The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 28, 1896, Image 1

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    'W f r m-:, Ife
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The. Sioux County Journal,
Mto u Criticisms as aad Dm
the Haaacataga of the Day U
tarlcal aad News Nataa.
The New York Interviewers agree
that Sarah Bernhardt la still "about
The Valkjrie la aatd to te for sale.
Anybody want a yacht which can't
all unless aim has the whole course?
Despite the fart that half of the Cen
tral American town of Colon nan been
destroyed by Are Its name will not be
Changed to Semicolon.
A Boston contemporary affirms that
a man la not necessarily weak Intel
lectually because be Is unable to tie a
necktie gracefully. Can this be true?
Spain flu i la It would atanit without
Eurwen assistance In the event of
Amerh-an Intervention In Cuba. This
Is the only thing It has learned In some
One of the Items of keeping up Blen
heim palace Is $4,000 a year for putty.
The young Duke may have made a mis
take after all In marrying a girl with
only $.1,000,000.
Murderer Holmes told Hall Calne,
the novelist, that be had read a number
of his books. Still, we don't think that
Mr. Calne's books are wholly responsi
ble for Holmes' crimes.
' Oom Taul Krueger announce that
he will be unable to accept Secretary
CliamberlaJn'a kind Invitation to go
to London for a visit The old man
hi a pretty smooth Boer.
A cablegram announces that the Brit
ish forces on their march up the Nile
have taken Akcsheh. Never heard of
the ptace before, 'but it evidently la a
town which Isn't to be sneezed at.
A Cleveland scientist has succeeded
In photographing an editor's ribs. It
has been rcHrted that he had aiao
pbotogrnplied the editor's stomarti; but
of course, there Is nothing in that.
The reason the Prince of Wales has
declared himself In favor of peace Is
doirbtlcawi because he does not want
to discourage Queen Victoria In her
willingness eventually to rest there.
Perrlne's new comet has been slan
dered. It Isn't a bob-tailed affair; on
the contrary, It has a tall 10,000,000
miles long. If there Is any doubt about
that you can measure the tall your
The Duke of Marlborough's English
solicitor, In an Interview, says that he
"sincerely hopes the American people
will not regard his distinguished client
In the light of a fortune hunter." Oh,
dear, no; the Idea!
This war scare may pass by, but It
would tie well for the European powers
to reflect that they need not expect al
ways to get off so easily. Some time
they will play with a war rumor a lit
tle too carelessly -and there will lie trou
ble. ,
The cable brings the Interesting In
formation that a French scientist 1ms
Invented an Instrument which he calls
a "glanaary," for measuring the tongues
of bees. We are glad omclod7 has
found time enough to attend to this
highly Important matter.
Of all the English colonists on Amer
ican soil the English sparrow Is easily
the most Impudent, overbearing, and
disagreeable. It has few If any re
deeming traits. It drives away better
birds, it bus no moral ebaracter, and It
can't sing. It la the Russian thistle of
the feathered tribe. Drive it out.
The dynamite shells eiciiiiiciite
with for naval dcfcinie at San Fran
cisco are found to le entirely effective
within a distance of three miles. This
destructive agent Is a yet an un
known quantity In warfare, but there
is an Increasing dread of It among the
Spanish troops In Culm.
The British people consume every
year $150,000,000 worth more of grain
than they produce, and In view of ps
alble war complication It Is proposed
to keep not less than one yenr's sup
ply of cereals on hand. When the Uni
on can sing that he has the men, the
ships, the money and the corn, he may
be considered In good shape for nil
The Lieutenant Governor of Cali
fornia recently died, and there Is no
provision In the constitution or laws of
the State for filling the vacancy. Ac
cordingly, the Governor has appointed
a man to the place under bla general
authority to fill vacancies, and this un
usual proceeding on hit part will prob
ably be allowed to stand because there
la no legal way to undo It
The story of European rule In Amer
ica baa been mainly one of oppression
and bloodshed. England treats Canada
with moderation baoaaas th United
States taught her a lesson. But Cuba
la still In the tolls, and the tyranny of
foreign government la working her
ruin. The Monroe doctrine means that
there baa already been too much of
thia curse laid upon the people of the
new world.
The bill Introduced l,n the Ohio Legis
lature by Senator Garfield to prevent
the corrupt use of money In election,
primary as well as regular, la now a
law. Candidates are limited to an
expenditure, for personal expenses
only, of not more than 9200', and of
100 If but 5.000 votes are concerned.
The law will at least enable candidate
to gracefully Ignore some of the de
mands made upon them.
It Is said that only three beids of
fur seals are left In the world, and
that these are threatened wltti early
extinction. One statement about our
Alaska seals Is that they consume
every day 50,000,000 pounds of fish,
mostly codfish. But there Is no scarc
ity of fish, and no good reason why
the seal should not be Intell'gently pro
tected. When the last of any tritc
of animals disappears Is the Inst
of It as far as this planet s concerned,
and mankind should not stride the final
blow without comprehending Its fuil
Mr. Andrew Carnegie has written a
letter to the Iudon limes In favor of
arbitration of the boundary dispute
with a fixed price upon such territory
as has been settled by the British
should their title be found defective.
This will not do. If the Eugllsb have
settled upon territory that does not
belong to their nation all tdiey have to
do la to get out of It or take out natu
ralisation papers and become Venexue
Ian dtlzemi. They have no right to a
mile of Venezuelan soil. It Is a ques
tion even whether under the Monro?
doctrine fairly interpreted Venezuela
has the right to sell her American ter
ritory to a foreign monarchical nation
under the prwwrure of briiiery or bull
dozing. It would tie a violation of
the spirit " not of the letter of that
doctrine at least that America was for
The Supreme Court of Illinois ha
affirmed the conviction of Frank It.
and Charles J. Meadowcroft, of Chi
cago, for Illegal banking and has do
dder In favor of the constitutionality
of the law under which they were
sentenced to one year's Imprisonment.
A different decision would have cre
ated surprise. The law was frame:!
to correct a recognized and a growing
evil. The Meadowcroft case was Its
first test. They had a fair trial, were
defended by the best lawyers money
could hire, and were found guilty.
They sought to escape the penalty for
their crime through legal technicali
ties. That they have not succeeded is
matter for congratulation to every mini
And woman who has a dollar on deposit
In a bank in this State. The crime
for which the Meadowcroft must suf
fer punishment was neither more nor
less than embezzlement. The funds
they squandered were trust funds.
Reckless of the consequences to them
selves or their clients, with the during
of confirmed gamblers, they plunged
deeper and deeper Into the vortex of
speculation until It overwhelmed them.
They knew the law, but If there hud
been no such law they knew It was
a crime, morally, to speculate with
the money of others which. If lost,
they could not repay. The case Is par
ticularly striking because of the char
acter of the men. Neither was un
adventurer nor a hardened criminal.
Both were young, the bearers of an
honored name, and favored by for
tune with good birth and breeding,
and high social connections. They ir
herlted ample means for the enjoyment
of life. With this they were not con
tent. One step In the wrong direction
led to another, ami at the end of the
path stands an open prison door. To
the lowest clusscs Imprisonment Is not
a great hardship. The ordinary thief
loses little else than his liberty when
he dons the stripes. He neither knows
nor cares for the respect of hk flliw
men. It Is different with those llkj
the Meudowcrofls, who have always
thought the penitentiaries as Mug In
tended for n Holder rai-e of Is-lngs than
themselves. The Hum He of disgrace
will be worn by them with Ween sut
fertng. It Is difficult to avoid sympa
thizing with these two young men,
and they are to tie pitied sincerely.
The woy of the transgressor Is hard,
but It Is the one they cIksw voluntarily,
nnd their punishment will lie a whole
some warning to others.
Ilyron's Pun.
Byron was as fond of puns as Macau
lay. In one of tiho poet'a letters sold In
London the other day occurs this pass
age: "I am living alone In the Fran
ciscan monastery with one friar (a
Capuchin, of course) and one frier (a
bandy-legged Turkish cook I." Tills let
ter sold for $00. It Is Interesting to
note that there ar,s many signs poinding
to a Byron revival In the near future.
Big Pane.
What la claimed to be the largest sin
gle pane of flaa In the country was
received at Hartford, Conn., from Bel
flutn recently. It la 12H feet hlffh, 15V.,
feat wide, H-tntft tWck aad wit)s l.suu
TfcrtfUaaT MarWa ( tba RsbaUJoa Ola
SoMlara aaa Mlon BUUte IsterMtlag
Vsmlalaaaacas of Ufs la Cam a aad a
taa noM-lactooau of to War.
A Thorn-Thicket Charge.
"Did you ever charge through i
thorn-apple thicket?" asked R. O.
Jeardeau, the St. Paul conductor with
a bitch in his step, for which he owes
a chuuk of Confederate lead.
"Our brigade had that experience,'
he continued. "Dec. 0, 18tM, when we
were about fifteen miles from Savan
nah, we reached one of those dismal
and seemingly endless swamps so
often found in that part of the country,
it nappened that there was a very
good pike through that particular
swamp. It was straight and narrow,
On the pike the going was flrst-class.
but step from It and down you went,
We swung along cheerily In the belief
that we would have comparatively
free sailing to Savannah. Suddenly
we ran upon trees that had been felled
across the pike. The pioneers and en
giueers, with their axes and pikes,
were called to the front and directed
to clear the way. They bad been at
work only a minute or two when
ahell came ten ring down the pike sing
ing the old familiar song and exploded,
killing several men and scattering the
fallen trees more quickly than a regi
ment could have done it with axes and
pikes. The enemy had perfect range
and made It, oh! so hot for us. We
got orders to stand aside and let
battery go through on the keen run.
e felt that It was certain ruin to
horses, men and battery. I remember
saying: 'It Is a shame to risk the lives
f such brave men and beautiful horses
where they will have little or no chance
for their lives.' The battery opened
fire and Bent In a few shells, but was
obliged to retreat. '
"Our colouel, the late General Fran
els H. West, who was commanding
the brigade, wal ordered to take three
regiments and make bla way through
the swamp, flank the enemy and charge
his works. It wal Impossible to rid.
horseg through that swamp, so the off
cers went on foot, brigade commander,
and all. Some of the time we were
in water and mud up to the knees, and
now and then a man would stumble
In up to the armpits, rendering It nec
essary for two or three of us to stop
and pull him out. We were literally
soaked and covered with mud when
we emerged from that swamp, but
quickly re-formed and started for the
Confederate fortification. After going
a few steps we came upon one of those
fhorn-apple fields that was a veritable
hedge, the bushes and trees being so
close together that It was next to Im
possible for even a rabbit to squeeze
through. An officer reported to the
brigade commander that they would
have to abandon the charge. Colouel
West, one of the kindest and mildest
mannered of men, was furious at the
suggestion, and ordered an Immediate
advance, taking the lead himself. The
thorns on those bushes were anywhere
from an Inch to two Inches long and
as sharp as needles. Volunteers were
called for to cut dowu the bushes as
tiest they could.
"When the brigade emerged from
that thorn-apple hedge, which was at
least a quarter of a mile wide, and I
don't kuow how loug, our clothes were
torn In scores of places, and the trou
sers of some of the men were actually
stripped off to aliove their knees and
tnelr legs were red with blood from
numerous scratches. Colonel Wit
wore a loug, flowing beard during the
war. In golug through the hedge
nearly all of that beautiful beard was
pulled out and left for the wind to
whistle through on many a thorn apple
branch. We still had about 3ii yards
to go before reaching the fort, ami most
of that distance was through a rice.
field, where the water was kuee-dcep.
The enemy did not discover our move
u i 1 1 1 we opened fire and were charg
ing. They were so dilinfomiiled thai
most of the force fled In dismay, 'leav
ing their battery, many muskets, knap
sacks anil other nrticles. We captured
quite a numlier of prisoners. Our tall,
handsome brigade commander, Colonel
West, wns about the rnggedest, mud
diest, bloodiest, most disheveled sol
dier I ever looked upon when that
eliarge was completed, but lie lmd led
In one of the most remarkable short
contests of the great struggle, lie
had accomplished what his division
commander scarcely hoied could be
accomplished. For it he nnd his troops
received the thanks of the division and
corps commanders, and a little Inter
the colonel was made a brigadier gen
eral. "I saw several striking evldeuees of
pride and bravery In that movement
through the swamp and thorn patch.
Charley Weed, our color-bearer, who
was by my side, fell while we were
going through the thickest of the thorn
hedge. It was no time to stop am'.
tKre for the wounded. I did not know
how badly Cliarley was wounded. I
only knew that the flag had fallen,
and at once seized It and plunged ahead
for the fort. A moment Inter some
thing struck ma and knocked me
down. At that Instant old Charley
Weed snatched the colors from my
band and resumed his place in the line.
Instead of being wounded he had
caught his foot on a root and fallen
so as to partially stun him. He was
furious to think that anyone else than
himself should think of planting our
flag on the fort. Hence the moment
he came to he sprang to his feet, charg
ed after me so vigorously that It knock
ed me down. He was 6 feet 2 Inches
tall aud weighed 2'J0 pounds. A man
might as well have been struck by a
ten-pound shot as to have Charley
Weed run against him. As we reach
ed the fort Weed jumped Into the ditch,
but could not climb the muddy para
pet. I stepped to his side, stooped
down and told him to stand on my
shoulders, which he did. I thought
that the two of us spliced might suc
ceed In planting the flag on the fort.
I raised up with Charley on my shoul
ders, but he could not yet reach high
enough, so he gave a spring, which
landed him on the fort, thus being first
to pluut old glory on the captured
works, but where was I? Struggling
to recover from what I thought must
be at least a broken neck, as a result
of Big Charley's spring on my shoul
ders. How rapidly I recovered as I
looked up and saw the flag of our regi
ment proudly waving over Fort Harri
son! The day was won. How proud
we were!"
"How many heart-breaking things
occurred In the war," said my frleu 1
Jeardeau. "Our regiment participated
In the capture of Mllledgevllle. We
had a right sharp skirmish, hurting
them and they hurting us, some. While
passing a church I noticed a woman
and several children kneeling by the
side of a man lying on the step In front
of the church door. Boy like, I was
curious and wanted to know all about
It, and ran out to ask. The man over
whom they were weeping wns dead.
He was clad in gray, and as fine a look
ing man as I ever saw tall, fair-faced,
dark-haired. A bullet had gone through
his breast, killing him Instantly. The
body was still warm. He lay like
one sleeping. The woman was his
wife and the little ones his children.
He had breakfasted with them only
half an hour before. I never witness
ed such hopeless despair as was ex
hibited on the face of that new-made
widow, the mother of those little chil
dren. I have often wondered what be
came of them. 1 hope God has al
ways smiled upon them." J. A. Wnf
rous, In Chicago Times-Herald.
Running the Ratteries.
Admiral Walke, who has Just died,
was in command of the gunboat Caron
delet, which, In the battle of Fort Hen
ry, held the position In the front Hue of
battle throughout the entire engage
ment, eventually winning a decisive
victory. Gen. Grant ordered Walke to
attack Fort Douelson with the Caronde-
let, and, although three gunltoats which
had been ordered to Join In the attack
failed to respond, the Carondelet went
to the front alone and bombarded the
fort all the day preceding the battle.
He kept the Carondelet at the front In
the two days' fight, his Iosm of officers
and men exceeding that of all the rest
Of the Union flotilla.
At Island No, 10 Walke's bravery aud
skill sent his name around the world.
The gunboat flotilla was operating with
Gen. Pope against the reliel batteries,
and Island No. 10 was finely fortified,
ml barred the passage or (,en. Popes
tronjis. Pope had cut a canal through
the swamp for his transports, but
dared not attempt to go through while
the gunboats were aliove the Island.
Commander Walke volunteered to take
the Carondelet through. Flag Officer
Foote twice refused to allow the trial,
saying It wns Impossible. (Jen. Pope
applied to Secretary Stanton for two
gunboats to make the passage. Before
the answer en me a council of war was
held and Walke offered to take all the
resiMinslliillty for tne trial. Foote con
sen led. At 10 o'clock on th
nlnlit of
April 4, ISlii the battle-scarred Caron-
di-let, with her lKiilers burled In cord
wood and her wheelhouse wound with
hawser, started on her perilous mission.
A barge loaded with bales of hay was
lashed to her port side. Her guns
were withdrawn and her ports closed.
A thunderstorm raged and the night
was unusually dark. Every light was
out Olid nil escape pipe hud been laid
from the smokestack to the pilot-house,
so no pulling should lie heard. Just as
the Island loomed up the soot in the
smokestack caught lire. It was qith klv
'doused" find the rebels did not see It.
Again It blazed up, nnd n picket gave
the alarm. Then for an hottr the Utile
Mint received ft storm of shot and shell
inch ns she never before had eucoiin
ercd. Walke and his men kept on
down the striiun, coolly taking their
soundings, nnd nt the end of nn hour
nnd n half the Carondelet wns safe nnd
Wnlke made his miort to Pojm. Not n
man wns killed, nnd the Ik wit was not
badly damaged. Admiral Walke wns
commended by Gen. Pope, the Secre
tary of the Navy and by Flag Ollleer
Foote, but not by Congress, vhlcli
thanked Finite nnd gave him $ii,000
and all the credit for the transaction.
Now York Tribune.
The mot expensive army of the
world Is that of Germany, which costs
from $S1,000,000 to $105,000,000 per
Intensive Farming In Practice Two
Uaea for Corncobs Our Barnyards
Too Large Gypsum Not Good on
Strawberries-The Dairy Cow.
Results from a Quarter Acre.
Two years ago I planted one-fourth
of an acre in early potatoes. As soon
as we were done working the potatoes
we planted tobacco between the rows
of the potatoes. When the potatoes
were dug for market the stalks were
carried off and the ground cultivated,
when the lot had the appearance of a
tobacco field, writ a correspondent to
the Orange County Farmer. It was
then sown to turulp seed, and after the
tobacco was taken off it was a com
plete turnip field. The result was fifty
bushels of potatoes, average price $1
per bushel, $."); 4H) pounds of tobacco
at 12 cents, $4S; forty bushels of tur
nips at 30 cents a bushel, $12; total,
$102, or about as much as would be
realized at present prices from five
acres of corn at eighty bushels per'
acre, or seven acres of wheat, or four
acres of hay. And yet th.i taxes wer.2
paid for only one-fourth of aa acre.
This, In my opinion, was intensive
The best crop of corn that I ever rais
ed was grown on a four-acre lot. on
which the second growth of the previ
ous year's clover crop was left standing
and then plowed down. The ground
was thoroughly prepared before plant
ing, for I held to the theory that ground
cannot be prepared after tne crop Is
planted. The field was check-rowed,
or marked two ways, and the corn
planted very thickly, and, after it was
cultivated eight or ten times with a
cultivator, we went over the field and
thinned down every hill to not more
than three stalks. I do not think there
was a vacant hill in the field. The re
sult wns (00 bushels of corn ears (150
bushels per acre), six large two-horse
loads of corn fodder and half a dozen
loads of pumpkins, equal to about as
much as is ordinarily raised on twice
the number of acres. The next year the
same field produced over 200 bushels
of oats. ,
Uses for Corncobs.
I utilize my corncobs in two ways
by grinding with the grain, and by kin
dling fires, says a writer In the Coun
try Gentleman. The experiment sta
tions have shown beyond discussion
iat cob meal, when fed to cattle, is
fully as valuable, measure for meas
ure, as clear meal, owing, it Is pre
sumed, to tne fact that the con so
separates the particles of grain that
the digestive s.Vrefclons of the animal
can more thoroughly act on them. I
also kindle my coal fires with them.
By dropping a few chip of paper, and
then filling up the stove with cobs, and
when these are well on fiie, adding a
few more, and on these Immediately
pouring the hod of coal, I have no
i trouble In klndllnor the hardest of cnul
i we more or ,(WB also mv fll.Dlju
where tlu.v mnL-o a liool rnntv l.itorwo
fi,an any harwood fire. I haveon hand
H,M, of colw, h'ft from the shell-
, ,r (f my seed sweet corn. Thee I nro-
,)0ew t0 nave eroun(i un wth the com-
m0I1 yellow corn of tflie market, and so
.practically change it Into meal value.
bulk for bulk. Corncobs are enormous
ly rlcfh in potash, their ashes contain
ing over twenty-three per cent., but
It takes a vast pile of colw to make a
very small pile of ashes.
The fUr.e of Barnyards.
As the farmer in the closing days of
winter Is busy scraping up the scat
tered manure in his barnyard to draw
away to the fields he will almost al
ways admit that his barnyard Is larger
than it should be. Our large barnyards
!arfi ft r,'"e of tn times when stock was
mainly fed out of doors, and the large
surface, wns Intended to make it con
venient for feeding so that stock would
not crowd each other. Nowadays stock
nrenll stabled at night, and nre always
fed under cover, wanting less than by
the -Id method of throwing the fodder
on tne ground or In the corner of a
crooked rail fence. Where stock Is
kept tip at night It needs a very small
yard for It to exercise In during the
day. The practice of dehorning is also
making It less niH'essnry to have large
barnyards, so as to prevent vicious
horned stock from killing or Injuring
those that are weaker than themselves.
The Dairy Cow.
The modern dairy cow l an extreme
ly artificial development, and aa suc'i
should be entrusted on-ly to the expert
breeder, feeder and handler, Just as a
complicated machine Is placed in the
hands of aone but wkllled mechanics.
The best dairy cow Is of an Intensely
nervous nature, and needs to be treat
ed with conalderatilon, says M.
U. P., in the Ohio Farmer. Kicking a
cow Is a wicked habit that results in
much loss. A cow kept in constant fear
of being punlahed cannot prove profit
able to her owner. Give the dairy
cow a quiet, senalble, Intelligent keep
er. Such a man'a services are worth
money. Do not withhold food. It
takes a good deal of food to produce
a liberal flow of milk. The more food
the greater the product up to a certain
Mailt. Feed not only a liberal ratloo,
but componnd the aame with rare,
taking pains to have It well balanced,
Of coume. It 1a always well to know
Just which grain and fodder are mot
easily and cheaply obtained, and aa
much of these should be used as po
slide without injuring the quality of
the ration. Gluten and linseed mean)
are now very cheap, and as they art
exceedingly rhih, they can be profit
ably mixed with bran and cornmeal
in compounding rations that are no4
only nutritious, but of a quality tq
produce excellent manure.
Gypsum on Strawberries.
It is not a good plan to sow gypsuta
on 8tnrw4erries. It will usually an
courage so large a growth of clorei
that it will !e nearly Impossible to keep
the rows clean en for the first year,
Tlie gypsum has besides no special
effect in making a large growth at
the strawberry vines. The mineral
fertilizer that strawberries most neeq
Is potash. If this were applied mors
frely the crop of berries will be large,
and they will be of better quality and
color. All the highly colored frulU
need large suinrlie of potash.
Apple Orchards aa Windbreaks.
Wherever forests are cleared on there
soon comes a demand for a windbreak
of some kind to shelter buildings and
stock from cold blasts, and to protect
the farm from the severest winter
winds. It Is a good practice to set
an on-hard either on the windward aide
of the farm or of the bouse and other
farm buildings. It Is true the trees are
bare In winter, and unless there Is a
close funce to obstruct the wind near
the surface it will blow under the trees
nearly as strong as if no orchard wera
In the way. This can be remedied by
planting a row of evergreens on the
windward side. This will also hold
the snow from being blown away from
the orchard. Most fruit trees suffer
from lack of water in the summer sea
son when they are perfecting their
fruit. It Is abundance of water that
enables their roots to take up the min
eral plant food which is essential to
seed production. It Is the lack of water
that causes so large a proportion of
fruit to fall soon after It Is formed.
The time comes for forming the seed,
and the mineral element needed la
either not In the soil or Is unavailable,
because there is not water In the soli
to dissolve it. ,0.--, ,.-in ; !
Oats and Peas.
One of the best early feeds for stock,
especially breeding animals, may bs;
secured by sowing oats and peas aon
what thickly, either to be pastured of
cut for soiling. For this purpose H la
best to sow fully three bushels of seed
per acre, while if the crop is to be
grown for Its grain two bushels of seed
Is a great plenty. The crop should be
sown at different times, so that It will
come 1n order for cutting in succes
sion. Thin soiling crop may be grown
on rich land where a later crop of cab
bage, celery or other vegetables Is to
be grown.
Odds and Ends.
One part acetic acid to seven parts
water rubbed well Into the scalp once
a day, will, It is said, induce a new
growth of hair.
To remove a grease spot from wall
paper, hold a piece of blotting paper
over the spot with a hot flatiron for a
few moments. I
Try tying a piece of stale bread In a
white muslin cloth and dropping It In
to your kettle with your boiling cab
bage. It will absorb all the offensive
According to a wholesale furniture
dealer, the best furniture polish Is made
of one-third alcohol and two-thirds
sweet oil. Apply It with a soft cloth
nnd rub with another cloth.
When your stove has burned red and
your blacking won't stick to it, put a
little fat fried from salt pork Into the
water in which you dissolve your black-'
ing and try again.
Try chopping your bread Instead of
kneading It so long. It Is a great help.;
Put plenty of flour on your bread board
and on your dough, when it has been
stirred very stiff, and turn your bread
often as you chop it. '
Try to avoid having the bread andj
cake crack open while baking. This
cracking on the top ts caused by hav-l
lng the oven too hot when the loaf Isj
put In, and the crust formed before the'
heat has caused the dOugh to expand. ;
You may remove the tightness caused1
by a cold almost Instantly by mixing!
ammonia and sweet oil, or fresh hen's)
oil will do, shaking it thoroughly and
rubbing it on the nose and forehead.
By adding laudanum you have a splen
did liniment. '
Fruit Is not a complete dietary In It
self, but It Is excellent to accompany a1
meat diet. The acid contained In the'
fruits assist digestion, and It la for this
reason that apple snuee should be
served with roast pork or goose, the fat
of which is rendered more assimilable
by It
It Is perhaps as cheap to buy cotton
seed meal, to be applied directly on
the soil, as to purchase some fertilis
ers that are mixed. Cottonseed meal
enters largely into the composition of
fertilisers Intended for tobacco, and
If the hulls are also used the land
will receive potaab, phosphoric add
and nitrogen In fair proportion, , )