fttrriM Oni lewilng aflaloM nearly r-ry. body at tfcls season. Tbe bustlers era to push, She tire grow Weary, the en become oMrrated. Too know jut t,at we ne,n. bowM b'-b and women tndearor temporarily to overcome that To red feeing by (jroat loroe or win. liut this U unsafe, " U pul' powerfully uon the penon ayatern, which w ill not long Maud ' rath trin. Too miiny people, "work on tiir nerve," and the n-tult l feti in nn- I fortunate wreck marked "nervou pr - i trails," in every direction. That tn-d Feel" In (j U !t)ve proof of thin, weak, impure Mo d; f'r, if the blood it rieb, red, vitalized and viiioroiif. It Impart life arid enemy to every nerve, orxan and tiue ol the b'dy. The necen-ity of ukinx Huod't Sarv aril's for th it lire I ftlinK l then-fore, apparent to eery one, and the g' od it will do you in equally beyond juct on. Itemember tiiat Inlood' 4 1 Sarsaparilla IitheOneTnie H.o1 I'urlfler. AUdniyirM. SI. Ireird only by C. 1. Hood a Co., I ell. Man. Hood's Pills are eaiy to lake. eay to tr3i cntion or STAitvmo. OkMrTtliu Mad. by Hu Who H4 Gooe Weak Wlffea.t Foo4. For the flrat two (Uyt through wblrfc strong- and beaitby man I dooawd to exlat upon nothing bin aufferjuga are perbap more acute than In the re Diaiultig Mag; he feeU au Inordinate, unaptakable craving ai the atoux-b night and day. The wind run uiou beef, bread and other aubmancea. but till. In a great rueaaure, the body re tain lu strength. Ou the third and fourth day, but epecially on the fourth, thin lui-eaaiit craving give place to a linking and it pull, powerfully UK,n the ' , " ' u lue "wn. aec.,ui.auieii j uauat-o. i ue innominate sunerer still leire fKrl, but with a 1k of atrenirth he lose that eager craving w..cii he felt In the earlier tttaiiea. Should he chain-e to obtain a worwel or two of food, he ttwallow It with a wolflhb. avidity, but five minute after ward his suffering are more Intense than ever. He feels ax If he had fal lowed a living lobster, which in claw lug and feeding upon the very foundation of hi existence. tin the tifth day hi check suddenly appear hollow and sunken, his body teniiated, bis color is ashy pale and hi eyes wild, gluisy ni:d cannibalistic The differem part of the system now war with each other. The stomach calls upon the U-gs to go with It In quest of food; the leg, from wettkiie, re fute "' i'-rycrT p. . 'ihe nix tri day brings with It In creased xufTerlnjr, although the pangs of hunger arc lost In an overpowering languor and olckuesa. The bead be come giddy; the ghosts of well remem bered dinner pn In hideou proces- lon through the mind. uU.- The Seventh Jay come, bringing In creasing lassitude and further prostra tion of atreugtb. The arms hang list lessly, the leg drag ly-avlly. The de sire for food Is still left to a degree, but It must be bought, not sought. The miserable remnant of life which still hangs to the sufferer Is a burden almost too grevtous to be borne; yet his In herent love of existence Induce a tle lre still to preserve It If It can be saved without a tax on liodily exertion. The mind wanders. At one moment be think hi weary limb cannot mm tnln him a mile; the next lie la en dowed with unnatural strength, and If there be a certainty of relief before him, dashes bravely and strongly for ward, wondering whence proceed hlf new nnd sudden Impulse. Literature and l'edgogy. There are really only two things the successful teacher needs to linvo knowledge of bis subject-matter nnd knowledge of bis pupils. The first of these enn be gnlned only by study, the second only by experience. The nriu who has never been a rcnl child hl'n self cniinrtt cf.'e-ctively teach children' nnd he who does not know by experi f nee the warm-hearted, exuberant gaie ty of school and college boy a caniH.t successfully teach them. Further more, the teacher who spends more time on the method of teaching litera ture than on literature itself la a tire to come to grief. Ores teat of ail force I the personality of the Instructor; nothing In the teaching I so effective as this; nothing Is ao Instantly recog nised and responded to by pupils; and nothing Is more neglected by those who Insist that teaching Is a science rather than an art. After bearing a convention of very aerious pedagogue discus educational methods, lu which they use all sorts of technical phraseol ogy, one feels like applying (ilndstoiie't cablegram, "Only common sense re quired." Tb Century. BOTH SIDES THE LINE Tb sound of Arum, and Slr't shrtll ery. yiont In wltb the breath of tbe oft May . breete; " -Watching the bright group borryisg by la the aunltgut, breaking through branch ing tret. these college maiden niarrb two by two I ran catch tbe gleam of their garuM-m llfht- - While atwve them droop the red and blue Of tbe half maat flag, wltb lta eolur bright Thla la to the young rental day, Juat shadowed, perhaps, by a minor atralo In tbe gathering teara that wtil bavr way, Krum sine black-robed woman bitterest pain. Why ahould I go wltb tbe crowds who fling O'er the sleeper their bloaawinlng sweetaf Kor bow ull I mak public thing Of the cry which each hour my oul re peat? How could I weep for the boy In blue. While hedddlug no tear for tbe boy In gray? , I who have fought every battle through, Wltb my heart watching both aide all the way! For l'lilllp waa here, my husband true. And my brother, ,ed, wu a'rtn the line; It aeeiiicd that my heart a torn in two, iince they both were prcloua and both were uilne. 0 brave hearts these. In that laat deep sleep, From whlt-b no bugle shall wake to strife. Memorial liay, 1 ever keep. While iny heart beat on wltb lta loyal life. You were my country: 1 mourn for yuul Your color I wear In my life ulwaj; In I'hlllp'i young eyes 1 find the blue. And here, In my trexxea, I wear tbe gray. Cora Stuart Wheeler. "fo w tramped 'a' tramped, V the folk w-a good to u, V we got 'nough to eat. "A woman, he giv' Steenie aoni'thin' for ui cou n, 'u' w lep' in barns. Hut Steenie didn't get well. One mornin' be didn't get up no more a-tall oh, KteeniC, Steenie! "They found us in th' barn, V then th -y brought Steenie here." "Where do you tay nowadays?" "The muu tuat found u took me." "I he good to you?" "Yes, pretty good. But if awful 'thout Steenie no more!" The veteran had marched with the crowd to the cemetery on the hill, and when the .Memorial day exercise there were all through with, their gray-haired eouunander turned to the soldiers near him and said: . "Vender, in that corner, lies a hero. Let Gladness Comes v v l better understanding of the nicnt nature of the muny phys ical ilia, w hich vanish before prom-r ef fort gentle e ITurU. pleawin t e (Tort rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that v many forms of ak-koea are nut duo to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, rtyrupof I-'i(fn. prompt ly remove. That is why it i the cmlr remedy with millionsof 'lamilich, and I every where ettemed mj highly by oil who value good hcuith. lu lienenciul effects are due to the fact, that it Is the one remedy which promote internal cleanliness without tlcbilitntiinf the organs on which It itcta. It la therefore all important, in order to jret its Wm ficlal effecta, Ui note when you pur thase, thut you have the genuine arti cle, which i manufactured by the Cali fornia Vg Kyrup Co. only and aold by all reputable drupirktU. If In the enjoyment of poMl health, and the fcyaU'tn i r(rulnr, laxativea or ether remedies art: then not needed If afflicted with any actual diwiiM, one may be commended to the most skillful pbyatclana, but if in need of a laxative, one ahould have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Fifpsatanda highest and Is mutt larely ned and (fives most general satisfaction. BILLY'S HERO. ALL OOUU K.rrLICAW should make a point of attending the .National Convention, to be held at St. Louig, Tueaday, June 6th- The ei penae it not great if yoo Uke the Bur lington. On the 13th, 14th and 15th of Jnne vou ran purchase t round trip ticket to St. Louii at the one way rate. Think isn't it worth a few dollars a few daya' time to see the next presi dent nominated? Full information on application to any agent oi the BAM. R. K. K. or by addreeaiDg J. Franci. General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. And now asparagus lovers enjoy visit ing their friends' suburban residencei. Hall' Hair Renewer renders the hair Instrous and silken, gives it an even color, and enables women to put it np in a great variety of styles. The latest calling gbve is cream ored with narrow black stitching. col- riso'a Cure for Consumption is our only medicine for conghs aixl colds. Mrs. C. lleltz, 43y 8th ave., Itenver, Col., Kov 8, '!6 Mr. tVlinlow a fcooTHiNG SYf.nr lor child ren teethnitf hoiten tbe uina, re.iueen inilatn m at ion, ailayapain.rurek wind coac. Jjf uitne. Your Dealer will not sell you AlU the BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDINQS -w.-.r,.v we will. Write us (or free samples showing: labels and materials. "Home DfMimaklne." a saw took ij M il Emma M. Hooptr. o( the Ladies' Homa Jourr.i . tailing how to put on Bin Velvautn Skirt B .io tf.ja sen! for 25e., pol-f P' ' S. It. 4 m, CoTTl. O. fTc x Joo. N. V. City. PATENTS. TRIPE-HARKS; EianlMtaa4 aartcaaa Ut Hata-auMlltr of In vnUun.aHa4 for lTnlort'OuMvo How a I'aUBnt. Virmara CCaaaaix, WMfclnuB. l. C. I. . . Labrador hernia. The young aeala fatten so rapidly that scaler uy you can actually ice them grow while you are looking at them, The poor creature are easily killed, a blow with the butt end of a guff nuich Ing them. The hunter then "wtilpH," or akin, them, Inserting a tdmrp knll tinder the fat, and with marvelous dex terity taking off the "pelt"-skln and fat together In alwiit a minute and a half. A party of men will "pan" their pelta-plle them up to the number of about 1,000-and thrmd a gaff with the shlp'a ft Into the pan. When there are pn enough, the steamer breaks Into the Ice and haul them aboard with a donkey winch, or the men drag them to the Teasers aide. The Newfoundland seal hunter al ways pcak of seals as "swlle," and for our word carry they say . pen. a choolmater, who had been listening to a left! hunter's story, said, sneer ngly!o:'63., -" "Swllcs! now do you spell swllesr W don't spell "em," replied the hunter; "we most generally hauls 'cm!" St. N'lehola. - "" . It wan the morning of Memorial day. Hilly wn covering a grave with wild fluwVrtt. ... The trove was over in a corner, by il- e!f, uud new maile. "What hero lie here, my boy?" Hilly turned about at sound of tbe pleas ant voice. " "Taiu't no hero. It' only Steenie!" "Oh, I thought you must be decorating onie brave soldier' grave!" "No, Steenie wa'n't no anger. But ev'ryone ele wsa putt iu' poie onto their graves, 'n 1 didn't want mine to be the ou'y one 'thout any. 'Side Steenie liked 'em o!" "Who wa Steenie';" "Steenie! W'y, he watt uiy pard. We tramped it out here together." "You thought a g od deal of him'"" "(Jut- 1 did, V he o' me," rubbing his eye very hard. "Your brother?" ".No; no 'latino. We a jes' pard, 'n' I waa the littleat, 'n' Steenie was awful good to me alien. A ragged sleeve wiped away tome tear from the boy' eye. "Steenie was good to you, wa he?" "Yet, he'd give me the bigges' share, 'n' th' warmes place allerx, Steenie would," an with a sob Billy added: "That's how he came to die!" Then he smothered hi sobs, and buried his face in the wild flowers on Steenie' grave. "Tell me how it waa, my boy." "Ye see," Billy Isgan, trying to choke back hi tears, "I didn't hev no one 'n' he, Steenie didn't, nei.her. 'n' so. one day, w'en a big chap were a chufliti' o me. Steenie he take my part agin th' big feller. " 'N' then he seas, 'come on. Small bone, V I'll take ye home.' " 'I ain't got no home,' sex I. 'n' I was a cry-in', cos the bully knocked me down V hurt me. "Steenie took a-hold my hand, 'n' sen: 'Come on 'ith me, then.' " N" after that we wa allcr pard. we was, uie V Steenie. " 'V, oh, we ued sech good times, we did: Steenie 'n' me! 'V now, oh " "But how was it what ailed him when he died'" But Billy did not hear, with his head down agiiin among the wild flower on Steenie' grave. So a hand wa laid kindly on the bowed head, and the question was repented: "What made Steenie die? How wa it?" Billy lifted hi tear-stained face. "It wa all 'long o' me. He took off his piece o' carjM-t V put it over me, V slep' on th' ide o' the' narrel toward th' wind, a' nawfu) cold night, the wust we had all winter! "He took a' nawful cold. V he'd jes' cough V cough, 'nntigh to kill Mm. "I ses to 'im, 'Steenie, w'at did ever make you go to do that? " 'I wouldn't 'a' let ye, 'f I'd been awake, Steenie!' " " he'd jca' kin' o' smile, 'n' ay er. pleasant: ""Course you 'a' wouldn't, Billy.' But he didu't get no letter, on'y worse, the whole timer 4m "So one day he said: " 'Billy, let's you V me joa' tramp out In the country. I feel 'if it'd kin' o' re' me to ee all the green thing a-growin', an' the posio a-blowin'. I were out to the country onct, Billy; V oh! Billy, it were nice, Inn tell ye!' STKKSIK.'S (.RAVE. us do his memory honor. II ght about, face! March! unit!" At the grave without monument, head stone or name, the commander told the story Billy had told to him that morning, ami said: "Comrades, a hero lies there. Salute!" The hand of veterans gave the military salute ami silently anil gravely marched away from Steenie'n grave, decorated only with the wild (lowers he loved, gathered and laid there by his faithful "pard" and friend. A bicycle with a parasol attachment is a seasonable and novel arrangement. FITS. All Fin'pMfrf--by Dr. Kline' Great rv RetOrr. No Kiu after lbefirl day 'ni. Mar velous cure Trelie and fi oo trial bottU free tc F ilcasea. Send to Dr. Klme.g3l ArthSt-.l'liila.. Pa Hall's Catarrh Care I token internally. Price 75 cents. White is to be very mneh worn this season. Short white capes of silk lace or chiffon will be a desirable possession at tbe fashionable summer resorts, and the only permiseable black cape is elab orately trimmed with white. Hosts of aeof le r ta work U tfcs wnif way to cars Sprain, Soreness.0" Stiffness, when ST. JACOBS OIL would cart la the right way, rig at off. A quarter spent in HIRES Rootbeer does you dollars' worth of good. Mule Ml br Th. fhirlei . HIrw Co.. PlilUitelpala. .My Friend. No matter how Intimate you are wnli a man, how closely related to him don't talk Against his friendw while he is present If you would not win his con tempt. Cull you expect him to stiitul by quietly find hear his frltindH liNsaileil unless, perchance, he should consider the source n sulliclent njiology for the offense, and J hat would be fur from fluttering y uiHclf nnd not defend him? He would defend himself under n like provocation, and would he do lew for his friend? My friend! How nitKli the words convey! We hare chosen each other from among our many ac quaintances, from a similarity of tastes, a congeniality in many things, and our friendship only grows stronger and stronger as time passes, till even death, himself, cannot break the tic. for our friends are as much ours in eter nity as In time, we doubt not, else love were not Immortal. Friendship is a holy sentiment, ennobling and enlarg ing all who feel Its Influence, and if you would not be despised and few can afford the loss such a sentiment entails upon the offender-be very careful how you talk to a man against his friend. A Smart Salesman. Hamburg and Seersucker advertised for a smart Isiy, and they got b.iin. They put the smart boy behind the counter. The following Is the conver sation that passed between him and his lirst customer: "What are these?" asked the cus tomer, picking up a pair of gloves. "Uloves," said the smart boy. "Ves, yes! But what do you ask for them?" "We don't ask for 'cm at all. Cus tomers do that." "You don't understand me. How do I hey come?" "Why, they come lu pairs, of course." "No! no! How high do tlfj comer" ".lust above the wrist, I believe." "But what do get for them?" "Me? I don't get nothing for 'cm. Boss Mickets all the money." "What Is the price of these gloves per pair?" asked the customer, losing patience. "Oh, that's ycr lay, Is it? Why didn't you say so afore? One dollar." y Km LOCK! v 3t The test of i IS years piwes it ythc parity of Walter Baler k u Co.'s Cocoa and Chocolate. 4 IT WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, Dorchester, Mass. WMSwAJUaSwA IlV''TTV''''"rTTV' Luxuries for Prisoners. It costs SitKsO a year to keep the pris oners In the Denver Jail In slippers. When buying if isz . TO sarsaparilla. ASK FOR THE BEST AND YOU'LL GET AYER'S: ASK FOR AYER'S AND YOU'LL.QET THE BEET. The remedy with a record : ....50 year of cure. FATEI IS 4 xmmTmsr ma Jut- Iter Is the ry realm of lh nd ter; Her In the twilight of the fading year; Her whero tb llvln comrd come to mourn Tb traveler to th eut bourne, ftlloac moots sllonro; only thought Intrude I'pon the Mdnes of the solltnde; And the In conflict with emotion roll An added grief upon the troubled soul; Tb glorious past, tbs fading present. eea A bat tb phantoms of a troubled dream. Cut Down Expenses A woman knows what a bargain really is. She knows better than a man. "BATTLE AX" is selected every time by wives who buy tobacco for their hus bands. They select it because it is an honest bargain. It is the biggest in size the smallest in price, and the best in quality. The 5 cent piece is almost as large as the JO cent piece of other high grade brands. 3 n Do You Know that There Is Sci ence in Neatness? Be Wise and Use SAPOLIO Iff f I 1 1: 1- M h . f AIW ! and other cuta bv the on UU I rKlliA concern that ever voluntarily redncaa price or, in receiu uiu, uiiBin" " a. idtia In thla line, on account ol which, and the food SjL worki 01 Iti itooda, it hat been awarded one-nan X V toe world windmill Diinnesa. 11 prepayi ireia - to 'JO branch houaea. one at your dc ata . I Knt nnw for ratalovue tor UD-to-datel ... --. - . . , bleaa. Our imitatori may not nave I print our latest plan. Tbe emerald is the May birtbstone. x m. v. Mo. sse-ss. XoravKOw. nrtiBM tatoaoo ka shta WBITIMO TS) APTMtttlMS