did states, cities, civic organizations and individuals, aud 'much was accomplished to relieve the "iistress of the stricken city. a."-"- AH of the one term state officials hav e been endorsed for a second terra by their horoe counties except Ctiuschill and no (raaM appears for the failure of Doug lass county to endorse him except the aspirations of others. Broatch was re "jected as a candidate for governor and - Willtaois endorsed for land commissioner and Batch for treasurer. It looks as if Rose water bad been doing a little wire working but the indications are that it Will avail nothing in the state conven tion. By interposing aa objection Kern de feated the bill for the relief of settlers on the Union Pacific lands, by clearing a -loud from the title thereof. Mondetl "of Wyoming, who had charge of the 'matter showed that Nebraska was inter -"ti to taw extent of fc6,5Hl.8 acre of '.wbich 18,588.14 acre were in Kent's own district. Bro. Sheldon danced a jig 'last week because Kern objected to an .appropriation for tlie Iraus-MiMUMuppi position to be held at Omaha, but be 'was aa nam as an oyster aa to his fool -orvak on the land matter. The article from the Ainsworth Star Jimrnai which appear elsewhere in this "issue formally announcing tlie candidacy 'of 8yr Backer, of that town, for the 'repabiicaa nomination for stats senator, IraiicaUek that be is the right kind of a nan for the party to select. Those who Jat Ve an booest desire for republican aoccess recognise tliat if conventions re 'manipulated by little gangs and nornina wm made to suit the gang, regardless of ton wish of tlie -people, no hope ot 'victory can be entertained for people ViU resent audi work at the polls, but if good, clean, hottest, able men are nom 'inated so that the party docs not have to make a campaign of apologise there is a jraon (Siehce to redeem tlie northwest jjolstricte from populism. It is generally understood that A. E. JtotMoa, editor of the Chad run Signal fcvrWtr, m a candidate) for the populist neajrasUon for representative in this ntstrtct. It would be n most friendly net for some one la whom the unfortu nate mam hna conhneoos to go to him aod Miw him to "don't" Sheldon baa bea fcrlfaa swwscaner bueinsea for years asf to otiffct to koow more than to be ia Nnnmt for ofiVe at hit time of life. 41 mCn U thai be oaunbt tbe office nssirialwrsir from U. O. Stewart, who Jfca nwfpenn ennanf it of many years Vnsmtsa4ebnWon an. two holding l '-m 9 for ao ooj that Jm bos oontract VI m&dr. It is hoped that he will mim tsmf tmtment (n ft earty ,IX taml bo will tally iww for if 'ja2 IT wrtb l i Ifbvmnbor ' t kamatobnvoa ktrgn snse of The friend' of Judge K.rtaM are feel ,ng very aoutae of his success fa ti e bominalibg coo vvtjtion of tlx sixth con gre-wjonal district soon to le held at North Platte. Jude Kiukaid if nomin ated will make a atrong light and will I a liard man to beat. He is a true blue republican and t verr a.'greuve can)Ntiner, and is sure to take his coat off for tlie winner, should he not secure the nomination himself. Sidney Iin-LtrtL It sometimes puzzle uk greatlv to know who is running the Timet. When some auatere perta liolJs us up on tlie street and deigns to reprimand us for something we have said, or something we have not said, we oaturully think he must be running it, and wonder w hy lie doe not come around Saturday and pay off the hands but perhaps the next man we meet will rebuke us because we did not "hit "em harder," and then is when tlie question arises as to which one is running tlie paper. York Tivie. The lirst of tlie national convention was held by the prohibitionists at Pitts burg last week and resulted in a split and two tickets were put into tlie field. The convention deciJed to have but one pluck in the platform, that of prohibi tion, and named Joshua Levering for president and llale Johnson for vice president. Those who noted the plat form to contain planks on finance, wom an sutfruge and other questions bolted and nominated C. E. Rent ley, of Lincoln, Neb., for president, and J. H. Soutligate for vice-president, and adopted the name of "the national party and made a plat form of numerous planks. Where many country newspaper pub lisliers make a grave error is in the be lief that money is made by neglecting or ignoring tlie editorial column and devot ing their entire time aud space only to the locals. No paper dejiending alone upon its few local readers could exist verr long, and it is but natural that partisans of any party having patronage to distribute feel more of an interest in papers that interest themselves in public a Hairs than in tliose who do not. A paper that advocates pnd pubhslies prin ciples of any party is far better than one that publishes nothinp, and the time is coming when public patronage will not be eonlined alone to pretenses, but rath er to realities possessing merit, even though it be contrary to principles held by tlose in public office. Alliance Grip. In the district court in Dawes county last week a case was tried wherein a man from Crawford sought to recover pay from the B. & M. railroad company for his house which was burned, claim ing that the fire was set by one of the passing railroad engines. Judge Green was presiding and after two days had been spent in hearing the rase the judge took it out of the hands of the jury and directed that a verdict to be returned in favor of tlie defendant. It must have been a rockv case when a pop judge like Green would order a jury to return a verdic t in favor of a railroad company and against an individual. But tlie matter was not allowed to drop there for Barker was arrested on a charge of perjury and the representatives of tlie railroad company claim they have a clear case against him and will push it for all it is worth and the chances are that Barker will have to serve a term in the penitentiary. It has come to be that too little importance is attached to an oath in this part of the country, espec ially wlien it is in matters wherein a railroad company or tlie government is concerned. Men who would be greatly insulted if any one shold insinuate that they were not honest, do not hesitate to make oath to what is manifestly untrue, evidently taring nothing for their lionor and resting secure in the belief tliat they will not he punished for their crime. If it was as certain tliat punishment, would follow perjury as it lias been that the perjurer would be unmolested fewer persons would rewort to it. If a few should he convicted for such crimes it would help to make some who are not honest from principle have wholesome fear of tlie consequences. For State Senator. Ainsworth Star Journal. In our exchanges Trom every portion of this senatorial district comes a strong endorsement of our worthy townsman, Syver Backey for state senator on the republican ticket. We have known for some time that the plan was on foot among the republicans of northwest Ne braska to nominate Syver Backey for this responsible postion. We have, however, refrained from mentioning this matter io our paper be cause tlie gentleman has repeatedly told us in private conversation that he was not a candidate for the position add had never done anything for his own interest in that direction. We have therefore omitted saying anything at his own re quest But now, since his friends are so solicitious in urging his candidacy we are certain that should tlie convention see (It to nominate him he will enter into the work of tbe campaign with the ss.ni life and energy he lias displayed in all his business career. In Ainsworth and Brown county Mr. Backey needs no recommendation from us. His sterling integrity and pre-eminent business ability are too well known in this county and surrounding country. We wish, however, to say to those who may not be so well acquainted with him, tliat if the party desires to nominate) a man whose only desire is honesty and equity to all men, tlien place before the people a man of the people, Syver Bsckey. Mr. Backey has never sought political favor, preferring rather to spend his en ergies in other lines. His early educa tion was in his mother tongue, but since coming to America twenty-five years ago he has been a student of our lan guage, customs and laws. Today Mr. Backey is an American in every seoas of the word, aod although ho has never taken any prominent leadership in poli tics be has always given the stauoclwst support and aid to the principles of bis party. Hsvonfblo iwport are coming in from all over tbe district and wo therefore fool assured in saying that Mr. Backey will bs nominated without a disseoting Good riirs furnislusl on sliort noti.-e Keiutble drivers and quiet saddle homes always on hand. Good acconiniHdations for transcient customer. Horses boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL N. D. HAMLIN, PROPRIETOR. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED ie88. Harrison, B. E. Bagwsnji, President D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL SS0 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. COR RESPOND; NTS: Avericax Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bask, Omaha, Kikst Natiosal Bask, Clmdron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. CaTDBAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. YOU WILL FIX!) ME AT THE OLD STAND WITH JBAJRO-JLTHTS FOB GEO. PIONEER PHARMACY Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils. JEWELRY, CLOCKS JUSTO FiLisrcY aooiDs. CALL AND SEE. J. E PHINNEY, HARRISON, The Inter Ocean If the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and Mas the Largest Circulation. terms by mail. DaILV (without Sunday) $4.00 per year DAILY (whh Sunday) $6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean C .00 FTRYEAR.:. , ...K r AS s Vewspaper THE INTER OCEAN keep abreast of the times in all tespecta. It pr nilt.er puns nor xpei.s in stearins' ALL THE NEWS AND THK BEST OP CURRENT LITERATURE. The Weekly Inter Ocean A Fnmlly Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. Ifff "I hss something of inturn. to each iu mber 01 the fiunilr. Its YOUTH'E DKPARTMEUr is toe ery bjftof iu kind. IULlfEft. RT TZA1 UF.E8 are nnoqualed. It is S TWELVE PAQB FAPKtt and ecmte Instil" rJW uf t".t World. POLITICALLY IT 14 KLFUBLICAU, PiS eJLvit tti ra4t r tr. benefit of tke shiest discussions un Ul le po.Hie .1 wpi a. It u tuU 'ut-.&X in Chlcaso , and is Insoojrd wita tXju 1mxu eu. th Wf tt la hMh mitticin.t '.itr-mur Plsise remember t.at. tl.e price of in 'I'lA-XlTi ili 1 .t OCLjUI is OBLf OXE UilLLAl: I'ltt Vtr. AJ-.cn J;f. nr::r ocr.;N. cn n0. Feed and Sale Stable. Nebraska. C F. CofTB, Vice President H. TURNER. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. PROPRIETOR. KKBRA8KA. Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOME STEADER. Free Homes for More Than 5,000 Men. A new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles cf rail oad and has no county bonds. Sioux county i tlie northwest county of Nebraska. It in about thirty miles east aud west by about seventy miles north and south and contains OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of land. There are more bright, sjmrk- lin, small streams in the county than can be found in the same area e!w here in tlie slate. It lias more pine timber in it than all the rest of the state combine (1 Its grasses are the richest and most nu tritious known so tliat for Mock-jjrowinjt it is unexcelled. The soil varies from a heavy day to u li(;ht sandy loam and is capable of pro ducing excellent cropn. The princiiml crops nre small gmin und vegetables, although good corn is grown in the valleys. The heat, oats rye and barley are all of unusually hue quality and command Uk; Inchest mar ket prices. The waf?r is pure and refreshing and is found in abuiiiUuc in all pa it.-, of the county. Tlie county is practically out of debt and lias over forty-live miles of raihoad within its borders, lias a fcood l.i i k ronri house and the necessary bxlures loi run ning tlie county and there has never been one dollur f county Un Js ivusvd and hence taxes will 1 ,w. The Fremont, Elkiioru & Missouri Valley railroad crosses Sioux county from east to west and the H. & M. has about fUsen miles of iu line in the northeast part of the county. Tlie climate is more plea-sant tlun thai of tlie eastern porliou of Nebraska, There is still OVER 800,000 ACRES of bind in Sioux county yet open to homestead entry. It is better land and more desirably located than that for which such rushes are made on the own ing of a reservation. There is no rail road land in ebe county and for that reason its settlement has been slow for no special effort to get settlers was made, as was done in tlie early days of tlie settlement of the eastern part of tlie state. Good deeded land can be purchased at reasonable rates with government land adjoining so that a person who wants more than one quarter section can obtain it if lie lias a liule means. There are about 1,500 people in the county and there is room for Uiousands more. Harrison is the vunty scat and is sit uated oo the F. E. & M. V. railroad, and is as good a town as the thinly settled country demands. School bouses aod churches are pro vided in almost every settlement and are kept up with the times. All who desire to get a homestead or buy land cheap are invited to come and see tlie country for themselves and judge of its merits. Homesteads will .not be obtainable much longer aod if jou want to use your right and get 160 acres of land from Uncle Sam free It is tirue.you were about it. Rlpant Klpans Ripans Rlpans Ripans Tabules. Tabulea cure nausea. Tabules: at drugglnts. Tabules cure dizziness. Tabules assist digest Inn Rlpans Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Tabulea cure biliousness. Tabules: one gives relicr. Tabules: gentle cathartic. Tabules cure constipation. Tabules: pleaaam laxative. Tabulea cure liver troubles. Ripans Rlpant Rtpani Ripans Ripans Uk at Tkls List of western cities: Chicago St. Joseph Omaha Lincoln St. Louis lienver Kansas City Dead w toed Itdoes'nt matter which you laUnd viMling. The Burliogton Route it the best line to all at it it to an one of tbem. Advertising matter and full inform. tion about trains and rates oa tppliea- OFHCIAL DIRECTOR. Mix A ll.kml .oetnr H t Mtfe .ifiiUMHiil triifml J A. I'l r..n m-rreury SUM, ruin-lie M'r- ..Auditor J.wpli s. lrtl-y A . I liur. -lull Aiu.ri.ey -nrl 11 I'. I; n 1 1 ijiml 4 'o.i,tiimrioof ll! k. trU-lu!ir supl. I'ulilu; liutrui-tiou (MiNl.Khssio.NAL I.KI.KUATKMI: John M. Tb'irtii I"- twmUir, Hfc W in. V. Allen I'- s, nsu.r. MwIIwm J H single, tii.g-remiiu Nt ltl., i-im-uln l. 11. M.-re. r, " 1 " Muli! (.. I. MeikleHihll " "FnllrrKm K. J. Hir.. r. " ", Auror W K AiMln " u' " l"'l H. J. Krui, " uli " llrwknu liow JCIHl l i:Y: M. I'H.t ( hi-f Jii-l'.-. I'uliiriilm T O i-. II rriMi...v-'t. Jii l.', ..r.uiJ Ulmitt 1 1.. .Sor ll K-lale J'lflKi-, ewr4 i. A. Miui.lMii-l Mk iiimI i.rKi u r, I.ImiuIk HfTI KNTIl Jl lH "I A I- IXiTltllT: V. I". khililil'l J'l.lire. O'Neill . II v.-u.-r " Ku.hvllle M.J. liii-ell ' W-rk,llrilu ( ( tt'NTY oir K Kits: KdIt lvr.tm I ouiity Jndire M . J. Ulrxi'lt I lra ( Iim. Iileule Iimuiiirer . II. l.inU siit. I'uliiic liislrui-tloo I. UitriH U - slM-rilT J. K. riiiini. ) I oru.wr sorror M.J. Iili.li iliikol li-lrlitl urt I. raut (,uura- loumy Alluruey liDAKli OK fi.MMI-I'INKM: i rims Tlnkhnm ,'li.uriu:u. j lt lllru- M.J. W ! I li. t . J4l!llif .i i.i:i,isi,.riK: II. i,. t.!irt..'-'uMtr. "t"1 'rswf.irt W . l-lliiK'.T..-K'l'.. I'lt- o. iS, H lk(uri VII.I.Ai.t orKli lilts: K. lioliwer ; clisiruiun i Trute J. W . soil I U. II. i.riiJ . II. .Muii.t. ll.-i " N. I", lliinillii ' I.. J. sliniiin'.K nr iA?. in Or.u.-ll Trvsaurrr MiKMIJ. liKKK Klis .1. w, s-iii IMrwK.r 1 II. I.. iuui k XiHlerMtwr O. H . Ileslel 1 Irullur TI.Klls UK lilt KT: l)trtt Court. -At llnrriwm, coinnian Miiri h Sfcl hi. 'I Mnruibrr ' h. lu.inty i.iii'l,-At IIhitimjii. i-.iiiuiiu tlrit luiuuy ol rm ii Mioiitii. I Cllt'Ill HKs AM MK-lKTli;s. j Methlit siiihIm)-srtiuul m.s-l rery n I diiv in. r 1 1 1 1 1 k ai 1 1 jw. I J. h. Suki ti i.tK, w. it. iir. siiiHrililenilcnt, svrrlMf WlHIIiMKM OK THK WOItl.il. llMrrixm i iiiu,, Sn. , niprl on rub si t.-I Hat Wh1iii,iv erliiiiK . II. lM. i, " vv . I.. irr. tlllk. tUH.l'uUI. Mniii:;t-: Vxhohi:-,- ok amkkii'. Mi-. t -4I-II iiH.itii.iIi' --alunUv eir-iilag 111 rilM li. A. it. iik, . i., J. W. smith, lerk. H'woinii i k. m.i k. I-wili.mi.l mi--iiiiK every uinlsy rvanluf at (uliliit-t u.iliirf .n. .-11 ii pri- i Mi. Va r."Kll(, il II. 1.. Kiiii u, l'ii.iit. vi ri-iary. I:, diiv nli-,-r1l,i.ifr fur Mg- See tlie Uesl Deforests AN l"NIAi:.!,f,K:i )ITKR. I iciiun -i' f ,n I'.i-kt l-iiti.-rii. rr Ibont ir tli-i.l (:i tin- iiMrkri. 1 h. y rr of uv size u n.euilk-r ul in.- Ii..n-li.,, .0i,, Tm, 'linre. h. .,-ii ,-.,) , lh(. u printed u eouNu uut.iiliiK Hit. sulnrnlwr, wimrtliwT.Uiin Hern i worth and r.' b'rly fur . , or any iHii.il.ri ,,iU,.riu forKM.rveiiKt.., ), p, r,,.r ,M,.k :t(, rf.t.i.e. Wh. ii the value f t:.e p, i urns Is cuiirlUermi the l r,lii-r m tiiuily ;(.u nEMOURSTM MAfl.t.INK FREK Anil lists niMKsxtne it l! ()r ,-f, j, .h'i Is- more hrlllisnl lu.m evrr U-fi.r,. ,w insiinffenu-nt, new iiii-tli.n., rw Irt... taeli eopy i-,,lu, . Hon tn -.,l.ir ,,,0 c.-l.,i.r ju.. i.lrtor. V. 111-MO (Ksl si, the only e.,i.,p rinilla MHKrl..et-..,lm.l.-l .f nun, ,"'"7 h-..l ,,uu or It. M.i,,,K,rr", b, bsvhiyuitmiuhlrre.tare.or It.own lo?i7 0KKsrsi.actuuMy . UO.tN Jf. I t Is s Dttnt l urrent Kvrnt, Bn W.M for the hny ins,, r ,, . K.-vlew a Mor.-lio.iM- of lnu-r. ,t lr uU vt . e,..1rt..,,l) ,l,ll)Klll,.r, "mk11, list they nee.t u.smusasiid In.lruaii iWU dmnesllc snd mn-U III., lneludluVlhi?f.r. Uhlnr snd ..rnsn.ei.tlnu ol tl.e horn. ii.eorih.nrownVrs.in. 'Ud Ure"' 1 l)t uf nu4 .r i . i . . . . will c-ov-r the hole .-oiuury m d it! iiiUre.tn. snd tun srtinu. , L llluirnte.l with ii.. .". "'. ' ""Uiei sr. sJrl.. i,,n; A : ;. ." r menu; It R-lve. . erest iie.1 ...UXm"' Mu:?.io;i.oi ,e hl.r,,l,,;rrt'tintra:; lt tn Imvo your nt.-rliiil.. .. u"rLK;,,!er ' h,,,u f,r " Ah-.'r; era ot,- Kampla Itrirtb Aveuue, Nav York. A "'"Atorrea. oLr3o THK SIOUX CXIUNTY JOURNAL an I.tMORE8T-8rAMll.Y MAtiAZUK fd ourfculcrlpuoi.,ta,i.i4.. I North-Western LINE U Jt v, U l, ft, " to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS, -OF- voice, i f. A5C, O. P. A T. A. Omalm, Nb. JS'CBTU KS; JUiSCa