The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 19, 1896, Image 7

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I the season (or pnrifying.rlt-ai.eing, end
renewing. The accumulations of wat
every herere Ix-inn: removed. Winter's
iey (tin'P is broken anJ on nil lilies are
indications o( nature's returning life,
reneaed force, a ad awakening power
la the time for purifying the UixhI,
cleanbinu the system and renewing the
physical powers. Owii.g to rlose con
finement, diminished peispiration and
other cauaea, in the winter, impuritief
have not pawed out of the syatem go thej
ahould but liave accumulated in the blood
la therefore the best time to take HooJ'e
Pargaparilla, because the ayetem if now in need of medicine. That llgud'i
fcareapanllais the Iff t hlod .uriii. r ami
FpriDg medicine ia proved by iw wonder
ful cures. A course of I food 'a SHrjiaril!a
now may prevent (treat suffering later on.
Iath.On.Trui PIikkI Purifier. All druxKisis. II
i'roparod only byC. I. Hixxl A Co., Ixiwell, Una
Hnnii'5 Pil e I lr,r "' . to
Ifcke, ffMRy to operate. Zc
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
traiiKieut nature of the inuny phys
ical Ills, which vanish Ix-fore projieref
i orta n 1 1 e e ft orts pi e a.-ai 1 1 e tlorts
rifrhtly ilirei ted. There in comfort in
the knowledge, that so muny forniH of
hickncKM are not due to any lu'tuul difi
eaae, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasunt
family luxutive, Syrupof Fitfs. prompt
ly removes. That is why it is thu only
remedy with millioiiHuf families, and is
every where esteemed so highly by all
who value (rood health. It beneficial
effects are duo to tho fact, that it in the
one remedy which, promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating' tlio
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all Important, in order to (ret its bene
ficial etfeets, to iioto when you pur
chase, that you have the penuine arti
cle, which 1h manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fitf Hyrup Co. only and Bold by
all reputable crfnifrffihts.
H in the enjoyment of pood health,
and the system l refrular, laxatives or
Other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may lie commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if In need of a laxative,
one ahould have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Fifpi stands highest and is most largely
Used and gives most general satisfaction.
Da MiT x irri! Inilltti Tot.nn-n Antl-
Mot cure nil tol.arrn hnlnts hi 7f Hour-
I lit yon ait as our appnt In your Iw -amy T ,
i If ki. cut this out and rf turn to u utih "r' i
to pay iiuitiixc. etc aim we will sniil mi a
JftOe bn uy mail prrpahl provided you ism
to au a our sl'i-mI. it tli- auuilole irmi-s '
utui&ctiiry f -ait rail. This coupon nnli
ba rammed litiln Hi ilya
m.tcii fciTK
i (lr
'. CO.,
lor oth-r good proorriy. fcend us full and com
plete deai'ililoii of what vou have. We will
try and malt, an Kit H t.NOK roit ol'
We Cnii trade Equities In good lutms lor Town
properly or ctieaie r land Adrirens,
MNKIfe.KKIl A I'lll'IlT, furls, Neb
If. N. V. No. 3T0--1.
Vork, Nab
aa Is Mir.
Mary Anderson de Navarro Pars Tbeaa
Pretty 1 rlbutce.
Iu all her letters and wiltlnf Mary
Andeison de Navarro's foudut-s fur '
the friend of her early days is clearly
abowu. In the Indies' Home Juu-nal
she recall some of thoae who have
p&iwed away, not.-.bly Boj(h, Manager
Macauley, John T. Ford, and thua ra
sorda her meeting with and tatlmate
of Ueneral tjrant: "It was durlnit
my delightful Kouihero tour (the first)
that Dr. Cirtfliu presented nje to (Jeneral
tLeo President ;raut, whom he had
known lu old solditrinjr days, when
the Ceueral had captured und inipris
ou ed him. It was pleasant to see tlipse
enemies in war so friendly In times
of peace. Kiudllriens ami slmplle.ty
were marked tr.tirs of the rresment,
while a fcrtaio riittrednrs of manner
and Keeeh that was miKestive of his
earlier life pave an additional Interetit
to all he said and did. In showing ita
over the White House bin plriisiiie
In iKilntlng ont vnrlous trophies was
undisguised and boyish. While lunch
ing with hiin, the natural way in which
he brought himself down to the level
of my youth and small experience of
life without a touch of that visible
condmeenslon so annoying to the
young, was cliarniliu,'." Meeting hiiu
some years after, and falling to rec
ognize him, Mrs. do Navarro records
that after his speaking to her and
announcing himself as (Jeneral Grant,
before she recalled lilin, he said Joking
ly in resHinsu to her confuted Utter
ance that he had "so changed": " 'Yes,
I have grown thinner and paler; I am
no longer President, you see, and am
consetiuently less banqueted,' "
. . "It was about this time that
my friendship with (Jeneral Hlierman
also began," wriles Mis. de Navarro.
"He was one of the few eminent men
I have met whose Interest in every
subject of conversation wag so great
tliat his particular metier could not
have been guesned. He knew much
alsiut the stage, Shakspeare and the
drama generally, and wa a passion
ate lover of the arts, thinking theui
all worthy of equal regard. Asa critic
he was good, though, perhaps, too
enthusiastic over any excellence, how
ever small, If genuine enthusiasm can
be called a fault. His imiuner was
brisk and hearty. Ills personality
gave the Impression of a rugged
strength, so much so that his entrance
Into a room was like a hnnth of fresh.
Invigorating air. He scorned fear and
discouragement of every kind, and M
fused to allow any one to give way t
either "
The 1-iim .-.iii liown.
The beauty of mull Is something that
can never lie denied, and while It Is not
particularly expensive material, It be
comes rather cosily to muke It up, in
asmuch us silk or satin la required for
Its lining, writes Isabel A. Mallon, In
a daintily Illustrated page describing
"The Fashionable White flown," In the
Ladies' Home Journal. That girl who
la at once fond of pretty clothes and
economical, has saved t lit? white silk
or white satin party dress that has
served Ita time, and utilizes It, after It
has been thoroughly cleaned, as a fouu
datlon for the mull skirt, under which
It looks so well. It might be that In
stead of white It was a pale pink or
blue that did service, for this would
also be In good taste and make a very
effective background for the thin muIL
Instead of being plaited the mull skirt
la carefully gathered anil falls over Its
silky lining In flue curves. Its trim
ming consists of three narrow flounces
carefully hemmed by hand, and head
ed by a quille, which is, in reality, u
trlplo Isix-plalt of very narrow pink
satin ribbon. Broad pink ribbon, that
which la known as the aush width,
makes the yoke; and the lower part of
the bodice, which Is of the mull, Is
fulled to It. This fullness Is evenly
laid on the yoke edge, but at the waist
It la drnwn to th center so that a point
ed effect Is achieved.
The yoke Is overlaid with rather
coarse lace, white In color, and the col
lar, which Is of the folded mull, has an
edge of lace turned over on It an If It
were a specially-made rolling collar.
Bonp tree bark makes an excellent
cleaning fluid for removing spots from
men's clothing or any kind of black
goods. Put ten cents' worth of pow
dered bark in one quart of suit water
and let it steep for an hour or more.
Strain through a fine cloth into a quart
jar and add two tableflpoonfuls of alcohol
to it. Ute. a soft brush on a piece of
black colli to rub the soiled places.
It is not always the March wind that
makes a woman's hair tly out in untidy
fashion. A recent shampoo has the
same effect upon it.
Kmoerieuce of
KailrOttd Man
The Ins and Outs of It.
If you gt best wear out of a coat, best work must
have gone into it. You can't get good bread out of
poor flour.
Mora! t You can't get the best out c anything, unless
the best is In ltj and the best h?.s tj ba nut iu before it
can be taken out. Now, we have a rule to test those
aaraaparillat with a big "best" on thi bottle. "Tell us
what's put in you and we'll decide for ourselves about
the best." That's fair. But these modest sirsapanllas
ay: "Oh! we can't tell. It's a secrot. Have taith in
the label". . . Stop I There's one exception; one sar
aparilla that has no secret to hide. It's Ayer's. If you
want to know what goes into Ayer's Eariaparilla, ask
your doctor to write for the formula. Then you can
satisfy yourself that you get the best of the sarsaparilla
argument when you get Ayer's.
Any Gtilu "Cgrebook."
Il kills doubt but curd double n.
AddMil J. C.AyjCo,,Low.ll,Miti.
Under tlie great shed of one of Chi
cago's principal railway Ktatious stood
a train about to depart into the Wetit.
All was excitement, for the train wrj
Outride a little, old man. In a grenw
hexmeurcd uniform and an air of su
preme lnirtauee was hurrying along
the aide of the train. Ilis whiskers
were of the "billy goat" cut, and be
tween his teeth was rightly clinched a
black clay pipe, on whiih he pulled
(ouipluecntly. Iu his right hand he
carried a hammer, with which he rip
ped the car wheels as he passed, care
fully liNleiiini; to the "riii;:" to muke
sure that they were In order to stand
the whining over the rails expiv.ed
of them. I'nder the last car the little
Hum found i wheel that did not rlug
to suit him under the blow of his haui-tii'-r.
lie tupped It again, but with no
more satisfactory result. Straighten
ing tip, he shouted to a couple of as
sistants: "Take out those wheels."
"What's the matter with tlios-?
wheels?" demanded the conductor.
"Take them out, I say," was the only
"Kut we leave iu a couple of min
utes," expostulated the conductor.
"I don't care when you leave," re
plied the inexorable little man, and
turning to his assistants he r-js'itt.d
the order: "Take out those wheels."
At this juncture a man with a "grip"
and an air of authority, stopped and
asked the trouble.
"Oh, I guess tluwe wln-clx will Ktiiud
the run all right," he said, after the
situation had been explained to him.
"Well, your guessing lias nothing
to do with it," snapped the little nrm
In blue. "Takeout those wheels, I say."
Everybody seemed startled, but the
conductor gave the signal and the train
pulled out.
"Well, you've cooked your goose."'
inufteriHl a conductor, turning on the
resolute little man in blue. "Do you
know who that was'.'''
"No, I don't know. Who was It?"
"No one but the vice president of
the riKid."
"Oh, nuirtlier. Was that the vice
president? Why didn't you tell ineV"
A week later the same little man
Htood In the vice president's olllee.
trembling with fear and with an apol
ogy on his lips.
"I didn't Iiiean just what I said ho
other night," lie bepin when he finally
g the vice president's ear. "If 1 had
known It was you "
"Oh, that's all rig'ht," good-naturedly
responded the vice president. "You
were doing your duty as you umler
Htissl It. Don't worry iilsiut that.''
"And anyway," went on the little
man, cmlollene(l i,y the nssuninTH of
the vice president, "anyway I can't 1
mipixMcd to know every fool who conies
nloiig and triin to tell me my business.
-.'hlcngo Chronicle.
"The Woodei Hen."
The illustration shown herewith is small
In wr, but realiy larce wtien we consider
tbSv tne "Wooden Hen" h no larp-r than a
lneh n, yet his the capacity. It
emii only 15 pounds. ha a c pacity of
eves. a,i while not a toy, is just as amus
hii:. 1-CMden e ng in tniciive as well.
We .tiL'gest that every ea'le. o: tiiio write
Mr. ;,. II. Manl, Qimi v, 1,1.. and a-k fo'
a C(..y of his huiel-i m h tie bo kl t "(',"
t.-i-.ei li.niig the "Woniei Hen;" a. to his
large cauioatte of the ! del Evti Uio. In
cubator. All sept fr-e, Vi niirri iliis l.aner.
Slept on the 't Hldelioard."
An old, gray-whiskered man, who
had lived all his life on a small farm
near Kafavlu, stopped at the hotel last
Tuesday evening. He said he wanted
a room for one night. He was sent up
to the third floor. Later In the even
ing he went out. and didn't come back
till midnight. He had evidently been
enjoying himself. His breath smelled
of whisky. lie went up to his room,
and that whb the last seen of him until
early lu the morning, when a Isiy went
to call him for his train. The Isiy got
no answer when he knocked on the
door, and he opened It and walked In.
The folding-bed had not been let down.
The boy had to look about for n mo
ment or two before he discovered the
old man. Then he hoard a husky voice
from up near the ceiling somewhere.
He looked up, and there was the guest
curbs up on top of the bed, rubbing
his eyes. lie was fully dressed, with
the exception of his big, cowhide ImjoI.s,
which were standing on the floor.
"Say, mister," Inquired the boy, "why
didn't yer get Into bed?"
"K'goHh!" shouted the riian.nngrlly,
"there ain't no bed. Here I've been
curled up on top of this here sideboard
all night without a wink o' Kleep.
Ala't this a nice way to treat a man?
Hey?" Buffalo Express.
Hetartltng I'laitts.
One of tlie most interesting novelties
In horticulture Is the art of retarding
the blooming season of flowers. The
London Times refers to a florist's es
tablishment where the crowns of lilies
are placed In an Icehouse to hibernate
several months and are then brought
iuto bloom between the end of sum
mer and Christmas. All plants will
not tolerate this treatment, but those
which are hardy an; not Injured by it
as a rule. The method Is found to work
widl with the lily of the valley, Much,
spiraeas, deutzlns and Client azaleas.
Ketweeu the hastening operation In
the hothouse and retardation In cold
storage some varieties of plants can
now be made to bloom. the year round.
In Mexico.
Christmas Is not celebrated 111 Mex
ico with a tree, but with a plniita. The
hitter Is large earthen vessel, gully dec
orated anil filled with toothsome dain
ties and candles, hung from the cell
ing In the middle of the room. The
children are blindfolded and armed
wlih sticks to break the Jug, and when
It is shattered they throw olT their
masks and Hcrutuble for the scattered
goodies. Presents are then distributed
and dancing follows.
Washing was and Is still done lu
Japan by getting Into a bout und let
ting the garments drag after the bout
by a long string.
The "Itubber Trust" must have or
ganized for the pnrjMHjo of furnishing
consciences to the other trusts.
J3rC B-T-am
"A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful
of Shame." Keep Your House
Clean with
sadoi in
tin HM ran WORfilEW
In cash prizes to authors tor the te-.t "tones of mystery." Tiia
rhintfr, the purpose bcinp; to give CASH PRIZES to those readers of
THE ChlCAGO RECORD who should be able to solve the mystery,
or ccme cearca: to a correct solution of it, IN ADVANCE of the pub
lication of the last chapter in the paper.
Ktoriu were so eailed begauo it was requires that a mystery
should run through the entire alory and be disclosed only la the lat
Stork! Irom all parts of the nnslii-h-ipMkln world, to the number of 816, wera cntereJ in the competition. Twelve Cash Prize were oflerea
for the best twelve stories. The first priie wai, sad wat won by Harry Stiliwell Edwards, of Macon, Qa. Mis story is entitled .
In obiter, during which period the guesses will be received by
To still further promote popular interest in this remarkable story
THE CHICAGO RECORD ofTera $10 000 in 8H caah prizes for the 19
Kucsses which shall come the nearest to being true and complete solu
tions of the mystery In the story.
ON MAkCH 23. ami continue in about thirty daily installments until
completed. " SONS AMU FATHERS" la beyond all cieetlon THE
OHEAT STORY OP THE YEAR, There will be an Interval of a
wri'k or more between the publication o! the last Installment con
taining the ciplinaiiou of the mjstcry an! the Immediately preced-
To Hie reader from whom THZ IlKCOBB ricelres
the mint complete and irrect solution In all Us de
tails of the entire mystery of the story, as It 1.U
b dUciost-d In the twit clinpter when published (11,000
! or the et-i'oud best solution
J'or Die third best s.iintlnn....
For the fourth beat solution
for the nrgt 9 nturtot best solutions, SjlOO each ...
for the urt 19 nearest fcent sotntlons, 60 each....
I'or the next 90 nearest best solutions, 2S each....
Yut Die lu it SO nearest best eolations, SO each....
I'or the next 300 oeret best sotntlons, 10 each....
For the next D00 neareet best solutions, S each ....
In all 869, uniotintlnf. to
la e-eo otlr a raY
VZWm. and lie daily
installment of s b.kI-kt4 aerial etc ts feal rs Intended te epecleJlr
coisweud it Ui fut mbi ell me. Te amghaMas and dTerttee- fact
10 DAYS.
THE RECORD will 1m sent to any
address, post-paid, for to days, be la
nlox Hb lt Aral chapter tf the
story, WOH Jftf CBSTM, in coin
or postage etamps. The story begins
March il, end It Is desirable that sub
scriptions titonia be reefirea as far
ia advance vt that date as possible,
but all subscriptions on this special
oHer received up to April 1 will be
filled, but none after April 1.
is Chicago's leadlnn mornlnpr dally, in fuct, with a sinnle exception,
it has the largest morning circulauwi in Amerlca-ifttO,00 a day.
It la a member of The Associated Press and "prints all the news
from all tho world." It is Independent in politics and gives all po-
FtTI.I. PARTICULARS as to the details of the condition RoTprn-
Int ths awarding of these prizes will bo published in THE OHiCAUO
KKCOKD. The principal roles are a follows:
1. But one solution can be entered by a reader. It Is immaterial whether
the reader subscribes for the paper direct to the office of publication, or
whether It Is bought from the local newi-deaier. The contest is open, under
the specified conditions, to all who read the paper. .
The explanation of the mystery may be made In the reader's own
words, In the English langnage. end without any attempt at " line writing,"
simply girlng ss many of the facta that go to make a " complete and abso
lately correct solution of the entire mystery" as the reader may be able to
. lbs io, 000 will beawarded. under the conditions announced, ao
eordlng to the bert lodgment of the Judges appointed bj THE f'HICASIl
FXOHD, and they will hare complete control and final decision, beyond
ny appeal. In si! matters relating to this unique content -'ti,.
And last, bat not osvet, . - "
that THE CHICAUO RECORD is a newspaper particularly suitable foe '
woman s reading th further condition is made that the SIO.OOO In
prizes shall be paid only for explanations or guesBee Bent in by worn Jn
end girls. All may read, bntonly WOMEN AJJD GIRLS MAY GUEB&
llticil news with Judicial impartiality, free from the taint of partisan,
ship. It Is Chlczeo'a I aml'.y newspaper. Prof. J. T. Hatfield, of the
Nona-western University, writing to the Evanston (111.) Index, says :
" I have eome to ths firm conclusion, af'.cr a long U.-SI, and after a
wide comparison with t'.ie Journals of many slates and countries, thai,
THE CHICAOO RECORD comes as near being iha ideal daily jour
nal as we are for some tine liltely to find on those mortal shores."
The journalists' ciasj paper, published in New York, celled
Newspaperdom," ay:
"There is no pawer published in America that so nearly ap
proaches the true jourua.lstic ideal as THIS CHICAGO RECORD."
Forward your subs :ptit.n as early as possible, so that your name
may be entered on the subscription list nt once and tho paper be sent
you without any delay r-nd in time fur the opening chapters of THE
BECOED'S GREAT 810,000 PEIZE 6T0EY. Address
181 Madison Street, CHICAGO, ILL.
but three or four are better still. Let ALL the family join in the search for the explanation of the mystery
in "SONS AND FATHKR8," but remember "only women and girls may iruess" and win the 889 PRIZES.
In and Ont.
Althoogh Foot undoubtedly enjoyed
tils reputation as the greatect wit of bis
day, he was quick to recognize and ap
preciate wit In others.
On one occmHion, when passing by the
King's Bench, his attention was at
tract! by a barber's shop, the ownei
of which, not being able to pay foi
new glass In sereral panes which had
been broken before his occupancy, bad
substituted paper ones for them. Orel
the shop door was written this Inscrip
tion: ' - -
Here lives Jeremy Wright
Shaves as well as any man In England,
Not quit.
Foote, after laughing well over th
sign, became convinced that the ownei
muirt be an e-cfntrtc but not a stupid
person. He determined to satisfy nil
curtodtty Immediately; so putting hi
hoad through one of the paper panel
he Inquired:
"Is Jeremy Wright at home, pray?"
"No, sir," came the reply, as the bar
ber liiHtaxitly turunt bis head on)
through another of the paper panes,
"no, sir, he has Just popped out."
"Good!" exclaimed the delighted
Foote. And he left the barber rlcbei
by a guinea without bis having tw
ctsed hl vocation of shaving upon tin
noted wit, who hurried off, laughing
to Ml the story.
Hlk Hliould never be ironed, as the
heat tdkea all the life from it and makes
it papery. The silk may be sponged
and then wniootlily rolled on large wood
en rollers that come for the purpose, or,
if a roller cannot he obtained, spread
pa) era over the carpet and pin the silk
riglit Bide down, to the carpet, drawing
it riiiooth and firm. Let it remain until
thoroughly dry,
A brown cloth gown with a leather
vest will be worn by an esster bride.
On a good (the best) skirt bind
ing' as strenuously as on a good
cloth for the skirt
Ask for (and take no other) the
Greatest Highest Smallest
Quantity. Quality. Price.
Diss Velveteen Skirt Binding.
If your dealer will not supply you we
will. t.
Send (or semplet, shewing Isbsls tnd rjuttrlslt,
Ihs S. H. fc M. Co., P. 0, Bos '. jJB
The only brand of strictly
high grade tobacco ever sold for a
low price. Not the large size of
the piece alone that has made
"Battle Ax" the most popular
brand on the market for 5 cents,
EiPlBtlpn sod A civic s to PstcaVihllliT at In
vsnflms. Bend lor lnvsuifirs' Sills, or Rati toG. t
I'sUut. 1'AXsuasi O'Kaiu. Wisfchi'n, -
TTfTI AKR1WOTOR CO. One. half ths world's
snndmlll busts, bscus. It has reduced Uwoust t
wluapomrlo 11 wast It was., II ha. mam branch
-mm, hens, and sqnptla. in tnods and ropalr)
a a ai fun- floor. It can suia duos furnlsb s
A, T. - hnuar arslrla f imt lass, aaonai thmn
lothnri, ft mas. Pn so pins and
(mwwo, sum. IfMTSjiitsso-anar
0opMVn Windmills, Tllttts
- IOrwl atml, Ualnoiasd-arksr.
'OoBpMkiii Windmills, Tllttts
W snl yitM Stswl Towrrs, fttxsi Buss lafl
rrainM. BXmI rWKl Oattm sM fsssi
W Urlndsrs, on appllroo It will nan sas
s F at Uimm srllzlaa that It srUI tarnish mill
raalTUrfvaips f all tSada.1 Ssod Mr sat
raoarri ins, kcpiw.ii so. nnsisf. us, I