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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1896)
CHAPTER XVII. (Continued.) White and silent, nils returned his gaze a though spell-hound, a though uncer tain herself whether it bad tieeu so or not, and trying to read what was in hi faee. "Why did you ask me to coine here?' he inquired, at length. "Because I wanted to beg your silence. An incautious word from you might be tray nie; and I have an enemy here whu ik on the watch to make use of anything against me." "Not the Colonel?" A deep blush suffused her cheeks, and he shook her head, Blinded though he had always been by conceit and love of self, he could not fail to see tiie change in her expression. "Child, don't l'Kik o despairing! You are safe now; ami, if ever you are iu dan ger again, appeal to me. There is some thing I know about that fatal night something important which I bciicve would help you. perhaps clear you alto gether;" then, mei ting her eager, curious gaze, he added, impressively: "Kcmciu ber only you and I as yet know of ihe existence of that other, iiresumably a jealous lover." "It is time I went back," she said; "Mr. Bowyer always dines in the middle of the day, and will wonder if I am late." "Then we part again. This will be the last time, I think. 1 shall leave here at on-e by the afternoon train if lsssible and I don't imagine, Klaine, our liaths .will ever cross iu the future." "I hope not," was iu her heart, bul l nothing passed her lips. He stood for a mouicnt pushing back his dark mustache aud staring at her curiously; then, muttering a somewhat gruff farewell, he turned and walked away rapidly. Ellen sighed wearily, and went in the' .other direction. . I CHAPTER XVIII. ! When Colonel Severn returned from n walk which, without his knowledge, had extended for some miles, he found his guest had gone. He hail returned, the servants told him, packed up his things, and driven away to the station in gnat haste, leaving a note behind which would, they suggested, probably explain his sud den departure. Expressing no surprise at the nes. he did not even open the letter which was placed in his hands until he was alone. Then he read as follows: "My lcar Colonel Yon will think it of a piece with the rest of my strange con duct that, having come to stay a week with you. I should go at the expiration of a day. I believe you w ill do me the jus til's to believe that this is from necessity, not choice. If yon wish to know more, perhaps Miss Ellen Warde will tell you. It is on her account I have gone. My own inclination would have kept nie here. From the tirst I was attracted hy you strength of character and unseltishuess, perhaps because they were the attributes I lacked myself. I. who have ever been the i"irt. of the winds, the slave of every idle fancy, and who have never hesitated to sacrifice another for myself, can yet appreciate such virtues in another. "The horses are waiting, and the horses must not be kept waiting, however melo dramatic may be the situation. (iood bye! We may never meet again, but I hope you won't forget one who will often remember your goodness, w ho, erratic aud good for nothing as he may be, is still jour sincere well wisher, "(iERALD WEAUE." Mrs. I'riolo hurried back lifter her un expected interview with the Colonel, con gratulating herself upon her cschm? and the ingenuity with which she had con trived it. It was with some elatiou that she en tered the little room where Mr. Bowyer was seated. "What a long time you have been!" he began querulously, looking up from his paper. "Ellen is not down yet. Poor child, I am afraid she is in a weak state of health, or she would not have gone off into such a deep swoon!" "I don't fancy there is much the mat ter with her now, because I saw her, a -ouple of miles from here, talking to the gentleman who came last night," remark ed Mrs. Priolo. He was vexed that Ellen had not con fided to him her intention of going to meet (erald Weare. He changed the subject quickly to hide his annoyance. At that moment the dour opened and Ellen entered in her ordinary morning gown, presenting no sign, save the faint fresh color in her cheeks, that she had left the house. Mr, Bowyer returned her greeting rath er gruffly, and asked her if she was feeling better in a tone so palpably Indifferent that her anxiety was aroused. Was he angry with her? Mrs. Priolo had left the room on the lrl" Brst entrance, and now was heard calling her from down stairs. A little surprised, Ellen obeyed the summons. The housekeeper was in the kitchen, and had packet in her hand. Tire housemsid was also standing there. , "I bf yoor pardon for troubling yott Mis Kites; bunt's this arsenic. 1 don't know bow to use It." "I ana rare I don't," returned Ellen. "Khali I pot it down plain like this?" "Yon ran If yon like; but I should pot think say rat wtwM se to idiotic as to t it n." 1 1 "See I'll put it on the top shelf out of reach for the present. Mary, mind you lell the cook what it is. Just look. Miss Ellen, in case Mr. Bowyer asks you to get him anything this afternoon. That's the sugar, and that the salt; the arsenic is right out of the way af'the back there. 1 declare it makes me quite nervous bav ing such stuff in the house." Ellen, who could not help susiwctiug that the housekeeiKr was sjteaking with an object, remained silent, aud preseutly went upstairs. In the afternoon she aud Mr. Bowyer nere left alone again. He slept for some uours, and Woke uu in a better temper. She went across the room, aud stood behind his chair, talking to him gently about general matters. Presently he ask- eu lor some tea, aud she went to get it ready. Coming back in a few minutes with a cup of tea sweetened aud with cream as he liked it, and, putting it down on a small table beside him, was going io oraw a cnair closer to the fire, when she remembered something that she had forgotten to tell the servants, aud rau downstairs again. As she returned, she luougnt she heard a stifled cry and rushed ou into the room. Mr. Bowyer was writhing iu terrible agony iu his chair, his face livid and drawn out of all resemblance to itself with pain. Horrified and bewildered, feel ing she was utterly useless in such a fearful emergency, Ellen rau back, screaming for help. The servants Hew upstairs, but Mrs. Priolo, prompt and alert as usual, was on the H)t. "What is it?" she called out sharply. "Mr. Bowyer is dying!" cried Ellen, wildly. The housekeeper fell back against the wall as though shot rihe had looked pale aud frightened before, but now she mm eil almost Ifrav. mill irHMfw-,1 f..r Ellen ami the cook w ere trying to admin ister brandy. They managed to get a few drops between Mr. Kowyer's clinched teeth !and then Ellen, recovering her presence of iniud, sent the housemaid for the doctor. It was heart-rending to we how utter ly overcome and prostrated he was by pain, how his strength seemed to lie slow ly leaving him with each paroxysm. Mrs. Priolo disappeared, but iu about ten minutes came back with a glass of what looked like steaming punch. With something of her old coiniosure and promptitude, though her face still main tained its ghastly pallor, she raised Mr. Bowytr's head on her arm and ordered him to drink what she had brought. When the doctor arrived, they had managed to get him into bed, ami he had sunk into a sleep from exhaustion. CHAPTER XIX. It was Mrs. I'riolo who explained ex actly what had occurred, what the symp toms had been. "What caused the sickness? I)id you give him anything?" asked the doctor looking keenly from one to another of the women w ho were in the room. "Nothing but some hot brandy and water, answered the housekeeper iiuick ly. "I thought it might be cramp, or some thing of that sort. "Mr. Bowyer has taken poison!" said the doctor, severely. "Through some cul pable carelessness, arsenic must have been mixed in the tea he drank this af ternoon. From Ellen Warde's lips burst forth a faint exclamation. It was she who bad given that tea and made it; it had passed through no otuer hands. What did it all mean? Was she going mad, or was this a repetition of the for mer terrible episode iu her life? It was unnatural appalling! She looked up. Both the servants, with evident distrust were gazing in her direction. Mrs. Priolo kept her eyes fixed ou the doctor's face. "It is a most unfortunate accident," said the housekeeper. "Now that Mr. Bow yer is safe, we can afford to forgive the carelessness which caused it; but I am sure it will be a long time before Miss Ellen will forgive herself. I bought the arsenic, myself to-day, and placed it in the same cupboard where the sugar, salt and such things are all kept. I feel I am much to blame, too, for when you are in a hurry it is so easy to make mistakes." When all that she could do was done, and Mr.( Bowyer bad sunk into a quiet refreshing sleep, Mrs. Priolo left the sick room and went In search of Ellen Warde. The girl was at her mercy now, and dared not refuse any terms she chose to dictate. Entering the sitting room, she found It In darkness, the servants having been too busy to light the lamps; but the win dow curtains were still undrawn, and a flood of brilliant moonlight streamed across the floor. By its light she fonnil the girl she sought. She was crouched upon the sofa In an attitude of titter hopelessness. Mrs. I'riolo roughed to at tract her attention, and she sprung up Instantly and faced her defiantly. "What is it?" she aaked, haughtily. "That la what I came to ask you. 1 most beg to remind yon of a fact von have hitherto forgotten. I am Mr. law yer's sister-in-law aa well aa his house keeper; and it is aa the former that I hall question yon now." 'What do yon want to know?" 'J want to know how it happened that arsenic was given to Mr. Bowyer in his tea to-day V . "I know as little sbwut It as tou. I rsruiuly uiaje the tea this sfternwoa, but I took the tea aud sugsr sud iui.k from their usual places. If arsenic was mixed with una of them I had, uf course, ou knowledge uf it." "That has to be pruved. Eveiytblnc is against you; it was yuu who suggested bringing the poison into the bouse; it wss you who gave Mr. Bowyer L drink iu which ths poison was mixed; it was you who had ths strongest rrasuo to wisli for his death. I know that be told you ns would leave you twenty thuusaud pounds. Tl I -, .......... iu pain silvery ugat mat fall utxin Ellen's fac showed pialnly Its perplex ity ami pain, it seemed as though a net k-.i i.... . . . uu m-u uurown over tier ana she was inextricably entangled in its inches. "What is it you wish me to do?" she exclaimed, helplessly. I ,:.. i a -i.u iuu iu leave me no me at om-e never to return, never to crow i paths here or anywhere again." iou cannot mean that Don't you see it wouiu ne a confession of guilt were I to go away so 7" Aud was it not a confession of guift ..ran ago you neu raiuer than stand your trial for the murder of your owu sister.' The girl fell upon her knees, her hanJs clasped above her head, utterly broken una conquered. "0, spare me. snare me-" si. ino.l..rt v u) no yog crecute me? Why do jou hate me so .'" Not a gleam of pity was in the womau's cold metallic eyes as she looked down ou me bent hgure before her. There was only the triumph of gratified aialice iu manner and expression as she reolied- "It is late too late for you to go now; out early to-morrow morning you must leave; the house has been contaminated too long already by your presence. I have promised not to say what I know if you keep away; that was pure charitv.' "Charity from you!"' Trembling all over with suppressed ex citeinent and anger, Mrs. I'riolo heaped one invective on another, but without pro- losing a reply, Scarcely deigning a glann in uer directum, r.lame turned and left the room. The housekeeper could not help feeling uncomfortably aware that, though the victory was hers, all the dignities and honors of war which should have accom panied it were on the other side. CHAPTER XX. A dull, foggy morning. Though there had been no rain the ground was quite wet, aud showers of drops fell from the overhanging trees at every gust of wind. Colonel Severn shivered as he rode ou quickly toward Creatbaven. It was busi ness, not pleasure, that took him out that morning; afterward he was half inclined to call it fate. Presently, a few paces before blin-foi1 the fog prevented his seeing further than that ahead-he saw a girl struggling on under the weight of a heavy bag, her sat urated skirts clinging round her feet and impeding her progress. A gleam of light golden hair assured him of her identity. "Miss Warde, is it you?" A momentary impulse prompted her to affect not to know him, aud to pass on unquestioned; but she was weak and weary', and could not resist the temptation of shaking to him, though it were only to say good bye. She threw back her veil ami disclosed a face pale and sad, but infinitely lovely. Her deep gray eyes shone through the fog like two stars, while her red lips quiv ered pjteounly, like those of a frightened child. "Yes, it is I." she said. "But what are yon doing here at this time? Where are you going ?" "Where?" she repeated vaguely; then. nun a suocien souse ol tin- tlcsperatetn-ss of her position, she added passionately: Ah, if i only knew; Severn had got down from his horse; tiie bridle was over his arm. and the bug 1 hat she held he had taken from )i,.r; with his oilier hand he touched her lightly ou tile sleeve. "i,et me tell loll. Trust yourself to my guidance." he enireate,!. "Believe nie, it is very hard for a woimtii to fine the world alone. Ilon't try it don't." "First listen to my story." When their (sees wi-re turned toward l.iitleliuven, and while they were walking along briskly side by side, Ellen blurted out her story-the events of the dav be fore. Put into plain words, and told in the light of day. the consciousness of inno cence pervading the recital, the whole thing sounded ridiculous and far fetched. 8he was uot surprised when the Colonel laughed aloud as she finished. "Why, the woman must be mad as well as wicked, to imagine you capable of such a crime! Pshaw it is too absurd!" "But theu you don't know all. There is a secret something that happened )ong ago which she has discovered some thing which it would ruin nie were she to tell. It was that with which she threat ened me." "My poor little girl!" Hhe looked up grstefully Into his face. She saw that no doubt existed in his mind as to her innocence, and felt it very sweet to meet with such sympathy. "Has Mr. Bowyer any idea of of this secret?" he asked. "Oh, yes; he knows it very well!" "Then, surely he has some influence with bis housekeeper to prevent her speaking against his wish?" "But would he use that influence now? Last night he looked at me as though as though he really believed me capable of trying to harm him." Colonel Severn looked grave. A doubt assailed him whether he had done well in inducing her to return. His only course would be to leave her at the Abbey while he went and saw bow the land lay. A few minutes more brought them to the Abbey. A pleasant looking elderly woman opened the door to them, and at Colonel Severn's eommand led the way to a room where a bright fire was burning. "Now I will go and interview Mr. Bow yer," said Colonel Severn. "Here is an easy chair, and here are some new maga zine. Mind the servants keep up a good fire, and ask for anything you want." She was all alone In the house that was her lover's. Thoughts sweet and tender made the blood mantle her pale cheeks aud set her eyes a-glowing. She forgot the troubles of the present in day dreams of a possible future, till presently she fell asleep. There was no surprise In ber expres sion, only unalloyed pleasure, when she awoke and found Severn at her aide. He had come back and found her sleeping, aud Involuntarily the name by which he thought of her escaped his Hps, and the sound rouaed her. Elaine!" he hat whispered, not mean- Inc her to hear) but. when bar eye open ed, he felt constrained te say swtuethmg to break tbe spell hick he saw held bar aa well as him. "1 have rum from Mr. Bowyer. lis Is ready to receive you back. Will yuu come with me uow, or will you rest liltle longer?" "What did he say?" she asked, eagerly. "He is ill aud fanciful, and that horrid woman bad evidently poisoned his iniu.l against you. But that lis leves you still I im certain: and when he hvi you the absurd suspicion will soon d. a natural death." When Ellen bad resumed her outdoor clothing, they started for the Dower House. The walk was over sootier than either wished. Severn sighed for a pleasure ended, and Ellen shrank back as she reinemlwred the ordeal to come. "You are not frightened? Bhall I go iu with your be asked, bis hand upon the gate. "I think it would be tetter to go alone. i o-uay nr. ivowyer Nke of you a 'Elaine' by mistake, and the other day I heard you called so too. is it your rea name .' She bowed her head in assent. "Thank you for trusting me so far. I am glad to know how to call you in my tuoughts. J hat other nam.' never fitted never sce-med appropriate at ail: but Elaine Elaine, the lily -maid it is th sweetest name that woman ever bore!" CHAPTER XXI. hen Elaine crept in, Mr. Bowyer had mustered up sufficient courage to Hire I her with at least outward calm. He saw the pride beneath the quietude and hu utility of her demeanor, and he knot that such was her gratitude for what In bad done before, that, however unjust i might be now, she would never rebel, bu suffer mutely at his pleasure. "You are tired, child, and cold." hi said. iou would like to go to youi room. J here is a fire there, aud Jane will get you a cup of lea. Tears sprung to her eyes at the unex H'ted tone of kindness. She came for ward and knelt braids his chair, looking yearningly into Ins eyes, as though grate ful for so much, et vsnting more-fai more still. Somewhat nervously he avoided meet ing her gaze. 'Jo and rest. Klnine. You are over tired. After dinnr you shall read to tin if you are able." IisapHiiuted, dispirited, the girl rose understanding now what the terms wen on which they met. He believed hei guilty, yet, for his word's sake, as he ha.! adopted her cause at first, and promisee. Colonel Severn now to take ber back, hf would treat her well and kindlv. Could she ever ticar it, enduring with pntienct aud good temper to the end? The next morning she was too III !i leave her bed; a low fever had seized her ue to the excitement of the past two dav and a chill taken on the previous morn ing. For nearly a week she lay prostrate happily too weak even in think, whih j exhausted nature gradually recoverei itself. After a little while Ellen was dowr stairs again, but Mrs. Priolo was deter mined on one thing the nunc roof slioulc not shelter both. Mr. Bowyer bin) dis laved more resistance than she had ex ected. but she would wear him out ii time, She had come into the sitting room on day anil found him with his bodv bent .ward the tire and his head buried in hit lauds. 1 wish you would let me speak, sir,' she said, gravely. "You will never b happy and contented so long as that gir remains in the house. It is killing you bj lies. If 1 am in danger, the doctor will prob ably warn me of it. You are mv house keeper, not my medical adviser." "I am your brother's widow, the inist ed com;. anion of the last ten years. Til Ellen Warde came we never had a dis agreement. It is my loyalty to you tha' makes me brave your displeasure by say ing what I think." (To 1k continued.) A MOOSE STORY. The Relutor Had a Hard Time and Will Not Hepeat It. Telling stories Is n fad now. A Star writer heard one kikiIIciI by un in(ulsi tive listener at WHlnnl's. "I nun up in Maine last summer," suld one of the loungers, "where I bad a umat exciting Hume After a iiksshc." "What part of Maine?" asked the listener. "Old Orchard," was the prompt reply. "Tbe nearest moose Is It si t miles uu an air line from Old Orchard." "I aald uu old orchard," (uld the story-teller. "It was north of Water rilh. I went hunting, not expecting to find anything larger tliau a Jack rabbit. "Hold on," Bald the listener, "there are no Jack rabbits In Maine." "Well, by Jack I mean a male. Just as we speak of male niulea. Well, as I said, I did not expect to see anything bigger than a be rabbit, and bad gone down Into a stubble when I beard something squeal, and, looking tip In au old apple tree, I saw a big moone sit ting Iu tbe fork, of a limb, ready to spring." "See here; do you mean to say tbut a moose was In a tree? Iion't you know that a mwwe Is bigger than a bull and wears hortia?" "Certainly. As I aald, I saw Iu what I took to be an apple tree a moose, and as I approached It, I saw that what looked to be the trunk of the tree was the animal's body, he sitting on his haunches, and the limbs of the tree were the moose's horns, while In the crotch of the horns was his mouth, which was open, showing his teeth, and he was squealing." But the man's audience was gone, and the story trdler went away, muttering. "I wem to be kind of off on mooto-s. I've got to try some other animal." An Importation of Humble Bees. The New Houth Wales department of agriculture recently received a consign ment of bumble bees by steamer from New Zealand. They were liberated In the Botanic gardens and In the Llnnean society's grounds at Elisabeth. "Now, 1 play the piano. Would ymi ay I 'play It beautiful' or play it beau tifullyr" "Neither." "How would yt fU1t,UMn?" "I'd say you 'play at mu tlftil piano.' " ChkaTo Racerd. AGRICULTURAL NEWS THINGS PERTAINING TO FARM AND HOME. THE Sixty Acres Carefully Managed Will Produce Knouah for tins Family How to rlake Straight furrows Our Climate Not Good for Oats, Living on a t-mall Farm. The raising of choice fruit aud vege tables and the producing of first qual ity milk and cream to ! sold at retail, is a grow ing business, aud can be made a uiost profitable one. A farm of forty to sixty acre can be worked to advan tage by tbe farmer aud oue uiau, with occasional help la the summer siusou. Cln such a place, ten cows can lie. kept, two or three female calves rais ed every season, two brood sows with tbdr pigs, a pair of heavy boran and a large flock of chickens. The monthly sales would run from $75 to fits), with g.ssl management, yielding, a profit of (2Ti jer month at tbe lowest. The farm should lie located within five miles of a giMxl market, aud If possible upon h stone road. The farm should be so manager as to grow first the family and stock crops. Amateurs innke the mistake of trying to funn too much laud aud to raise large market crops, thinking they cnu buy liny ami corn cheaper than they cnu raise. It this Is not the case and the man that follows it will mine to grief. The editor bus Tanned and Is farming now, and would tinwt earnestly advise farmers to raise all their home supplies. The strongest and ImiU marked female calves should annually be raised, and a litter of plg-t. Let the raising of colts Ik- given ov to those that have inanv acres and cbiiip bind. Commence In a small way and feel your way. Iloniomber you can spend your money quicker than you can make It. EsK'dall.r la this so. if you do not understand the ImslnitM. It Is inuWi the w iser plan for one that is uu skilled in the business to hire out fur a season or two to a lirst-cliiss truck fanner, fruit grower, dairyman or gen eral farmer, and learn the business In a practical maimer. A year or two so spent would be of very great value to him. Our agricultural college Is now controlled by practical experts In their various departments, and under their guidance an active young man would sisiu be well grounded lu the rudiments of agriculture. A sixty-acre farm should be laid out as follows: Fifteen acres In timothy and clover, fifteen acres In corn, ten acres pasture for stock, two acres outs and pi-ns. to be followed with corn fisl- dcrforliite fall feeding; three ncrcw corn fodder for summer feeding, to be fol lowed by rye for next spring's feeding; ten acres garden and fruit crops; five acres, dwelling, roads, lawn, etc. The pasture should lie lined with forty bushels of limn to the acre, and dividii into two field. If the s.i Is a (day Iou m. the lime will bring iu nil and white clover and the natural grass es. The corn land, If soil, should like wise be limed, using IS n pounds of bone-phosphate In tin- bill lo the ncre to start the crop. Tbe manure from lin stock should lie spread over the grass and used uikhi the garden. Baltimore American. Makinu Ktmluht Furrows and Hows. It requires not only a good eye in the teamster, but a strong, active team to do good work In marking out furrows and making straight rows across a Held. If the team Is not strong enough for the work, It will dodge from one side to another In order to relieve the excessive strain on Its shoulders. This will make absolutely straight rows Im possible, no matter bow correct the eye of the plowman may be. Tbe flint furrow across the field Is harder on the team than any later one, especially If the field be 111 the sod. After It Is cut cadi after furrow requires loss lifting to turn it oer. as on the plow side there is an open furrow Instead of an unbrok en soil, so thnt only one slice of tbe soil has to lie cut. But the first furrow for this reason should be shallower than those that follow It. This will make less of a ridge where It lies. The Feet of Western Horses. In tbe prairie States, where horses are driven mainly ou soft dirt rouds, their feet are not so tough and able to resist hard sh.x ks on city roads as are those of horsi-a grow n w here uniformly good roads prevail. The main roads of Kentucky nre generally good. They were made solid originally, and, the soil lsdiig naturally dry, the road does uot become, miry even in spring time. It Is quite possible also that the lime stone which underlies the whole Blue Crass region has something to do w ith making sound htsifs and sound limbs as well. There Is great difference In In dividual horses In this respect, but there Is enough likeness In all tbe horses from a district to make It certain that feed ing and locality have something to do In producing this result. Oats Knnninn Out. Tbe climate of this country m not fa vorable to growing oats. Oij North ern summers are too hot nw, Jry. If such weather occurs as the ts are filling the gr;iln will lie llgc The same result Kill Is- found If 0;e sea son Is wet and warm. Then tne oat straw will rust, ami not bel,ig able to nourish the grain that will btf defec tive. Between these two danger, there Is rarely a year when ordlnaiy oats will hold out standard weight. jt (he cool, moist climate of northern Eufope snd the British Isles, oats grow u,ueh heavier than here. It Is a good plan every few years to buy Imported ts for seed. The heavy grain will lnjre a stronger early growth and this ll for a year or two hasten the ripening o that It will occur before the hottest weather Is fully developed. Early owing and the use of phosphate fertil Uera will also grently help In making tha gats ripen wrller and fill bettor. We have found In years dressing of I.VI s.llllds of phosphate paid luster n the t crop than op wheat, provldi-d tbe oats were sown early. It is no use to put phosphate on late-sown spring grain of any kind. It requires a good deal of moisture to dissolve it, and If sown after spring rains have passed It may uot do any good. Baldwin vs. tireenlna. The red color and the admirable ship ping qualities enable tbe Baldwin ap ple to sell for ".." to 50 cents per liarrel more than Creeulugs lu most markets, says the Agriculturist. Tbe Baldwin does not show bruises as readily as tbe other apple, and is less afTi-cted by scab or blotches. As an eating apple, It Is greatly preferred; but for cooking, the ( Jreeiiing has points of superiority. The latter may yield more fruit than the Baldwin, taking one year with an other, and Is more likely to yield annu ally. The Baldwin has an upright growth that makes It easy to cultivate, whereas the Cn-enlng has a low, spread ing habit that does uot facilitate the cultivation which is now advised in the commercial apple Industry. Each variety has Its advautuges; Iwvth are, therefore, worthy of being raised oil any farm where they thrive, but the Baldwin Is, nlsive all, the commercial apple. Its proper culture lu New' York w ill pay lietter than oranges in Florida or California. Grass Around Tree Trunks. Nothing Is more unsightly than to see a plowed orchard w ith a clump of grass growing up around the liodles of the trees, it is worxe than unsightly, for It Is a serious detriment It Is true that few or none of the feeding tree nsts may be under the grass around the tree, but Its growing tiiakis a har- Imr for mice In winter and for tbe borer In early summer. It takes but a few minutes' work early In spring to spade the soil for two feet or more on each side of the tree, turning the grass under so that It will rot. When this Is done examine, the tree trunk closely where the glass has shaded It, and ten chances to one you will find n Isirer at work in it. He should !e killed at once, anil the trunk be washed with a dilution of carlxdlc acid with soap suds, which will prevent futber trouble from the same enemv. Hlver Bottom I.nn.1. There are some disadvantages In fanning on land annually overflowed, tine is that the sediment brought down Is sometimes too di-cp, and completely destroys the grass In the hollows where; most of it Is deposited. A worse trou ble occurs when the grasses run out on such bind, and It has to Ik- reseeded. It is very unsafe to plow it. as before the sud can Is' renewed the bind may tw flooded ami gulliiil so that much of the most valuable soil will !c lost. For this reason river lsittoin land is kept hi grass as much as possible. It will produce a crop for years without loss of fertility, as the soli each year grows richer by the sediment deposited up on it. Manuring for Hoots, Boots require a huge amount of available nitrogen, but It Is never advis able to plow under large quantities of stable manure wiore they are to In grown. I his makes the soil Phi dry for the best grow th, and It also furnish es nmsl of the nitrogen ill the hottest weather when the roots need ( least. Turnips grow hollow and pithy when immured with stable manure. It Is also likely to breed worms, which will at tack the roots and make them worth less for marketing. Soluble commercial manures that will stimulate euilv growth wlli pay. Later In the season the soil, if fairly rich, will develop enough fertility without manure. Hens ond Their Value. A great many fanners make a snd mistake In their "stimuli- of the value of the bens on the place by not keeping an accurate account of expenses mid recclpta-Aiid In ihe receipts you must not forget to count the gisnl fried eggs that go down so nicely these cold mornings with tbe slices of bam for breakfast, says Farm News. If the ben got half the credit she deserves, v, would not hear so much talk alsnit her unprofitableness, "fry it once and see. t-iinllowcr Heed for Fowls. There Is not much of a boom nt pres ent for growing sunflowers, but the time will come when they will be large ly grown here, as they are In Hussla, to press -Into oil. Even now a few should Is- planted every year to grow for jioultry during winter. They are excellent for moulting fowls, because of tbe oil they contain, but w ben fowls are not moulting the sunflower seed should be fed sparingly, ho us not to fatten them. They are better feed for laying fowls than is corn. Mating Mrawherry Plants. When planting strawberries u the spring Jt Is important, If Ihe pestllate varieties are used, that the stamlnate varieties, which will Ik- m-eded to fer tilize them, should blossom at the same time. T.rre Is a difference of two or three weeks lu the time wjjsn strnw-ls-rry pi vt8, blossom, and if an early pcstlliite nd late hermaphvdite Ta. rlely are lanted side by siijo It may result In ji great many of Hit stnuiens aborting producing no frujt. Keep tbe Block ComforUhle. Aside fttiui any pecuniary gain or loss. It la a great comfort of a Vinter'a night n I lie between the warm blan kets and liNteu to the storm without, to know that the horses, my compan ions in lalior, are as comfortable as n clean, warm stable, good food and plen ty of bedding oan make them.-Ueorce T. Petit. Cat titled Milk. Certified milk from certified cwa will soon bo demanded by all consum ers. The who place themselves fa a position to furnish such an article ran choose their customers and secure tbe top price lor their milk.