THE SIOUX 'OL'NTY CTOTJUITA O J. J. hlminoii:., Alitor uinl Prop. F.E.A M.Vli. BeTlmeLhl... GoIiik West. t.tAvji Kim. Mo. . mtxel. 10 to No. (I, mlirO CHANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to nl! legal matters in Justice. County and District Courts, and before the United States Land Olflce. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. VJl'iSlA lepers carefully drawn. llAlUUiXi.V. - Neiihaska. I- L. KMU' K, Fashionable Barber a Hdr Dresser, OPCN 5'JNOAY FROM 3 TO 12. RAZvlM tSU WIss.!ilH rt T IS VXUMU CIve X me 1 u 1 'nil. J. E. PII1NNKY, M. I). Physician aiul Surgcim. All cull xlven inu.t nttention. Ufllce In tirug Stor..-. riAIlUISOX. - - XKBUASKA. -TlIK- RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE HAS JUST KUJEIVED A LAK(iE IN VOICE OF WINTER CLBTHiMG i.n'.:luI)I.'j Overcoats, Coats, Vests, and Pant3 Bnd when you need nnylliing in that line you siiouni surciy go to gERLAOH'S. II so has a tine assortment of win ter underwear, gloves, mil tens, Imts, caps. Iwiots, shoes, arc tics, etc., etc. His stock of staple :.nd fancy groceries js full Mid comiilett) nnd on all goods lie will make you tmdrock RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. W. R. S nith is h.tulin, 1 ii in In r to O iring, usui five teams. The mutenal is nd to I on tlm Uround for the new More at Hodarc and it will oon lw put together. TtlR Jolrsai. was in error as to the team mentioned last week a having Itroken Icmisb. It did not be long to Pat Ijicy hut w did not L-urn the iiania of tlie owner. , -A. T. Hughson itends una remittance fron; Oelrich's, 8. D., and informs us that lie lias 80 head of catlli and a good place to keep tlielll, but bitter walef to drink, and expect to return to Sioux county In the fall. i-Th contest of Newman v. NichoU hail been dei ided by th general land of lice In favor nf the consultant. At the local land pITIce oiw or the'oftU'Cr held for each of the parties ho (t had to go In the cominiMioner of the general land oKlce. Tlie lf liuinH enterprise in the county tlwtfmH lieen reported is the es t ib(inmnt, of store on While river, ih t utldt the povcrniiient reservation. I l expected .that .application will lie itude Ut tU county board " "lo'n tiwnlllienuxtst.p iH likely , U Ifon to lv ft miUy hlutioii unl a liontotUce provided. Torw m Inmiu iu Sioux county. on the Fin line of jewelry and elm ks nl Pioneer Pharuncy. W. K. Mannll(.-r is building a sum nier kitchen to his residence. Horehound compound cough syrup the great remedy for coughs arid colds at tlie Pioneer Itiarmacy. The high wind the first of the week brcjutlit the vane of Hester windmill to trief. For Sale or Kent -MO acres near Harrison. Free from incumberaiue ami well imprneeil. Inquire at this ollii e. All persons indehteil to me are re - quested to call unit sett le their accounts by cash or note by May 2. J. W. Smith. - WaNTEIi .r)00 cattle to liepl (,,,! the coining season. Goo,l range ami water, and careful attention guaiaoii.-' Terms, b) cents for the sers-.m. V. N. K'u;i'.tk:.;:.:. 1 l;i i i i -on, Nehr. I have a large list of lands iM-ii.ugmg to enstern parties whii li 1 will e:i m rent en easy t.-ruci. May li" I have just what von. Call an I see me or S'-ici de scription of any land you want. Ohant (rT;nt:r.. 1 Jan ison, Neh. V.'antkd A reliaVile udy or gentle man to distribute, stioples and make a house to house canvass for our Vegetable To. let Soaps aud Pure Flavoring ext nu ts $10 to f T.'ia moiilli easily made. Address tlKif-TK & ReKU. t'hicago. III. (.'. F. Colleo exited to stilt for Arizona the lirst of the week after cattle to put on his Wyoming ranch. He ex (wcts to get two tram l-uds,. C li. H.d lingsuorth will aju'omii.i.'iy lum on the in n. I'. F. Neece came up Friday nnd on Saturday moved bis two daughters who have leen attending school hcre.down to the ranch on Running Water. He reported the stock in that lo.tility in good condition. it is reported that when Tbeo. Hille braiid took his Imnd of sheep into Wyom ing t he people in the locality did not like it and loo'; measures which ran h'm nut. Sheep play havoc with the pasture for cat I le. The schools closed last Friday with rhetorical exercises and the sime even ing Mr. Fisher started for his h ioirf in Uiwcs county, riding through on horse liack. Mrs. Fisher left oil the train Monday evening. Home wolves got after ( ', 11. Unilt's cattle last week and the count was three short and some that, were present were injured. Lightning got in its work on several head hiiouginj; to A. McOinley nlioct the same time. Eiiher is bad for cattle. T. O. Williams is iiifin; down n well for a party near Lusli and w hen completed he w HI fait one dow n for Hen ry Warneke and also one W. A. Hirelow and H. B. Coffee between Uuiiuing Water and Sheep creek, where those parties will range their cattle during the summer. Dr. Mtsndilh cuiiie up from , Craw ford Monday to consult I)r, Phinney in reganl to the treatment of Albert Erd man. They drove out to his place in the evening the patient returned with them, and lie is still her-, and in a fair way to soon he nil right. J. W. Scott informc 1 im that sorni one hail liro!;en a numlier of panes of glas out of tlie windows in the school housp and done considerable mischief in side the building. It. was very likely the pranks of some hoys who desire f ir fun got the U'lter of their judgment. lint they hoiild not have destroyed nroiiertv. There seems to Is? a question ns to ' th right of tlm b n'ii of e piahz-i'ion to change the valuation put upon properly by the asjfi-surs when it i-s the aoei in the various pr.'ciocts. Tie" have au thority to lo ver in ume and r.itse in others for tin purpose of, hot thi aggregate must be maintained at tli- a n mitt rclurn-d In I lie asset -rs. Clins. E. Verity writes to have TlIK Jot'R.N VI. Mail to VTliiti; Pcir I.-ike, Minn,, w here bis family , w ill penil ll.o summer wlnla bo is looking for a. busi ness opening. He lias been iw resident of Nebraska so long Hint it will seem ouetr to him to have to writs the name of any other state in a date line. The arrest of Herman Kroning . . . i i .. . : S'cm.s to nave neen line soui'i nrrests in thU county. Parties from that locaity report that he was takun to Hot Springs but was not kept nnder guard even, and on preliminary examination was dis charged, as he was not the man wanted, nnd there was no evidence ngsinst liim. Such urrests are worse than useless. L. T. Poole informed ns the machin ery for sinking the test well for artesian water at Marsland is on the ground and work will begin at once. The money is raised by stibecription and costs twenty five cent a foot to have the well put down, the people to furnish all material and iHiard the men while the work is in progress. They have about five hundred dollars in the fund. The result will lie watched for witli much interest by the lnplA of this county, as its' success will indicate that our people may nlso get artesian Water. Th people of Mnrsland nnd vicinity iire entitled to credit for the enterprise displajed In the matter and it is lioK?d that their efforts ' will . be crowned with sucwes, ' ( Auction Nal". . ' I will wll my entire stock of hnrnss Laddies, whips nnd harness and other , uppl' "n Saturday, Stiy 8, WM, t 10 i o'clock, slurp. Terms cash. i J. W. Smith. PERSONAL. M. V. JerJ ui wa ovr from A.lelia on Tuesday. K ii. i . ... . iV V right and bib motliet arrived on Monday's, jiasseriger. T (J tl II 1 il.. 1. v. n. jMMieu was uuwu iroui tue ram n i the last of Vie week. W. A. Bigelow visited S. B. Coffee the J 1st of the week. Rev. mils Durant, of Chadron, was ,, , in l.arri-on yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ikiut returned to ('rford Thursday evening, I Mri. C II. Turner and Miss R isa De B k were in from Ai.telne Saturday. llenrv Wirlx and I.wi Pfost maile a juiiii r . in i r. i ."iiiik Mi'icr, I'aui cerri's. tr i To James 11 l ook tli lirst. or trie , xx (i n. If. Turner was in town the (!rt of tin) w .cl; .ii,;m after his husiiienM inter si. ('. T. Taylor, of Oam'ia, was talking lifn insurance to our ihmiI the lat of tie; week. Mr (i. W. Stanarrl who has len vis itirnj her daughter, Mrs. T. 0. Willia'ms. left Tuesday evening for lier liome in Iowa. ... T ,,r .. , . i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ostrander wer , over from the north part of the county j the lirst. of the week visiting friends and I transacting hiisiiless. I IJ. F. Moore was in town Mondavi . , , , , ,, , .' night and made a pleasant call at this olhce. He says Ins s.,.ck came th.ough j the w inter in good shape. Uv. Iathr Jrftjdiv came down ' from the west Tuesday evening and "n ; Wednesday held Catholic s- rviees at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Hlewitt. Aliln was in town the first of the week, having recently returned from the In. lian Territory. He will try farming this season in Hitchcock county, Neh. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. T. Poole came up up from M.irsl.tiid Monday to visit THE .IinKNAi, family, returning yesterday, Master Ned Simmons accompanying them. Miirrled. I'nt T - 7. VMEHM 'N At the residence of the bride's parents near liodirc, Sioux county. Nebraska, oil Wednesday, Apnl !, 1-f.l'i, by Rev. C. E. Rice. Mr. I'onard liruit, nnd Miss Myrtle 7,'oimernian, both of Sioux county, Nebraska. Tlie cont rncting parties have both re s' in the county so buig that, they have an extended circle of acquaint ance and their popularity among them is the liest. possible gauge of their merit. They will make their home at. tlie place lilted up by the groom in Warbonnet precinct, an 1 sett le down to the enjoy ment of wed .led bliss, at tended by the w isii of till that few sorrows and many joys may he their lot in hie. Died. Sc 'lACTrai At the family residence n"ar Hoda ro postollice, Sioux county, Ne braska, on Friday, .April 21, 1WI0, Peter Schaefer, aged 4'J years. Pocpased was an industrious farmer who came here iilsmt three years ago and purchased a large farm and set to work to develop a. system of irrigation which the former owner had commenced. His health failtd more than a year ngo and h" became a victim to consumption on the above date. He leaves a wile and nine children to mourn his death, all of whom were with him at the time of his death except his eldest daughter, Mrs. II. J. Smiley. The deceased was buried or. Sunday in the Catholic ceme- rterv nl M oil ros. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all in their loss, A J;iud Plan. W-iyn.. l.Vpnbllcan. Tie-coiiuiion ii.-o te of the it-il" are s.ipp.i.ed ,i abide by and lie law-ab'ding citizens, and yet the state m ikes no pro vis oii for tlieni t-i become acquainted with those laws. Ecu session of the leisl it.Mie enact, a lot of laws and only a few lawyers and favored ones ever learn what those laws urn. The laws go into edVcl any lime from the date ff their passage up to July 1 nf tlie year in which they are enacted, and the session law s published by the state seldom ore ready before Octolx-r following. It ceems that there ought to lie provisions made by the iiislatuiv for a. more gen eral knowledge of what the people are expected to conform to than under the present system. Hundreds of t housands of dollars are expended annually by the masses in defending themselves against breeches of laws that they never had a y means of knowing were in existence; this should bo remedied. It can bo den by an net of the legislature the publication of all such nets passed in at least two papers in each county in the slate. It would lie a matter of ecoi -oniy to the people, and would go a long ways toward preventing the passage of pernicious acts, in that tlie people would know just what their representatives were doing and could hold tlieni respon sible for anything favoring oppression or wrong in any manner. I'p to Iriite-lSih'i. The most complete tanir text book ever published is the new edition of "Tariir Facts for Sinkers and (Students" Defender Document No. 0-200 pigts, just out. Publishers, The American Protective Tiirilf League. Campaign text books issued just before th" eleclio" rtro of little, value. The tan IV loigue B to Is1 congratulated on its foresight I., getting out its hand book so early in the year. Order by number onlv. Sunt to liny address for 2n cents, Address W. l' Wnkeman, (Jen. Sec, W West 2!W St., New York. Final Proof Xoliee. ll persons liuvinx final proof notices in thi paier m ill reeelve a nmrke.1 copy ot the i i ue-usj exuuiiiie their noine an. I ii nay rrum exist report me """! "" " "' ; 1 Xutirr for Publication. Lund office t Alliance. Neb. 1 Airil i. isini. t Notice U hereby K!veii UlHt the tolUjwiiuf llilliie'l settler h..M nliil miln-i. .. ui i. I..,. . tion lo ntHke tinul nroof lit wlllilMirt of hiu I ". "! . mW proof will be imnie he i i tore M. J. i;ie. ti, , lerk i the iti-tii.-t ! court, ut H..riis,n, Neb., on Jiay ju, Ii'.hj, j..i, i,, ... ii..:,r! , v ,- In in. of I'.i l.nril f.'iHix. ii-i-i il. I tin lliaiie II. K. No. ZICl for the ae. , see. I iji. .i-i a., i . :a . Hi- a. line Hie tolliiwlnir wil'iese to prove hi i-uiilUuiiiii, i (..i.l..... , i i i .. io"'t I on! viz: ' su .i i.ik iuisI, .Neh., Jack i-aa Ivlei.-le,', ut J iHruii,.ii .i. iii4 j Hi o'lii-'e. nf llai-ri .on. Ni I. i. .. i . . k. i l o in etc It. K. No. &:l:; for the m. w. ',, 1 1 i s. 'i n . 1 1 ec. li, tji. a.' a., r. lie neiee, the Jol!iiwIni u it:ics-ev to iroe hi-, eo i tin :loil- ie-:,leie-e llpii.i ,.,ei tuit.Va lion ol . -;il, hi ;iil , i. ; l- ei ir l;i.'li-.lein, I, l.ei laeh, I. rant lilitli ra, i;. I., '..m..-, ml ui it. o r;.- n, Sen. a .i, J. W . W tai.s, Ju., Ki-icUter. I . ut ire fur I'litilii-atiini. j Ijllld (l!. l lit Alleone, Sell., I Airil T,, In'.Ki. I Notice Is hereliy ;riven that t!ie loll. is injj llliuieil -ettier has liliil liol lee ol lis , lite, e . tioii to iinike tlaal inoof in Mitiionrl ol his cliiiui. uinl that iii'l poKit' wiii i ... in ute he- rre M. j. KU-wett. clerk of district i:oart, lit JlurrUotl, Neh., on Juur (',, IKVo, iz: Josi ;ili P. Mrl oiiii. nf llrrinii, Xi-li., w ho! II. K. No. lor l:ie se. i, nw. i., s. lie. '4 ami lie. -t ins ' ; ..e. .11, tp. :il ii., r. lie nnine tlie follow inirwitnese to prove Ills I'Olililiuoit.-. re.-tnleaeu llpo.i mi, culliva tion of, s.ihl lnni. vlx: HS'irra;;. 'oViho!;; w Tiaili r Culture. I'hml I'lonf. .Vuti i' lor I'l.ll C 111 i'lll. I'nlt.-il -tate l.und Olliee, Alliilllee Neh. ) A pril 'Je. S'n;. Notice l leTehy iflvea tlmt Wihliun V. Seymour, ol New York, Iimm lile.l notii-e of in te.iliou to make proof tielore M.J. Illewetl, ( lerk I li -t . ( oil it, a t his olliee In 1 1 ii rri-oo , on lite ;inth May of Ma', Isim, on timlM'l elllliire iiiplieati.u No. :iin, for the ss. 'tot section No. '21, in towiohiii No. :ll n.. j runge No. w. lie iimni-oii" w iim-PM-i. ... iiik.IO", 1. K. .lohmion, W. I.. Iloyt, llenry W urneke, all of Harrison, Veh. :a-:ls J. W. Weiix, .(., Hi'lster. .Satire. I Notice is hereby giv en Unit on the .Hh (lav ol May, Ism, l-n.ior Uiclu-t.-i n will make np- plication to tlie Imanl of trustee of the vil I luge of lUrrinon, stoiix county, Nehi-Hnka, lor u licence, to Is. grantc'l to 1 1 i ut to sell if ut 1 1 . Hi!rilnous an. I vinoi.s liipiors la snlil Uhitfe lor tlie iiiniileii:il year of is'.;. All oheelions, plotests or renioii-t'-inci'S to tile tNsiiioice of H.iid licence uiilst he ,na.e In riling an. I nlc. I the villime clerk on or helore hoo t of the fttii d.iy of Mey, IM'.-'i, or sai.l license will In. jiiayed' for witii out relerenee ttiereUi. Dateil Harrison, Nehranka, April , IW.. ISAOOK III! IIHTr.lN. HORSE BREEDERS. The fine 4-year-old Shire Stallion will make the stand for the season of 1H9I) at $ "i.OO to insure a mare in foal. He is a bright bay, with good style and action, and weighs about 1,700 pounds. Young stock will be taken at market value in payment of service fees. The horse can be found at all times at the Schaefer barn 1 mile south and 1 nnlu west of Bodarc postollice. Nl. HOI. AS S( HAE'.'KR. LO YOU WANT TO RAISE WATER? I will put you is a machine which will elevate from 800 gallons to 22,000 gal- ' j m nlinule wjth tl9 je(1Hl possible power. It can be operated by windmill steam, water or horse power. It has been tried and its merits are known. It is just the thing to use in streams where a oort ion of the water can be me.l to elevute the other portion. They ore cheup. They are durable They are simple. They are up-to-date, Prices on larger machines or on iron work alone, furnished on application. Write for further Information to, L. T. POOLE, Agent, Maryland, Nub. warn FOB Soney, Than Marsteller Bros. "The Old Reliable." Isador Richsfein, DEALEB IT Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AGENT FOR Pabst's Celebrated BEER. HARRISON, - NEBRASKA. jESJRTI&JFKD homes. 225 Designs Tlie Urgent collection of up-to-date deslinis ever piihlislie.J In any arctiileclnryl In tlie world. AO churt'.li desl::nii 20 Interiors issubie. COLONIAL HOMES . . 24 designs lOcts., or both books for IScts. Any one a-olnit to build. Bhoiil.1 edlUons) of Artlntlcand Colonial Homes." HERBERT C. CHIVERS, Architect, THE SIOUX COUNTY ESTABLISHED 1888. Always carries in stock a good line of stationery consisting of Letter heads, Statements, Legal blanks, Book stock, Cards, Etc, Etc, Etc. When in need of such things do not forget to call. oods ITOJJi, All for 10c. to bulul, or even lntrnninff send for these I 1KB Hintied XZl"l5' ST. LOUIS, MO. Note heads, Envelopes, Bill heads, Poster stock, Invitations,