The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 23, 1896, Image 7
KNOW THYSELF. SCENCE HELPS YOUTO BE YOUH OWN DOCTOR. The Slorjr of Womi Who Kept Pooled on the Work or Bcience and Eared Her Own Life. From th Era. bdf:rd fa. Too few pplf are ua iu tfd with the rapid advance of nierl.tal ecu-nee, au.l too man? dot-tors are art ill plodding iu the old 1ath. Oui-e K ci'iii- to pass that people mow thfiiifltr, that all ptij-sniaiis are atir-at of the wurl.l'e kieM Inltte. tini.-h of our aiiflentig will me m an ul. Mn. ical acit-iitmta are not delving into the depth of kn.iw lr)ue for the mere heiietit of brother physicians, hut for the hem-tit of the world They place in the ha mi, of the well man a means if si-cpiijjj well, iu the betels of the ai k a im-Hiia of rfcnv ery. '!' the parent they (five the power of earii!- the child. Science ia workitiic for you will you accept the proffered belt.? Mrs. ;"ri H nvetid. an eatim.ihle holy who remdea at No. .7i -.t Mam atn-i-t, haa I'liiw to feel grata-fiil toard tlie acieui e of nii'dli'llie. One day recently a reNirter. h-arnmc that Mrs. r.oweiid h id been greatly le-iie-flted hy the ur of 11 ncu tut-ii-im-. u, ,-r-Tieweil her. She t,ii. d tliut he had heen suffer. ni; with t iu.,h- trmihle for iniiiiy years. She lotd Im-ch i.M-torcd for the ail ment for a Ioiik tunc- in fact, nearly nil her life and had never received anything more than temporary relief. I luring the laat three yenra her i omlit'oit crew nrw and was aggravated hy an affection of the heart. Her health waa o poor that he found italluoHt impossible to perform her houaohold diit.e. "I never helieved in proprietary no-di-riiiea," aid Mrs I'onend. "hut one day laat fall i read an article in a newspaper WliH-h told of the cure effected hy I r. William' I'uik 1'illa. and 1 decided to try the medicine, liefore I had taken the enntenta of one hox 1 began to feel hotter. The tveaknea which had both ered tne for ao many year begun to dia ippear. anil the actio,, of the heart at nice became stronger and more regular. I took Dine boxes of the pill", and I am now feel ing lttr than I have for several yeuia, md t have milomidcd fiuth in the medi fine." Mrs Itonend i steadily gaining in healrb and strength and irivea all the rredit for her reatorutiott to health to l)r. Williams' i 'in k 1 't 11m for I'ale IVople. Ir. Williams' 1'ink fills contain all the rlementa neceannry o give new life and richness to the hiood and reatore shat tered nerve. They are for aale hy all Iriigsiat. or may he hud hy mail from Ir. tVilliams' Med. V. Schenectady, N. V., lor oc per hox, or six boxes for $' QOtO ENOUGH FOR CENTURIES. i'elto urt i $ I ,)((). lo a down-town window la displayed the akin of a muak ox, on which is a lalx-1 Mating that It la tlw moat valu able kind of a fkln In existence, being valued at 11,). It Is the property of Mr. Herman iJurrell. who secured It on hla trip t the Arctic regions, or thereabout, laat year. With It la a hflt made of the sklna of very young calve of the mtiak ox speolea, which la valued at .'!0. The lar;e skin II covered with long, jrlne linlr, licneatn which Is a thick coat of fine fur, the coat and overcoat lx-lnsr neoeasnry to tbe comfort of the tnuHk ox In his frozen home away Inalde the Arctic circle. These sklna come hlifh. Imt fortunately people don't have to have them. Any one who (toes out bunting muak ox tklna will find that they will cost him more than $1,000 apiece, bexldea the Slscotnfort of traveling In the Arctic reKlona. Orcsonlun. ftouth African Mloea Can Supply tba World with tbe frecion Metal. An luu-reating letter, dated Dee. 11, lHito, baa rei-ently been rei-elved la this city from a New Yorker now resident at Julia uiiiT-lHirg, reaectlli(f tbe aouth Afrimn pild aud diamond Qelda. "Thia place la no fake," be write. aud continued, "I have talked with some of the cleverest Miiulne enciu- eera, and anionic other Hammond. considered the cleverest of them all They all agree that uw they have truck the low levela gold ia here for many, many yeara, aud that before the end of thia century thu acuta Af rican mines will be putting out more than $Hai,(MKi.tHio of gold a year, and they consider that a very conservative estimate. "I luive la--n to Kiniberly and have aeen the working of the diamond mitieH. which in moat Interesting. They are getting out !UX) worth a week, ami could do much belter if they were not limiting the product. The policy of the Ie Hi-era Company la to buy up all new mini that are discovered and Khul them up till they are required. The mine extend over a great terri tory, and are nil chimneys of extinct volciiuiM's. The country w here the dla moods are found reminds one of Ne vada, but here the gold country Is one vat plain of good grans, and you see cattle nnd sheep grazing all about. "The best mining engineers here are American, and the superintendent of the great Ie lteers and Klmberly milieu 'diamonds) Is an American named (iardner Williams. "I have !n"'n to tine of the big mines to-day to oe the workings, and am very much impressitl. 1 he knowing ones twy here that a big slump Is duo shortly, and that this Is no time to buy anything, but after the slump the gHxl in I in w, and all those on the main lode are good, will sell higher than ever and pay a good Interest on the Investment. Through their cyanlle process they ure getting Ho per cent, of the gold out-of the ore, and they think before long they will be able to nave all but nlsiut 5 per ceut. I understand that this la the only place In the world where this process Is used, and In any cae it Is the first place." Of Johannesburg the writer says: 'Tills Is a place of over ),') people, and Is literally btrllt on gold, as the mines are all about the city. There are some very fine buildings, and they are evidently here to stay. I do not like the climate, however, as It is very windy and dtwty. Water Is so Bcnrre at. this moment that one can not get a bath, and nt some of the bonnling'housofl they are using smln water to wash In. It is a very dear place, but people keep moving so fast that they do not notice it." New York Time. 'e.S Good Koada, Good Horaea. If roads were good a they are had And free from mud and jolt. The horse would he forever glad Aud spry aa a frisky colt. them. Hint liiid's i rowing la waking up the whole house. I'm afraid well have to ask you to allow u to take him down cellar." "Not by a d 1 night shouted the lord. "If that bird goe down cellar, I go down. too. lie's going to stay right here with Uie. I kept him here so he'd wake me up In time to catch my train, and he a done it. lit a giud birdt h-i is. I didn't need you Ui come up here jiouudiug on my disir." The outcome of it was that the cock remained in the room until the lovd was ready to leave. They added bouj thlng to ids bill on the bird's account, but the lord didn't mind that. Corre siKjudence Huffalo Kx press. Egyptian WrilloK. Tbe Egypt! ana had four separate and Itotlnct style or forma of writing- ties lieroglyphlc, the hieratic, the enchorial md tbe Coptic. The hieroglyphic wu jrobably in um aa early aa the year 1,000 B. C and at Brat waa made up ntlrely of picture. About the year 1,000 B. C. the hieratic form or style iraa Introduced. In thia the picture tleroglyphlca were greatly simpllned, Inally developing Into forma purely Inaar. . THE EV0L0TI0H )f medicinal aeents is gradually relegating he old-tiir e herbs, pills, draughts and veg etable extracts to the rear and bringing nto general ase the pleasant and effective Frunce"" Kino Koada. France is one of the best paved coun tries Iu the world. The first Naixdeon Instituted aud carriiil out a road sys-j tern which gave France the roads which are lasting monuments to tin? N"aioleoiile foresight and shrewdness. These roads, always passable and reaching all the centers of opulntlou, are competitors of the railways. Good Koa la and Trad . It should not require a very acute mental vision for merchants In coun try tow ns, who are almost entirely de pendent on the farmers for their trade, to see that it Is to their Interest to as sist in their work of improving the highways leading to their towns. A spider with no web wherewith to catch flic Is no worse off than a town with no roads radiating from it. Kvery mile of giKid rmnVadds so much more area to a town's territory of trade. Kvery sleep grade, every muddy place, every sandy stretch Is a barrier that the farmers will avoid by going to some trade center more easily reached. If the merchants In a slow-going town would organize their idle clerks into a road Improvement corps and go out In the highways and byways uieud- j lug the roads It would attract more customers than to cut off li per ceut. from their selling price. Il.aullr.ll Though Palrifut. We sinu "Come Gentle Spring," and ire often very sorry that we did any ,hing of the kind, for Spring, though Deautifol, is touietimes very painful the very luxury we enjoy in return of ihe balmy air is the latent source of a jreat many pains and aches. It is be Muse tli nerves ate relaxed in this way that they lieeome weak and an easy prey lo sudden attacks of neuralgia, but we bave iu St. Jacobs Oil something that restores Ihe tone, vigor and strength of the nerves to what they had een. The prompt ue of it in thcee neuialgic at tacks ol springtime is sure to be followed by perfect cure. The new buttons scintillate w it h vari ous colored mock jewels. Improper and deficient enre of the scnlr will caune grayneaf of the hair and bald ness. Escape both hy the nae of thai re liable specific, Hall's Hair Krnrwer. Rose pink and mauve is a combina tion seen in some gowns. IMao's Core for Consumption is the heat of all cougb cures Oeorae W. Lott, Fa bucber, La., Augo-tl 20, 1!. ! Tbe markets are particularly attract ive at this season. riTHAll Fit. ..pp.d ft, by Or Kllae-S Or ?T!:.";.W-Tr,.i, nnd l uo irul tool If" ' ebii..r. lit cam. Smdto If. Klmeji Arch Si The Mn Waa Hkeweil. The following anecdote of .Mr. Un roln'a kindness of heart was told by the late Schuyler Colfax to a gentleman who contributed to the Chicago Times Herald: During a visit to Menard County an Incident connected with the original survey of Petersburg was related to nip. It seem that Lincoln, then a sur veyor, first platted that town. Some twenty or thirty years afterward the property-owners nlong one of the out lying streets had trouble in fixing their Isiundarlea. They consulted the official plat and got no relief. A committee was sent to Springfield to consult the dignified surveyor, but he failed to recall anything that would give them aid, nnd could only refer them to the record. Tin? dispute, there fore, went Into the courts. Ijite one autumn, while the trial was pending, an old Irlahman named Ma gulre, who had worked for some farm er during the summer, returned to town for the winter. The controversy being mentioned In hla presence, he promptly said: "I can tell you all alwut It. I helped carry the chain when Abe Lincoln laid out this town. Over there where they ' are quarreling alwut the lines, when he was locating the street, he atralght pned up from his Instrument and said: 'If I run that street right through, It will cut three or four feet off the end of poor Tom ' house. It's all he's got In the world, and he never couia get another. I reckon it won't hurt anything out here if I skew thu line a little and miss hint. " Waiion Hoarla of Hteel. Steel wagon roads, as advocated by Martin Dodge. State Koad Commis aloner of Ohio, are likely to have a thorough trial In several States this year. These roads consist of two rails made of steel the thickness of lxiler plate, each formed in the shape of a gutter five Inches wide, with a square perpendicular shoulder half an inch high, then nu tingle of one inch outward slightly raised. The gutter forms a conduit for the water, and makes It easy ror the wheels lo enter or iciivc the truck. Such a doulde-track slecl rallriaid, sixteen feet wide, tilled in be tween with broken stone, macadam size, would cost about ?i,lMK). as against Sw.OW per mile for a niHcadum roadbed of the same width, but the cost of a Kmerson's le-isioni. Fiiiersoii was not an epicure, but he knew bow to appreciate a fine dinner. Several witnesses have given their tes timony in regard to his partiality for What lie called "pie." In "Sketches from Concord and Appledore." the author says that F.incrsou was fond of pears; knew the ls-st varieties aud the order In w hich they ripened. He used to say that there is only ten minute in w hich a pear is fairly ripe; before that it Is ti hard and afterward too soft. Then- are many anecdotes told of bis good sense and sagacity, and the fol lowing is perhaps equal to any of them: One summer there was a camp-meeting of Spiritualists at Waldeu I'ond, and every evening they held an enter tainment of speeches, singing'5 and music, to which a small admission fee was charged. It happened, however, that the picnic pavilion whs situated ( lose to Mr. Kind-son's land, and num bers of Concord people went out of curiosity and leaning against his fence heartland saw everything that went on. A committee of Spiritualists conse quently called on Mr. F.nierson nnd re quested permission to collect fees from those who slide their eiiti'l'tiniiicnt in this manner, At tirst tho:tg!.t u,!;;ht not seem to be unreasonable; but Kmerson re plied, "No, I have always enjoyed the privilege of walking upon my neigh bors' fields, nnd I cannot now refuse the same right to them."' Kmerson's no was always decisive, and if one person could not induce him to change his mind, I do not believe twenty millions would have succeeded In doing so, When he was in a law suit regarding some property, and the siiL'L'estion was made that lie should compromise he said: "By no mentis. If it Is mine 1 want the w hole of It: if it is not mine 1 do not want any of if." iqnid laxative, r-yrup ot rigi. to get uie rue remedy see tnai it is mauuiaciureo oy be California Fig Syrnp Co. only. For ale by all leading druggists. House cleaning and house hunting ire the occupation of the hour. Blue and white hyacinths are used it Delft luncheons. Tl Bt. Joseph and Grand Island B. t ItTHI SHORTEST and QUICKEST LIN! TO Al.t FOISTS NORTH WEST 11 EAST SOUTH A"nnwHntne Union Pacific By.tea lis THE FAVORITE BOOTS To California. Oregon and all Western Pointa for information regarding rates, ete , call os or address anv agent or B. il. AIxit, M. P. Kobisbon, Jb, eu. l'aaa. Agt Ocn'l Manager, St. JotepB, Mo. ASTHMA POi'HAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC GWes relief in riK min-Jtea. Bend ti.r rifi rtriisJ ijivt-kutre. t"ia tj nf Cl.MI. till lk1M Ad-tttt. R VAddrcM TiHtS. J'OPHAH, - A.J -T- mmn-mr r-ja-vl , TBT44 SPRIKKLt YOUR In Uul liue. it will Interest ou. I. K. WOOD CO. 487 Sooth Oakley Aveooe, Chicago, III And Spray Yoof FKI IT TK.t8. Wind U II aud Pumi IJUI v " A Crick" "A BUtch" uueeriNames "A Halt" "Bw Spots" " Blue Spots Dead Aches" , . are all well knownof flesh, bone,JJCODg . fl 111 Bear in Mind that "The Gods Help Those Who Help Themselves." Self Help Should Teach You to Use SAPOLIO rural one-t rack atoel road would he only W(11,l(,r ahout 2,000 u niili. It In claimed that MM.auH(: Htifh a road would mat much lonpi'r than Htone. and that one honte will! draw on a steel track twenty time as much aa nu a dirt road, and live times as much ns on macadam. The Untile of Capo St. Viru-ent. Am a ua vn I action the haltle of Cui St. Vincent is distinyulHlieil hy the: firm renoliillnn lil-li, for suflicleiit rea son, dared to eliUKe nniliKt odds Ko Ki-eut; hy the promptitude and vluor with which was seized the unforeseen opportunity offered hy The severance of the Kpiinlsli Heft; hy the sound Jniln ment which led Jervis to attack the ' Uvtb during your meals if you wish to be free from dyspepsia. ' Mrs. WlnsloWs Boorsiao HYStjr lor rh IWS ran leethltn. softens lb. films. r.l I ntlam. main,a.litHpaiD.curswindcoUc. ii.iti. Si nd eight dollars sro not unusual asking prices for some ot the rich spring weaves. 1100 toward, tioo. Ths rea'ir of this pP' ' be P1 to Uarn that there is at i one u. nleaed Ireailea diseaae that acianc. baa b.n able to , c re In all its Mases, nd thai is tatar n. Hair. Caiarrh'tur. la th. o.U post . i m i, medical rralrnity. Catarrh beina; a constitutional di.aas , re aires a eanstltutioital treatment. ?...v, rr. t. taken nternally, anting Erectly on ths blood and mncons ur'; ' f tti.7stem, thereby rrtroTln th. fondsti.fc of the disease, snd '" pMUat strength by budding up Iha .eon. Jtltntion and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors hare so much la th 71 :2- th.tthfr otter One Uandred Hollars lor any owe tiiat t lails to cure, fend for list ol testimonials. Address, V. i. CH ENEY 0 lo edo, 0. aVbold by Jlruggista, i-k. Familiarity and kindness are two very different things in the government ol rvants. nin rvPQ wauk nkw Aaf 01-0 t'5 UMlrs Br mail I0 tss, Hew York. with st Loek Lack of Proof. story Is told of a prominent Amer ican lawyer who wns a nne apeaaer and a wit, hut so ronu or meiapnysicai dlatinetlon that a coileitKiie one ttay read him a lesson never to be forgotten by any one who knew him. He told the Jury the following story, the moral of which was at once apparent: My friend , nhl he, who is so suc- ressful in line-spun nistincitoiiH, was mice emt.loved to defeuil an olil man ..- .i.....tiiir a nelirhlair's dog. The proof wns clear that the defendant said he would shoot Hit dog: that he brought out the gun In (en day and loaded It; that he took deliberate nltu at the dog, and that at the crack of the rifle the dog fell dead with a bullet through him. n.,i tt.o lnwver contended that thiH u-na nn Instance of clrctiniKtiinllal evl deuce merely, and that in such casea it un. well settled that If ft single IIUK in the chain was wanting, the wlioh; evidence was worthless; nnd although there wns proof ot the throat, the load ing of the gun, the firing anil the dentil ,.r the doir. "Yet." said he, "what wit ness has testified that ho Baw tbe bul let bit the dog 7 no . IWf V, Mo. IT. lark. freb. say T saw ADntB-risatK" In the bnchanal days of Rome men's often crimsoned with drink, and even tho gutter were flush d wltb wine. Impreaaetl by Kmcraon. The poet Kmerson was never credited with being a handsome man, though people who knew him saw in his face his beautiful character aud forgot to discriminate between him and his ap pearance. Years ago when the 'Thll oHophors" were iu camp at Follensbee I'ond, In the Adirondack's, Emerson was one of the party, and his devotion to ills studies nnd "worthless vvritln' " seemed to several of the guides a great waste of time, which might better have been spent in hunting and fishing. There was, however, a guide, Steveu Martin, who became perhaps the most noted that the Adirondack ever produced, and who recognized In Kmerson some thing of his real worth and upon whom the poet made a great Impression. Steve, as he was familiarly called. was an observing man, and the poet's physical defects then undoubtedly more prominent than iu later years, did not escape his eye, as may he seen rrom the answer he gave to the question of it,n writer of this paragraph: "VhatJ kind of a fellow was Kmerson?" "Wal, sir," said the old guide, "he wns a gen tleman, every Inch as nice a fellow as you ever see; pleasant anil kind nnd a scholar, too, alius Hggerln', studylu', and wrltln'; but, sir, lie was, I believe, the homeliest critter for ills age that ever came luto these woods." Troy Times. Hiitwtltute for an Alarm Clock. The memory of the eccentric Uird Oirllvle still lingers among many of the su.oi.mipn in Colorado. One day he tet out for Denver. He took w ith him on the train two mysterious-looking bugs. He went to the best hotel in tint cltv to spend the night. In the morn- liii the oeotilc in tne House were a wiir- n,.,l tiv the loud crowing of ft cock. The clerks and bell-hoys traced tin noise to the room of the distinguished lord, anil there they stopped puzzled. It surely seemed to them us If the crowing were In the room, and yet it seemed hardly possible that ft hcot tlsh nobleman would allow a rooster in his bedroom. But lluiilty, wnen uiu noise continued, they rapped on the lord's door. A sleepy voice came from within, and then the lord appeared in his night-clothes. He didn't look ft bit like a lord then. His hair was mussed nil over his head, his eyes were only hnlf open, and ho was shouting angry epithet" nt those who had disturbed him. Hut when the door wns opened wide, the clerka and boys In the hull were astonished at ft Cghtlng-cock perched on the foot of the lied, crow tug lustily. "We're sorry,'' said one of the clerks, "but It Isn't customary In thia hotel for guesH to tiling roosters to bed with division, though fur larger, the lee could not for a long time assist It; and finally, by the bril liant inspiration and dauntless cour age which enabled Nelson to redeem In time the single on pit til oversight committed by the i-omninuder-ln-chlef. This combination of daring and Judg ment, of skilful direction with energet ic determination to hnve none but great results, marked an epoch In naval history. Succeeding the dawn that glowed around the names of Kodncy of Howe, and of Hood, tills achieve ment of Jervis' foretokened the nenr approach of that brilliant noontide of the Hritish navy, which was coincident with the career of Nelson, and culm! nated at Trafalgar. Its timely Im portance, In the eyes of the govern meet, was shown by the rewanls lie- stowed upon the commander-in-chief. Already destined, for eminent services, to the lowest grade of the peerage, lie was now at one step raised to the dig nity of carl, with the title of St. Vin cent, by which he is now best known to history Century, r-rg - Olave's Kager Kplrlt. Among the young olilclals who were walling appointments at Leopoldvlllc was Mr. K. J. 1 1 hive. lie appeared to a slim, tall boy of eighteen or nineteen; but during the few days I remained at Leopold vllle I saw that he was a man of character, well educated, fond of sketching, and eager for active service. I was always on the lookout for willing spirits. Every European seemed will ing enough when he frst landed on the river, but very few, after an experi ence of the fever, long retained that willingness. However, Clave con demned his Inaction, and when offered a. chance of proving hla mettle and abil ity nt Ltikolcln, became aglow with ani mation. Century. Conformed to the Kules. The Chap Hook Is authority for this: "Kli.liinr Is writing a story for the Ladles' Home. Tournnl. Kipling! How ever, with liis usual breeze aud the vinous quality of his style, ho con cludes a chapter thereof: 'Aud the fellow tossed down a glass of old Ma deira, and turned to leave the room,' etc. Little llok. In a panic, wires the brawny jungle man: 'Can you change "Tossed down ft glnss of old Madeira?" Ijidles' Home Journal rules forbid men tion of wine.' Kipling wires four words: 'Make It Mellln's food.' " "I can overlook his past," sighed the grieved and mortified young woman, after ft careful inspection or rue ring she had Just received from her lover, "but I am bitterly dlsapiiolnted with his present." The diamond was paste. Chicago Tribune. An agriculturist paper has nn article on kicking cows. A man who is mean enough to go around kicking cows with out Just provocation, Isn't too good for biting horses. It's Pure Walter Baker & Co.'s Cocoa is Pure it's all Cocoa no filling no ChemiCalS. WALTER BAKER & CO., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. iii n "Big as a Barn Door ipyy u I For 5 cents you get almost as much "Battle Ax" as you do of omerhighgrade goods for JOcents, Before the days of "Battle Ax" consumers paid 10 cents for same quality Now, "Battle Ax" Highest Grade, 5 cents Thatfs true economy. L A mm How it looks, to the women who wash with Pearline, when they see a woman washing in the old-fashioned wav with sosd rubbintr the clothes to pieces, rubbing away her strength, wearing herself out over the washboard ! To these Pearl ine women, fresh from easy washing, she seems to "wear a fool's cap unawares." Everything's in favor of Pearline easier work, quicker work, better work, safety, economy. There's not one thing against it. What's. the use of washing in the hardest way, when it costs more money ? m