SELECT PREACHER-SCR1BES Conference Doi Very Qa:ck Work With Gcod Eeiulu. POSTUSD IS TO HAVE A BISHOP. Order of Seniority the Adup ed Rule o Coatt Oul. Cmvcl4n, O., May 13. Bishop Andiews, the tenior )ihop of the church, pre i-i led at yesterday morning's re-M.,n of the general con ference. P.rtland, O e , was selected u tli place f..r ti.e last of the ep;a.c pal rM.i'ii-M. It was decided tir much di-cusion that the hishos sh'iul select their places of residence iq the otder of fenionty, The bisi.op of the Misiouri Va ley J strict Im he n Jivn the riL'ht to ch x.sf lietween Omaha ami Totrek:i. Kihop (i.Hxlg.-ll was granted leave of K.-cnc- in order to ( t-j Kuru on a Iain of i ri-),' i m He will look afier tf-e otio idutioti of the two churches in uuuy. A memorial to thirty-tvr diffe'eiit nations mi l ruler on the subjei-t of i; hit rat lull nan adopted. The reirarka.bie pipuar.ty of I'r. J. M. Buckley wm shown wnen nomina tions for e hUr of ti e Chri-tian Advo ra'e were called for. I lie only name prescn'ed was that of I)r. J. M. Btick ley, the present alitor. Three attempt to suspend the rule and nomina'e him ty acclamation faded hy rr as n of I'r, iucl ley'j protect against such action, When it wa announced that Dr. Buck ley had received 4'4 out of 410 votes cssl the applauee was deafening From ill part of the hall catne cries for Buck ley and he finally roe where he was sitting. Shouts of "Take the platform" arose, hut Ir. Buckley shook his head an 1 attempted to i peak. Hi voice was drowned in the applause and (or sev eral moments lie tried to sjieak, but was finally forced to take the platform, where he tid he construed the vote to mean "leave to print." It was the most remarkahle demonstration of the conference. It was fully five minutes before the house could be quieted. Iir. C. W. .Smith of Pitt-burg, Dr. Levi (iilbert of the Kir-1 church, Cleve land, and Rev. I'r. Muiler, pre. ding elder of the North Ohio conference, were plstwd in nomination for editor of the Pittjimrg Advocate. The last two named represented two different fac tions in local church circles and are not on very good terms personally. Dr. Muiler withdrew and Mr. Smith was elected on the first ballot. Hut one ballot was necessary to elect a secrrtary of the lxiard of education. Thoe nominated were Ir. Charles If. Payne, present incumbent ; lieorge II. Bridgeman of Minnesota, C. C. Lasby of Nebraska and William Brodlieck of Ne England. All promptly withdrew their names except Dr. Payne and he received all the votes, :WT in numlier. The following officers were elected: Secretary of the Sunday school union tnd Tract society, Merritt Hulburd of Wilmington ; secretary of the board of education, Charles II. Payne of Cin cinnati ; editor of the Methodist lie view, W. V. Kelly of New York; editor of the Christian Ad crate, Rev. Dr. J. M. Buckley of New York ; editor of the Western Christian Advocate, David II. Moore of Cincinnati ; editor of the Cen tral Christian Advocate, Jesse Bowman Young of St. Louis. In the election for editor of the Cali fornia Advocate a contest arose. Dr. Matthews has served as editor, but the laymen came on w ith the determina tion to elect Dr. Milton I). Buck. Dr. Matthews received 310 votes and Dr. Euck 104. For the editor of the Apologist of Cin cinnati, Dr. A. 8. Vast, the former edi tor, was the only nominee. This leaves but two officers to be elected and this will bo done tomor row morning. Plans for establishing an insurance society under the auspices of the church will be submitted to the conference. Under the plan each congregation in sures its property for three years and pays the same premium as though the assurance was given by one of the stan dard companies, but only one-third of the premium for the entire period is paid In cash. Over 2,000 people witnessed the eon Sfcration of twelve deaconesses and lis tened to the exercise of the anniver sary of deaconess' work at the central armory last night. Bishop Vincent pre sided. Dr. Lucy Rider Moyer of Chi cago, Mis Durham of Buffalo and Mrs. Jane Bancroft Robinson of Detroit were the principal speakers. After a b ief address by Bishop Ninde the deaco nesses were consecrated. Ilrlven to Morns t rlUri. ISim.tmiTos, Kan, May 23. Coffey county was visited by a tot nado. The business houses doped t'l'i'' doors and everybody sought shelter in cellats. The storm did little damage aside from tearing up sheds and fences. The funnel shaped cloud appeared in the west and travelled in a northeasterly tirection. Turku llrerlg4 Athens, May 23. The situation in Crete is very serious and daily becomes more threatening. A detachment of Turkish troop at Yoxaris has been be sieged by the Christian populace for two reeks and in the fighting that has oc curred eighteen men have been killed. In a fight at DraeU.len men were killed. The success of the insurgents lias caused a panic among the Turkish rustic popu lation and large numbers are flocking into the towns for protection. Over lb WsuioToe, May 22. By a vote trf lWo to 47 the oums yesterday parsed, over the present's veto, the bill framing a pensiuri of $V a nit nth to Francis E. Hotver, lat of the Twenty-H Ihini Indiana regiment of volunteers. A debate of two hour preceded the vote. Messrs. Kirkpatrick (rep., Ka.) Wood (rep., Id ) and Willis (rep., Del advocating the pas-age of the. bill, and Messrs. Kidman Idem. Pa.) Loud (rep., Cal.j and Bartlett (dem., N. Y.) in lavor A sustaining the veto. All the popu lous and republicans generally voted for the bill and the rieuiccrats against it. The following republicans, however, voted to sustain the veto: Mei-trs. I-oud uf California, Ramey of Missouri, 2uigg Hod Wadsworth of New York; and the democrats to pass the bill; Messrs. Cockrell of Texas, Cummings of New York, Lay ton and Sorg of Ohio and Stokes, Strait and TalU-rt of South Carolina. this was pre eiied by a half hour's tajement by Mr. (irosvenor (rep., O.) regarding a telegram from Washington U the Cincinnati Tribune which '"lined urn up with the Ked men," in voting t pp te the reporting of anv reciproc ty hill from the committee on ways nd means. P mug hy the "linirg ti p x th Red men" by the observation that ' e might U' found in worce company, Mr. (irosvenor denied the report that '.here were any factions among the i pubheans on the committee on ways uid means, asse'ting that they bad icUd as a unit upon all matters. Consideration was legiia of the Phil ips labor commission bill under the pecial order adopted Wednesday and as passage was advocated by Messis. Phillips (rep., Ta 1 and Lowe (rep., N. V.) The time for its discussion was extended until 4 o'clock tocay. A resolution was agreed to directing the printing of 10,000 copies of the lin iiigraiion bill passed Wednesday, At 610 p. m. the house adjourned intil today. W hvHC Crop. Toi.kdo, 0., lay 22 During th (last three days ti e grain firm of C. A. King & Co., have received 4.388 crop re ixirts trom grain dealers and millers. 1 he present prospect for winter wheat Is very favorable in Kansas and most Sf Michigan, Missouri and Illinois have tair prospects. Indiana is growing worse and promises less than three quarters of an average crop, owing siostly to the Hessian fly, which is also ioing harm in some hections of Micht jan. Ohio continues a trifle more than t half crop prospect. Light hundred ind four of the reports say the prosjrei t lio-v is excellent, 75o for an average rrop, 247 a tritle below any average, 405 two-thirds and 1,0(8 half a crop. Five hundred and ninety say less than half t crop and come mostly from Ohio ami Indiana. Prospers average a tritio worse than two weeks ago. Recent rains have been beneficial, but some lections still complain of drouth. Kan as and Missouri show a slight improve ment. Kansas suffered a little from hot winds and hail. Missouri reports some :hinch bugs. Illinois ami Ohio show no material change. Illinois has nunier lus chinch bugs, but the outlook other wise is very favorable. Indiana has suf fered materially from the Hessian fly and drouth, Ohio has had very little insect damage. Michigan reported an excellent prospects until a few days ago, when some sections say the Hessian Hy has caused material damage. Tht har vest promises to average about ten days earlier than last year, judging from the present outlook. Violent I)-allit. St. Louis, May 22. Walter J. Ninth, in unmarried bookkeeper, committed suicide yesterday by taking poison at his home, No. 720 Vanderventer avenue. He was dissipated and despondent. Louis J. Burnett, a tailor, committed suicide by shooting himself at his boarding house on Indiana avenue. He was a hopeless invalid. Charles Robish, a dealer in hides, aged sixty, hanged himself in his stable ! in the southern suburbs yesterday morn ing. He was demented. August Lang, a laborer, aged thirty five jumped into the river at the foot of Madison street yeutenlay and was drowned. He wa out of work and de spondent. John ljtmliert, aged thirty-five years, of Boulder, Colo , was run over and killed by a train in the railroad yards at Twenty first street and Scott avenue yesterday afternoon. Patrick Butler, aged ninety, who was on the pension roll of the fire 'depart ment was run over and killed by an electric car in the southwestern su burbs yesterday. Kdward George, aged six years, was ground to death by an electric car at Seventh street and Russell auenue this afternoon. bchuola of Mines. Washington, May 22. The House committee on public lands ha ordered report on the bill for the maintenance of school of mines on the public lands in the states and territory by granting each sttte from the sale of mineral lands $lft,000 for the current year and an annual increase off 1,000 per year for ten years. Railroad c'rimmlulonsr. Wasuinuton, May 22. The vice president yesterday afternoon laid before the senate the resolutions of the eighth annual national convention of railroad commissioners held in this city May 19 and 20. The commissioners protest against the chargo proposed to be made In the interstate commerce act by amending section 10 so as to eliminate Imprisonment and provide punishment by fine only, at provided in a bill ne w ipending in congress. FxliilNt, FOR A iGOMOLD England and Germany Are How in Harmony. AS Atb0 ARE RUSSIA AND FRANCL lul i J-'igur la ill Trftute tiou nud Mart ltiroad Building. Sas Fbascisco, May 21. (Corre sponilence of the United Prets per Sieaiutr IVj-ic, from Tokio. Japan, May 8 ) The d. tai s of the negotiations car ried on in l'ekiu lor China's second loan of 100,tH,0,(KiO tae;s show that in the end England a-id Germany will unite aaiiiht France and Iiuw'a. The loan had Ix en diMir rtly promised to Kng hnd ny the i hinese government by the terms rf!eed by the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank n b. ba f of itself, the D- ut'ch-A-ia ie hank and a London fyndiiate. headed by the Rothschilds, a 5 per cent at a minimum price of Slt,1, the bunk to neeive h j er cent commis sion and the Chinese to reap the full b neih of a;,y subm tiptioii over and above!-!'1.. S eing that the 4 per cent loan made try ilusnia and Japan bad Ireen at VI, the Chinese thought this Aivlo-'rermau offer too dear. But the hank would make no reduction. At last negotiation were broktn off and the i'ming-li-Yainen found itself possessed of proposals from ether tjuarters, among them being an American offer of a siler ban in terms of gold at a fixed ratio. The most acceptable pro posal, however, came from France, backed I y Knsria, and it might have been accepted bad not the emperor and fin press dowager, despite the urging of Li-lluiig-CJiang,' objected to pledging China directly to France and bad not he proposal lieen accompanied by irk xmie conditions, for example, that the control of the customs, the revenues Irom which constitute the security for the loan, should be placed in French bands, and that the work of building railways in the southern provinces of China should be entrusted to France. At the elevi nth hour Sir Robert Hart, inspector-general of customs, was called In. He induced the bank to make a firm utter of a 5 per cent loan at f4, the bank paying itself out of the supscriptiona (ver and above the minimum issue price. Tne Corean officials, members of the recently overthrown government, who were for some time under trial for com plicity in the murder of the queen, have been sentenced, one to death, four to exile for life, ami others to exile for t'rm from one to fifteen years. Competition ia keen among American projectors of railways in Cores. An American syndicate having set the ex ample hv obtaining a concession to build a road from Seoul to Chemulpo, the most paying route of all, French cipitalists, lacked by Russian infill, are seeking similar concessions for the line between Seoul and Genaan, while Japanese merchants ure offering to build a r ail from Seoul to Fusan here their principal Settlement is. The journals of the opposition in Ja pan do not approve the idea of an en tente between Russia and Japan for the p rjiose of preserving order in Cores. T.iey foisee that Russia will gradually g t the upper hand and will throw her ly out of the peninsula altogether. Two Hundred Drowned. San Francisco, May 21. The steamer Belgic, which arrived yesterday from Hong Kong and Yokohama with ad vices up to May 5. brought letters from the crews of the United States warships at Woo-Sung, concerning the collision b- tween the Ino-China steamer On-Wo and the coasting vessel Lew-Schwang. The boats of the American navy were instrumental in saving the lives of about fifty Chinese and two Europeans Seventy-five persons in all were saved nd :62 lives were lost. Only seven of fiese were white men. The accident occurred at 3 o'clock in j t e morning of Apt il 30. The On-Wo, C ptain Johns, was otitoonnd lor Han kow, and the New-Schwang inbound from the south. The former craft . was struck on the ;ort side and sank in about seven minutes. The Chinese pWengers went wild with excitement, many jumping into the sea, while oth ers huddled together on the bow of the vessel and were drowned like rats. The captain of the New-Schwang set Ins vessel al out and ran her on the beech. The crews of the Olmphia and others of the Asiatic squadron dropped their boats over the sides of the ships and in less than filteen minutes after the ac cident there were at least a dozen American cullers at the scene of the disaster, saving the drowning men and recovcrinn bodies. For several days after the accidentcorpsesdrifted ashore. The Belgic brought no news from Lieutenant-Commander Hardy's al leged court martial nor was the matter mentioned in letters. Takra Hark. ' Cleveland, O., Msy 21. On condi tion that all hands be taken back and with the offer of the Globe Iron com pany to give the men a substantial ad. vanceln wages 1,000 strikers who have been idle for ten days, returned to work st the shipyards yesterday. Hanker Arreated. Denver, Colo., May 21. Charles H. Dow, formerly president of the Com mercial National bank, was arrested yesterday upon en indictment brought by the grand jury of the federal court, which charges him with misappropriat ing (unds of the bank, with intent to defraud the depositors. His accounts ere also alleged to have been falsified. He furnished bonds. Sidney O. Mo- ( Clurkln, teller of tbe bank, was arrested yeeieruar ei wiureuu owing. Acl'b mmii lruetou. Ci.crEi.AM, O , May 10. The dead lock in the Methodist Episcopal confer ence on the episcopal elections was broken yestei lay by the election of tbe two leading candidates Chaplain C. C. McCabe, the famous mission money raiser of tbe church, and Dr. Earl Crmston, agent of the Methodist bo-k concern at Cincinnati. Chaplain Mc Cabe was choeen first on the fifteenth ballot with a plurality of eight votes. Dr. Cranston was raised to the epis copacy on the next ballot, having a plurality of thirty. Bishop Bowman, the venerable senior bishop of the Methodist church, pre sided over the general conference, prob ably for the last time yesterday morning, i Rev. Charles L. stafforn of Iowa put j the conference in a great uoroar br movii.g that the election of bishops be indefinitely postOned. "I am eatis Di," he said, "that we do not need these bishops, and the vote of the lai-t few days looks as though lhe confer ence thought so, too. Any ten bishops in ;"K) 1 health cou.d attend to all the woik, and we have fourteen, besides thr two who have i . declared non effective." Rev. Dr. Buckley said : "To postpone this election would make this confer ence and our great church ridiculous in the eyes of the wnild. In one of the dioceses of the Protestant Episcopal church they have taken fifty and sixty (allots and then adjourned for six months to think it over without an election And yet the election of a Methodist bishop carries with it more power than a dozen protestant dh cesan bishops. The remedy is this: It the voting go on until we elect a bishop or until it becomes plainly ap parent that we cannot elect anybody." After a long debate the motion was defeated, Rev. Dr. A. J. Palmer started an ex citing discussion by reporting from the committee on state of the church a res olution authorizing the licensing of evangelists and for the placing of re strictions upon travelling evangelists. Rev. Dr. KoWt Forbes of Duluth said that people were getting converted too fast. "In some places all you have to do is to hold up your hand and shout, "Come to Jesus !" and you are saved. It . ill soon be so that you may get saved by sending your cabinet photo graph and having it baptized. Salva tion will soon be on sale by telephone and telegraph." The repoit- of tbe committee was adopted. THE NEW HlBIIOfS. Balloting for bishops was then re sumed, Chaplain McCabe being elected on the fifteenth and Dr. ( ranston on the sixteenth. The lections were greet ed with loud applause. Chaplain McCabe is fifty-eight years of age. He is of Methodist parents. He has a brother who is a professor in the Ohio Wesleyan college at Delaware. He was taken prisoner during the war and was for a long time confined in Libby prison. He inherited some money and by wise investments his wealth rapidly grew. Much of it has been spent in ad vancing the cause of Methodism. He has now about $50, (KM). Many Metho dist institutions have been backed financially by htm. He is now engaged in taising money for the great American uniersity to be erected at Washington and as bishop be will continue this work. He is considered the greatest money-raiser in the Methodist church. He is tbe man who first raised the cry "a million for missions 1" He raised the mission collection from $700,000 to $1,250,000. Karl Cranston was a soldier in tbe late war and is now a member of the Loyal Legion. He is an eloquent min ister and preached for many years in Indiana, Illinois and Cob He is a merabe.- of the Colorado conference. He is now book agent at Cincinnati and has charge of the publishing business of the Methodist church at Chicago, Cin einnati and St. Louis. The conference then proceeded 10 make nominations for the office of New York publishing agent, there being two to lie elected. There were only nuie candidates for the two offices, and the majority was sufficient to elect. On the first ballot Homer Eaton, the present ugent, was re-elected. Another ballot w as then taken. O. R. Mrtiee, G. P. MainesandW. M. Swindells are trie leading candidates. Nominations were also made and one ballot taken for tbe two western publishing agents, The re sult has not yet been announced, but it is altogether probable that Dr. Lewis Curts is re-elected. Neat Wollli-n. Kansas Citv. Mo., May 20 -The principal part of yesterday's session of the Methodist pretestant conference was occupied by the question of seating women delegates. The committee on certificates reported in favor of ti e women, holding that they had been constitutionally elected. Tbe previous question was ordered and carried with slight opposit'on. Rev. T. J. Murray of Maryland delivered a caustic speech directed against gag rale. He moved two amendments to the proposition, one so as to define plainly that ministerial delegates to the general conference be either male or female and the other to mend the constitution, making women eligible as elders of the church. Act Approved. Washington, May 20. The presi dent has approved the act authorising tbe enty of foreign laborers at lhe Ten nessee centennial exposition in 1897, and to allow the free return of articles ex ported from the United States for ex hibition purposes ; for the relief of A. P. Brown, late postmaster at Le Man, la., to provide a life-saving station at Point PonlU, Cel. , authorising Navajo county, Arisona, to iaeue bonds and donating cannon to Mountain View. Cat. BIG FHiE AT WASHINGTON Firemen Lose Their Lives in the Bg ing Furnaee, LOSS WILL EXCEED $200,000.00. tiuppoacd to be tlie I eul( of an tlr-clrle StOMU. Washington, May 19. Fire swept away a whole block of commercial buildings opposite the Smithsonian in etitution soon after 8 o'clock last even ing. The lives of at least three firemen were crushed out hy falling walls. The loss will exceed $200,000. The buildings covering the block ad joining the center market constitute practically tl e entire commission snd wholesale produce bus'nees of Wash ington, and w hile not of great value, their contents burned so fien el.' that a great portion of the residents from all portions of tbe city were attracted to the scene of the conflagration. From 7 to 8 o'clock the dis'rict was visited by one of the most terrific thunderstorms in yarn and it is thouuht lightning travelling on tele graph wires eiit' red a PoH'al telegraph ub-station and started the flumes, which rapidly spread through the highly inflammable material in the stores (routing on lonisiana avenue, Ninth, Tenth am" D streets In a few m nutes, under general alarm orders, the entire fire department commenced its efforts to check the fire's spread, but exploding barrels of kerosine and gaso line drove them off and led them to direct their energies to preventing the flames from crossing the streets to the neighboring squares. While the firemen of No. 8 engine were working a hose through one of the buildings, tbe roof fell without warn ing, burying them in the ruins. Alarrre ing reports at once spread that a dozen men were killed. The wrecked build ing at once began burning furiously and any attempt at rescue was beyond ques tion. Not until an hour later bad the flames sufficiently subsided at this point for tbe firemen to begin clearing away the debris. Then three men, Joe Mul hall, Donaldson and Kennedy, Still alive, but scorched, burned anil roasted beyond all recovery were taken out and removed to the Providence hosnital. ANOTIIFR BODY FOfND. At midnight the firemen came upon another body. Others are still believed to be in tbe ruins and are being searched for. The buildings on the B street side, which were entirely destroyed, were occupied by Edward Adams, commis sion merchant: Tavlor Wade, dealer in butter and eggs ; Frederick Fisher, J. A. Davis & Son, W. S. Anderson, two j stores; Brown Bros., W. 0. Shreaves, Matthewson & i;o.,and wiinamftemms Jewett Crowley, who keeps a small restaurant railway of the block, lost everything and. barely rescued his fam ily alive. Later information is to the effect that Firemen Giles and Griffin are dead and that Firemen Mulhall, McElroy, Kep pier and Kennedy are dangerously and perhaps fatally injured. Four others are known to be in the ruins and sev eral others are missing and search Is being continued late into the night for them. This fire is one of the worst cal amities that has ever visited W ashing ton, and it is the only one of its kind since the notorious Knox fire of about two yeai s ago. The buildings that were burned were comparatively of small value, though quite a whole block of them were swept out of existence. The full extent of the terrible calam ities that attended the conflagration was not known until a late hour and the neighborhood surrounding the Bcene was thronged up to a long time after midnight by excited and sympa thizing groups of citizens, many of whom were friends and neighbors of the unfortunate men burned. The Benzinger auction house lor hursts and equipages was also de stroyed. It is not possible to get an accurate list of the individual losses last night. Dinger Wine ' Washington, May 19. The long pending cases of the Singer Manufac turing Company and Burt were de cided in tbe supreme court of the United States yesterday. The result was a practical victory for the Singer com pany, but one of the leading contentiot a of its counsel was overthrown by the decision, which was announced by Ju; tice White. He Btated that where, un der the life of a patent, a name became the generic designation of tbe thing made at the end of the lif of the patent the name, with the article patented, be came the property of the public and its nse could not be restrained by injuno- tion. Tbe court further held, however, tnai me rigut uio uol caisi. 1.0 unu mo Indiscriminately or without qualifica tion, so that the oublic would be de ceived its use into the belief that the thing manufactured was different from what it really was, or that it was made by a person or corporation other than the real maker. Naval Matters. Washington, May 19. Tbe con ferees on the naval appropriations were unable to come to a full and final agreement yesterday and will today submit a partial report. The chief items of dispute are the reductions made by the senate in the number of battleships from four to two; she mod ifications in the provisions for torpedo boats; the limitation of the price to be paid for armor plate to a sum not in excess of $350 a ton. Fhasekobt, Kas. May 18. A cyclone devastated this city at 5 o'clock yes to day afternoon. It came from the south' west tnd was preceded by a heavy (ail of rain arid bail. The funnel-shaped cloud came in an opp site direction from the wind that was prevailing and trav elled slowly, thus giving people ampls time to get into cellars. This warning undoubtedly saved many lives. Several farm houses were destroyed before the storm reached the city, but as far as earned, at this time, no one was hurt. Senrly fifty residences, besides barns ." . a .n j snd out-ouuuings, were loiany ue stroyed in this city. Many of them were the finest in the city. At least 200 people are homeless. No e was killed so far as learned. Henry Ke n e ' note was broken by a Hying bur . P. Cu linore was hurt at out the bea 1; Mrs. Moran and child were badly i ii j ,ied. Ttie Metbodi-t and Christian Clinches are total wrecks. Many build- are i-lightly damaged. The storm passed on to the northeast. Its track is about eighty rods wide. It s reported the storm did great damaje ear Bigelow and Viiets. The entire western part of the city (Frankfort) is ;i. d to the ground. Some miraculoui escapes are reported. Had the eylone co'iie upon the itv without wa'ning tbe hj oi life might have been terrible. KIVK KILLED AT SENECA. MStci, Kan., May 18. Five people were killed anil Beveral injured by a cyclone which devastated this part oi the country at 6 -.40 last evening. Tbe dead are : Two children of M. R. Connell. Two children of M. E. Vooihees. A son of Peter Assenmacher. AtOnedia, Kas., eight miles east, four people wre killed, three of them in the family of Ja nes Shearn. Part of the town of Baileyville was demolished. At Seneca the cyclone was tollowed by a storm, bail as large as walnuts falling. About seventy houses were totally wrecked. The opera house wa entirely swept away. A new $40,000 sohool house was wrecked and the court houBe completely demolished. .There are few houses in the city that are not more or less damaged. The entire north part of the city is covered with debris. The loss in this city will be about $200, 000. The cyclone lasted about ten min utes. At Oneida the damage is heavy. Great destruction is reported in the country northeast of there. The news of the storm is being sent from a field south of this city, nearly wires being down. 6ABKTHA ALSO VISITED. Sabktha, Kas., May 18. T"enty-five people were injured and twenty reai dences destroyed by a cyclone here this evening. Chicago, May 18 Dispatches re ceived last night from interior points in Illinois report much damage done by a heavy wind and rain storm last night. At Galesburg the telegraph and tele phone service was demoralized. At Peoria trees were blown down and great damage done to buildings undel construction, An engine on the Bur lington railway ran into a corn crib which had been blown across the tracks at St. Augustine and was derailed. The enginter was badly hurt. At Pe kin storm wrecked the new St. Paul church, uprooted trees, blew down fences and outbuilding. The country contiguous to Toulon was storm-swept and manv farm lious. s were wrecked. Six Die. Sherman, Tex , May 18. Six , peopl injured in Friday's cyclone died here yesterday. Their names are: J. Jenkinsf aged sixteen. Every other member of the same family killed outright Nellie Slogan, aged nine. Charles WTeddle. Mrs. Lyman and child. Unidentified woman. It was learned yesterday afternoon that Deeley family, consisting of father, mother and four, children, living oq Grav's Hill were blown away in the storm and as none of them have been heard from it is believed all are dead, The spot where their house stood wai swept bare. The death list now reaches 105.. T., H. Montgomery, a fcrniture dealer, Whose family, consisting of a wife and three children, perished, is now con fined in jail, a raving maniac. Tha people of Sherman have buried theii dead, and are taking care of the wounded, but fully 700 people in ths city and county are left destitute. News is received yesterday that af Carpenter's Bluff, five are dead and. eight seriously injured. The relief com mittee left Denison at 9 o'clock yeeterj day morning and have been laboring among the dead and dying all day. The loss i so much greater than anticipated that floats have teen pressed into ser vice to supply the stricken district with bandages, medicine and food. Killed the Vlilnch Bugs. EeKBiDQE, Kan., May 18. Chinch bugs, which have been very numerous In Wabaunsee county this spring, havt been drowned out by the magnificent rains of the past three days. About if 9 inches of water has fallen and pros pects were never finer. Intnrgeote Beaten. Havana, May 18. Colonel Rodrigues report from Cienfuegos that he surprised, the insurgent forces under Gomel, while the latter were in camp near Piedra Plata causing the utmost confusion in the ene my's camp. The rebels rallied, however, and attacked the Spanish vanguard, but were quickly repulsed under the fire ol the Spanish artillery. The rebels had sev teen killed and many wounded. The lose to the Spanish was trifling, only three of their number having been won aded.