-l r. i a ,7 CHAPTER Xl.I-iContinued.l He Lad seen her pass swiftly in the direction from which hp had just then couje. and presently heard her voice call ing to the garden coolies, and interroga ting them in turu. Then she came and stolid on the threshold of the open ihsir. "Oh. Nora, have you seen ruy ring?" she asked plteously, in her excitement, only giving the eurtest possible nod to Colonel I'rinsep. "No. dear. Hare you lost it? Where did you have it last?" "I took it off while I was transplanting those cuttings." and laid it down beside inc. Then when I went hack for it. it as gone" with a distressed accent, and a tragic movement of her hands so ex pressive of loss that Mrs. Dene felt half inclined to smile. Not so Colonel I'rin M'p. who looked such a picture of truilt that if Jane had not been too preoccupied to notice, she must have found him out. "It may have rolled away," he sug gested, awkwardly. "Let uie go and help you." "Oh. no. thank you! I can find it best tnvself," answered Jane quickly, and ran off. But, in spite of her prohibition, he fol lowed. When he came up she was stand ing staring blankly at the rifled ring which she held in the palm of her out stretched hand. "Ah, you have found it!" he remarked, with an overdone air of cheerfulness. "Found it'?" she repeated, tearfully. "Oh, yes, I have found it! But but ' Then with a sudden gleam of hope: "Per haps it has fallen into the water. There is a piece still missing it might have rolled into the water, might it not?" she asked, eagerly. "Certainly it might, if ;f it wag a round piece." "It was round." She looked at the water wistfully, but did uot attempt to search for it. He un derstood why. "You prize the ring very much?" he a. uest killed, sea rchi n gly . The eloquence of her eys told bim how much rather than her words, which were common place enough. "It was a present, perhaps?" he went on. inquiringly. "No. no, I bought it myself. Of course I know it was only silver, but " She stopped abruptly, no longer able to conceal her impatieu-e to be alone. "Will you go in and tell Mrs Dene that I am coming?" she asked, imploringly. He turned and went at oni-e, but as he entered the drawing-room he could not help seeing her as slu Vnelt u)on the ground, and with In r own hands dug among the mud in her vain endeavor to recover what she had lost. He almost re pented then of what he had done, and he felt still more penitent when a little later Jane came in. looking so desolate and de spairing that Mrs. Itcne involuntarily ex claimed: "Why, child, whatever is the matter? I understood from the Colonel that you had found your ring." "Not all of it a piece is missing." "It can be replaced" with a little gen tle surprise i't the other's exaggerated grief. "It can never be rcplnoed." 'Then it must be found. I will offer a reward for it. and that .will make the ser vants more eager in their search. You must describe what it is like." "I can't do that." "Then, my dear, how can we help you?" "Not at nil; I must look for it myself. Don't, be offended, Nora I am very grate ful to you all the same." She had blushed so vividly thai Mrs. Dene hastened to change a subject evi dently embarrassing. "Colonel I'rinsep came t ask ns if we would go to the sports this afternoon. Should yon care abo.it it, Jenny?" "I will go. of course, if you w ish it." "But do you care about it?" "I hate sports." declared Jane, vicious ly, mindful of the gymkhana at which she had first met and lost her heart to Stephen I'rinsep. "Then, my dear, don't go. Life is too short to be Itored." smiled Mrs. Dene. "But yon must not stay in always with me; you ought to go out. Would you like to ride Selim?" "Oh, Nora, may I? I have not ridden him since we were at Simla!" cried Jane, excitedly, almost forgetting her trouble.- "I did not know you were so fond of riding." said Colonel I'rinsep. "And you don't know Selim. He is not like any other horse that ever was. I tan trust him." "All the same. I shall not let you go nlone. Yon are bound to go to the gym khana, I suppose. Colonel I'rinsep?" "No. If -Miss Knox will allow me to accompany her I shall be delighted." And, for some reason or other, perhaps to prove how titter was her indifference, Miss Knox made no objection. They started early in the afternoon, Jane looking shyly bewitching in her neat ly fitting habit and broad Terai hat. Col onel I'rinsep sitting erect in his saddle, ecarccly glancing in his companion's di rection, as he discoursed upon every sub ject likely to interest her, yet avoided with intention anything personal. Jane felt as though she must be in a dream -listening to hii voice, the same, yet so changed to her. Knowing nothing of Ihe memories that were surfing through bis brain, rendering bim often unconscious of what he bad said, and oblivion of her replica, abe thought that it was only an other aim that he had ceased to rare for her, and made an effort to appear un concerned aa be. A boy ran out of a native hut shouting wildlr and Bring off several fire-works in ancreeato. '.The aensitive Arab which j ratty rc Cfat reared and plunged wild ly, tT "sit4 aff at a furious gallop. Ck" r IV-ff feBawad aa quickly aa tij.. t .,J to MsfctM tfca anbaal . ' :.':.''..;. ... : . A (iuu"i-"u wi-i : y more if he went too near. At present there was a chance of his settling down into a quiet canter when his excitement had subsided. But Selim, who so seldom broke out thus, determined to have a final fling. Putting his head lwtween his legs be gave two or three violent buck jumps that sui-cceded in dislodging Jane; and then, as she sllps-d down, her arms tightly clasping his neck, he sIimk) as meekly as the lamb be bad always been considered before. When her escort came up. be found her flushed and trembling, still holding the reins, her hair falling alsiut her in mag nificent masses, and glinting in the sun like autumn leaves, a hundred subtle shades of brown and gold. He placed his hand uism Selim's shin ing neck. "The horse y u trusted," be remarked, with what he tru-d to make a cynical smile, yet felt convinced was only fool ishly tender. "I shall never trust anything again," declared Jane, with decision "Ah. you must not say that! Selim was only rash, not vicious. It would not be fair to cendemu any one for a single fault." She gave a swift glance into his face, wondering if he were pleading for himself or only Selim. To aioid her scrutiny he turned nud took his horse from the na tive who was holding it. Then mount ing, he rode along quietly by hi r side. The winter sun that shout Idfy seem ed to have leservi-d a special radiance for the girl's bright locks as thc.V waved softly behind her; there was, tisi. a gleam in her hnu I eyes that had n it been there before. Kverything looked bright and beautiful that afternoon, thought Stephen I'rinsep. but nothing so bright, so beautiful as his whilom sweetheart. After a time their relations grew less strained, yet also less full of tremulous delight. They were talking ns ordinary acquaintances might have talked, when at last they reached the bungalow gates. Then Colonel I'rinsep said, earnestly, and without connection to what they had been saying before: "Jenny, will you do what I am going to ask? Will you ask .Mrs. Knox to tell you the whole story about Jacob Lynn's let ters?" A little nervously she promised: and then put her hand in bis to ay."good by." He relinquished it even sooner than courtesy might have dictated, but stood liMiking at her with gentle gravity. An almost lealless tree with graceful golden pods waved above her; behind a group of banana treestwo large, milk-eyed bul locks were working a well, and the dron ing whir-r-r of the wheel was the only sound that broke the stillness. A woman with her face almost hidden by a silk embroidered scarf stood watching them from a little distance. The scene was in tensely Indian, yet Stephen I'rinsep found his thoughts insensibly reverting to his Knglish home, with its trim flower beds and well-kept walks. In fancy he could almost imagine that even now he was walking under the avenue of chest nuts with his bride. udnting out to her each familiar spot they passed. "You won't come in?" asked Jane, tim idly. "No, I won't come in, thank you. (Jood by." CHAITLU XLIL When Jane went in she found a note from her mother containing rather start ling news. The quartermaster had been so unwell that Mrs. Knox had called in a doctor, who pronounced it to Is- an utter breaking-op of health, consequent on his long residence fn the country, and that the only remedy he could suggest was a year's leave to Kngland. "This, of course," wrote Mrs. Knox, "will lie a serious pecuniary loss; but we must grudge nothing that will restore to us your father as he used to be." "Ah, that he can never be again!" frighed Jane, ns she put down the letter. She scarcely knew whether to be glad or sorry at the decision thus announced: whether it would be a relief to go or great grief. "How could she," she asked herself, "leave India, not knowing wheth er she might ever sec ber lover's face again ?" She thought of going home at once, much as she dreaded the meeting with her father; then glancing again at the letter she saw that Mrs. Kuox expressly desired she would not shorten her visit, which in any case would be at nil end in a few days. Those last days, how Jane enjoyed them! Stephen I'rinsep. who came every day, scarcely recognized her in this new mood. Was it frivolity or heartlessness. or the excitement engendered by despair? May lie the last .conjecture was nearer the truth than she herself knew. They never sw each other alone, so it was the easier for the Colonel to keep to his resolution. He did not startle her again. An outsider would have thought them merely friends. Jane herself was often reminded of the time when her en gagement to Jacob Lynn was a secret still, and all unconsciously she was learn ing to love one whom it had seemed fated she should never marry. One tiny Mrs. Ikuie asked her to re main with her during the year her par ents would lie away; but .she put the temptation from her bravely. "You are us good as yon have always lieen," she answered, gratefully; "but it is my duty to go with them lo help my mother." "Certainly the great reformer must have been your ancestor." cnmuieiitiil the Colonel, when be heard of the offer and its refusal. "Indeed. I don't think even John Knox took ao much delight in denying him self," complained Mrs. Dene. "I expect John Knox was good al' round," observed Jane, quaintly, "and did not need to distinguish himself in any particular direction. Besides," she add ed, gravely, after a pause, "it is my pleasure, of course, as well ns my duly, to go with my father and mother." Hhe waa ilttlng a little distance off, and Colonel Prinaep rroaaed the room and atood near her looking down. "Would nothing induce you to stay be- lind?" lie asked, in a v..U so low that Mrs. Ifc-oe iwW run have heard it, even if be bad uot at that moment been bur" counting a cros-stitch pattern. V Zit. "You might marry 1 he haiarded. "Never, never!" "Why?" be asked her Isddiy bis eyes still fastened on her face. Her lips qui. ere.) In such evident di-tr-i that he could nut pnss the ques tion. "All jfirls say that." he reruarkid in stead, with a touch of incredibility. "Not, I hope, with such g'ssj reason," she replied, with a dignity so full of sor row that be was sih ucciL Kven with the hoe cf consoling her at last, he had no right lo paiu her so. This was the last day. Mrs. Dene's stay at Alijiore bad done her undoubted good. She was hsiking better anil brighter than she had looked for a long time, since Iht husband's death, in fact. I'eople thought that she was already comforted for his loss, and Ugan to wonder if the would marry again, and if so. whom. Some such sim-c-u hi i ion was expressed in the hearing of Barry Larrou, Miid the thought entered into his mind that, perhaps, it might be for his advantage if she married him. Feeling terribly sore after his rejection by the quartermaster's daughter, and un able to carry out his revengeful threat with any hos- of success, be fancied he might hurt her by so suddenly transfer ring bis attentions th.it she would tie fain to llouht w hether they had ever seriously been offered to herself. To do this lie must manage an exchange to Hattiabad. where the detachment was, and w here he would have every opportunity of matur ing his plans. This for two reasons first, btf-uuse even he would hick the as surance nts'cssary to make love to one woman under the very eyes of that other he had so lately wooed and secondly, because Mrs. Dene herself was going so soon. But he was too cautious to take this decisive move until he hud satisfied him self that he would n-eive a warm wel come. Not that he doubted it, only it was his nature to calculate, as well us to scheme. So it hapiwned that, when Jane and Mrs. Dene arrived at the station, the first ierou they saw walking down the pint form was Major Larron. Jane drew back at once. "I will go and get your ticket, and see after your luggage Perhaps he will have gone by then." she suggested, nervously. Mrs. Dene assented, ami walked on alone. Major Larron udvauced to meet her, in irreproachable morning costume, with a rosebud in butt. m-hole. The widow, he thought, might le more critical than the girl. "I heard you were going to-day. nnd did not wish ymi to have without saying gs.id-by." he began. "1 don't thin, hoe. eer. it will be long before we meet again." "No?" queried Mrs. Dne. so quietly that, had be not Is-en certain she must care for him still, now there was no bar rier tut ween them, lie might have read indifference in lier tone. He was thinking to himself that report had ssiken truly; she was looking very well, nearly as pretty as when she was n girl, and far more Interesting. "I am coming to Huttiiibad; to stay for some time, 1 fancy." She looked up languidly, surprised. "You will find it very dull, I am afraid." "I do not think so. I always like Hat tiabad. Do you remember when we met there first." "I remcinlicr distinctly everything con nected with our acquaintance, Major Iirron." She was looking into his face still, with such utter coldness and dislike, as she guessed at his intentions, that he was al most convinced of his mistake. But he would not admit it yet. "1 mi afraid you have not forgiven me." he said, reproachfully. Her eyes were all ablaze as she an swered scornfully: "Forgiven you? Why. I am grateful to you, lie-re grateful than 1 can express, for saving tne from a marriage that would have made me wretched, and giv ing me instead the noblest, kindest hus band that ever woman had. Thanks to you I have known what jM-rfeet happi ness is. and though ! possessisl it fur s- short a time, it is enough to sweeten (lie remainder of a life that would otherw ise be sad enough, heaven knows." The Hon. Barry Ijirron twirled his durk mustache, and tried to look utimov . (I. "I don't think you have ever nu.J -r- Htissl me. unite." he said, a little awk-l wardly. Mrs. Dene shrugged her shoulders, not attempting to conceal her contempt. Though she bad said as much herself to June, she began to doubt it now. A man who bad acted with so little sincerity and delicacy uf feeling might be capable of anything, she thought. j "Well. I must not keep you longer now, otisirvisi larron. He shall soon meet at Hattiabad." But in bis own mind that scheme was already abandoned. (To b continued.) Prayer In War Time. LMitor F. W. Woolard, of the Carml (111.) Times, was one of a group who were swapping stories at the Alliambra. The drift of the conversation was ujKin Incidents which bad impressed the nar rators while here during and after the war. "I once heard a remarkable prayer from an old negro," said F.ditor Woolard. "It was at the time Sher man bad pushed through Georgia, and everytKMly waa 'cussing' bim constant ly. The old man lind unconsciously ab sorbed the language of bis master, al though bis sympathies were all the other way. He wan In the in Id at of what the Irreverent Kometlmea style a 'trash mover,' a most earnest prayer at a 'big meetln',' when be lifted his eyea to heaven and exclaimed aa a grand finale, 'And now, Lawd, bleu (i,.m what dun freed de po' nigger bless de domn Yankees.' He wna In dead earn est, and saw nothing ludicrous In Ida worda. It waa what be always beard them called." Atlanta Journal. Haatlng Wild lata. Wild cuts abound in Pleasant Valley woods, a few miles east of Wlusted, Conn., and recently became so bold that they attacked human beings, a I moat sending to death one of the farmers of Ihe nelrblurhood. The other day party waa organized to bunt the felines and Are of the latter, on of tbem weighing forty pounds and looking eg-' actly like a tig, wet klUwL " ' THPIPQ HP TIJ V TTf IC 1XJ1 lUOUTl 11 Ej 11J1L,0. ! A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER, i ESTING ITEMS. CoUndCritici.m.Bed Upon the Happening of tba Dajr His torical and New Notes. We will think Scboiiiliurk ought to have drawn bU line Just west of the letter "k." Laureate Alfred Austin is In bard luck. There's prK-lous little Inspiration lu a liu' twisted tail. Kverjthlng Is comparatively quiet in Venezuela, but Knglaud Is still exjicri eut'iug those shooting pains lu the Transvaal region. The official pay of F.nglautl'a poet laureate is )f-'l" a mouth. The Indica tions are tiiat Mr. Austin will not be able to earn bis salary. A South Carolina man has been ar restee for kissing a girl after courting her two years. The next time be will know better than to wait so long. It would In- a sorry stcetiuie If Mr. Bill Hoheiizolleni were to fight bis grandma, but boys have some rights which old folks are bound to respect. George (J. Cmiiiioii wanted to lie Uni ted States Senator from I 'tali, but the Ueuldican caucus elected his son, Frank J. Cannon. The young man seems to be a pretty enterprising son-of a-gun. If Matislield makes a success on the hi -In re id.itform be probably will lie Imitated by Anson, Sullivan. Fitzslm liums, P.rodle, Zella Nieolaus ami other Thespian lulght lights. The coutilry cannot jiff'ord t, invite this. Of course. It would be regret t.nlile If Dllliravell nnd Lselill were to meet oil the field if honor and shoot each other to plosti, but If the eiititliientJil yacht row can lie stopped In no other way we stand ready to waive all ohji-ctloii to Htn-Ij a settlement. A lawyer In Western Kansas declare '.i favor of consolidating n number of counties In order to cut down the offices and nave expense, and thinks the proisi 1iJon will Is- jMipiilur. It Is not known TStiether lie is demented or merely working off a rich Joke. Birmingham is overrun by rats that are fill from the sewers. The authori ties have taken no steps to exteriliilliite them, lst-nuse Mr. Cb.unlierhiin. when Mayor, tbt hireil that nits were gsi si -avengers, who, by outing tip garbage, prevented the spread of disease. Following in the line of the rest of the ministry, Mr. Joe Chnmberhiin ad vaiwc to remark licit the Monroe ihie trine Is n highly resj.ect:ililc article of diplomatic furniture, mid that Mr. Cleveland Is a gentleman and a nuin of rectitude. It has taken sibotit three weeks for Great Britain's attitude to turn alxiut-f.'icc. Another fine old tradition has been spoiled. Mrs. Glass' "Cook Book." pub lished In the hist century, gave a recipe for cooking n bare lieglniilng with "first case your bare." that is, skin the ani mal. This was the reading in the first edition, tlie printer of the next chang ing the "ease" to "(-.itch." He was a wit, nt nil events, either by nature or accident. In the closing month of 1S1IS a British force of iilsiut l.litMt men. with ".(K) In illtiiis in mldition, marched tijsin the town of Buffalo, N. Y., mid captured it after fifty of Its American defenders were kilbil. The settlement was then burned, with the exception of one nsi detiec ami a blacksmith shop. Buffalo U pow a cHy of over :;im(,(wK) Inhabit ants, while the towns on the Canadian aide of the river have grown but little. The village that was wlpiil out eighty two years ago could furnish a large army if an emergency required it. The bin lor of the Duchesse do BiiHsae i the other day gave notice of his Inten tlou to leave. Being asked for the rea j son, be explained that be had miide one j hundnil thousand dollars by speculat ing In South African mining shares: and an hour later her first footman fol lowed the butler's example by giving notice on the ground that he, t', bad won six thousand dollars by specula tion, and that be bad d"lermlned to enter the service of bis friend, the ex butler, to whose pointers and advice be was Indebted for bis good luck. Replanting and extending the orange groves In Florida probably depend upon finding a goxsl method of protecting the trees against a hard freeze such as came twice last winter. They were excep tional freaks of itber, but no "pru dent man will Invent In an orange grove Without counting on their occasional repetition. Small fruits and grapes In the North are often protected lu winter by covering them, and no doult horti culturists will devise some plan lo coun teract the danger, now clearly recog ulzed, of oecnslonal heavy frosts In Florida. In a hunilxT'of groves the earth Is now linked around the trees and the branches protected. It should be still ensler to protect the low-growing pineapple crop, which will be half ns large this year as In lh!M. Florida farmers are also planting the grade of tobacco raised In Culm, and there Is bo danger that too much of It will lie produced even after the Island Is quiet ed and resumes lu old Industries. Tlie replies of the peers and repre sentatives of the Japanese Government to Enijtenar Mutsu Hlio'a suewn from the throne Indies 'e that the statesmen of Japan are wholly free from any self imh rlofllra In ahln In thele nmnirvm Th. !!. f pMra .HHr.in. ' ' " bis majesty, said: "There are sltftu of growlag prosperity of the empire, a prosperity due to the grand and far aV'iteri juilicy pursued Ly your majes ty And tl:e peer added that it their Intention 'to contribute the!t bumble share to the achievements of the Imperial policy." The House of Ileprt-scutatlve. In Its fcjKS-ch to the throne, says: "The complete nccs that attended the imperial arms in tin war with China has spread the glory of the country far and wide. This b entirely the result of your majesty' sacred virtues." Mutsu Hito. by gruci of bis "sacred virtue," did It all. and the nation's stati-sinen hasten to tell bim so. It bad Is-en generally supposed that Gen. Yamngnta. Count Oyama and a few thousand other Japanese soldiers and officers had taken part in the affair but the i-ers corret the false rcisirt It was Mutsu Hito. The affairs of the Manchester riO-tnlll Ion-dollar ship canal seem to lie going from bad lo worse. In the hist six months of IMi.-j It carried a barge tmffii of lTilMP) tons for the small sum of $lt,(!0. The average rii-cipts now amount to alsmt $itl'.iKSi per month, while the total monthly charge for In terest alone is $ l.'io.i. Six months ago the corporation owed the city ol Manchester more than fi.mut in ar rears of interest, and the debt now must lie much greater. The sea going t raffle Is U-Ing i-arrb-d on terms which bring In a revenue of but a trifle ovet .Vi cents icr ton of 2.2-1' t ikiuiuIs, and during last year nearly ,'!ihi.(kki torn were curried for only a few cents pes ton. It is estimated that the cnual com pany will require to earn nt least jl-n.-id) per month during the first half ol this year in order to meet lntcres'i charges and working expcnsi-s. whili the present monthly revenue Is Iom than .7'UH". Hence the revenue must be nearly three times as great an now it the company Is to "make both einh meet." It seems probable that tie promised Increase of business w ill havi to lie continued f,,r n long while befor the company gets on a paying basis and there Is some reason to fear It will Is' swamped under Its load liofore that time arrives. Mr. DeH'W says: "All the transports and navies of the world could not land upon our shores an army which could march but miles from the seacoast, or even return to their ships. With all the world in arms against us the vast Interior of our continent, except fh Its industrial and economical phases, would know nothing of the trouble and never see a foreign uniform except on a prisoner of war. Secure in our isola tion, supreme in our resources, tm cqualed In our reserves and fm- from dangerous neighbors, we occupy among the nations of the globe a position so exalted Olid safe that to compare us with other countries would be absurd. The statesman or the politician who really fears for the safety of this coun try is a fool. The statesman or poli tician who does uot fear (because he knows betteo and who yet preaches of our weakness and our vulnerability, is a demagogue, nnd he insults, the In telligence of the American people." But Mr. DeS'v S-aks not less wisely and patriotically when he declares for an international court of arbitration, and asserts that It Is the duty of the I'nlted States to take the Inltatlve. This Is not a warlike country. We have never acquired by conquest a foot of territory; we have conquered and then paid for what any other nation would have seized as legitimate booty. He mistakes the spirit of the American people who looks iiMiti them as quick or eager for a quarrel. They have had enough of fighting. They have never fought in the past except for principles, whose vindication Is as dear as na tional life itself. They will never tight in the future except for such principles.. Gooil HuleK. A schixil teacher III the West sends us, with the consent of the "officers" that their names may be used, the "Kwles of the tiger .Inula foot -ball dub." organized In her selesd. The lit tle fellows who drew tip the ruh-s have set an example in sportsmanship to those whom they Would probably de nominate their "setiias." We com mend tile rules to college elevens. It Is belter to have a good spirit than to be a good speller. ' 1. We do not allow any one to run and jump on the ball. 2. We do not allow any one to swar or make faces. 3. We do not allow any one to run and fall over each other. 4. We do not allow uny one to try to hurt each other. 5. Nobody Is allowed to kick the ball toward the houses. (i. We do not allow any one to rnn from bases tinles It Is time to. 7. no person Is allow ed to belong to our order without respi-ct. K. iioImmI)" can play unless bis mime Is in the list. 0. no person can throw stones. 10. times we meet after May 10 lS'.i.", Wensdays Saturdays, Dim Hull, 1'hllMp Harrison, Jell Har rison, Harry Hope, Ofleers. Where Japapese May Trade. It Is reported at Hang-Chow that the high provincial authorities In that city Intend to lay out a settlement for the Japanese for trading purMses In ac cordance with the recent treaty be tween the two countries. The sjsit chosen for this punsise Is outside the principal custom house of Hung Chirw, beginning north of the Kung Cheng bridge, and having a lateral area east and west of three miles. The people living within these limits will be al lowed to sell land to the expected strangers, but the selling of any other land will be visited with punishment on the offender. One form of toothpick Is where a dentist allows a person to select faU own false teetb. THE LIQl'OJi TRAFFIC SHORT, IMPRESSIVE TEMPER. ANCE SERMONS. Dangers That Lurk in tbc Flowing Howl How I'.riiiht and Influential Men Have Been Dragged Down bjr the lemon lrink!uppreea the Traffic The Waste of Human Life. According to the Chicago Tribune, which prints a valuable but shocking annual summary of casualties In the I'nlted States, ihere were 5.75!t suicides in the I tilted State lu as com pared with the two previous years. In which there were. In order, 4,i12 and l.t.'i'i. The murders were lo.rxm in lsid, O.Mhi In ism, and U!1. In 1XJ. There were 1-X2 legal executions In IKC, 1.12 In 1M4. and 12"i in W3. The Dumber of murders miscalled lynchlngs was 171 in IMC and 1H4 In 1M. It thus Bpicars that during the last :Wi years 3.'i people have b en lynched, and during the past three years 2'i..)l."i iersotis have been murdered. lo.lO" have committed suicide, and o"."i have Is-en legally executed. The figures thus show a waste of life In the Culled States alone of 42,7,'JS during the past three years. The loss of life in the year last passed, from the four causes named, reached l'l..'Vi2. The census of ls!i showed about nmi.iMi deaths In the previous year, and we doubt not that betweet: the Iiiiht fect enumeration of that year and the Increase of population since that date, the annual deaths In the I'nlted States now reach about a million a yinr. While that rate of decrease Is startling, it touches one almost pathetically when he thinks of the causes of unnecessary death, and the chief cause Is strong il rink. Intemperance weakens, the phy sical Hiwcrs. Incites men to murder, makes It apparently needful to execute murderers in order to discourage others fiom that crlm , dccreasi human phys. Ical resistance to disease, robs men and women of their due amount of food, promotes Insanity, and lu scores of ways ministers to human destruction. When men, and particularly women, contemplate the ruin Inflicted by hu man consent, and by that device of all that Is satanlc the liquor license sys temIt Is veritably wonderful that so ciety ibs's not go en masse to forcibly arrest the Traffic and burn d iwn the sal-sin. Statistics that make men's IiIismI curdle are accessible, w hich show that the great part of loss A life is quite unnecessary. A Nation of Tippler. F.nglnnd's annual drink bill reaches the extraordinary total of almost $sisi.. ihmi.ikmi. In many of the museums and libraries yon can get what you want to drink, mid It is served gracefully by prim young women. On every floor of the average theater there Is a bar. The steamers that ply up and down the Thames all have liquors, and there the prohibited hours on Sunday do not apply. At the railway stations are nil the liquors. Very often each separnfu platform has Its bar. lu addition to the several bars along the general plat form. Wherever an express train wops there Is a bar on each platform, nnd the train almost always stops long enough for you to get your drink. Lunch baskets always contain a drink of some kind, generally a Isittle of ale. It Is not an uncommon sight to see u gray-beaded lady sipping her brandy at the station. One day at Broad street we beheld a funeral party solemnly wending their way to the 1 hi r n in I soothing their sorrows. In nil my travel here, the occupants of the compart incuts, with two exceptions, have at some stage of the Journey pull ed forth flasks and taken drinks. Cor respondence Baltimore American. A Lesson for Drnnkurds. This Is bow diminutive dogs are pro duced In I'aiis: Snatched from its mother's breast when It is but u few hours old, it is put on an alcoholic diet liisti-ail of a lacteal diet. When it reaches a cert it in age, alcohol under different forms constitutes almost the sole diet of the iinimal. 'ihe young dogs do not die, but what Is far more Important, they do not develop and appear to be wasting away continually. They soon cease to grow entirely. By coupling thi-se products the lilllpti t tu ii animal is obtained after two or three generations. What a terrible les son for drunkards and nbslnth con sumers' New York World. Htrny Stints at the Hnloon. The natural effect of one glass of grog Is to create a desire for more. No man Is strictly soImt who has taken Intoxicating liquors. The ballot you cast makes yon either a boiiie-defeiider or a saloon-defender. . In order to live the saloon must havo 1'KMSK) boys a year. Have you a boy lo spare? The man who thinks more of the drink-seller's wife than of bis own, wants whipping. A match may start a conflagration nnd a teaspoonftil of brandy a thlrsi for liquor. "He who often hugs the pewter, Sure his thirst becomes aeirter. License gives legal status to the liquor traffic. Should the business of mniin. d.nnkards bo granted such recogni tion What a young man earns In the day time goes Into his pocket, what fa Hpcuds at night goes Into Ids character. The saloon-keener never nrntnc. . single dollar. Ills fine house Is built with the poor man's earnings. Prohi bition helps a ioor man to secure a nome or nis own. Mrs. Pbunnell's sister "fltell. it t bad a husband that drank aa hard aa John doea rd make. Mm bny a plaster and stick It over his mouth" u J'bunnell-'it wouldn't do an goodj Jennie; he'd bay a porous punter." - It- :'. j. .1 Ok , : A- a w. i ' '