The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 09, 1896, Image 7

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To drfm of a hen am chute 4
raoi that your ewtvthart will desert
fou sod marry another.
Walking in the iliwl in a dream
tiynitfe that sduio on is vailing a
i bailee t) do you injury
Todnni')! a ditcli indicate that
yon will anon be placed in imminent
daniitr, either of life or I tub.
To dream of -at in if aotip means that
you will readily recover from any ill
which mi befall on.
Tha Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Ate.
Has discovered In one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worit bcrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He ha tried it in over eleven hutvdred
tases, and river failed except In two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates
of Its value, all within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for kolc.
A benefit Is always experienced from
Ihe first bottle, and a perfect cure Is war
ranted when the rif,ht quantity Is taken.
When the lungs are affected It causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the s.ime with the Liver or
Bowels. This Is caused by the ducts being
topped, snd always disappears in a week
after taking it. Head the label.
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will
CJuss squeamish feelings at first
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
tht best you tan get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tablespoon ful jn water at bed
time. Sold by all Druggists.
Checks Bleeding, Reduce
Inflammation.Quiets Pain
Is the Bicycler's Necessity
Sores, fl inEQ Burns
Piles, LfUntO Colds
Rheumatism, hoarseness
Sore Throat, Chilblains
Catarrh, Inflamed Eyes
Wounds, Bruises, Sprains
H;adache, Toothache, etc
after Shaving No Irritation
after Exercising No Lameness,
Is a specific for Piles. 50 cts.
W. L. Douglas
3. SHOE be8JorTdThe
If too par to ! shot, ex
amine tle V. I, Iougla Mv, and
wnt a itood shoe ou can bus ('ir sea7
and LACK, tnmln In all
fclnria ot the lw-a bpIm-I-i1
loathrr lij skllletl work
nten. We
uiaks and
aril more
(3 Marl
than any
o I h r
anaaafas-tarrr In th worltl.
Ron frnuine onli name and
prfca ti itamijfd on the tsjltom.
Aik your daier for nur SI.
. as no, aa.oo. sii .-t,, S'J and S1.7A lot buys.
Tall IW SUBSTITUTE. If youHealrr
tannut supply yini, sen.! to I Ac
tor y, enclosing pricn and jftcrnu
to pay cartlnge, St4le kind, ttyl
of lue (cap or plain), u ti
width. (ur Cuitom l.t. mil nil
your order. Send fur rww Illus
trated CaUlogue to Bos K.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mass.
fit Bt. Joseph and Grand Inland" R. R
TO ai.L roiKT
Union Pac.fio Syitsn.
IK TK ?VokltK CT
To California, nr. ann and all W'rsterti P'.mts
for information n-Krdln ri. dr , call oi
or tddmi any enenlor a. M.Ansir,
M, f. koniKHOft, Ji., i,en. I'a Ar
Oau l Manager, HI. Josrph, Mo.
II Sa SB f W Bas r,ntslld rl w ll.r rnfi
sums' al lt..lst pnrrs
ship aiirlTs l"r 'nm'
aatwn ts-fo-s sat K-f
(bine aarraiilO lMi
iflra M rr)aa.
till Harm". 41 "'
Rldlna aildlaa. ril
lor caui'iw
(uhH tfarana Mil. U
MHmait,Baar llsseri. les.
lUnlffflaU. Vt BUI' "'!'1
a a.Mi,i nr al.
.M. U I
4dr TNU. iirH4, I -"I
. . aw.Mn !
a. m. v. Mm. sas-ia
tvswst wbitimo to a i vnti isrii
' - mmm na aka aaarttMaBni
- m
"ala. itrm. aa aaaitu m- lataaja,
flia Terrlbla Ordaal a Ma thai
Littla Oirl Almo.t Kad4 Away
Ba4 in tba Nit at of Tina e A Story
that Will Touch the Heart af KverT
From tlir Journml. Dttroil, JfirK
A Trrjr grateful unitlirr la Mrs. A. L., of liTil (irainly avrniir, letrort,
or the wonderful t ur which ht-r datiiib
ter baa rrrmi'd by thf uae of Or. Wil
iiaiua' l'uik 1'illa. Said Mra. llartncaa:
Vtf, nty dsii;lilr a liftf liaa Ihvo aaved
by uaiux l'uik Tills, tbanka to a kind
friend who rei-ninrnendcd theiu to me.
"Hiaiit lio tva i k for over tbre jein.
She had the rare f the beat .hv.;'ialia
proi-ur.itfle, aii.i no exjienite or trtuble waa
imred to Kive her relief. She aa o
t 111 ta that ahe waa fairly akin and buliea.
her d geaiiou wan out of order ami alie had
the moat awful iiead.ii Ilea. We i-'iive up
all hope of her recovery. Her Ionic, thin.
lite face ni.ide me nearly cra.t. ami
we did ererytlimic is our iotver to Kive
her atretiirili aul induce h.T to Like an iu
terett in ant 1 him.
"One d.iv a fni nd told me aitoiit pink
I'ilU. .nid Mr. 11 irtncit tv. nl ilnttn tottu
and (Tot tim e boiea. She had tnkcu al-oii!
one box. when, to my amazement, one
nturiiiujr 1 heard her !n) mis on the linno.
1 could h.ird!) In lieve it, f..r it had been
tit er a ) e ir aiuce the piano had been open
ed. "Soon ahe iM'gun to take short ri !v on
her bicycle, and aoon a. lie wenl h.iiirlni;
around ihe lioiite, our titvn li.ipjt, heurty
little iliiiliihter oliee lllore.
"She I Ii i ii). m notliiiii; of a Kiin on tier
a. heid over to Ml. Cb tiiena or roiiiia-, a id
la Well aa xhe etiT
"1 had it Kill lit ini! .'I our h"li"- who tv.'is
a Kllft. rcr trolil impoveritlieil blond,
and tt ho received ini.inf nnd perimi ncnt
relief from the ute of one box of the plila.
"If this information can be of any u-c
to help aoiue poor ait k one, if ia t; 1 1 en with
the ijrcjitcKt of pleasure."
The proprieiora of lr. William' I'ink
l'illaaiate that they me not n patent med
icine, but a prescription tiaed for iiianj
Veal by an eminent practitioner who pro
duced ihe moat wonderful rcnilt with
them, i ni int' all form" of weakness arising
from a tvaiery condition .if the blood oi
shattered nervea, ttto fruitful cauio-s ol
aiinost every ill to u Ii oil ll.-sh is heir. Tht
pills are aNo n specilii' for the troiibiei
peculiar to females; effect n iiTtiiaii.iil
cure in all nine, iirislni; from mental ttor
ry, overttork, or e-eses of whatever mi
lure. 'I d are entirely harmless and car
be given lo weak Mini sickly children with
the (ireitteal pioil and it limit llie slii;lit
est danger, I'iuk I'ills me sold bt al
dealers, or will be sent post paid till re
ceipt of price (.'Ml cent a box fir six boxet
for f'l 'iH they are never sold in bulk oi
jiy the 1 M i , by uddiosin lr. Williatna
iledu ine (!onipaiiy, S. heiiectudy, N. V.
If tlie latU;r (or Yorkshire piil 1 i rirs
fritters, or batter t akes is made nvera
hours U'fore it in wauled, the flour wii
have a chanro to a well Htnl render tin
hatter much liirhtcr.
Catarrh Cannot b curna
cannot rciodi the seat of the disea-e. ( a
tarrh is u blnoil or constitutional
and in order to cure it voti must take in
ternal remedies. JJal.'a Catarrh Cure il
taken internally, and acta directly on tin
blood and mucous surfaces. Kail's C
turrh i ure is not a ijuack medicine. It
was preirrihed by one of 'he beat pbvai
cians in tlaa country lor yeara, and la a
r-Kiilar prescription. It is composed oi
the best tonics known, eombined with tli
best blood pnritiera. acting diretuly on th
tnucoiia surlares. The j.erlect combina
tion of the two inirredienta is what pro
duces such wonderful results in curing
Catarrh. Semi for testimonials, free.
V. J. CUK.SKV ti CU., Props., Toledo, 0.
r-old by UruKista price 75c.
The adiiition of a little salt to flttee
foods help to hrinu out the flavor, nnc
acid tilings ar) imptoved hy the add!
tion of a little sugar.
Mra. Wlnalow's nvjthiso eYRHr for chile
ren teetbimt, soileita the xunik, re-luce iultatn
niainm oyn pain. eurea wind coliu. z'h: tsittle
Meat and fowls may he made nifn
tender if, when they are hoi line, a tea
spoonful of vinegur lie added to tht
Witn but little care and no trouble, tin
beard and mustache can be kept a nnlforn
brown or black color by using Hocking
ham's Dye for the whiskers.
New sweaters are u.ade gay by gradu
ated stripes of color.
Piso's Cure for Consumption baa beet
a (jod-send to me. Win. H. McClellan
.Chester, Florida. Het. 17, m.
"it-AII Fitiiipp''lf'r'll'y Or. Kllna'lGraai
Narva Raltortf. No l"tl after the hrkt day' ue. Mai
velrjos currs. 1 rroe and $jm trial botdti free t(
fitcaKi. hendto llr. Kline, ajt Arch St.. Phila., Pa.
Adjustable ire-buhtleB have appeared
in the shop', and it is to 1 e hoped thai
they may remain there.
Morgan County, Col.
The amount of land for sale In Moman Count)
Il limited. The entire Irrigated district com
prliesonly alsiut l.'.Vsi aeiaa. more than hall
ot hlch la already tinder miltlvatlon.
Allowing an acres to a (arm lllie usual sire ol
an irrieuiru larin and as much as one mini can
look after properly) there la nsitn for only 7m
more lainiers than are alreiuly on th ground
prompt actiou Is therefore, advisable. The best
farma will go first. Aa laud becomes scarcer
hlijher prices will prevail. Two years hence vol
will uot lie able lo buy an acre ot Morgiui (Viunt)
bind lor tu-e the Hgure II nan be had for U-day
Morgun County haa any number of advantage,
over nine out of every ten farming sections in ihs
l ulled Stales. No crop (allures; no chance ol
crop failures: no droughts; no malaria: no hot
winds- no Intense heat: no hitler cold. The
people are f i lendly. The schools, chinches and
hipping facilities ure all that can be desired
Tha system ol Irr. gallon Is iw-oiicraUvo and
economical. The nllinale la heallhfiil. The soil
'"alnrgan County"! tops lieat the world. Wheal
averages nearly 40 bushels lo the acre. Over Its,
farmers rirt last year'! field aa In excess of u
bstbels and fifty aa Id excess of Hi bii'hela.
Oala corn and potatoes do eoually well. Alfalfa
la a 'alaple crop and yields tons to the acre
Cattle and iheeii raising are profitable. Market
gardenlDg and fruit culture receive a great ileal
of attention. Ist year, one man made ti, xi
froai three acres of onlona. Another, h-D from
stands of laws. A thud. If .Mi from the pro
eeed, of 70 acres of wheat. And so It goes through
the entire list.
Full Information about Morgan County can as
nblaiwsl by wrfllag to J Krancls, ti. t. a I. A.,
HurllngloD KouK, Onaha. Nob.
Hllk Ti.rvada.
The buiinetaol producinir silk msj
be proectittd with lucceai all over the
middle snd iouthern states of t big conn
try. Hupertitiou peraonaiay that a wsrt
cut off by tyinu silk thread round it
and drawing the ends tightly will never
The silk from cocoons containing
male inact is said to be stronner snd
better then thst (rem cocoons mads by
(enisles. -
How I'urrots Ik-come Left-Handed.
I'arrots fretpif inly have the habit of
gPdpluK ftMal and other objects) jire
wuted to them with the left claw. Or.
Oavitl S. Jortlnu kh that this Is a re
unit of the rij-'ht handedness of men
and women. The parrot naturally wiz
en With itn left claw nil object whleli
the jrlver iirewiilH w lib the rlht hand.
rnmera-Caatrlit I'lanetsi,
I'or four yeura punt Or. Max Wolf,
of the IJeiflrllM-rg observatory, has
lieen iislncj photiinidiy instead of eye
observation in the disetivery of minor
planets, or wwleroids. In this iiiatiner
he has found thirty-nix new phnii-ts. of
w hitdl ( liililcen were (ilscoveli'tl ill lS'.l'J.
nine in S'X'., hix in and three ia
New I'ee for ('liitine.
It has reteiiily lieen dLseovcred that,
by moan of a simple chemical treat
inent, ofdimiry relaliiie can be solidi
fied. In thin form it resembles cellu
loid, but la not liitlainmulde mid is
therefore not dann'Tous, tin celluloid is.
It cuu be colored, spotted and st n-akod.
as desiretl, so lis to imitate tortoise
shell, coral, inotlier-of -pearl and other
natural product.
Substitute for Cold.
In France a new substitute for Kohl
has been formed by combining nlnety
foiir parts of copper with six parts of
ant iiiioiiy, and adilitic; a Utile uou'tie
sium carlionate to increase the weight.
It Is said that this alloy can be drawn,
wrought and soldered very much like
(fold, nnd that it also receives and re
tains a golden polish. It is worth about
2Ti cents a pound.
A Cnblc In the Amn.on.
A vivid conception of the wild luxuri
ance of vegetation along the Amazon
River 1m conveyed by the news that
In opening telegraphic comiutiiili'tilloii
between I'ara and .Mannos, a cable !s
to lie laid for u long distance at tin
bottom of tlie river, the surrounding
foreotH being ho dense ami tangled that
it Is deemed Impracticable to rim n tel
egraph line through them.
Chimney) lit 8e".
Pictures of the new Fulled Stales
cruiser UrooUlyn show her with im
mensely tall smoke stacks, towering
up higher than the masts, with the ex
ception of the llagstafTs. Similarly tall
smoke stacks have rni-titly been adopt
ed for a large merchant ship, and It Is
thought that their use may become
common. The purpose is to Imitate the
draft produced by lofty chimneys on
land. This Is culled "induced draft,"
an opposed to the system of "forced
draft," heretofore generally used to In
crease the power of steam-boilers. It Is
claimed In behalf of the new system
that It produces a more natural draft,
and Is less Injurious to the Isillers, be
sides leading to greater comfort for
the firemen. Other ways of Inducing
Instead of driving air through the fur
naces have been contrived, but the tall
smoke-stack plan Is said to be the most
economical for ships.
Knat Traiua of the Future.
In discussing the things needed to In
crease the average speed of railway
trains the Scientific American urges
strongly a decrease in the weight of
cars, and makes an Interesting com
parison with bicycles: "In a train
made up of Pullman cars the engine
has to haul not less than a ton and a
half of dead load for each passenger
carried. Oa the race-track the bicycle
carries Its load, at average railroad
speed, on a dead-weight basis of twenty
pounds to the passenger. One hundred
and fifty times as much dead-weight
to be carrried jier passenger on a rail
roads aa on a bicycle!" What the limit
speetl for trains will be In the twentieth
century no one can tell at present, but
with existing conditions more than 1X
miles an hour have been made over
a short distance,
A .Mysterious Crater.
About forty miles from FIngstulT,
Arizona, In the midst of a great plain,
there Is a saucer-shaped hollow about
three-quarters of a mile across and
six hundred feet deep. The rim of
this strange crater rUes between one
hundred and fifty and two hundred
feet above the surrounding plain.
Kocky fragments are scattered for sev
eral miles around the crater, decreas
ing In number until they disappear.
Among these rocks many fragments
of meteoric iron, some containing min
ute black diamonds, have been found.
The Inner walls ahow that the crust
of the earth was broken when the
crater was formed; yet no volcanic
rocks exist there, (leologlsts have re
cently proposed several theories to ac
count for this singular phenomenon.
One theory Is that an Immense meteor
ite made the bole, and that the meteor
ic fragments Just mentioned pre rem
nants of the falling star. Another the
ory ascribes the origin of the craUr
to a tremendous explosion of steam In
the rock beneath; and a third com
bines the first two by suggesting that
the blow of a falling nusteor, striking
the earth's crust at a point where sub
terranean water had accumulated in
the neighborhood of heated rocks, was
the cause of the explosion.
A Iilvely Young Duke.
The Duke of Orleans served for a
time In the English srmy, but was com
pelled to fire up bis connection In con
sequence of his childish behavior. He
plajrad no end of senseless tricks while
stationed at Aldershot, waa moat lib
subordinate as regarded discipline,
was forever taking advantage of th
immunity due to bis royal rank, ai.i
finally waa compelled to leave the arm
for having cut the ropea anchoring j
captive balloon In which Gen. Sir Eve.
lyn Wood and a couple of other flel.J
officers were taking observations dur
lug a shaui battle. A strong wind w M
blowing and the balloon was carried
up into the air, and its occupants wera
unable to effect a descent until at a,
distance of some thirty miles from Al
dershot. Sir Evelyn complained di
rectly not only to tlie Duke of Cam
bridge, but also the Queen herself, whu
has never liked tlie young Duke, and
who immediately responded to Sij
Evelyn's communication by Intimating
to the Comte and Comtesse tie I'aril
that she could no longer permit thei
Hon to continue his military training H
her army.
Knvica Her Girl Siilijecta Their L'nrt-i
atraloed Freedom.
Arthur Warren contributes a very
bright ami interesting article lillustral
eili on "The Little Queen of Holland.''
in the Ladies' Home Journal. He pn
sents this almost idolized girl Knveivi"
in a graceful pen picture, tells of hej
daily life, her studies, her tli version.-,
her toys, her p 'is, and of her patrl th ai,
ly-rcciprocaled love of her subjects
Mr. Warren has sweetly pictured her l.
these words: "She is a bright-faced,
blonde little lassie who passed her lil
teenth birthday on Aug. ol, lWt.'i. Sli
Is rather pretty and has a slender,
graceful, young figure. I have seen hej
dressed In the peasant costume of Zee,
land, and she looked for all the world
like one of (Jitirge Houghton's tlear, de
light fid Dutch maidens, except that lief
cheeks were not ruddy. She has a very
ilelicale, clear complexion; her hair
pale blown, and long and wavy; lief
eyes are blue and there is a dolitlouf
twinkle In them which suggests thai
the young girl lias a fair sense of hu
mor. Her Christian names are Wllheb
mlna Helena Paulina Maria.
I suppose that If Will.elmiiia I. were
asked by some staunch democrat l!
uuraau of her own age whether in the
digit. ,ics of (juccnshlp there Is much
satisfaction I'or a Utile girl she would
answer Wo.' To be sure, there Is soma
amusement to be got out of her position
but not so much as if the girl were the.
daughter of a rich Dutch burgher, oi
of a farmer In that wonderful country
where tlie peasants are like walking
Jewelers' shops, and where the land
Hows with canals nnd honey. For oti4
filing, the playmates of the child Queer.
can be very few, and, ns there is im
bevy of brothers and sisters in the fam
ily, the girl's life has so far been spent
almost entirely among persons timet
older than herself. There is n
genuine affection for her throughout
the country, and with good reason, fot
she Is a very lovable child. The sweet
ness of her nature shines out through
her face. She has the most winsome
smile that you could wish to see. She
appreciates her position thoroughly,
that Is to say, as thoroughly as a girl
of her years can appreciate Hindi an ex
ceptionnl condltoii as Queenhood, and
she Is amusingly particular about tha
dignities which encompass her. For all
that, she Is delightfully considerate of
others. Her servants worship her,
Dutch children adore her, and every
body who comes Into contact with her
speedily becomes very fond of her,
Problems for Prof. Ilontg-en.
The discovery by Professor Iloutgen
that certain rays of the solar spectrum
Invisible to the eye will penetrate sol
Ids has been made public recently. W
are also told that the learned scientist
has applied his discovery to photog
raphy and has succeeded In making
satisfactory negatives of the bones In
a living man's hand
An apparatus which will perform this
feat fills a long felt want. It will now
lie possible to settle definitely whethei
the heads of certain persons are abso
lutely void, as might be maintained by
Inductive argument, or possess a cere
bral nucleus or rudimentary brain
pith. Among other practical problem"
within the scope of the new photog
raphy Is the chronological status of thf
breakfast egg, the true condition of
the early watermelon, and the deter
mination of that painful and world-old
uncertainty: Did the baby really swal
low the safety pin?
Pocket cameras may enable enterpris
ing reporters to discover the true In
side of a deal, and there would be no
help for legislators with boodle In thelt
Actresses wfco pad will have to leave
the stage, and there Is hope that by thli
beneficent Invention even an English
man will be able to get at the lnnei
mysteries of a Joke. Buffalo Times.
Geographies to lilame.
Ask any hundred English men, worn
en or children what Is the name of the
capital of Russia, and every one of
them will reply, "Saint Petersburg,
It may be a small matter, but In point
of fact the proper name Is "Peters
burg." The English are the only folk
who Insist upon the "Saint" The city
was founded by Peter the Great, and Is
named nfter him. It Is quite true that
Peter was one of the most extraordi
nary men that ever filled a throne, but
no one would have been more astound
ed than himself at being dubbed a
saint. He neither lived nor died In the
odor of sanctity, and It Is hard to find
out how It became the English fashion
to miscall the splendid town be found-ed.-Llttle
He Wouldn't Da,
Baron Alderson once released from
his duties a Juror who stated that h
was deaf In one ear. "You may leave
the box," said his lordship, "since It Is
necessary you should hear both sides."
The goblins chsse the children, and
tbs wolves taa alder naoolsv
Ms.iar bu-iM Auuird.
The poet of the West Baden Journal
lings thus "'Sicg a song of,
ft fellow full of rye, four snd twenty
Serpents dancing before his eyes. When
bis eye wag opened he shouted for bis
lift, wasn't be a pretty chump to go
betore bis wife? His bat waa in the par
tor, underneath a chair, his boots were
in the ball, bis coat was on the stair.
His trousers in the kitchen, bis collar
on the shelf, but be hadn't any notionh
where be was at himself."
The nervous system la weakened by the
neuralgia Torture.
Every nerve la strengthened in the
23, 83, 42, fiO, or B8 inches hiflh. Quality and workmanship the best.
Nothing on the market to compare with it. Write for full information,
It Was Before the Day of
They Used to Say "Woman's
Work Is Never Done."
If If "La Belle Chocolatiere " isn't on Lj
Is I-, the can, it isn't Walter Baker & Co.'s IP I
I J lij Breakfast Cocoa. I ,
( fl WALTER CAKER & CO., Lifted, kJ
a-aa-al a-sas a
0 r-vi I
01 M
en I A 1 m
u No- wonder poor Dinnie's so tired, carrying
all day that great big piece of M
No matter how much vou arc W
&) i
m cnargea ior a smau pietc ui uuicr
brands, the chew is no better than
"Battle Ax" For 10 cents you
get almost twice as much as of
other high grade goods. The 5
cent piece is nearly as large as other
10 cent pieces of equal quality.
asuib-.', lutus of b ..ri fr.r.
Col. A. T Dodge is responsible for the
f llow ing story oi a negro preacher
tshot-e congregation habitaally made a
great racket every Sunday. Upon be
ing questioned the old man, with evi
dent sorrow for the ignorance of tha
colonel, said:'"Doan you know tba
Laad's Prayer?" "Of course," replied
the colonel; "but what has thst to do
with it?" "Doan de Lawd's Prayer say
ollered be Thy name?'
replied the a!l-
wise preacher.
cure of it by
W fBl sCTlaTaBnClii
it it -a.t m
One complaint
"etters l'lat we heard of was from B
' woman wrin cairl that- Par1!ri
hurt her hands! We knew
that this couldn't be. But we
looked into the matter, and found
that she was usintr one of the
poorest and most dangerous of bar
soaps with her Pearhne. When we
induced her to use Pearline alone.
without this soap, everything was lovely.
Use no soap, when you do any wash
ing or cleaning with Pearline. It's
needless, and more expensive -and it
may do harm.