The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 28, 1896, Image 2

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Paderewski U the Pole that knocks
the gnancial persimmons.
It is estimated now that the Nicar
agua Canal can t built for less than
1 100,000, Vsi-but will It be?
People who live in plans houses won't
be worse off than the rest of us after
this unless the Roentgen folks quit ex
perimenting. A new word, "waruullujrated." mean
ing enamored, has been added to the
slang vocabulary. It Is nearly bud
enough to be In the new dictionaries.
A big steel trust is to be formed.
We do not recall any trusts, larpe
or small, which have not licen com
posed of two pares 'steal and one part
Now that the lan of the anti-Confederate
legislation has been repealed, It
1 to be hoped that the Charleston
News and Courier will t-oiue back into
the Union.
The Duke of Yeragua says Spain ha
been misunderstood by-u. The inter
preter may have deceived us, but.
still, there is a chance we are also niia
undenrtood. Sometimes a "frog in the throat" 1
dangerous. James Foley, of Wheat
land, K. IT., has swallowed a live frog
and the doctors are hard at work try
ing to keep him from croaking.
A woman has askea an Oklahoma
court for a divorce on the ground that
her husband bathes only once a year.
It oughtn't to be necessary to go to Ok
lahoma for divorce on such grounds.
The catfcode rays are now said to
have been known to the Chinese years
ago. If some American would say he
had discovered hades up would bob a
Chinaman who had lived there for
The King of Ashantee rules 8.000,000
people, and he has a supply of 50,000
rifles. While England is cultivating
rows with Ashantee and Venezuela the
Caar will look after the division of
China and Turkey.
The Cincinnati papers have discov
ered that it costs gfioO a year to keep
prisoners in the county Jail in slip
pers. They must le unusually "slip
pery or else Cincinnati ought to let a
few officials slip.
The dialect societies of this country
and England have decided to prepare
dialect dictionaries. As they will be
the genuine thing the first rule In com
piling them will be to exclude every
thing found in dialect novels.
A Boston paper didactically asserts
that "there is no such thing as spring
fever." Oh, there isnt, eh? Then
what makes the women tie old towels
around their heads, tear down stoves
and move the heavy furniture out
doors? The greeting between Mr. and Mrs.
W. K, Vanderbllt Just as the Duke and
Duchess of Marlborough sailed away to
Europe suggests that Mrs. Vanderbllt
has the "Marble House" at Newport
and Mr. Vanderbllt the marble heart
Rich gold mines are said to exist In
the Interior of Madagascar, and this
fact is believed to be the real cause of
the French invasion. The gold deposits
on the borders of Alaska and Vene
snela also explain the activity of the
British in those regions.
A cure for dilatory dressmakers has
been found by Ida Oluck, of Minneap
olis, mtoo, desiring; to be married in a
ntnr gown, entered by force and took
It That she was arrested afterwards
makes no difference. Hhe surmounted
aa erf of the times with the resource
of genius.
The Tatted States army reorganisa
tion bill Introduced by Senator Sher
man proposes to reduce the infantry
and cavalry and greatly increase the
artillery arm of the service. It is
thought by military authorities In Eu
rope that moat of the battles of the fu
ture will be decided by the rapid and
concentrated work of the artillery.
According to a Paris geographer, the
largest remaining forests are In Cen
tral Africa, Southern Siberia and
Norm and South America. With
proper management North America
-would remain In this Met permanently,
trat it wiU soon drop out. A vast army
of men with axes are slashing off the
tree wherever they can make a dollar
at It
A Pittsburg steel company baa com
pleted ail order for 10,000 tons of stsel
rails for the Japanese government, and
Alabama pig Iron is going to England
la large quantities. These facts Indi
cate that our iron and steel interests
are steading their operations abroad,
had that their prospects for the re
Vital Of the prosperity that they once
Bjsfsd are very good.
The Gctftl returns of the Bute else
tioa to Massachusetts show that oat of
the 878400 women entitled to register
gad oa the question of equal suf
fer, ssly 2S.08R went to the polls;
Cat to forty -seven towns not a woman
' TZZX aaj m 1 towns their rott arer
r:l t3r Cases; and that la not a
'J ewaty sr strict was a majority
given for the propositkn. It is quit
evident that the women of the State
most noted for their education and in
telligence are willing to remain "en
slaved" so far as political power is concerned.
Figures gathered by the Agricultural
Department show that the number of
the horses in the United States have
declined within two years from 1-5,-206.SO2
to 15,124,057. while their vmIim
per head has fallen from $01 to
Since 1893 the loss on the value of
horses in this country amount to
H'J2,000,000. As the most of this has
been borne by farmers, perhaps they
can get even by applying electricity
to agricultural work.
England may learn many things from
the Japs. English travelers have U-eu
accustomed to come over here. 'oun;-e
about New Ycrk a wm of mouths,
go home and write a book ou Anier
lea. A Japanese gentleman came to
this country to obttin material for
book of travel, and within a week
he saw a lynching, watched a football
game, attended a meeting of the Chi
cago city council, witnessed a session
of the Kentucky legislature and start
ed back home.
The continental nations have been
told so often by the English newspa
per that the Monroe doctrine meaiw
in ios latest definition that sooner or
later every European state will have
to get off rlie western hemltjpbere in
obedience to our wish. We are accused
of aiming to force tireat Britain out of
Canada, and that our stand in the
Venezuela matter is merely an Inrinia
Uon of what we are coming to. France,
corieiuently, which also holds terri
tory in South America, and which has
a dispute on with Brazil concerning
the boundary, feels uneasy too, fearing
that if we carry our point against
Great Britain we will turn to it next.
Then Spain appreihends notice from
us that she must let Cuba alone, and
so the alarm spreads. As a matter of
fact, however, we have not undertaken
the boss-ship of the western heml
sphere. We have merely objected to
the bullying methods of Great Britain
here. We have only reminded the
greatest of land thieves that what he
lb haiiitually doing in other continents
he cannot do over here without at
least being asked for an erplanatiou
of his conduct France, Germany,
Italy, Spain practically all Europe-
have from time to time and pretty con
sistently protested against English ar
rogance and brutality in dealing with
weaker peoples. They were overload
ed by the diplomatic red tape of cen
turies, however, and their utterances
did not stop the ruthless work of the
An indication as to how the marriage
of American heirewes and titled no
bles is regarded abroad may be found
in the latest issue of London Truth
which declares that the Duke of Marl
borough's marriage was largely due
to a neeeMBiry of keeping up "that
white elephant," the castle of Blen
heim, "a- huge and hideous building
which the late Duke, who was always
of a pra-tical turn of mind, deplored
could not be converted Into a hydro
pathic establishment or something of
that sort" The incorrigible I-atxm
chere goes on to remark that "part of
the bargain was that the Duke should
lie a lay figure in the marriage festlvl
ties, the aim and object of which
seems to have been to squander mon
ey in barbaric pomp." This, then, ia
the happy situation in which the title-
capturing American belTess finds her
self. She ceases to be an American
and loses the comradeship of her fel
low-countrymen. And on coming to
the land where she is to assume titled
honors she is met with the brutally
frank assertion that her husband mar
ried her for her money, and that the
circumstances In which the ceremony
was performed were barbaric. It Is
like the. case of the turncoat in war,
roe heiress loses esteem among her
former a Hies, and receives the open
condemnation of ber new ones. Any
other American girls who may be
tempted by foreign titles would do
well to reflect on what awaits tbem on
the other side. No American criticism
of the Duchess of Marlborough baa
been a bit more brutally candid than
that administered by one of the fore-
moat of the organs of British opinion,
Troth, and When to Speak It
There are agreeable trutiie and dis
agreeable truths, and it is the province
of discretion or sound judgment to
make a selection from these, and not
to employ them ail IndiscriuUmteiy.
Speaking ttie truth is not always vir
tue; concealing It is very often judi
cious. It is only when duty calls upon
you to reveal the truth that rt is com
mendable. A bale-teller may be a
truth -teller, but every one dislikes the
character of a person who goes from
one bouse to another and communi
cates all he sees or bears; we never
stop to inquire whether he speaks the
truth or not
He is perhaps ail the worse for speak
ing the truth, for truth is paMcnlerl
offensive in such cases, and never fails
to set families at variance. Silence in
(Hscre-don, and concealment of facts Is
A process for making cast steel
horseshoes has been patented ia Glas
gow. The steel, which is stated to
have very great fluidity, Is a sppetal
make. .
A Handsome Tomb.
The finest tomb in Great Britain Is
undoubtedly that of the Duke of Ham
ilton, In the grounds of the Duke's seat.
It cost over 11.000,000.
People are never so Indifferent as
when a good man runs for office.
A man should bar common sense
with bis patriotism.
Did I tell too, O friend, of a proud, nd day
When n; beautiful boy went oikrvblnf away
To a far-away battle-neldT
Whca our country's rail was beard by me
And sJI mo! iters clutt sons were needed to
For Gud and our country and the cause of
Bat Buy heart stood still and it seemed that
a pall
Wrapped roe aa the worKIs wrapped by the
And I thought as I wrought while the days
west by
And I prd to my God, whose tbrone Is oa
high "
And who eareth for me to care for my boy.
To bless our land and five us Joy
In the light of liberty's sun.
Then victory canie, but 'twas purchased dear,
The bella pealed out from far and near.
And I heard loud shouts ring In the air.
And the feet of men rush here snd there.
I called aloud: -Is there news for me? What
news for meT
Mr tear-dlwnjed eyes can scarcely
And I beard for answer, so Hke a knell:
'It la well wits your boy. It Is well."
And then I knew my child no more
Would come to me as Is days of yore.
And thus the Father had answered my
By taking from earth to the home over there
My dirllnr child, so brave, so dear,
His sweet "My mother" I'll never more hear.
And yet 'twas a glorious death, and he
Med for the life of our dear country.
And your children's children w ill peace enjoy,
Bought with the life of my precious boy.
OLD up your right
hand, my man.
The witness held
(p3 li II up his left hand, and
T-k I isb tm? ju'ilf. Mieving
i V'Wa7 that he was defiant
said with a show of
"Hold up your
right band and take
the onthr
Again the left nam! was raised, and the
judge, turning to a deputy, shouted:
"Arrest that man for contempt of court
He refuses to hold un his right hand.
"Judge," said the man. a dilapidated
specimen of humanity, "I can't hold up
my right hand 1 left it at Gettysburg a
good many years ago. But 1 can swear all
right with my left band.
There was a sensation in court. No
one had noticed that the artificially stuff
ed sleeve w as tucked into the coat pocket
at the wrist, giving the figure that defiant
air that ban aroused the anger of the pre
siding officer. Now when they knew that
no hand was there, a thrill of sympathy
ran through the crowd, and the Judge w as
visibly agitated and even apologised.
"I did not know that you bad been s
soldier," he said gently, os if that fact
were excuse enough for any lapse of duty
on the present occasion.
"I am a soldier yet," said the man in
the witness box; "once a soldier always
a soldier, is my creed. I'm under march
ing orders and likely to join my regiment
any time. It's many yars since I first
went soldiering, i was a likely chap
then, judge."
"Yes, yes," said the judge, who had
been staring fixedly at the man while bis
face, flushed and paled with some secret
emotion, "but this is hardly the time or
place for reminiscences. Your testimony
in the case on hand is all that is required
now. Counsel for the defense will exam
ine this witness," and the judge turned
to other business as if the subject no
longer interested him.
But be had not done with it. When he
went out of the court house on his way
home, the one-srmei soldier was waiting
for him, and he stopped with an impatient
air to hear w hat he had to say. It was
evident that the mnn had lieen drinking,
and his general apiiearaiice was more
down at the heels than before.
"Judge," be asked, with tipsy gravity,
"might your name be Shields'"
"Yes. my name is Shields. Have you
any further business with me? I am in
something of a hurry."
"Ko'tn 1, Judge Shields. I've been wait
ing over thirty years to ask you a ques
tion snd get an answer. You don't hap
pen to know me, judge?"
"No," came the low answer as the judge
looked into the face of the soldier with 8
shifting earnestness, taVing in the whole
figure in that uncertain way, "I don't
think I ever saw yoa before."
"Think again, my friend you are my
friend, ain't you did you ever know a
young man a robust, strapping fellow
named Leonard Hurst?"
"My God, num. Leonard. Hurst died
during the war be was killed in the bat
tle of Gettysburg, and is buried up in yon
der cemetery."
"Is he? That's news to me, Hiram
Shields, and it's a lie. He bad a friend
a young man like bimself no, not like
him, for Leonard Hurst would have given
bis life for that friend, and thought it no
sacrifice but the friend didn't enlist. He
staid at borne, and while Hurst was fight
ing the enemy at the front. Shields, his
friend, won his promised wifo away from
him. married the girl leonard Hurst had
loved all his life."
"I'll hear the story at another time,"
said Shields, who was in a panic of uerv
onsness over this strange recital.
"You'll hear it now," retorted the other
man, swaying back and forth, yet speak-
lug with tbe utmost distinctness. "Leon
ard Hurst went away with drums beat
ing, and flngs flying, and he was gone
three yearij. One of those years he spent
in s Southern prison the fortune of war.
He came home s wreck, to lie nursed back
to life and strength by those for whose
sake he bad suffered be came borne to
find bimself a dead man!"
The dry lips of tbe Judge worked con
vulsively, bat be ssid no word.
"His friend hsd buried him. A stone
st the foot of his grave bad his nsme snd
number, gathered from tbe prison hos
pital. He was dead snd burled, sad bis
friead had married his iwsethesrt."
fs li
1 vt;.,
"You are excited," said Shields, finding
his voice; "come home with uie and "
"You haven't heard it all yet. Maybe
you thin it was hard to stnud in front of
a fire of shot and shell, uud be torn
asunder by cannon balls. Why, mau, that
was nothing, to tb- soldier, to what he
suffered when he came home and found
himself shut out of the ranks of living
men read his own name on a gravestone,
and heard his friends talk of bis death.
And that was oothing to the fact that the
girl who swore fealty to him had married
his false friend. When he knew that, the
bitterness of death had passed. It was
there bis first anc last real battle was
fought, when he conquered himself, and
let the man live who had made earth s
bell for bim."
"Have yon no pension?" asked the
judge suddenly.
"Tension? Do they pension dead men?"
The judge was trembling violently. As
the effects of tb? liquor wore off, the sol
dier became more excitable, snd erratic
lights flashed from his sunken eyes. His
whole expression was a menace to the
man who stood trembling before him. But
when bis strange companion with a sud
den wift motion caught bifn by the
throat. Shields made no resistance, and
the other holding him thus a moment,
threw him off contemptuously.
"Tell me to my face lam dead," sneer
ed the soldier with livid lips, "you who
robbed me of the dearest thing I had in
lif and of life itself I Assassin! She,
too, is dead perhaps you killed her?"
"Hurst," said Shields, wiping tbe drops
of ghastly fear from bis pallid face, "if
you are indeed a living man, listen to me.
It may be some satisfaction to you to
know that Msbel never loved ine, al
though she was my wife. She died with
your name on her lips. She believed you
dead, and kept your grave green with her
"Sny that again!" cried the soldier. "Oh,
my God, it pays to have been dead and
buried all these years, to know that after
all she was true. I had it in my mind to
kill you; yes, I meant it when I bad my
hand st your throat, but those words
have saved you! God will settle tbe ac
count between us!"
'He has settled it," answered fifaields
solemnly. "He closed the account when
he refused me Mattel's love when He
took ber from me as the worst punish
ment He could Inflict. But I honestly be
lieved tbst you were dead that it was
your shattered form I brought from tbe
battlefield and buried up yonder."
"Tbst gsve you s right to love Mabel V"
"No" Shields bung his bead in bitter
grief and shame "I I bad tried to win
her before that, but she would not listen
to me she never would hive listened, but
for your death and, Hurst, tbst knowl
edge killed ber. Hhe was my wife in
name, bat her heart was with you."
The soldier lilted his shabby cap with
reverence. He rnin-d hl eyes to the blue
canopy of heaven, and bis lips tuorc-l in
"1 have fought my l;it battle," be ssid,
extending his one poor blind to Shields,
"we are friends from this hour, comrade."
"You have called me comrade," snid
Shields, his eyes filling with tetirs; "I stn
no soldier, but 1 know what that word
means. We are comrades for the rest of
the march we w-ill part no more. l'r
this hour my home is your home."
Tims it came al-ont that these two tie
came to each other even as Iiavid and
Jonathan, united by a friendship surpass
ing the love of woman. Nor is the un
known soldier who sleeps far from home
and friends forgotten. On each Memorial
day Hags wave and flowers bloom over bis
dust and a white-haired man and a one
armed soldier sit there to talk over the
strange enigma of his Inst renting place.
"Knough if on the page of war and glory,
Some hand has writ his name."
The cplrit that r lists Between
Veterans of Itoth l-lrl.
Although the horrors of war are the
mors conspicuous where the conflict Is
ttelween brothers and the strnwle i a
long and destx-rate one, the evidences are
numerous mat, unuerneatn the passion
and bitterness o. our civil war, there were
counter currents of kindly feeling, a spirit
of genuine friendliness pervading the op
posing camps. Ibis friendliness was
something deeper than the expression (if
mere human instinct; the combatants felt
that they were indeed brothers. Acts of
kindness to wounded enemies began to
be noted at Bull Hun, while in every cam
paign useless picket firing was almost unl-
iormiy oiscountenanced, and the men
shook band at the outposts gnd talked
confidingly of their private affairs and
their trials and hardships in the army.
This feeling, confined perhaps, to men on
the very front line culminated at Appo
mattox, where the victors shared rations
with their late antagonists and o..,,.
ously offered them help in repairing the
wastes or oatiie.
When the t'ulon veteran returned i tK.
North he did not disguise his faith In the
good intentions of the Southern fighting
The spirit that moved Lincoln to say In
his last Inaugural. "With malice toward
Done," has continued its holy influence.
That which must appear to the world st
large a startling anomaly, is in truth the
simple principle of good-will, unfolding
itself under favorable conditions. The
war, that is. the actual encounter .n i.
field, taught the participants the dignity
ui ameni'sn ma ncter.
Their Annual Reunion.
The Man of Ihr Musket.
Koliller. pa on from I rage of renown.
This ant hill, c .iimiotlou and strife,
Pane by wto-re the iimrhles and hroitxet look
With their fat frown gestures of Mfe,
Ob, out to the nsmrle silio lie 'neatb lh
'f the pitying r),rcK and pine;
Your man Is the imm of the sword and tbs
ittit the man of Ihe riitisket Is mine.
I knew him! liy all that Is noble. I knew
This commonplace hero I Home:
I've camiwd with him, marched with him,
fought with blrn. loo.
In Hi swirl of the di-rce battle tlaiu;
Laughed with blm, cried with him takes a
Of his canteen sin! blanket, snd known
That the throb of this chivalrous prslrls
boy's heart
Was an answering stroke of my own.
I knew Mm, I tell yn And. alo. I knew
When be fell on the battle swept ridge.
ILat the poor battered body that lay there In
Waa only a plank In the bridge
Over which some should pass to I fame
That shall shine while the high stars shall
Your hero Is known by sn echoing nsme.
Hut the man of the musket Is mine.
I knew hi,,,' a through hi in the good and
the ba4
Hun t'lgether sml eouslly free;
But I Judge as I trust Christ will Judge th
brave lad.
For death mane hire noble to me!
In the cy. ione of wsr, In the battle's eclipse.
I.lfe shook out pa lingering sands
And he died with the ,, lhit 'b, ,oVwJ
ou hla lips.
Ills musket ..ill grasped In his handsf
? rl'," ' " " a'T soldier went down,
III the salient front of the llns;
You may take for your heroes tb men of
Il'it the msn of the musket Is mln!
The flonrtMina in Mpaln.
In none of their many sovereignties
had the Incapacity of the Bourlwns
been more completely demonstrated
than lu Spain. With Intermittent flick
rings, the light of that famous land
Lad been steadily growing dimmer
ver sln.-e Iuls XIV. eiiiltlngly de
clared that ,iie Pyrenees had ceased
to exist, Strlt rtttWl tit 111! a-istt, t .. I
.reiimey. shattered In naval power, re
luced ,o pay tmmto b, Krai.,, she
bHiked silently ou while Napoleon traf-fVk-ed
with her lands, mourning that
even the memory of her former glories
ss fading out In foreign countries.
The proud people themselves had, how
ever, never foririitlen ,i
u unat, wim
each suc-esslTs humiliation their Irrl
tat on grew more Mlmn(! and
srter Trafalgar they made an effort to
organise under it.. 1 . xo
Zli L h""' ""."ht rrw,fb W
T. Z om ,n wl", country
SLSz&S: mo,t wi -