The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 07, 1896, Image 5

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J" OTT 33, 1ST A. 1
L. J. Jimmotia, E'lltur anl Prop.
F. C 4 M. V U. II. Tim tal.l.
(iotn- Wnl. oinK Kt
Ho. . 18 0 1 50. . mUe-i 7 )
Prompt attention given to all legal
matter id Justice, County and J Jixlrn t
Court, and Wure tli United Slate
Land OfTu.
Fire Insurance urilUu in reliable
2TkK"l paprs carafully drawn.
Fashionable Barber &. Hair Dresser.
(,1ve X ine
J t all.
J. E. I'HINNEY.M. 1).
PbysicUu ind Surgeon.
All rail given prompt atteuiluu.
Oftli e In Krui; Store.
has just ue;i:ive;j
voice of winter
Vests, and
and alien you need ntu iLing in tl
line vou should surily o lo
IU also has a line -.isirtment of win
ter underwear, cloves, miMens. h.ils,
-jips. iHiots, hhoes, art tio. eti. ele.
Hts Htoek of staph" f.nd fain-v unx-eriei.
i full and complete, and on all goods
b will m ike yon liedroclt
Fine line of jewelry and dock at
Pioneer Flmrnwy.
-Tlie man TeRer. who with hiit family
drifted in lie re last fall, started out on
Tueatlay inornini;. Hm roving disjKisi
tion will not allow him to ty uny
whera for a great length of tune.
A number of the friends of County
TrwiMirer Biehle jfiitliered at diia liorn"
hut Sunday and sent the day very
leitMiDlly with liim and his family lie
for their removal to their new home on
HarniKin in now without eitlier n
tmrnM maker or fdioe maker for the
ltrt lim in iu history. There in not a
fortune in the "smess here but the
rtjriit kind of a man could make a livinjf
Ml Umi business.
Loat week Joliil iMut made ft dwil
iliaiioain-- of his atock of (food at Craw-
ford, and tin liiat of the week rtie
weralier lookinir after some claims.
00AM good were ah ipped here an I At
WMy Outline altached them in the In
leraat of a client. It i to be regretted
John met with miafortune, but the man
who embark in ft hilsiness enterprise in
auch times us tliese Ima t?"1' lo lmve
iWnty of iuhhim and ft thorouith knowl-
) Ma bum if t'."" thn lb H.uiives Hrp larly
H.'iUi'.t hiti,
Where are ou buying your goods?
You probably cannot get what ou
want in many things ia your own
Do you send to the department tore
at C'hii Hfo?
Why not try the jrreat department
store at Clmdron?
Our mail order department fiends
out orders to Huodred of families in tle
uort h west.
Our prices are just as low a you
can get llm any here.
We can wive you express.
We save time in ordering and we
know better you want.
Besides all tliese reasons we have
one other. WesenJtoour mad custo
mers just the sama stylish goods us we
do for our home customers.
We are in conidaut communication
with the great cr-iiters of tlie East and
as we are a great distributing center for
Iry ;Kd- we therefore get the advan
tage of everything.
Hitch up jour team an I come and
do your Spring trading.
if you ran t come send fur samples.
ClIAliUuN, Nt-Wl.
I irect Airent (or Bulterick's Patterns
land l'r. V:iniiT' Corset.
I-J. W. Kicedorir expects to ratine his
entile in Iawes cnuntv this summer,
j A handsome bicycle arrived a few
j days up) fur Mrs. C, F. Collee.
A horse fell with (ii'orce (ierlach nn
j Sundiiy and u spniinrd ankle was the
i lesillt.
J Horeliound compound couli syrup
j Ihe trreat r. inedy for coughs and colds
i at the pioneer I'hannacv.
- K.I.K oil Rkxt-1'M) acres near
j 1 birr. sou. tree from inciitiiberani-e and
I well improved, lmpiire at this oHW-e.
j Iisr A small black spaniel hitch,
j A auitahle reward will Iw paid for her
I return to James L ineran, at Harrison
l)r. riiinny will occupy the Hoiij,'b
j pro rly in Hie north part of town as
j soon as vacated by tlie present occu
I'"iH Nl On the road t-oiith of towii,
a lady s lur muff. )vner can have tlie
same- by culling at llii olli-'d and paying
lor Ibis nolice.
H. I). Churchill was head j lerk at
Turner's the flr.t of the week durinj; the
absence of J. I. iJavis on ft trip to the
Flat I e river.
Jackson Kreisler made his returns as
assessor for Five Points precinct on last
I Saturday. He is Hie first one of the
assessors to complete his Work.
I I have a larj-e lis! of lands ls'lontrinr
j lo eastern nrlles which 1 will sell or
rent on easy terms. M-iy I have just
I what vou want. Cull nod see me or send
' description ol any land y ou want.
! OllANT (il THKIK.
Harrison, N'eh.
II. A. Fridily has wold the relinquish
ment, to Ins claim neur tuwu and has
put a homejitead fllinsr rn n place in th
onyon on which there is water. He ex
s?cts to live in tn this summer and
lias moved into the house opposite Lewis
Oerlacb's resilience.
James Loiierian, section foreman of
the section just across the line in Wyo
ming, came down here 1. 1st we k with a
had case of erysipehs in his f;ice, tlm re-
I suit of his hnvuirf taken cold. II : was
in bad shaie for a few days, but has im
proved, mi that he is able to lie out, but
it. will lie some lime before he will be
able to resume work.
It would lie a ko-hI plan if people
would make a practice of burning waste
iper instead of throwing it out to
blow about the Rtriiels. During lliehiKb
winds of late several teaniH h.ive lieen
(nuhlera-d by blowing patieTs uud serious
injury may reMilt.
Ooore Olinger started yesterday
for lha south with his band of ll irses.
lie will go to southern Missouri and x;r
haps into Arkansas to dispose of them,
and seek a locution. He exects tci re
turn in a couple of months for his fam
ily. Floyd I lark uccompauid him on
he trip.
Frank Tinkham und A. K. Pew
started on Tuesilay on ft prospei ting
tour in the Ijiramie mountains of Wyo
ming. They have ft notion that they
may I 'l" to ,ln(' aotn valuable min
cnii, ami as lxilh have had experience in
that line they ought to know how to
look for it.
-During (he past week it has m.n'e
several attempts to rain but not much
was accomplished. Grass and crops fire
tvjMirfed to l coming on all right und it
Will te gOIXI even ll ll uoes lenimi! .11 y
for .1 few davs longer. With the large
....rf.iint. of rain reported from oilier
parta of the state Home ought to mil
here after a while.
It is reported that parties have fitter
up the old Handy ranch on White river
and exiect to open a dive mere, liiey
v they have a government license and
do not enre for the local authorities, us
il.eir tines would amount to no more
than 11 license would cost. That is put-
line it. n little rank. A "government ll
cense" is simply ft receipt for payment
of the internal revenue tax und is not a
license, neither does it convey any u
ti.nrii v in sell liuuor contrary to the
law of tlie stale. When ft limn take
the positition that ho doe, not enre for
the aulhori'.ie he is taking very danger
ous ground, for he ha lieoonse un out
law and must exiect every law-nbidinj;
,.ii..n in hue un iiL'ainst him. Tim peo
ple of Hioux county, and especially of
White River precinct, have hud nil the
u..ennia thev have nnv use for with
a place or that khki anu it, wm mm .
tolerated. Because the authorities al
lowed it to exist some year K ahould
I m ken as a warrant that the pres-
nffti.lfiltl TV ill do likewise. Such ft
..i.... .Iw.nlil not be nermitted to exist in
a rivilizeil coimniinity and the -oplo
woiill commiuid lb" criislnnir "f it ,v
tb Td'horitie at hntrvcr rnn
Mr. O. J. Martin was in town yes
terday. Henry Will started for California last
John Herman was over from Indian
creek last Thursday.
Mr. and Mr. S. Teblt were at tlie
count T neat Monday.
t : !
Mrs. C. F. Coffee and M.s
Orewi-1 were in tnn vestenl.iv
Mr. C. Chritcnsen and children were i
up from Andrew Saturday.
C. A. Pud ly was up from (Men r.n
Monday on bu-.inewt in Ilie i-ouiily court.
I , Tl. r '
iioi,i "'"'
rani h Fridav, puo hasiiurtirpphes. f
' 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1J. WriKbt went to j
r. . , 4 t
Whitney fnday evenm-, returning on;
Mondav, '
Mrs. i'. H. IIollinL'sworlh nwl Muw
Dnisv I.:in were visiting (nends in town j
the first of the week.
T . . , , . ,. , i
N. K Tipton and (hurley 1 Innitilinnr
'started yesterday for CaHr, Wyo., to i
j ;o to she;ii in sheep. i
Ivl llollirorsworlh and family left last!
week for California where thev
wiii 1
maknheir future home.
Joe Stnslny brought bis family down
from Wyoming last week to visit for a
: l .. .;!. ... lAii-,. i.u ....(luil tn
us. j
J. II. N'ewbn started Sat nrday evening j
for the home of his parents in Iowa, 1- j
ing callexl by the serious illness of his
Miss Cnmmen.ind who has been visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Aggie Meioe,
evening. j
M. liruck returned to vomimr the
llrst ol last week having spent someday
visiting friends and' holding diwn his
C V Coiree acromial nied bv C. H.
t,. r. loiKt, aicompanito oj
Holliugswoi th, started Tue-slay for Ari-
zona after cattle. They will Ihj back the;
latter part of this month. I
J. O. Morris, after a pleasant visit I
with frii'iids and the transaction of some
business here, left Saturday morning for
his home at Jewetta, Oil.
WaNTKIIA reliable lady or gentle
man to distribute samples and make 11
house to bouse canvass for our Vegetable
Toilet Soaps and Pure Flavoring ex tracts,
f it) to J"ia month easily made. Address
CltoFrs & Kked, Chicago, III.
The numlier of prairie schooners'
sepn passing through here of late indi
cates that people still Islieve that the
promised land is still to the westward.
John H. Brown was in town Satur
day. He has moved into Wyoming and
County Treasurer Biehle is moving on
the place formerly occupied by the
Brown on Autelope.
As soon as C. B. Hollingsworth re
turns from the south ho expects to move
on the head of Indian creek, in Wyoming
where his cattle are now. ('utile art
getting so numerous in the valley that
the ijuestion of feed is becoming un im
portant one.
Chris. Chrintian brought his daugh
ter, Miss Amy, down from Pleasant
Ridge on Friday and left with her for)
Omaha that evenin,
Some months ugo
she was taken with lung fever and an
als-ess formed in her right side. She
was taken to the Methodist hospital and
an operation was perform on Sunday,
from which she rallied nicely ami w hen
her father left her she had every pros-
lied of rapidly regaining her health.
It is said that Elliott Brown has
moved his sheep from the location he
occupied on Hat Creek, in Wyoming.
The owners of small herds of cattlo in
that neighborhood went to him and
showed him that he was interfering with
them very much and that it was easier
for him to move his sheep than for all of
them to move. Ha recognized the just
ness of their claim and moved bis sheep
out and will put some cattle in there.
-The new board of village trustets
met on Tuesilay evening and organized
by electing E. Rohwer chairman, E. J.
Simmons, tier!:, Lewis fierlach, treas
urer. A license was ordered issued to
I. Ricbstein to sell liquor during the en
suing year. 1 he contract ior operating
the pump was awarded to (Jen. S. Tool,
at the same price as the work was done
for last vear. The entire running ex
penses of the village last year wore a
little less thun three hundred dollar.
There is an amusing side to the con
test of Newman against Nichols, men
tion of which was made in these col
umns last week. The claim contested
wa supposed lo include what is known
as East Springs. Just as the decision ol
the general land oBlce wa received it
wa learned that the land covered by the
entry under contest did not take in the
rpriugs but lay about half a mile west
of them, high and dry. C. II. Orewel
got the lower water from the springs
und Charles New man sent down a tiling
for what he auppoed ho hud lieen con
testing. It 1 singular that such a mis
take should have remained undiscovered
for o long.
quarterly Meeting Notice.
Our third quarterly meeting will be
held at Pleasant Ridge May Sod and
24th bv Rev. R. J. Itevenport. On Sat
urday, the 2nd at 8 o'clock p. m., Bra
Devenport will preach, after which the
busine session of the 3d quarterly con
ference will he held. Sunday, the 24th,
at 10:80. m. he will preach again, af
ter which he will administer the sacra,
menu of the Lord snpH.-r. All cor
dially invited. l. J. Cl.AKK,
Filial lYouf Xotirr.
All prrtona having fiiml pnwif millet- In
llrtu fmfM-r will rreie marked i-opy of tn
tHMT hmI itre rt) to eiiiMiioe tlM-lr j
nonce amj u Hoy -rroia exui rt-pori u
Hume w Ibis uttu-e at ouue.
.Votire fur Pulilimiiwi.
tJtnd Office at Alliance, Nell. I
April 5, l!. I
I mim 1 urn i'JKHCll mill I ne I Ol MIW 111 ff
nutne M'tiier iiM nasi itotis oi in inieu-:
lioti lo lunke dual proof in vitptNirt ol liU ,
ru.iui, wiei 1111
ii pioof will lie iiiiiOr ie
lore J. J. Kleneii, .dcrk of file litiT-t
ivi.ief til 1 f rri ...i, V..1. ,i l: ih1..
viz: ' '
, Jtewpli I!im. ot (l!e!u it., a hi he If i,t ' ;
lieirff lil"linrl iUn. deem.e.l. j
in:tte II. K. , vltA for lit., tie. i. w ft i
tji. it .. r. :a . i
lie iiii'ii.'w 1 im followiitf witMertKex to rov-
in ,.(inli-iiiiii iic; upon mi'lcuiliw
U.i aiu land.
John t . Meyer. I- rank Mever, I'nnl Scrre..
nil l liii- lii Ut, Mi,Ja 'kii KreUr, vi
4.UU.UV, 'U.
in 'I e!.e. of Harri-oii. Nel.
who in:ule II. K. No. 'Ail 3 for tie w. '4,
s,, .
. u- - '" Hne to prove
hlrt eoiiluiuoUH ri'.O'leiiee, npii.i uud iitiliv.
turn ol , uiii luuil, iz :
Is.ulnr Itit lKieiii. I., irertueli, lirioit liutli
r;,.. . I., nmui-k. all ol llurru. m. n.
:3' J. W. ft .u. Jit., K.-Ut.-r.
. i,t ;, i
I-ou! ( iSke at AlliHiice, Veil., I
April , ).-.. i
Notlc- U liereliy (fiven Hint the following
iiHined M-ttler hui liicd notii-o uf his inteu
t .Ha lo niuke tiicil proof in nupiiort ol liiii
i-luliii. und Mini said proof will lie made lie-
; lor- M. J. Itlewett, c-li-rk of liistriet tkjiirl,
! ut llurrlson, Nib., on June tl, ih'jo, vi.:
Jiisi-pli 1. Mel Vila, of HiirrNoa, Nib.,
mho made II. K. No. IJ-.'i for the w. nw. ',,
'"' U u'"1 '"' '4 '"'- ' w'c- "' H- w u., r.
He names the following a-ltunKHe to prove
II in VOU II l "ll I ' "".'UK U UOII nuu tuiiiia
turn of. s.iid hind. vi. :
VMIlium lloiirret. WIIIIhiii lielden. W llll un
11. llouf;ii, illi..ia ULri.ieli, ml ut ll.ttrixm,
:w :r.'i J. v. Wkiix, Jk., llcKlsur.
-Xiitl.r for
t'nited Mate Land o;lii e, Alllimne Neb. (
u ufphy s.mmi w
sevmonr, ol Neiv Vork, linn filed notice of In
lenLioii to niuke fliinl priMjf Iw-lore M. J.
lil.-wett, ( l.-ri. ldt. I om t. ut Ids otlice In
H"i rison, on Hie dMy ol Mny, Ismi, on
t.,, i , tJ r,, uppHei.tlo.i n .3-4;, fr tlie
b. of n etiua .so. 21, la lovniliip No.:il a.,
"Vl'iMiamiVii nl Inch-en: W. . Illuelow, It.
'l,;ihr,;S0,1;, .u. "uyu " "r'"'k"-
' .1. W . V iaix, .In., Hester.
Notice is hfcireliy given that on the (ith duv
ol Miiy, Ih'.ii;, W. ll. I'oown, tiled his peti
tion with the county clerk of sionx county,
Nenrimku, siirm-d hv 11 muloiitv ol' the resi
dent liee holdi rs of W hile Kiver preeiin-l,
iwri ,,i
slou: count v, NehrasUa, pruvini that thi
ol t'linnlv i-oniniUnioiiei's fit s.tid
riinntr irsnt to him u lireiine to sell ihhII.
spirlluotis und vinous llijiinr-i in a Is-vei-Hne
for a period of one yeiir from the dale lliere
of, in V Idle Itiver preeiiud, mid till prolc-st-i
and rnioriMtriim-Pi thereto inii-tJii tnade In
ritiiix us provided hy lur or s.iid petition
will he rallied witiioiil lelerem-e thertdo.
W. II. Hkows.
The fine 4-year-old .Shire Stallion will
make the stand for the senson of lWlS at
$5.00 to insure a mare in foal.
He i a bright bay, with good style
and action, ami weighs about 1,100
Young stock will be taken at market
value in payment of service fees.
The horse ran be found at all times at
the Schaeler barn t mile south and 1
mile west of Bodurr: postollice.
I will put yon is a machine which will
elevate from 300 gallon to 22,000 gal
lons per minute with the least possible
power. It can lie operated by windmill,
steam, water or horse power.
It ha been tried ami it merits are
It is just the thing to use in streams
where a portion of the water can he
used to elevate the other portion.
They nro clieup. They are durable.
They are simple. They are up-to-dute.
Price on larger machines or on Iroa
work alono, furnislied on application.
Write for further inforniatiou to,
L. T, POOLE, Agouti
Ma island, N'K
m vet -
IMIoney. Triton
Marsteller 'Bros.
The Old Reliable."
Bsador Richstein,
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Pabst's Celebrated
225 Designs
The Urreft collection
ever nnbll6beil In any
the world. Si) church de.ifrni 20 Interior.
u.ttbie.. COLONIAL HOMES . .
24 dealgni 10cu., or
Any one rolnt;
to biillfl, ahould
cuiuona ) 01 Arumc
Always carries in stock a good line
of stationery consisting of
Letter heads,
Legal blanks,
Book stock,
Etc, Etc, Etc.
When in need of such things do Tt
forget to call.
All for 10c.
of up-to-date deslgni
architectural bonk la
both book, for Ucti.
to bnllrl, or ever Intenillair
nl for these I IKW limited
ana loiomai uomcs, - -
Note heads,
Bill heads,
Poster stock