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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1896)
r' A ' THE SIOUX i OUNTY JOURITAL. J.. .1. fsiiumons, I-rflltr and Prop. f. F.. I X. V R, k. Tim table. Going Went. Coins: tut. Ho. t, mixed, 10 40 X. . lutxed 7:0 GRANT OUTURIE, Altorney-al-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justit:. County and Ilistrict (jurttt, and before the United States iat Office. J-'ire lnsuraiwie writteu in reliable torn ramie. fJfljcgal mper curefuliy drawn. HakJuwin, - Nkbhaska. I!. U SMUCK. Fashionable Barbor &. Heir Dresser. OPEN 3UN0AV rBOM 9 TO 12. KAZOfts AND hClsWiltK PIT LN OJlhKK. t.lre 1 me I ft 1 Cull. J. C PHINNEY, M. I. Physician ind Surgeon. All calls given prompt attention, llftiee In Drug stoir. HARNlttON. - MCKHAHKA. -THE- RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE HAS JUST RE 'HIVED A LARUE IN- voice or winter CLOTHING, IN'CLUiJlNU Overcoats, Coats, Vests, and Pants and when you need any thing in tltut lino von should survlv K to GERLACH'S. He also has a fine assortment of win ter underwear, gloves, niiltn, hats, v.ip. Imots, shs, arctic, etc. etc. His stock of staple ..nd fancy groceries i full and complete mid n all goods lit will make you liednw k RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Marsleller Brother re-arranged Urn interior of tlieir store to .quite au extent the lata of the week, so that tliey have llieir stock of men's boots and shoe and clothing in belter shape. Tliere is no doubt that spring is here. L Richstein has moved his bar to the north side t.f the front room of his building, and whever lie begin to re-arrange hi fixture it may be taken for granted that gentle spring is here. It Ik reported that a store in to be opened between Bodiirc ami Odchrist IMMtolllces. This will afford a market i l.,,,,, for the butter, eggft and i,rudu which Uie people of tliat local! ty have to spare, and enable them to get supplies without much ios of time ""r ingtlie busy season- H will he convert lent to the opl and may prove very profitable to the owner. It is said that William Norelsch has not vet recovered Kulllciently to get out. It is mtid that be has Hold his tattle and intends to leave the country. The lie lief w exnrewed by aooie that he ha the family ao UrroriI that the fact of the recent trouble cannot be obtained, and that eliould there be any further trouble Mverv niftuure would likely be taken. With that feeling existing a change of climate might do much to protw t his IBIS Fine line of jewelry a:. J clocks at Pioneer Pharmvy. B. L. Sinuck moved out to the farm last week and began to put in his crop. Ilorehound compound cough syrup tlie great remedy for coughs and colds at the Pioneer Pharmacy. FOR Balk ob Runt -180 acres near Harrison. Free from incumberance and aell improved. Inquire at this office. W a snroSOO cattle to herd during the coming season. Oood range and water, and careful attention guaranteed. Terms, PQ cents for tiie serson. P. JT. Kikkpatkick. H.irnson, Nehr. I fiave a large list of lands belonging to eastern parlies which I will sell or rent on easy terms. May be I have just what you. tull and see me or send de scription of any land you want. OiaxT OrniMK. Harrison, Neb. Alfred Leitliotr has secured the re- iiiiuihiinit-nt to the lliiLfii Mniley claim and has put a honiextead filing thereon. Highland precinct smna to be having a bnoni. A double-header from the west on Saturday too!: the first shipment of cat tle from the southern ranges to those of the north. They came f'om Colorado and were enrnute to Montana. J. W. Earnest received won! thej first of the wek from his hrotlier Jim Htating that he was stopped in his jour ney smith by small-pox. He is in Indian Territory and linds some sale for mules. WaXtku A reliable lady or gentle man to distribute wimples and make a house to house canvass fr our Vegetable Toilet Hon ps and Pure Flavonngextracts. (10 to (75 a month easily made. Address Ckokts &. Rkkii, Chicago. III. Jack Frost caught a good many who indulged tbo fancy that he h:ul left on his visit Friday night. The juver.ile or lion of The JiH RNAL family mourn the demise of the baby of their gidd gsh fam ily, w ho could not stand the change. Couoty Merit Ulewett received no tice for all mrties having filed claims for water rights prior to April 4, 1W, to appear at the olllce of the county clerk, Harrison, on May 1 1, 1 !, at 9 o'clock, a. m. All claimants are existed to at tend at hearings in order to furnish proof or their claims will Ihj dismissed. Commissioner Tmkliam was in town Monday mid called at this oltice. He says the moisture which has fallen will bring the grain and grass up in good shue. and the people nre feeling good, lie and Bert Itew exei t to start in u couple of weeks for the mountains of Wyoming m a prosnecling exwlition. Ijist Thursday night the snow was accompanied by a go sJ deal of lightning. During the storm alsiut eight inches of snow is said to have fallen in the. valley and nearly as much on the table. It drifted to some extent but wet all the ground enough to start the grain and grass all right and people are feeling good over it. County Treasurer Biehle was called home on Thursday on account Mrs. Biehle's arm having Income so swollen aul inflamed tliat he became alarmed lest blood-poison set in. The difficulty hegau with a small nor on the elbow and grew worse until the entire arm Isj came terribly swollen and painful. At last resrts the danger was past. The village s ImmiIk will clou to morrow and the children and teachers will no doubt enjoy the relief. For the llrst time in some years the school has escaped the necessity ( f being closed on account of sickness. The teachers have both been employed for the past two years and they will close their labor here with the liest of feeling toward. They e.wct to spend tlie summer on their homestead in Dawes county and all will wish Mr. and Mrs. Fisher pros perity in ail their undertakings. Word received here yesterday that H,erman Kroning had been arrested a few days Isjfore at Arduiore, S. D., and tnkeo to Hot Springs, charged with rust ling. It is said that he had Iwen under watch for a long time. He did not like the idea of being arrested and the oflicer had to pull down on him with his gun Wore he decided to submit. If they have much evidence against him it may go hard with him for the people of Fall Stiver county do no treat such cases lightly. If he does succeed in getting clear it will cost him a lot of money. The report is tliat W. D. Lrtfferty is recovering from the effects of the surgi cal osjration as well as could be exact ed. The bill for the oieration was re ceived by the county clerk a few days ago from tlie hospital at Omaha and is for $15.00. This with what the rehf commission advanced him makes (40. (X), and the understanding was that Mr. Ltf ferty asked it simply as a loan and will refund it in the near future, but if it is never repaid TH JOURNAL considers tins money well snd, for the patient would not have lived long had he not received help. 4 A band of twenty thousand sheep are wid to le coming ond will be held during the summer on Running Water aK)ve J. W. Earnest's. TllK JoCKNAJ. i not assured that such is the fact ond it hoi it is not. A migratory flock-owner, coming in after the date for assess ment and remaining a few months, is of no benellt and every such band that Iih come in has caused more or less trouble in the community. If ft "lP n or any other want to come and settle in lite county he should be wicorded every , courteay but a wandering Willie PEBH05AL. iVn. Klein was up from Gleo yester day. F. M. Smith was up from Five Points the first of the week. D. H. Oriswold ond IL D. Churchill were at Bodarc Tuesday. John L Davis has been struggling with an attack of grippe. Peter Schaefer is reported to be quite low, but he may rally. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Henry were in from Montrose yesterday. ' Bob Keel was reading the street signs at tlie county hub on Wednesday. Mrs. C. B. Hollingsworth and Miss Daisy IVmn were in Harrison Tuesday. fllen Zerlss enme un from Chadrnn Saturday having been attending school there. Mr. nnd Mrs. John I Hint are tip from j Crawford visiting friends and "holding down" their homestead. ! r . J. W. Smith. Married. j Hjbhki.w DF.rVicK. At the residence of j " the bride s parents on East Hat creek, j fiuvernilieilt Land. Sioux count v. Nebraska, on Thursday. T . April IB. 1HBB. bv Rev. Father Bropl.v. IWhlv the last great chance to se of Ouidron. Mr. Herman Hihheln and cure a quarter section of good tanning Miss M;irv IJeBock, both of Sioux land under tbe homestead law will be at couoty, Nebraska. nm opening of the Chippewa Indian res- Tbe young people are both well and j erViltlns tms spring, comprises favorably known to a large circle f 1 the majority of the land in about fifty ipiaintances who extend Iwst wishesto j .p aml furninli excellent them for a prosernuH anil happf-fmir-1 (lomes for thousand of people. But lit- ried life. Their friend to the number of one hundred gathered to participate in the wedding festivities and tread a measure in honor of the event. Pat Iu:y s team broke loose Monday evening and" tore things up somewhat. Hester & Son ship!d the Imlance of their fat sheep to market the tlrst of the week. The first thunder shower of the sea son occurred Wednesday. There was more thunder than shower. Dr. Phinney reiiorts the arrival of a son at tlss home of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Unilt on Tuesday morning. Johu Finley has built a house near the sawmill in Sowbelly canon and has moved his family there. L. T. Poole will 1) in Harrison next week and parties in need of water eleva tors will do well to see him. Henry Warneke moved the school portion of his family back to tlie ranch the first of the week. -All persons indebted to me are re quested to call and settle their accounts by cash or note by May 2. J. W. Smith. Thomas Devenport made a delivery of nursery stock here the llrst of the week and every one who had given an order called for his goods. It is reported that the storm last week caused the loss of manv sheep in Wyoming. One owner is said i.o. haye lost eight thousandhend. Last weekC F. Coffee purchased u thousand head of yearling sters of A. A. Spaugh which he will put on the range at the 7 box L ranch on rawhide, Wyoming. A livery team was ordered brought to a pertain place at a certain time on Tuesday for a couple of gentlemen to make trip into the country. A team stood at the place indicated and they took it and sturled nut. They had not gone far before they di:covered their error and returned, much to the amuse ment of the by-standers. as they hnd tak en a team which a couple of ladies had driven into town. A man was here on Mondny hxiking up matters in regard to opening a saloon just outside the government reservation in Sioux county. He will have to get his petition signed by a majority of the resident free-holders of White River pre cinct and put up a lxnd in the sum of five thousand dollars, and pay the li cense fee fixed by the board of county commissioner, which cannot lie less than (")00 under die laws of the state. Should he comply with all the prelim inary provisions it is doubtful if he would he granted a license. The exper ience of the county in the past was not such that it will soon le forgotten or a reetition of it be desired. It is also quite evident that neither tbe offi cers nor the people will countenance an attempt by any one to run a saloon in that locality without a license. Every once in a while some boy or girl hikes n notion that they are not treated right at home and that they will have better times und receive better treatment at the hands of strangers and a a result of such notion they run away from home. There are instame, no doubt, wliere such proves to be tlas case, butfew parents getso unfeeling fiat they ill-treat their children. It is not natural for them to do so, neither is it natural for others to 1 as considerate of the children of others as they are of their own. To the boy or girl w ho contem plates leaving home in hope of receiving better treatment THE JiH'RNAl. would sav don't do it. Home is the best phice you can find and in after life you will look back to the days spent there as the happiest of your lile. It will matter not how poor and humble it was, the f w l of it having been your home will lend a charm surpassing that of gilded hall or palace. Nnllee. Notice Is hereby given ttitt on tnc nn out of May, ISUS, t sudor KiehsUdn will make all plication to lh Iward of trustees of the y II- I for a license to tin (ranted to hlin to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In ld vilbiRe tor the inunlrlpal year of lsW. All objections, protest or reuionstraiiees to the Issuance of said license mast Imi lunrte In wrltiiiesnd Bled with tbe Tillage Clerk aire 01 iiarnaon, sionx enuiiiy, ppi7iwpn. wntuiKsna uiea mn mm tiii" i" 1 or before noon of the Mb day of Msy, IM, or said license will be prayed tor with- on or burn 11m. fuit Iheretn. 1UI Harrtson, Nebraska, Afrll K, H. taAUou mcusTkis Sprier tr In the Fret, If that very fiainful and troublesome complaint, spring fever in the feet, is present, tlte hot foot-bath should be used every night, adding a sxxnful of alum to the salt and mustard, and rub bing tbe feet afterwards with alcohol and lemou juice in eU il proportions, or with a weak solutioo of carbolic acid. This treatment will sieelily reduce the swelling, and the tired feeling and sore nees are at once relieved by either lotion. Tliey are so valuable remedies that they ought to 1 on every toilet table. 'From "Spring Ailments," in l)euiorest' Maga zine for April. amciiod nan. 1 w ill sell my entire stock of harness, saddles, whips and harnK and other supplies on batunlay. May 2, IHSMj, at 1U o'clock, sharp. Terms cash. tie is know n concerning this opening by the general public for the reason that congress wisely provides in the act own ing the reservation to settlement for the publication of the notice of ojening in but iwo p;i)ers in the United States. Iioth of which lire near the land in ques tion. This will effectually shut out speculators und land sharks and gives the boda-llde settler who is informed a much Isitler chance to secure a gotsj homestead. An effort is being made to furnish all necessary information to all honest intended settlers, which can be obtained by addressing at once, Lepartmk.nt ok Information, 000 Calumet Bd.,'., Chicago. III. Final Proof Notices. All iwrsons having rtiml proof notices In tlil mier will riM-elve n tinirkeil copy of the puNr nuil tire re'iueslccl to examine their nollee Htul if liny t rroi h exist reisjrt tlie saiiie to tliiii oltice at once. No! ire fur I'ulilii'iiUiin. hand Ortirc lit Allliimc, Neb. I April 7, li. i Notice i hereby given Unit the follow inn mimed settler lias riled notice of hU Inteti tion to make ttniil proof in snpisirl ot iiis claim, and tlml sn!l nnx will lie untile ui tore M. J. Ulewett, . IitW of the district court, lit Harrison, Neb., on .May I", Is'.nl, viz: Jmepli llmm, nt (itlrlirist. Xeh., on behalf nf heir of Kirlmrd Kism, ilrcuised. who miide If. K. No. 2H11 for tlio lie. See. B, Ip. x a., r. 44 w. He mime the following wlt'icssc to prove his continuous resideneu upon mid cultiva tion ol an d and. viz : John K. Meyer, Frank Meyer, I'mil Serres, nil of (,lllirlit, Neb., Jueksou K render, ol ItiHtill'V, Neb. Ml OtiiilYrtx. of Harrison, Neb. who made II. K. No. SI3 for the w. '4 . '4, lie. '4 w. Li X . nw. '4 one. ZJ, ip. St 11., r. 5M w. He names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and uultivu tion ol, mi hi land, vl. : Nrtdor Klehtd:i, I., (ierlaeh, (iriint liiith rle, II. L. Sinuck, all or Harris 111, Neb. I .Si .Hi I J. IV. Wehs, Jh., KcKistcr. Tlmlier Culture, Final Proof.- Xutlee for I'ub I'atien. Cnited Mutes Land Office. Alliance Neb. I April SU, IS,. 1 Notlee ! hreby given that Wlliinni W. Seymour, of New' York, ha tiled nonce of In tention to make Hnsl proor before M. J. Ulewett, t'lerk Idst. Court, at Ills oftiee In Harrison, 011 the )th day of May, IsOi, on timber culture application No. :ri, for the. sw. U of section No. 41, in township No. 81 11., range No. ;"7 He liaineii us witnesses: W . A. ItiR-olow, II. f. Johnson, W. I., lloyt, Henry Warueke, all of Harrison, "'cb. 3js J. W. Weiin, J., UeglsUr. LOOK HEBE! DO YOU WANT TO RAISE WATER? I will put you is u machine which will elevate from MX) gallons to 22,000 gal lons per niintite with the least possibls power. It can lie operated by windmill, steam, water or horse power. It has been tried and its merits are known. It is Just the thing to use in streams where a portion of the water t un be used to elevate the other portion. Tliey are cheap. They are durable. They are hlniple. They tire up-to-daU- Prices on larger machines or on iron work alone, furnished on application. Write for further information to, L. T. POOLE, Agent, Marsland, Neb. JMore FOB Rone)i, TThan Marsteller Bros. "The Old Reliable." Isador Richstein, DEALER I IsT Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AUENT Pabst's Celebrated beer: HARRISON". 225 DesignsAII for lOc. The UrirMt collection of up-to-date deslfcm ever published in any architectural bnnk In the wcria su cnurcn uesigns i inicriurs--Ustablos. aai nsjin unince , bvwsisk nvL . p U dMlrns locu., or both booki for lieu. aJil Any oh ronf to build, or ever Intending V to build, shoiilif send for these ( VfM limited edtUons) of "Artlstlesnd l olonlsl Homes." HERBERT C. CHIVERS, Architect, THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL, ESTABLISHED 1888. Always carries in stock a good line of stationery consisting of Letter heads, Statements, Legal blanks, Book stock, Cards, Etc, Etc, Etc. When in need of such things do not forget to call. (broods YOTJB FOR NEBRASKA. ST. LOUIS, MO. Note heads, Envelopes, Bill heads, Poster stock, Invitations, r ft- I; health. very did: en t thing. j