The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 04, 1896, Image 1

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    The ' Sioux County Journal,
. Tbe pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may uu the California
liquid laxatire. Syrup of Figs, under all
condition!, makes it their favorite remedy.
To get the true and genuine article, look
fur the name ot the California Fig Hyn:p
Co., printed near the bottom of tbe package.
CMiat i I arm t s H SaraarSla t fc
mttmi tor avrVjtac MS I
UUwO TrueM .furltf. AMdnmUta SI
Naf' PMtS ear U Liver Ilia. .
Th Greatest Medical Dicovery
of the Age.
Has discovered in one of our common
tisture weeds a remedy that cures every
ind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He has tried it in over eleven hundred
Cases, and never failed except In two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now In his
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value, ail within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for book.
A benefit to always experienced from
Sic first bottle, and a perfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken.
When the kings are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles, passing
through them; the same with the Liver or
Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears in a weeK
after taking it. Read the label.
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It wil
Cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you tan get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tablespoonfuljn water at bed
time. Sold by all Orugjpsts.
W- L. Douglas
3. SHOE "WorId1
If you py to M for them, ex-
amine tlw VV. I- Douglas Shoe, and !
ate what a good shoe you can bujr for
and LACK, made In all
kind, of the beataclrctad
leather by killed work,
men. Ws
make and
sell mora
fl3 Shorn
than any
Saaaanwrtarer In the world.
None genuine unlet' name and
price is stant(icfi on the bottom.
Aslc your dealer for our S5,
4, SJS.Mt, (.no, mi. Shoes
.B0, mi ami 1. 7.1 for boys.
TM KO WSSTITUTE. If your dealer
cannot supply you, send to fac
tory, enclo.tntf (itice aivl Scents
to pay carriage. State kind, style
of toe (cap or plain), size and
width. Our Custom 1 leet. will fill
your order. Send for pi w Illus
trated Catalogue to Una It,
W. L. 0OUCLA8, Brockton. Mass.
If you accept a substitute,
you must not fuss because
its not as good as genuine
HIRES Rootbeer.
4tMly ft TIM I. Mrs ("., PMIiirtpMa
fMSMtje e-awe jaias , pwrvr
Half rate Hot Springs,
South Dakota June J 2,
July 3, July 24.
Can't you arrange your
summer trip so as to take
advantage of these oppor
tunities? ' Book about Mot Spring free if you write
lo J Francia, Gen'I Pansenger Agent Bur
lington Route, Omaha, Neb.
The 8t. Joseph and Grand Inland B. B.
lit Till
. TO AM. roifts
Ami In ronnec
tlun wltb tn
Union Pacific System
To California, On gon arel ell Weniern Points.
For ItilortnailoK regarding rates, rir , rail on
or ad1rM any irenlor H. M. Aimit,
M. V. Roiiixno, Ja v (.n. Agt.
(.en 'I Manager, ft. Joeita, Mo.
UlCyClcS ciS5He3
auMn, atsa a aei'p,mw
EYES MAr"! KW-Awar with
OsVa& laclea. hi mall 100. Lock Bos
woman may be mlstres of berelf !
though cblna fall, up to a certain limit,
beyond which no conception of heroism
reaches. Tbe model woman creani at
a spider, and discus the merits of
wired sleeves serenely wtille a prteel
Tase goes crashing- to the floor. Such la
the standard of feminine courage, Uie
foot-rule by which a woman may be
measured. Yet when not one piece of
cblna, but two piece, and three, and
four, fall, the standard become use
le. A woman la not epected to bear
Yet more came. There waa a fifth
crash In the kitchen. Mrs. Melville
stopped In the midst of telling Ritchie
-of the Sixth that anchovy paste was
to be struck off tbe commlaary list; she
stopped and looked appeallngly at Mel
ville. "Austin, can't you do something?"
Austin gathered up his napkin, put
bla hand on the table, and started to
push back his chair; Mien be sank down
again and restored his napkin to lis
place on bis knee. "If I go In there and
he gets Impertinent, I'll break his head
which would be bad for bis head and.
Incidentally, for my official neck."
"But It's head or china."
"Well, there Is plenty more china
and when that gives out the quarter
master has a new Invoice of tinware."
"But, seriously, Austin, there won't
be a thing left for the general to eat
off of. What are we going to do about
"I think the epidemic la over. There
has not been a dlah broken that I know
of in five minute.. You must be reason
able, and make due allowances for him,
Matty. It's hot out there. It's hot here,
too. It's hotter than blazes every
"I think, my dear, you are bordering
on profanity. Of course It's hot. Within
the memory of the oldest Inhabitant, It
has never been even cool In Arlsona In
July. You really can't expect the Inspec
tor general to bring Ice. Mr. Ritchie,
don't you think be ought to do some
thing?" k
"I must respectfully decline to enter
Into a family difference. You and Mel
vlllo must settle the queatlon between
yourselves. Only let me suggest that
If It comes to the actual breaking of
heads, I'd take It out on Sing, and hot
on one another."
"There! Austin," fairly screamed
Mrs. Melville, jumping up, "there goes
another; and yet you sit and laugh. Ob,
how horrid you enn be!"
"Sit down, Matty, and talk sense.
Suppose I should go out there and at
tempt to reason with Ring. In the natu
ral sequence of events It would come to
pnss that In his present humor he would
be so ugly that I should feel obliged, as
I snld, to break bis head. Apart from
the distant consequences of that act,
you can see that the near ones would
be pretty bad. You'd have to wash the
breakfast dishes, and do the house
work, and alao cook and serve the gen
eral's dinner. Therefore, the lnadvlsa
blllty of my reducing Sing's head to
splinters Is obvious. Isn't It?"
"I suppose so; but I do wish to good
ness Mrs. Lawrence'a cook hadn't got
"So doca she the cook, I mean since
O'Halleran came borne drunk two
nlghta ago, and thraahed her. He's been
In the guard-house ever alnce, and I'm
out a good man. Shows what marriage
docs. Before be waa married, he didn't
bent his wife. However, It wouldn't
have made the slightest difference
whether she had committed matrimony
or not; the Lawrences would never
have had the general nor even a single
member of the staff to dinner. She's
never dined the paymaster, you know."
"I think It's too bad a first lieuten
ant's wife has to do It, and all the rest
of the entertaining for the poet."
"You are also the adjutant's wife,
"Yes, of course. I wonder what's the
matter with Sing, anyway?"
"That'sobvlous approaching guests,"
observed Ritchie, stroking and curling
his unduly military muatachlos, the
mustachlos that have entwined and en
snared so many hearts In their silken
meshes since then, In the whirl of
Washington society. Ritchie was Mel
ville's second lieutenant at that time,
and aa he waa not married, end didn't'
like the bachelor moss, he messed wltb
bis senior and that young officer's wife.
"Why didn't his cousin die, then?"
"Perhapa he realises that the dead
cousin's funeral la a lltle worn as a
method of obtaining a leave."
"I should think so; one died when the
paymaster was coming to dinner the
time before last, and another when the
Indian agent waa here, and be polished
off two In anticipation of the paymas
ter's last trip."
"That's not all, Austin," pursued Mrs.
Melville. "Generally ha only slams
when he has lost at faro the ntght be
fore." .
In pursuance of hi method of war-
fa re, Sing precipitated a choppplng-bowl
and knife to the floor, with a resulting
noise that only the falling of thoae two
homely utenslla could possibly accom
plish. Melville bit his upper Up and
clenched hla flat.
"1 wonder If It would do any good for
ma to go out and speak him quietly?"
suggested bis wife.
"Suppose you try It If he takes a
carving-knife to you, call out and we'll
come to your rescue; but unless It's an
actual carving-knife, don't get ua ml led
up In any domestic brawl."
Mrs. Melville patted her lace-and rib
bon breakfast-cap down securely, took
a long breath, arose, walked resolutely
to the kitchen door, opened It, passed
through, and closed It behind her.
Melville and Ritcbl listened. Mel
vllle leaned back In hla pine Q. M. chair,
with bts ear bent toward the kitchen;
Ritchie scraped salt Into little ridges
on tbe cloth with hla knife. They could
hear the droning of Mrs. Melville's
voice, then a pause. She commenced
and paused again, and yet a third time,
her voice rising a little higher at the
last. Rut Sing was worshiping the god
of silence.
After the third venture Mrs. Melville
came reluctantly out and resumed her
"Well 7"
"Well, I told him."
"Yes, we heard you. But what did be
"He didn't do anything much. He
just didn't answer."
"Did he turn his bock on you?"
"Well yea."
"In short, he didn't pay any attention
to you?"
"I suppose be didn't"
Melville took a biscuit, and passed
tbe plate on to Ritchie. "What the dick
ena is one going to do about It?" be ask
ed of the opposite wall.
"If we were only nearer some town
or the railroad, we might get some one
else. But if we let Sing go, it may be
months before we can get anybody else.
I wouldn't mind cooking for you and
Mr. Rltohle ao much, though lt'a pretty
hard work, but I actually can't get up
a dinner for the Inspector-general and
bis staff, and serve the dinner, too."
A pan went clashing and clattering
along the kitchen floor. Mrs. Melville
sighed, Melville grew fiercer, and Ritch
ie devoted hlmaelf to the mackerel. The
shattering of a china dlah broke the
stillness. 'That's six," breathed Mrs.
This time Melville bit his under lip
ns he put his napkin on the table beside
his plate and pushed away his chair.
"Oh, Austin, youd better not go,
ventured his wife, mildly.
He made no answer, but strode to the
door and passed through. Ritchie re
sumed the salt scraping, and Mrs. Mel
ville grasped both arms of her chair and
held her breath.
At first there wo only the rolling of
Melville's deep voice, tlren the sound of
a sudden scuffle. Mrs. Melville gave a
smothered scream and started up. "Sit
down," commanded Ritchie, pushing
back his own chair, but keeping hi
seat Mrs. Melville sat down. There
wasonlya momentary scraping of boots
and Chinese slippers In the kitchen,
then a scries of thumps down the back
steps and the scratching of gravel, also
a km, broken murmur from the yard.
"I guess," remarked Ritchie, calmly,
"that I'll go and see who's underneath."
Mrs. Melville did not atempt to move
again, but she watched the second lieu
tenant anxiously. He strolled to the
window and stood there, one hnnd In
his trousers pocket, the other stroking
the riiustachlo.
"Well?" ventured the young woman,
Ritchie turned around and came back
to his choir. "I gues Melville's doing
nliout what he sold he would breaking
Sing's head."
Wnk cries like those of a lltle child
came up from the hack-yard.
"Is that Sing?" asked the lady of the
"It doesn't sound much like Melville."
At the end of a couple of minutes Mel
ville went paat the window and In at
the side door, and a lltle later he came
Into the dining-room by tbe front en
trance and resumed his seat. The ahuflle
of Ring's slippers could be heard In tbe
kitchen. The adjutant, despite his
smoothed hair and newly brushed coat,
looked so ruffled aa to temper that his
wife wisely refrained from speech.
Ritchie waa bolder. "Has the police
party got to come around and pick up
the pieces?"
"No; I guess he's whole." ,
"Is be a little more reasonable?"
"Ob, he's doing ths lamb act now."
"Tell ua about it, Auatln," begged
Mrs. Melville.
"I juat told him he'd got to stop bla
nonsense and behave himself. Of
course I didn't want to say anything
ugly to make him madder. He mutter
ed that he'd go, or something like that,
and be flung the dish-towel In my face.
I was a little riled at that, but I don't
think I'd have done anything except
kick him out if I hadn't remembered
tbe dinner. I knew he bad to be pounded
into staying. So I pounded. That's
Mrs. Melville flew into tbe sitting
room a few hours later.
"Auatln, he's vamoosed!"
Melville stood op, put down hla news
paper, and knocked the ashes from his
cigar. "I'll get him back," be said.
"Send a deaebment out for him and
bring him back."
So Mrs. Melville watched and waited
for half an hour, and at the end of that
time heard tbe shuffle of feet and th
tramping of boots on the perch. Sing
glided Into the room, followed by his
master. There was a guard at the door.
"Here he la. Try the force of gentle
persuasion, Matty."
Mr. Melville was a coaxing little
body; she could have moved any on
but a Chinaman. Sing remained obdu
rate. "No," he grunted; "me no come
"Just to get dinner, Sing; you can go
She looked appeallngly at her bus
bend. "Then you won't come back and get
dinner to-night. Sing?" asked Melville.
, "Guard, take this man and put him
to chopping wood in the sun." It was
rather a stretch of official and military
authority, but even the commanding
officer, who was to dine with the gen
eral, realised the urgency of tbe caae.
' An hour of wood-chopping under
guard, under all the untamed glory of
an Arizona sun, brought Ring Into sub
jection. He appeared, downcast, per
spiring, gasping, and penitent, at the
door of Melville's quarters. "Mlssa Mel
Vllle. Me wantee slee Mis' Melville."
"No; you can't see her; she's lying
"Yes. Me wantee slee Mis' Melville.
Me tellee Mis' Melville me come back."
"She no want you back, Sing."-
"Oh! you go tellee."
"All right. I go tellee her. She no
come, I think."
Melville disappeared and brought
back hia wife. Her face was contorted
Into an unrelenting frown.
"Well, Sing?" she demanded, severely.
"Mia Melville, me come back.''
"No. I no want you come back."
"Me cookee good dinner. Alice gamee
heap good. Sun heap hot, makee my
head hurt," moaned the child of the
Orient. "No breakee plates no more."
"All right," she confessed, reluctant
ly, "I keep you to-day, maybe."
"Really, Mrs. Melville," said the griz
zled Inspector-general, as he sat beside
hla brilliant little hostess at the table,
and looked Its length at the goodly ar
ray of yet unbroken dishes, "I can't see
what you all make such a fuss about
these Western stations for. Of course
they're a little far from the railroad,
but you have pretty good society, you
dress- well, exactly aa they do In Wash
ington, so far as my masculine eyes can
tell; you live on the fat of the land, to
Judge from what I see before me; and
you certainly have excellent domestic
Mrs. Melville blessed the happy
thought which had made her place the
general so that he could not see the
guard standing over the Celestial cook
out In the kitchen, as the door swung
to and fro. "Yes," she assented, "still
there are some Inconveniences."
"You seem to have overcome them."
"We have temporarily," she answer
ed. Gwendolen Overton, In San Fran
cisco Argonaut.
Tommy Was Jewel.
Owing to the Illness of his regular
office lxy, Dr. Joseph Marcus some
weeks ORoVhiired a new boy named Tom
my Jones. Tommy was a jewel, and
when Joe, the first Incumbent, conval
esced, the Doctor was loo th to let Tom
my go. But Joe wanted to come back
to his soft lrerth, and pleaded with his
former employer. A way out of the
dilemma seemed to present Itwflf, for
the Doctor tuild:
"Joe, If yon cun put the other boy out
you cun tet your Job back."
"Io you mean that I must lick him?"
"Tlmt's nlKiut the size of It."
"All rlrht."
When Dr. Marcus returned to his
office that night he met a eight he never
bargained for. The glass In the door
was smashed to sniithereims. A marble
clock on the mantel waa miuus dial,
glans or hand and a halidsome office
chair reposed on three legs, tjut Joe
was In victorious posaeaslon, nursing a
swollen cheek.
"Tommy's gone," he said, with a grin,
The Doctor said nothing, but as he
made a silent survey of the wreck of hla
household goods he Imagined the scene
thnt had preccdsil the eruption and
made a mental vow never to advise
Imrahly again. Cincinnati Enquirer.
tReal Taffy on a Htlok.
"Courting sticks" were In use In New
England about 100 years ago. They
were long wooden tubes, through which
the lovers could whisper to each other
when the presence of other persons In
terfered wHh the secret exchange of
endearing expressions.
There Is nothing Ip which people are
so Inconsistent aa In their economies.
Baa Never Peen Hl Planet.
Dr. Max Wolf, of Heidelberg, who.
se previously related in this column,
has discovered by the aid of photog
raphy thirty-six new asteroids, recent
ly remarked: "I have myself never
seen a single one of my little planets
In the sky." He has only looked upon
their images Impressed on his photo
graphic plates, leaving to other astron
omers the pleasure of viewing them
with telescopes.
Chinese Toothpick.
Dr. Benjamin Sharp says that the
Chinese use tbe whiskers of the wal
rus for toothpicks. These whiskers
are very stiff bristles, three or four
Inches In length, which grow around
the snout of the animal. The Chinese
get these singular tootbpleka from Be
ring Sea, where the Alaskans dry them
and put them up In packages for their
Celestial customers.
Tapestry Made by Moth.
At a recent meeting of the St. Louis
Academy of Sciences, apeclmena were
eihiblted of a kind of tapestry said to
have been woven by the larvae of
moths on the celling of a corn-loft In
Mexico. The silken sheet seems to
have covered the entire celling. It
was composed of flue threads crossing
and reeroHKing in every direction, waa
nearly white in color and resembled a
piece of soft-tanned sheepskin. The
Insect that made it are very destruct
ive to corn stored In warehouses.
Pitting Insects Against Inaecta.
' It is told of the lute Professor Riley,
the entomologist, that he was the first
to demonstrate that the ravages of an
Imported species of Insect could be
checked by bringing its natural insect
enemies from its native home to attack
it Through hie Influence this sort of
Insect warfare for the benefit of horti
culture waa waged In California In
1888. An Insect injurious to orange
and lemon treea had found Its way
from Australia to California, and Pro
fessor Riley had a species of lady-bug.
the natural enemy of the Insect, Im
ported from Australia to defend the
threatened groves.
An Astronomical Spectacle.
The eclipse of the sun which occurs
on the ninth of August next Is likely
to be viewed by an unusual crowd of
spectators. The total phase of the
eclipse will be visible In Lapland, as
well as in Nova Zembla, Siberia and
the Japanese Island of Yezo. Several
special steamer parties are already ad
vertised to sail from London for the
purpose of viewing the eclipse from
the neighborhood of the North Cape.
So oue of the greatest of scientific
events Is to be made, If possible, a
popular spectacle. There ore not many
people who have ever beheld a totl
eclipse of the sun, but the sight is
one worth a very long journey to see.
The Board of Supervisors of Steam
Vessels has approved a newly Invented
form of life-boat, which Is designed
to do away, as far as possible, with
the horrors which have sometimes at
tended the lack, or failure, of provi
sions when people are cast away at
sea. The new boat has, under Its floor,
two water-tight compartments Intend
ed to contain, In air-tight metallic
tanks, not only provisions and water,
but clothing. It has sometimes hap
pened that in the haste of getting away
from a sinking ship the boats have not
been provided with anything for the
passengers to eat. The tanks of the
new boats are intended to lie always
ready furnished with such necessaries.
Madrid' Meteor.
Meteors have frequently been seen to
explode, and sometimes the noise of the
explosion bos been heard long dls
tnnces away; but It fs very seldom
that so remarkable a phenomenon of
this kind occurs as that which was wit
nessed at Madrid on the moruing of
Feb. 10. A large meteor, the height
of which alove the earth was esti
mated by the astronomers connected
with the observatory at the Spanish
capital to be about twenty miles, ex
ploded Just over the elty. The shock
broke mauy windows and caused a
panic among the people. No report of
the finding of pieces of the meteor,
which must have fallen to the ground.
has yet been rocelved.
Successful experiments with the won
derful "X rays," emitted from a vac
uiim tube through which an electric
current Is passing, have now been
made In hundreds of laboratories, and
the fact seems to be established that
tills now kind of photograhphy, by
which hidden things and the Interior
structure of various substances and
bodies are exhibited, will have an Im
porta nt application In surgery, as well
aa in other practical sciences. Thus
far no pictures have ben produced
superior to those originally exhibited
by the discoverer of the pbenomenan,
Professor Roentgen, of Wurzburg. In
asmuch aa tbe rays which cause these
wonderful effects are not rays of light,
it Is evident that the word "pbotog.
raphy," meaning light writing, hard
ly fits the pictures they produce, and
accordingly Professor Goodspeed, of
the University of Pennsylvania, Mat
proposed the name 'radiography," rsqr-
writiug, for the new process.
Woolen manufacture employs 220,000
The man who will not improve his
chance is bound to lose It, no matter
whether it has to do with seeking sal
vation or making a fortune. '
A 634 carat diamond, the finest ever
found in Africa, was discovered at
Jaggersfonteln, in the Transvaal, on
the day after Christmas. When cut
It Is expected that it will be worth
Charlemagne possessed a tablecloth
woven from asbestos. He used to as
tonish his guests after dinner by gath
ering It up and throwing It Into the
fire, from whence he drew it cleansed
from gravy and other grease.
New Hampshire has reason to be
proud of, her free public library sys
tem. Splendid work has been accom
plished since 1892, and of the 238 cities
and towns in the State there are now
not more than fifty that have no free
public library.
Negotiations are in , progress by
which the Art Institute of Chicago
may become the possessor of the sixty
four paintings by Gustave Dore which
for the past few years have been ex
hibited in this country. The price Is
said to be $1,000,000.
A cave alleged to rival in extent and
grandeur the great Mammoth Cave has
been discovered In Edmonson County,.
Kentucky, in which Mammoth Cave Is
situated. The newspapers of that re
gion tell many stories of the remark
able character of the new cave.
In commemoration of the victories
won by the Japanese troops In China,
the Buddhists of Kioto, Japan, will
erect a gigantic bronze statue of Bud
dha in that city. It will be 120 feet In
height, and the cannon captured by the
Japanese during the war are to be used
In making the Image.
Hard Work and a Long Sleep.
After the Battle of Dellgrad, In 1876,
when the struggle of Servla against
Turkey came to an end, Mr. Archibald
Forlx's found hlmeelf the only news
paper correspondent on the spot, and
felt bound to make the most of his op
portunity. The nearest accessible tele
graph office was at Semlln, more than
one hundred and twenty miles away.
It was 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr.
Forties Inert no time in starting, and
from lils account of the Journey the
reader may derive a pretty good idea
of one phase of a war correspondent's
I had an order for powt-horsee along
the road, and I galloped hard for Para
chin, the nearest post station. When
I got there the postmaster had horses,
but no vehicles. '
Now if I had merely sent a courier,
this obstacle would have sufficed to
stop him; but It waa apparent to me,
being my own messenger, that although
I could not drive, I might tide. True,
the Servian poet-nags were not saddle
horses; but sharp spurs and the hand
ling of an old dragoon might be re
lied on to make them travel somehow.
All nlgtit long I rode that weary Jour
ney, changing horses every fifteen
milt, and forcing the vile brutes along
at the top of their speed.
At 9 the next morning, sore from
head to foot, I was clattering over
the stones of the Belgrade main street.
The field-telegraph wire had conveyed
but a curt, fragmentary Intimation of
disaster; and the whole capital, fever
ish for further news, ruahed out Into
the street as I powdered along; but I
had galloped all night, not to gossip in
Belgrade, but to get to flie Semlln tele
graph wire across the river, and I
never drew rein till I reached the ferry
boat. At Semlln one long drink of beer, and
then at once to the task of writing,
hour after hour against time, the tid
ings of which I was the bearer from
the interior.
After I had written my story and put
It on the wires, I lay down in ray clothes
and slept twenty hours without awak
ening once.
I had meiint to start liack from Dell
grad on the afternoon of the day of my,.,
arrival in Belgrade, but sheer fatigue
had caused me to lose a day In sleep.
It seemed to me, however, when I re
covered from my chagrin at this de
lay, thnt perhaps after all I was fairly
entitled to a good long sleep; for I
had seen a battle that lasted six hours,
ridden a hundred and twenty miles,
anil written to the Dally News a tele
graphic message four columns long
all In the space of thirty hours.
If you love any one well enough, to
die for him, first get your life Insured
In his favor.
As a first evidence that a wife's lovt
Is falling she begins tu exaggerate her
duty to her kin.