thes:oi:xcointy vJOTJiT-A. L. J. hniiions Failtor utnl Prop. F. E.4 M.VK. II.Tiuu'ialil.'. Coins Went. (jiiInK t ut Mo S. n.lied. 10 40 N. C, iiitied T:("! ) . GRANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all leg; matter in Justice. County and District ; , , , , .. .... I Courts, and before the Lintrd atales. , lud Ollice. J Fire lusurance w ritten in reliuUe i-onipanieii. j'Leal papersVarefully drawn. HaRJUSO.V. - NiJIilAKKA. B. L. KMUCK, Fashionable Barber b. Hair Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. RAZORH AND I'L'T IN l)UIKI!. t.ivc I Ul J I (nil. J. H PIHNNKY, M. I. Physician and Surgeon. All rslln fiveu jinoiipt ut lention. (ittlee In tiruif stoi e. IIAMIIIWS. - - NKHHAVK A. -tih: j .V hfcWMliifol lioiisu is to lie limit RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE I landmarks of the intelligence of the na tion and the iducationul laws of our HAS JUSV KK ' A LARUE IN- j Mate should lie observed. VOICE OK WINTER ix.:;i.UMNt) Overcoats, Coats, Vests, and Pants and when yo'.l need anyihinu line you should surely go to in ! He alio has a (loo assortment of win ter timlerwear, glove, nutteii. hats, tups. hts, sh.ies, an tics, etc., etc. His stock of staple r.nil fancy groceries is roll and complete ami on all goods lie will make you bedrock DDfirc RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Dr. Phinny lias moved his family into the Hough residence property. Fine line of jewelry and clocks at Pioneer Plmrnrtcy. The man who brought thn rain on Monday bhould allow lumseii to oe known. Geo. II. Turner returned from a trip to Onmlia on Friday, having K' 1,,t'ra for metlical udvi.e. He has U-en in -nr health for (tome time hut it is hop-d that he will noon he all right. Hii oflU-e received u package of gar den neeiln Monday from the department of agriculture for which Secretary Mor ton has our thanks, The rait) came on the un day so that nature and the government have each done its part to enable ut to nUrt a garden. On last Monday the parties interest ed in the pretnuim won at the Mate fair laid full on native grasses got three dis- interwited parties to arbitrate the matter of the division of tho money: Hy their decision M. H. Oreen and Eli Smith each fot 7.50 and L. iVHm k and Jerry Will itch got $2.50. This matter him lxs;n litMCinK fl'rfufalongliiiie and as the writer wa drawn into i( without his . knowledge or con-wnt lie is glad that it h-i heeff pled, ' 0L0THIN6, GERLaOHS ,id V "-s. hi i 1 3 mm? Where arc ton buy in;; your goods: You probably cannot get what you want in to" o. tliunr thing ill vour own 1 you. send to the department store at ( hicagoir Why nut try the great department store at I hudroii': Our mail order department sends , , , , , t out CHiiers to Hjtidredi, of families in the : ... ' IK .ft !l West. inir prices are just as low a, o" tan get tiiein anyw litre. We can save you express. V.V save time in ordering ami we k""w U--,Ur tt ll:,t -vou Besides ail these reasons we have one other. Weken ltooor ina'l custo- rin.T. just the iuis stylish gooJ-. us we do for our home customers. J We are iii constant communication ! ! with the p-uters of t t-i il ist uud I as we ale a great ihstrihu'.iiif; i enu-r for j !rv (joils we lh refuie cl the advan-1 Ul of everything. Iliti h up our ti:iiii and coma and j ilo your Sjii iii trading. If you can't "ome sen I for s.imples. m. i:. SMITH & CO.. Chaukos, Nfk:i. 1 trect Agent.4 for Huttei it k's l'atterns and I'r. Warner's Corsets. And it rained. Vi". II. S.iiitli has moved into the Jameson pro rt v. Ilorchound coni)Oiind cough syrup the great r. inedy f'r coughs and colds ! at the Pioneer Pharmacy, j A girl is reported to have arrived jat th home of Shi t iir Ilat tlett on Toes- I - 1 :: Sai i: it P.ENT-HiO acres near Harrison, f ree fruii ini iiinlK-niuci: and i well improved. Inquire at this ollice. Beds were at a premium on .Muiiday niL'lit by reason of so 'many being de- laineil on irrnration matters. Must of j tiieui got reasonahly comfortable ipiar tcrs, as every one opened their houses. WaNTKIi-A reliable huly or genlle man to distribute samples and make a house to house canvass for our Vegetable Toilet Siapsauil Pure Flavoring extracts. $10 to $t5a inoutli easily made. Address ( Kiii rs iS. l:i;i'.n, l hicago. 111. - It is reported that the railroad com pany contemplates making earth fills where the track is now built oil wooden trussles. Earth lilU are the more dura ble. Some of our iienple hope to gel employment in making the improve ment. - Shortly after liO'-n on Monday it -gan to ruin and it kept it up until far into the iiibt. The result, is that people all over the county are r juicing for the ram was much needed. The ground is now m condition to keep things growing for some time and now that the rain has started more ii likely to follow. - Tin: Jo(:hnai for (ib n last week failed reach their destination. They were put into the mail sack and deliver ed to mad clerk. Some one either on the tr-in or at Ciiadro list le careless ;is the same thing occurred not long ago. The latest one on Bob Ingles, who has the reputation of Is-ing the cham pion trout catcher who viMts White river, is that on a recentjrip he was not Nili.Micd with angling for memliers of the finny tribe hut went to catching the settlers' chickens with hook and line. Andrew Christian came down from Douglass, Wyo., Friday evening, having attended a meeting of the lioard ol com missioners of Converse county, of which he is a tiiomlier. This is the nearest railroad xiint to his home, hui his mile age stops at the state lino and he lias to dig up" out of his own pocket the rest of the way. Sealed bids for building a school house in st honl district No. HO (at An drews), Sioux county, Nebr., will he re ceived by the school board until 12 o'clock, noon, Monday, May 25, If OH. Specillcat ions can be seen ut the house of F. Force, one mile east of Andrews. By order of the school board. F. FoncK, P. O. Harrison, Neb. Director. C. J. Orahle informed us that in the. case, of the Crawford Irrigation Com pany against the peoplu along While river aiin us triiiuuiries ii. is uui mo m,-, i-. ... tl.., ,.! ject to prevent the owners of small irri gation plants from using the water nut to have the amount of water to which they were entitled established by the courts, that the company may know the amount of water on which it may base its' operations. That being the case the defendants can go ahead just the name as before. The last of thn week some of the re maining iersonnl effects of E. 1. Hough were taken into Wyoming and the first of the week what was Ic-Tt of the family took the train east and it is supposed the destination of all h some point in Kan sas. A great deal might be said in this connection, but other than remarking that he, like nonio other goodl?) people who have left the county, leaven an un paid account on our hooks, we will sim ply express tho opinion that hud he de voted the name energy to his legitimate business that ho did to his elforts to rut) the politic- of tho county and "do up" TliK Jol'KNAL and it editor, he might nt)t h-i"P left thi pi-He a lie did. PI ItMlN W., f.eor' Firnest UIU lltl frf.fll t'lcidroll , . I I'1" WeCk. I Ar fi i i . -i i . l. v.!.irn moveu Ui iroui i. uaurou the last of im we k. I Mr. M. J. Blewett is visiting her par-1 KUiH in Warbonnet. ' L. Larson was tip from Running AVa-I ! ter the last of the week. 1 . i tt.. I.. .... t,,r.,.v anil I t i i . . .. ... " ,ad a pleasant call at this ollice. i Mesdarnes MootMiiery and JorJan : ere up from (jih hrist the lirst of the! week. j ! J. I Siiledos writes us that lie and I .. . ii . i . i ., ; I Mis. hiuedes will ivt'jrn here in toe near, future. ( ' I i IKov Hall nn from Crawford on! Monday looking water rights. . . in-T lint i .-.. t ! in Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Uvi were the I quests of Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Sutton i j over Sunday. H. I". Hrewster arrived from the east last s'lturday to look alter his interests in Sioux county. J Mrs. 1). 11. Uriswold and children : started last evening- lor a visit to reh- j " ( ! tives and friends in Iowa. Mr. (Iriswold .... , .... I aci oniiianieil them as far as Alliance. ' I C. J. (iralile, the 'rawford irrigation- j , ,. . r r I i-l Iiws lti:reiku lnu kt en. " r-i I ur .1 li. Hickox, engineer of the Crawford irri-i gation toiupany, tha lat ter ai'i'omiia-1 nied hy his wife, were up from CraAford the lirst of the week. Since the rain the first of the week the weather has licen rather cool for the time of the year. A few warm days would henelit vegetation. Chris Christonsen informed us the lirst of the week that the llsh ladder fori . . . . tii 1 the railroad dam at Andrews hail heen j re, eive,l and put in at once. Others j having dams should follow their ex- ample. F. B. Hamlin ha moved his family to his homestead ill Pleasant Bulge nud exieeis to move his sawmill near the same place in the near future. He ex- I" is to have a lietter location lor hisistinix county, Neimiskii, praying that the! mill and be nearer home. Tlie vrr.ler I, ul -i i.leTsmt ch it with 1 lie wr.tei nail a pleasant cnai w mi Judue F. (. llamer, while in 1 larrison .. ... the lirst of the Week. lie presuleil over this country as district judge when Sidney was the place of holding court. While in town the lirst of the week B. F. Moore called at this ollice and gave us an order for stationery. Such things cost hut little more than blank paper ami are much more convenient. Irrigation 51 alters. Pursuant to the notice given the hear ing of the irrigation claims liegan here on Monday. Secretary Aker and Sten ographer Harry Scolt, reperesent ing the state board of irrigation, arrived on the train and work began immediately after dinner. The matter brought more peo ple to the county sent than did the dis - trict court. Between seventy-live a hundred cases are docketed and the watering of thousands of acres was rep resented. The hearing was not complicated and consisted mainly of verlml testimony by the claimant along the line of the pa pers previously fi led. Sonle abandoned claims were dismissed and instructions iriven to correct or amend defective pro ceedings. All papers in cases now on record if filed within 20 days from the date of the hearing will be given the same priority as those now on Hie. The next step will be the measuring of the waters of tho streams by repre sentatives of tho board of irrigation, af ter which the apportionment will he made by the board, after which if any are not satisfied they may take their grievance to the district court. The work passed oir quietly and pleas antly as no contested cases were heard. Judge llamer. of Kearney, represented the Crawford Irrigation Company and Judge Crites. of Chadroti, reprexcnUd Iieltoy Hall and others whose interests were threatened, but both wanted per mission to keep ipiiet anil they got it as the case will be tried in the district court of Dawes county. Quarterly Meding Notice. Our third quarterly meeting will be held ut Pleasant Kidge May 2:id and 21th by Rev. R. J, levent.iort. On Sat urday, tho 23d at 8 o'clock p. m., Bro. Devenport will preach, after which the business session of tlie 3d quarterly con ference will he held. Sunday) the 24th, at 10:30 a. m. he will preach again, af ter which he will administer the sacra ments of the Lords supper. All cor dially invited. I). J. Cl.AHK, Pastor. KBtlumte uf Kxpi-nsfs. At thn rcR-ulur Juniiiiry, 1HWI, tiieclhiK of the laiiird of county comintiwloiicrs of Sioux county, Nebruaku, the fullowlnn ea tlinaleof expeiowij was uiuilo for the cm rent yean District court expenses, fJ,S"0 00 salaries I, ' htatloiiery - WO OH HoiiiIs uml lirhla-en 2,t"0 I'rlnthitt- and liubllshliiK 0" Instltiiln !'' jiiaiuie iiiul poor fund .MM 00 Inelilentiil.- I,0"l "0 soldier relief fund Ottlcers tees WW 00 Speelnl delit Innil Indicated by reKlatered warrant lor the yearn Ish7, IKK anil 1H1 3,000 M Total ia,aiw Dated Harrison, Ni-liniakn, May 13, IS'.1. M. J, III.I'.HMT, Hd; I County ( eik. Phial Proof Noliec. 411 ltef-aie.. hm inu Mim.I xr.w.f untie... In tin - u-r 10 r-. cue a mi ki'l ropy the ,. c....... L. ... u ...I .I...'. no! ice m, 1 ii any mttt cil report the MaiJ, tiu oibcc ml unuc. NkUic t,,r I'uliliralinu. Jaind Oltii Hi Alliance, Neb. Ajii li 7, is1. I Noti-e i hereby iciven naill - d t-cltlcr I1.1 fllt'd that the following t.on t li:ui pnaif m upiuri i,i in. rhOlll, Mlcl that hmI'I pi'.Mif will lie uiade be u i ii .. I...-C ... I. ....... court. Hi il.irnsou. Neb., on M av . 1HN,.. in : J'jsrph low. l ileUii?. h.. on l iialf i.f lien-K el liirhird I'm. um- asiii. li.i II. K. Sn. i'M fur the Hi-. M e 9. i(. r. .A . ill-iirtlnes I In-following itHi' to rox ' ht t-oiiiirtimj.. i (.-.iiifiu-4: umii mii! cuiIiva- tlmi ol al'l l.iiij, viz: jhl, v. Meer.ruk Meyer. I'ail s.-rre. ul Neli., Jl.-.oii krelnicr, oi Jloiiaiv, Ni-li. iil.i n 1 ietw. of Harrison. Xeli. f who ina'le H. K. No. AilSlor tlie w. -. ne. '4 sw in) w. '4 & nw. , rec. t. a., r. I lie nttin, the lol!iliii w ilni-n-' Ui nroe hicouluiiiMi rpnl-iiwi iijiou ami Nmlur Kii', 1. i.crlaeli. i.nmt dutti r:e, is. I.. siiiiit'H, nil oi iihi a n. .-ii. ,:ii .ij J. W . tll, Ji!., UllfistlT. Nat ire for I'lililiriitiim. l.uiii (Cliii at Alliance, Si ll., I Ajiril .'7, l'.i. ) Niltll'.- 1 llerelty (riven thill till lolloH'illi; n.lineil :ltler lias lile( i(itii-e lit tl ii. Ill U-n '' "'"r "'. l''-""f "Vl" ' ' elailii, Mini That stil'l proiif Will lie. nolile fine M. J. ISlewett. elerlt of liistriet iourt. ut Hal lison, Neli., on June li, Irt'rii, viz : , ,,.,,. . , t Jii iii I'. Met hsIiii. of Ihiri'l.oii, Nell., who eia-le H. K. So. itti for tuu .e. ' in. li. N. 1 1 I''. ., ami ne. !4 lie. i, see. 31, lp. :m a., r. . . . lie' name, the followla witnesses to prove linn oi , nii'i i;oi,. viz s I11I..I1I in, ii ill, li uiiiii i,i-n,-ii, . llll.llll II. Ilo'1-.'n, iili on (.i lijch, all of lbil rlsoii, Nell. M3lt J. W. WHX, JR., Kejjjlster. Tiuilur Culture Final I'ronf. N'olire for Ptllliinitlnll. t'liite.l States I nil. I Oilier, Alliance Neb. I April so, I . Notice is li-reliy Kiveii that Wiaiuin W Se iiinnr, ul New Voi k, hn" Itled notice, of In tentlilll to ll.aki; IIimI pl'imf lielore M. J. Illewett. ( lei k 1 li-t i nil it. at his ollice in Harrison, on the :mni May of Slav, Imib, mi Iiiiila-r ciilliire uppilcil.liiil .so. ,vit, nir me KW- ,f (lf (.,.tiuii s. l, in townnlup ,u. 31 n., V. A. IHxelnw, II K. .lolin-on, V. I,, lluvt, Henry Wiirncke, all , ol lliUTlsiili, . eh. .is-; J . . w i:us, Jk., liem-,1 er Not ice. Nutiee ii hwrctiy xive'' that on the Cth ilttv ol May, Is'ii, W. li. Kinwii, riled Ins pet! tion w ith tlie cntititv clerk of sidiix county Nebraska, M'licit hy a niajurlty ol tile resi taiaril ol county commissioners ut sum county irrant to iiiin a license to sell intilt, splrUunus ami vinous li. inula a u la-vcrmo- ( . H 1(.n,, ,,, ,, v, ,,., t, mere of, In VV hlte Kiver pn-cinet, uml nil protest uml rlnonstrioiee;. Ihi'lctii nulst Imi inaile In j i itni as provhle.l hy law or saiil petition will la1 Kniiilea wlthiiiit releience tiiereiu. w. II. IlKOW.N. HORSE BREEDERS. j The fine 4-year-old Shire Stallion will mue ti,e stand for the season of 1)0 at "lOO to insure a mare in foal. He is a bright bay, with good style and action, and weighs about 1,700 pounds. Young stock will be taken at market value in payment of service fees. The horse can be found at all times at the Sehaefer barn 1 mile south and 1 mile west of Boilaro postollice. Nicholas Schaefkk. LOOK HZEjKE! vl lb I -'." .,,,riv " I O YOU WANT TO RAISE WATER? I will put you is a machine which will elevate from 300 gallons to 22,000 gal loo per minute with the least possible power. It can be operated by windmill steam, water or horse power.- It ha been tried and its merits are known. It is just the thing to use in streams where a portion of the water 'can be used to elevate the other portion. They are cheap. They are durable They are simple. They are up-to-date, Prices on larger machines or on iron work alone, furnished on application. Write for further information to, U T. POOI.E, Agent, MalUlld, 'b. L Wsl -v, FOB YOTJI TMIww, Than Marsteller Bros. "The Old Reliable." Isador Richsfein, DEALER IT Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AC EXT Pabst's Celebrated BEER. HARRISON, THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL, ESTABLISHED 1888. Always carries in stock a good line of stationery consisting of Letter heads, Note heads, Statements, Legal blanks, Book stock, Cards, Etc, Etc, Etc. When in need of such things do not forget to call. FOR NEBRASKA. Envelopes, Bill heads, Poster stock, Invitations,