The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 30, 1896, Image 4

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    Tift Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, f2.00
1. J. HimiiioiiK.
Kntrr4 t the Harrison punt utBi-e a
eejad clam waiter.
Date to be He aim bt- red.
Prohibition national convention, kt lltt
tnirit, Mht as.
tt4ptfhlifa national convention, ul it.
lout, June tfi.
lMwiocratic national convention, at (.'hi
i0, July.
I'opttlist national convention, St. l-ou:.
July .
Republican Mute nominating convention,
Lincoln, July 1.
Popiitist .tste convention to elect te!e
yritea to nutionnl convention, t'ritud island,
July IS.
Administration or straight drui.wrrM ic
tle com-rntion to elect deli-Kale to th
.tationul democratic convention, nt I.ine'.on,
sixth district republican convention to
nominate a candldiite for congre-, ut North
4'lutte, August 111, at 10 a. in.
Cripple Creek sustained a terrible loss j
ny Ore on Saturday. Estimates place
1 he loss at two millions of dollars, with
but little insurance. No lives were lost.
It nus oeen uuresi out iciai me piv j
vrnment is running in debt at the rate of ;
Tm L I . I . . . . . I. - . jt-
1,200 a minute. Jo nation can stand
lhat sort of a drain very lon.
In New York the civil service rules nre
Applied to the subordinates in alt of th
state offices, the office of the executive
having been included HI the reqitest of
Oov. Morton. A few of his confidential
employees are the only ones who are ex
empt It will be a great day for Ne
!raka when the same is true with all of
the appointive offices.
There seems to lie a tendency among
contributors to magazines and period i
pals to urge oo-operation among manu
facturers and those engaged in other in
tlustries. Co-operation in most instance
is simply another name for trusts and if
there is any one tiling that the writers
f this country should discourage it is
Ihe formation of combinations whose ob
ject is to stifle c mjpetition.
A man in Iowa while experimenting
with the X rays is reported to have dis
covered a method of transforming one of
the base metals into gold at a cost of
fifty cents for 153 of gold. He calls
Ihe process Y rays. Should bis claims
prove correct it ought to increase the cir
culating medium enough to suit all, and
would cause notes and bonds made pay
able in gold to lose their terror.
An inter-national arbitration society
was organized at Washington a few
days ago. Should it accomplish its ob
ject all disputes between civilized na
tions will be settled by an international
court of arbitration and the ultimate re
sult sought is the disarmament of the
nations. The object is a worthy one
und may in part be accomplished, but it
is hardly likely that the nations will
'ver surrender the right of appeal to
arm as the court of last resort in the
settlement of inter national difficulties.
The free silver democrats held their
fttate convention at Lincoln last week and
elected delegates to the national conven
tion. No list of delegates was presented
0 just how many were present is not
Itnown, but it was estimated that !e
teen four and live hundred were pres
ent, and over eight hundred were en
titled to seats. V. J. Bryan heads the
list and was endorsed for presidential
candidate. J. C. Dablman of Chadron is
one of the delegates to the national con
The recent newspaper consolidation at
Chadron is another proof that newspa
pers cannot be considered as anything
tat business enterprises and can only be
conducted under the same general rule
.' M other business and hard times and
business depression affects them just the
wow as any' other business. A little
fnore than a year ago Chadron had four
.. papers and Crawford had three. Now
ftcfe has two and both fields are fully
nct-apted, ud one paper in each town
- cot) Id easily fill the bill. Alliance is the
' ooly town in northwest Nebraska where
' lrae paper still exist. '
. M t. . - . m i I '," ' ....
' jiuaitor Jioore is oeinif criticized a
good deal for the position he lias taken
(a regard ' to the insurance laws. It is
mid that his action has been in the inter
est of the) old line insurance companies
nnd against the mutual organizations
which have grown up in the state of
late years, and he seems to have taken
upon himself the authority of a court
ad passed upon the legality of the acts
.Of tot legislature, W'Ueu Oov. llol
asb did that be was severely criticized
Had Auditor Moore is no more excusable.
K it generally supposed that the officials
Ln to sea that tha provisions of the laws
M they appear on the statute books are
faUlM aad II any feel that the law is
Mtfiffct lie may seek redress in the
MrtaV The Insurance lobby has been
fMM hi rtdenoe at the legislative see
ffeM of late years than that of the rail
rail Md Kt. Moore is charged t with
13 toltt osd by . IL The people of
C atate have their ayes on biai. . r -'
Day li.v day tlie evidence i beeoiuiu,?
more clear tliat Cuba will throw off t!
yoke of Spanish misrule. The Batumi
liome for tlie island i beneath the stars
:in J stripes. The Cuban will never be
conquered unless reduct-d in slavery and
it is to I hoped that the civilized nu-;
tiona will interfere before tint point is
reached, but tlie non-action on the irt
of tlte president of tlie United State io-
dicsites tliitt he cures nothing for tlie
j sentiment of tlte people of his country
j nor the cruelties practiced by the Sjian
j iiirds in CuUa.
I A deal m made ut t.'lutdron last week
! whereby the Sijnti! and R-eanlrr were
I consolidated ,md in future .vill be issued
! the Srpui! I2.v,rt T. with A- E. Shel
t ilon as editor and F.. K. Kerala!! as mana-
p-r, and ow ned hy a stock company.
Tlie consolidation w ill lie populist in pol-1
I it its anil that is had, but to adopt a hy-1
' pliennted name is worso. The tlt:d j
j leaves Chadron with but tn pprs a
! treat plenty so that they ou'ht t do!
i reasonably we" from a business stand-1
The republicans of northwest NrbraJ;a
should pr'Ht by the rmll of the liro!;
en Bow convention and see to it th it the
same error is not ri-ated. At thesta'e
convention the enly caiuii t.itu tins part I
of tlie state will have w ill I o (J. A.
E kles of Chadron for auditor, and there
is no good reason why he shot I J not
have the entire northwest at his Uu k. j
If all should go to the conviiilion solid.
for Eckles and unpledged to any ot her
man for any ofllce, and stick right to
gether it would lie recognized, but if it
is split up this part of the state w ill get
The popularity of tlie candidacy of
Judge Koikaid for the republican nomin
ation for ia ingress over u large portion
of the district, indie, tes that t lie desire
for the success of the nominee of th
party is the ruling one with the mass
of the voters. There are a number of
counties in the district with favorite
sons whom they wonUl like to see in
congrefji ami be it said to the credit of I
the republicans of the sixth district that i
there is not a man w hose name is bUore !
the party who would not represent the
district with credit to himself and his
constituents but the dillii'ulty will l-e
to 'get them there. It is s-metims an
easy matter to fix up a convention so as
to make nomination dictated by a boss
or ring, and under the old election laws
by the efforts of those in control tlie
iurty lash could be applied so as to ei
far toward having their convention work
ratified at the polls. But under th new
laws it is different. The lash will not
reach w;thin the jK)lling-looth and in-order
to elect it is necessary to put up
men for whom the people will vote of
their own accord. No true friend to a
nian will help him get a nomination
which can only result in defeat. The
republican nominee for congress in the
sixth district has got to make a desxr
ate light if he w ins, and it will lie well
for each aspirant to be closely examined
and if weak spots are discoved his true
friends should advise him to keep out.
It is recognized that Kmkaid has no
weak spots, and that is the reason his
friends are urying his nomination.
Son ad Advice.
Newport Republican.
We observe that there are several can
didates for congress in the flth congress
ional district. A populist has beaten
good republicans three terms nnd it is
evident that the populists still have a
majority. That being the fact, the case
resolves ilwlf, not in a question of per
sonal supremacy, hut it is one of repub
lican success or defeat. Which do you
want? Perhaps you have a candidate,
if so are you putting turn up as a winner
or as an easy victim for the opposition?
This is no time for an exhibition of line
manipulation of conventunis. It is a
time for solier thought nnd effort for re
purlican success. You do not honor
vour fnenl bv nominating him if he can
not he elected, you only disgrace the
party you profess to serve. With the
light of six yetr of republican d -feat m
this congressional district, it is time for
us to come to our senses. Rock county
cannot be t i ken to task for this. Rho
has always given a round republi
can majority for the republican nominee
for congressman.
All lit Line fur Him.
Crawford Tribune (dem.: There is not
the feast doubt among those who re a -quaitiled
with the political situation in
tlie sixth district but that Judge Kinkaid
could get more , votes from the demo
cratic party as a candidate for congress
than any man in this judicial district
provided the democrats put up no can
Alliance Times: If reports are to I
relied unon, a great many of the dele
gates at the Proken Bow convention
were watching the chances of .fudge 51.
P, Kinkaid for the congressional non-ina-tion
pretty closely, a "putting in a lick"
now nnd tlwn in his favor. Entirely
proper, geotlemen, entirely proper! He's
a winner.
OgaKlla News: Hon. M. P. Kinkaid.
one of the i-idges of the fifteenth judicial
district of Nebraska, gave the Aim otfice
a very pleasant call last Friday. The
jiidife has announced himself as a candi
date for the nomination for congress on
the republican ticket in this district and
was here looking after his chances. It
is no intrusion for Mr. Kinkaid to come
into Keith county this year as sve have
no aspirant for that position. The judge
made a favorable impression and will no
doubt stand a fsir chance at the conven
tion, considering the fact that he has
such a large portion of the district nt his
hack to start with. In his judicial dis
trict last fall the judge ran more tlwn
one thousand votes ahead of the ticket,
attesting his great popularity nt borne,
nnd also indicating what the result may
he if be succeeds at North Platte next
August -
ssnss? vvvl
Good rijs f iiruc-heil on short i.otM-e.
liclia.)!e dnvei-s and quiet sadJle horses always on hand.
iooi accomiiiKlat.ins for tiaus:ieut customeni.
Horses boarded.
E. Ban'.rrr.t,
Plea. dent.
D. II. GRISWOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General
Amehcax E-v'-rw: Natonm, nAS(t Xew York,
o-,:aha National Havk, Oumha,
Fins'T Natmnai. Hani:, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
nruE.vrrs sold on all parts of cunorE.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils.
The Inter Ocean
!e Mst Poritlar Republican Newspaper
1 of thf. W.t itml ll.n the L argest Circuiatlon.
DAILY (without Sunday)
daily rnu rwisyi ...
The Weekly l;:iir
i-zxi 7Si.a r...
AsaNowspLj r THE iii.'in (K'V. i-..r pi .-.-., 61' the tims In all
$ u. U t,v.:c- triOi:: ioa el. j-n. t. ceoiir.i.rf
Ths Weekly Inlev Ocsan f
A, a r.ifrrilv Paoor I; Not Excelled bv Any.
i mmma mum n in iummmt ii wxr w.i.imw wm
JJlpIt h" rmnhiii :Vf inu-r.-st, in ete! m-mT or the farallv. In
YOOTH'S;T t ma virrj best of lie IrtAtt. IU LITB.-;.
EyFKAlUKKJieiic,'.nl.. i .,
, ItUaTWKLVK FAdrf rw.'.P. AaJ m-,t-.:er the ,Ver of tho Wyrld.
PO-ITICALY XT I.j t'.t.t kELIC A.X, jt! in rasd.m tn benefit of
the ablest 4.cei!.ona .a .lv xMtin luM". H ! m.'u luViod in Ciiicac
and ie in accjri w,t 3 C.- l"' V) 9 f tn W i.. tx.ta dd uir. -i I ',iiprMnr.
P'i9 remenihsr t c t t; e pt ;cj -f X.V- W-ZLl, i fii OttAZI i
u uxe uuu..A: i-t.z: v a ;;.,- j, . ,
-. ' ' '"lit? 'I VI Ch r! '-.cVcago.
Feed and Sale
Banking: Business
QT a in
nii A DAT A M'
..Jnf.OO ptr year
$6.00 pr year
Occzn C j .00
,. .:.;...?
Sioux County,
Free Homas for ore,;,,.-;:,,:.,:;
Than 5,000 Hen.
A new county with ,
schools, churches
railroads, etc.,
Contain? over forty-five miles of
rail oad and has no county
rsioiu count v mine iinru.ei (o"mv
of Nehniidi.i. It in iiiHint ilnitv miles.
east nnd weit hy iiUnit M'vuiity iniii sj
n.irlh mid south mi.l inl;iii.s j
ofliind. Tliere 1110 fiini" !u i.!:lj
linir. rtjr.iiii sli'i-;mi .11 '!: h;ii('. tl.,111 ,
IMIl Ik., folllld ill til" Millie nre:i 1 !se I i
in tin stale. It Iiiih ipmp' ji:ne uiuU r m
it tlwn :ill tlien--tol l',o Mi.l. ri.iiihiiii (i
its C"'sjh iir" the rii'lM-st ;iini must r.ii-
ritious known so llul or st.n k ,r.niii-
I .
t is uiivxi-ell.'il.
Tile v) l v;iri'-s frcin a henvv i :iv to u
liht. windy I'liiiu nnd is 1 ai.tlle nl ,io-
dui ii:;.' ex,t'i!eiil i f
Tiiu irin.'iiiil rrn.s nl'.- m:ill (Tim j
it nil Vegetal le.'i, llllholi'i nml 11 "I Is
(;ri.vii ill Ihe v.ilieys. Ti iv? wlient. nits f
l ie mid UirlfV me :it' i t uiiiisiinlly i'.if I
ijiuil.ty ami cui:iih:im1 1!m IiiIivnI muf- j
ket prii es. j
I'lm water n iure ;u,d r-fn : ti:ri'- uuii .
is found Hi abundant in all I ul in. -
coiiijly. j
Tlie county is pivwiically outi'fdiUj
and has over forty-live, iriiusol lailioiui j
within its Imrders, has a good hi k louri ;
house und the net essii v lixltuxs lor rim-
.1 . I,,
llill' th i-OUIitV am t h.:ro has litvir
. n , ,, ,
lieen one clullur ul foiuily L011.U iniu.-hiI
and hence taxes w ill t. low.
The 1-rt'iiiuiil. E;k!ioru &. Missouri
I Valley railroad c-os-es H oux .,,,...
" '
from east to ve:-it and til.: It. & M.
aUuit "lleeii mills of its hue m tin.-uortlM-iist
)ai tol llio lownty.
The cliiiutle is muiv pleasant than that
of the eastern H)i tioii ol NeU-aska.
There is still
of land ... s:ux coumy yet ..j,,,
hoiin.-st.jiid t-iiliv. Jt 1, VUi r land und
I ,i i , .
niore ilehirably located luau thai loi -
win. h hu,:I, rushc nre mad,- on the
in,' of a rrvmion. Th,,e is ,-iU.
road land in ihe county und for that
reason is netlleaient l.a8 lt-B kIw tor
" bV"
made, as was done- in , the early diij ji of
the itettleujeut ot tlie tatem ai t of the
(iixl deeded land rnn l ..i,,,.!.......! ...
reiiMonablu rate with soverniiitnt land
u-im-hl.. u..l , .
adjoining o that a rson who ttauU
more than one quarter section cunohtaiii
it if he has a little mean.
There ura ubout l.-jlH) jwoule in the
county aiKTUiere ix nwni lor thousands
llarri ;on is the county wut and is it
uuU'd on the F. E. &. M. V, ciilioiul, un.1
i an good u town as the thinly Bellied
country demands.
School Iioukl-s and hurchex are pro-
vided in iilmoHt very seulemcul and are
b,.... ...1.1. .1. . .1..
n,.'i, i.. WfLII IIIV llllieK. ,
All wliodesiro to pit a homestead or
buy kind cheap are invited to come and
nee the country for themselves and jud-e
of its merits. Homeste.ids will not lw
obtainable much longer and if you want
louse your right and Ka l'JU acres ol
land fioiu Uncle Sum frua it is lime jou
were ulxiut it.
UH,li nl This List
of western cities:
Ht. Louis
Kansas City
Kt. Jn
1 .1 IK -1
1 Oliver
I Vadw ,0(:d
It does'nt matter which'
Vou intrnd
visiliiiL'. The Burliniri on ii I l,
best hue to all a it i. to any 0110 of
the III. ......
Advertining matter and full Informa
lion about tmitm und ratea cn iipphca
t.on. J. FitANOM, f. p. & t. A.
Omaha, Ni.-h.
STATU Or HI KK: lloi.-oml. i.ov.-rnor
,. . i,ii-iii'ii -oti 4.rMt
J.' . I is r.-.'"".'"'. -s i. Ii) n
i.iitreiie lsre - -
It 11 ti. J
s. i loin Kill
Al lorney l-tiersl
II. c. liu--n
... Iiiei oiMlitlHMlutier
111 II t or! 11 hi'l'l. J'ublk lntru tio
UiV.HIvS-ioN At. t'KI I tiATIOS:
.Jnlin M. Tloirloii t". " imlor. Chimlm
k ,. v Alien I . S'""'r. Ms.h-m
J It Mriwle i oiile-ilil l-t ti-t., I.1hi'iIii
ll. l. M- lrl, " 'I . 0.i,mI..
i. I. l ikl. joi.1. " -I " riiiiern.ii
K.J llxlixr.
, If i i
. K. Aiilr ,
o. .M. Km..
H.-.I l Inn. I
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l;iit.! OK I oMlsMONIH:
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II. 1;. ste :.rt..-emit4ir. Hi-1 No 14. Cruwfor-I
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HI-. lll VI. .).,
110 HI (li Avenue, .New York.
A l.ltlKmi. oi'FKIl. OSLr K lt,
!.KMll;tv TAMII V MAl.A.IXK.
H-. VoursutMeriptio,,, totbUom.-c.
I: North-Western
F- I:; 4 v. b. r. i llw ititt
I' i ' to and froni the