The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 19, 1896, Image 5

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Jj. J. Simmons. Editor uml Prop.
f. K. A V. V R. ILTItee table.
F, a.lied, 1 I Ko. . mixed 7:U)
Prompt attontiou given to all legal
matter in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before tint United States
Laod Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
f,ylrgal pnwrs carefully draw n.
IUrbwon. - Nkbkaska.
Fashionable Barber L Hair Dresser.
i;ive i mo i a I I nil.
Physician mil Sn reran,
ill calls trlven iroui( attention.
Office In I'm store.
Vests, and
ami wlwn yon mil anything in that
line vin should surely go to
Ileulso has a line assortment of w in
ter underwear, gloves, mittens, lint.
Cap. ISKlt. shoes, r Ill'K. til'., ftr.
His tirk of stiiple fancy trriM-erifK
Is full and complete mid on all giMsls
lit will make you laslrock
Tb Toledo Weekly lllmle aiitl Cam
paign of IHOtt.
With a great presidential rnmpuipn
coming next year, every thoughtful
citizen will need, Wide his local paper,
' it great national weekly. The greatest
and niont widely know n of these is the
Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty years
ithasls-en a reKl'if visitor in every
rt of tlut Union, aral is well known at
almost every one of tlie 70,000 K)st-
(dlloes in the country. It is edited with
rJ.niusi lo a national circulation. It is
It reoublican paimr, but men of all poli
tica take it laaimse o its honesty and
fairnetn in the disi iiasion of all public
v nest inns. It is tlie favorite family
paper, with something for everp of the
Ikjusehoid. Serial stomw, (SMstry, wu
and humor; the houseladd de(nrtnient
(bent in the world), Young Folks, Sun
day Stihool soiis. Talmnge a Sermons,
tlM Farmstead, the, Question Bureau
, (which answers ueslion for nubscrib
rn), the New of the Week in complete
f twin, and otlwr upevial feat urea, Sped
hmi cofiiM gladly aent on upplicntlon,
awl if you will twiKl us a list of address
es, we will mail a copy to each. Only
,I a year. If you wish lo raiae a club,
write (or terms.
Addresa Tito Blade,
Tuledo, Ohio.
Fur tlie Icgltest cash price for
wheat see Orunt Outline.
Fine line of jewelry and clocks at
Pioneer Pharrincy.
Fob. Same Broom -corn millet need.
Inquire at this office.
A new hoy arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Lai-y on Thursday.
Ilorehound compound cough iiyrup
the great remedy for coughs and colds
at the Pioneer Pharmacy.
THE JtXT.SAL i issued a little late,
the editor having made a business Irij)
to Chadron the liist of the week.
Lew. (Jerlach received this week
th lluest lot if turns' and boys' suits
that were ever brought to this county,
and he is selling them at a scandalously
low price.
-Thk. JorHKAI. would Ihj glad to receive
resrls of any who have noticed any un
usual increase in the amount of Water in
wells or in the streams.
-Wanted .'i00 rattle to herd durinir
the coming season. . Good range and
water, and careful attention guaranteed.
Terms, HO cents for tlie serai w,
P. N. KnucPATitii'K.
Harrison, Nehr.
J. W. Eirnest took a lot of mules to
Craw ford tlie first of the. week to ship
south to tlntl a market. His brother ao
coinKinied tlie shipment.
Corwin Ijivis received notice from
til. land ottlce this morning that his ap
plication to amend his homestead entry
was graute 1. lid is highly pleased with
tlie newt.
The republican county central com
mittee was called to meet on last Satur
day. Hut t vo precincts were repre
srnied, hut a call was formulated for a
count v ion vent iiui, which appears in
this issue. The convention is to select
two delegates to the district and state
conventions which select ilclwgates to go
to St. I,ouis, uml us thrre is no contro
versy in the state there is not much ex
crement likely to urow out of it.
John St nil ton went conn-hunting
one night last week and the dogs ran a
-Min into a rock and he attempted to
dig htm out when the rocks fell on him
cutting Hie sale of his head and bruising
I is it i otherwise. He got out some way
and simply remembered taking the cart
ridge out of his ;. uti, but Rot home in
some way. When his mother was wash
ing his head he broke out in it laugh and
tuve as his reason that he was so glad
that he was alive,
One of the tco-t interesting enler-
tertaiuments of the season wastlw ".New
England SuiiiHjr" l'ivhi hv the Junior
I:a.'ue at the M. E. church last Friday
evening. The evening v;as stormy hut a
g Kid iiuiiilier were present. It was con
ducted almost exclusively by the inein
hers of the order and all the children
seemed to appreciate the fact that they
hud an interest in Ihe iill'.iir. The super
whs splendid, the program excellent, and
the receipts were eood. Toe cake was
voted to Etluii Clark as Ihe prettiest
girl. The allair netted the neat sum of
'i 00.
The state llsh car was here hist Sat
urday with Supt. W. S. O'Brien in
i-luirge. A larire iiuiiilier (f trout were
distributed fi.r plan' in.: in Whit River.
Mr. O'Hrieu eXtecls to have a good sup
ply of you ng llsh of the varieties! deliv
ered in the fall and uties desiring such
should send in nn Application during the
Milliner. Blanks can he ohtnned on re
ipiest to the li-di coiiiiiiissjoti or by mll
imr at THE Jol KNALollli e. Tlie tieople
taking water from the st'eams for irri
L'litinir iiurixises are nrtred to tut wreens
at the head of the ditch so that the lish
cannot p-t out on tlie laud anil die.
On last Tuesda the application for u
i hanne of venue in the Morrison munler
inse was heard at Clmdron by Judu
Kinkaid. M. F. Harrington representeil
the defeiiiliint and submitted a Innre
nuiiils-r of allidavits to prove that a fair
trial could not Is? had in Dicves comity.
Allidavits were also submitted lo prove
that the satnn was the case in Sioux ami
Box Butte counties. No opimsition was
made lo the application on the part of
Ihe state as the justice of the applica
tion was recognized. The change was
granted anil the case will Is tried at
Rushville at the term or court w hich
will Is-tfin tliere next Monday.
Fiual Proof Sotir.
All persons hiivlnif Hnal proof notices In
tills paper III receive n niurkeU copy or the
paper and urn rei)iiete(l to examine their
notice and II ny 'rroi exist report the
i4iiic lo this oftice st once,
.ni ice for I'lililiralliin.
I.nntl Office nt Atlliinee, Sob.
et,y u. IS'.. i
Sotlee is hereby elven tlml the follow lug
named settler hits tiled notice of his Inten
tion lo mttke lliuil pnsif In support of his
lidlli, sml Hint ssl'l prom win i
lore M. J. Ilieweil, . lers in im- .nn,,
court, nt HarrlsoM, Men., on April , is,
Mrlmlm ITm", of HfMUrr. Nrl.
who made II. K. No. 3II for the nw. '4, sno.
ti, tp. a., r. w.
He mimes the following witnesses to prove
hlm-titillHiioua resldencu upon ami uulliva
II, ii of said land, vix:
Jiickson hrel-ler, llermird Hium, Xtepheti
Cerres, John serren, nil of Itodarr, Neb. itlso
llsricinl llsas of Beetsrr, Neb.
.! ,,l,. II. K. No.'W;T for Ihe e. "i ne. '
I. tu. XI ii r. '6 w., and lots 4 4 , sec, ti.
In ;-ji n . r. A w.
He mtinos the following witnesses to provo
his continuance residence upon aim mm
.. ..l.t luttil vly-
John nerns, Stephen Serros, Slchohn
lluu-, Jackson Kriesler, all ol llodiire, Neb.
"'M (ierlscb. of llarilsnn. Xrb.
who imttle II. K. No. UVM for the lie. U sec. H,
, .. ft ,. p VI
He mimes the tollowlng wltnes4'S to prove
his continuous resilience ujkjii ami cultiva
tion ol , sitld loria, vi. : ... , ,
I has. Hielile, l...lor lllclisleln, Henrv l.ln
deninii, Anton Moravek.ullof llarrlsou Neb.
4II J- W. WKiist. Jii., Ilcgtster.
Slitrir Hal.
lly virtue of ml Order of Hale Issued hjr
the Clerk of the District Court of the Conn
IV nf Sioux and stale of Ncbmskii, upon a
r.cercc rendered by said Court In favor of
llorsllo Ije'ke and iittsinst Oiinlel Klehi,
Amelia K leln, Joseph Armstrong slid W .
0 it ".i ,.,.a s ! I will, on the Srd
vi ..p.. I, a II. law. at the hour of 10
i.'e'iM k. a. ui t the Kst Kroni Moor of the
I'oiirt House hi Hill rlson, in sain khiiiit oi
fer and si ll the following: described real es
. .... ...u.i.
..... . i.',..i ..iinrter ( . K. lii. of Hectloil
thlilv three (it.), Townsolp thlrtysiiie (SI),
rnuge Of ty three (!W) we.t. In Musi !2! ' .'
Nebraska, lit public surf Ion, U. the highest
bldiler for o,th, to sullsly said Order of Mule
In the .urn of t-HM with liiUreil IheiJ-oit
at 10 per cent pur annum from April tn,
IbW, aim oosia siiw
s. If, l,uu lUaTI.KTT,
1 1 Sheriff ol Usui County
AUruU Uurtow, FUL.tirs Ally.
M. Oavhart is in from Montrose,
Tom Snow came in from Rawhide yes
terday. Mra. Win. Philips is -isiting lier sister
in Chadron.
A. E. Oatets was up from White River
Monday and called to see us.
E. J. Wilcox was up from Warbhnnet
Monday and called to see us.
Mrs. W. li. Wrifhl made a pleurant
call at this otfice Tuesday nfteiiioon
Jarvis Richards, of Chadron. was do
in;.' businehs in Harrison WedueMlay.
Miss Daisy 1 loan nine up Friday and
remained over Sunday visiting Iriends.
Miss llvlla Tiwrv is -l.le u If nut I
atiaiu alter an illness of several weeks. I S oft, Solomon I. Story, Win. j. A.
Mrs. Pieterson was over from Indian i Baiiui. James F. Youn-;.
creek and called at this ollice Monday. I 0 nl(tjo0 ,ho ,.ouflty t was . Ins
Mrs. John Fmlev was visit inc with ; en nxiuy of the meeting
her hrother, P. N. Kirkatrick, aid fam- i ,, . .. . . . , . .,
. . i . 1 I On motion the chairman appointed the
C. A. Puddy was
Tuesday and made
this ollice.
II. 1). Chun-hill illuminate! this oftice
Willi the ras of his beaming counleu- j
ance Tuesilav. I
W. W. Wood, of Rushville, was in
Harrison on letrai business Monday and
called at this ollice.
Thomas UrveniHirt has l?en taking or
ders for nursery stisk in this ha-ality
and called at this otlice this moruinc-
Joseph tind John Ashton were over
from the north part of the county Tues
day and dropped in lor u short chat at
tins olln e.
J. J. Zumhrunnen expects to tfo to
Wisconsin with his children to reside.
He has lorn? been a respected citizen of
Pleasant Ridge.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Bonsell came
down Irorn their ranch in Wyoming
Friilay. The former returned home Sit
urday but tlie latter will visit here for
some days.
IIM1KIMOS. SKI1H., MAK. IT til, IM(1',.
luinl of ( iiunty I'oiiiiiiissloners met as
per adjournment.
Present liiiiiiiilssloners Tlnkhain and
Wels-r and Clerk.
Tlie bowl and coutracl of John W. TliM
for the ens tiun and completion of u nullity
liriilge In ( uttonwoiMt jireclut were presum
ed and on limtiiiu approve I.
The ull lion ol I on nly Attorney iintlirle
ami ollieri HakliiK th it uddltioaul counsel lie
employed to usUt in ttie detense ol the
case wherein I.. ). Hull and K. I). SatU-rU-e
lire nlatnlirrs slid thu I'onnty of Slum Is di-
fendsnt, wan presented and .on motion the
prayer of petitioners is hereby Kr.uite l.
Tlie petition of W Ml. J. A. snil olll
erriitkniK that Jolm Kolilnutln h i appoint
ud Jimtieo of tlie pniuiu la I'ottonwood pre
rluct w4 preiiciited aad on uiotion the
pruyer of petitioners Is hereby (framed.
Tile folloH Iiik uppoint.ueliti l.i Ihe uri
ou preL'lncls were lilade.
John Uoblneltu Justice of the peiire in
Cottonwood preeluet.
A. J. II') ! jnstieu of th i pc ice for White
Klver preelni't.
I 'has. C. drove justice of the peace for
ColtonwisMl preeluet.
Henry Kreiiiiu ro.ul overseer NV 111 ti; lliver
H. U. Ueeil road overseer for Whistle
Creek preuiucl.
The loliowliiK official bonds were present
isl uud on motion tipprovud. t 4
A.J. Ho l.' Justice of the peucn fur White
Klver preci.iei.
iienry Ki'eiiiaii
road overseer White Illy
er precinct.
II. It Hassl road
overseer Whistle Creek
The uiliclid Isiml of Chin. I'. drove for
lusitee ol the pcuce In I. oitotiwcssl preel.iel
was presenusi uud on motion rejected for
tnc i ii.iwiii tlie same wtis not riled by
tne urst I htirsday alter the first i'uuday in
Jan ii .try.
On iiiullon the County Treasurer tsi and he
hereby Is utiihorued und iiiatriiuled to
transfer the sum ol vLsl from tin- soldiers
, ,,ui i i uml ol isiil, ,l. 14 I rum tlie soldiers
repof fnt -I of Isiu, Sl.nsproni the soldiers
i. ..el I mid ef is1. 4 to lliu .suldieni relief fund
of Is'ja.
fit. i followiiift elaimii ik dint Slon x eonn ty
were presented and oil motion nfloS'ed mnl
wttrratits ordered drrtwn oa tioldicr.s relief,
fund of is.i.'i for same:
A. J. Hoilge, services as memlMir of soldiers
reit,., co.illllls.sion f 00
S. It. Story, services as member ui relief
com in ission ! o,i
Willi. mi l. I..itterty allowed by file suitliels
relief eo.iiiiiiHsiou tUI ou
.Iftmeit Johnson iillowisl by tlie soidmrs re
lief commission 00
i lie loiluM'tiiic ci. tints uKainsl slottx county
wt-ni prestinted und on uiotloa iillowetl and
Warrants ordered drawn on county road
fund of ls'.Ti fur same.
Jackson hrclslcr appntlslmr ilaimiires l TO
jolm scrres " 4 no
Tue petition of John Mosely Mini others
iisklnii tlut s county brltlKu be built ucroas
urv ifiilch or couou on eouiitv nun nu.
bl, wits presented and on Itiollea lunl over
till next ineriiiig.
Tue Uteineiiluf costs in justice eonn in
tU esse of state of Nebraska vs. Muiiekitin
and Akers wss presented and on motion
inlil over till next meeting.
On motion board adjourned without uiiy.
M. J. HLKwarr,
otinty clerk.
A Card.
Tlie undersign, d desires to publicly
cotitr.ii i t the repot t that she turned her
lather and mother from lur home, us
such is not u fuel.
Mrs. w. B. WRionr.
Bell, Neb., Mar. 1C, 1SW0.
In the Kist week we have learned;
l'ltat Slier i If B.trtletl was in our midst
serving papers on jurymen to appear at
the March term ol court.
That Messrs Mettlen and Miller gave
up hauling ice becauae of warm weath
Guv McCoy returned to Whistle Creek
after an absence of several days helping
his fatlasr put up ice.
W. A. Matteson went to Crawford re
turning yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. True Miiller, Mrs. J.
Stevens and Miss Ellio Stevens accom
panied by Mr. J. Mettlen went to Alli
ance on a lew days visit.
Mr. and Mra. E. L. Dickenson were on
our streets yesterday.
E. L. Dickinson contemplates a trip to
Alliance in a few days.
Mra. Abies, of Bell, is visiting at A.
T. B. Snyder of Sheep Creek passed
through here, en route for Crawford,
and report being subpoenaed as a wit
ness to Cheyenne on cattle stealing
case and tut usual nothing of importance
was accomplished.
Your correnpondetit was misinformed
in regard to the Foster family, instead
of tlie three children, it was the whole
family which returned to Nebraska.
"Pel'' Prosser was in these parts after
hav and was snowbound for a day.
John Clure ami won Arthur were nt
Lew LarxMi's with wood and was , also
snow bound for a day. Tlas storm being
quite a surprlae to some, coming aa it
did thl time or tne year.
HakkiswN, Nkjj.. March IT, law.
Tlie assessors of Sioux county, Ne
braska met as required by law at the
ofti.-e of the county clerk.
Tlie meeting was called to onler, acul
on motion James W. Scott was elected
Present: C. II. Uiiitt, John C Elr-
sps her, Jackson Kriesler, Frank Miller.
Charles Hippert, John I'm ran. O. A.
(iarton. P. N Kiikpalri. k. II. A. Colt
man, Henry Ziiiiuieruian. James W.
up from Olen ! f'lb inc omn:iltee lo arrange a s hed
t. call at ' "le of values for assessment; John C
Eliersiwcher, II. C, Cottman, Frank
The commit tee submitte.1 the folio
. . , , , ,
nijj s oeuuie oi values:
To be divided into three classes.
All horses 4 years old and over, 1st
class fao. 00, 2d "class 13.00, 3il class
All colts 3 years old to he i'lassd in
three classes, 1st class 25.00, 2d class
12.00, 3d class 7.00.
All colts 3 years old lo I e classed in
three class's, 1st class $15.00, 2d class
110.00, :id class fO.00.
All colts one year old to !e classed in
three classes, 1st class f 10.00, 2d class
6.00, !kl class 4.00.
All stallions used lor breeding pur
poses to Isj classed in three classes, 1st
class $200.00, 2d class $150.00, 3d class
1st class, $175.00, 2d class $125,00, 3d
class $00. 00.
1st class 4 years old and over
$35 00
" .... 25 (Ml
" 15 (Hi
" 25 (Ml
" 15 00
" ... 10 00
" . . 17 (Ml
" 12 (HI
" 7 (Ml
12 00
" 7 (Hi
" 5 00
1st class 3 years old and over $20 00
15 Oil
" 10 00
15 00
" 00
" 7 00
' 10 00
' 7 00
4 00
1st class 3 years old aud over 18 00
2d " 3 " " M 00
ltd 3 " " H 00
1st class 2 years old $10 00
" 2 " . , 8 00
Hd " 2 ' 6 00
1st " 1 " 7 00
2d " 1 " 5 00
3d " 1 " 00
nii.i .
1st class 3 years old and over
.$50 00
. 25 00
. 15 00
20 00
. 15 00
. 10 00
All sheep over six months old ex
cept bucks
.1 25
All hogs over .six months old 2
ceuta per pound.
1st class .. $20 00
2d class 10 00
3d class S 00
1st class per acre $5 00
2d class per acre 1 80
8 I class per acre 75
Fair value of improvements added.
On motion all Improvements on gov
ernment land, not held for five yeurs, be
excluded from assessment.
All homesteads on which parties liave
resided for live years to las assessed us
real estate with fair value of improve
ments udded.
On motion it was decided that there be
no values made in cents. Nothing less
than dollars to be footed up in returns.
On motion the secretary be and hereby
is ordered to have fifty copies of the pro
ceedings of this meeting printed.
On motion the mitintes of the meeting
were read and approved,
On motion the meeting adjourned.
James W. Scott,
M. J. Blewett, Chairman.
For the sand hills of Western Nebras.
ka alfalfa seems to give good promise of
success. At tho recent farmers institute
held in Lincoln county a farmer related
his plan for obtaining a "catch." He
had experimented last spring trying sev
eral methods. He has settled upon the
following tut being thoroughly satisfac
tory and will put in one hundred acres
to alfalfa this spring. He breaks the
od in April, then cross-harrows the sod
with a disk harrow, sows the seed on the
freshly turned sod, and follow this
again with the disk going lengthwise of
the break n Then he harrows with an
ordinary drag harrow. The depth to
water on this land is 1H0 feet. Xobruska
Notice is hereby given that all School
Land Leases on which the semi-annual
rental now due is unpaid on April 1st,
18M, must be reported (or cancellation.
County Treasurer.
Mar st el,
Isador Richstein,
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Pabst's Celebrated
225 Designs-All for 10c.
The Urpept collection of up-to-date deslfcni
ever pnhflshctl lo nv architectural book la
liiti wnna. ou ciuircu
u sublet. rnmMiAi
M dMtfiu HfetJ.,
A nek, -miner t
sllilon ) of "Arll.Ue
Always carries in stock a good line
of stationery consisting of
Letter heads,
Legal blanks,
Book stock,
Etc, Etc, Etc.
When in need of such things do not
forget to call.
ler Bros.
'The Old Reliable."
tuMigu iu laienun-
or botb bookf for Uctt 4
HttlM. nm v lHtMi1ly 71
for theae t iwe IlinttiJ
sn4 CeionUl Hamtw."
"a-V ST. LOUIS, m
Note heads,
Bill heads,
Poster stockr